Compass calibration is not accurate.

When I do the calibration routine with Compass in iOS7, the Level function is off. Not by a lot, but enough to make it useless as a level. Fore/aft is wrong, as well as sid-to-side readings. If I tap on the screen it will find a new 0 point, but then if I accidently touch the screen again, it goes back to the bad calibration. Is there a way to set a new calibration and have it "stick"?

Settings > Location Services > System Services...
It seems to use your location to correct for the difference between true and magnetic north.  Unless you need the compass for accurate navigation, you can probably turn it off.

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    I have a timer in the form of 0.00 the left of the decimal point should represent a second but it doesnt, run my code and see for yourselves. below is my code if anyone can fix these 2 problems i will be very thankfull:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.Shape;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.Timer;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class RT extends JFrame implements MouseMotionListener
        //declares a number of swing componets to be used for the JFrame
        private JTextArea infoJTextArea;
        private JPanel showJPanel, startJPanel, helpJPanel, resultsJPanel;
        private JLabel de4JLabel, de3JLabel, mainTitleJLabel, nameJLabel, ageJLabel,
                       deJLabel, de1JLabel, de2JLabel, timeJLabel,nameResultJLabel,
                       ageResultJLabel, timeResultsJLabel, ratingJLabel, coJLabel, shJLabel;
        private JTextField nameJTextField, ageJTextField,nameResultJTextField,
                       ageResultsJTextField, timeResultsJTextField, ratingJTextField;
        private JButton exitJButton, showJButton, loginJButton, startTestJButton,
        private JScrollPane scroll;
    public JComboBox colourJComboBox, sizeJComboBox, shapeJComboBox, speedJComboBox;
    private static Connection dbcon;
    int temp=0;
    private String[] col = { "Red", "Blue", "Green","Yellow","Orange","Black"};
    private String[] shapeA = { "Normal Rectangle", "Normal Circle", "Normal Oval","BIG Rectangle", "BIG Circle","BIG Oval","small rectangle","small circle", "small oval"};
    private String[] speed = { "Fast", "Normal", "Slow"};
    public int checking;
    static int flag, flagshape, flagspeed;
        // creates and sets up a number of varibles to be used by the class
        public long timeLimit = 0;
        DecimalFormat timeDec = new DecimalFormat (":00");
        public int age;
        public String name, shapeChoice="Normal Rectangle(Never selected anything)", colourChoice="Black(Never selected anything)";
        private Timer TimeNow;
        private JTextField timerJTextField;
        ShapeMovingPanel testJPanel;
        Random seed;
        Shape shape;
        Shape[] shapes = {new Rectangle2D.Double(50, 30, 75, 25),new Ellipse2D.Double(175, 125, 50, 50),new Ellipse2D.Double(90, 100, 75, 35),new Rectangle2D.Double(50, 30, 175, 125),new Ellipse2D.Double(175, 125, 125, 125),new Ellipse2D.Double(90, 100, 175, 135),new Rectangle2D.Double(50, 30, 55, 15),new Ellipse2D.Double(175, 125, 20,20),new Ellipse2D.Double(90, 100, 55, 15)};
    //50, 30, 75, 25 change starting point here****************************************
        public RT()            // constructor method
            seed = new Random();
            shape = shapes[0];
            //sets up the Timer
            TimeNow = new Timer((1), new TimerListener());//++++++++++++++++++++++++++timer -17
            createUserInterface();          // method that creates the user interface     
        private void createUserInterface()
            new Thread(new Runnable()
                public void run()
                    String results = "";
                    int count = 0;
                    boolean journeyOn = true;
                    while(journeyOn && count < 3)
                        catch(InterruptedException ie)
                            System.err.println("show interrupt: " + ie.getMessage());
                            journeyOn = false;
                        results += count++ + ", ";
                    try {
                             dbcon = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:CMT3991", "", ""); // Access/ODBC
                          //connection ash used to connect to the user table in access
                           } catch(Exception eee)
                           eee.printStackTrace();  //exception if error occurs during the driver connection
                             System.out.println("* UserDA CONNECTED *");
            Container contentPane = getContentPane();
            contentPane.setLayout( null );
            // set up infoJTextField
            infoJTextArea = new JTextArea();
            infoJTextArea.setBounds( 20, 420, 550, 170  );
            infoJTextArea.setEditable( false);
            infoJTextArea.setText("\n    Welcome to the reaction testing program, this " +
                            "program is designed to test your reactions in a  \n"+
                            "    number of different situations.\n"+"\n    Please " +
                            "enter your name and age, or select show previous results.");
            contentPane.add( infoJTextArea );
            scroll = new JScrollPane(infoJTextArea);
            scroll.setBounds(  20, 420, 550, 170 );
            contentPane.add( scroll );
                  startJPanel = new JPanel();
            startJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
                    new TitledBorder( "WELCOME - PLEASE ENTER YOUR NAME AND AGE:" ) );
            startJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( startJPanel );
            //sets up a JPanel
            mainTitleJLabel = new JLabel();
            mainTitleJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "title.png" ) );
            mainTitleJLabel.setBounds( 30, 10, 520, 170 );
            mainTitleJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
            startJPanel.add( mainTitleJLabel );
            //creates a newJLabel
            nameJLabel= new JLabel();
            nameJLabel.setBounds( 52, 200, 70, 35 );
            startJPanel.add( nameJLabel);
            //creates a new JTextField
            nameJTextField = new JTextField();
            nameJTextField.setBounds( 130, 200, 300, 24 );
            startJPanel.add( nameJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ageJLabel = new JLabel();
            ageJLabel.setBounds( 52, 245, 100, 35 );
            startJPanel.add( ageJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            ageJTextField = new JTextField();
            ageJTextField.setBounds( 130, 245, 300, 24 );
            startJPanel.add( ageJTextField );
            //creates a JButton
            loginJButton = new JButton();
            loginJButton.setBounds( 440, 200, 90, 24 );
            loginJButton.setText( "Login" );
            loginJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            startJPanel.add( loginJButton );
    //        loginJButton.setVisible(true);
                new ActionListener()    // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        // not necessary to pass events to these methods...
                        Login();  // calls the Login method                       
            //creates a JButton
            showJButton = new JButton();
            showJButton.setBounds( 200, 320, 180, 24 );
            showJButton.setText( "Show previous results" );
            showJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            startJPanel.add( showJButton );
    //        showJButton.setVisible(true);
                new ActionListener()    // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        showData();   // calls the showData method                       
            //sets up a JPanel
            showJPanel = new JPanel();
            showJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            showJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder( "PREVIOUS RESULTS:" ) );
            showJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( showJPanel );
            //sets up a JPanel
            helpJPanel = new JPanel();
            helpJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            new TitledBorder( "CHOOSE A NUMBER OF OPTIONS AND GET READY:" ) );
            helpJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( helpJPanel );
            //creates a newJLabel
            deJLabel= new JLabel();
            deJLabel.setBounds( 23, 390, 530, 35 );
            contentPane.add( deJLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            coJLabel= new JLabel();
            coJLabel.setBounds( 70, 40, 530, 35 );
            coJLabel.setText("Choose a colour:");
            helpJPanel.add( coJLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            de1JLabel= new JLabel();
            de1JLabel.setBounds( 25, 100, 530, 35 );
            de1JLabel.setText("You are about to start the reaction test, when you " +
                              "press the start button it will begin.");
            helpJPanel.add( de1JLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            de1JLabel= new JLabel();
            de1JLabel.setBounds(160, 145, 530, 35 );
            de1JLabel.setText("Simply catch the moving item and click.");
            helpJPanel.add( de1JLabel);
            colourJComboBox = new JComboBox( col );
               colourJComboBox.setBounds( 70, 70, 135, 21 );
               colourJComboBox.setMaximumRowCount( 3 );
               helpJPanel.add( colourJComboBox );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                         int x = colourJComboBox.getSelectedIndex();
                        if( x  == 0)
                             flag = 1;
                        else if(x  == 1)
                             flag = 2;
                        else if(x  == 2)
                             flag = 3;
                         else if(x  == 3)
                             flag = 4;
                         else if(x  == 4)
                             flag = 5;
                           else if(x  == 5)
                             flag = 6;
            shJLabel= new JLabel();
            shJLabel.setBounds( 340, 40, 530, 35 );
            shJLabel.setText("Choose a shape and size:");
            helpJPanel.add( shJLabel);
            shapeJComboBox = new JComboBox( shapeA );
               shapeJComboBox.setBounds( 340, 70, 135, 21 );
               shapeJComboBox.setMaximumRowCount( 3 );
               helpJPanel.add( shapeJComboBox );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                          int xshape = shapeJComboBox.getSelectedIndex();
                        //shapeChoice="Normal Rectangle";
                        if( xshape  == 0)
                        {     flagshape = 1;
                             shapeChoice="Normal Rectangle";
                        else if(xshape  == 1)
                        {     flagshape = 2;
                             shapeChoice="Normal Circle";
                        else if(xshape  == 2)//**********here
                        {     flagshape = 3;
                             shapeChoice="Normal Oval";
                        else if(xshape  == 3)
                        {     flagshape = 4;
                             shapeChoice="BIG Rectangle";
                        else if(xshape  == 4)
                       {      flagshape = 5;
                             shapeChoice="BIG Circle";
                        else if(xshape  == 5)
                     {        flagshape = 6;
                             shapeChoice="BIG Oval";
                        else if(xshape  == 6)
                             flagshape = 7;
                             shapeChoice="small rectangle";
                        else if(xshape  == 7)
                     {        flagshape = 8;
                             shapeChoice="small circle";
                        else if(xshape  == 8)
                     {        flagshape = 9;
                             shapeChoice="small oval";
          /*  speedJComboBox = new JComboBox( speed );
               speedJComboBox.setBounds( 10, 150, 135, 21 );
               speedJComboBox.setMaximumRowCount( 3 );
               helpJPanel.add( speedJComboBox );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                          int xspeed = speedJComboBox.getSelectedIndex();
                        if( xspeed  == 0)
                             flagspeed = 1;
                             else if(xspeed  == 1)
                             flagspeed = 2;
                             flagspeed = 3;
            //creates a newJLabel
            de2JLabel= new JLabel();
            de2JLabel.setBounds( 20, 380, 70, 35 );
            helpJPanel.add( de2JLabel);
            //creates a JButton
            startTestJButton = new JButton();
            startTestJButton.setBounds( 185, 205, 180, 60 );
            startTestJButton.setText( "START" );
            startTestJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            helpJPanel.add( startTestJButton );
    //        startTestJButton.setVisible(true);
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
            //sets up an animation panel
            testJPanel = new ShapeMovingPanel(this);
            testJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            testJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Click the moving object:"));
            testJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( testJPanel );
            //creates a newJLabel
            timeJLabel = new JLabel();
            timeJLabel.setBounds( 440, 330, 100, 35 );
            testJPanel.add( timeJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            timerJTextField = new JTextField();
            timerJTextField.setBounds( 480, 335, 60, 24 );
            timerJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.CENTER );
            timerJTextField.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            testJPanel.add( timerJTextField );
            resultsJPanel = new JPanel();
            resultsJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            resultsJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("HERE ARE YOUR RESULTS:"));
            resultsJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( resultsJPanel );
            de3JLabel= new JLabel();
            de3JLabel.setBounds(20, 200, 530, 35 );
            de3JLabel.setText("Below is also the movements you made with your mouse, " +
                              "you may exit the program now.");
            resultsJPanel.add( de3JLabel);
            de4JLabel= new JLabel();
            de4JLabel.setBounds(135, 245, 530, 35 );
            de4JLabel.setText("Thank you for trying the Reaction Testing program");
            resultsJPanel.add( de4JLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            nameResultJLabel= new JLabel();
            nameResultJLabel.setBounds( 62, 55, 50, 35 );
            resultsJPanel.add( nameResultJLabel);
            //creates a new JTextField
            nameResultJTextField = new JTextField();
            nameResultJTextField.setBounds( 140, 55, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( nameResultJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ageResultJLabel = new JLabel();
            ageResultJLabel.setBounds( 62, 90, 100, 35 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ageResultJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            ageResultsJTextField = new JTextField();
            ageResultsJTextField.setBounds( 140, 90, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ageResultsJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            timeResultsJLabel = new JLabel();
            timeResultsJLabel.setBounds( 62, 125, 100, 35 );
            timeResultsJLabel.setText("Time taken:");
            resultsJPanel.add( timeResultsJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            timeResultsJTextField = new JTextField();
            timeResultsJTextField.setBounds( 140, 125, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( timeResultsJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ratingJLabel = new JLabel();
            ratingJLabel.setBounds( 62, 160, 100, 35 );
            ratingJLabel.setText("Your Rating:");
            resultsJPanel.add( ratingJLabel );
            ratingJTextField = new JTextField();
            ratingJTextField.setBounds( 140, 160, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ratingJTextField );
            //creates a JButton
            exitJButton = new JButton();
            exitJButton.setBounds( 235, 310, 90, 24 );
