CF8 - jrunsvc.exe is pegging the cpu

I had upgraded to Coldfusion 8 a while ago and everything was
working fine. Then yesterday morning the jrunsvc.exe process
started pegging the cpu at 99%, really slowing down the machine. I
tried restarting the machine and ColdFusion, with no results.
There's no messages or errors in the CF log files.
I did change the debug settings to allow line debugging and
for robust debugging at that time. I was able to stop the
jrunsvc.exe without stopping jrun.exe and log back into the
administrator to change the settings back. After doing this and
restarting ColdFusion, jrunsvc.exe is still pegged at 99%. For what
I'm doing, CF seems to run fine without the jrunsvc.exe, but it
still should probably be fixed, it's a pain to restart and I don't
know what other repurcusions it might have.
My system is Windows 2003 with IIS 6 and ColdFusion 8 with
jdk 1.6 update 4.
Thanks for any help,

FYI - I never figured out why jrunsvc.exe was maxing out the
I ended up uninstalling ColdFusion 8. I had to do this
manually as the uninstaller did not work, deleting all the
directories and the registry entries. I then reinstalled and
everything seems to be fine again. I just have to cross my fingers
and hope it doesn't happen again.

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    Click my blue name to get my address.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France) jeudi 12 janvier 2012
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    Hmmmm. This isn't exactly a fix, but it might do as a workaround. The procedure will involve a restart of the PC.
    Install QuickTime, but don't launch it.
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    I have a box running Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 with ColdFusion 9 x64.
    IIS 7.5
    I am noticing that the jrunsvc.exe (Which is the path file listed in the ColdFusion Application Service) is constantly being pegged at around 50% of CPU power.  I cannot figure this out.
    A few odd things:
    If I kill jrunsvc.exe, coldfusion will still run perfectly fine under jrun.exe.  The ColdFusion Applicaiton service will have the option to 'start', but it is not actually stopped.  I can still query and everything.
    Restarting all CF services and the operating system itself does not do the trick.  I am on version 9,0,1,274733
    Any ideas?  I would like to avoid a full reinstallation if at all possible.  I'm also using the internal JVM.   Any config changes I can make?  Is anyone else experiencing this problem?
    Nothing is showing up in any error logs, and I even stopped the websites on IIS.  I do not think this is user generated.

    This is coldfusion 9 enterprise.
    Thanks for the help - this community is great!
    Also, I keep the SOLR and the Search services disabled since I don't use them
    I'm seeing this in the exception log - over and over and over again.  I have no clue what page is causing this.  I don't have any variables named in adminuser in my code.  Is there a possible memory leak or a loop that is occuring under the hood?
    From application.log:
    "Error","jrpp-21","11/21/10","18:40:25","cfadmin","Variable ISADMINUSER is undefined. The specific sequence of files included or processed is: E:\inetpub\wwwroot\CFIDE\adminapi\_datasource\setmsaccessregistry.cfm, line: 4 "
    From exception.log:
    "Error","jrpp-21","11/21/10","18:40:25","cfadmin","Variable ISADMINUSER is undefined. The specific sequence of files included or processed is: E:\inetpub\wwwroot\CFIDE\adminapi\_datasource\setmsaccessregistry.cfm, line: 4 "
    coldfusion.runtime.UndefinedVariableException: Variable ISADMINUSER is undefined.
    at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._get(
    at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage._get(
    at cfsetmsaccessregistry2ecfm669422673.runPage(E:\cf9_final\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\adminapi\_ datasource\setmsaccessregistry.cfm:4)
    at coldfusion.runtime.CfJspPage.invoke(
    at coldfusion.tagext.lang.IncludeTag.doStartTag(
    at coldfusion.filter.CfincludeFilter.invoke(
    at coldfusion.filter.ApplicationFilter.invoke(
    at coldfusion.filter.RequestMonitorFilter.invoke(
    at coldfusion.filter.MonitoringFilter.invoke(
    at coldfusion.filter.PathFilter.invoke(
    at coldfusion.filter.ExceptionFilter.invoke(
    at coldfusion.filter.ClientScopePersistenceFilter.invoke( 8)
    at coldfusion.filter.BrowserFilter.invoke(
    at coldfusion.filter.NoCacheFilter.invoke(
    at coldfusion.filter.GlobalsFilter.invoke(
    at coldfusion.filter.DatasourceFilter.invoke(
    at coldfusion.filter.CachingFilter.invoke(
    at coldfusion.CfmServlet.service(
    at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapServlet.service(
    at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(
    at coldfusion.monitor.event.MonitoringServletFilter.doFilter( )
    at coldfusion.bootstrap.BootstrapFilter.doFilter(
    at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.doFilter(
    at jrun.servlet.FilterChain.service(
    at jrun.servlet.ServletInvoker.invoke(
    at jrun.servlet.JRunInvokerChain.invokeNext(
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    Born2die! Brilliant. I am a desktop clicker and never knew Firefox had a safe mode.
    Thank You!
    I was unable to start in safe mode initially. The second time I disabled all of the Add-Ons and she started up just fine. I enabled them one by one hoping to track down the culprit but the problem seems to have gone away.
    BTW I am running ver. 3.6.8 (in response to cor-el's earlier post) and
    Firefox is in the process of downloading 3.6.10 (which I am starting to think may have been what caused this whole problem to begin with)
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    Java Console 6.0.11, Java Console 6.0.13, Java Console 6.0.15
    Java Console 6.0.17, Java Console 6.0.20, and Java Console 6.0.21
    What are they? Do I need them? Can I uninstall them? Is this due to using Open Office?
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    Can someone please help me out in this?

