ColdFusion jrunsvc.exe pegged at 45%-50% with no utilization

I have a box running Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 with ColdFusion 9 x64.
IIS 7.5
I am noticing that the jrunsvc.exe (Which is the path file listed in the ColdFusion Application Service) is constantly being pegged at around 50% of CPU power.  I cannot figure this out.
A few odd things:
If I kill jrunsvc.exe, coldfusion will still run perfectly fine under jrun.exe.  The ColdFusion Applicaiton service will have the option to 'start', but it is not actually stopped.  I can still query and everything.
Restarting all CF services and the operating system itself does not do the trick.  I am on version 9,0,1,274733
Any ideas?  I would like to avoid a full reinstallation if at all possible.  I'm also using the internal JVM.   Any config changes I can make?  Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
Nothing is showing up in any error logs, and I even stopped the websites on IIS.  I do not think this is user generated.

This is coldfusion 9 enterprise.
Thanks for the help - this community is great!
Also, I keep the SOLR and the Search services disabled since I don't use them
I'm seeing this in the exception log - over and over and over again.  I have no clue what page is causing this.  I don't have any variables named in adminuser in my code.  Is there a possible memory leak or a loop that is occuring under the hood?
From application.log:
"Error","jrpp-21","11/21/10","18:40:25","cfadmin","Variable ISADMINUSER is undefined. The specific sequence of files included or processed is: E:\inetpub\wwwroot\CFIDE\adminapi\_datasource\setmsaccessregistry.cfm, line: 4 "
From exception.log:
"Error","jrpp-21","11/21/10","18:40:25","cfadmin","Variable ISADMINUSER is undefined. The specific sequence of files included or processed is: E:\inetpub\wwwroot\CFIDE\adminapi\_datasource\setmsaccessregistry.cfm, line: 4 "
coldfusion.runtime.UndefinedVariableException: Variable ISADMINUSER is undefined.
at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._get(
at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._get(
at cfsetmsaccessregistry2ecfm669422673.runPage(E:\cf9_final\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\adminapi\_ datasource\setmsaccessregistry.cfm:4)
at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke(
at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag(
at coldfusion.filter.CfincludeFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.ApplicationFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.RequestMonitorFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.MonitoringFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.ExceptionFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke( 8)
at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.NoCacheFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.filter.CachingFilter.invoke(
at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service(
at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service(
at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(
at coldfusion.monitor.event.MonitoringServletFilter.doFilter( )
at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapFilter.doFilter(
at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(
at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.service(
at jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke(
at jrun.servlet.JRunInvokerChain.invokeNext(
at jrun.servlet.JRunRequestDispatcher.invoke(
at jrun.servlet.ServletEngineService.dispatch(
at jrun.servlet.jrpp.JRunProxyService.invokeRunnable(
at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$DownstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable(
at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$ThreadThrottle.invokeRunnable(
at jrunx.scheduler.ThreadPool$UpstreamMetrics.invokeRunnable(

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    indnajns wrote:
    > Ok, please don't crucify me for a noob question. I had
    to reformat my box
    > (home pc with developer edition using IIS) a couple
    weeks ago. Reloaded
    > everything fine. Yesterday I loaded a custom tag
    (cfx_jpegresize) and the very
    > next time I restart the pc I get a Dos window for
    jrunsvc.exe. There's nothing
    > in the window. No threads, no "starting service xxxx".
    Nothing. It's
    > completely blank. But if I close it, my CFserver stops.
    Manually restarting
    > CFserver brings the window back. Now, the thing runs, so
    I guess I should
    > count my blessings, but I've never had this DOS window
    in the way before and
    > I've been using CF since somewhere around version 4. Can
    someone tell me what
    > bit got flipped and how to undo it?
    In the Services MMC panel, is CF configured to run
    interactively? If it
    is, disable it and see if your custom tag still works.
    Jochem van Dieten
    Adobe Community Expert for ColdFusion

