E72 Compass extremely not accurate

Hello. I have problem with E72 digital compass. It's not accurate - it is mistaken about direction I face in about 30-35 degrees and it makes compass useless. I've tried to turn off compass in Ovi maps, restarting device and recalibrating compass- still not accurate at all. I've turned all rotate sensors off and recalibrated compass- still no result. I live in Moscow (Russia) and got map of Russia downloaded by Nokia Maps Loader (or however this application made by Nokia called). Is there anyway to hard reset compass to factory defaults and recalibrate it? Or any other way to fix it's accuracy?  
P.S. After each calibrating compass indicator tuns green, but in fact it isn't well calibrated as accuracy is very bad. And it always mistaken in the same way - compass points direction like it is turned to the right for 30-35 degrees. So the same accurate problem all the time - compass thinks he is turned to the right for 30 degrees but in fact it's not accurate.

Dear hadimassa, thank u for your reply. Unfortunately it is not very helpfull, but I appreciate your help anyway. I've read E72 manual and it's part about compass calibration. I know how to calibrate it so the indicator turnes green. And the point is not the accuracy of GPS - the GPS itself works brilliant if there are no hight buildings around. The point is that even 'calibrated' compass (when indicator is already green) points the direction wrong. Not totally wrong, but compass is mistaken for about 30-35 degrees. And even if GPS status bar is nearly fully green (many satellites seen by device) accuracy of compass doesn't improve. Maybe it is connected with my journey in tram. When I turned on Ovi Maps in tram digital compass went completly mad - pointing different directions every 3 seconds. But I thought it was because of electromagnetic field of the tram. Maybe it did damaged compass of my E72 by anyway? Is it possible?

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    - The "simplified" user interface of OviMaps is now giving even less GPS information than before. Next it will probably be as useless a an iPhone, when it comes to wanting to know how many satellites it is trying to get a fix on. Believe it or not, this is very useful information to anyone who wants to get a fix in a challenging environment. It's frustrating to watch a single yellow line blinking an not having a clue wheter one is missing one or four satellitse fixes to get a location.
    Has anyone else been having these same problems, especially with the rotation? (E72-1 022.007, OviMaps 3.03)
    I've played with a huge bunch of different GPS & Mapping devices ever since the NAVSTAR system went public some 20 years ago. It is fun to see how the system is now quickly becoming a household thing in every single pocket, but to keep it genuinely helpful you need to be extra careful with these little features and tunings. 
    (BTW; I've never gotten the compass to calibrate with the 8-move instructed in the manual. 4 or 5 quick flicks of the wrist are the only way to get the thing calibrated at all) 
    In many other ways, the OviMaps is a nice and handy application. Thanks. 

    Hi  my fE 72 firmware ver is 024.029, upgraded to 3.03 maps two days back. There are issues and Nokia better not sleep on them other wise this is useless for the users.
    The problems in previous and this ver -
    - the compass does not lock easily, will remain in yellow  or red, do what everr u do?
    - As pointed out in by you, in side car or near any electric applices , the compass direction  goes heywire.
    - sycronisation gets stuck
    TYhe new version -
    - In old version there was option in the setting to turn the compass on or off , so while driving if the compass is not getting locked, u could turn it off and by default the map would orient itself in the driving direction. now as pointed out by you. the the map compass doesnt get locked or the calibration doesnt stay at speed and the map gets locked with north to top, so there are situation when your poisition in the maps is moving in diametrically opposite/ tangential direction to your travel .
    How can a compasny bungle  up on such safety and reliability issues, specially on a product ( navigation/maps)which is in existance for almost a DECADE AND IS ABSOLUTELY MATURE PRODUCT TECHNOLOGY WISE.
    Nokia either take off this from shelf or be ready to get public lawsuits on accout of accidents caused by people driving with these maps on. 

