Combining/Merging Clips or Speeding Up Text Animation

In Windows Movie Maker, you can drag clips on top of each other or slightly over the start or finish so that the two clips play at the same time. How do you do this in PE? All it does is cut the clip. The reason I want to combine them is because I don't like the way the text animation takes so long to get started so I thought I'd try and drag it on top of the previous clip so that it would appear to start sooner. Is there any way to merge clips, or to get text animation to start quicker?

I'm not sure what you mean by 'drag clips on top of each other', purple, but, in Timeline mode in Premiere Elements, you have 99 video tracks for layering your video clips.
If you find placing one clip on an upper track insert cuts into another, just hold down the Ctrl key as you add the clip to the timeline.

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    Assuming we're talking about shorter takes and not a longer, spanned clip, I don't think what you want can be done in PP.  Nesting will always bring the audio over as one track.
    You may have to skim the clip sequence in the Program Monitor and copy/paste the portions you want to use into a second sequence for output.  This will preserve the audio.

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    just nest the fixed clips together, so that they appear as one clip. To do this, select all the clips you want to be treated as one, and press option+c. Then, you can apply a filter, motion, etc as if it were just one clip.
    This has the advantage of not requiring you to export/import the clip, it will maintain your timecodes should you ever need to re-capture the clips, and you can still make fine changes without starting all over again.

  • Text Animation Speed in Executable

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    Have you tried it?
    I'm not here to lie to you or mislead you. The reason I
    suggested more delay is because forcing the Flash animation to go
    slower may actually improve it's performance, especially if you
    have a video resources issue. One reason is because at a slower
    rate, the immediate demand on resources will be lessened. Another
    reason is because these are Flash animations, and playing them at a
    very high speed can actually lock the animation. Or perhaps not.
    My next suggestion was to require 100% preload prior to play,
    but it is up to you ... that's probably a bad idea for a different
    All we can do is offer suggestions based on our knowledge and
    experience, and sometimes even our "hunches" - and hope it helps.
    You don't have to take the advice, but if you are going to dismiss
    it without a try I have to ask, why do you ask?

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    Hello I was making a movie but i had to rearrenge lots of scenes so now I have over 100 clips.
    Id starting to get very irritating to work with since i m not able to merge clips....
    Is this possible cause that should really help me out...

    Hi jan - welcome to the forum!
    Having 100 clips need not be a great problem - in what way is it irritating?
    You have much more flexibility for editing this way.
    However if you wanted to merge the whole iMovie into one clip this could be done by importing the .mov file into a new Project (Control+Click the Project file, click on Show Package Contents, open the Shared Movies>iDVD folders and there you will find the .mov file).
    There is also a plugin called JoinClips made by Sebsoft, that can join a series of clips.
    You can also 'share' selected clips to Quicktime, and re-import that to iMovie.
    Does this help?
    My advice though would be to leave them as they are!!

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    Any thoughts?
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    I think your current installation DEFINITELY has some issues.
    If this is for the typing text animation object then THIS is what you should be seeing:
    I suggest that the first thing you try is to regenerate your Preferences folder.  Search this forum for other threads about how to do that.  This might be the cause of some other issues you have too.

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    Windows 7 64-bit seems to be causing a lot of problems for Premiere Elements users. This is not a problem with the program or the operating system. It's most likely related to the OS's 64-bit drivers, which are not yet fully compatible with 32-bit programs.
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    I find this stuff hard to explain so attached is a screen grab and some explanation below.
    A - Shows the panels with the media successfully linked.
    B - Shows it double clicked and opened in the source monitor.
    C - Shows where it should be in the time line. But its not linking.

    Just tried moving the source files and relinking - no luck what so ever.
    Any other ideas?

  • How to control text animation duration?

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    If you are familiar with Keyframing in Flash, then it will be so very easy in PrE. You already have the concept (the hard part), and all you need to get will be details on the mechanics (where buttons are located, etc.) in PrE.
    Steve takes you though all of those mechanics, and introduces you to the Effects Control Panel, which you will use just like the Stage in Flash (if they still call it that). The look is a bit different, as you are working in Video, though you are animating in the same way. You set the Keyframes for whichever Effect you are working in, and PrE will create the Tweens for you.
    I actually like the interface (the Effects Control Panel) in Premiere better, than I did the one in Flash Studio 8 (my last version), but then I came to Flash from a film background. When I started doing Video, it was like meeting up with an old friend, however the concept of Keyframes from Flash proved very, very useful.
    I do not recall the last time that I used any animation Preset, as Keyframes give me so very much more power. The same for creating PiP, whether animated, or not.
    Good luck, and explore, experiment and enjoy!

