
I want to post any number of absence hours and attendance hours in infotype 2001 and 2002 and dont want the system to issue collisions and stop me from doing that. How can i do that.

You can use time constraint 3. Also in Table V_554Y_B in the reaction indicator tab you maintain it as N wherin the system reaction will be You can create the new record but collisions are not displayed.
This is generally not a best practice though.
Edited by: Raghu C on May 13, 2009 7:02 AM

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  • Collisions (Separating Axis Theorem)

    I'm working on a 2D game, it's top-down like GTA2, but I'm havinfgproblems with the collision detector. I know there are a lot of posts about collision already but they didn't help me much. I'm using the separating axis theorem (explained here: and most of the code is inspired by .
    Separating axis theorem:
    find all axis perpendicular to all the edges of both objects,
    project both objects on the axis,
    if there is an axis where the projections do not overlap, then the objects do not overlap.
    The problem is that I think my code should work. And guess what, it doesn't. I checked the code 30 times this weekend but maybe there is some tiny mistake I overlook each time..
    When I run the program with 6 objects I get this:
    1 2 3 4 5 6
    1: - 0 0 0 0 0
    2: 0 - 1 0 0 0
    3: 0 1 - 0 0 0
    4: 0 0 0 - 0 0
    5: 0 0 0 0 - 0
    6: 0 0 0 0 0 - (1=intersect, 0=doesn't intersect)
    but this is completely wrong. You can run the program yourself to see the exact locations of the objects.
    1 is the triangle at the top,
    2 and 3 are the triangles who share an edge
    4 is the one on the left intersecting with 3
    5 is the triangle on the right
    6 is the parallelogram
    But it really gets weird when I add a 7th object (the one in the comments):
    1 2 3 4 5 6 7
    1: - 0 0 0 0 0 0
    2: 0 - 0 0 0 0 0
    3: 0 0 - 0 0 0 0
    4: 0 0 0 - 0 0 0
    5: 0 0 0 0 - 0 0
    6: 0 0 0 0 0 - 0
    7: 0 0 0 0 0 0 -
    Now 2 and 3 don't intersect anymore! They didn't change I just added another object.
    I'm adding a short explanationof all the classes and the code itself. I know it's a lot of code but I added all the test classes so you can just run Test.Test
    I hope someone can help me with this.
    El Bandano
    _<h5>package CollisionDetector:</h5>_
    The class that is supposed to check for collisions. It will take 2 Props and return a CollisionResult
    A small class with 2 public fields. For now only the boolean Intersect matters.
    Another small class that represents an interval of floats. It's pretty simple. Distance should return something negative if 2 intervals overlap.
    _<h5>package World</h5>_
    An interface of an object. All objects should be convex.
    A 2D-vector. It has an x and a y value (floats) and some simple methods. a 2D vector can represent a point or an edge/axis. For a point the x and y are the coordinates. For an axis you need a normalized vector (x^2+y^2=1) and the x and y are coordinates on a parrallell line through (0,0).
    _<h5>package Test</h5>_
    The main class. It makes some objects, prints a matrix showin which intersect eachother and shows a window with all objects.
    A basic implementation of MovableProp.
    A panel that draws MovableProp.
    _<h5>package CollisionDetector:</h5>_
    package CollsisionDetector;
    import World.MovableProp;
    import World.Vector2D;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    public class CollisionDetector {
        public CollisionDetector(){
        public CollisionResult DetectCollision(MovableProp propA, MovableProp propB) {
            CollisionResult result = new CollisionResult();
            result.Intersect = true;
            result.WillIntersect = true;
            Vector2D[] edges = UniqueEdges(propA, propB);
            // loop through the edges
            // find an axis perpendicular to the edge
            // project the props on the axis
            // check wether they intersect on that axis
            for (Vector2D edge: edges){
                Vector2D axis = edge.getPerpendicular();
                Interval intA = projectPointsOnAxis(propA.getCoordinates(), axis);
                Interval intB = projectPointsOnAxis(propB.getCoordinates(), axis);
                if (intA.distance(intB) > 0)
                    result.Intersect = false;
            return result;
        public Interval projectPointsOnAxis(Vector2D[] points, Vector2D axis){
            Interval i = new Interval();
            for (Vector2D p: points)
                i.add(projectPointOnAxis(p, axis));
            return i;
        public float projectPointOnAxis(Vector2D point, Vector2D axis){
            // axis <-> y=a*x
            float a  = axis.y / axis.x;
            // line <-> y=(-a/1)*x+b
            float a2 = -axis.x / axis.y;
            // b = y-a2*x
            float b = point.y - a2*point.x;
            // y = a *x
            // y = a2*x + b
            // => a*x = a2*x + b
            float x = b/(a-a2);
            float y = a*x;
            // is there a better way to do this?
            return new Float(Math.sqrt(x*x + y*y)).floatValue();
         * Put all edges in 1 array, eliminate doubles (parallels).
        public Vector2D[] UniqueEdges(MovableProp propA,MovableProp propB){
            Vector2D[] aEdges = propA.getEdges();
            Vector2D[] bEdges = propB.getEdges();
            ArrayList<Vector2D> tmp = new ArrayList<Vector2D>();
            for (Vector2D v: aEdges){
            for (Vector2D v: bEdges){
               if (! tmp.contains(v))
            return tmp.toArray(new Vector2D[tmp.size()]);
    package CollsisionDetector;
    import World.Vector2D;
    public class CollisionResult {
        public boolean WillIntersect;
        public boolean Intersect;
        public Vector2D MinimumTranslationVector;
        public CollisionResult() {
    package CollsisionDetector;
    public class Interval {
        public float min;
        public float max;
        public Interval() {
            min = Float.MAX_VALUE;
            max = Float.MIN_VALUE;
        public void add(float f){
            // no 'else'! In an empty interval both will be true
            if (f>max)
                max = f;
            if (f<min)
                min = f;
        public float distance(Interval interval){
            if (this.min < interval.min) {
                return interval.min - this.min;
            } else {
                return this.min - interval.min;
    }_<h5>package World</h5>_
    package World;
    public interface MovableProp {
        public int getNPoints();
        public Vector2D[] getEdges();
        public Vector2D[] getCoordinates();
    package World;
    public class Vector2D {
        public float x;
        public float y;
        public Vector2D(float x, float y) {
            this.x = x;
            this.y = y;
        public boolean equals(Object obj){
            if (!(obj instanceof Vector2D)){
                return false;
                return (this.x == ((Vector2D)obj).x && this.y == ((Vector2D)obj).y);
        public String toString() {
            return ("Vector2D  x=" + x + " ,  y=" + y);
        public void normalize(){
            if (x*x + y*y != 1){
                float x2 = x;
                x /= Math.sqrt(x2*x2+y*y);
                y /= Math.sqrt(x2*x2+y*y);
        public Vector2D getPerpendicular(){
            Vector2D per = new Vector2D(-y,x);
            return per;
    }_<h5>package Test</h5>_
    package Test;
    import CollsisionDetector.CollisionDetector;
    import World.MovableProp;
    import java.awt.Polygon;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    public class Test {
        public static void main(String args[]) {
            CollisionDetector detect = new CollisionDetector();
            float[] x = new float[3];
            float[] y = new float[3];
            ArrayList<MovableProp> list = new ArrayList<MovableProp>();
            x[0] = 200; x[1] = 300; x[2] = 500;
            y[0] = 400; y[1] = 200; y[2] = 300;
            list.add(new TestMovProp(x,y));
            x[0] = 300; x[1] = 500; x[2] = 600;
            y[0] = 400; y[1] = 400; y[2] = 500;
            list.add(new TestMovProp(x,y));
            x[0] = 200; x[1] = 300; x[2] = 600;
            y[0] = 600; y[1] = 400; y[2] = 500;
            list.add(new TestMovProp(x,y));
            x[0] = 100; x[1] = 200; x[2] = 300;
            y[0] = 800; y[1] = 500; y[2] = 700;
            list.add(new TestMovProp(x,y));
            x[0] = 600; x[1] = 600; x[2] = 700;
            y[0] = 400; y[1] = 700; y[2] = 500;
            list.add(new TestMovProp(x,y));
    //        x[0] = 100; x[1] = 001; x[2] = 900;
    //        y[0] = 001; y[1] = 900; y[2] = 500;
    //        list.add(new TestMovProp(x,y));
            x = new float[4];
            y = new float[4];
            x[0] = 450; x[1] = 550; x[2] = 500; x[3] = 400;
            y[0] = 200; y[1] = 250; y[2] = 650; y[3] = 600;
            list.add(new TestMovProp(x,y));
            int n = list.size();
            boolean[][] matrix = new boolean[n][n];
            for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
                for (int j=0; j<n; j++){
                    if (i!=j)
                    matrix[i][j] = detect.DetectCollision(list.get(i),list.get(j)).Intersect;
            System.out.print("  ");
            for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
                System.out.print("  " + (i+1));
            for (int i=0; i<n; i++){
                System.out.print("\n" + (i+1) + ":  ");
                for (int j=0; j<n; j++){
                    if (i==j)
                        System.out.print("-  ");
                    else if (matrix[i][j])
                        System.out.print("1  ");
                        System.out.print("0  ");
            JFrame window = new JFrame();
            window.setContentPane( new TestPanel(list));
    package Test;
    import World.MovableProp;
    import World.Vector2D;
    public class TestMovProp implements MovableProp{
        float[] X;
        float[] Y;
        Vector2D[] coor;
        public TestMovProp(float[] x, float[] y) {
            X=x; Y=y;
            coor = new Vector2D[getNPoints()];
            for(int i=0; i< getNPoints(); i++){
                coor[i] = new Vector2D(X, Y[i]);
    public Vector2D[] getCoordinates(){
    return coor;
    public int getNPoints() {
    return X.length;
    public Vector2D[] getEdges() {
    int n = getNPoints();
    Vector2D[] v = new Vector2D[n];
    for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++){
    v[i] = new Vector2D(X[i]-X[i+1], Y[i]-Y[i+1]);
    v[n-1] = new Vector2D(X[0]-X[n-1], Y[0]-Y[n-1]);
    return v;
    public String toString() {
    String s = "\n";
    for (Vector2D v: getCoordinates())
    s += ("\n" + v);
    return s;
    <h6>TestPanel</h6>package Test;
    import World.MovableProp;
    import World.Vector2D;
    import java.awt.Dimension;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.Polygon;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    public class TestPanel extends JPanel {
    public ArrayList<MovableProp> list;
    public TestPanel(ArrayList<MovableProp> list) {
    this.list = list;
    setPreferredSize(new Dimension(1000,850));
    public void paint(Graphics g) {
    for (MovableProp prop:list){
    Vector2D[] coor = prop.getCoordinates();
    int n = prop.getNPoints();
    g.drawLine((int)coor[0].x, (int)coor[0].y, (int)coor[n-1].x, (int)coor[n-1].y);
    for (int i=0; i<n-1; i++){
    g.drawLine((int)coor[i].x, (int)coor[i].y, (int)coor[i+1].x, (int)coor[i+1].y);