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    I have a timer in the form of 0.00 the left of the decimal point should represent a second but it doesnt, run my code and see for yourselves. below is my code if anyone can fix these 2 problems i will be very thankfull:
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.awt.Shape;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.Timer;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.text.*;
    public class RT extends JFrame implements MouseMotionListener
        //declares a number of swing componets to be used for the JFrame
        private JTextArea infoJTextArea;
        private JPanel showJPanel, startJPanel, helpJPanel, resultsJPanel;
        private JLabel de4JLabel, de3JLabel, mainTitleJLabel, nameJLabel, ageJLabel,
                       deJLabel, de1JLabel, de2JLabel, timeJLabel,nameResultJLabel,
                       ageResultJLabel, timeResultsJLabel, ratingJLabel, coJLabel, shJLabel;
        private JTextField nameJTextField, ageJTextField,nameResultJTextField,
                       ageResultsJTextField, timeResultsJTextField, ratingJTextField;
        private JButton exitJButton, showJButton, loginJButton, startTestJButton,
        private JScrollPane scroll;
    public JComboBox colourJComboBox, sizeJComboBox, shapeJComboBox, speedJComboBox;
    private static Connection dbcon;
    int temp=0;
    private String[] col = { "Red", "Blue", "Green","Yellow","Orange","Black"};
    private String[] shapeA = { "Normal Rectangle", "Normal Circle", "Normal Oval","BIG Rectangle", "BIG Circle","BIG Oval","small rectangle","small circle", "small oval"};
    private String[] speed = { "Fast", "Normal", "Slow"};
    public int checking;
    static int flag, flagshape, flagspeed;
        // creates and sets up a number of varibles to be used by the class
        public long timeLimit = 0;
        DecimalFormat timeDec = new DecimalFormat (":00");
        public int age;
        public String name, shapeChoice="Normal Rectangle(Never selected anything)", colourChoice="Black(Never selected anything)";
        private Timer TimeNow;
        private JTextField timerJTextField;
        ShapeMovingPanel testJPanel;
        Random seed;
        Shape shape;
        Shape[] shapes = {new Rectangle2D.Double(50, 30, 75, 25),new Ellipse2D.Double(175, 125, 50, 50),new Ellipse2D.Double(90, 100, 75, 35),new Rectangle2D.Double(50, 30, 175, 125),new Ellipse2D.Double(175, 125, 125, 125),new Ellipse2D.Double(90, 100, 175, 135),new Rectangle2D.Double(50, 30, 55, 15),new Ellipse2D.Double(175, 125, 20,20),new Ellipse2D.Double(90, 100, 55, 15)};
    //50, 30, 75, 25 change starting point here****************************************
        public RT()            // constructor method
            seed = new Random();
            shape = shapes[0];
            //sets up the Timer
            TimeNow = new Timer((1), new TimerListener());//++++++++++++++++++++++++++timer -17
            createUserInterface();          // method that creates the user interface     
        private void createUserInterface()
            new Thread(new Runnable()
                public void run()
                    String results = "";
                    int count = 0;
                    boolean journeyOn = true;
                    while(journeyOn && count < 3)
                        catch(InterruptedException ie)
                            System.err.println("show interrupt: " + ie.getMessage());
                            journeyOn = false;
                        results += count++ + ", ";
                    try {
                             dbcon = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:CMT3991", "", ""); // Access/ODBC
                          //connection ash used to connect to the user table in access
                           } catch(Exception eee)
                           eee.printStackTrace();  //exception if error occurs during the driver connection
                             System.out.println("* UserDA CONNECTED *");
            Container contentPane = getContentPane();
            contentPane.setLayout( null );
            // set up infoJTextField
            infoJTextArea = new JTextArea();
            infoJTextArea.setBounds( 20, 420, 550, 170  );
            infoJTextArea.setEditable( false);
            infoJTextArea.setText("\n    Welcome to the reaction testing program, this " +
                            "program is designed to test your reactions in a  \n"+
                            "    number of different situations.\n"+"\n    Please " +
                            "enter your name and age, or select show previous results.");
            contentPane.add( infoJTextArea );
            scroll = new JScrollPane(infoJTextArea);
            scroll.setBounds(  20, 420, 550, 170 );
            contentPane.add( scroll );
                  startJPanel = new JPanel();
            startJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
                    new TitledBorder( "WELCOME - PLEASE ENTER YOUR NAME AND AGE:" ) );
            startJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( startJPanel );
            //sets up a JPanel
            mainTitleJLabel = new JLabel();
            mainTitleJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "title.png" ) );
            mainTitleJLabel.setBounds( 30, 10, 520, 170 );
            mainTitleJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
            startJPanel.add( mainTitleJLabel );
            //creates a newJLabel
            nameJLabel= new JLabel();
            nameJLabel.setBounds( 52, 200, 70, 35 );
            startJPanel.add( nameJLabel);
            //creates a new JTextField
            nameJTextField = new JTextField();
            nameJTextField.setBounds( 130, 200, 300, 24 );
            startJPanel.add( nameJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ageJLabel = new JLabel();
            ageJLabel.setBounds( 52, 245, 100, 35 );
            startJPanel.add( ageJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            ageJTextField = new JTextField();
            ageJTextField.setBounds( 130, 245, 300, 24 );
            startJPanel.add( ageJTextField );
            //creates a JButton
            loginJButton = new JButton();
            loginJButton.setBounds( 440, 200, 90, 24 );
            loginJButton.setText( "Login" );
            loginJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            startJPanel.add( loginJButton );
    //        loginJButton.setVisible(true);
                new ActionListener()    // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        // not necessary to pass events to these methods...
                        Login();  // calls the Login method                       
            //creates a JButton
            showJButton = new JButton();
            showJButton.setBounds( 200, 320, 180, 24 );
            showJButton.setText( "Show previous results" );
            showJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            startJPanel.add( showJButton );
    //        showJButton.setVisible(true);
                new ActionListener()    // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        showData();   // calls the showData method                       
            //sets up a JPanel
            showJPanel = new JPanel();
            showJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            showJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder( "PREVIOUS RESULTS:" ) );
            showJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( showJPanel );
            //sets up a JPanel
            helpJPanel = new JPanel();
            helpJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            new TitledBorder( "CHOOSE A NUMBER OF OPTIONS AND GET READY:" ) );
            helpJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( helpJPanel );
            //creates a newJLabel
            deJLabel= new JLabel();
            deJLabel.setBounds( 23, 390, 530, 35 );
            contentPane.add( deJLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            coJLabel= new JLabel();
            coJLabel.setBounds( 70, 40, 530, 35 );
            coJLabel.setText("Choose a colour:");
            helpJPanel.add( coJLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            de1JLabel= new JLabel();
            de1JLabel.setBounds( 25, 100, 530, 35 );
            de1JLabel.setText("You are about to start the reaction test, when you " +
                              "press the start button it will begin.");
            helpJPanel.add( de1JLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            de1JLabel= new JLabel();
            de1JLabel.setBounds(160, 145, 530, 35 );
            de1JLabel.setText("Simply catch the moving item and click.");
            helpJPanel.add( de1JLabel);
            colourJComboBox = new JComboBox( col );
               colourJComboBox.setBounds( 70, 70, 135, 21 );
               colourJComboBox.setMaximumRowCount( 3 );
               helpJPanel.add( colourJComboBox );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                         int x = colourJComboBox.getSelectedIndex();
                        if( x  == 0)
                             flag = 1;
                        else if(x  == 1)
                             flag = 2;
                        else if(x  == 2)
                             flag = 3;
                         else if(x  == 3)
                             flag = 4;
                         else if(x  == 4)
                             flag = 5;
                           else if(x  == 5)
                             flag = 6;
            shJLabel= new JLabel();
            shJLabel.setBounds( 340, 40, 530, 35 );
            shJLabel.setText("Choose a shape and size:");
            helpJPanel.add( shJLabel);
            shapeJComboBox = new JComboBox( shapeA );
               shapeJComboBox.setBounds( 340, 70, 135, 21 );
               shapeJComboBox.setMaximumRowCount( 3 );
               helpJPanel.add( shapeJComboBox );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                          int xshape = shapeJComboBox.getSelectedIndex();
                        //shapeChoice="Normal Rectangle";
                        if( xshape  == 0)
                        {     flagshape = 1;
                             shapeChoice="Normal Rectangle";
                        else if(xshape  == 1)
                        {     flagshape = 2;
                             shapeChoice="Normal Circle";
                        else if(xshape  == 2)//**********here
                        {     flagshape = 3;
                             shapeChoice="Normal Oval";
                        else if(xshape  == 3)
                        {     flagshape = 4;
                             shapeChoice="BIG Rectangle";
                        else if(xshape  == 4)
                       {      flagshape = 5;
                             shapeChoice="BIG Circle";
                        else if(xshape  == 5)
                     {        flagshape = 6;
                             shapeChoice="BIG Oval";
                        else if(xshape  == 6)
                             flagshape = 7;
                             shapeChoice="small rectangle";
                        else if(xshape  == 7)
                     {        flagshape = 8;
                             shapeChoice="small circle";
                        else if(xshape  == 8)
                     {        flagshape = 9;
                             shapeChoice="small oval";
          /*  speedJComboBox = new JComboBox( speed );
               speedJComboBox.setBounds( 10, 150, 135, 21 );
               speedJComboBox.setMaximumRowCount( 3 );
               helpJPanel.add( speedJComboBox );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                          int xspeed = speedJComboBox.getSelectedIndex();
                        if( xspeed  == 0)
                             flagspeed = 1;
                             else if(xspeed  == 1)
                             flagspeed = 2;
                             flagspeed = 3;
            //creates a newJLabel
            de2JLabel= new JLabel();
            de2JLabel.setBounds( 20, 380, 70, 35 );
            helpJPanel.add( de2JLabel);
            //creates a JButton
            startTestJButton = new JButton();
