Command to View LDAP Password on Cisco ASA 5520

I am migrating from a Cisco ASA 5520 (ASA version 8.4(6)5 to a Cisco ASA 5585. We have LDAP issues logging into to our vpn client software. I assume the LDAP password may be incorrectly entered on the new 5585. No service password- encryption or more running:config won't show the encrypted LDAP password. What is the command to view that?

Thankyou Jennifer for the responds.
Could you please help me on how to enable "memberOf" attribute on AD to be pushed to ASA for the OU matching.
i have already set the "Remote Dialin" property of user account name "testvendor" in AD as "Allow Access" .It can be shown in the debug output as below.
[454095] sAMAccountName: value = testvendor
[454095] sAMAccountType: value = 805306368
[454095] userPrincipalName: value = [email protected]
[454095] objectCategory: value = CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=abc,DC=local
[454095] msNPAllowDialin: value = TRUE
[454095] dSCorePropagationData: value = 20111026081253.0Z
[454095] dSCorePropagationData: value = 20111026080938.0Z
[454095] dSCorePropagationData: value = 16010101000417.0Z
Is their any other settings that i need to do it on AD ?
Kindly advice

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  • LDAP Authentcation on Cisco ASA 8.2(1)

    Dear Security Experts,
    i am facing an issue while trying to configure LDAP integration on Cisco ASA firewall. The requirement is allow the remote access VPN to specific group defined on AD. When i checked the debug logs " debug ldap 255" , it shows that the authenication is sucessfull with the LDAP server , but the ldap attribute is not getting mapped and because of this reason , the tunnel-group default group policy of "NOACCESS" is getting applied ( vpn simultanous set to zero) that results zero connection.
    I confirmed this by changing the value of NOACCESS from zero to one and found that the VPN is getting connected
    The name of user account is testvendor that belongs to the group of Test-vendor.
    Could you kindly advice me what i am missing in this configuration.Highy appreciated the help on this .
    The configuration and debug output is shown below.
    ldap attribute-map ABC-VENDOR
      map-name  memberOf Group-Policy
      map-value memberOf CN=Test-vendors,OU=Users,OU=Abc,DC=abc,DC=local Allow-Vendor
    aaa-server ldapvend protocol ldap
    aaa-server ldapvend (INSIDE) host
    ldap-base-dn DC=abc,DC=local
    ldap-scope subtree
    ldap-naming-attribute sAMAccountName
    ldap-login-password *
    ldap-login-dn CN=ldapvpn,OU=ServiceAccounts,OU=Abc,DC=abc,DC=local
    server-type microsoft
    ldap attribute-map ABC-VENDOR
    group-policy NOACCESS internal
    group-policy NOACCESS attributes
    vpn-simultaneous-logins 0
    group-policy Allow-Vendor internal
    group-policy Allow-Vendor attributes
    vpn-simultaneous-logins 10
    vpn-tunnel-protocol IPSec
    dns-server value
    default-domain value
    split-tunnel-policy tunnelspecified
    split-tunnel-network-list value split_acl
    tunnel-group ABC-AD-VENDOR type remote-access
    tunnel-group ABC-AD-VENDOR general-attributes
    address-pool vendor_pool
    authentication-server-group ldapvend
    default-group-policy NOACCESS
    tunnel-group ABC-AD-VENDOR ipsec-attributes
    pre-shared-key *
    Note : I tried the below map-value under the ldap attribute ABC-VENDOR as part of troubleshooting
    map-value memberOf CN=Test-vendors,CN=Users,OU=Abc,DC=abc,DC=local Allow-Vendor
    map-value memberOf CN=Test-vendors,OU=Test-vendors,OU=Users,OU=Abc,DC=abc,DC=local Allow-Vendor
    map-value memberOf CN=testvendor,OU=Test-vendors,OU=Users,OU=Abc,DC=abc,DC=local Allow-Vendor
    DEBUG LDAP 255
    [454095] Session Start
    [454095] New request Session, context 0xb1f296b0, reqType = Authentication
    [454095] Fiber started
    [454095] Creating LDAP context with uri=ldap://
    [454095] Connect to LDAP server: ldap://, status = Successful
    [454095] supportedLDAPVersion: value = 3