            exitJButton.setText( "Exit" );
            exitJButton.setBackground( Color.WHITE );
            resultsJPanel.add( exitJButton );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when exitJButton is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        System.exit(0); //closes the programme
            }); // end anonymous inner class
            addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
            // set properties of application's window
            setTitle( "Reaction Tester - CMT3991" ); // set JFrame's title bar string
            //setSize( 1280,995 );    // set width and height of JFrame
            setSize( 608, 650 );         // set width and height of JFrame
            setVisible( true );       // display JFrame on screen
        //** set up of method main */
        public static void main( String[] args )
            RT application = new RT();
            application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
        } // end method main
         * action listener for TimeNow Timer
        private class TimerListener implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                timeLimit ++;          
                if (timeLimit==100)
                timerJTextField.setText(String.valueOf(temp +""+timeDec.format(timeLimit)));
        private void Login()
                name = nameJTextField.getText();
                age = Integer.parseInt(ageJTextField.getText());
                infoJTextArea.setText("\n    Welcome "+name+" you will soon know how " +
                                      "fast your reactions are.");
            catch (NumberFormatException exception)
                        "There is either a blank field or a number hasn't been entered",
                        "Input Type error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                //shows this is something has been entered wrong
        private void startTest()
          //  System.out.println(""+ seed.nextInt(shapes.length));
            //shape = shapes[seed.nextInt(shapes.length)];//****************************
            if (flagshape==1)
                 shape = shapes[0];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==2)
                 shape = shapes[1];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==3)
                 shape = shapes[2];// changed colour here***************************
           else if (flagshape==4)
                 shape = shapes[3];// changed colour here***************************
             else if (flagshape==5)
                 shape = shapes[4];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==6)
                 shape = shapes[5];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==7)
                 shape = shapes[6];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==8)
                 shape = shapes[7];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==9)
                 shape = shapes[8];// changed colour here***************************
           // shape = shapes[8];
         * called by animation panel after shape is clicked
        public void stop()
         * this will compete with your animation
         * ie, it will slow it down or make it appear jerky
        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
            saySomething("\n    Mouse moved", e);
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
            saySomething("\n    Mouse dragged", e);
        void saySomething(String eventDescription, MouseEvent e)
                         + " (" + e.getX() + "," + e.getY() + ")");
        private void movingObject()
            ageResultsJTextField.setText(String.valueOf(age)+" years old");
    System.out.println("shape used: "+shapeChoice);
            String mouse = infoJTextArea.getText();
            String tick = timerJTextField.getText();
                // create a file called welch.txt
                final FileWriter outputFile = new FileWriter("Backup_of_"+name+"s_results.txt", true);
                final BufferedWriter outputBuffer = new BufferedWriter(outputFile);
                // converts data to a formatted string
                final PrintWriter printstream = new PrintWriter(outputBuffer);
                printstream.println("THIS IS A BACKUP");
                printstream.println("The person's name is: "+name);
                printstream.println("There age is: "+age);
                printstream.println("Time taken: "+tick+" seconds");
                printstream.println("The Shape and size was: "+shapeChoice);
                printstream.println("It's colour was: "+colourChoice);
                printstream.println("The mouse moved as follows: "+mouse);
                //states what needs to be printed to the new file
                printstream.close(); // closes teh printstream
            catch(IOException eio)
                //catchs the IO exception
                ratingJTextField.setText("Thierry Henry");     
            else if(timeLimit<=10)
            else if(timeLimit<=15)
                ratingJTextField.setText("You gotta be fat or something");     
            else if(timeLimit<=20)
                ratingJTextField.setText("See a doctor");
            else if(timeLimit>20)
                ratingJTextField.setText("DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DOING!?");
            String rate=ratingJTextField.getText();
                   Statement st = dbcon.createStatement();
                   String cmd = "INSERT INTO users (Name, Age, Time_Taken, Rating, Mouse_Movement,Shape_and_Size, Shape_Colour) VALUES ('" + name + "' , " + age + " , '" + tick + "' , '" + rate+"','"+ mouse+"','"+ shapeChoice+"','"+ colourChoice+"');";
                //creates a SQL statement and executes it
                   st.close();//close the statement
              } catch (Exception eDA)
        private void showData()
            // pretend this takes awhile -> 3 seconds (count)
            new Thread(new Runnable()
                public void run()
                    String results = "";
                    int count = 0;
                    boolean journeyOn = true;
                    while(journeyOn && count < 3)
                        catch(InterruptedException ie)
                            System.err.println("show interrupt: " + ie.getMessage());
                            journeyOn = false;
                        results += count++ + ", ";
                    infoJTextArea.setText("Here are your results:\n"+results);
    class ShapeMovingPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener
        RT host;
        Timer timer;
        Shape shape, xformed;
        int x, y, dx, dy;
        public ShapeMovingPanel(RT rt)
            timer = new Timer(-20, this);     
            host = rt;
        /*    if (rt.flagspeed==1)
            timer = new Timer(-20, this);
            else if (rt.flagspeed==2)
                timer = new Timer(20, this);
            else if (rt.flagspeed==3)
            timer = new Timer(100, this);
            //change speed here******************************
            x = 0;//0
            y = 0;//0
            dx =2;//2
            dy = 3;//3
            addMouseListener(new ShapeTender());
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            int w = getWidth();
            int h = getHeight();
            if(w <= 0 || h <= 0)
            x += dx;
            y += dy;
        private void checkBoundries(int w, int h)
            Rectangle r = xformed.getBounds();
            Insets insets = getInsets();
            if(r.x + dx < insets.left || r.x + r.width + dx > w - insets.right)
                dx *= -1;
            if(r.y + dy < || r.y + r.height + dy > h - insets.bottom)
                dy *= -1;
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x, y);
            if (RT.flag==1)
            {g2.setPaint(;// changed colour here***************************
            else if (RT.flag==2)
            {g2.setPaint(;// changed colour here***************************
            else if (RT.flag==3)
            {g2.setPaint(;// changed colour here***************************
            else if (RT.flag==4)
            {g2.setPaint(Color.yellow);// changed colour here***************************
            else if (RT.flag==5)
            {g2.setPaint(;// changed colour here***************************
            else if (RT.flag==6)
            {g2.setPaint(;// changed colour here***************************