            startTestJButton.setBounds( 185, 205, 180, 60 );
            startTestJButton.setText( "START" );
            startTestJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            helpJPanel.add( startTestJButton );
    //        startTestJButton.setVisible(true);
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
            //sets up an animation panel
            testJPanel = new ShapeMovingPanel(this);
            testJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            testJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Click the moving object:"));
            testJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( testJPanel );
            //creates a newJLabel
            timeJLabel = new JLabel();
            timeJLabel.setBounds( 440, 330, 100, 35 );
            testJPanel.add( timeJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            timerJTextField = new JTextField();
            timerJTextField.setBounds( 480, 335, 60, 24 );
            timerJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.CENTER );
            timerJTextField.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            testJPanel.add( timerJTextField );
            resultsJPanel = new JPanel();
            resultsJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            resultsJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("HERE ARE YOUR RESULTS:"));
            resultsJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( resultsJPanel );
            de3JLabel= new JLabel();
            de3JLabel.setBounds(20, 200, 530, 35 );
            de3JLabel.setText("Below is also the movements you made with your mouse, " +
                              "you may exit the program now.");
            resultsJPanel.add( de3JLabel);
            de4JLabel= new JLabel();
            de4JLabel.setBounds(135, 245, 530, 35 );
            de4JLabel.setText("Thank you for trying the Reaction Testing program");
            resultsJPanel.add( de4JLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            nameResultJLabel= new JLabel();
            nameResultJLabel.setBounds( 62, 55, 50, 35 );
            resultsJPanel.add( nameResultJLabel);
            //creates a new JTextField
            nameResultJTextField = new JTextField();
            nameResultJTextField.setBounds( 140, 55, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( nameResultJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ageResultJLabel = new JLabel();
            ageResultJLabel.setBounds( 62, 90, 100, 35 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ageResultJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            ageResultsJTextField = new JTextField();
            ageResultsJTextField.setBounds( 140, 90, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ageResultsJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            timeResultsJLabel = new JLabel();
            timeResultsJLabel.setBounds( 62, 125, 100, 35 );
            timeResultsJLabel.setText("Time taken:");
            resultsJPanel.add( timeResultsJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            timeResultsJTextField = new JTextField();
            timeResultsJTextField.setBounds( 140, 125, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( timeResultsJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ratingJLabel = new JLabel();
            ratingJLabel.setBounds( 62, 160, 100, 35 );
            ratingJLabel.setText("Your Rating:");
            resultsJPanel.add( ratingJLabel );
            ratingJTextField = new JTextField();
            ratingJTextField.setBounds( 140, 160, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ratingJTextField );
            //creates a JButton
            exitJButton = new JButton();
            exitJButton.setBounds( 235, 310, 90, 24 );
            exitJButton.setText( "Exit" );
            exitJButton.setBackground( Color.WHITE );
            resultsJPanel.add( exitJButton );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when exitJButton is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        System.exit(0); //closes the programme
            }); // end anonymous inner class
            addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
            // set properties of application's window
            setTitle( "Reaction Tester - CMT3991" ); // set JFrame's title bar string
            //setSize( 1280,995 );    // set width and height of JFrame
            setSize( 608, 650 );         // set width and height of JFrame
            setVisible( true );       // display JFrame on screen
        //** set up of method main */
        public static void main( String[] args )
            RT application = new RT();
            application.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
        } // end method main
         * action listener for TimeNow Timer
        private class TimerListener implements ActionListener
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent event)
                timeLimit ++;          
                if (timeLimit==100)
                timerJTextField.setText(String.valueOf(temp +""+timeDec.format(timeLimit)));
        private void Login()
                name = nameJTextField.getText();
                age = Integer.parseInt(ageJTextField.getText());
                infoJTextArea.setText("\n    Welcome "+name+" you will soon know how " +
                                      "fast your reactions are.");
            catch (NumberFormatException exception)
                        "There is either a blank field or a number hasn't been entered",
                        "Input Type error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                //shows this is something has been entered wrong
        private void startTest()
          //  System.out.println(""+ seed.nextInt(shapes.length));
            //shape = shapes[seed.nextInt(shapes.length)];//****************************
            if (flagshape==1)
                 shape = shapes[0];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==2)
                 shape = shapes[1];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==3)
                 shape = shapes[2];// changed colour here***************************
           else if (flagshape==4)
                 shape = shapes[3];// changed colour here***************************
             else if (flagshape==5)
                 shape = shapes[4];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==6)
                 shape = shapes[5];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==7)
                 shape = shapes[6];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==8)
                 shape = shapes[7];// changed colour here***************************
            else if (flagshape==9)
                 shape = shapes[8];// changed colour here***************************
           // shape = shapes[8];
         * called by animation panel after shape is clicked
        public void stop()
         * this will compete with your animation
         * ie, it will slow it down or make it appear jerky
        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
            saySomething("\n    Mouse moved", e);
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
            saySomething("\n    Mouse dragged", e);
        void saySomething(String eventDescription, MouseEvent e)
                         + " (" + e.getX() + "," + e.getY() + ")");
        private void movingObject()
            ageResultsJTextField.setText(String.valueOf(age)+" years old");
    System.out.println("shape used: "+shapeChoice);
            String mouse = infoJTextArea.getText();
            String tick = timerJTextField.getText();
                // create a file called welch.txt
                final FileWriter outputFile = new FileWriter("Backup_of_"+name+"s_results.txt", true);
                final BufferedWriter outputBuffer = new BufferedWriter(outputFile);
                // converts data to a formatted string
                final PrintWriter printstream = new PrintWriter(outputBuffer);
                printstream.println("THIS IS A BACKUP");
                printstream.println("The person's name is: "+name);
                printstream.println("There age is: "+age);
                printstream.println("Time taken: "+tick+" seconds");
                printstream.println("The Shape and size was: "+shapeChoice);
                printstream.println("It's colour was: "+colourChoice);
                printstream.println("The mouse moved as follows: "+mouse);
                //states what needs to be printed to the new file
                printstream.close(); // closes teh printstream
            catch(IOException eio)
                //catchs the IO exception
                ratingJTextField.setText("Thierry Henry");     
            else if(timeLimit<=10)
            else if(timeLimit<=15)
                ratingJTextField.setText("You gotta be fat or something");     
            else if(timeLimit<=20)
                ratingJTextField.setText("See a doctor");
            else if(timeLimit>20)
                ratingJTextField.setText("DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DOING!?");
            String rate=ratingJTextField.getText();
                   Statement st = dbcon.createStatement();
                   String cmd = "INSERT INTO users (Name, Age, Time_Taken, Rating, Mouse_Movement,Shape_and_Size, Shape_Colour) VALUES ('" + name + "' , " + age + " , '" + tick + "' , '" + rate+"','"+ mouse+"','"+ shapeChoice+"','"+ colourChoice+"');";
                //creates a SQL statement and executes it
                   st.close();//close the statement
              } catch (Exception eDA)
        private void showData()
            // pretend this takes awhile -> 3 seconds (count)
            new Thread(new Runnable()
                public void run()
                    String results = "";
                    int count = 0;
                    boolean journeyOn = true;
                    while(journeyOn && count < 3)
                        catch(InterruptedException ie)
                            System.err.println("show interrupt: " + ie.getMessage());
                            journeyOn = false;
                        results += count++ + ", ";
                    infoJTextArea.setText("Here are your results:\n"+results);
    class ShapeMovingPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener
        RT host;
        Timer timer;
        Shape shape, xformed;
        int x, y, dx, dy;
        public ShapeMovingPanel(RT rt)
            timer = new Timer(-20, this);     
            host = rt;
        /*    if (rt.flagspeed==1)
            timer = new Timer(-20, this);
            else if (rt.flagspeed==2)
                timer = new Timer(20, this);
            else if (rt.flagspeed==3)
            timer = new Timer(100, this);
            //change speed here******************************
            x = 0;//0
            y = 0;//0
            dx =2;//2
            dy = 3;//3
            addMouseListener(new ShapeTender());
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            int w = getWidth();
            int h = getHeight();
            if(w <= 0 || h <= 0)
            x += dx;
            y += dy;
        private void checkBoundries(int w, int h)
            Rectangle r = xformed.getBounds();
            Insets insets = getInsets();
            if(r.x + dx < insets.left || r.x + r.width + dx > w - insets.right)
                dx *= -1;
            if(r.y + dy < insets.top || r.y + r.height + dy > h - insets.bottom)
                dy *= -1;
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x, y);
            if (RT.flag==1)
            {g2.setPaint(Color.red);// changed colour here***************************
            else if (RT.flag==2)
            {g2.setPaint(Color.blue);// changed colour here***************************
            else if (RT.flag==3)
            {g2.setPaint(Color.green);// changed colour here***************************
            else if (RT.flag==4)
            {g2.setPaint(Color.yellow);// changed colour here***************************
            else if (RT.flag==5)
            {g2.setPaint(Color.orange);// changed colour here***************************
            else if (RT.flag==6)
            {g2.setPaint(Color.black);// changed colour here***************************