    Thanks Bernard,
    It works fine with JInitiator but not working with
    the JPI. For JPI what settings I need to do ??hi TKARIM and Bernard, i am having similar problem even with the Bernard's recommended setup. could you post the webutiljini.htm (i presume you are using config=test) ?
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    Thx and Regards

  • The plugin-container.exe is using 100% cpu usage???

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    Plugin-container was introduced in Firefox 3.6.4 to run certain plugins in isolation from the browser, so that when an offending plugin crashes, it does not crash the entire browser, just the tab with the offending plugin. There is information about plugin-container and a method to disable plugin-container in the following article:
    If you disable plugin-container, your entire browser will crash if a plugin crashes. If you choose to disable plugin-container, restart Firefox to be sure that plugin-container closes; once started, plugin-container remains open until you restart Firefox.

  • Why does appserv.exe hog the CPU when all modules are stopped?

    Hi all,
    *** Problem summary ***
    Following a seemingly successful call to a session bean my Sun appserver appears to hog the machines CPU resources, but I do not know what it is doing.
    *** Problem detail ***
    I am running Sun Java System Application server 8.1 on windows xp with 1 gig of memory.
    I have happily deployed and can run a couple of sample EJB's, e.g. Converter from the J2EE tutorial and a modified/copied version that is basically a "helloworld" type session bean.
    I have now successfully built and deployed a more complex session bean that uses IBM Toolbox classes to invoke functions on an AS/400(iSeries).
    After this session bean is seemingly sucessfully invoked, the appserver seems to hog the CPU of my PC but it is not clear what it is doing.
    I see no obvious errors in the server.log file for the domain.
    I see not repetitive behaviour in the logs.
    Even when I stop all the modules in the app server, via the deploytool, the task manager still shows appsevr.exe using 60-75% of the CPU.
    ***Question ***
    How can I determine what the server is doing?
    * Note *
    My session bean requires some IBM jar files at run time. So, I have added the IBM jars to domain_dir/lib/ext, as per the Java Optional Package mechanism ( Perhaps this is confusing the server??
    I appreciate any and all advice and/or comment.

    Same problem appears with Sun Java System Application Server 8.1 and 8.2.
    Does anyone knows about a solution ?
    I can't imagine that DB2 Toolbox JT400 JDBC Driver has never been used against SJSAS by SUN technicians...
    After a server stop all modules appears to be down, all session beans have been previously removed, but appserv.exe process do not shut down on Windows OS.
    I hope someone from SUN can show a suitable workaround soon, this problem is really noisy.
    Thank you in advance
    Roberto Cisternino

  • A process called "rundll32.exe" occupied 50% of the cpu in windows 7 OS

    Hello, i found a serious problem with my Macbook late 2009 that when i install 32-bit windows 7 under bootcamps 3.1 and Mac OS 10.6.1. There's a process called "rundll32.exe" occupied 50% of the cpu even when i didn't run any softwares.I reinstalled 5 times using different Windows 7 version, but the problem still remain. The process can't be terminated once it appeared, it always appeared after 5 mins to 30 mins after i reboot the Macbook. I'm going to try 64-bit windows 7 and Mac OS 10.6.2 this afternoon, but i seems it won't be fixed, i will post the result later anyway. Anyone know how to deal with this sort of thing?

    You really need a windoz site to ask such a question..... after all this is the Apple site..
    But rundll32.exe is using 50% of your processors idle process...which is nothing.... run a app or three and the runddll32 will be taking next to copy will run per app I think..

