Common S.O, D.Ch

Hai all,
  1. In what scenarios we will maintain the commmon Sales organisations, common distribution channels?
2. What is the difference between VK11 and VK31.

Hi Keyur P,
         in SAP we have only
Common distribution channel -<b>VOR1</b>
Common Divison,<b>-VOR2</b>           dont have common sales organizations.
purpose: in  our previous proj, we had 10 DC's which shares the same data.
we have several customers ,it will take more time to create customers in all DC's.
eg: 100 customers, 1 sales org - 10 dc's -1 div ,total sales areas- 10 ,
now we need to create customers in all sales areas nothing but, 100*10= 1000,
which occupies more data,time consuming and risky,
to minimize risk,save the space n time.
we make one DC as a ref DC and assign all the DC's to ref DC.
so whenever v  create transaction using  new DC's, ref DC data will share to rest  of DC's.
<b>DC-------Ref DC</b>
this data will be shared between master data's like Customer master data, material master data & Condition master data.
similarly , for Divison also
2-- Both are for maintaining condition records only
but in VK11 , u can maitain records for both condition types ,standard and customizing- ZP00
where as in Vk31, only for standard u can create condition recors- PR00
*Hope this Clears, reward points

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      // it doesn't exist so initialize it to first page
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    //check if the page is only 1 digit -- patch for single digit
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    It is not the fault of NetBeans' GUI builder, JPanels are opaque by default, I mean whether you use Netbeans or not.Thank you!
    I stand corrected (which is short for +"I jumped red-eyed on my feet and rushed to create an SSCCE to demonstrate that JPanels are... mmm... oh well, they are opaque by default... ;-[]"+)
    NetBeans's definitely innocent then, and indeed using it would be an advantage (ctrl-click all JPanels in a form and edit the common opaque property to false) over manually coding
    To handle this it would be better idea to make a subclass of JPanel and override isOpaque() to return false. Then use this 'Trasparent Panel' for all the panels where ever transparency is required.I beg to differ. From a design standpoint, I'd find it terrible (in the pejorative sense of the word) to design a subclass to inconsistently override a getter whereas the standard API already exposes the property (both get and set) for what it's meant: specify whether the panel is opaque.
    Leveraging this subclass would mean changing all lines where a would-be-transparent JPanel is currently instantiated, and instantiate the subclass instead.
    If you're editing all such lines anyway, you might as well change the explicit new JPanel() for a call to a factory method createTransparentJPanel(); this latter could, at the programmer's discretion, implement transparency whichever way makes the programmer's life easier (subclass if he pleases, although that makes me shudder, or simply call thePanel.setOpaque(false) before returning the panel). That way the "transparency" code is centralized in a single easy to maintain location.
    I had to read the code for that latter's UI classes to find out the keys to use (+Panel.background+, Label.foreground, etc.), as I happened to not find this info in an authoritative document - I see that you seem to know thoses keys, may I ask you where you got them from?
    One of best utilities I got from this forum, written by camickr makes getting these keys and their values very easy. You can get it from his blog [(->link)|]
    Definitely. I bit a pair of knucles off when discovered it monthes after cumbersomely traversing the BasicL&F code...
    Still, it is a matter-of-fact approach (and this time I don't mean that to sound pejorative), that works if you can test the result for a given JDK version and L&F, but doesn't guarantee that these keys are there to stand - an observation, but not a specification.
    Thanks TBM for highlighting this blog entry, that's the best keys list device I have found so far, but the questions still holds as to what specifies the keys.
    Edited by: jduprez on Feb 15, 2010 10:07 AM

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    Thanks & Regards
    Piyush Ranpura

