Compile problem when using JNI in c program.

I am run JDK 1.4 on AIX 5.1. I am trying to compile following code.
#include <jni.h>
main() {
JNIEnv *env;
JavaVM *jvm;
JDK1_1InitArgs vm_args;
jint res;
jclass cls;
jmethodID mid;
jstring jstr;
jobjectArray args;
/* IMPORTANT: specify vm_args version # if you use JDK1.1.2 and beyond */
vm_args.version = 0x00010001;
res = JNI_CreateJavaVM(&jvm,&env,&vm_args);
if (res < 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't create Java VM\n");
cls = (*env)->FindClass(env, "Prog");
if (cls == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't find Prog class\n");
mid = (*env)->GetStaticMethodID(env, cls, "main", "([Ljava/lang/String;)V");
if (mid == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Can't find Prog.main\n");
jstr = (*env)->NewStringUTF(env, " from C!");
if (jstr == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n");
args = (*env)->NewObjectArray(env, 1,
(*env)->FindClass(env, "java/lang/String"), jstr);
if (args == 0) {
fprintf(stderr, "Out of memory\n");
(*env)->CallStaticVoidMethod(env, cls, mid, args);
I run this command command and get the following errors
gcc invoke.c -o invoke -I/usr/java14/include -I/usr/java14/jre/bin -L/usr/java14/jre/bin -Lusr/java14/jre/bin/classic/
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .JNI_GetDefaultJavaVMInitArgs
ld: 0711-317 ERROR: Undefined symbol: .JNI_CreateJavaVM
I think I having all the location for the correct libraries or am I missing one.

You must include the aix sub-folder and the main include folder:
-I/usr/java14/include/aix -I/usr/java14/include
(No need to include the bin folder)

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    Hello every body,
    I have an application language "C", which, I must make a wrapper java.
    To do this using "JNI".
    First I try to understand the functioning of JNI, I try it for the first example helloWorld.
    all steps works well, and dynamic library was well create:
    The execution, it does'nt work
    When I try to java Helloworld, here's what I see:
    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/java/jniexamples/HelloWorld/ Can't load IA 32-bit .so on a IA 32-bit platform
    at java.lang.ClassLoader$NativeLibrary.load(Native Method)
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    at HelloWorld.<clinit>(
    Although I added the link to my library like this:
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH = $ LD_LIBRARY_PATH: / home / Install / java / jniexamples / HelloWorld
    I dont understand where is the problem may be in the version I use of java, I use jdk-1.5.0-13?
    Thank you in advance for your help

    Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: /home/java/jniexamples/HelloWorld/ Can't load IA 32-bit .so As a guess that would suggest that it found a file (thus the name is correct) but that the contents do not represent a shared library that the VM will load.
    That is usually because the compile/link options are wrong for the target VM.

  • Memory Allocation problem when using JNI

    For a Project we need to interface Labwindows-CVI/ Teststand with an application written in Java. we are using JNI. The code uses JNI_CreateJavaVM to start a JVM to run the Java interface code. The code did run for some time , but now ( without any obvious change nor on the CVI side neither on the Java side) JNI_CreateJavaVM fails with -4 error code, that means that the start of the JVM failed due to memory allocation failure. First investigation showed, that even if Windows Task Manager shows about 600M free physical memory, you can allocate in CVI only about 250M as a single block at the time we are calling  JNI_CreateJavaVM. That might be a little bit to less as we need to pass -Xmx192m to the JVM to run our code. Unfortunately just increasing the physical memory of that machine from 1.5G to 2G doesn't change anything. The free memory showed by Task Manager increases, but the allocatable memory block size does not. Are the any trick to optimize CVI/Teststand for that use case ?  Or maybe known problems with JNI ?
    Go to Solution.

    have you tried other functions to allocate memory?
    the -Xmx command only sets the maximum heap size. You can try to use -Xms. This command sets the initial Java heap size. 