    [454095] supportedLDAPVersion: value = 2
    [454095] Binding as ldapvpn
    [454095] Performing Simple authentication for ldapvpn to
    [454095] LDAP Search:
            Base DN = [DC=abc,DC=local]
            Filter  = [sAMAccountName=testvendor]
            Scope   = [SUBTREE]
    [454095] User DN = [CN=testvendor,OU=Test-vendors,OU=Users,OU=Abc,DC=abc,DC=local]
    [454095] Talking to Active Directory server
    [454095] Reading password policy for testvendor, dn:CN=testvendor,OU=Test-vendors,OU=Users,OU=Abc,DC=abc,DC=local
    [454095] Read bad password count 0
    [454095] Binding as testvendor
    [454095] Performing Simple authentication for testvendor to
    [454095] Processing LDAP response for user testvendor
    [454095] Message (testvendor):
    [454095] Checking password policy
    [454095] Authentication successful for testvendor to
    [454095] Retrieved User Attributes:
    [454095]        objectClass: value = top
    [454095]        objectClass: value = person
    [454095]        objectClass: value = organizationalPerson
    [454095]        objectClass: value = user
    [454095]        cn: value = testvendor
    [454095]        givenName: value = testvendor
    [454095]        distinguishedName: value = CN=testvendor,OU=Test-vendors,OU=Users,OU=Abc,DC=abc,DC=local
    [454095]        instanceType: value = 4
    [454095]        whenCreated: value = 20111019133739.0Z
    [454095]        whenChanged: value = 20111030135415.0Z
    [454095]        displayName: value = testvendor
    [454095]        uSNCreated: value = 20258545
    [454095]        uSNChanged: value = 20899179
    [454095]        name: value = testvendor
    [454095]        objectGUID: value = ).u>.v.H.6>..u.Z
    [454095]        userAccountControl: value = 66048
    [454095]        badPwdCount: value = 0
    [454095]        codePage: value = 0
    [454095]        countryCode: value = 0
    [454095]        badPasswordTime: value = 129644550477428806
    [454095]        lastLogoff: value = 0
    [454095]        lastLogon: value = 129644551251183846
    [454095]        pwdLastSet: value = 129635050595360564
    [454095]        primaryGroupID: value = 513
    [454095]        userParameters: value = m:                    d.                       
    [454095]        objectSid: value = ...............n."J.h.0.....
    [454095]        accountExpires: value = 9223372036854775807
    [454095]        logonCount: value = 0
    [454095]        sAMAccountName: value = testvendor
    [454095]        sAMAccountType: value = 805306368
    [454095]        userPrincipalName: value = [email protected]
    [454095]        objectCategory: value = CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=abc,DC=local
    [454095]        msNPAllowDialin: value = TRUE
    [454095]        dSCorePropagationData: value = 20111026081253.0Z
    [454095]        dSCorePropagationData: value = 20111026080938.0Z
    [454095]        dSCorePropagationData: value = 16010101000417.0Z
    [454095]        lastLogonTimestamp: value = 129638228546025674
    [454095] Fiber exit Tx=719 bytes Rx=2851 bytes, status=1
    [454095] Session End

    Thankyou Jennifer for the responds.
    Could you please help me on how to enable "memberOf" attribute on AD to be pushed to ASA for the OU matching.
    i have already set the "Remote Dialin" property of user account name "testvendor" in AD as "Allow Access" .It can be shown in the debug output as below.
    [454095] sAMAccountName: value = testvendor
    [454095] sAMAccountType: value = 805306368
    [454095] userPrincipalName: value = [email protected]
    [454095] objectCategory: value = CN=Person,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=abc,DC=local
    [454095] msNPAllowDialin: value = TRUE
    [454095] dSCorePropagationData: value = 20111026081253.0Z
    [454095] dSCorePropagationData: value = 20111026080938.0Z
    [454095] dSCorePropagationData: value = 16010101000417.0Z
    Is their any other settings that i need to do it on AD ?
    Kindly advice