    I'm (being lazy and) using the older RT app posted on your last thread. I removed the
    TimeNow timer from the RT class and used System.currentTimeMillis (as you requested) to
    determine the elapsed time during the animation (see "startTest", "stop" and
    "movingObject" methods). Also changed the DecimalFormat to NumberFormat and set the
    "maximumFractionDigits" to "2" so it will truncate the fraction to two digits (more simple
    than before). Made arrangements for the ShapeMovingPanel class to update the
    "timerJTextField" during the animation (RT.updateTime method).
    The MouseMotionListener is causing the animation to appear jerky and uneven. The
    "mouseMoved" method is very busy while the mouse is moving. You might consider recording
    the "mousePressed" events instead of the "mouseMoved" events, ie, the events where the user
    is attempting to click inside the moving shape. It would allow the app to be more
    responsive and might eliminate the uneven motion of the animating shape.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    import java.io.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.border.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    import javax.swing.Timer;
    public class RT extends JFrame implements MouseMotionListener
        //declares a number of swing componets to be used for the JFrame
        private JTextArea infoJTextArea;
        private JPanel showJPanel, startJPanel, helpJPanel, resultsJPanel;
        private JLabel de4JLabel, de3JLabel, mainTitleJLabel, nameJLabel, ageJLabel,
                       deJLabel, de1JLabel, de2JLabel, timeJLabel,nameResultJLabel,
                       ageResultJLabel, timeResultsJLabel, ratingJLabel;
        private JTextField nameJTextField, ageJTextField,nameResultJTextField,
                       ageResultsJTextField, timeResultsJTextField, ratingJTextField;
        private JButton exitJButton, showJButton, loginJButton, startTestJButton,
        private JScrollPane scroll;;
        // creates and sets up a number of varibles to be used by the class
        private long startTime;
        private long endTime;
        public int timeLimit = 0;
        public int age;
        public String name;
        private JTextField timerJTextField;
        ShapeMovingPanel testJPanel;
        NumberFormat timeDec;
        Random seed;
        Shape shape;
        Shape[] shapes = {
            new Rectangle2D.Double(50, 30, 75, 25),
            new Ellipse2D.Double(175, 125, 50, 50),
            new Ellipse2D.Double(90, 100, 75, 35)
        public RT()
            timeDec = NumberFormat.getInstance();
            seed = new Random();
            shape = shapes[0];
        private void createUserInterface()
            Container contentPane = getContentPane();
            contentPane.setLayout( null );
            // set up infoJTextField
            infoJTextArea = new JTextArea();
            infoJTextArea.setBounds( 20, 420, 550, 170  );
            infoJTextArea.setEditable( false);
            infoJTextArea.setText("\n    Welcome to the reaction testing program, this " +
                            "program is designed to test your reactions in a  \n"+
                            "    number of different situations.\n"+"\n    Please " +
                            "enter your name and age, or select show previous results.");
            contentPane.add( infoJTextArea );
            scroll = new JScrollPane(infoJTextArea);
            scroll.setBounds(  20, 420, 550, 170 );
            contentPane.add( scroll );
              startJPanel = new JPanel();
            startJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
                    new TitledBorder( "WELCOME -PLEASE ENTER YOUR NAME AND AGE:" ) );
            startJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( startJPanel );
            //sets up a JPanel
            mainTitleJLabel = new JLabel();
            mainTitleJLabel.setIcon( new ImageIcon( "title.png" ) );
            mainTitleJLabel.setBounds( 30, 10, 520, 170 );
            mainTitleJLabel.setHorizontalAlignment( JLabel.CENTER );
            startJPanel.add( mainTitleJLabel );
            //creates a newJLabel
            nameJLabel= new JLabel();
            nameJLabel.setBounds( 52, 200, 70, 35 );
            startJPanel.add( nameJLabel);
            //creates a new JTextField
            nameJTextField = new JTextField();
            nameJTextField.setBounds( 130, 200, 300, 24 );
            startJPanel.add( nameJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ageJLabel = new JLabel();
            ageJLabel.setBounds( 52, 245, 100, 35 );
            startJPanel.add( ageJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            ageJTextField = new JTextField();
            ageJTextField.setBounds( 130, 245, 300, 24 );
            startJPanel.add( ageJTextField );
            //creates a JButton
            loginJButton = new JButton();
            loginJButton.setBounds( 440, 200, 90, 24 );
            loginJButton.setText( "Login" );
            loginJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            startJPanel.add( loginJButton );
                new ActionListener()    // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        // not necessary to pass events to these methods...
                        Login();  // calls the Login method                       
            //creates a JButton
            showJButton = new JButton();
            showJButton.setBounds( 200, 320, 180, 24 );
            showJButton.setText( "Show previous results" );
            showJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            startJPanel.add( showJButton );
                new ActionListener()    // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        showData();   // calls the showData method                       
            //sets up a JPanel
            showJPanel = new JPanel();
            showJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            showJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder( "PREVIOUS RESULTS:" ) );
            showJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( showJPanel );
            //sets up a JPanel
            helpJPanel = new JPanel();
            helpJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            new TitledBorder( "HELP DETAILS:" ) );
            helpJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( helpJPanel );
            //creates a newJLabel
            deJLabel= new JLabel();
            deJLabel.setBounds( 23, 390, 530, 35 );
            contentPane.add( deJLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            de1JLabel= new JLabel();
            de1JLabel.setBounds( 25, 100, 530, 35 );
            de1JLabel.setText("You are about to start the reaction test, when you " +
                              "press the start button it will begin.");
            helpJPanel.add( de1JLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            de1JLabel= new JLabel();
            de1JLabel.setBounds(160, 145, 530, 35 );
            de1JLabel.setText("Simply catch the moving item and click.");
            helpJPanel.add( de1JLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            de2JLabel= new JLabel();
            de2JLabel.setBounds( 20, 380, 70, 35 );
            helpJPanel.add( de2JLabel);
            //creates a JButton
            startTestJButton = new JButton();
            startTestJButton.setBounds( 185, 205, 180, 60 );
            startTestJButton.setText( "START" );
            startTestJButton.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            helpJPanel.add( startTestJButton );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when search is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
            //sets up an animation panel
            testJPanel = new ShapeMovingPanel(this);
            testJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            testJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("Click the moving object:"));
            testJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( testJPanel );
    // this is causing the animation to appear uneven
    // you can try the app with and without this to see
    //        testJPanel.addMouseMotionListener(this);
            //creates a newJLabel
            timeJLabel = new JLabel();
            timeJLabel.setBounds( 440, 330, 100, 35 );
            testJPanel.add( timeJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            timerJTextField = new JTextField();
            timerJTextField.setBounds( 480, 335, 60, 24 );
