Commit in a large load

I have many control files that load about 17 millions de registry, how can i estimate the load time?
when should i do commit? Should i do it, every "x" number of registry o by "x" number of gigas, megas, etc and how can i do it?
What do you recommend me? where can i find information about this?
Thanks to all for your help.

Do you have more information about this:
Document says:
You can use the ROWS parameter to specify the frequency of the commit points. If the ROWS parameter is not specified, the entire load is rolled back.
it's possible but it doesn't´t tell me how... can you give an example?
I don´t understand if I need oracle partitioning for partitioned tables? What happens if i don't have partitioning...
Thanks for your help

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    Hi Rob,
    Its tough to set that delta points based on the Change log PSA ID.. u need to maintain the entry in RSBSPOKEDELTA table.. here if u can write a program which brings all the Change log PSA Id's with the proper status set for every entry then it will work for you..
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    hope this helps
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    look this:

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    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Tilen Skraba ([email protected]):
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    Hi Alex,
    There is not enough information to judge. BI queries in BCS may use different structure of real-time, basic, virtual cubes and multiproviders:
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    infile 'TAX_LOT_DIM_1.csv'
    badfile 'TAX_LOT_DIM_1.bad'
    into table TAX_LOT_DIM
    fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '"'
    trailing nullcols
    TRAN_LOT_NBR integer,
    MGR_GRP_CD optionally enclosed by '"' ,
    RESTRICTION_AMT "TO_NUMBER(:RESTRICTION_AMT,'99999999999999999999.999999999999')" ,
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    Please reply asap.

    Thanks for the response.
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    into table TAX_LOT_DIM
    fields terminated by ',' optionally enclosed by '"'
    trailing nullcols
    TAX_LOT_DIM_ID "TO_NUMBER(:TAX_LOT_DIM_ID ,'999999999999999.99999999')",
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    TRAN_LOT_NBR integer, --"TO_NUMBER(:TRAN_LOT_NBR,'999999999999999.99999999999999999')",
    MGR_GRP_CD char optionally enclosed by '"' ,
    RESTRICTION_AMT "TO_NUMBER(:RESTRICTION_AMT,'99999999999999999999.999999999999')" ,
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    Hello ,
    After each successful execution of sql loader ,it implicitly commits the underlying transactions .
    Why this implicit commit is happening and Can disable this auto commit feature of sql loader ?

    Hi ,
    We cannot stop the commit option in sqlloqder.
    By using the ROWS parameter we can control the feature
    For eg rows=200
    The records will be committed after every 200 records are over only.

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    Any advice or help is appreciated. Thanks

    It is easy enough to modify the example to commit every N files. If you are loading large amounts of media, I think that you will find that the time to load the media is far greater than the time spent in SQL statements doing inserts or retrieves. Thus, I would not expect to see any significant benefit to changing the example to use PL/SQL collection types in order to do bulk row operations.
    If your goal is high performance bulk load of binary content then I would suggest that you look to use Sqlldr. A PL/SQL program loading from BFILEs is limited to loading files that are accessible from the database server file system. Sqlldr can do this but it can also load data from a remote client. Sqlldr has parameters to control batching of operations.
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    Once the binary content is loaded into the database, you will need a to write a program to loop over the new content and initialize the Multimedia objects (extract attributes). The example in 7.3 contains a sample program that does this for the ORDDicom object.

  • 'Cannot begin data load. Analytic Server Error(1042006): Network Error

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    'Cannot begin data load. Analytic Server Error(1042006): Network Error [10061]: Unable To Connect To [localhost:32774]. The client timed out waiting to connect to the Essbase Agent using TCP/IP. Check your network connections. Also please make sure that Server and Port values are correct'
    What is this error about? is the commit interval too large? now the value is 1000.

    You could try the following
    1. From the Start menu, click Run.
    2. Type regedit and then click OK.
    3. In the Registry Editor window, click the following directory:
    4. From the Edit menu, click New, DWORD Value.
    The new value appears in the list of parameters.
    5. Type MaxUserPort and then press Enter.
    Double-click MaxUserPort.
    6. In the Edit DWORD Value window, do the following:
    * Click Decimal.
    * Enter 65534.
    * Click OK.
    7. From the Edit menu, click New, DWORD Value.
    The new value appears in the list of parameters.
    8. Type TcpTimedWaitDelay and then press Enter.
    9. Double-click TcpTimedWaitDelay.
    10. In the Edit DWORD Value window, do the following:
    * Click Decimal.
    * Type 300
    * Click OK.
    11. Close the Registry Editor window.
    12. Reboot essbase server
    Let us know how it goes.