  • Cisco ASA 5520 Failover with DMZ

    I have a pair of Cisco ASA 5520s running as a primary/standby. Everything is working properly with the primary ASA, however when I trigger a failover, everything works except for the DMZ interface on the standby ASA. I've poured over the configs, but perhaps I have been staring at them too long because I am just not seeing anything.
    Below is the output of the sh run failover, sh failover, and sh run interface commands for each unit...
    Primary-ASA# sh run failover
    failover lan unit primary
    failover lan interface stateful1 GigabitEthernet0/3
    failover key *****
    failover link stateful1 GigabitEthernet0/3
    failover interface ip stateful1 standby
    Primary-ASA# sh failover
    Failover On
    Failover unit Primary
    Failover LAN Interface: stateful1 GigabitEthernet0/3 (up)
    Unit Poll frequency 1 seconds, holdtime 15 seconds
    Interface Poll frequency 5 seconds, holdtime 25 seconds
    Interface Policy 1
    Monitored Interfaces 3 of 160 maximum
    Version: Ours 8.2(5), Mate 8.2(5)
    Last Failover at: 20:39:23 CDT Sep 3 2013
    This host: Primary - Active
    Active time: 69648 (sec)
    slot 0: ASA5520 hw/sw rev (2.0/8.2(5)) status (Up Sys)
         Interface outside ( Normal
         Interface inside ( Normal
         Interface dmz ( Normal (Waiting)
         Interface management ( Normal (Not-Monitored)
    slot 1: ASA-SSM-10 hw/sw rev (1.0/6.0(3)E1) status (Up/Up)
         IPS, 6.0(3)E1, Up
    Other host: Secondary - Standby Ready
    Active time: 2119 (sec)
    slot 0: ASA5520 hw/sw rev (2.0/8.2(5)) status (Up Sys)
    Interface outside ( Normal
    Interface inside ( Normal
    Interface dmz ( Normal (Waiting)
    Interface management ( Normal (Not-Monitored)
    slot 1: ASA-SSM-10 hw/sw rev (1.0/6.0(3)E1) status (Up/Up)
    IPS, 6.0(3)E1, Up
    Primary-ASA# sh run interface
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0
    nameif outside
    security-level 0
    ip address standby
    ospf cost 10
    interface GigabitEthernet0/1
    nameif inside
    security-level 100
    ip address standby
    ospf cost 10
    interface GigabitEthernet0/2
    nameif dmz
    security-level 50
    ip address standby
    ospf cost 10
    interface GigabitEthernet0/3
    description LAN/STATE Failover Interface
    interface Management0/0
    nameif management
    security-level 100
    ip address standby
    ospf cost 10
    Standby-ASA# sh run failover
    failover lan unit secondary
    failover lan interface stateful1 GigabitEthernet0/3
    failover key *****
    failover link stateful1 GigabitEthernet0/3
    failover interface ip stateful1 standby
    Standby-ASA# sh failover
    Failover On
    Failover unit Secondary
    Failover LAN Interface: stateful1 GigabitEthernet0/3 (up)
    Unit Poll frequency 1 seconds, holdtime 15 seconds
    Interface Poll frequency 5 seconds, holdtime 25 seconds
    Interface Policy 1
    Monitored Interfaces 3 of 160 maximum
    Version: Ours 8.2(5), Mate 8.2(5)
    Last Failover at: 20:39:23 CDT Sep 3 2013
    This host: Secondary - Standby Ready
    Active time: 2119 (sec)
    slot 0: ASA5520 hw/sw rev (2.0/8.2(5)) status (Up Sys)
    Interface outside ( Normal
    Interface inside ( Normal
    Interface dmz ( Normal (Waiting)
    Interface management ( Normal (Not-Monitored)
    slot 1: ASA-SSM-10 hw/sw rev (1.0/6.0(3)E1) status (Up/Up)
         IPS, 6.0(3)E1, Up
    Other host: Primary - Active
    Active time: 70110 (sec)
          slot 0: ASA5520 hw/sw rev (2.0/8.2(5)) status (Up Sys)
    Interface outside ( Normal
    Interface inside ( Normal
    Interface dmz ( Normal (Waiting)
    Interface management ( Normal (Not-Monitored)
    slot 1: ASA-SSM-10 hw/sw rev (1.0/6.0(3)E1) status (Up/Up)
         IPS, 6.0(3)E1, Up
    Standby-ASA# sh run interface
    interface GigabitEthernet0/0
    nameif outside
    security-level 0
    ip address standby
    ospf cost 10
    interface GigabitEthernet0/1
    nameif inside
    security-level 100
    ip address standby
    ospf cost 10
    interface GigabitEthernet0/2
    nameif dmz
    security-level 50
    ip address standby
    ospf cost 10
    interface GigabitEthernet0/3
    description LAN/STATE Failover Interface
    interface Management0/0
    nameif management
    security-level 100
    ip address standby
    ospf cost 10
    Does anyone see something I might be missing? I am at a loss...