            timerJTextField.setHorizontalAlignment(JTextField.CENTER );
            timerJTextField.setBackground( Color.YELLOW );
            testJPanel.add( timerJTextField );
            resultsJPanel = new JPanel();
            resultsJPanel.setBounds( 16,16, 560, 375 );
            resultsJPanel.setBorder(new TitledBorder("HERE ARE YOUR RESULTS:"));
            resultsJPanel.setLayout( null );
            contentPane.add( resultsJPanel );
            de3JLabel= new JLabel();
            de3JLabel.setBounds(20, 200, 530, 35 );
            de3JLabel.setText("Below is also the movements you made with your mouse, " +
                              "you may exit the program now.");
            resultsJPanel.add( de3JLabel);
            de4JLabel= new JLabel();
            de4JLabel.setBounds(135, 245, 530, 35 );
            de4JLabel.setText("Thank you for trying the Reaction Testing program");
            resultsJPanel.add( de4JLabel);
            //creates a newJLabel
            nameResultJLabel= new JLabel();
            nameResultJLabel.setBounds( 62, 55, 50, 35 );
            resultsJPanel.add( nameResultJLabel);
            //creates a new JTextField
            nameResultJTextField = new JTextField();
            nameResultJTextField.setBounds( 140, 55, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( nameResultJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ageResultJLabel = new JLabel();
            ageResultJLabel.setBounds( 62, 90, 100, 35 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ageResultJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            ageResultsJTextField = new JTextField();
            ageResultsJTextField.setBounds( 140, 90, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ageResultsJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            timeResultsJLabel = new JLabel();
            timeResultsJLabel.setBounds( 62, 125, 100, 35 );
            timeResultsJLabel.setText("Time taken:");
            resultsJPanel.add( timeResultsJLabel );
            //creates a new JTextField
            timeResultsJTextField = new JTextField();
            timeResultsJTextField.setBounds( 140, 125, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( timeResultsJTextField );
            //creates a newJLabel
            ratingJLabel = new JLabel();
            ratingJLabel.setBounds( 62, 160, 100, 35 );
            ratingJLabel.setText("Your Rating:");
            resultsJPanel.add( ratingJLabel );
            ratingJTextField = new JTextField();
            ratingJTextField.setBounds( 140, 160, 300, 24 );
            resultsJPanel.add( ratingJTextField );
            //creates a JButton
            exitJButton = new JButton();
            exitJButton.setBounds( 235, 310, 90, 24 );
            exitJButton.setText( "Exit" );
            exitJButton.setBackground( Color.WHITE );
            resultsJPanel.add( exitJButton );
                new ActionListener() // adds an action listener,anonymous inner class
                    // event handler called when exitJButton is pressed
                    public void actionPerformed( ActionEvent event )
                        System.exit(0); //closes the programme
            }); // end anonymous inner class
            addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter()
                public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
            // set properties of application's window
            setTitle( "Reaction Tester - CMT3991" ); // set JFrame's title bar string
            //setSize( 1280,995 );    // set width and height of JFrame
            setSize( 608, 650 );         // set width and height of JFrame
            setVisible( true );       // display JFrame on screen
        //** set up of method main */
        public static void main( String[] args )
            RT application = new RT();
            application.setDefaultCloseOperation( EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
        } // end method main
        private void Login()
                name = nameJTextField.getText();
                age = Integer.parseInt(ageJTextField.getText());
                infoJTextArea.setText("\n    Welcome "+name+" you will soon know how " +
                                      "fast your reactions are");
            catch (NumberFormatException exception)
                        "There is either a blank field or a number hasn't been entered",
                        "Input Type error", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE);
                //shows this is something has been entered wrong
        private void startTest()
            shape = shapes[seed.nextInt(shapes.length)];
            startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
         * called by animation panel after shape is clicked
        public void stop()
            endTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
         * called by timer actionPerformed in ShapeMovingPanel
        public void updateTime()
            long timeNow = System.currentTimeMillis();
            double elapsed = (timeNow - startTime)/1000.0;
         * this will compete with your animation
         * ie, it will slow it down or make it appear jerky
        public void mouseMoved(MouseEvent e)
            saySomething("\n    Mouse moved", e);
        public void mouseDragged(MouseEvent e)
            saySomething("\n    Mouse dragged", e);
        void saySomething(String eventDescription, MouseEvent e)
                         + " (" + e.getX() + "," + e.getY() + ")");
        private void movingObject()
            ageResultsJTextField.setText(String.valueOf(age)+" years old");
            double elapsedTime = (endTime - startTime)/1000.0;
            timeLimit = (int)elapsedTime;
            timeResultsJTextField.setText(timeDec.format(elapsedTime)+" seconds");
            String mouse = infoJTextArea.getText();
            String tick = timeDec.format(elapsedTime);
                // create a file called welch.txt
                final FileWriter outputFile = new FileWriter(name+".txt", true);
                final BufferedWriter outputBuffer = new BufferedWriter(outputFile);
                // converts data to a formatted string
                final PrintWriter printstream = new PrintWriter(outputBuffer);
                printstream.println("The person's name is: "+name);
                printstream.println("There age is: "+age);
                printstream.println("Time taken: "+tick+" seconds");
                printstream.println("The mouse moved as follows: "+mouse);
                //states what needs to be printed to the new file
                printstream.close(); // closes teh printstream
            catch(IOException eio)
                //catchs the IO exception
                ratingJTextField.setText("Thierry Henry");     
                ratingJTextField.setText("You gotta be fat or something");     
                ratingJTextField.setText("See a doctor");
            String rate=ratingJTextField.getText();
        private void showData()
    //        String results = "";
    //        infoJTextArea.setText("Here are your results:\n"+results);
    class ShapeMovingPanel extends JPanel implements ActionListener
        RT host;
        Timer timer;
        Shape shape, xformed;
        int x, y, dx, dy;
        public ShapeMovingPanel(RT rt)
            host = rt;
            timer = new Timer(25, this);
            x = 0;
            y = 0;
            dx = 2;
            dy = 3;
            addMouseListener(new ShapeTender());
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
            int w = getWidth();
            int h = getHeight();
            if(w <= 0 || h <= 0)
            x += dx;
            y += dy;
            // update RT.timerJTextField
        private void checkBoundries(int w, int h)
            Rectangle r = xformed.getBounds();
            Insets insets = getInsets();
            if(r.x + dx < insets.left || r.x + r.width + dx > w - insets.right)
                dx *= -1;
            if(r.y + dy < insets.top || r.y + r.height + dy > h - insets.bottom)
                dy *= -1;
        protected void paintComponent(Graphics g)
            Graphics2D g2 = (Graphics2D)g;
            AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(x, y);
            xformed = at.createTransformedShape(shape);
        public void start()
        public void setShape(Shape s)
            shape = s;
            Rectangle r = shape.getBounds();
            x = r.x;
            y = r.y;
        private class ShapeTender extends MouseAdapter
            public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e)