    .java wrote:
    I have been search for what seems like hours, Nice try, but in less than 15 seconds I found a complete discussion on the subject.
    and I still have not managed to find anybody or anything that can clearly answer these three questions:
    1. What is SAT?
    2. How does it apply to 2D collision detection? (How would it be different with 3D collision detection?)
    3. How can this be implemented in Java using Shape objects?
    Note: I am easily confused by geometric terminology.This really looks like a question you should have an answer for in your notes from class, or in your book. If not perhaps you need to go ask your teacher what it is and explain why you don't have it in your notes or book.

  • Bouncing balls collision

    I am creating a program that has two balls which produce a sound when bouncing off the walls and each other. I am having trouble when they collide with each other, as my value for when they hit each other does not seem to be working. Here is my source code :
    import java.applet.Applet;
    import java.awt.Graphics;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.applet.AudioClip;
    import java.awt.event. *;
    public class BallBouncing extends Applet implements Runnable {
            int x_pos = 20;
            int y_pos = 100;
            int x_speed = 1;
            int y_speed = 1;
            int x1_pos = 70;
            int y1_pos = 130;
            int x1_speed = 1;
            int y1_speed = 1;
            int appletsize_x = 300;
            int appletsize_y = 200;
            int radius = 20;
            int pos = (x_pos - x1_pos)*(x_pos - x1_pos) + (y_pos - y1_pos)*(y_pos - y1_pos);
            double pos1 = Math.sqrt(pos);       
            public AudioClip sound1, sound2;       
            Thread t;
            Button b1 = new Button("Reverse Direction");
            public void init() {
                b1.addActionListener(new B1());           
            class B1 implements ActionListener {
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            x_speed = +3;
            y_speed = -3;
            public void start() {
                            t = new Thread(this);
            public void stop() {
            public void paint(Graphics g) {
                    g.setColor (;
                    g.fillOval(x_pos - radius, y_pos - radius, 2 * radius, 2 * radius);
                    g.fillOval(x1_pos - radius, y1_pos - radius, 2 * radius, 2 * radius);
            public void run() {
                    sound1 = getAudioClip( getDocumentBase(), "" );
                    sound2 = getAudioClip( getDocumentBase(), "" );
                    while (true) {
                        try {
                        } catch (InterruptedException e) {}
                        if (x_pos > appletsize_x - radius)
                            x_speed = -3;
                        else if (x_pos < radius)
                            x_speed = +3;
                        else if (y_pos > appletsize_y - radius)
                            y_speed = -3;
                        else if (y_pos < radius)
                            y_speed = +3;
                        else if (x1_pos > appletsize_x - radius)
                            x1_speed = -3;
                        else if (x1_pos < radius)
                            x1_speed = +3;
                        else if (y1_pos > appletsize_y - radius)
                            y1_speed = -3;
                        else if (y1_pos < radius)
                            y1_speed = +3;
                        else if (pos1 < 40)
                            x_speed = -3;
                            x1_speed = +3;
                            y_speed = -3;
                            y1_speed = +3;
                            x_pos += x_speed;
                            y_pos += y_speed;
                            x1_pos += x1_speed;
                            y1_pos += y1_speed;
    }Any help would be appreciated, thanks.

    Hi, here is a solution to your problem I hope. I have also included some extra features and brought your code up to a higher standard in terms of java conventions (however the {} on the next line is my convention, from C# :p).
    A few things:
    - For the balls deflecting at the proper angles then you will need to learn vector maths and I am afraid that my knowledge of that is rather sketchy (still 1st year uni student, more on that next year :p)
    - I used Graphics2D purely because I was lazy so I could write g2.draw(bounds); instead of using g.drawRect(x, y, height, width); - both methods give the same result
    - You will need to look up how to do drawing in applets to remove that flickering, I'm not sure if you do the same thing as normal swing/awt components (ie double buffering), as applets aren't my strong point.
    - I removed the button because it was unneccessary, it will take you 60 seconds to add it back in if you want.
    - You really REALLY should write a 'Ball' class and make some Ball objects instead of having separate variables for each ball. I will leave that up to you :)
    - I STRONGLY recommend the use of comments throughout any program you use, not because of convention but because it not only helps other developers to understand your code and what it does, but also to refresh your memory when you come back from a break and try to keep writing. (trust me, do not underestimate the power of comments!) . I have put a few in to show you what they should look like; they should be brief and concise, explain what a section of code does, and how it does it.
    - Enjoy!
    package sunforum_bounceball;
    import java.applet.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    public class BallBouncing extends Applet implements Runnable
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
         // ball 1
         private int x1_pos;
         private int y1_pos;
         private int x1_speed;
         private int y1_speed;
         private int b1_radius;
         // ball 2
         private int x2_pos;
         private int y2_pos;
         private int x2_speed;
         private int y2_speed;
         private int b2_radius;
         // other variables
         private Rectangle bounds;
         private Dimension appletSize;
         private boolean hasCollision;
         private boolean debugCollisionTesting;
         private AudioClip sound1, sound2;       
         private Thread t;
         public BallBouncing()
              // ball 1
              x1_pos = 100;
              y1_pos = 109;
              x1_speed = 2;
              y1_speed = 1;
              b1_radius = 40;
              // ball 2
              x2_pos = 100;
              y2_pos = 237;
              x2_speed = 1;
              y2_speed = 1;
              b2_radius = 20;
              hasCollision = false;
              // This is just for your help; turn this on to disable the balls changing direction when they collide.
              // This will enable you to check that when the balls are touching, we are detecting it.
              debugCollisionTesting = false;
              // Variables for the size of the applet and the bounding rectangle for the balls.
              appletSize = new Dimension(400, 400);
              bounds = new Rectangle(0, 0, 400, 400);
         public void start()
              t = new Thread(this);
         public void stop()
         public void paint(Graphics g)
              Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
              if (hasCollision)
              { g2.setColor(Color.RED); }
              { g2.setColor(Color.BLUE); }
              g2.fillOval(x1_pos - b1_radius, y1_pos - b1_radius, 2 * b1_radius, 2 * b1_radius);
              g2.fillOval(x2_pos - b2_radius, y2_pos - b2_radius, 2 * b2_radius, 2 * b2_radius);
         public void run()
              // +1 just so we can see the border of the collision area. Try taking out the +1's and see what happens.
              this.setSize(appletSize.width + 1, appletSize.height + 1);
              sound1 = getAudioClip( getDocumentBase(), "" );
              sound2 = getAudioClip( getDocumentBase(), "" );
              // Used to hold the distance between the balls.
              double p;
              while (true)
                   { Thread.sleep(20); }
                   catch (InterruptedException e)
                   // ball 1 x coordinate.
                   if (x1_pos > (bounds.x + bounds.width) - b1_radius || x1_pos < bounds.x + b1_radius)
                        x1_speed *= -1;
                   // ball 1 y coordinate.
                   else if (y1_pos > (bounds.y + bounds.height) - b1_radius || y1_pos < bounds.y + b1_radius)
                        y1_speed *= -1;
                   // ball 2 x coordinate.
                   if (x2_pos > (bounds.x + bounds.width) - b2_radius || x2_pos < bounds.x + b2_radius)
                        x2_speed *= -1;
                   // ball 2 y coordinate.
                   else if (y2_pos > (bounds.y + bounds.height) - b2_radius || y2_pos < bounds.y + b2_radius)
                        y2_speed *= -1;
                   // Checks the distance between the balls. If it is less than the sum of the radii, then they are colliding.
                   p = Math.sqrt(Math.pow((x1_pos - x2_pos), 2) + Math.pow((y1_pos - y2_pos), 2));
                   if (p < (b1_radius + b2_radius))
                        // To check there is a collision. Useful for debugging.
                        // System.out.println("Collision");
                        hasCollision = true;
                        // see declaration for details
                        if (!debugCollisionTesting)
                             x1_speed *= -1;
                             x2_speed *= -1;
                             y1_speed *= -1;
                             y2_speed *= -1;
                   { hasCollision = false; }
                   // Move both balls.
                   x1_pos += x1_speed;
                   y1_pos += y1_speed;
                   x2_pos += x2_speed;
                   y2_pos += y2_speed;
                   // Repaint the scene
    Edited by: Sutasman on Dec 6, 2009 1:17 AM