    I'll just answer my own question...the configs are correct, but it the interface on the standby ASA was plugged into an improperly configured switchport. That'll do it everytime.

  • Cisco ASA 5520 Crashinfo

    I have cisco asa 5520 firewall in production sudenly yetserday firewall was reboted and crashinfo file was genetrated(check with command show crashinfo)
    But unable to undersatand the terms
    I want to know below thing regarding crashinfo
    1) In asa where crashinfo file stores and file name(please share commnad for checking)
    2) How to copy file from device to machine
    3) How to read that file(any tool any software)

    The crashinfo file ("show crashinfo") is plain text and along with the memory register contents there is a whole long list of other information - running-configuration, interface status and counters, etc. So you can look at it in any text editor or even on the ASA console itself.
    As far as learning from it directly, there is plenty to learn and use without knowing the most detailed possible level of debug information.
    If you want to see some of the tools that are available (and may include some of the crashinfo data), I'd recommend to you a Cisco Live presentation like BRKSEC-3020. You can download that and any other Cisco Live presentations here with a free registration.

  • Site to Site VPN between Cisco ASA 5520 and Avaya VPN Phone

    I am wondering if anyone can assist me on configuring Cisco ASA 5520 site to site vpn with Avaya VPN Phone? According to Avaya, the Avaya 9630 phone acts as a VPN client so a VPN router or firewall is not needed.
    The scanario:
    Avaya System ------ ASA 5520 ------ INTERNET ----- Avaya 9630 VPN Phone
    Any help or advice is much appreciated.

    Hello Bernard,
    What you are looking for is a Remote Ipsec VPN mode not a L2L.
    Here is the link you should use to make this happen:)

  • Cisco ASA 5520 Site-to-site VPN TUNNELS disconnection problem

    i recently purchased a Cisco ASA 5520 and running firmware v. 8.4(2) and ASDM v. 6.4(5)106.
    I have installed 50 Site-to-Site VPN tunnels, and they work fine.
    but randomly the VPN Tunnels keep disconnecting and few seconds after it connects it self automaticly....
    it happens when there is no TRAFIC on, i suspect.
    in ASDM in Group Policies under DfltGrpPolicy (system default) i have "idle timeout" to "UNLMITED" but still they keep disconnecting and connecting again... i have also verified that all VPN TUNNELS are using this Group Policie. and all VPN tunnels have "Idle Timeout: 0"
    this is very annoying as in my case i have customers having a RDP (remote dekstop client) open 24/7 and suddenly it gets disconnected due to no traffic ?
    in ASDM under Monitoring -> VPN .. i can see all VPN tunnels recently disconnected in "Login Time Duration"... some 30minutes, 52minutes, 40minutes and some 12 minutes ago.. and so on... they dont DISCONNECT at SAME time.. all randomly..
    i dont WANT the VPN TUNNELS to disconnect, i want them to RUN until we manually disconnect them.
    Any idea?