  • Airport Extreme Not Consistently Assigning DHCP

    I am using a relatively new (within the last year) Airport Extreme as the primary router on my home network.  Connected directly to the router is a GigE switch, an AT&T Microcell, and another router - an Aruba RAP which creates a secure VPN for my home/remote office network.  The connection to my Apple desktop is made through the GigE switch, as are three additional wired connections to other devices in my home, including two Apple TV's and (hopefully) two Airport Expresses.  
    I recently discovered when trying to configure a new Airport Express to extend my wireless network over ethernet (roaiming network) that my Airport extreme is not consistently assigning the IP addresses within it's defined DHCP range ( -  About half of the time devices on the network are getting a default 169.254.x.x IP address, which (in the case of my desktop) results in an 'self assigned IP' error within the network settings.  I can reboot my apple desktop and the next time it gets a correct address.  Reboot again, it defaults back to a 169 address - and so on. It doesnt seem to make any difference if I connect my desktop directly to the Extreme, or, if I connect it through the GigE switch.  And, every time I get a 'self assigned IP' I have no connectivity beyond the Extreme (no internet), and I'm forced to use my wireless/Airport connection.
    Another problem here is that the Expresses both expect to receive 10.x IP addresses and when they don't get one, they basically become pretty $100 paperweights when connected over ethernet. Also, if you try to configure a new Express without the 10.x address it expects to be assigned (and defaults to a 169.x), the Airport Utility will no longer 'find' the Express once the Express auto-restarts and the update will fail.  I learned this after spending two hours on the phone with Apple support yesterday - during which they were able to get my first generation Express configured, but, not my 24-hour old second Generation Express, which continues to act only as a paperweight.  Oddly enough, everything works perfectly well if I use only wireless connections to the Extreme - there are no IP problems and everything works correctly.  Unfortunately, I want to use wired connections for all my devices (expresses, Apple TV's) because we stream alot of audio and video.     
    Is my Extreme not working correctly?  Does anyone think it's problematic to have a second router (the Aruba) connected behind the Extreme?  I suppose I could force some components to use only specific IP's, but, that sounds like a pain.  If the Aruba is problematic, I would also consider a second internet connection, or, finding some way to split home IP traffic vs work IP traffic. 

    I've been doing some research and it appears the 'self assigned IP' address is a common problem in the Apple support community.  And, for what it's worth, it appears an inability to isolate or accurately troubleshoot the problem - by users or Apple tech support - is a recurring theme.  I totally understand that no two home networks are exactly alike (different ISPs, switches, configurations, etc.), but, after being a die-hard PC user for my entire life I can honestly say I never encountered anything like this while using my PC.  I'm not about to trash my Mac, but, the Apple 'ease of use' selling point is quickly losing it's lustre.
    I got into this mess because I added a GigE switch to my network.  Rather than buy a different switch (a tactic which assumes my problems are being caused by the switch) I'm inclined to buy another Airport Extreme and try daisy-chaining them together to overcome the reason I bought the GigE switch in the first place, which is not enough ethernet ports on the Extreme.  That, or I'll spend a weekend in my attic re-wiring my home network to daisy-chain my two Express devices together instead of requiring individual connections to my router.  My experience with Apple hardware thus far is that it prefers to 'play nice' with other Apple hardware over non-Apple hardware.  It could be $100 error on my end (or, a weekend of not doing yardwork), but, I think it's the best shot.  Other possible fixes, including manually assigned IP-addresses, put too much emphasis on software and network configuration - which (by my non-scentific analysis), are two areas even harder to troubleshoot. 
    I'll let you know how it goes. 
    Post Script - Dear Apple: please find a way to significantly increase the number of ethernet ports on your Airport Extreme Router.  Thank you. 

  • How do I rename one wrongly identified photo in Faces? I seem to only be able to merge two stacks of photos to the correct name, but that is not accurate. I only have one photo in a batch under a certain name, that is wrongly identified.

    How do I rename one wrongly identified photo in Faces? I seem to only be able to merge two stacks of photos to the correct name, but that is not accurate. I only have one photo in a batch under a certain name, that is wrongly identified.

    In iPhoto '11: Select the photo in the "Faces" stack, open the "Info" panel, click on the face name in the "faces" brick and then on the name below the face to edit the name.