    I'm (being lazy and) using the older RT app posted on your last thread. I removed the
    TimeNow timer from the RT class and used System.currentTimeMillis (as you requested) to
    determine the elapsed time during the animation (see "startTest", "stop" and
    "movingObject" methods). Also changed the DecimalFormat to NumberFormat and set the
    "maximumFractionDigits" to "2" so it will truncate the fraction to two digits (more simple
    than before). Made arrangements for the ShapeMovingPanel class to update the
    "timerJTextField" during the animation (RT.updateTime method).
    The MouseMotionListener is causing the animation to appear jerky and uneven. The
    "mouseMoved" method is very busy while the mouse is moving. You might consider recording
    the "mousePressed" events instead of the "mouseMoved" events, ie, the events where the user
    is attempting to click inside the moving shape. It would allow the app to be more
    responsive and might eliminate the uneven motion of the animating shape.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.Timer;
    public class RT extends JFrame implements MouseMotionListener
        //declares a number of swing componets to be used for the JFrame
        private JTextArea infoJTextArea;
        private JPanel showJPanel, startJPanel, helpJPanel, resultsJPanel;
        private JLabel de4JLabel, de3JLabel, mainTitleJLabel, nameJLabel, ageJLabel,
                       deJLabel, de1JLabel, de2JLabel, timeJLabel,nameResultJLabel,
                       ageResultJLabel, timeResultsJLabel, ratingJLabel;
        private JTextField nameJTextField, ageJTextField,nameResultJTextField,
                       ageResultsJTextField, timeResultsJTextField, ratingJTextField;
        private JButton exitJButton, showJButton, loginJButton, startTestJButton,
        private JScrollPane scroll;;
        // creates and sets up a number of varibles to be used by the class
        private long startTime;
        private long endTime;
        public int timeLimit = 0;
        public int age;
        public String name;
        private JTextField timerJTextField;
        ShapeMovingPanel testJPanel;
        NumberFormat timeDec;
        Random seed;
        Shape shape;
        Shape[] shapes = {
            new Rectangle2D.Double(50, 30, 75, 25),
            new Ellipse2D.Double(175, 125, 50, 50),
            new Ellipse2D.Double(90, 100, 75, 35)
        public RT()
            timeDec = NumberFormat.getInstance();
            seed = new Random();
            shape = shapes[0];
        private void createUserInterface()
            Container contentPane = getContentPane();
            contentPane.setLayout( null );
            // set up infoJTextField
            infoJTextArea = new JTextArea();
            infoJTextArea.setBounds( 20, 420, 550, 170  );
            infoJTextArea.setEditable( false);
            infoJTextArea.setText("\n    Welcome to the reaction testing program, this " +
                            "program is designed to test your reactions in a  \n"+
                            "    number of different situations.\n"+"\n    Please " +
                            "enter your name and age, or select show previous results.");
            contentPane.add( infoJTextArea );
            scroll = new JScrollPane(infoJTextArea);
            scroll.setBounds(  20, 420, 550, 170 );
            contentPane.add( scroll );
              startJPanel = new JPanel();
            startJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
                    new TitledBorder( "WELCOME -PLEASE ENTER YOUR NAME AND AGE:" ) );
            startJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( startJPanel );
            //sets up a JPanel
            mainTitleJLabel = new JLabel();
            mainTitleJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "title.png" ) );
            mainTitleJLabel.setBounds( 30, 10, 520, 170 );
            mainTitleJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
            startJPanel.add( mainTitleJLabel );
            //creates a newJLabel
            nameJLabel= new JLabel();
            nameJLabel.setBounds( 52, 200, 70, 35 );
            startJPanel.add( nameJLabel);
            //creates a new JTextField
            nameJTextField = new JTextField();
            nameJTextField.setBounds( 130, 200, 300, 24 );
            startJPanel.add( nameJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ageJLabel = new JLabel();
            ageJLabel.setBounds( 52, 245, 100, 35 );
            startJPanel.add( ageJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            ageJTextField = new JTextField();
            ageJTextField.setBounds( 130, 245, 300, 24 );
            startJPanel.add( ageJTextField );
            //creates a JButton
            loginJButton = new JButton();
            loginJButton.setBounds( 440, 200, 90, 24 );
            loginJButton.setText( "Login" );
            loginJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            startJPanel.add( loginJButton );
                new ActionListener()    // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        // not necessary to pass events to these methods...
                        Login();  // calls the Login method                       
            //creates a JButton
            showJButton = new JButton();
            showJButton.setBounds( 200, 320, 180, 24 );
            showJButton.setText( "Show previous results" );
            showJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            startJPanel.add( showJButton );
                new ActionListener()    // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        showData();   // calls the showData method                       
            //sets up a JPanel
            showJPanel = new JPanel();
            showJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            showJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder( "PREVIOUS RESULTS:" ) );
            showJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( showJPanel );
            //sets up a JPanel
            helpJPanel = new JPanel();
            helpJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            new TitledBorder( "HELP DETAILS:" ) );
            helpJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( helpJPanel );
            //creates a newJLabel
            deJLabel= new JLabel();
            deJLabel.setBounds( 23, 390, 530, 35 );
            contentPane.add( deJLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            de1JLabel= new JLabel();
            de1JLabel.setBounds( 25, 100, 530, 35 );
            de1JLabel.setText("You are about to start the reaction test, when you " +
                              "press the start button it will begin.");
            helpJPanel.add( de1JLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            de1JLabel= new JLabel();
            de1JLabel.setBounds(160, 145, 530, 35 );
            de1JLabel.setText("Simply catch the moving item and click.");
            helpJPanel.add( de1JLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            de2JLabel= new JLabel();
            de2JLabel.setBounds( 20, 380, 70, 35 );
            helpJPanel.add( de2JLabel);
            //creates a JButton
            startTestJButton = new JButton();
            startTestJButton.setBounds( 185, 205, 180, 60 );
            startTestJButton.setText( "START" );
            startTestJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            helpJPanel.add( startTestJButton );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
            //sets up an animation panel
            testJPanel = new ShapeMovingPanel(this);
            testJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            testJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Click the moving object:"));
            testJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( testJPanel );
    // this is causing the animation to appear uneven
    // you can try the app with and without this to see
    //        testJPanel.addMouseMotionListener(this);
            //creates a newJLabel
            timeJLabel = new JLabel();
            timeJLabel.setBounds( 440, 330, 100, 35 );
            testJPanel.add( timeJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            timerJTextField = new JTextField();
            timerJTextField.setBounds( 480, 335, 60, 24 );
            timerJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.CENTER );
            timerJTextField.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            testJPanel.add( timerJTextField );
            resultsJPanel = new JPanel();
            resultsJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            resultsJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("HERE ARE YOUR RESULTS:"));
            resultsJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( resultsJPanel );
            de3JLabel= new JLabel();
            de3JLabel.setBounds(20, 200, 530, 35 );
            de3JLabel.setText("Below is also the movements you made with your mouse, " +
                              "you may exit the program now.");
            resultsJPanel.add( de3JLabel);
            de4JLabel= new JLabel();
            de4JLabel.setBounds(135, 245, 530, 35 );
            de4JLabel.setText("Thank you for trying the Reaction Testing program");
            resultsJPanel.add( de4JLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            nameResultJLabel= new JLabel();
            nameResultJLabel.setBounds( 62, 55, 50, 35 );
            resultsJPanel.add( nameResultJLabel);
            //creates a new JTextField
            nameResultJTextField = new JTextField();
            nameResultJTextField.setBounds( 140, 55, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( nameResultJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ageResultJLabel = new JLabel();
            ageResultJLabel.setBounds( 62, 90, 100, 35 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ageResultJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            ageResultsJTextField = new JTextField();
            ageResultsJTextField.setBounds( 140, 90, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ageResultsJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            timeResultsJLabel = new JLabel();
            timeResultsJLabel.setBounds( 62, 125, 100, 35 );
            timeResultsJLabel.setText("Time taken:");
            resultsJPanel.add( timeResultsJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            timeResultsJTextField = new JTextField();
            timeResultsJTextField.setBounds( 140, 125, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( timeResultsJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ratingJLabel = new JLabel();
            ratingJLabel.setBounds( 62, 160, 100, 35 );
            ratingJLabel.setText("Your Rating:");
            resultsJPanel.add( ratingJLabel );
            ratingJTextField = new JTextField();
            ratingJTextField.setBounds( 140, 160, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ratingJTextField );
            //creates a JButton
            exitJButton = new JButton();
            exitJButton.setBounds( 235, 310, 90, 24 );
            exitJButton.setText( "Exit" );
            exitJButton.setBackground( Color.WHITE );
            resultsJPanel.add( exitJButton );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when exitJButton is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        System.exit(0); //closes the programme
            }); // end anonymous inner class
            addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
            // set properties of application's window
            setTitle( "Reaction Tester - CMT3991" ); // set JFrame's title bar string
            //setSize( 1280,995 );    // set width and height of JFrame
            setSize( 608, 650 );         // set width and height of JFrame
            setVisible( true );       // display JFrame on screen
        //** set up of method main */
        public static void main( String[] args )
            RT application = new RT();
            application.setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
        } // end method main
        private void Login()
                name = nameJTextField.getText();
                age = Integer.parseInt(ageJTextField.getText());
                infoJTextArea.setText("\n    Welcome "+name+" you will soon know how " +
                                      "fast your reactions are");
            catch (NumberFormatException exception)
                        "There is either a blank field or a number hasn't been entered",
                        "Input Type error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                //shows this is something has been entered wrong
        private void startTest()
            shape = shapes[seed.nextInt(shapes.length)];
            startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
         * called by animation panel after shape is clicked
        public void stop()
            endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
         * called by timer actionPerformed in ShapeMovingPanel
        public void updateTime()
            long timeNow = System.currentTimeMillis();
            double elapsed = (timeNow - startTime)/1000.0;
         * this will compete with your animation
         * ie, it will slow it down or make it appear jerky
        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
            saySomething("\n    Mouse moved", e);
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
            saySomething("\n    Mouse dragged", e);
        void saySomething(String eventDescription, MouseEvent e)
                         + " (" + e.getX() + "," + e.getY() + ")");
        private void movingObject()
            ageResultsJTextField.setText(String.valueOf(age)+" years old");
            double elapsedTime = (endTime - startTime)/1000.0;
            timeLimit = (int)elapsedTime;
            timeResultsJTextField.setText(timeDec.format(elapsedTime)+" seconds");
            String mouse = infoJTextArea.getText();
            String tick = timeDec.format(elapsedTime);
                // create a file called welch.txt
                final FileWriter outputFile = new FileWriter(name+".txt", true);
                final BufferedWriter outputBuffer = new BufferedWriter(outputFile);
                // converts data to a formatted string
                final PrintWriter printstream = new PrintWriter(outputBuffer);
                printstream.println("The person's name is: "+name);
                printstream.println("There age is: "+age);
                printstream.println("Time taken: "+tick+" seconds");
                printstream.println("The mouse moved as follows: "+mouse);
                //states what needs to be printed to the new file
                printstream.close(); // closes teh printstream
            catch(IOException eio)
                //catchs the IO exception
                ratingJTextField.setText("Thierry Henry");     
                ratingJTextField.setText("You gotta be fat or something");     
                ratingJTextField.setText("See a doctor");
            String rate=ratingJTextField.getText();
        private void showData()
    //        String results = "";
    //        infoJTextArea.setText("Here are your results:\n"+results);
    class ShapeMovingPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener
        RT host;
        Timer timer;
        Shape shape, xformed;
        int x, y, dx, dy;
        public ShapeMovingPanel(RT rt)
            host = rt;
            timer = new Timer(25, this);
            x = 0;
            y = 0;
            dx = 2;
            dy = 3;
            addMouseListener(new ShapeTender());
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            int w = getWidth();
            int h = getHeight();
            if(w <= 0 || h <= 0)
            x += dx;
            y += dy;
            // update RT.timerJTextField
        private void checkBoundries(int w, int h)
            Rectangle r = xformed.getBounds();
            Insets insets = getInsets();
            if(r.x + dx < insets.left || r.x + r.width + dx > w - insets.right)
                dx *= -1;
            if(r.y + dy < || r.y + r.height + dy > h - insets.bottom)
                dy *= -1;
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x, y);
            xformed = at.createTransformedShape(shape);
        public void start()
        public void setShape(Shape s)
            shape = s;
            Rectangle r = shape.getBounds();
            x = r.x;
            y = r.y;
        private class ShapeTender extends MouseAdapter
            public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)