    Hi Piyush,
    1) You definitely need to ensure that your OVZJ settings are as expected in the production system after go-live as it can lead to zero confirmations or incorrect confirmations if is is missed.
    2) Coming to Product allocation, hope you know that system cannot read "0" allocation figure and to counter the same, perhaps you may need to build a solution to make it as "-1" so that system understands it better
    3) In the area of ODLs, you will face issues with incorrect data being available in ODLs, this is caused because of some inconsistencies ( I am sure ODLs as a concept is not fully fool proof ). You need to schedule the program /SAPAPO/ODLR in the production system weekly or if the data is less schedule it daily
    4) It may also happen that the logistics team had introduced some new calendars and APO team is unaware of it and you may encounter issues in Scheduling. Try to make sure that the time streams are created correctly and at the same all the relevant route scheduling condition records are correctly maintained w.r.t the data in the source system.
    5) Do a test run on Availability check immediately after system goes-live. this will tell you if there is any problem with the RFC connection, Live cache errors etc.,
    There could be many more apart from this.
    Hope this helps
    Babu Kilari

  • Steps to troubleshoot and get past common problems with Audition

    When you encounter a problem with Audition, the following steps are often useful for getting past the problem and/or determining the cause of the problem:
    1.  Hold down SHIFT while you launch Audition
         This overrides the preference files and launches Audition using the default settings.
    2.  Manually rename or delete the preferences folder
         Step 1 only overrides certain preference files, while others such as Workspace preference files, may be the cause of the problem.  Depending on your OS, locate the "5.0" folder in the location below and rename it or delete it.
         Windows XP: C:\Document and Settings\<username>\Application Data\Adobe\Audition\5.0\
         Windows Vista/7: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Audition\5.0\ *
         Mac OS X: ~\Library\Preferences\Adobe\Audition\5.0\ **
              * "AppData" may be a hidden folder.  You can type it into the location bar, or enable "Show Hidden Files" in Windows.
              ** This is your user-level Library folder, not the system-level tree.
    3. Check your Audition Log.txt file
         To enable a log file with CS 5.5, you must create an empty file in your preferences folder called "Audition Log.txt" using notepad, text edit, or any other editor.  After you create this file, launch Audition and if it fails, open and/or share the log file for more specific information about what's happening.
    4. Check the Operating System console or error log
         Both OS X and Windows can track application errors, and if the problem is occurring outside of the application code - a driver conflict, for example - then the OS error report may be more informative than what we can get from the application.
         OS X: launch /Applications/Utilities/   Clear the view, then launch Audition and note any error messages that appear.
         Windows: launch Control Panel > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer > Windows Logs > Application then launch Audition and note any error messages that appear.
    5. Re-install Audition
         If at this point, nothing has resolved the issue or the error logs are inconclusive, it's a good time to uninstall Audition, reboot, and reinstall Audition.
    6. Obtain the full crash dump and send it to the Adobe team
         So you've walked through all the above steps, you've disconnected any external hardware interfaces to rule out any device or driver conflicts, and you've exhausted the basic troubleshooting steps.  Visit and follow the steps for your OS that Charles has documented to best obtain a full crash memory dump for Audition, and send that to [email protected] with a description of the problem and the steps you've taken, and we'll take a look. 

    Firstly yes these are common problems and secondly hopefully they will be fixed with updated software 2.1 which is due for release this coming Firday!

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    Keyword and Metadata Integration throughout Adobe Modules

    Thanks! That's helpful.
    What I mean by "common metadata", is a unified, updated, most current metadata, which I could update in each program. That is without overwriting the metadata, but appending new keywords to the metadata I created in the previous program.
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    There are an estimated 70 million Macs running in the world. 40% of them are running Mavericks**. So that's 28 million computers running Mavericks.
    Even if there were 1000 threads here with problems, that would represent 0.000036% of the user base. Of course, that's no comfort when a genuine OS bug hits you. (And many of the problems posted here are not OS bugs.)
    ** For the record, 21% are Mountain Lion, 19% on Lion, 18% on Snow Leopard.

