Command for Creating LDT

Hi All,
We have a requirement to create a new document category for a attachment. For this we have created a new function from "ARXTWMAI" form. Then we created a new document function with this function from Attachment-> Document attachment
After creating this custom function i have attached it to our custom created document category from Attachment->documet categories.
We want to migrate this to our another instance. Is this possible that we can download ldt for this so that we can simply migrate this setup to another instance without doing any setup over there,
Thanks in advance

Hi Aryan,
You can use the FNDLOAD command to download the form in desired ltd format,
FNDLOAD apps/<apps_password> O Y DOWNLOAD $FND_TOP/patch/115/import/affrmcus.lct <file_name>.ldt FND_FORM_CUSTOM_RULES FORM_NAME=<form_name>Thanks,
Anchorage :)

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    and please suggest me ..

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    Hi sindhu6,
    Presuming that you are connected to your modem via a serial connection:
    I did find a forum related to your enquiry:
    And I did find an example from
    Basically, what you need to do is to find out what are the AT commands used for your modem and send the command over using VISA related functions (e.g. VISA Read VI). You can send the command in a sequantial method. You can do this by using the method found in the first link. The best would be that you can create a state machine where by each case/state will consists of commands that you need to run in a sequence (let's say a sequence of AT commands for sending a message via TCP/IP communication).
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    What is the modem that you are using and how is your hardware setup is going to be (e.g. how did you communicate with your modem)? 
    Thank you
    Warmest regards,
    Learning new things everyday...

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    b. Save: Clicked on the save icon, Data saved into the planning cube
    c. Change. : clicked on the change and changed few values and then clicked on SAVE button. Data got saved into my planning cube.
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    Hi Deepthi,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I did as you mentioned and its working as expected.
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    1. Execute the planning layout.
    2. Click on the copy function
    3. Save the data
    4. Click on the change button so that data can be changed now.
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    a. Save data
    b. Set_item_parameters
    2. Change button> disable>set_data_entry_mode.
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    # zfs create –o canmount=noauto rpool/ROOT/S10be/zones
    # zfs mount rpool/ROOT/S10be/zones
    # zfs create –o canmount=noauto rpool/ROOT/s10be/zones/z1
    # zfs create –o canmount=noauto rpool/ROOT/s10be/zones/z2
    # zfs mount rpool/ROOT/s10be/zones/z1
    # zfs mount rpool/ROOT/s10be/zones/z2
    # chmod 700 /zones/z1
    # chmod 700 /zones/z2
    # zonecfg –z z1
    Myzone: No such zone configured
    Use ‘create’ to begin configuring a new zone
    Zonecfg:myzone> create
    Zonecfg:myzone> set zonepath=/zones/z1
    Zonecfg:myzone> verify
    Zonecfg:myzone> commit
    # zonecfg –z z2
    Myzone: No such zone configured
    Use ‘create’ to begin configuring a new zone
    Zonecfg:myzone> create
    Zonecfg:myzone> set zonepath=/zones/z2
    Zonecfg:myzone> verify
    Zonecfg:myzone> commit
    # zoneadm –z z1 install
    # zoneadm –z z2 install
    # zlogin –C –e 9. z1
    # zlogin –C –e 9. z2
    Output from zoneadm list -v:
    # zoneadm list -v
    0 global running / native shared
    2 z1 running /zones/z1 native shared
    4 z2 running /zones/z2 native shared
    Now for the BE create:
    # lucreate –n newBE
    # zfs list
    rpool/ROOT/newBE 349K 56.7G 5.48G /.alt.tmp.b-vEe.mnt <--showed this same type mount for all f/s
    # zfs inherit -r mountpoint rpool/ROOT/newBE
    # zfs set mountpoint=/ rpool/ROOT/newBE
    # zfs inherit -r mountpoint rpool/ROOT/newBE/var
    # zfs set mountpoint=/var rpool/ROOT/newBE/var
    # zfs inherit -r mountpoint rpool/ROOT/newBE/zones
    # zfs set mountpoint=/zones rpool/ROOT/newBE/zones
    and did it for the zones too.
    When ran the luactivate newBE - it came up with errors, so again changed the mountpoints. Then rebooted.
    Once it came up ran the luactivate newBE again and it completed successfully. Ran the lustatus and got:
    # lustatus
    Boot Environment Is Active Active Can Copy
    Name Complete Now On Reboot Delete Status
    s10s_u8wos_08a yes yes no no -
    newBE yes no yes no -
    Ran init 0
    ok boot -L
    picked item two which was newBE
    then boot.
    Came up - but df showed no zones, zfs list showed no zones and when cd into /zones nothing there.
    Please help!
    thanks julie