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    -bash-4.1$ which cc
    when I run $make, I got the following error. Do you know what the problem might be? Am I using the correct compiler?
    Thank you very much. I appreciate any help.
    -bash-4.1$ make
    cc -g -DDBNAME=\"dss\" -DSUN -DORACLE -DTPCH -DRNG_TEST -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64 -c build.c
    "build.c", line 35: cannot find include file: <stdio.h>
    "build.c", line 36: cannot find include file: <string.h>
    "build.c", line 38: cannot find include file: <sys/types.h>
    "build.c", line 41: cannot find include file: <unistd.h>
    "/usr/include/iso/math_iso.h", line 13: cannot find include file: <sys/feature_tests.h>
    "/usr/include/iso/math_c99.h", line 12: cannot find include file: <sys/feature_tests.h>
    "/usr/include/floatingpoint.h", line 39: cannot find include file: <stdio_tag.h>
    "/usr/include/floatingpoint.h", line 45: syntax error before or at: FILE
    "/usr/include/floatingpoint.h", line 164: syntax error before or at: FILE
    "dss.h", line 84: cannot find include file: <stdio.h>
    "dss.h", line 85: cannot find include file: <stdlib.h>
    "dss.h", line 210: warning: old-style declaration or incorrect type for: FILE
    "dss.h", line 210: syntax error before or at: *
    "dss.h", line 210: warning: old-style declaration or incorrect type for: tbl_open
    "dss.h", line 471: syntax error before or at: FILE
    "dss.h", line 471: warning: undefined or missing type for: FILE
    "dss.h", line 471: warning: undefined or missing type for: void
    "dss.h", line 471: warning: undefined or missing type for: int
    "dss.h", line 471: warning: undefined or missing type for: int
    "build.c", line 89: warning: implicit function declaration: sprintf
    "build.c", line 115: warning: implicit function declaration: strlen
    "build.c", line 160: undefined symbol: NULL
    "build.c", line 160: warning: improper pointer/integer combination: op "="
    "build.c", line 160: non-constant initializer: op "NAME"
    "build.c", line 172: warning: improper pointer/integer combination: op "=="
    "build.c", line 189: warning: implicit function declaration: strcpy
    "build.c", line 348: warning: implicit function declaration: memcpy
    "build.c", line 368: undefined symbol: NULL
    "build.c", line 368: warning: improper pointer/integer combination: op "="
    "build.c", line 368: non-constant initializer: op "NAME"
    cc: acomp failed for build.c
    *** Error code 2
    make: Fatal error: Command failed for target `build.o'

    Thank you very much for your reply.
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    Reject: pkg://solaris/system/[email protected],5.11-
    Reason: This version is excluded by installed incorporation pkg://solaris/consolidation/osnet/[email protected],5.11-
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  • Performance problem when using CAPS LOCK piano input

    Dear reader,
    I'm very new to Logic and am running into a performance problem when using the CAPS LOCK-piano-keyboard for input of an instrument: when I'm not recording everything is fine and the program instantly responds on my keystrokes, but as soon as I go into record-mode there is sometimes a delay in the response-time (so I press a key and it takes up to half a second longer before the note is actually played).
    Is there anything to do about this to improve performance (for example turning of certain features of the application), or should I never use the CAPS LOCK keyboard anyway and go straight for an external MIDI-keyboard?
    Thanks and regards,
    Tim Metz

    Does your project have Audio tracks and just how heavy it is, how many tracks? Also, what kind of Software Instrument do you use?

  • AV when using JNI

    We have faced a problem that is very similar to the one reported in this thread:
    Has the problem been fixed in a later release?
    We are using BEA JRockit 5.0 R26.4.0-63 under Windows XP Professional 32-bit SP2 and still get Access Violations when using java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods() or java.lang.Class.getDeclaredFields(). The exception does not occur when we use the same module with Sun JVM and MS JVM.
    If the problem is supposed to be fixed, I can provide more details.
    Best regards,