  • How do I rename one wrongly identified photo in Faces? I seem to only be able to merge two stacks of photos to the correct name, but that is not accurate. I only have one photo in a batch under a certain name, that is wrongly identified.

    How do I rename one wrongly identified photo in Faces? I seem to only be able to merge two stacks of photos to the correct name, but that is not accurate. I only have one photo in a batch under a certain name, that is wrongly identified.

    In iPhoto '11: Select the photo in the "Faces" stack, open the "Info" panel, click on the face name in the "faces" brick and then on the name below the face to edit the name.

  • Hello there! i am using Adobe acrobat pro DC and using windows 8.1. Recently I was trying to convert a web page (includes greek letters) into pdf. I noticed that the conversion is not accurate, some words are missing, some are misplaced. Especially greek

    hello there! i am using Adobe acrobat pro DC and using windows 8.1. Recently I was trying to convert a web page (includes Greek letters) into PDF. I noticed that the conversion is not accurate, some words are missing, some are misplaced. Especially Greek words are not accurately converted or even not converted. Please give me some suggestions to improve this issue. Regards

    Hey quantum info,
    Thank you for posting at Adobe forums. We would love to help you out.
    Could you please let me know if you have tried converting other web pages to PDF and checked if the same issue persists.
    How have you been trying to convert the web page to PDF?
    Are you trying to convert to PDF directly via browsers or using "File > Create > PDF from Web Page"  option in Acrobat.
    Let me know more so that I can analyze where actually the issue persists.
    Hope to hear from you.

  • Search results are not accurate

    am facing a unique issue in SP 2013. Whenever we search for a search criteria the results returned is not accurate always. Every time we navigate across pages, the search results change which is not
    a desired behavior. However we also noticed that the refiner panel does not change as well and it retains the old count which leads to inconsistent results when user selects a criteria from the refiner.
     any pointers /  helpful links  regarding this issue, if any anyone has surfaced,  is highly appreciated!  

    According to your post, my understanding is that search results are not accurate.
    I recommend to run a full crawl and then to check whether the search results are correct.
    If your incremental crawl is running, it may happen that, when you are viewing the data in the search result web part, the newly added content are not crawled yet.
    So, after the content are updated, wait for some time.
    Let your incremental crawl finish. Then view the results on the page.
    More information:
    Understanding how search results are displayed in SharePoint Server 2013
    Searching new content with SharePoint Search
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • File.exists() is not accurate on smb2 network share (use WatchService?)