  • Time enry collisions and wage type issues

    Hi Experts,
    We do not have holiday's embedded in our schedules due to the flexibility in when employees are allowed to take the paid time off and also due to
    our "flex" work schedules being more than 8 hour work days but the holiday benefit is an 8 hour benefit.  This has caused us a lot of issues with
    time entry, however, we thought it had been corrected.  We are now running into the same issues.  Here is an example:
    First Issue:
    Work Schedule week of 12/31/07 - 01/05/08
                Sun   Mon   Tues  Wed   Thur  Fri   Sat
    Schedule    0     10    10    10    10    0     0
    Tuesday the 1st is a holiday and the employee must enter Absence type 240 for 10 hours to fit his schedule.  Employee also work on the holiday and
    needs to enter Attendance type 832 for unscheduled holiday work.  When we try to enter the attendance we receive a full day collision error and
    cannot continue.
    Second Issue:
    Work Schedule week of 12/31/07 - 01/05/08
                Sun   Mon   Tues  Wed   Thur  Fri   Sat
    Schedule    0     8     8     8     8     8     0
    Tuesday is the holiday and the employee enters Absence type 240 for 8 hours to fit her schedule.  She is also on Standy-By time for the holiday.  We
    had to configure standby time specifically as a wage type and activate the wage type column in the CATS entry screen.  She must enter W/T (it's the
    only option) 1802 and then record 24 hours in the date 01/01/08.  This entry also gives us a full day collision message and we cannot continue.
    We can provide more examples when a consultant is assigned.  These options used to work and we do not know why they are no longer working.
    Advice me to resolve this ticket on time, its high priority ticket.

    I think your 1st problem comes from the misunderstanding of SAP work schedule logic.
    As you mentioned, you want to input ab type 240 to fit work schedule. But it's not necessary.
    For that day is a WORK day with holiday class 1. That means scheduled work can be overwrited by holiday. If the employee does not come to work in that day without any 2001 informations, he/she is NOT absence,because that day is a paid time off.
    And as for the attendance type, it's also no needed. Because if employee came to work in a public holiday, the working hours will automatically counted as OT hours but UNAPPORVED! To approve this OT, you need input 2007 attendance quota. In this example, the employee got 10 hours OT in puplic holiday which is recorded by SAP TM but unapporved. Then you should create a 2007 record with 10 hours attendance quota in the same day. By doing this, the TM evaluation will count those 10 hours as paid OT.
    I think the way above is what you called "flexibility in when employees are allowed to take the paid time off "
    Hope helpful

  • Interface errors (crc, in/output, collisions etc.) via snmp

    I'm trying to understand how to get interface errors via SNMP.  I do get stats via SNMP for ifInErrors / ifOutErrors etc, but I'm trying to get output via SNMP for the errors visible via the 'sh int x' command - CRC errors, input / output errors, collisions, runts. giants etc.).
    1) The SNMP ifInError / ifOutError seems to give an overall counter of all errors from the time the device has started - Am I correct about this?
    2) Is there any way I can get the interface-specific errors noted above via SNMP?

    Depends on the device and version of code, but most likely you will get what you want from the CISCO-IF-EXTENSION-MIB.  Look at objects like cieIfInRuntsErrs, cieIfInGiantsErrs, and cieIfInFramingErrs.  You will also get some ethernet-specific errors from the ETHERLIKE-MIB.

  • File name collision during build that includes Report Generation toolkit. How to correct?

    When I switched to LV 8.6 (it's also in 8.6.1) I started getting a file name collision warning when building an installer that included the Report Generation toolkit. The executable works, but I don't like to leave warnings uninvestigated. I don't understand 1) why it's happening now and 2) what it's recommending for the fix. Here's part of the actual warning it gives.
    LabVIEW prevented a file name collision during the
    build. Duplicate file names cannot be copied to the same destination. You can
    rename files as part of the build process to avoid name conflicts.
    The following files were moved to a unique
    C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW
    8.6\vi.lib\Utility\NIReport.llb\Append Control Image to
    Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.6\vi.lib\Utility\NIReport.llb\HTML\Append
    Control Image to
    C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW
    8.6\vi.lib\Utility\NIReport.llb\Append File to
    Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 8.6\vi.lib\Utility\NIReport.llb\HTML\Append
    File to
    C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW
    8.6\vi.lib\Utility\NIReport.llb\Append Horizontal Line to

    Hi GS,
    The architecture of the Report Generation Toolkit was changed in LabVIEW 8.6 to utilize LabVIEW Classes.  As such, there are some warnings during an EXE build because the class VIs have identical names.  Classes were not used in the toolkit in LabVIEW 8.5 and previous...that's why you didn't see any warnings during the build until now.
    Your EXE should still function properly, and you shouldn't have to change anything about your build.  The purpose of the warnings is to let you know that the duplicate-named VIs needed to be handled differently during the build.
    Darren Nattinger, CLA
    LabVIEW Artisan and Nugget Penman

  • Issue with formula collision

    Hello Experts,
    I am facing an issue with Formula collision, below is an expample
    My requirement is to use Column formula for the value (????) in the below table.
                                  Restriction (C1)     Restriction (C2)     Formula(C1-C2)
    Restriction (R1)     4              2                                 2
    Restriction (R2)     8              3                                 5
    Formula(R1+R2)     12              5                              ????
    I have tried using the below settings
    1) Formula(R1+R2)  "Standard"
    2) Formula(C1-C2)  " Use result of this formula"
    But still getting row formula being used, please advice.

    Select the Formula which you created Formula(C1-C2)
    In the properties tab Go to Calculations--> Select the Check Box Cumulated
    In the Drop Down for Calculation Direction Select --> Calculate Along Columns
    If you require you can also select the Check Box Also Apply to Results
    Hope it Helps.
    rgds, Ghuru

  • I was in a car collision and need proof of my location when I called 911. The Police Dept., refused to respond, since there were no injuries.   Now, I have a dispute with the other driver who is falsely stating accident happened at another intersection. I

    I was in a car collision and need proof of my location when I called 911. The Police Dept., refused to respond, since there were no injuries.
    Now, I have a dispute with the other driver who is falsely stating accident happened at another intersection. In addition of calling 911 twice, I also took pictures of damages. Unfortunately, I did not take pictures of the intersection signs.
    My AT&T carrier states that this info. can only be disclosed by a subpoena. My insurance carrier states that they will not subpoena this info., since it is a civil case only.
    The Police Department does not keep records of calls they do not attend to.
    How can I get this location  info. from my i phone device if at all possible?
    iPhone 4, iOS 6.0.1

    Johnathan Burger,
    I did take photos of the damages to car and license plates, but NOT the intersection signs.
    How do I get the GPS Data in the exit data of photos? Please advise.
    Message was edited by: Pecosa
    Message was edited by: Pecosa

  • Events Triggered By Collision Detection In Shockwave 3D Environment Happen More Than Once?