  • OWB 10gR2: Commit everything or nothing

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    It is important that there is nothing in the 4 targets which is not stored (part of pk as described) in the logtable. Otherwise information will be lost for the replication.Therfore we set target to order to use the LOG_LT first.
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    b) We used autocommit correlated. The logflow and the dataflow are ok, but the mapping was commiting to early (not the value in commit freqency).
    c) The next idea was to set the mapping to manual commit and commit in a postmapping procedure if everything was ok. The mapping can be deployed but when we start the mapping we get the warning:
    RTC-5380: Manual commit control configured on maping xy is ignored.
    Has anybody a good practice for a row-based-mapping (with multiple targets and one source) to commit everything or nothing?
    Thanks for your help

    Hello Stephan,
    In row based mappings, and one having single source and multiple targets then the following are the different ways of loading the targets.
    1. Correlated Commit = true and Row Based - Suppose there are 50 rows in the source and there are 4 target tables. When the mapping is run in this mode ansd suppose the mapping encounters error while loading row 10 in target table say TGT_3 then this row will be rolled back from all the four targets and the processing will continue, thus finally loading 49 records in all the 4 tables.
    When you run in row based mode, then please check the bulk processing mode. If it is set to true then the bulk size overrides the commit frequency set by you. It is thus advisable to make th bulk size and the commit frequency equal or set the bulk porcessing mode to false and then set the commit frequency.

  • Lock tables when load data

    Are there any way to lock tables when i insert data with SQL*Loader? or oracle do it for me automatically??
    how can i do this?
    Thanks a lot for your help

    Are there any problem if in the middle of my load (and commits) an user update o query data ?The only problem that I see is that you may run short of undo space (rollback segment space) if your undo space is limited and the user is running a long SELECT query for example: but this problem would only trigger ORA-1555 for the SELECT query or (less likely since you have several COMMIT) ORA-16XX because load transaction would not find enough undo space.
    Data is not visible to other sessions, unless, the session which is loading data, commits it. That's the way Oracle handle the read committed isolation level for transaction.
    Or what happens if when i want to insert data someone has busy the table?You will get blocked if you try to insert data that has the same primary key as a row being inserted by a concurrent transaction.

  • Can only load a limited number of songs at a time

    this is a brand new issue no my ipod video that has me worried the hard drive is going. but.... i've never had ANY problems with playback, watching videos, photos, anything. i load all music and videos manually, with the only sync being for certain photo albums. the problem is that if i load a small number of stuff - anything less than 100 songs is fine - no problems. but if i try to load a lot of stuff at once, it starts loading them in order, then inevitably fails at some point. i get the following error window:
    "attempting to copy to the disk "iPod" failed. the disk could not be read from or written to."
    in the past, i've loaded 1,000 files for more at one time with no problems.
    because it only happens on large loads, i'm wondering if it's an overheating issue. but i've reset the ipod, reformatted the hard drive, gone into disk mode and ran disk utility (which found no problems at all), run through diagnostic mode on the ipod (which found no issues). i'm at a loss here. it's a big pain in the backside to have to load over 3,000 songs a hundred at a time.
    whaddya think?

    i found the problem. ipod doesn't like my new combo usb/firewire hub. plugged directly into USB card on computer, problem went away. yay.

  • Data Load PSA to IO (DTP) Dump: EXPORT_TOO_MUCH_DATA

    Hi Gurus,
    Iu2019m loading Data from PSA to IO: 0BPARTNER. I habe around 5 Mil entries.
    During the load the control Job dumps with the following dump:
    1. Data must be distributed into portions of 2GB
    2. 3 possible solutions:
        - Either increase the sequence counter (field SRTF2) to include INT4
        -export less data
        -distribute the data across several IDs
    If the error occures in a non-modified SAP program, you may be able to
    find an interim solution in an SAP Note.
    If you have access to SAP Notes, carry out a search with the following
    "CL_RSBK_DATA_SEGMENT==========CP" or "CL_RSBK_DATA_SEGMENT==========CM00V"
    This is not the first time I do such large load.
    The Field: SRTF2 is already an INT4 type.
    Version BI: 701. SP06
    I found a lot of OSS Notes for monitoring jobs, Industry solutions, by BI change runu2026 nothing however to data loading process.
    Has anyone encountered this problem please?
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Martin,
    There were series of notes which may be applicable here.
    However if you have semantic grouping enabled it may be that this is a data driven issue.
    The System will try to put all records into one package in accordance with teh semantic key.
    If it is too generic many records could be input to one data package.
    Please choose another (more) fields for semantic grouping - or unselect all fields if the grouping is not nessessary at all.
    1409851  - Problems with package size in the case of DTPs with grouping.
    Hope this helps.

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