    According to this document: SMB2 Client Redirector Caches Explained File.exists() is not accurate on a smb2 network share. I am not able to change any register settings, so I want to deal with it. According to the document there is an API to get the notifications from the file system. I assumed that the WatchService is the Java implementation of this API. Am I correct?
    I started with the WatchDir example from the jdk samples and stripped it a bit. I only need to know when a file is created and delete (I don't care about file modifications). For testing I have added new File.exists() when a new event has been triggered. I also start a separated Thread which test the file existence also. When I don't start this separated thread the file exists returns true immediately. When the extra thread is started it is not accurate any more. I need a more accurate file.exists check in the whole application and all running threads.
    The output for my test case is this:
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    watch registered for dir: subdir\
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    WatchDir event: ENTRY_CREATE: test.txt
    WatchDir: subdir\test.txt exists == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == true
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == true
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == true
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == true
    As you can see the file test.txt  is created on line 9. The FileExistsThread have seen it on line 20, (at least 10 x 300 ms later).
    For testing I have used 2 Windows 7 pc's (with smb2 enabled which is default). The working directory must be on the remote pc and the file test.txt must be created (or copied from another folder) on the remote pc (not using the network drive, but on the pc itself).
    Here is my test code:
    package nl.test.main;
    import static java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE;
    import static java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_DELETE;
    import static java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds.OVERFLOW;
    import java.nio.file.ClosedWatchServiceException;
    import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
    import java.nio.file.Path;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    import java.nio.file.WatchEvent;
    import java.nio.file.WatchKey;
    import java.nio.file.WatchService;
    public class WatchDir
      private final WatchService _watcher;
      private final String _dir;
      public WatchDir( String dir ) throws IOException
        _dir = dir;
        _watcher = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService();
        Paths.get( dir ).register( _watcher, ENTRY_CREATE, ENTRY_DELETE );
        System.out.println( "watch registered for dir: " + dir );
      public void run()
          while ( true )
            WatchKey key = _watcher.take();
            for ( WatchEvent<?> event : key.pollEvents() )
              WatchEvent.Kind<?> kind = event.kind();
              if ( kind == OVERFLOW )
              @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
              WatchEvent<Path> ev = (WatchEvent<Path>)event;
              Path fileName = ev.context();
              System.out.println( "WatchDir event: " + + ": " + fileName );
              if ( kind == ENTRY_CREATE )
                String realPath = _dir + fileName;
                System.out.println( "WatchDir: " + realPath + " exists == " + new File( realPath ).exists() );
        catch ( ClosedWatchServiceException x )
        catch ( InterruptedException ex )
      public static void main( String[] args )
        Thread t = new Thread( new Runnable()
          public void run()
              while ( true )
                String filename = "subdir\\test.txt";
                boolean fileExists = new File( filename ).exists();
                System.err.println( "FileExistsThread: " + filename + " == " + fileExists );
                Thread.sleep( 300 );
            catch ( InterruptedException e )
          new WatchDir( "subdir\\" ).run();
        catch ( IOException e )
    Any idea's?

    If you donot have access to note 45172.1 as specified by Laurent Schneider.
    Snippet from note
    a. Mapped Drive : To use a mapped drive, the user that the service starts as
    must have setup a drive to match UTL_FILE_DIR and be logged onto the server
    when UTL_FILE is in use.
    b. Universal Naming Convention : UNC is preferable to Mapped Drives because
    it does not require anyone to be logged on and UTL_FILE_DIR should be set to
    a name in the form :
    \\\<machine name>\<share name>\<path>
    "\\<machine name>\<share name>\<path>"

  • Forwarding Rates are not accurate

    Yesterday I activated forwarding calls, and I have two questions :
    Rates to United Stats is 2.3¢/min
    and when I received calls they charged me $0.8 per min !!!!!!!!!!!!​2.jpg
    The second question is :
    couples of my friends reported that after skype starts ringing for few seconds, It doesn't forward their call to my phone properly !!! It stops ringing when It supposedly forwarding their call to me !!!

    According to your post, my understanding is that search results are not accurate.
    I recommend to run a full crawl and then to check whether the search results are correct.
    If your incremental crawl is running, it may happen that, when you are viewing the data in the search result web part, the newly added content are not crawled yet.
    So, after the content are updated, wait for some time.
    Let your incremental crawl finish. Then view the results on the page.
    More information:
    Understanding how search results are displayed in SharePoint Server 2013
    Searching new content with SharePoint Search
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Freeway traffic data is not accurate in Seatte Area

    I'm finding in Seattle area (I5, 520, I90, 99) that the traffic data is not accurate.
    I've seen it on a few occasions now when I'm picking a route to avoid conjested areas that sometimes I've had to go along a RED freeway and found it to be open and problem free.
    How often is the data updated - how old is it ?
    Is there a way on the iPhone to get the Maps app to refresh its data

    Use Safari and go to this page:
    It might be better.

  • When i print out a color photo the colors are not accurate

    I have a new envy110 series CQ811A. I have a windows 7 64-bit laptop. There are no error messages and the Envy works great but when i print a picture off of a web site the colors are not accurate and i mean none of them. i have returned one printer already but this one is doing the same thing. i really like this printer but if it won't print the colors correctly  i don't know what i will do. I also have a HP C4280 All In One Photo Smart and whatever is printed off the colors are great it just is not wireless. I have tried everything and nothing helps. Is there a solution

    Hi easyneez5!
       Sorry to hear it's not printing web pages so well.
     I do have a suggestion, that may or may not align with the way your are used to printing web pages; HP has a new and improved application for printing web page content; HP Smart Print.
       It's supported on IE (most versions) and can do some neat tricks:
      There are also other potential 'tweaks' you can try in the [Printing Preferences] / [Advanced]: Image Color Managment; You might try setting it from 'ICM Handled by Host System' (default) to 'ICM Handled by Printer' or even 'ICM Disabled'.
       Again, this is merely a potential way to check to see if this helps get those colors right; and remember your settings before you change them.
      Hope this helps
    HardCopy (I am employed by HP) [If this was helpful, please mark this 'Solved' or 'Accept as Solution' so others can find this too]
    How to Give Kudos | How to mark as Solved

  • Location found is not accurate.

    Location found is not accurate. It appears to be several blocks off. This is in a large city. Why would this happen?

    Depends on the device.  If it relies on wifi, then the router must be properly "registered" with its location in order to have the device located.  The router's location may be off.  If the device has GPS then the location should be accurate, although at times my location is a little off when my iPhone is travelling.