  • Plugin container exe uses half of the cpu and that heats the motherboard, cores. some times temperature in motherboard is about 90 degree which is unacceptable. it is like that even only one page or tab is open. regards

    computer features(hp pavilion dv5)
    intel centrino2 inside
    2.26 hz,
    4gb of ram,

    Ive downgraded from FF4 to 3.6 at this point. The CPU usage is out of control on OS X.

  • AI - why won't you let me love you? Upgrade to new version pegs my CPU. Uninstall breaks IIS core

    I've been a happy consumer of the first version AI for some time. I wrestled quite a bit with it to get it to work with my code base, eventually opting out several of my namespaces in ApplicationInsights.config so that the CPU on my web servers wouldn't
    go to 100%. I got it worked out with Sergey's guidance and happily enjoyed the data it provided up until now.
    I recently decided to upgrade to the new Azure-based AI by installing the latest nuget package via the AI tooling in 2013 and the AI Status Monitor on my web servers. I tried a to deploy the updates last night and my nightmare has returned as my CPU
    goes back to 100% for one of the servers.  
    It is slightly different this time in that it only pegs one of my servers. If I bring that pegged server down, the other one pegs.
    What's worse is that if I try to uninstall the AI Status Monitor it brings down my web server because it somehow corrupts Windows Process Activation Service which the WWW Publishing Service depends on. The Process Activation Service fails to start with a
    'The parameter is incorrect' message. If I reinstall AI Status Monitor the process activation service and web service both start successfully. I had to leave it installed and use the AI Status Monitor interface to unregister all apps on the web server in order
    to bring my prod app under control.
    I don't see any documentation on the new AI.config file (the link to documentation that is added to the config file doesn't actually take you to information about the config schema) so I don't know how to opt out those same namespaces to see if I can make
    the new version work. Can you provide some guidance?
    One other issue - removing the NuGet package from my web projects did not remove some lines from my csproj file, specifically the <Target Name="EnsureApplicationInsightsImported"> and <Import Project="..\packages\Microsoft.ApplicationInsights.0.12.0-build17386...>

    Oh... These AI bugs that we know and love!... And, yet, you just pegged them :)
    But, let me start from the beginning...
    Last time I fell asleep I dreamt of Status Monitor causing AI Nuget server to fail on IIS start although Status monitor has been removed already... I woke up in sweat
    and tears hoping for this to be just a bad dream but it turned out that the nightmare was a cruel reality and AI Nuget server could not start for real that day..
    I won't forget that glorious moment when "The workaround" descended upon myself: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\WAS\Environment
    registry key value should be removed to make WPAS working again (although the value is empty after Status Monitor uninstall, it needs to be removed completely...)
    Later, in the evening that was as dark as the mother of the nights, my silly attempts to remove AI from the web project turned into yet another buggy-like creature staring
    at me from the csproj file: the mighty artifact “Leftover AI targets” (+2 to garbage in the project file) was there. It turned to be yet another known bug with a manual workaround as you can guess…
    I whispered into this darkness asking teammates for the documentation but my whisper was met by nothing but a dead silence that kept me thinking that there is none and
    all I have is to use web search and
    AI landing page.
    What happened next is even harder to imagine (though much funnier
    J)… The very next morning I was trying to prove to AI team that I do not post questions on the forum under a pseudonym “J Kewley”
    and I do not try to make fun of AI team that way…
    Therefore, I write this to sum up our experiences and, hopefully, answer some of the questions.. The bugs are in the backlog and can make it into the next AI release, please try to work around
    the problems till then.
    The CPU issue is entirely separate beast, though, - the reason of such degradation should certainly be different between “old” & “new” AI.
    Previous data collection logic was MMA-based and the present collection logic isn’t, so there is no namespaces to enable/disable in the new version at all.
    Could you please describe the application/situation in more details to track this one down:
    -   What is the application technology?
    (MVC/Web API/…)
    What’s the load on the application and how load is distributed across instances?
    - Does w3wp.exe process consume all CPU when the issue happens or there is something else?
    Maybe you can share the dump?
    Dmitry Matveev

  • Explorer.exe uses too much CPU cycles (roughly 50%)... How can I fix this?

