Compare String in a table and insert the common values into a New table

Hi all,
Anyone has idea on how to compare a string value in a table.
I have a Students Table with Student_id and Student_Subject_list columns as below.
create table Students( Student_id number,
Student_Subject_list varchar2(2000)
INSERT INTO Students VALUES (1,'Math,Science,Arts,Music,Computers,Law,Business,Social,Language arts,History');
INSERT INTO Students VALUES (2,'Math,Law,Business,Social,Language arts,History,Biotechnology,communication');
INSERT INTO Students VALUES (3,'History,Spanish,French,Langage arts');
INSERT INTO Students VALUES (4,'History,Maths,Science,Chemistry,English,Reading');
INSERT INTO Students VALUES (5,'Math,Science,Arts,Music,Computer Programming,Language arts,History');
INSERT INTO Students VALUES (6,'Finance,Stocks');
Student_id     Student_Subject_list
1     Math,Science,Arts,Music,Computers,Law,Business,Social,Language arts,History
2     Math,Law,Business,Social,Language arts,History,Biotechnology,communication
3     History,Spanish,French,Langage arts
4     History,Maths,Science,Chemistry,English,Reading
5     Math,Science,Arts,Music,Computer Programming,Language arts,History
6     Finance,Stocks
I need help or some suggestion in write a query which can compare each row string value of Student_Subject_list columns and insert the
common subjects into a new table(Matched_Subjects).The second table should have the below colums and data.
create table Matched_Subjects(Student_id number,
Matching_studesnt_id Number,
Matched_Student_Subject varchar2(2000)
INSERT INTO Matched_Subjects VALUES (1,2,'Math,Law,Business,Social,Language arts,History');
INSERT INTO Matched_Subjects VALUES (1,3,'History,Langage arts');
INSERT INTO Matched_Subjects VALUES (1,4,'History,Maths,Science');
INSERT INTO Matched_Subjects VALUES (1,5,'Math,Science,Arts,Music,Language arts,History');
INSERT INTO Matched_Subjects VALUES (2,3,'History,Langage arts');
INSERT INTO Matched_Subjects VALUES (2,4,'History,Maths');
INSERT INTO Matched_Subjects VALUES (2,5,'Math,Language arts,History');
INSERT INTO Matched_Subjects VALUES (3,4,'History');
INSERT INTO Matched_Subjects VALUES (3,5,'Language arts,History');
INSERT INTO Matched_Subjects VALUES (4,5,'Math,Science');
Student_id      Match_Student_id     Matched_Student_Subject
1     2     Math,Law,Business,Social,Language arts,History
1     3     History,Langage arts
1     4     History,Maths,Science
1     5     Math,Science,Arts,Music,Language arts,History
2     3     History,Langage arts
2     4     History,Maths
2     5     Math,Language arts,History
3     4     History
3     5     Language arts,History
4     5     Math,Science
any help will be appreciated.
Edited by: user7988 on Sep 25, 2011 8:45 AM