  • Nas on airport extreme not recognized by time machine. same nas was previously used as time machine backup on different airport extreme. are there any configuration files that i can delete to fix this problem ?

    nas on airport extreme not recognized by time machine. same nas was previously used as time machine backup on different airport extreme. are there any configuration files that i can delete to fix this problem ?

    Time Machine has been working just fine, but in the last week or two it has given up the ghost. I reset the connections to the drive, and it will basically save a few bytes of data and then hang.
    Although Apple originally announced, prior to the release of the first 802.11n AirPort Extreme Base Stations (AEBSn), that it would support Time Machine backups to AirPort Disks, they removed that option before they did finally release the base station for sale.
    Since then, Apple has posted (as you have noted) that they DO NOT support Time Machine backups to AirPort Disks. As far as I know, they have not changed from that position and those who do these backups find that they become corrupted over time. Sorry, but it sounds like you just confirmed that for yourself.
    1) Has one of the recent updates either on the AE (firmware) or OSX disabled this function?
    No. Again, this feature has never been supported by Apple for every generation of AEBSn released.
    2) Are there any changes I can make to get this working again?
    If your data backups are critical to you, then you will want to use a different solution for your Time Machine backup destination drive strategy. I would suggest that you connect your WD My Book directly to your Mac in the mean time.
    Your other options would be to either use a Time Capsule (which interestingly does support TM backups to AirPort Disks) or a non-Apple solution like the Drobo FS or HP MediaSmart server.

  • Hello there! i am using Adobe acrobat pro DC and using windows 8.1. Recently I was trying to convert a web page (includes greek letters) into pdf. I noticed that the conversion is not accurate, some words are missing, some are misplaced. Especially greek

    hello there! i am using Adobe acrobat pro DC and using windows 8.1. Recently I was trying to convert a web page (includes Greek letters) into PDF. I noticed that the conversion is not accurate, some words are missing, some are misplaced. Especially Greek words are not accurately converted or even not converted. Please give me some suggestions to improve this issue. Regards

    Hey quantum info,
    Thank you for posting at Adobe forums. We would love to help you out.
    Could you please let me know if you have tried converting other web pages to PDF and checked if the same issue persists.
    How have you been trying to convert the web page to PDF?
    Are you trying to convert to PDF directly via browsers or using "File > Create > PDF from Web Page"  option in Acrobat.
    Let me know more so that I can analyze where actually the issue persists.
    Hope to hear from you.

  • I got my Iphone 3gs unlocked, but Navigation and Compass are not working. Please help if anybody had faced this problem and got it resolved.

    I got my Iphone 3gs unlocked, but Navigation and Compass are not working. Please help if anybody had faced this problem and got it resolved.

    Only the carrier that the iPhone was locked to can unlock. There you go, hacking void any support from this forum.

  • Search results are not accurate

    am facing a unique issue in SP 2013. Whenever we search for a search criteria the results returned is not accurate always. Every time we navigate across pages, the search results change which is not
    a desired behavior. However we also noticed that the refiner panel does not change as well and it retains the old count which leads to inconsistent results when user selects a criteria from the refiner.
     any pointers /  helpful links  regarding this issue, if any anyone has surfaced,  is highly appreciated!  

    According to your post, my understanding is that search results are not accurate.
    I recommend to run a full crawl and then to check whether the search results are correct.
    If your incremental crawl is running, it may happen that, when you are viewing the data in the search result web part, the newly added content are not crawled yet.
    So, after the content are updated, wait for some time.
    Let your incremental crawl finish. Then view the results on the page.
    More information:
    Understanding how search results are displayed in SharePoint Server 2013
    Searching new content with SharePoint Search
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Quartz Extreme not showing up on stock Mac Pro and card

    I have purchased a new Mac Pro and LED Cinema Display from the Apple store last month. Safari Top Sites is not working and the "help" stated I need Quartz Extreme. Looked in the profile, but it is not listed in the list on the right at all. It is a stock apple card and display.
    Is my monitor video card not even capable of using this feature or do I need to reinstall the system or something??
    Model Name: Mac Pro
    Model Identifier: MacPro4,1
    Processor Name: Quad-Core Intel Xeon
    Processor Speed: 2.66 GHz
    Number Of Processors: 1
    Total Number Of Cores: 4
    L2 Cache (per core): 256 KB
    L3 Cache: 8 MB
    Memory: 3 GB
    Processor Interconnect Speed: 4.8 GT/s
    Boot ROM Version: MP41.0081.B04
    SMC Version (system): 1.39f5
    SMC Version (processor tray): 1.39f5
    Serial Number (system): H09257EM4PC
    Serial Number (processor tray): J592300*MFD <edited by host>
    Hardware UUID: 9F9AAE54-0436-5584-87F4-B99AF0523B22
    NVIDIA GeForce GT 120:
    Chipset Model: NVIDIA GeForce GT 120
    Type: GPU
    Bus: PCIe
    Slot: Slot-1
    PCIe Lane Width: x16
    VRAM (Total): 512 MB
    Vendor: NVIDIA (0x10de)
    Device ID: 0x0640
    Revision ID: 0x00a1
    ROM Revision: 3386
    Display Connector:
    Status: No Display Connected
    LED Cinema Display:
    Resolution: 1920 x 1200
    Pixel Depth: 32-Bit Color (ARGB8888)
    Main Display: Yes
    Mirror: Off *<------------------------------ Quartz Extreme not even listed*
    Online: Yes
    Rotation: Supported
    Connection Type: DisplayPort

    With Snow Leo basically if you can't get quartz extreme you shouldn't be running 10.6.x
    Easy way to tell if it is working though would be that your menu bar across the entire top of the screen is transparent, or if you add a widget to dashboard you will get the ripple effect. If you are on a system where Quartz Extreme is disabled you will not get those effects.

  • Why does my airport extreme not recognize my cable modem anymore?

    Why does my airport extreme not recognize my cable modem anymore?

    Have you tried resetting the modem? Power it down and let it rest a moment, then power it back up again.
    Also, some ISPs require physically detaching their cable from the modem for it to be fully reset. Literally unscrew it from the modem. Try that, in conjunction with powering it down.
    Don't do anything with your Extreme, other than powering it down too, in the event the modem reset does not help. Reconfiguring it may be necessary but this is not justified quite yet.

  • Core Image: Not Supported??? Quartz Extreme: Not Supported???