    Hi everyone,
    In the last two days I have noticed a serious loss in system performance.  The first thing I do when I come accross a performance issue is to make sure that I don't have any scheduled automatic scans running in the background, such as my antivirus.  If they aren't, I then open the task manager and check to see what process(es) is(are) causing the performance issue based on CPU usage.  I discovered that explorer.exe is now regularly using approximately 50% of my CPU power AT ALL TIMES (with fluctuations ranging from as low as 35% to as high as 99%, but 45%-55% is the most common range).
    Now I thought this might have been some sort of fluke, so I rebooted several times, and in all cases I find explorer.exe continues to use this hefty amount of CPU power.  This persists even if I leave the system alone (running, but not being used) for 15 minutes or more.
    This is causing major performance issues with trying to run any/all other applications on the system, and even worse performance issues if I try to use explorer for something such as directory navigation, file searching, or file access.
    I recently made an update to Windows (about a day before this problem arose), so I thought that might be the cause of this, so I ran a system restore to the restore point made before the install.  That didn't fix the problem.  Since the problem has only started in the last two days, I restored to a point three days ago.  That didn't fix it either.  I have since tried to restore to points 5 and 7 days old, and neither of those worked to fix this problem either.
    I can use the task manager to end-task explorer.exe, and then restart it using "new task" from the file menu, and this seems to correct the problem.  After doing such a "restart" of explorer.exe, the process no longer uses 50% of my CPU power, and instead uses only 0%-20% depending on what I'm doing.  This, however, is not a viable long-term solution for a couple of reasons:  1) it screws up my tray icons, causing many to disappear even though their parent programs/processes are still running, and causing others to appear even though they shouldn't be there; and 2) subsequent instances of explorer.exe such as for directory navigation still have some performance problems and are prone to crashes.
    I need to know how to repair or replace explorer.exe without having to format my hard drive and re-install (either from scratch or using a system recovery disc).  I can try using some sort of shell replacement such as Aston, Emerge, or GeoShell, but I shouldn't have to do that.
    It may be that one of my other startup applications is causing some sort of compatibility issue, but that seems unlikely since I haven't made any changes to the system, nor installed any new software other than standard windows updates.
    I need help, advice, suggestions, etc., or really anything at all that I can try that might fix this problem.  In the meantime, I am going to boot into safe mode to see if explorer.exe has problems even then (which would solidly indicate a corruption of explorer.exe rather than a compatibility issue or anything else).
    Please help if you can.  For reference, I am using an HP Pavilion dv9700 CTO Entertainment Notebook PC, running Windows Vista Home Premium 32-bit with Service Pack 1.  I have an Intel Core2 Duo T9300 2.5GHz CPU and 3GB of RAM.  My explorer.exe file gives the following information from the Details tab of its Properties window:  file version is 6.0.6001.18000; product version is 6.0.6000.16386; file size is 2.79MB; and modification date is 1/20/2008 at 6:24pm.  As far as I know, that is all correct information and does not indicate that the program file has been replaced by any sort of malicious software.  I also ran a complete scan with AVG Antivirus and found no viruses or other malicious software anywhere on the system (unless you count tracking cookies).
    Thank you in advance for any help