    Okay, I've finally managed to get my Director 3D game to move an object to a new random position when collision detection occurs with that object! HOWEVER, sometimes it will work as expected and other times the object seems to move SEVERAL times before settling. Anyone have any idea why it isn't always just moving once and settling as I'd hoped it would...?
    To see an example of the problem I'm facing, create a new Director movie then insert a new Shockwave 3D media element into that Director movie named "Scene" and apply the below code to that 3D media element. I've tried to trim the code down as much as possible to get right to the heart of the problem:
    property Scene  -- reference to 3D cast member
    property pSprite    -- referebce to the 3D sprite
    property pCharacter -- reference to the yellow in the 3D world
    property pTransformgreen01Flag -- reference to the flag which will trigger action to move green01 + increase score on collision
    property pTransformgreen02Flag -- reference to the flag which will trigger action to move green02 + increase score on collision
    on beginSprite me
      -- initiate properties and 3D world
      pSprite = sprite(me.spriteNum)
      Global Scene
      Scene = sprite(me.spriteNum).member
      Tempobjres = Scene.newmodelresource("sphereRES", #sphere)  --create sphere modelresource
      Tempobjres.radius = 10     --set sphere modelresrource radius to 20
      Tempobjres.resolution = 17   --set the sphere modelresource resolution to 17
      Tempobj = scene.newmodel("yellow", tempobjres)   --create a model from the sphere modelresource
      Tempshader = scene.newshader("sphereshd", #standard)   --create a new standard shader
      Tempshader.diffuse = rgb(250,250,10)   --set the diffuse color (in this case, a light green)
      Tempshader.texture = void   --set the texture of the shader to void
      Tempobj.shaderlist = tempshader   -- assign the shader to the model
      Tempobjres1 = Scene.newmodelresource("sphereRES1", #sphere)  --create sphere modelresource
      Tempobjres1.radius = 10     --set sphere modelresrource radius to 20
      Tempobjres1.resolution = 17   --set the sphere modelresource resolution to 17
      Tempobj1 = scene.newmodel("green01", tempobjres1)   --create a model from the sphere modelresource
      Tempshader1 = scene.newshader("sphereshd1", #standard)   --create a new standard shader
      Tempshader1.diffuse = rgb(100,200,50)   --set the diffuse color (in this case, a light green)
      Tempshader1.texture = void   --set the texture of the shader to void
      Tempobj1.transform.position = vector(25,25,0)
      Tempobj1.shaderlist = tempshader1   -- assign the shader to the model
      Tempobjres2 = Scene.newmodelresource("sphereRES2", #sphere)  --create sphere modelresource
      Tempobjres2.radius = 10     --set sphere modelresrource radius to 20
      Tempobjres2.resolution = 17   --set the sphere modelresource resolution to 17
      Tempobj2 = scene.newmodel("green02", tempobjres2)   --create a model from the sphere modelresource
      Tempshader2 = scene.newshader("sphereshd2", #standard)   --create a new standard shader
      Tempshader2.diffuse = rgb(100,200,50)   --set the diffuse color (in this case, a light green)
      Tempshader2.texture = void   --set the texture of the shader to void
      Tempobj2.transform.position = vector(-25,-25,0)
      Tempobj2.shaderlist = tempshader2   -- assign the shader to the model
      --the following lines will add collision detection for all three on-screen 3D objects
      --the following lines will tell Director what to do with a specific object when it collides with another
      Tempobj.collision.setCollisionCallBack(#beepsound, me)
      Tempobj1.collision.setCollisionCallBack(#hitgreen01, me)
      Tempobj2.collision.setCollisionCallBack(#hitgreen02, me)
      pCharacter = Scene.model("yellow")
      -- we must define pCharacter after we use the resetWorld() command
      -- otherwise this variable object will be deleted
      pTransformgreen01Flag = false
      pTransformgreen02Flag = false
    on createCollisionDetect
      Global Scene
      -- add collision modifier to the character
      -- set bounding geometry for collision detection to bounding box of model
      pCharacter.collision.mode = #mesh
      -- resolve collision for character
      pCharacter.collision.resolve = TRUE
    on keyDown
      Global Scene
      case(chartonum(the keypressed)) of
        30: --up arrow
        31: --down arrow
        28: --left arrow
        29: --right arrow
      end case
    --when "yellow" (player character) hits another object, this will happen:
    on beepsound me, colData
      beep --plays sound
    --when "green01" is hit by another object, this will happen:
    on hitgreen01 me, colData
      Global Scene
    --when "green02" is hit by another object, this will happen:
    on hitgreen02 me, colData
      Global Scene
    on enterFrame me
      Global Scene
      if pTransformgreen01Flag then
        --the following lines will generate new random x and y co-ordinates for green01
        Scene = member("Scene")
        Scene.model("green01").transform.position = vector(green01x,green01y,0)
        pTransformgreen01Flag = false
      end if
      if pTransformgreen02Flag then
        --the following lines will generate new random x and y co-ordinates for green02
        Scene = member("Scene")
        Scene.model("green02").transform.position = vector(green02x,green02y,0)
        pTransformgreen02Flag = false
      end if
    I imagine the part that's causing the issue is the "on enterFrame me" part at the end, but can't see any reason why it wouldn't just perform the desired action ONCE every time...?
    This is really confusing the hell out of me and is pretty much the final hurdle before I can call my game "finished" so any and all assistance would be GREATLY appreciated!

    You can get yourself a used copy of my book for $0.82 + shipping.  Chapter 14 contains 33 pages which deal specifically with the vagaries of the collision modifier.
    You can download just the chapter on Collision Detection from  This includes the demo movies and the unedited draft of the text for the chapter.
    Perhaps you will find this useful.