user7988 wrote:
Is there an alternate approach to this without using xmlagg/xmlelement What Oracle version are you using? In 11.2 you can use LISTAGG:
  into Matched_Subjects
  with t as (
             select  student_id,
                     column_value l,
                     regexp_substr(student_subject_list,'[^,]+',1,column_value) subject
               from  students,
                                         select  level
                                           from  dual
                                           connect by level <= length(regexp_replace(student_subject_list || ',','[^,]'))
                                as sys.OdciNumberList
  select  t1.student_id,
          listagg(t1.subject,',') within group(order by t1.l)
    from  t t1,
          t t2
    where t1.student_id < t2.student_id
      and t1.subject = t2.subject
    group by t1.student_id,
         1                    2 Math,Law,Business,Social,Language arts,History
         1                    3 Language arts,History
         1                    4 Science,History
         1                    5 Math,Science,Arts,Music,Language arts,History
         2                    3 Language arts,History
         2                    4 History
         2                    5 Math,Language arts,History
         3                    4 History
         3                    5 History,Language arts
         4                    5 History,Science
10 rows selected.
SQL> Prior to 11.2 you can create your own string aggregation function STRAGG - there are plenty of example on this forum. Or use hierarchical query:
  into Matched_Subjects
  with t1 as (
              select  student_id,
                      column_value l,
                      regexp_substr(student_subject_list,'[^,]+',1,column_value) subject
                from  students,
                                          select  level
                                            from  dual
                                            connect by level <= length(regexp_replace(student_subject_list || ',','[^,]'))
                                 as sys.OdciNumberList
       t2 as (
              select  t1.student_id student_id1,
                      t2.student_id student_id2,
                      row_number() over(partition by t1.student_id,t2.student_id order by t1.l) rn
                from  t1,
                      t1 t2
                where t1.student_id < t2.student_id
                  and t1.subject = t2.subject
  select  student_id1,
          ltrim(sys_connect_by_path(subject,','),',') MATCHED_STUDENT_SUBJECT
    from  t2
    where connect_by_isleaf = 1
    start with rn = 1
    connect by student_id1 = prior student_id1
           and student_id2 = prior student_id2
           and rn = prior rn + 1
         1                    2 Math,Law,Business,Social,Language arts,History
         1                    3 Language arts,History
         1                    4 Science,History
         1                    5 Math,Science,Arts,Music,Language arts,History
         2                    3 Language arts,History
         2                    4 History
         2                    5 Math,Language arts,History
         3                    4 History
         3                    5 History,Language arts
         4                    5 History,Science
10 rows selected.SY.

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       g_splited_range_arr   DATE_RANGE_ARR := DATE_RANGE_ARR( );
       g_travel_range        DATE_RANGE := DATE_RANGE( '20110101', '99991231' );
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          l_splited_range_arr   DATE_RANGE_ARR;
          SELECT start_date, end_date
            INTO l_splited_range_arr(start_date, end_date)
            FROM (WITH all_dates
                          AS (SELECT tr_start_date AS a_date, 0 AS black_out_val FROM TABLE( pr_travel_date_range )
                              UNION ALL
                              SELECT tr_end_date, 0 FROM TABLE( pr_travel_date_range )
                              UNION ALL
                              SELECT bo_start_date - 1, 1 FROM TABLE( pr_bo_arr )
                              UNION ALL
                              SELECT bo_end_date + 1, -1 FROM TABLE( pr_bo_arr )),
                          AS (SELECT a_date AS start_date,
                                     LEAD( a_date ) OVER (ORDER BY a_date, black_out_val) AS end_date,
                                     SUM( black_out_val ) OVER (ORDER BY a_date, black_out_val) AS black_out_cnt
                                FROM all_dates)
                    SELECT start_date, end_date
                      FROM got_analytics
                     WHERE black_out_cnt = 0 AND start_date < end_date
                  ORDER BY start_date);
          RETURN l_splited_range_arr;
        g_splited_range_arr := split_date_sql(g_travel_range,g_bo_arr);
        FOR index_g_splited_range_arr IN g_splited_range_arr .FIRST .. g_splited_range_arr .LAST LOOP       
            DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('g_splited_range_arr[' || index_g_splited_range_arr || ']: ' || g_splited_range_arr(index_g_splited_range_arr).start_date || '-'  || g_splited_range_arr(index_g_splited_range_arr).end_date );
        END LOOP;
    END;Or can I create a VIEW with parameters of Nested Tables in it so I can simply call
    SELECT  *
      BULK COLLECT INTO g_splited_range_arr
      FROM view_split_date(g_travel_range,g_bo_arr);