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    Please confim my understanding is correct or not.
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    Any help on this topic is appreciated.
    and Thanks in Advance :-)

    Your understanding of the common GL and PA period is correct. That means the period start date and end date are the same in both modules. You open a period in GL and it is open for PA as well. You can close the period in PA, so no new transactions will hit that period in PA. On the same time that period may still be open in GL, in case you need to capture journals from other sources or enter manual journals directly in GL. You should not close a period in GL before closing it in PA, AP, AR, PO etc... You can expect to see that for most PA transactions, the value of the PA period and the GL period are the same.
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    Is there a better way to handle this? Can I include a shared dataset that I would define and maintain only once, in each single report definition?

    The use of the subtemplate for the centrally managed layout, is ok.
    However I would like to be able to do the same thing for the datasets in the reports:
    one centrally managed data set (definition) for the common dataset, which is dynamic!, and in our case, a rather complex query
    datasets defined on a per report basis
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    The common content that I need is about 20 lines of text in a
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    I cannot use User Defined Variables as the content is more
    than the limit of 255 characters. If I were creating a web site, I
    would use an "Include". But can I do this in RH7? I am trying to
    avoid the need to maintain identical content in two separate
    topics, for future updates. I cannot make it a new topic and use it
    twice - it needs to insert into the middle of a topic.
    Any ideas please?


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    i have 5 html pages that share a common header, footer, and sidebar. how do i use my nav bar to change the content of the body without duplicating a lot of code? thank you!

    i inherited the website. It’s for a non-profit and is not very
    sophisticated, and neither am I in webdesign. It currently has multiple
    pages that are identical except for that body section, so whenever i change
    the navigation (in the sidebar) I have to update every html page.  I want
    to have one basic page, and just call in the different body content based
    on the link the user selects from the nav bar. How can i do that using a
    script? i am using Dreamweaver.
    ~ in love and light ~
    On Sat, Feb 7, 2015 at 4:07 AM, Ben Pleysier <[email protected]>