  • I'm trying to make an android game and I want that when a collision with another object change of sc

    I'm trying to make an android game and I want that when a collision with another object change of scene
    how i can do this

    here is the doc on htiTestObject for detecting collisions. ject.html#hitTestObject()
    for scene change use the second parameter in gotoandplay() to define scene name doc below .html#gotoAndPlay()

  • How to solve the dn collision in AD during AD account provisioning

    I have multiple users with the same last name, first name and middle name.
    We decided to build the full name using the rule:
    lastName, firstName
    OR lastName, firstName# (if the lastName, firstName already exists, add a number and the number just get incremented as needed).
    OR lastName, firstName MiddleInitial (if exist middleName exists for user)
    I wrote the code to prepop the FullName field in the AD process form and the code works fine.
    But when OIM is trying to create the AD account, I got the error:
    In the Create User, rejected task:
    Response: AD Invalid data error
    Response Description: Could not create user as the formed account name contains special characters
    The log file showed:
    ERROR,16 Jul 2011 17:19:02,018,[OIMCP.ADCS],The error occured in tcADUtilLDAPController::createObject():[LDAP: error code 80 - 00000057: SysErr: DSID-031A0FB6, problem 22 (Invalid argument), data 0
    ERROR,16 Jul 2011 17:19:02,018,[OIMCP.ADCS],Invalid Data Error encountered
    Invalid Data:[LDAP: error code 80 - 00000057: SysErr: DSID-031A0FB6, problem 22 (Invalid argument), data 0
    The full name in the AD process form has the value: Garcia Jose C2
    That means AD does not like the full name to contain a number?
    How can I fix this problem because we have a lot of dn collision in the same OU?  We would like to guarantee uniqueness of dn across the domain.
    Thank you.

    You can try making an LDIF file with a example name that you would produce, then, on Windows, try using ldifde.exe to import that LDIF file into the AD, and see if it gets you an error. That would tell you whether or not AD is willing to accept the name format you're trying to use.

  • Sprite collision

    im using two (transparent background) .png images as sprites. Both are of same width and height. And both have the same starting point.
    But one image is on lower half of one sprite, and the other image is on upper half. Non-transparent (visible) parts of the images collides only at one point. Even though sprites meets at only one point the method below always returns true.
    I used this method to check the collision.
    What's wrong with my code ?
    boolean checkCollision(){
          return true;
        } else return false;
      }hope this info is enough .If anyone need more info pls let me know.
    Thanx in advance !

    incase you have not yet found the answer, can you post the code here?

  • Camera Collision Detection - Is It Possible?

    I am making a 3D RPG game and I would like to know if it is possible to get collision detection on a camera created in Adobe Director 11.  I have my 3D character running through an underground maze and he detects correctly on the walls of the maze.  However, I also have a camera as a child to the character so this moves with him.  I have added a bounding-box to this camera but it still doesn't detect whereas the gunBB works fine, as does the characterBB.
    This is really confusing and I don't know what I am doing wrong.  Any help would be really appreciated!
    Thanks, Phil.