  • Merging clips in HD 6

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    If not... can I take clips, put into timeline, and export into something that would accomplish this...

    Merging clips - is very rarely needed - it will playback cont. without any drop-out
    Easy way to do this is.
    • Add the duration of the two clips together
    • To them in TimeLine add a text
    • This text should be one letter "Space" = invisibly
    • Duration of text - set the added figure above
    • Drop selected text type on first clip
    Now they are merged into one clip
    • QT movie as previous answer
    • Copy back to Camera/tape - Then import BUT IN iMovie pref set "not to import as individual clips"
    Will also do the trick.
    *WHY do You need the Merge ?*
    Yours Bengt W

  • Typing Text Animation - How do I make it match the slide?

    Hello Everyone,
    I have been working on a multi-simulation project which includes a lot of typing. To date, I have managed to capture most of the typing in demonstration mode accurately. As anyone who has worked with captured typing knows, there's not much you can do with it if its wrong.
    I've tried replacing the typing with a text animation, but I can't seem to get the text animation to match the font and appearance of the slide. It always seems blurry, or the sizing is off, visually it can't replace the captured typing. How can I get the text animation to look natural and match the slide?
    Any suggestions are appreciated.

    Getting each other's text messages has nothing to do with your iCloud account.  This is caused by using the same Apple ID for iMessage on both phones.  To correct this one of you will need to go to Settings>Messages>Send & Receive, tap the Apple ID at the top, sign out, then sign back in with a different ID.  (You can continue to use the same ID for purchasing, and it does not need to be the same as the ID you use for iMessage.)
    As pvonk said, if you're both syncing with the same iCloud account your synced data will be merged.  You will need to set up a different iCloud account on one of the phones to correct this.  To do this while preserving your data, first go to Settings>iCloud on the phone that will be changing and turn all data you are syncing with iCloud (contacts, calendars, etc.) to Off.  When prompted choose to keep the data on your iPhone.  After everything is turned off, scroll to the bottom and tap Delete Account.  (This will only delete the account from the phone and will not effect the other phone.)  Next, set up a new iCloud account using a different ID, then turn syncing for your data (contacts, etc.) back to On.  When prompted, choose Merge.  This will upload the data to your new account.  You will then need to go to and sign into each account separately and delete the unwanted data (such as deleting his contacts from your phone and vice versa).

  • FCPX Text Animation Bug

    Hi Everyone!
    I'm working through a 30+ minute video sequence showing photos and video clips of an event I attended recently.  This is my first foray into FCP.
    I've come across a rather weird text animation bug, where text is animated onto the screen incorrectly.
    So what I've shown above is one typical text box I've added for narration, using the "Typewriter" effect.  Of course, the text should render (appear) on screen one character at a time, but I have been getting a random number of characters at the end of the block that do not animate.  The only way I have been able to get these blocks to animate correctly is to add enough spaces to the end of the text to force FCPX to rerender the block correctly.
    At some point in the future, this bug resurfaces, and I have to delete the spaces, and re-add them, to get the block to render and animate correctly once again.
    If I go and "share" the resulting sequence, the bug is rendered into the sequence. 
    Deleting the text block, and adding a new block, doesn't seem to help.
    I have reported this as a bug to Apple.
    It's not just the Typewriter text effect doing this.  As far as I can see, it is every text effect bar the lower thirds (so far as I can see).
    Any ideas on how to get around this?  Does anyone else experience this bug?

    I'm starting to pull my hair out on this one.  My video is essentially ready for final rendering, but I've hit a snag re the rendering itself.
    Check out this image I've just snapped:
    On the left is the Compressor 4 preview pane.  Note that the text animations are screwed up, just like the screenshot at the start of this discussion.
    On the right is the FCPX preview pane, showing that the rendering is complete and correct. All I did was select "Send to Compressor", and skipped the Compressor timeline up to review the same frame.
    These text blocks are using the "Typewriter" effect.
    So, what do I do to fix this once and for all?
    Build it from scratch in Motion?
    Any ideas?
    /cue Princess Leia voice/ Help me Obi-Wan Kenobi, you're my only hope!