  • Error phase Install Common system files SAP NW 7.1

    I have a problem  in my  installation of SAP NW 7.1 for PI
    I was installating the  SAP NW but I stopped it  and  deleled this system (SID=TPI), then  I  started again  the installation (SID=PI1) but in the phase Install Common System Files i got this message:
    File system node C:/WINDOWS/TEMP exists already. Nothing to do.
    INFO       2010-07-09 17:30:13.765
    File system node D:/usr/sap exists already. Nothing to do.
    INFO       2010-07-09 17:30:13.765
    Creating SAP system shares for PI1...
    WARNING[E] 2010-07-09 17:30:13.921 [ianxbservi.hpp:244]
    FSL-06002  Error 1060 (The specified service does not exist as an installed service.
    ) in execution of a 'OpenService' function, line (267), with parameter (ClusSvc).
    WARNING[E] 2010-07-09 17:30:14.109
    CJS-30129  Creating node $(DIR_CCMS) with type DIRECTORY failed. Original exception text was: syslib.filesystem.nodeCreationFailed:
    Unable to create node
    pgspi\saploc\ with type DIRECTORY: can't create parent node...
    WARNING[E] 2010-07-09 17:30:14.171
    CJS-30129  Creating node $(DIR_CCMS) with type DIRECTORY failed. Original exception text was: syslib.filesystem.nodeCreationFailed:
    Unable to create node
    pgspi\saploc\ with type DIRECTORY: can't create parent node...
    ERROR      2010-07-09 17:30:14.234 [sixxcstepexecute.cpp:984]
    FCO-00011  The step createFirstSystemDirectories with step key |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|5|0|createFirstSystemDirectories was executed with status ERROR .
    WARNING    2010-07-09 17:30:14.437 [iaxxejshlp.cpp:150]
    Could not get property IDs of the JavaScript object.
    ERROR      2010-07-09 17:30:14.437 [iaxxejsctl.cpp:492]
    FJS-00010  Could not get value for property .
    INFO       2010-07-09 17:30:45.921 [sixxcstepexecute.cpp:1072]
    An error occured and the user decided to stop.\n Current step "|NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|5|0|createFirstSystemDirectories".
    INFO       2010-07-09 17:30:48.640 [synxccuren.cpp:1016]
               CSyCurrentProcessEnvironmentImpl::setWorkingDirectory(const CSyPath & C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/NW71/INSTALL/SYSTEM/MSS/STD/AS)
               lib=syslib module=syslib
    Working directory changed to C:/Program Files/sapinst_instdir/NW71/INSTALL/SYSTEM/MSS/STD/AS.
       LOG sapint.log
    INFO 2010-07-09 17:30:13.296
    Execute step createFirstSystemDirectories of component |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|5|0
    INFO 2010-07-09 17:30:13.750
    File system node C:/WINDOWS/TEMP exists already. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2010-07-09 17:30:13.765
    File system node D:/usr/sap exists already. Nothing to do.
    INFO 2010-07-09 17:30:13.765
    Creating SAP system shares for PI1...
    WARNING[E] 2010-07-09 17:30:13.921
    FSL-06002  Error 1060 (The specified service does not exist as an installed service.
    ) in execution of a 'OpenService' function, line (267), with parameter (ClusSvc).
    WARNING[E] 2010-07-09 17:30:14.109
    CJS-30129  Creating node $(DIR_CCMS) with type DIRECTORY failed. Original exception text was: syslib.filesystem.nodeCreationFailed:
    Unable to create node
    pgspi\saploc\ with type DIRECTORY: can't create parent node...
    WARNING[E] 2010-07-09 17:30:14.171
    CJS-30129  Creating node $(DIR_CCMS) with type DIRECTORY failed. Original exception text was: syslib.filesystem.nodeCreationFailed:
    Unable to create node
    pgspi\saploc\ with type DIRECTORY: can't create parent node...
    ERROR 2010-07-09 17:30:14.234
    FCO-00011  The step createFirstSystemDirectories with step key |NW_Onehost|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_Onehost_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|1|0|NW_System|ind|ind|ind|ind|5|0|createFirstSystemDirectories was executed with status ERROR .
    WARNING 2010-07-09 17:30:14.437
    Could not get property IDs of the JavaScript object.
    ERROR 2010-07-09 17:30:14.437
    FJS-00010  Could not get value for property
    I had found information about saploc  however  still I got the same 
    The installation is on Windows 2003 + Sql 2005
    Any suggestion    for this problem

    I deleted the system  with the wizard on sapinst
    NetWeaver Process Integration 7.1 Software Life-Cycle Options Uninstall Uninstall ‒ SAP systems or
    single instances .
    Edited by: Danny Sanchez on Jul 12, 2010 4:17 PM

  • A Common Sense Solution

    From a photographers perspective, I think many complaints about Photoshop CC are coming from people who have previously paid for the full version of Photoshop AND upgrades after that.
    First, the price for Photoshop is doubling for loyal users who upgrade each time, and increasing even more for casual users. Previous upgrades average out to $11 per month for consistent upgraders ($200 upgrade / 18 month product cycle).  A permanent $10 per month would be fair.  So, Adobe would be giving loyal users a DEAL to join the cloud version. And when factoring in people who upgraded infrequently and now join, Adobe would be making MORE money from them than their previous upgrade model!
    The second major issue: no matter how much money you have invested in Photoshop, no payments mean no using the software. How about every $200 in payments would lock upgraders into that current version and the software would not need to phone Adobe and feature updates would not download.  If you want the continued new features, then you can pay more. This would give Adobe more incentive to innovate to keep people subscribing for updates. If you stop payments after $200 and want to come back later to upgrade, you would need to pay for what you missed.
    To summarize, $10 per month for upgraders and after every $200 you lock in the current version.
    Personally, I bought Photoshop in the mid-90s and have paid a lot of money over the years to upgrade every single time.  I would be comfortable with the plan I outlined above.
    For new users, $20 per month and they lock in the current version when they reach $600.  This would be a $100 savings off the boxed version, thus an enticement to join.  After paying $600, they would then be considered an upgrader and their monthly fee would be $10.
    I think this is a common sense solution that would be fair to Adobe and the wide variety of photographers who use Photoshop.