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    I have an iMac 2.93 Ghz Intel Core i7.  8Gb 1333 MHz DDR3.  ATI Radeon HD 5750.  A cordless mouse and keyboard.  I Bought Windows 7 Home edition 64 bit.    
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    You really really do need to read the Windows 7 FAQ the Boot Camp 3.0 Installation and Setup guide for 10.6  and the Boot Camp 3.0 MacOS 10.6 FAQ  a couple of times to really get to know the whole picture.
    "Boot Camp" is just a basic set of WINDOWS drivers to run Apple hardware. You install Window first, via BCAssistant to start it, then after it finish's the install and restarts into Windows then you insert the "whatever you made disk" with the Boot Camp drivers on it, it should then give you an installer window, just like on the Mac side, if you want to "Run" it or "Open as a file". (Run it)
    The Apple Software Updater updates ALL the Apple files including BootCamp Assistant on the Mac, it updates the Boot Camp Assistant to look for the latest drivers to use when it gives you the option to download the files onto whatever you want to use to download onto.
    BTAssistant to partition the drive, then it will boot off the Windows installer, there is no more Mac control, it's ALL Windows now, have Windows format it the way you want, then it will finish by restarting into Windows, then you install the drivers while booted in Windows.
    You need a wired mouse AND keyboard just like the instructions said. If you have the earlier Magic Mouse then they suggest you plug it into the keyboard instead of the computer.
    If you partitioned like the instructions said, via Boot Camp Assistant, you can install Windows anytime you want, it won't forget it's there. YOU just have to remember where it is.
    If you do have problems with the partition then at the bottom of the instructions it tells you how to restore the partition back to normal then you can start over.

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    WEBUTIL_HOST.NONBLOCKING ('cmd /c C:\windows\system32\wfs.exe');
    Unfortunately, nothing happens. No error message and no cmd-process remains open in the taskmanager.
    with other applications it works. For example:
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    WEBUTIL_HOST.BLOCKING('cmd /c C:\Windows\System32\calc.exe');
    I use Forms on Windows 7.
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    thx Alfred

    you can use
    WEBUTIL.client_HOST ('cmd /c C:\windows\system32\wfs.exe',hide_screen);
    instead of
    WEBUTIL_HOST.NONBLOCKING ('cmd /c C:\windows\system32\wfs.exe');
    which will run the wfs.exe file located in the windows\system32 directory. if client machine is on the windows O/S
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    you can use cmd /k option for remaining in that session for the errorlevel checking.

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    Go to Solution.

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    I have a problem with APSDeamon.exe. It do not close properly. If I open iTunes and then close it and try to re-open it again. I must end the process in the task manager to be able to open the software. Has anyone got this kind of issues??

    Please look clayclay's and my answers -

  • System Refresh SAPINST.exe error ExeProcs was executed with status Error

    Hi Everyone,
                         As part of system refresh, our QA ECC is restored with Production Data backup. In this process, sapinst.exe is executed to perform homogeneous system copy steps. This process is being terminated with error at the step *"Create SAP stored procedures"*.
    The error being displayed is as follows:
    An error occurred while processing option SAP Toools for MS SQL Server > Database Copy Completion( Last error reported by the step: Errors when executing sql command: [Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver][SQL Server]The specified @job_name ('SAP CCMS_qpe_QPE_Update_Tabstats') does not exist.
    SOLUTION: If this message is displayed as a warning, you can ignore it. If this is an error, contact SAP support.
    ). You can now:
    Choose Retry to repeat the current step.
    Choose View Log to get more information about the error.
    Stop the option and continue with it later.
    Log files are written to C:\Program Files/sapinst_instdir/MSS/CPY.
    sapinst.log file contains following information:
    INFO 2010-11-06 17:40:30
    Copied file 'C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/ERP/LM/COPY/MSS/SYSTEM/DISTRIBUTED/AS-ABAP/DB/inifile.xml' to 'C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/ERP/LM/COPY/MSS/SYSTEM/DISTRIBUTED/AS-ABAP/DB/inifile.4.xml'.
    INFO 2010-11-06 17:40:30
    Copied file 'C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/ERP/LM/COPY/MSS/SYSTEM/DISTRIBUTED/AS-ABAP/DB/inifile.xml' to 'C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/ERP/LM/COPY/MSS/SYSTEM/DISTRIBUTED/AS-ABAP/DB/inifile.5.xml'.
    INFO 2010-11-06 17:40:31
    Execute step
    Component  W2K_ServicePack_Check|ind|ind|ind|ind
    Preprocess  of component |NW_ABAP_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_First_Steps|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|W2K_ServicePack_Check|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0.
    INFO 2010-11-06 17:40:41
    Copied file 'C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/ERP/LM/COPY/MSS/SYSTEM/DISTRIBUTED/AS-ABAP/DB/keydb.xml' to 'C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/ERP/LM/COPY/MSS/SYSTEM/DISTRIBUTED/AS-ABAP/DB/keydb.3.xml'.
    INFO 2010-11-06 17:40:41
    Execute step ExeProcs of component |NW_ABAP_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|8|0|NW_CreateDB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_MSS_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|MssSysCopy|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|MssProcs|ind|ind|ind|ind|4|0.
    ERROR 2010-11-06 17:40:58
    FCO-00011  The step ExeProcs with step key |NW_ABAP_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|8|0|NW_CreateDB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_MSS_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|2|0|MssSysCopy|ind|ind|ind|ind|10|0|MssProcs|ind|ind|ind|ind|4|0|ExeProcs was executed with status ERROR .
    Our Environment details:
    SAP Version : ECC6
    OS                 : Microsoft windows server 2003
    DB                 : Microsoft SQL Server         2005.
    Can some please guide me in debugging this issue. Your help is highly appreciated.
    Thanks a lot in advance.
    Kind Regards,