    What is the lifetime value configured for in your crypto policies?
    For example:
    crypto ikev1 policy 140
    authentication rsa-sig
    encryption des
    hash sha
    group 2
    lifetime 86400
    crypto ikev1 policy 150
    authentication pre-share
    encryption des
    hash sha
    group 2
    lifetime 86400

  • Older version of openssl in cisco asa 5520

    Recently my security has scanned all the network devices for vulnerabilities and found that cisco asa 5520 , which we use for RAS VPN has older version of openssl. Have  to  check that and fix this problem? FYI, recently we have installed a SSL cert for webmail users.

    W update OpenSSL libraries on our side quite often, especially if new vulnarabilities are found.
    You can check recently published vulnarabilities in (not only specific to ASA)
    In general ASA 8.4 is what you should go for to have "latest and greatest" revisions of openssl and ASA code itself.

  • Configuring Cisco ASA 5520 for Outlook Anywhere - Exchange 2007

    I have enable and configured our Exchange 2007 for Outlook Anywhere. When I try to get Outlook from home to connect it fails. We have an Cisco ASA 5520 firewall at work, is there something I need to setup on the device? We want to allow users from
    home to connect via their Outlook clients from home. OWA is working from the outside... Help please...

    Make sure that the required ports are allowed over he device. The users can access through port 25/443 etc. and should be opened. Better, to go for a test at
    Regards from|Windows Administrator Area | Skype:[email protected]

  • Cisco ASA 5520 traffic between interfaces

    I am new in the Cisco world , learning how everything goes. I have a Cisco ASA 5520 firewall that i am trying to configure, but i am stumped. Traffic does not pass trough interfaces ( i tried ping ) , although packet tracer shows everything as ok. I have attached the running config and the packet tracer. The ip's i am using in the tracer are actual hosts.
    ciscoasa# ping esx_management
    Type escape sequence to abort.
    Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
    Success rate is 100 percent (5/5), round-trip min/avg/max = 1/1/1 ms
    ciscoasa# ping home_network
    Type escape sequence to abort.
    Sending 5, 100-byte ICMP Echos to, timeout is 2 seconds:
    Success rate is 0 percent (0/5)
    Thank you in advance.

    Is this just a testing setup? I would suggest changing "internet" interface to "security-level 0" (just for the sake of identifying its an external interface) and not allowing all traffic from there.
    I am not sure what your "packet-tracer" is testing. If you wanted to test ICMP Echo it would be
    packet-tracer input home_network icmp 8 0 255
    I see that you have not configured any NAT on the ASA unit. In the newer ASA software that would atleast allow communication between all interface with their real IP addresses.
    I am not so sure about the older ASA versions anymore. To my understanding the "no nat-control" is default setting in your model which basically states that there is no need for NAT configurations between the interfaces the packet is going through.
    Have you confirmed that all the hosts/servers have the correct default gateway/network mask configurations so that traffic will flow correctly outside their own network?
    Have you confirmed that there are no firewall software on the actual server/host that might be blocking this ICMP traffic from other networks?
    Naturally if wanted to try some NAT configurations you could try either of these for example just for the sake of testing
    Static Identity NAT
    static (home_network,esx_management) mask
    static (home_network,DMZ) mask
    static (home_network,management) mask
    access-list HOMENETWORK-NAT0 remark NAT0 to all local networks
    access-list HOMENETWORK-NAT0 permit ip
    access-list HOMENETWORK-NAT0 permit ip
    access-list HOMENETWORK-NAT0 permit ip
    nat (home_network) 0 access-list HOMENETWORK-NAT0
    Hope this helps
    - Jouni