    The issue here is that lucreate add's an entry to the vfstab in newBE for the zfs filesystems of the zones. You need to lumount newBE /mnt then edit /mnt/etc/vfstab and remove the entries for any zfs filesystems. Then if you luumount it you can continue. It's my understanding that this has been reported to Sun, and, the fix is in the next release of Solaris.

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    Thanks in advance.

    there r two ways for creating checkbox col on the ALV grid.
    1.)  take an extra field in your internal table i.e 
       checkbox type c.
    loop at internal_table into wa.
    the fieldcatalog attribute
    2.) wa_fcat-checkbox = 'X'.
    append wa_fcat to t_fcat.
    clear wa_fcat.
    if itab-checkbox = 'X'.
    call screen <dialogbox screen number>.

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    Note that when I published to HTML from FM, it appears that only an output file was created from RoboHelp, as I could not find any HTML files were actually created. Is that the case, or was I just not looking for the HTML files in the right place?
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    (1) When I open the ePub file in Calibre and Adobe Digital Editions, there is no contents section within the book. The only contents is the contents in the navigation bar. How do I generate a contents to appear in the front of the ebook, or do I have to create that manually in RH? I did specify the settings in RH to convert the FM contents.
    (2) The ePub file looks much better in Calibre than Adobe Digital Editions. Should I be concerned about this? Which viewer should I rely on?

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    I've found that turning off "snapping" at certain times is just as useful as turning it on are at others. Sure would be useful if there was a key command for toggling this feature on and off. Anyone know if there is such a command? If not, perhaps Apple can consider it for the next iteration.

    I gotta bring up one of my favorite third-party utilities for the Mac, QuicKeys. QuicKeys lets you create macros that do simple tasks and complex tasks. You can assign a keystroke to do just about anything on your Mac.
    You can assign your own keystroke to a menu command. Or perform complex tasks, like open the iMovie preferences window, set the snap checkbox, then close the window. Macros can even be intelligent. "If the snapping checkbox is off, turn it on. Otherwise leave it on."
    So for tasks done several times a day, I often create a QuicKeys command.
    An example. A QuicKeys command for Safari just italicised that word and made this one bold. First QuicKeys typed the HTML tag for italics, then moved the cursor to the middle of the tag so Safari was ready for me to type the italicized text.
    PS: And Quickeys does not force me to add the tag to the end of the message, unlike those pesky formatting buttons above.

  • Command for silent installation of SCVMM Agent or adding Hyper-v Host to SCVMM

    I have to add my Hyper-V host using command to SCVMM without access to SCVMM Console.
    Plz provide me commands for that.

    Hi Richa,
    I tested in my lab to add a domain joined hyper-v host with following command:
    Add-SCVMHost -ComputerName serverlab-01 -VMMServer scvmm2012r2-01 -Credential (Get-SCRunAsAccount -Name "domainadmin" )
    The Runasaccount "domainadmin" is create via command "new-scrunasaccount" (during this command it will prompt to input the username and password in my case I added a domain admin account ):
    $credential = Get-Credential
    New-SCRunAsAccount -Credential $credential -Name "domainadmin"
    Actually (in most cases), you can use "view script" in the GUI or at the end of the wizard , this may help us to know which command was used :
    Best Regards,
    Elton Ji
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact [email protected] .

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    Thanks in advance!

    Yes and No!
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