  • Lightroom 4.0 Lat/Long not accurate enough

    The latitude and longitude conversion in LR 4.0 map is not very accurate.  I plan to use this feature extensively and right now the accuracy is marginal.
    I enclose a screen shot that shows the problem.    The first point is labelled: "Placed at right location in Google Earth".  This point was placed in GE
    exactly on that spot.  Its coordinates are: 42.601830, -5.581437.  The second point is labelled "Same location converted from LR 4.0".  I placed that
    point in LR 4.0 at the exact same location as the first point.  LR marked that position as: 42°36'7" N 5°34'53" W which I hand-converted to
    42.60194444,  -5.58138888.  The second arrow to the NE of the first is placed at that location.  Close but no cigar.  That makes your photo placement
    feature in LR 4.0 not accurate enough for many uses.  I have a KMZ that shows all this but I couldn't figure out how to submit it.
    I'm glad to have the chance to use LR 4.0 which I like.  I use LR all day long and have for years.
    Bob Consoli
    [email protected]
    [email protected]

    This looks like an instance of the bug described here: wildly_inaccurate_in_lightroom_4_beta
    Please visit that post and add your opinion and vote. 
    It appears that LR 4 beta uses the Google Maps API to reverse geocode the original GPS location to the nearest named entity, such as a street address, and then uses the location of that entity to tag the photo, rather than the original GPS location.
    In your example, this is what Google Maps shows when you search for 42.601830, -5.581437:
    The green arrow is the exact location, and the red "A" is the nearest named entity, Plaza de San Marcos, 4.  When you search for that GPS location in LR 4, it shows the location of the named entity (the red "A" above), rather than the original GPS location:

  • Since installing ios6, my contacts groups are not selectable and reminders is not accurate on the i phone

    Since installing ios 6, mygroups in contacts groups are not selectable and reminders is not accurate on the i phone: no problems with the ipad.
    On reminders, it says 28 but I only have 7. i cloud is accurate.
    Anyone having these problems with ios6 on iphone 4? (Verizon)

    In case you are using "Clear history when Firefox closes":
    *do not clear the Browsing History
    *Firefox > Preferences > Privacy > Firefox will: "Use custom settings for history": [X] "Clear history when Firefox closes" > Settings
    Note that clearing "Site Preferences" clears all exceptions for cookies, images, pop-up windows, software installation, passwords, and other website specific data.
    You can check for problems with the sessionstore.js and sessionstore.bak files in the Firefox profile folder that store session data.
    *Help > Troubleshooting Information > Profile Directory: Show Folder (Linux: Open Directory; Mac: Show in Finder)
    Deleting sessionstore.js will cause App Tabs and Tab Groups and open and closed (undo) tabs to get lost and you will have to recreate them (make a note or bookmark them if possible).

  • High sampling rate is not accurate

    Dear alls,
    Any one know why the time loop is not accurate at defined period at the RealTime Trace Viewer ? In figure of VI, I set the period for the time loop is 250 us, but when I analyze in Real time Trace Viewer, it shows the real period time about 676 us. That means my data acquisition will be sampled in wrong sampling rate.
    Could you give me some explane, please? And how can I solve this problem? I tested this code with MyRIO board.
    Best Regards,

    crossrulz wrote:
    Why do you have a wait in your timed loop?  The point of the Timed Loop is to state the loop rate.
     ??? Bigger problems than that!  Why do you have any timing other that the TASK timing? And really, The task timing is most likely the loop rate.
    Can you post your actual VI?  I suspect something else is happening here that we cannot see (configurations, channels used, etc).
    And a snip of the Task needs posting

  • Render Times on FCP Not Accurate?

    Hi, <- My casual Greeting
    Hopefully there are a few video editors out there on the forum... cause this one is program specific....
    So I have been an avid Final Cut Pro guy for the last 4 years. I love the program.... I can work very easily in it but recently I got a new job in which I have been using both FCP and Adobe Premier.
    Here is my issue... I have been using files that come in as MPEG 2 and have been using MPEG Streamclip to convert them over to a ProRes file for FCP. From FCP I have had to export them into 3 formats
    1. Mpeg 4 (the file format our website takes)
    2. FLV (Format for online video sites)
    3. QuickTime (XDCAM) for our tricaster
    The last week I have been using FCP and my render times have been (for a 5 min clip)
    1. Mpeg 1 hour+
    2. FLV 20 min+
    3. QuickTime (XDCAM) 1 hour +
    Yesterday I was told to use Premier as my boss uses Premier on a regualr basis and I assured him that the times would be the same as FCP is a Mac native program and that Premier was made to work on a mac but is essentially a PC program (I am eating my words now)...
    I redid the renders on the same file...
    On premier the render times were
    1. Mpeg 30+ min
    2. FLV 12 min
    3. QuickTime (XDCAM) 40 min
    Why is this? Do I just have something really messed up in my settings that FCP is not rendering quickly and Premier is? I would hate to have to hop over to Premier... I enjoy using FCP way to much.
    The other question I have is why are FCP render times not accurate...
    The renders will start saying 5 min then 10 then an hour etc.... and the time will not be accurate. If it says 5 min it may go for an hour... or if it says an hour it may just complete while still telling me I have an hour to wait.
    Adobe Premier, right off the bat, will tell me the frame it is on and the percent and time left... almost to the T.
    If possible... please help me get my fcp back on the right track.

    Rendering can be much faster if you have a multi core intel Mac and you use Qmaster with Quick Clusters.
    Here's how.
    Set up Quick Clusters in Qmaster. (A description of how to do this is in the manual and also can be found in the Qmaster forum here in the Apple discussions as well as out on the web.)
    Export your sequence from FCP using "current settings". (Do NOT use Quicktime Conversion!)
    Open up Compressor and submit your file. Add the three output elements.
    Submit the file and click "use unmanaged services"
    Go have a cup of coffee while all the cores chug away at things. I guarantee it will be faster than the way you are currently exporting (if you aren't using clusters)

Maybe you are looking for

  • DR8P Problems

    Hi,  I cant seem to get my DR8P to burn any more, on any media. Here is a log from Nero it seems to indicate the first failure as Sense Key:  0x03 (KEY_MEDIUM_ERROR)    Sense Code: 0x73    Sense Qual: 0x03 A quick google (03/73/03) shows that this is

  • Cannot update applications via iphone

    I have had my iPhone 3gs 16gb for about two weeks. The day I got it I updated to 3.1.2 software. Since then some apps will update and some won't. Currently I am trying to update Recorder. I get the message "Cannot connect to iTunes Store". I have tri

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    hi how to find the total backorders of a material. regards kq

  • Can't download the latest Itunes

    I am trying to get the latest version of itunes but it keeps giving me an error message that says the feature you are trying to use is on a network resource that is unavailable. HELP!