  • Cisco ASA 5520 Traffic monitoring

    Hello ,
    We have a Cisco ASA 5520 and im looking for a way to monitor largest outgoing and incoming traffic per ip in real time so to know which of my internal computers are using the most of our Internet Line. Is there a way to this through ADSM ? We use version 6.3.
    Thanks a lot

    I dont think the ASA alone can give you a really clear picture of the real time situation.
    It however should be able to give you some clue and simple statistics on the ASDM Firewall Dashboard
    My ASDM version is 7.1 but it should be there in your version also.

  • HA between a Cisco ASA 5520 and a Cisco ASA 5525-X

    Hi all!
    we have a couple of Cisco ASA 5520 running 8.4(3) software, and we want to improve throughput changing them with a couple of Cisco ASA 5525-X. Since software is theorically compatible, we are not going to upgrade it right now.
    We don't want to stop service, so we are thinking about switching off backup 5520 firewall, change it with a 5525-X and balance service to that one while we change the other 5520 fw. So the question is, has someone tried to make an active-pasive cluster with both technologies, Cisco ASA an Cisco ASA-X firewalls? We were said that it should be theorically compatible, but we'd like to know if someone tried before.
    Best regards for all,

    You cannot make a 5520 establish failover with the mate being a 5525-X.
    1. The configuration guide (here) states:
    The two units in a failover configuration must be the same model, have the same number and types of interfaces, the same SSMs installed (if any), and the same RAM installed.
    2. A 5525-X requires 8.6 software. 8.6 does not support non-X series ASAs. (Reference) Even if you wait until 9.0 is available (next month) for both you still fail on the model and RAM (X series has much more than the 5520) checks noted above.

  • Command for view i/o rate cisco nexus

    I need a command for view input and output rate on all interface for device nexus 7000 and nexus 5000
    The command sh interface show more information, I only need view rx and tx
    on switch 3750, 2960 i use sh interface summary and in nexus do not exist

    Show interface xxx | inc rate will give you in /out rate.
    For example -sh int e1/1 | i rate
    For show interface summary you can use grep feature on nexus multiple Include and exclude are possible.
    show interface E1/1 | inc rate|MTU | exclude pps
    Just to see interface counters -
    show interface counters detailed all
    Hope this helps.

  • Cisco ASA 5520 (asa 8.2) hairpinning

    Hi All,
    We have a ASA 5520 (redundant) in our network which we are using for different customers. For every new customer we create a new VLAN and place their servers in this VLAN. On the ASA we create a new subinterface for every customer which is connected to the corresponding VLAN.
    Most customers get a private ip-range (e.g. 192.168.x.x/24) on which they should configure their servers. Because most customers don't need to be to access eachothers server all VLAN interfaces have the same security-level of 50. I haven't enable the "same-security-traffic permit inter-interface" option, so traffic between those interfaces is blocked, as expected.
    Some customers (e.g. customer A) need public webmail of smtp access to there servers. So we use both NAT and PAT to make that happen.
    So, recently we've got a customer (customer B) who placed their webservers behind our ASA. Because we didn't want to use NAT statements all the time, we dediced to configure a public /29 subnet on their VLAN. Because the website on this customer's servers need to be visible for everybody, we've lowered the security-level of this VLAN interface to 40 (instead of 50) and applied some ACL's. So other customers (e.g. customer A) are also able to reach the websites of customer B. So everything is just working fine.
    Now, customer A decided that they want to run their website on their own servers as well. So, I created a static PAT for TCP 80. So the website is accessible from the outside world. But.....customer B is not able to reach customer A's website on the translated address. So, I've created a second PAT (using the same public address) but this time to customer B's interface. But still, we're not able to reach customer A's website.
    I've also enabled the "same-security-traffic permit intra-interface", but still the website is unreachable to customer B.
    Here's a small drawing of the situation:
    The ip-addresses are, of course, not real.
    Can anybody place help me with this issue?

