Comments from any JHeadstart users?

Can anyone who has purchased JHeadstart please share your experiences on what you have found using the software.
Can you make any comments on:-
1. The learning curve? How easy is it to use, how complete is the documentation?
2. Does it deliver on the promised productivity gains?
3. Is the software robust to use or is it buggy - JAG, JDG?
4. Is the generated code robust?
5. Is the generated code readable/maintainable?
6. Is it value for money or could you achieve similar gains yourself?
7. Is the generated code 'open'?
8. Is support of the generated code a lock-in to Oracle, either of JDev / BC4J / OC4J / MVC Frameworks
9. Do you plan to continue with MVC Frameworks or use Struts when available?
10. Is the software only suitable for data-centric web applications development?
11. Would you recommend it?
Thanks for any comments

See below our experiences; we've been using JHeadstart since end of June this year, starting with release candidate 3.
We have intensively used the JAG and done some simple tests on JDG.
Hope it is of some use to you.
Rinse Veltman
CIBER Solution Partners
Can anyone who has purchased JHeadstart please share your experiences on what you have found using the software.
Can you make any comments on:-
1. The learning curve? How easy is it to use, how complete is the documentation?Both for java developers as for 'traditional' Oracle developers JAG basic usage has a very low learning curve. Whenever you want to
do complex stuff you do need more advanced Java and XML skills. The hard thing with developing these kind of apps is
that it requires lots of different skills, which are very hard to find in one developer. Our approach is to add a specialist in
each area to the team. Also a good line-of-communication with Oracle Consulting helps. Documentation is very good,
however if you are used to using CDM you might still miss some more detailed standards and guidelines.
2. Does it deliver on the promised productivity gains?Depends on what you are used to.
It delivers great productivity gains for java developers. In my experience in the java world it is the development
environment that for productivity comes closest to developing with Designer+Forms+Headstart. But be aware that
like in Designer for special purposes you might need to develop your own generic processes. This has to be done
only once and that is your productivity gain. Also the JHeadstart team is constantly expanding the set of reusable
processes and the UI features.
To be able to develop more advanced applications you do need a thorough understanding of the underlying
Oracle frameworks (MVC, BC4J and UIX). The more experienced you are in these areas, the more flexible and more
powerfull the applications become that you can develop.
3. Is the software robust to use or is it buggy - JAG, JDG?JAG and property editors are very problems whatsoever. JDG?
4. Is the generated code robust?Yes
5. Is the generated code readable/maintainable?Yes, and this is very important since a lot of post generation (post JAG) adjustments need to be done.
6. Is it value for money or could you achieve similar gains yourself?Definitely, you would not be able to generate a first iteration for data driven component based java
internet applications yourself without having a whole bunch of very very experienced java developers
and UML goeroes in your team.
7. Is the generated code 'open'?What do you mean? JAG generates java classes (resource handlers) and xml files (service definitions
and uix pages which contain page definition in xml format). All these files are yours to adjust. Of course
the classes use imports from the three above mentioned Oracle frameworks (BC4J, UIX and MVC). In
the developers guide it is described how to change e.g. the View layer from UIX to JSP. All layers implement
interfaces which are open and very well documented. In the future I expect JHeadstart to support more open
standards beside JSP like Struts for Controller and EJB, Toplink for the Model layer. When compared to is definitely more open and easier to integrate with other technologies. For example we are
currently testing integration with SAP R/3 systems.
8. Is support of the generated code a lock-in to Oracle, either of JDev / BC4J / OC4J / MVC FrameworksDevelopment:
For maintenance and compilation you need BC4J libs which are shipped with JDeveloper, of course you can
edit sources with any IDE. MVC libs and UIX libs are shipped with JHeadstart.
Generated code runs on any J2EE 1.2 compliant application server (our test apps run on SAP WAS, Oracle OC4J
and Tomcat without any code changes).
As said I expect that in the future more open frameworks will be supported. And yes, JDeveloper makes life easier if
you plan to use JHeadstart.
9. Do you plan to continue with MVC Frameworks or use Struts when available? Depending on your server landscape, skills in your team and availability of JHeadstart support for Struts.
Right now MVC Framework is the way we go. When Struts is available I would study the differences (licenses,
support, performance, abilties) and decide then.
10. Is the software only suitable for data-centric web applications development?That's where we used it. What type of apps would you like to develop?
11. Would you recommend it?Yes
Thanks for any comments

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    ...  What is the best way to do this?
    The best way, really the only way, is to purchase Snow Leopard.
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