    For your questions:
    1) I don't want to store in the database as a nested table
    2) I don't want to retrieve data from the database. Data will come from function split_date() parameter and data will be processed in the function and function will return it in nested table format. For more detail please look at the raw function SQL.
    I have a SQL like:
    WITH all_dates
            AS (SELECT tr_start_date AS a_date, 0 AS black_out_val FROM travel
                UNION ALL
                SELECT tr_end_date, 0 FROM travel
                UNION ALL
                SELECT bo_start_date - 1, 1 FROM black_out_dates
                UNION ALL
                SELECT bo_end_date + 1, -1 FROM black_out_dates),
            AS (SELECT a_date AS start_date,
                       LEAD( a_date ) OVER (ORDER BY a_date, black_out_val)
                          AS end_date,
                       SUM( black_out_val ) OVER (ORDER BY a_date, black_out_val)
                          AS black_out_cnt
                  FROM all_dates)
      SELECT start_date, end_date
        FROM got_analytics
       WHERE black_out_cnt = 0 AND start_date < end_date
    ORDER BY start_date;I want to change the tables black_out_dates and travel to Nested Array so I can use it in a function with Nested Array travel and Nested Array black_out_dates parameters and the function will return Nested Array of date ranges.
    Here is what I want in raw SQL:
           g_splited_range_arr   DATE_RANGE_ARR := DATE_RANGE_ARR( );
           g_travel_range        DATE_RANGE := DATE_RANGE( '20110101', '99991231' );
           g_bo_arr              DATE_RANGE_ARR := DATE_RANGE_ARR( DATE_RANGE( '20110312', '20110317' ), DATE_RANGE( '20110315', '20110329' ) );
           FUNCTION split_date_sql( pr_travel_date_range    DATE_RANGE,
                                    pr_bo_arr               DATE_RANGE_ARR )
              l_splited_range_arr   DATE_RANGE_ARR;
              SELECT start_date, end_date
                INTO l_splited_range_arr(start_date, end_date)
                FROM (WITH all_dates
                              AS (SELECT tr_start_date AS a_date, 0 AS black_out_val FROM TABLE( pr_travel_date_range )
                                  UNION ALL
                                  SELECT tr_end_date, 0 FROM TABLE( pr_travel_date_range )
                                  UNION ALL
                                  SELECT bo_start_date - 1, 1 FROM TABLE( pr_bo_arr )
                                  UNION ALL
                                  SELECT bo_end_date + 1, -1 FROM TABLE( pr_bo_arr )),
                              AS (SELECT a_date AS start_date,
                                         LEAD( a_date ) OVER (ORDER BY a_date, black_out_val) AS end_date,
                                         SUM( black_out_val ) OVER (ORDER BY a_date, black_out_val) AS black_out_cnt
                                    FROM all_dates)
                        SELECT start_date, end_date
                          FROM got_analytics
                         WHERE black_out_cnt = 0 AND start_date < end_date
                      ORDER BY start_date);
              RETURN l_splited_range_arr;
            g_splited_range_arr := split_date_sql(g_travel_range,g_bo_arr);
            FOR index_g_splited_range_arr IN g_splited_range_arr .FIRST .. g_splited_range_arr .LAST LOOP       
                DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('g_splited_range_arr[' || index_g_splited_range_arr || ']: ' || g_splited_range_arr(index_g_splited_range_arr).start_date || '-'  || g_splited_range_arr(index_g_splited_range_arr).end_date );
            END LOOP;
           WHEN OTHERS
        END;I must change the tables black_out_dates and travel in a way so it will be something like
    FROM TABLE( pr_travel_date_range )to get the result into l_splited_range_arr so it will be something like
              SELECT start_date, end_date
                INTO l_splited_range_arr(start_date, end_date)
                FROM (

  • Comparing and picking the right value form one of the line item in a doc.

    Hi Gurus,
    I have requirement such that I have to show the tax jurisdiction code of only one item. That is if there are 5 line items with in a document and each one has diffeerent tax jurisdiction code, then we should be showing only one tax jurisdiction code for a document. Line items are not displayed in report. The condition to pick up tax jurisdiction code is the one which has least ending zeros.
    Doc1          Item          Tax Jurisdiction code
    1800000002       1          CNQC00000000000
    1800000002       2          CNQC00000000000
    1800000002       3          CN0000000000000
    1800000002       4          CNQC00000000000
    1800000002       5          TXJOHNCLEBUR000
    I have to display  the value of tax jurisdiction code corresponding to item 5  as its has least  zeros in it.
    So what I am trying to do is add another custom z object tax jurisdiction code and the value for this is populated using a routine in the update rules, such that comparing all the tax jurisdiction code for all the corresponding items in a document.
    Now the question is if I am reading all values of document no. line item and tax jurisdiction code into an internal table form communication structure for a data package. And in the update rule I will be writing a routine comparing the values of tax jurisdiction code from internal table and populating the desired value. Now the big question for me is if there are two line items of a document in one data package and another 3 line items of the corresponding same document in data package 2 then how can we compare the values of Tax jurisdiction code of all the 5 line items of a document.
    If this can be achieved using customer exit on the front end let me know and just inputs how the abap code would be or if not do I have to write abap in updates rules. I just want to know how to compare different values of Tax Jurisdiction code and select the one with has least ending zeros. For information the tax jurisdiction code is of type character and length 15.
    Any help is really appreciated.