    That's a very cool command that I didn't know about.
    I see that the packet is drop at phase 7 (NAT-EXEMPT).
    Phase: 7
    Type: NAT-EXEMPT
    Subtype: rpf-check
    Result: DROP
    Additional Information:
    Forward Flow based lookup yields rule:
    in  id=0x74455b60, priority=6, domain=nat-exempt-reverse, deny=false
            hits=61, user_data=0x744558f0, cs_id=0x0, use_real_addr, flags=0x0, protocol=0
            src ip=Cust_B_LAN, mask=, port=0
            dst ip=Cust_A_LAN, mask=, port=0, dscp=0x0
    input-interface: Cust_B
    input-status: up
    input-line-status: up
    output-interface: Cust_A
    output-status: up
    output-line-status: up
    Action: drop
    Drop-reason: (acl-drop) Flow is denied by configured rule
    I seemed that I had a nonat rule messing the communication between these interfaces. After removing it, the traffic was flowing just fine.
    Thanks for your support.

  • Cisco ASA 5520s in Cluster Outside interface stops sending traffic

    We are running a Pair of ASA 5520s in active/standby mode.  In the last couple days the active device will just stop communicating on the outside interface.  Because the rest of the interfaces are still up,  it will not fail over, so we have to fail it manually.  The secondary unit works and passes traffic correctly.  We then reboot the Primary. 
    Then after some undetermined time,  it happens again and we have to manually fail it the other way,  reboot the affected ASA and wait for it to happen again.
    We have a case with TAC but they have not been able to figure this one out.  Has anyone else seen this behavior?
    This is the version info:
    Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance Software Version 8.4(7)
    Device Manager Version 7.3(1)100

    There are various possibilities on the ASA device which might be causing this issue:-
    1) Block depletion
    2) Memory depletion
    Other things might be related to the external ISP as well.
    Can we collect some outputs from the ASA device at the time when the issue is seen on the ASA device.
    If you can share the output , i can have a look at it otherwise you can open a TAC case.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Vibhor Amrodia

  • What is the Cisco ASA 5520's VPN ustility like?

    Hi, I have a Cisco 3015 VPN concentrator, the Web admin tool is really good. We are getting a 2 Cisco 5520 soon in failover mode and I wondered if I should move my site-to-sites to the ASA 5520 and if so how good it the tool for the ASA VPN's as I not seen it yet?

    The VPN capabilities of the ASA are very similar to that of the concentrators. Much of the management interface will have the same look and feel on both appliances. Migrating your L2L VPNs is a matter of preference and will depend on your topology. For me, I prefer to terminate my L2L VPNs into a DMZ and use the ASA to permit/deny traffic into my LAN.

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    Hi guys, I have been having this problem occasionaly for the past few weeks and can't remember making any changes to my computer or firefox that would have prompted it. Basically what happens is that when I try to load a web page, it says "loading...

  • HT5625 can not purchase from apps store. message states - Apple ID is disabled.

    Can not purchase from Apps Store. Continue to get message stating that Apple ID is disabled after I select install. I have change my Itune account pass word and updated all information.

  • Adobe is not printing - Terminal Server Windows 2012

    Hello and thank you for reading this. We recently upgrade our server infrastructure  to Windows 2012 R2. When a user logging to a server (Terminal Server 1 let's say) sometimes they cannot print from Adobe. If they can login to another Server, let's

  • PHP simple guide...

    Where can I find a beginners guide to using PHP with Flex? Ive tried the following: but the examples do not w

  • Should Plugins Be Used In A Production Environment?

    Hello All. I am seeking your opinion on an issue that recently was raised in my work environment. We are heavy users of Apex 4.x. I recently introduced Apex plugins to several of my fellow developers. They all were astounded. However, someone questio