    Hi Satya,
                 Thank you for the reply. QA in our landsacpe was in use since 2008. Serveral times system refresh is carried out on our QA with production data but never came accross this issue.
                 Usually if the SAPINST.exe run is successfull, temperory licence will be installed and we will be allowed to login into the sytem with our user names normally and carry out post installation steps.
                 As the SAPISNT.exe is being terminated, temperory license is not being installed and we got to work around by including parameter to allow default sap* userid and password to login and install license and carry on with the post installation steps. To be frank this issue is not really a show stopper, but there seems to be an issue that is to be resolved.
    Thank you,
    Kind Regards,

  • Explorer.exe crashing when opening directory with FLV files in them

    In the past few days for no reason at all, every time I open
    a folder containing FLV files, I get an error with Explorer.exe
    crashing. I don't even touch a file, just opening the folder
    containing them causes it.
    Has anyone else experienced this issue. It getting a bit
    annoying now.
    All of my FLV files are created with Premier Pro CS3, and
    until recently I haven't seen any issues.
    Even if I use Remote Desktop into my Windows 2003 Web Server
    to view the folder on Flash Media Server, my local computer drops

    it's probably because you have .flv registered as a video
    file, and the explorer tries to create a video-thumbnail. (have you
    installed any funky FLV video players/ or maybe a codec pack?)
    If you can, try navigate to the folder in "details" view
    mode..that should be fine, because details view, does not show
    Then try to click on one of the FLV files.. you'll see the
    preview pane..and eplorer will crash.
    i'm not sure how to fix this, but somehow, you should remove
    .flv from the filetypes that windows conciders a video file.

  • Explorer.exe error on windows 8 with blank message and a yellow warning with ok button

    Whenever i boot my laptop the attached screenshot is always popping up, it shows a window with "Explorer.exe" with a yellow warning sign and a "OK" button. 

    ok, I found a possible solution here:
    [FIX] Getting “Explorer.exe” Error On Windows 8 Start Up
    Open regedit.exe, go to
    HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\Windows
    and delete the highlighted string "Load". This should fix the issue.
    "A programmer is just a tool which converts caffeine into code"

  • HRPrinting.exe hangs when printing book with 100 reports

    We are currently running a Hyperion Report book with about 100 reports. We have not being able to succesfully print this book because HRPrinting.exe hangs. It does not even display data
    Any ideas on how to resolve this?

    It might be worth looking at "Financial Reporting Books Hang When Run In Complete Book Format [ID 1312802.1]" in Oracle Support, also check logs, check if it is a certain report causing the issue, check patches, threads can be increased though this would only be done if it is proven that it is not a different issue causing the print server to hang, log a call with Oracle.