    Hello Staffan,
    Thanks for your reply. Here is a description of the first problem we have faced:
    When using JNI to call the java.lang.Class.getDeclaredMethods() or java.lang.Class.getDeclaredFields() method, we get the java.lang.NullPointerException exception in some cases. If we debug the java.exe process in Visual Studio 2005, we can see that the following exception occurs:
    First-chance exception at 0x7d612b73 in java.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000010.
    Here is a part of the exception call stack:
    jvm.dll!_stubsCallC2JavaStub() + 0x24 bytes
    jvm.dll!_callC2Java() + 0x309 bytes
    jvm.dll!_jniCheckExceptionsForCall() + 0x12e bytes
    jvm.dll!_jniCallObjectMethodA@16() + 0x3b bytes
    jvm.dll!_jniGetVersion@4() + 0x993 bytes
    tcJavaHook.dll!JNIEnv_::CallObjectMethodA(_jobject * obj=0x34960204, _jmethodID * methodID=0x77b84b08, const jvalue * args=0x00000000)  Line 879 + 0x1f bytes C++
    We have done some investigations and found out that the problem occurs for the following classes:
    java.lang.Class, javax.swing.JPanel, javax.swing.JLayeredPane, javax.swing.JToolBar, javax.swing.AbstractButton, javax.swing.JLabel,
    javax.swing.JScrollPane, javax.swing.JViewport, javax.swing.JTable, javax.swing.CellRendererPane, javax.swing.JScrollBar, javax.swing.table.JTableHeader, javax.swing.JMenuBar, javax.swing.JComboBox, javax.swing.JSpinner, javax.swing.text.JTextComponent
    While the exception does not occur when calling methods of the following classes:
    javax.swing.JFrame, java.awt.Frame, javax.swing.JComponent, javax.swing.JRootPane, java.lang.Object, java.awt.Component, java.awt.Container, java.awt.Window, java.awt.Dialog, javax.swing.JDialog
    We were able to reproduce the problem with Eclipse 3.1.2 launched in the following way:
    I:\Java\jrockit-R26.4.0-jdk1.5.0_06\jre\bin\java.exe -Xms40m -Xmx256m -jar D:\Eclipse\startup.jar -os win32 -ws win32 -arch x86 -launcher D:\Eclipse\eclipse.exe -name Eclipse -showsplash 600 -exitdata 14a8_60 -vm I:\Java\jrockit-R26.4.0-jdk1.5.0_06\jre\bin\java.exe -vmargs -Xms40m -Xmx256m -jar D:\Eclipse\startup.jar
    I:\Java\jrockit-R26.4.0-jdk1.5.0_06\ - the installation folder of JRockit JDK
    D:\Eclipse\ - the root folder of Eclipse
    In this case, even trying to get information about the java.lang.Object class fields and methods causes the problem.
    Can you say anything based on the above call stack?
    Please let me know if you need any details about the problem.
    Best regards,

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    search google for "iphone remove picture from contact"

  • ORA-01403: no data found Problem when using AUTOMATIC ROW FETCH to populate

    ORA-01403: no data found Problem when using AUTOMATIC ROW FETCH to populate a form.
    1) Created a FORM on EMP using the wizards. This creates an AUTOMATIC ROW FETCH
    Item Containing PRIMARY KEY - P2099_EMPNO
    Primary key column - EMPNO
    By default the automatic fetch has a ‘Process Error Message’ of ‘Unable to fetch row.’
    2) Created a HTML region. Within this region add
    text item P2099_FIND_EMPNO
    Button GET_EMP to submit
    Branch Modified the conditional branch created during button creation to set P2099_EMPNO with &P2099_FIND_EMPNO.
    If I then run the page, enter an existing employee number into P2099_EMPNO and press the GET_EMP button the form is populated correctly. But if I enter an employee that does not exist then I get the oracle error ORA-01403: no data found and no form displayed but a message at the top of the page ‘Action Processed’.I was expecting a blank form to be displayed with the message ‘Unable to fetch row.’
    I can work around this by making the automated fetch conditional so that it checks the row exists first. Modify the Fetch row from EMP automated fetch so that it is conditional
    EXIST (SQL query returns at least one row)
    select 'x'
    from EMP
    where EMPNO = :P2099_EMPNO
    But this means that when the employee exists I must be fetching from the DB twice, once for the condition and then again for the actual row fetch.
    Rather than the above work around is there something I can change so I don’t get the Oracle error? I’m now wondering if the automatic row fetch is only supposed to be used when linking a report to a form and that I should be writing the fetch process manually. The reason I haven’t at the moment is I’m trying to stick with the automatic wizard generation as much as I can.
    Any ideas?
    Thanks Pete