    a very reasonable set of suggestions.   in the U.K. I am sure this would be acceptable given the prices presently charged!  my 18 month upgrade cycle has increased by 240% here due to this model, rising from £350 to £850

  • CUCM 8.6.2 /common Partition on read-only mode

    Hi Guys.
    We have installed a CUCM 8.6.2 on a UCS C210 and everything was looking fine for the last two weeks.
    I´ve noticed that "CDR Repository Manager" and "Cisco CAR DB" was not running, so I´ve accessed the CLI to start the "Cisco CAR DB" service.
    For my surprise, after logging in, I received the following message:
    Command Line Interface is starting up, please wait ... /var/log/active/platform/log/cli.bin (Read-only file system)
            at Method)
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)
            at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at sun.reflect.DelegatingMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(
            at java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(
            at org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter.setProperty(
            at org.apache.log4j.config.PropertySetter.setProperty(
            at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.setParameter(
            at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.parseAppender(
            at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.findAppenderByName(
            at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.findAppenderByReference(
            at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.parseChildrenOfLoggerElement(
            at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.parseRoot(
            at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.parse(
            at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.doConfigure(
            at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.doConfigure(
            at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.doConfigure(
            at org.apache.log4j.xml.DOMConfigurator.configure(
            at sdMain.initialize(
            at sdMain.main(
            at org.apache.log4j.AppenderSkeleton.doAppend(
            at org.apache.log4j.helpers.AppenderAttachableImpl.appendLoopOnAppenders(
            at org.apache.log4j.Category.callAppenders(
            at org.apache.log4j.Category.forcedLog(
            at org.apache.log4j.Category.debug(
            at sdMain.initialize(
            at sdMain.main(
    log4j:ERROR No output stream or file set for the appender named [CLI_LOG].
       Welcome to the Platform Command Line Interface
    VMware Installation:
            1 vCPU: Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU           E5649  @ 2.53GHz
            Disk 1: 80GB
            4096 Mbytes RAM
            The /common file system is mounted read only.
            Please use Recovery Disk to check the file system using fsck.
    In past months, we´ve noticed this error on MCS7800 servers, nothing about UCS servers.
    Here is the link for the correction on MCS:
    My doubt is how could be possible to have the same error on my CUCM virtual machine, since his Hard Drive is a vDisk?
    Did you already have this same problem?
    Any help would be appreciated.

    You get this type of corruption if the VM is powered off rather than being shut down, or if power is lost to the host for example (or it crashes for whatever reason).
    You just need to run the file check on the recovery CD, but at least you don't have to walk to the server to do it (you can just mount the ISO from vSphere).

  • When I try to login I only see a common bullet font or dingbat font

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    Hi crossover,
    Just a guess but with Safari open, from the Menu Bar, click Safari/Preferences/AutoFill and make sure you have the button next to Usernames and Passwords checked.
    Also, from the Menu Bar, when Safari acts weird, click Safari/Empty Cache and that can fix a myriad of bugs.

  • Mac OS, 4 people using Thunderbird at work, we have a common email "contact", when I move emails received on this address it moves them for everyone not just me

    We are a small company and we use Mac computers.
    We installed Thunderbird, and we have a problem with a shared email address "contact@":
    When I sort through the emails reveived in contact, it automatically removes them from my colleagues Inboxes on their computer.
    We have no problem with our personnal email addresses and are extremely happy with Thunderbird.
    What can we do to avoid Thunderbird from synchronising with the other computers in the office and wiping out the emails in this common email box?
    Thank you for your help

    You may be able to resolve the issue by adjusting:
    Specify when messages are automatically marked as "read"
    Menu location: Thunderbird | Preferences | Advanced | Reading & Display
    There is an outdated article at:
    that may provide helpful background, although the menus have changed so the options probably have too.

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