    Yes, it's possible. Just use a regular text item. Create an LOV using the LOV wizard. When you define the query for the LOV's record group, enter a statement that selects from the other database table. Set the return value of the appropriate LOV column to be the text item on the form. Finally, assign the LOV to that text item, so that the LOV pops up when the user presses the LOV key with the cursor in that text item. You can also set the LOV so that it automatically displays when the cursor enters the text item.
    Just look up LOV in online help if you need more info.

  • How could I insert the deleted row into another table within a trigger?

    How could I insert the deleted row into another table within a trigger? The destination table has the same columns as the source table. Since the statements are in the trigger, it is not allowed to query the source table named 'test'. Thanks! The trigger is as follows, uncompleted:
    CREATE TRIGGER delete_trigger
    ON test
    -- How could I insert the deleted row into another table
    END delete_trigger;
    Message was edited by:

    I'm not sure what's wrong there.
    I read the oracle docs about ANALYZE and ALL_TAB_COLUMNS, and did the following:
    SELECT column_name
    FROM all_tab_columns
    WHERE table_name = 'my_tab'; //but no rows selected?
    This topic might not be what this thread should be about. Here I posted a new thread:
    How to get colum names of the newly created table?
    Message was edited by:

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    You DON'T remove the cover to access and insert the sim card in the the phone.
    The sim card tray on an iPhone is either at the top of the phone or on the side of the phone - just look at the top and then use the sim card tool that came with your phone and this will open the sim card tray.  You have no need to take the back off your phone whatsoever and has already been pointed out, if you do so, you warranty is voided, as the casing of iPhones are NOT designed to be removed.

  • How do I create a 1d array that takes a single calculation and insert the result into the first row and then the next calculation the next time the loop passes that point and puts the results in thsecond row and so on until the loop is exited.

    The attached file is work inprogress, with some dummy data sp that I can test it out without having to connect to equipment.
    The second tab is the one that I am having the problem with. the output array from the replace element appears to be starting at the index position of 1 rather than 0 but that is ok it is still show that the new data is placed in incrementing element locations. However the main array that I am trying to build that is suppose to take each new calculation and place it in the next index(row) does not ap
    pear to be working or at least I am not getting any indication on the inidcator.
    Basically what I am attempting to do is is gather some pulses from adevice for a minute, place the results for a calculation, so that it displays then do the same again the next minute, but put these result in the next row and so on until the specifiied time has expired and the loop exits. I need to have all results displayed and keep building the array(display until, the end of the test)Eventually I will have to include a min max section that displays the min and max values calculated, but that should be easy with the min max function.Actually I thought this should have been easy but, I gues I can not see the forest through the trees. Can any one help to slear this up for me.
    Attachments: ‏244 KB