    Hi Mike,
    I've tried doing that but it doesn't seem to make any difference. If I turn debug on it shows below.
    0.05: Computation point: AFTER_HEADER
    0.05: Processing point: AFTER_HEADER
    0.05: ...Process "Fetch Row from EMP": DML_FETCH_ROW (AFTER_HEADER) F|#OWNER#:EMP:P2099_EMPNO:EMPNO
    0.05: Show ERROR page...
    0.05: Performing rollback...
    0.05: Processing point: AFTER_ERROR_HEADER
    I don't really wan't the error page, either nothing with the form not being populated or a message at the top of the page.
    Thanks Pete

  • Problem when using About Operator in Contains Query

    I'm new to Oracle and this forums too. I have a problem when using about operator in contains query.
    I create a table with some records and then create a context index on 'name' column.
    CREATE TABLE my_items (
      id           NUMBER(10)      NOT NULL,
      name         VARCHAR2(200)   NOT NULL,
      description  VARCHAR2(4000)  NOT NULL,
      price        NUMBER(7,2)     NOT NULL
    ALTER TABLE my_items ADD (
      CONSTRAINT my_items_pk PRIMARY KEY (id)
    CREATE SEQUENCE my_items_seq;
    INSERT INTO my_items VALUES(my_items_seq.nextval, 'Car', 'Car description', 1);
    INSERT INTO my_items VALUES(my_items_seq.nextval, 'Train', 'Train description', 2);
    INSERT INTO my_items VALUES(my_items_seq.nextval, 'Japan', 'Japan description', 3);
    INSERT INTO my_items VALUES(my_items_seq.nextval, 'China', 'China description', 4);
    EXEC ctx_ddl.create_preference('english_lexer','basic_lexer');
    EXEC ctx_ddl.set_attribute('english_lexer','index_themes','yes');
    EXEC ctx_ddl.set_attribute('english_lexer','theme_language','english');
    CREATE INDEX my_items_name_idx ON my_items(name) INDEXTYPE IS CTXSYS.CONTEXT PARAMETERS('lexer english_lexer');
    EXEC ctx_ddl.sync_index('my_items_name_idx');Then I perform contains query to retrieve record :
    SELECT count(*) FROM my_items WHERE contains(name, 'Japan', 1) > 0;
    SELECT count(*) FROM my_items WHERE contains(name, 'about(Japan)', 1) > 0;
          1But the problem is when I using ABOUT operator like in Oracle's English Knowledge Base Category Hierarchy it return 0
    SELECT count(*) FROM my_items WHERE contains(name, 'about(Asia)', 1) > 0;
    SELECT count(*) FROM my_items WHERE contains(name, 'about(transportation)', 1) > 0;
          0I can't figure out what 's wrong in my query or in my index.
    Any help will be appreciated.
    Hieu Nguyen
    Edited by: user2944391 on Jul 10, 2009 3:25 AM

    Hello (and welcome),
    You'd be best asking this question in the Oracle Text forum, here:
    And by the way, it will help others to analyse if you put {noformat}{noformat} (lowercase code in curly brackets) before and after your code snippets.
    Good luck!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • When using FireFox I often cannot view pictures in Hotmail, but have no problem when using other browsers

    When using FireFox I often cannot view pictures in Hotmail emails, but I have no problem when using other browsers

    Do you also have this issue if you temporarily switch to Private Browsing mode?
    *Tools > Options > Privacy, choose the setting <b>Firefox will: Use custom settings for history</b>
    *Select: [X] "Always use private browsing mode"
    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance/Themes).
    *Don't make any changes on the Safe mode start window.
    See also:

  • Coercion problem when using Shared Variable

    I have a curious coercion problem when using Shared Variables.  I want to share the state of a State Machine, which is an enum saved as a control (typedef) called TYPE State (see attached).  I create a shared variable called State and define it as a Custom Control, using the just-mentioned typedef.  So far, so good.  I've attached three simple VIs -- the first one, Init State, simply wires a constant to the input of the Shared Variable to initialize it -- the wired constant is, of course, defined by the typedef.  However, the Get State and Set State, meant to wire an indicator (for reading the state) or control (for setting it), develop coercion dots when wired into the Shared Variable.  Why?  How do I get rid of the dot?  [I suppose I could abandon my typedef and custom control, but the beauty of typedefs and custom controls is that it "enforces" rules, lets you use enums for clarity, keeps the code "honest", etc. -- I'd hate to give that up just to get rid of a dot!].
    On a related note, the code seems to work.  This is much too simplistic to do anything, but if you open Set State and Get State, set the state to anything, run it (it immediately stops, of course), then run Get State, you'll see the chosen state appear in the indicator.  So it does appear to work.  The "error" (coercion dot) may, I suppose, be a "bug" in Labview because it can't figure out the mapping of the (very simple!) Custom Control, but if so, I hope it gets fixed quickly!
    Bob Schor
    Coercion ‏38 KB

    Hello Bob,
    I am also seeing this behavior, I will escalate this question to our LabVIEW developers and post again here no later than next Tuesday, November 27th as National Instruments will be closed for the remainder of this week.
    If this issue does turn into a product suggestion, I would suspect the workaround would to live with the coersion dot for the time being.
    Enjoy the holiday
    Erik J.
    Applications Engineer
    National Instruments

  • NLS support problems when using AL32UTF8 in dads.conf

    Following a post by Joel Kallman, in one of the forum threads, about the mandatory use of AL32UTF8 in dads.conf, when running HTML DB v2.0, I changed my PlsqlNLSLanguage parameter accordingly.
    Prior to the change, I experienced some problems when using non-English characters – some application items appeared as gibberish when contained non-English characters, and the LIKE operator didn't perform as expected. After the change, it all seems to work OK, but now I have a different problem.
    All the non-English characters in my HTML page source code appears as gibberish. On screen, at run time, everything display correctly, but the source code seems to be corrupted. It is very difficult, and very annoying to debug the pages that way. Is there a way to enjoy both worlds – Using AL32UTF8 in the dads.conf, as required, and still getting a coherent HTML source code, containing non-English characters?

    I use the following settings and they work fine for me:
    Operating system:
    daust:oracle[o1020]> uname -a
    Linux 2.4.21-37.EL #1 Wed Sep 7 13:35:21 EDT 2005 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux
    daust:oracle[o1020]> cat /etc/redhat-release
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux ES release 3 (Taroon Update 6)
    <Location /pls/htmldb>
        Order deny,allow
        PlsqlDocumentPath docs
        AllowOverride None
        PlsqlDocumentProcedure wwv_flow_file_manager.process_download
        PlsqlDatabaseConnectString localhost:1521:o1020
        PlsqlNLSLanguage AMERICAN_AMERICA.WE8ISO8859P1
        PlsqlAuthenticationMode Basic
        SetHandler pls_handler
        PlsqlDocumentTablename wwv_flow_file_objects$
        PlsqlDatabaseUsername HTMLDB_PUBLIC_USER
        PlsqlDefaultPage htmldb
        PlsqlDatabasePassword @BZvJYqadreElOqj5poCB5gE=
        Allow from all
    daust:oracle[o1020]> sqlplus "/ as sysdba"
    SQL> select * from nls_database_parameters;
    PARAMETER                      VALUE
    NLS_LANGUAGE                   AMERICAN
    NLS_TERRITORY                  AMERICA
    NLS_CURRENCY                   $
    NLS_ISO_CURRENCY               AMERICA
    NLS_CHARACTERSET               WE8ISO8859P1
    NLS_CALENDAR                   GREGORIAN
    NLS_DATE_FORMAT                DD-MON-RR
    NLS_SORT                       BINARY
    NLS_TIME_FORMAT                HH.MI.SSXFF AM
    PARAMETER                      VALUE
    NLS_DUAL_CURRENCY              $
    NLS_COMP                       BINARY
    Using AL32UTF8 resulted in the same problem as described ( and fixed ) here: Re: Strange - HTML not written correctly
    So, what is the proper configuration of the DAD, perhaps there are different ones for Unicode instances and non-Unicode instances.