  • Fade From B&W To Color With Full Color Text Animation Overlay

    So, this is my first time EVER  using any kind of serious video editing software.  I'm doing it LEGALLY using the University Macs and the software that is installed on it.  I'm a TOTAL novice at all of this.  I think I'm biting off on more than I can handle, but hopefully somebody can help with this.  I want a clip at the very beginning of the video to start with B&W video and fade into color at a specific point that corresponds with a point in some music that I'm using as the "soundtrack" so to speak.  There will be a colored text animation that begins during the B&W portion and then that text will need to fade before the B&W video fades to color.  I've been looking for as much information as I can about this.  I've looked at youtube tutorials and step-by-step text tutorials (I prefer text with screenshots) on how to do this, but nothing that I find seems to accommodate everything that I'm trying to do here.  If somebody would be so kind and patient enough as to humor a complete NOOB and walk me through this as though they're talking to a 12-year-old (I'm 37) who knows NOTHING about video editing, it would be greatly appreciated.  Thank you so much. 

    (...and don't mind the german)
    use the roll - tool on the edit for timing.
    To get the basics down, please watch:
    Learn Premiere Pro CC | Adobe TV
    especially helpful in your case:
    Editing to the Timeline | Learn Premiere Pro CC | Adobe TV
    Refining the edit | Learn Premiere Pro CC | Adobe TV
    Adding transitions | Learn Premiere Pro CC | Adobe TV
    Adding and adjusting titles | Learn Premiere Pro CC | Adobe TV

  • P2 workflow with merged clips

    I'm working on a documentary with approximately 50 hours of material, DVCPro HD 1080p25. There are several shooting-periods and we're already working on it.
    I logged and transfered the media to separate shooting-day bins and divided it by Firestore and Card number, eg 200801_16FS1.
    Audio is recorded on HD and there is an external TC generator on the camera (HVX-200) making a audio signal with TC, linked to the audio recorder (Cantar).
    With Timetools 1.0 (updated it to 1.1 but it didn't work, Leopard maybe?) I overwrite the video TC and I manually merge the clips by TC.
    Sorry for the long introduction.
    Now the problem....
    Because of 2 Firestore and 3 P2 folder each day I made a day-sequence of all the material as an overview (separate days). Also the audio runs longer so I had to combine clips on the day-sequence.
    Now if I work with the day-sequence I have to scroll the sequence, find the material, match frame it, adjust the I and O point an patch the audio (because I don't want to use the first 4 tracks of camera audio). Before I can insert or overwrite in my working-sequence.
    Scroll the sequence, find the material, set I-O, cut I-O, copy, and paste it in the working-sequence.
    If I want to go back to the day-sequence from the working-sequence I have to match frame (I see the merge clip), reveal in browser, read out the bin name, go to the day-sequence.
    This all seems a little bit too complex, and I've the feeling it can go a lot quicker.
    So I'm open for all suggestions.
    Thanks a million,

    1) what if i'm working in 720p, does a 720 capture change things?
    WHy would it? If you are working in 720p, then capturing 720p only makes sense. I don't understand what you mean.
    2) what do you use your mxo2 for?
    Capture of tape formats...output of tape formats...broadcast capture from a camera if in a studio type situation.
    3) the thing that frustrates me about p2 capture is that the duet card is unreliable
    Duel... but true. And under Snow Leopard, incompatible. This is why I kept my Powerbook G4.
    firewire to hd is slowwww,
    Faster than real time, actually. No matter if you shot 1080 or 720...injesting is faster than real time. Yes, you have to back up the files, THEN import. But that is the way with ANY tapeless format.
    and p2mobile/gear is so ** expensiv
    I hear ya. Look for a used Powerbook on eBay, or look for a PC laptop with PCMCIA connection. FAR cheaper.
    I was hoping by going SDI out would give me another option. i
    For capture...sure. But still back up those cards! Those are your master tapes.
    OH, wait, you said FREEMAN. Sorry

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