    Hello! I'm new to this forum and I'm a Mac noob. I have a problem. For some reason my computer is saying Core Image and Quartz Extreme are not supported.
    ATI Mobility Radeon 9700:
    Chipset Model: ATY,RV360M11
    Type: Display
    Bus: AGP
    VRAM (Total): 64 MB
    Vendor: ATI (0x1002)
    Device ID: 0x4e50
    Revision ID: 0x0000
    ROM Revision: 113-xxxxx-134
    Color LCD:
    Display Type: LCD
    Resolution: 1440 x 900
    Depth: 32-bit Color
    Built-In: Yes
    Core Image: Not Supported
    Main Display: Yes
    Mirror: Off
    Online: Yes
    Quartz Extreme: Not Supported
    Status: No display connected
    Is there a way to fix this? Please tell there's a way. I wanna see all those nice transition effects when using VirtueDesktops or Desktop Manager

    Hi Leek Mibles;
    May I welcome you to the Apple Discussion Forums.
    The reason your system is telling you it can do Core Image is because it doesn't have the hardware to support it. Since your system is a PowerBook, you are unable to upgade the graphic card because it is soldered in. So I am sorry to say that the only way for you to get Core Image is to upgrade your whole system.

  • File.exists() is not accurate on smb2 network share (use WatchService?)

    According to this document: SMB2 Client Redirector Caches Explained File.exists() is not accurate on a smb2 network share. I am not able to change any register settings, so I want to deal with it. According to the document there is an API to get the notifications from the file system. I assumed that the WatchService is the Java implementation of this API. Am I correct?
    I started with the WatchDir example from the jdk samples and stripped it a bit. I only need to know when a file is created and delete (I don't care about file modifications). For testing I have added new File.exists() when a new event has been triggered. I also start a separated Thread which test the file existence also. When I don't start this separated thread the file exists returns true immediately. When the extra thread is started it is not accurate any more. I need a more accurate file.exists check in the whole application and all running threads.
    The output for my test case is this:
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    watch registered for dir: subdir\
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    WatchDir event: ENTRY_CREATE: test.txt
    WatchDir: subdir\test.txt exists == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == false
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == true
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == true
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == true
    FileExistsThread: subdir\test.txt == true
    As you can see the file test.txt  is created on line 9. The FileExistsThread have seen it on line 20, (at least 10 x 300 ms later).
    For testing I have used 2 Windows 7 pc's (with smb2 enabled which is default). The working directory must be on the remote pc and the file test.txt must be created (or copied from another folder) on the remote pc (not using the network drive, but on the pc itself).
    Here is my test code:
    package nl.test.main;
    import static java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_CREATE;
    import static java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds.ENTRY_DELETE;
    import static java.nio.file.StandardWatchEventKinds.OVERFLOW;
    import java.io.File;
    import java.io.IOException;
    import java.nio.file.ClosedWatchServiceException;
    import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
    import java.nio.file.Path;
    import java.nio.file.Paths;
    import java.nio.file.WatchEvent;
    import java.nio.file.WatchKey;
    import java.nio.file.WatchService;
    public class WatchDir
      private final WatchService _watcher;
      private final String _dir;
      public WatchDir( String dir ) throws IOException
        _dir = dir;
        _watcher = FileSystems.getDefault().newWatchService();
        Paths.get( dir ).register( _watcher, ENTRY_CREATE, ENTRY_DELETE );
        System.out.println( "watch registered for dir: " + dir );
      public void run()
          while ( true )
            WatchKey key = _watcher.take();
            for ( WatchEvent<?> event : key.pollEvents() )
              WatchEvent.Kind<?> kind = event.kind();
              if ( kind == OVERFLOW )
              @SuppressWarnings( "unchecked" )
              WatchEvent<Path> ev = (WatchEvent<Path>)event;
              Path fileName = ev.context();
              System.out.println( "WatchDir event: " + kind.name() + ": " + fileName );
              if ( kind == ENTRY_CREATE )
                String realPath = _dir + fileName;
                System.out.println( "WatchDir: " + realPath + " exists == " + new File( realPath ).exists() );
        catch ( ClosedWatchServiceException x )
        catch ( InterruptedException ex )
      public static void main( String[] args )
        Thread t = new Thread( new Runnable()
          public void run()
              while ( true )
                String filename = "subdir\\test.txt";
                boolean fileExists = new File( filename ).exists();
                System.err.println( "FileExistsThread: " + filename + " == " + fileExists );
                Thread.sleep( 300 );
            catch ( InterruptedException e )
          new WatchDir( "subdir\\" ).run();
        catch ( IOException e )
    Any idea's?

    If you donot have access to note 45172.1 as specified by Laurent Schneider.
    Snippet from note
    a. Mapped Drive : To use a mapped drive, the user that the service starts as
    must have setup a drive to match UTL_FILE_DIR and be logged onto the server
    when UTL_FILE is in use.
    b. Universal Naming Convention : UNC is preferable to Mapped Drives because
    it does not require anyone to be logged on and UTL_FILE_DIR should be set to
    a name in the form :
    \\\<machine name>\<share name>\<path>
    "\\<machine name>\<share name>\<path>"

  • Forwarding Rates are not accurate

    Yesterday I activated forwarding calls, and I have two questions :
    Rates to United Stats is 2.3¢/min
    and when I received calls they charged me $0.8 per min !!!!!!!!!!!!
    The second question is :
    couples of my friends reported that after skype starts ringing for few seconds, It doesn't forward their call to my phone properly !!! It stops ringing when It supposedly forwarding their call to me !!!

    According to your post, my understanding is that search results are not accurate.
    I recommend to run a full crawl and then to check whether the search results are correct.
    If your incremental crawl is running, it may happen that, when you are viewing the data in the search result web part, the newly added content are not crawled yet.
    So, after the content are updated, wait for some time.
    Let your incremental crawl finish. Then view the results on the page.
    More information:
    Understanding how search results are displayed in SharePoint Server 2013
    Searching new content with SharePoint Search
    Best Regards,
    Linda Li
    Linda Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Freeway traffic data is not accurate in Seatte Area

    I'm finding in Seattle area (I5, 520, I90, 99) that the traffic data is not accurate.
    I've seen it on a few occasions now when I'm picking a route to avoid conjested areas that sometimes I've had to go along a RED freeway and found it to be open and problem free.
    How often is the data updated - how old is it ?
    Is there a way on the iPhone to get the Maps app to refresh its data

    Use Safari and go to this page: http://www.wsdot.wa.gov/traffic/seattle/
    It might be better.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Motion opens and close when we try to open a template

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  • Please help!!! Cannot run Windows Update in Win 7 Pro after changing new hard-drive. (X201s)

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  • Missing Instruments (horn section, trumpet section)

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  • RMAN Clone Errors

    Hello, We use Commvault for our backup software. I can successfully clone one application's PROD instance on server1 to TEST on server2. However, for another application, attempting the same process of cloning the app's PROD instance on server1 to TE

  • Loop Time Increasing as Program Progress

    My VI is a big state machine, all the states are taking couple of milli seconds when I start the program but after a while same states are taking lot of time (200 msec)I need a precision of atleast 10 msec going frmo loop to loop. Could any one tell