  • TS2570 doesn't work, still the same problem when using Rapidweaver software. NOT with other software.

    i tried everything in this article, but still have the same problem when using Rapidweaver software. NOT with other software. I am converting my iWeb site  to Rapidweaver, whenever there is a calmer period in my office. I have 16 Gb RAM on my NEW iMac and have Parallels desktop, mail, safari, iWeb and Rapidweaver running simultanious.
    I never have the problem if i don't use Rapidweaver, but after i have added several pages to Rapidweaver, the problem begins. my iMac won't start up. the only thing that works is re-installing Macos OS X 10.8. i tried even whiping the completeharddrive, and reinstalling with a complete new user, the same problem.
    I had it on my previous iMac also, and bought a new one because i thought the problem was in the iMac first. i hadn't noticed it only happens with using rapidweaver.
    i sent my complete rapidweaver project to the programmers from rapidweaver at Realmacsoftware, but they couldnt reproduce my problem, there macs started up without any problem.
    i deleted all the rapidweaver addons and extra stacks, and started a complete new project.
    saterday i had the problem again, after adding about 5 new pages to my rapidweaver site.
    i think i have reinstalled Macos OS X 10.8.2 20 or 30 times by now
    does anyone have a sollution?

    Type '''about:support''' in the URL bar and hit Enter.
    Scroll down almost to the bottom of that listing and see if you have '''user.js Preferences''' just above the '''''Graphics''''' category.
    If you do have that, click on '''user.js file''' in this sentence. <br />
    ''Your profile folder contains a user.js file, which includes preferences that were not created by Firefox.''
    Does that "different homepage" appear in that user.js file?

  • Problem when using IE9

    We use IE9.
    I enter in https://gwserver.
    Compose New mail (in Plain Text mode) with body:
    And send this mail , for example to itself.
    the received letter will look like:
    Someone has the same problem?

    Are you guys still on the shipping code of GW 12? Novell had a fix for this within a couple weeks of GW 12 being released from what I remember. Open an SR and get the latest code.
    Or simply tell your users to user HTML.
    Todd Bowman
    Todd Bowman
    Senior Network Analyst
    University of Minnesota Physicians
    [email protected]
    From: MarkDissington<[email protected]>
    Date: 5/24/2012 6:46 AM
    Subject: Re: Problem when using IE9
    skoltogyan;2197344 Wrote:
    > The solution is?
    > Serg
    I would guess don't use IE9 until a fix is released? :-)
    MarkDissington's Profile:
    View this thread:

  • Problem when using Javabeans in ADF?

    I encountered a problem when using ADF.
    Please look at the following 2 classes :
    public class Person
    private String name;
    private String city;
    private int age;
    public Person(String name, int age, String city) = name;
    this.age = age; = city;
    public Person()
    public void setName(String name) = name;
    public String getName()
    return name;
    public void setAge(int age)
    this.age = age;
    public int getAge()
    return age;
    public void setCity(String city) = city;
    public String getCity()
    return city;
    public class PersonFactory
    public PersonFactory()
    public List getPersons()
    List list = new ArrayList();
    list.add(new Person("peit", 18, "dalian"));
    list.add(new Person("robin", 22, "shenyang"));
    list.add(new Person("Joe", 30, "York"));
    list.add(new Person("Edi", 23, "Beijing"));
    return list;
    public List getNames()
    List list = new ArrayList();
    return list;
    public void commit()
    System.out.println("Data commited");
    I created the PersonFactory class as DataControl, so I can use the getPersons() and getNames()(just for test, so they are simple), I drag the names from
    the DataControl palette as Table in a JClientPanel, good luck, it works and displays the 4 Strings in a table, but when I drag the persons from
    the DataControl palette as Table in the same JClientPanel, it does not work and raises exception :
         at javax.swing.JTable.prepareRenderer(
         at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableUI.paintCell(
         at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableUI.paintCells(
         at javax.swing.plaf.basic.BasicTableUI.paint(
         So, I confused why? How to edit it properly?
    Message was edited by:
    [email protected]

    Hi, Frank
    Thank you for your reply.
    I am sorry for not explaining well. I mean that the getNames() works fine, but getPersons() does not. The only diferenece between them is the former is simple string and the latter is javabean, but when I made the PersonFactory as DataControl, I set the bean class Person for the getPersons()(list of persons) bean class.
    I debuged the class, the exceptions raised when the table for getPersons() setModel() method called.
    So, where is the problem?

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