    Thanks for the reply.  It is not exactly what I am looking for as the script is different than the style I am using.  This is the script I have got so far, I have also added an extra camera to view what is happening.
    property pSprite, p3Dmember -- reference to the 3D member
    --property pLevel, maze -- Level
    --property pLeftArrow, pRightArrow, pDownArrow, pUpArrow -- arrow keys
    --property pCharacter -- character in the 3D world
    --property pTofuBB, pGunBB, gun --  character + gun
    --property gUseGun, hasGun
    --property pCamera, pCameraBoundingBox --camera and bounding box
    --property barrier,mountains,exitmaze
    --property door1, door2, turret, turretgun
    --property keylist, keypresslist -- for keys pressed
    --on beginSprite me
    --  -- define the 3D cast member
    --  p3Dmember = sprite(me.spriteNum).member
    --  -- reset the 3D world
    --  p3Dmember.resetWorld()
    --  pSprite = sprite(me.spriteNum)
    --  pCamera =
    --  -- define level as 3DS level Plane - must all be defined after resetWorld()
    --  pLevel = p3Dmember.model("landscape")
    --  mountains = p3Dmember.model("mountains")
    --  turret = p3Dmember.model("turret")
    --  turretgun = p3Dmember.model("turretgun")
    --  maze = p3Dmember.model("maze")
    --  exitmaze = p3Dmember.model("exitmaze")
    --  pCharacter = p3Dmember.model("hero")
    --  gun = p3Dmember.model("gun")
    --  barrier = p3Dmember.model("barrier")
    --  door1 = p3Dmember.model("door1")
    --  door2 = p3Dmember.model("door2")
    --  -- stop hero walking biped animation
    --  pCharacter.bonesPlayer.pause()
    --  -- below for key control
    --  keylist = []
    --  keypresslist = []
    --  -- this sets up a list of keycodes to track.
    --  -- this code covers the arrow keys only, it could be changed to cover a full range of keys
    --  repeat with i = 123 to 126
    --    keylist[i] = i -- this creates a list of keycodes to track
    --    keypresslist[i] = 0 -- this creates a "last state" list that corresponds to the keycode.
    --    --keypresslist tracks the last known state of that key, so we can tell when a keypress has changed.
    --  end repeat
    --  -- key control end
    --  createBoundingBoxes
    --  createLight
    -- code used to create bounding boxes
    --on createBoundingBoxes
    --  -- create tofu bounding box for character
    --  tofuBB_MR = p3Dmember.newModelResource("tofuBox",#box)
    --  tofuBB_MR.height = 235
    --  tofuBB_MR.width = 235
    --  tofuBB_MR.length = 500
    --  pTofuBB = p3Dmember.newModel("tofuBox",tofuBB_MR)
    --  pTofuBB.worldPosition = pCharacter.worldPosition
    --  -- create parent child relationships
    --  pCharacter.addChild(pTofuBB, #preserveWorld)
    --  invisShader = p3Dmember.newShader("invisShader",#standard)
    --  invisShader.transparent = TRUE
    --  invisShader.blend = 50
    --  pTofuBB.shaderlist = p3Dmember.shader("invisShader")
    --  pCamera = p3Dmember.newCamera("camera")
    --  frontCam = p3Dmember.newCamera("frontCam")
    --  frontCam.fieldOfView = 35
    --  frontCam.transform.position = vector(-14150,-3100,-600)
    --  frontCam.transform.rotation = vector(90,0,180)
    -- ="frontCam")
    --  pCamera.fieldOfView = 75
    --  pCamera.transform.position = vector(500,1800,450) --450
    --  pCamera.transform.rotation = vector(90,0,180)
    -- ="camera")
    --  cameraModRes = p3Dmember.newModelResource("cameraModRes",#sphere)
    --  cameraModRes.radius = 200
    --  pCameraBoundingBox = p3Dmember.newModel("CameraBoundingBox",cameraModRes)
    --  pCameraBoundingBox.worldPosition = pCamera.worldPosition
    --  pCameraBoundingBox.shaderList = p3Dmember.shader("invisShader")
    --  pCamera.addChild(pCameraBoundingBox, #preserveWorld)
    --  pCharacter.addChild(pCamera,#preserveWorld)
    --  -- create gun bounding box
    --  gun.worldposition.z = gun.worldposition.z + 200
    --  gunMR = p3Dmember.newModelResource("gunSphere",#sphere)
    --  gunMR.radius = 218
    --  pGunBB = p3Dmember.newModel("gunSphere", gunMR)
    --  pGunBB.worldPosition = gun.worldPosition
    --  pGunBB.shaderList = p3Dmember.shader("invisShader")
    --  pGunBB.addChild(gun, #preserveWorld)
    -- code below used to light up level
    --on createLight
    --  -- create a point 'bulb' type light
    --  p3Dmember.newLight("Bulb Light", #point )
    --  -- position the light
    --  p3Dmember.light("Bulb Light").transform.position = vector(0,0,100)
    --  -- define light color and intensity
    --  p3Dmember.light("Bulb Light").color = rgb(255,255,255)
    --  -- Make the character model a parent of the light
    --  -- Bulb Light becomes a child of pCharacter
    --  -- This is done so that the light will always move
    --  -- with the character.
    --  pCharacter.addChild(p3Dmember.light("Bulb Light"),#preserveParent)
    --on keyUp me
    --  --pCharacter.bonesPlayer.pause()
    --  --if keypressed("s")
    --on keydown me
    --  if keypressed("c") then changeCamera
    --on changeCamera
    --  -- check the sprites camera and switch
    --  if ="frontCam") then
    -- ="camera")
    --     else
    -- ="frontcam")
    --     end if
    --on exitFrame me
    -- below detects which keys are pressed
    --repeat with i = 1 to keylist.count
    --inewstate= keypressed( keylist[i] )
    --if keypresslist[i] <> inewstate then -- this means the key changed status from whether it's up or down
    --if inewstate= 0 then
    -- they key was released
    --keyLastReleased = keylist[i]
    --if (keyLastReleased=123) then pLeftArrow = 0 -- 123 = left arrow key
    --if (keyLastReleased=124) then pRightArrow = 0 -- 124 = right arrow key
    --if (keyLastReleased=125) then
    --pDownArrow = 0 -- 125 = down arrow key
    --end if
    --if (keyLastReleased=126) then
    --pUpArrow = 0 -- 126 = up arrow key
    --end if
    -- the key was pressed
    --keyLastPressed = keylist[i]
    --if (keyLastPressed=123) then pLeftArrow = 1 -- 123 = left arrow key
    --if (keyLastPressed=124) then pRightArrow = 1 -- 124 = right arrow key
    --if (keyLastPressed=125) then pDownArrow = 1 -- 125 = down arrow key