     Edward Lin wrote:
    I have exactly the same problem!!!  And I concluded that the “AUTO CONNECT” function is the main reason of causing the CPU usage.  If I uncheck the “AUTO CONNECT” from the saved wi-fi connection, then the CPU would remain claim.
    But.. Still, it’s very annoying.  So I formatted the hard drive and restore to the original factory condition.  Initially, it was working ok.  But after WINDOW UPDATES, the same problem happens again!!!!!!  May this be the bug from Microsoft??
    Any thought??  Any Fix?  Please help!!!! 
    Yes, I did notice that the problem started after I did a Windows Update.  I can't remember which update it was, but the strange thing about it was that I couldn't fix the problem by restoring the system to a restore point that was made BEFORE the update.  Since I hadn't made any other changes to the system between when it worked and when it stopped working, I can only assume that the update caused the problem, and as such I believe it IS Microsoft's fault.
    As to the Auto-Connect feature, I hadn't even thought of that, but since I use my internet ALL THE TIME, it would be really annoying to have to manually connect every boot up.
    Which brings me back to the workaround.  If you have Auto-Connect enabled, and you disable WLAN AutoConfig and set it to Manual in your Services interface, then reboot the system, does it solve the CPU issues?  If the answer is yes, then you can do what I'm doing:
    1.  Go to Start, then in the search box type "task" and you should see the Task Scheduler come up as an option.
    2.  Open the Task Scheduler and click on "Create Task..." (by default this should be on the right-hand side of the window in the Actions pane).
    3.  In the General tab, give the task a name and (optionally) a description, and put a check mark in the box at the lower left that says "Run with highest privileges".
    4.  In the Triggers tab, add a trigger.  In the new window, choose "At log on" from the dropdown box at the top, set it to run for "Any user", and then head to the advanced settings section of the window.  Put a check mark in the box for "Delay task for:" and set the delay for one minute.  Make sure that there is a check mark in the box for "Enabled".  Then click OK.
    5.  In the Actions tab, add an action.  In the new window, make sure that "Start a program" is selected in the drop down box at the top (should be the default choice).  In the field where you specify the program to run, type in "SC".  In the "Add arguments (optional):" field, type in "Start wlansvc".  Then click OK.
    6.  Go through the other tabs to make sure you're happy with all of the other settings.  The default values should be just fine, but feel free to change them if you want to.  Then click OK.
    7.  Make sure that WLAN AutoConfig is still set to Manual.
    8.  Re-enable your Auto-Connect feature.
    9.  Reboot the system.
    About 60 seconds after you log into your user account you should see a black command window flash onto the screen and then disappear again.  That is your automatic task running and starting up the WLAN AutoConfig servicve.  Another 30-60 seconds later and you should have access to your wireless network and the internet, and you don't have to interact with it or manually start anything.  You can also try setting the task delay to 30 seconds rather than 1 minute, but on my system that wasn't a long enough delay to prevent the CPU usage issues, whereas 1 minute was sufficient.  On my system, it enables the wireless before the system even finishes loading up my normal startup applications like my antivirus, so Idon't even notice a slowdown on the bootup process, let alone any wait time before I can use my internet.
    This isn't a fix, and what we really need is for Microsoft to figure out what they did wrong, and fix it, but in the meantime, this works.
    Good luck
    On a side note:  Unless Microsoft gets busy on fixing Vista so that it's backwards compatible with my old games, I'm still going to downgrade to XP (like a LOT of people have been doing for various reasons)... assuming I can find XP compatible hardware drivers anyway.  Right now I can get more of my games to run under Linux than I can under Vista, despite the fact that they were programmed to run in a DirectX Windows environment only... that's simply unacceptable.

  • When opening an XPS file, IE hangs. Task manager shows XPSViewer.exe taking 50% of CPU.

    I've seen this twice now on older XP machines (sadly, some of my users DO have to run XP) so I figured I should document it, if only because the fix is so non-intuitive. 
    By default, XPS documents open in IE with a helper called XPSViewer.exe. You can also open them in a separate standalone viewer by installing the Microsoft XPS Essentials thing
    But that doesn't work in IE, and my users needed it to.
    Sometimes, users report that when they open an XPS file, the browser hangs. Checking task manager shows that XPSViewer.exe is taking up 50% of CPU cycles. Ending the process allows IE to respond, but the document is not displayed. 
    The first hint at a solution was from: 
    "This issue occurs because the non-administrator user account cannot access the %WINDIR%\System32 folder. By default, WPF writes the output file to the %WINDIR%\System32 folder. The %WINDIR%\System32 folder requires administrator permissions.
    When the non-administrator account tries to access this folder, the WPF caching code is triggered. This code causes the screen to flicker.
    In 32-bit versions of the Windows Server 2003 operating system, the output file is D3d9caps.dat. In 64-bit versions of the Windows Server 2003 operating system, the output file is D3d9caps64.dat. "
    It got me thinking that maybe i could modify the rights to the file instead of applying the hotfix...
    After doing that the user could open the .xps file successfully!. But after closing the xps (internet explorer uses xpsviewer.exe to display the file) the file d3d9caps.dat disappeared from the system32 folder...
    The next time the .xps file was opened by the user, the d3d9caps.dat file was not created in system32 folder as one might expect, but instead in the more appropriate path "...Documents and Settings\username\Local Settings\Application Data" folder. 
    So in fact, all i had to do to fix this problem was deleting/renaming the d3d9caps.dat file in the system32 folder.
    So all you have to do is delete (or for safety, rename) that d3d9caps.dat file and try again! Works a treat!

    In the %WINDIR%\System32 folder, find d3d9caps.dat or d3d9caps64.dat
    and rename it to anything. Bamn. Fixed. That easy. 

  • In Oracle 10g,nmupm.exe  runs at 100% CPU usages

    Hi There this is Bal Mukund Sharma from Computer Associates,HYD.I have recently installed Oracle 10g on windows 2000 server with 1 GB RAM,i have observed that nmpsupm.exe which is under the bin directory under c:\oracle\product\10.1.0\Db_1\ consuming all CPU resources.
    when i set all Oracle services to manual and restarted the machine then it shows normal CPU usages. Can you please suggest something regarding this.

    This is a known issue, see here
    Re: 10g Db Windows 2000 NMUPM 100% CPU

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