    I didn't really have time to dig in and understand your program in depth,
    but I have a few tips for you that might things a bit easier:
    - You use local variables excessively which really complicates things. Try
    not to use them and it will make your life easier.
    - If you flowchart the design (very similar to a dataflow diagram, keep in
    mind!) you want to gather data, calculate a value from that data, store the
    calculation in an array, and loop while the time is in a certain range. So
    theres really not much need for a sequence as long as you get rid of the
    local variables (sequences also complicate things)
    - You loop again if timepassed+1 is still less than some constant. Rather
    than messing with locals it seems so much easier to use a shiftregister (if
    absolutely necessary) or in this case base it upon the number of iterations
    of the loop. In this case it looks like "time passed" is the same thing as
    the number of loop iterations, but I didn't check closely. There's an i
    terminal in your whileloop to read for the number of iterations.
    - After having simplified your design by eliminating unnecessary sequence
    and local variables, you should be able to draw out the labview diagram.
    Don't try to use the "insert into array" vis since theres no need. Each
    iteration of your loop calculates a number which goes into the next position
    of the array right? Pass your result outside the loop, and enable indexing
    on the terminal so Labview automatically generates the array for you. If
    your calculation is a function of previous data, then use a shift register
    to keep previous values around.
    I wish you luck. Post again if you have any questions. Without a more
    detailed understanding of your task at hand it's kind of hard to post actual
    code suggestions for you.
    "nelsons" wrote in message
    news:[email protected]...
    > how do I create a 1d array that takes a single calculation and insert
    > the result into the first row and then the next calculation the next
    > time the loop passes that point and puts the results in thsecond row
    > and so on until the loop is exited.
    > The attached file is work inprogress, with some dummy data sp that I
    > can test it out without having to connect to equipment.
    > The second tab is the one that I am having the problem with. the
    > output array from the replace element appears to be starting at the
    > index position of 1 rather than 0 but that is ok it is still show that
    > the new data is placed in incrementing element locations. However the
    > main array that I am trying to build that is suppose to take each new
    > calculation and place it in the next index(row) does not appear to be
    > working or at least I am not getting any indication on the inidcator.
    > Basically what I am attempting to do is is gather some pulses from
    > adevice for a minute, place the results for a calculation, so that it
    > displays then do the same again the next minute, but put these result
    > in the next row and so on until the specifiied time has expired and
    > the loop exits. I need to have all results displayed and keep building
    > the array(display until, the end of the test)Eventually I will have to
    > include a min max section that displays the min and max values
    > calculated, but that should be easy with the min max function.Actually
    > I thought this should have been easy but, I gues I can not see the
    > forest through the trees. Can any one help to slear this up for me.

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    Hello guys,
    I have a challenging task in from printing as follows,
    By using TC: IW3D we get print preview of PM Order Set (PM Print Program: YIPRJT01), currently the PRT document number prints in the PM Order. Now we have to insert the PRT documents (a PDF file) into the PM Order set rather than printing the PRT document number ( By using TC: IW33 by going OPERTIONAL TAB we will get the PRT document(a PDF file))
    The requirement is to retrieve the PRT document (a PDF file) and insert the document in PM  order set with out navigating separately by using the TC: IW33.
    If you run the script in the print preview we can able to see PM the order set along with the PRT document (a PDF file).
    Thanks & Regards

    I'm also trying to print PRT document with shop papers and still not able to do so. I selected "P" for print on the control key and it should print but still didn't print.
    If I understand it right, I think you are trying to do the same.
    Have you resolved this issue ?
    Thank you,

  • I need assistance in burning an imovie to a DVD.  I've done this before, but am having problems this go around.  When I get to the import section and insert the blank dvd it runs a few seconds and ejects it.  Any ideas?

    I am struggling with getting the imovie I just created to burn onto a DVD.  I have done this before, I'm following the tutorial for imovie '09 and it isn't working after several attempts.  Any suggestions?  When I get to the import phase and insert the blank dvd it runs a few seconds and then spits it out. 

    tomc1965 wrote:
    I bought a 47LA6200 TV and a BP530 blue ray player. I have my cable box hooked up to HDMI 1, I have my blue ray hooked up to HDMI 2, and my XBox 360 to HDMI 3. I have my cable box hooked up to my older JVC RX880V stereo digital optical to digital optical without any 5.1 problems at all.
    My TV digital optical out is hooked up to my stereo digital optical port 2 without any 5.1 problems either, sort of.
    My BP530 is hooked up to my stereo digital coax to digital coax but I cannot get any 5.1 sound at all. Not through any of the digital channels on the stereo at all.
    The player only comes through as standard stereo through all 4 speakers and I am not sure if it is coming through the base speaker at all.
    I have tried every setting on both the TV and the blue ray player to no avail. I have even tried to not use the digital on my blue ray but when the stereo is set to play from my tv optical I still don't get 5.1 sound.
    When I do not use the TV optical out but I do use the digital coax out from the DVD player I still cannot play my DVDs in 5.1. I have new HDMI 15gbps HDMI cables and a new digital coaxial cable so I don't think it is a cable thing.
    The real question is how do I get to hear my blue ray and DVD discs in 5.1 sound? Will this work if I exchange my blue ray player for a Denon 3D blue ray or other player?

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