    --if (keyLastPressed=126) then pUpArrow = 1 -- 126 = up arrow key
    --end if
    --keypresslist[i] = inewstate-- update so we remember its new state.
    --end if
    --end repeat
    -- by the time this repeat loop has finished, keypresslist will contain a complete index of what keys
    -- are held down, and which aren't.
    -- Note: most keyboards have a limit on how many keys they'll track simultaneously.
    -- gun collision start
    --if gUseGun = TRUE then
    --pGunBB.worldPosition = pTofuBB.worldPosition
    --pGunBB.worldPosition.z = 500
    --pGunBB.worldPosition.x = pCharacter.worldPosition.x - 150 --50
    ---pGunBB.worldPosition.y = -860
    --gUseGun = FALSE
    --hasGun = TRUE
    --end if
    -- gun collision end
    --on characterMove
    -- if the right arrow is pressed,
    -- rotate the character 5 degrees about the z-axis
    --if pRightArrow then
    -- rotate character and camera
    --end if
    --if the left arrow is pressed,
    -- rotate character -5 degrees about the z-axis
    --if pLeftArrow then
    --end if
    -- if the up arrow is pressed,
    -- move the character 5 pixels along the y-axis
    --if pUpArrow then
    --if (pcharacter.bonesPlayer.playing = 0) then
    --pCharacter.bonesplayer.loop = true
    --if (_key.shiftDown) then
    --pCharacter.bonesPlayer.playRate = 2
    --if (hasGun = TRUE) then -- running"hero", 1, 6270, 8330, 1)
    --else"hero", 1, 2067, 4130, 1)
    --end if
    --pCharacter.bonesPlayer.playRate = 1
    --if (hasGun = TRUE) then -- walking"hero", 1, 4200, 6200, 1)
    --else"hero", 1, 0, 2000, 1)
    --end if
    --end if
    --end if -- bonesPlayer playing
    --if (_key.shiftDown) then
    --end if
    --end if
    -- if the down arrow is pressed,
    -- move the character -5 pixels along the y-axis
    --if pDownArrow then
    --if (pcharacter.bonesPlayer.playing = 0) then
    --pCharacter.bonesplayer.loop = true
    --if (_key.shiftDown) then
    --pCharacter.bonesPlayer.playRate = 2
    --if (hasGun = TRUE) then -- running"hero", 1, 6270, 8330, 1)
    --else"hero", 1, 2067, 4130, 1)
    --end if
    --pCharacter.bonesPlayer.playRate = 1
    --if (hasGun = TRUE) then -- walking"hero", 1, 4200, 6200, 1)
    --else"hero", 1, 0, 2000, 1)
    --end if
    --end if
    --end if -- bonesPlayer playing
    --if (_key.shiftDown) then
    --end if
    --end if
    -- floor collision
    --thisPosn = pTofuBB.worldPosition
    -----thisPosn.z = 1000
    --tModelList = [pLevel, maze, door1, door2] -- removed wall as its no longer on level
    --tOptionsList = [#levelOfDetail: #detailed, #modelList: tModelList]
    --thisData = p3Dmember.modelsUnderRay(thisPosn,vector(0,0,-1),tOptionsList)
    --if thisData.count then
    --totalCount = thisData.count
    --repeat with dataIndex = 1 to totalCount
    --terrainPosn = thisData[dataIndex].isectPosition
    --- if (thisData[dataIndex].model = pLevel) then
    --tDiff = (terrainPosn.z - pTofuBB.worldPosition.z) + 375
    --exit repeat
    --end repeat
    --end if
    --on checkCollisions
    --tModelList = [pGunBB, barrier, mountains, maze, exitmaze, turret, turretgun]
    --tOptionsList = [#maxNumberOfModels: 2, #levelOfDetail: #detailed, #modelList: tModelList, #maxDistance: 300]
    -- make 4 rays around character checking for collisions, 90 degrees apart
    --repeat with i = 1 to 18
    --returnData = p3Dmember.modelsUnderRay(pCharacter.worldPosition,pCharacter.transform.xAxis,tOptionsList )
    --if (returnData.count) then
    -- first in array is closest
    --end if
    --end repeat
    --on checkObjectFoundDistance thisData -- check distance from collision with objects
    --dist = thisData.distance
    -- check if distance is less than width of bounding box
    --if (dist < 150) then
    --case thisData[#model].name of
    --gUseGun = TRUE
    -- get distance of penetration
    --diff = 150 - dist
    -- calculate vector perpend icular to the wall's surface to move the character
    -- using the #isectNormal property
    --tVector = thisData.isectNormal * diff
    -- move the character in order to resolve the collision
    --end case
    --end if
    --if (dist < 150) then
    --case thisData[#model].name of
    --gUseGun = TRUE
    -- get distance of penetration
    --diff = 150 - dist
    -- calculate vector perpend icular to the wall's surface to move the character
    -- using the #isectNormal property
    --tVector = thisData.isectNormal * diff
    -- move the character in order to resolve the collision
    --end case
    --end if
    --if (dist < 150) then
    --case thisData[#model].name of
    --gUseGun = TRUE
    -- get distance of penetration
    --diff = 150 - dist
    -- calculate vector perpend icular to the wall's surface to move the character
    -- using the #isectNormal property
    --tVector = thisData.isectNormal * diff
    -- move the character in order to resolve the collision
    --end case
    --end if
    --if (dist < 150) then
    --case thisData[#model].name of
    --gUseGun = TRUE
    -- get distance of penetration
    --diff = 150 - dist
    -- calculate vector perpend icular to the wall's surface to move the character
    -- using the #isectNormal property
    --tVector = thisData.isectNormal * diff
    -- move the character in order to resolve the collision
    --end case
    --end if
    --if (dist < 150) then
    --case thisData[#model].name of
    --gUseGun = TRUE
    -- get distance of penetration
    --diff = 150 - dist
    -- calculate vector perpend icular to the wall's surface to move the character
    -- using the #isectNormal property
    --tVector = thisData.isectNormal * diff
    -- move the character in order to resolve the collision
    --end case
    --end if
    --if (dist < 150) then
    --case thisData[#model].name of
    --gUseGun = TRUE
    -- get distance of penetration
    --diff = 150 - dist
    -- calculate vector perpend icular to the wall's surface to move the character
    -- using the #isectNormal property
    --tVector = thisData.isectNormal * diff
    -- move the character in order to resolve the collision
    --end case
    --end if