  • I' am having trouble installing a CD for school. Message reads "_ISDEL.EXE can not be extracted with this program" can i install .exe files??

    how can i open/install .exe files? i' am having trouble installing this CD for school

    Run Windows or find a Mac version of the software or buy a Windows computer.
    Windows on Intel Macs
    There are presently several alternatives for running Windows on Intel Macs.
    Install the Apple Boot Camp software.  Purchase Windows 7 or Windows 8.  Follow instructions in the Boot Camp documentation on installation of Boot Camp, creating Driver CD, and installing Windows.  Boot Camp enables you to boot the computer into OS X or Windows.
    Parallels Desktop for Mac and Windows XP, Vista Business, Vista Ultimate, or Windows 7.  Parallels is software virtualization that enables running Windows concurrently with OS X.
    VM Fusion and Windows XP, Vista Business, Vista Ultimate, or Windows 7.  VM Fusion is software virtualization that enables running Windows concurrently with OS X.
    CrossOver which enables running many Windows applications without having to install Windows.  The Windows applications can run concurrently with OS X.
    VirtualBox is a new Open Source freeware virtual machine such as VM Fusion and Parallels that was developed by Solaris.  It is not as fully developed for the Mac as Parallels and VM Fusion.
    Note that Parallels and VM Fusion can also run other operating systems such as Linux, Unix, OS/2, Solaris, etc.  There are performance differences between dual-boot systems and virtualization.  The latter tend to be a little slower (not much) and do not provide the video performance of the dual-boot system. See's Virtualization Benchmarking for comparisons of Boot Camp, Parallels, and VM Fusion. A more recent comparison of Parallels, VM Fusion, and Virtual Box is found at Virtualization Benchmarks- Parallels 10 vs. Fusion 7 vs. VirtualBox. Boot Camp is only available with Leopard and later. Except for Crossover and a couple of similar alternatives like DarWine you must have a valid installer disc for Windows.
    You must also have an internal optical drive for installing Windows. Windows cannot be installed from an external optical drive.

  • MakePri.exe came to the end with a code -1073740791

    I have a problem with my project for Windows Phone 8.1.
    For example yesterday I built my project without error. But today I can't launch my project, I got error for MakePri.exe with error code -1073740791. And I didn't do any changes in my code today!
    Please, any ideas!
    I tried to remove all pages, but I got this error again.

    Hi Pizhon,
    I think this could be a environment issue instead of coding issue, I believe if you create a blank app, the MakePri.exe still get problem.
    I would recommend you to restart your dev computer and also try to install the updates for Visual Studio also Windows, you should be able to cover this issue. Otherwise probably you may need fix your Visual Studio from Control Panel.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Any reason why a .exe projector would not communicate with a php/mysql

    I have a .dcr in a directory, that when runs from a browser does everything as expected: calls php/mysql, etc;
    however, I have a .exe in that same directory, published at the same time, but does not seem to be getting the php/mysql calls...
    any thoughts please... thanks.

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  • Ntoskrnl.exe System %100 disk usage with windows 8.1. all the time!.

    hello i am also having the %100 disk usage problem and am starting a thread to upload my etl. file and see if i can get a solution. thnx. i should also mention i have tried every suggestion i have read on the internet even ones that worked for other people
    did not work for me i.e. (switching to high performance power plan, disabling cd drive, etc.) no matter what i try "system" is always utilizing 90%-100% of my hard drive and it is driving me crazy.
    i can barely do anything on computer without it taking 10x times longer than it should. ive also run dskchk and boot time virus scans and malware scans. all to no avail. i have more than enough ram and a quad core cpu. when i first purchased my laptop it
    was running windows 8 and was lightning fast once i upgraded to 8.1 i think is when the issue started occurring.
    i am currently installing the windows assessment and deployment kit right now and will upload my etl. file to the skydrive asap.

    In order to diagnose this problem please follow these instructions
    Install the WPT (windows Performance Toolkit) ,
    open a CMD prompt with administrative rights (right click it>run as admin) and run this command for 60 secs to capture the high HD usage: 
    xperf -on PROC_THREAD+LOADER+CSWITCH+FILENAME+FILE_IO+FILE_IO_INIT+DISK_IO+DISK_IO_INIT+DRIVERS+PROFILE -f kernel.etl -stackwalk Profile+CSwitch+DiskReadInit+DiskWriteInit+DiskFlushInit+FileCreate+FileCleanup+FileClose+FileRead+FileWrite -BufferSize 1024 -MaxBuffers 1024 -MaxFile 1024 -FileMode Circular && timeout -1 && xperf -d XperfSlowIOcir.etl*When complete, zip the trace & upload it to skydrive (or some other file sharing service) and put a link to it in your next post.
    Wanikiya and Dyami--Team Zigzag

Maybe you are looking for