  • [SOLVED] Address space collision after kernel 3.0 upgrade

    After upgrading to linux 3.0.1 I get the following error messages from kernel:
    kernel: [ 0.313527] pci_root PNP0A08:00: address space collision: host bridge window [mem 0x000cc000-0x000cffff] conflicts with Video ROM [mem 0x000c0000-0x000ce9ff]
    kernel: [ 0.313537] pci_root PNP0A08:00: address space collision: host bridge window [mem 0x000d0000-0x000d3fff] conflicts with Adapter ROM [mem 0x000cf000-0x000d0fff]
    Anyone having similar issues? What could this be related to?
    Everything seems to work fine so far... but this message is making me a little nervous....
    Last edited by king.flasher.dave (2011-08-31 14:20:33)

    The kernel is reporting a BIOS bug (in the DSDT table). Many BIOS tables say nonsense things like two pieces of hardware being addressable at the same location of memory.  Most likely it's been that way all along, but over time the kernel devs check for more of these things, thus new error messages come out.
    If all of your hardware still works, then you can ignore it. Otherwise, you can try upgrading BIOS firmware in the hope that a newer version doesn't have the bug. (Or you can correct the table yourself and get the kernel to use the corrected copy from disk instead of the one in firmware, but I've found that to be very hard to accomplish.)

  • How can I NOT let collision happen in Flash CS4(AS3)?

    I have been playing with collisions for quite a while, but cannot seem to get it just the way i want it to be.
    I made a new rectangle into a Movie Clip, with an instance name : "block_mc"
    I made a sphere into a Movie Clip, with an instance name : "ball_mc"
    I made the sphere(ball_mc) movable with the arrow keys.(see post: )
    Now I wanted to try and make the sphere(ball_mc) stop moving so it wont hit the rectangle(block_mc), so that the rectangle(block_mc) would act like a solid object.
    Meaning the sphere(ball_mc) would not be able to touch the rectangle(block_mc). It would act like a wall.
    Now my problem is I don't know if there is a way of not letting objects collide?
    I tried the ".hitTestObject()" but that did not work for me.
    ~ Thanks for Help and Advice~

    I apologize, for this confusing long question, I simply ment to ask:
    Is there a way Flash CS4(AS3.0) will not let Objects on stage collide?
    ~Thank you for any Tips, Advice and Help~

  • HT4859 I was in a car collision and need proof of my location when I called 911. How can I get this info. from my i phone device?

    I was in a car collision and need proof of my location when I called 911. The Police Dept., refused to respond, since there were no injuries.
    Now, I have a dispute with the other driver who is falsely stating accident happened at another intersection. In addition of calling 911 twice, I also took pictures of damages. Unfortunately, I did not take pictures of the intersection signs.
    My AT&T carrier states that this info. can only be disclosed by a subpoena. My insurance carrier states that they will not subpoena this info., since it is a civil case only.
    The Police Department does not keep records of calls they do not attend to.
    How can I get this location  info. from my i phone device if at all possible?

    Johnathan Burger,
    I did take photos of the damages to car and license plates, but NOT the intersection signs.
    How do I get the GPS Data in the exit data of photos? Please advise.
    Message was edited by: Pecosa
    Message was edited by: Pecosa

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