Compressor Settings for Apple TV?

I've seen a number of posts asking about this, but haven't yet dug up any recipes for getting Apple TV compatible output from compressor.
Could someone who's done this summarize any tips they've got on this? Does it use the H.264 for DVD setting, or the Quicktime Movie setting with H.264 as the codec? If it's the latter, can you still use .m4v or do you have to use .mov as the file suffix?

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    There are different MPEG flavours and compression for DVD, mobiles or web often means creating some flavour of MPEG file. Even H.264 is an MPEG file. One of the most advanced.
    Go to Compressor settings and look for a folder named Mobile devices then do a bit of your DIY (test, test, test).

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    Thomas A. wrote:
    This setting generates a QuickTime file with the extension .mov
    Of course it does. Why would that be a problem? "Apple Lossless" is not a file format, it's a codec.
    OK, if I change the extension manually to m4a it seems to be an ALAC file, but I am not sure if it a "correct" one in regard to the specifications.
    There is no "ALAC" file format specification. What are you going to use the files for?
    ALAC isn't specified at all. The audio codec is called "Apple Lossless", and it is a set of algorithms to encode audio data, and a specification for a bitstream of audio data encoded such. It can be put in various containers, the most common being MPEG-4 and Apple Quicktime, but nothing will stop you from using AVI, .mkv, .ogg or anything else as the container format.
    If you're unhappy with Compressor, which only seems to offer the QuickTime container format for Apple Lossless-encoded audio, there might be other tools that will transfer it into another container while leaving the actual encoded data untouched.
    Since the Apple Lossless codec is now free, mencoder might work, even for the encoding itself. I haven't checked MPEG Streamclip, Handbrake, VLC or others, which might also offer such options.
    Quick tests didn't yield any success, but that doesn't mean it shouldn't work.
    An alternative for lessless encoding is the "FLAC" (free lossless audio codec), which is usually stored in an ogg container file. I don't think Compressor offers that, although VLC does.
    It seems that the exact thing you want is not readily available (i. e. mpeg-4 audio-only with Apple Lossless audio codec.)

  • What Compressor Settings for the web?

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    You can review the information first hand at
    Or create a custom preset in Compressor:
    Name: YouTube sharing
    Description: H.264 video at 8 Mbps with AAC 44.1kHz audio
    File Extension: mov
    Estimated size: 3.6 GB/hour of source
    Audio Encoder
    AAC, Stereo (L R), 44.100 kHz
    Video Encoder
    Format: QT
    Width and Height: Up to 1280 x 720
    Pixel aspect ratio: Default
    Crop: None
    Padding: Preserve source aspect ratio
    (L: 0, T: 0, R: 0, B: 0)
    Frame rate: (100% of source)
    Frame Controls: Automatically selected: Off
    Codec Type: H.264
    Multi-pass: On, frame reorder: On
    Pixel depth: 24
    Spatial quality: 50
    Min. Spatial quality: 50
    Temporal quality: 50
    Min. temporal quality: 50
    Average data rate: 8 (Mbps)

  • Best settings for Apple TV?

    Hi gang,
    Compressor has a built in preset for Apple TV that produces 1280 x 720 video. This was fine for HDV material, but recently I started to shoot at 1920x1080. Is it possible to convert this type of material for Apple TV? If so, what would be the best settings?

    My question is somewhat related to this subject.
    I produce HDTV clips with FCP6 cming from XDCAM-EX1 source. After having exported the FCP Sequence into QuickTime movie I go into Compressor and I would like to find the correct setting to be able to read my clip with Sony Play Station PS3. I tried all kinds of settings and the only one which works is the H.264 for Apple TV but its resolution is only 1280x720p.
    I am surprised there is so little compatibility between Apple and the Sony PS3.
    The PS3 is supposed to read:
    MPEG-4 SP (AAC LC)
    - H.264/MPEG-4 AVC Main Profile (AAC LC)
    - Motion JPEG (Linear PCM)
    - Motion JPEG (μ-Law)
    AVCHD (.m2ts)
    But only one of the settings provided by Compressor works ! This is terrible.
    Can someone suggest a way to convert my Quicktime movie (1920x1080 HDTV) into a file that can be read by the PS3 without loosing so much on the resoltuon?

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    Restarting iTunes resolves the issue in the majority of cases, if it doesn't my second guess would be your security software.
    What really seems strange here is that there have been no updates since well before Xmas, so after initially setting it up, the first update would have brought you right up to the most recent (and indeed the very last) .
    Agh, how silly of me, I see it's iTunes you have updated.
    If that's about all you've changed, you might want to try reinstalling iTunes and bonjour.
    Message was edited by: Winston Churchill

  • Best compressor settings for HDV downconvert -- attention hanumang

    Reposting this bit because it differs significantly from topic of thread where it appeared.
    goal: the best possible HDV-DV downconvert using final cut studio (hitch: I have added problem of converting resulting film from PAL to NTSC)
    previous method: the best luck I've had is Quicktime converting from HDV to 10-bit PAL SD and compressor converting that to NTSC DVDPRO50
    Hanumang recommended using compressor for first conversion. My response:
    What settings?
    By coincidence I decided to try the initial conversion (HDV to 10-bit) this morning on compressor (but I didn't change the frame rate; i didn't know they were relavant for HD downconvert; I only change them for the PAL-NTSC conversion).
    At first glance, the compressor 10-bit conversion doesn't seem any better than the quicktime conversion (due to the frame rate settings?). I don't know for sure because I haven't sent it back to compressor for PAL-NTSC conversion and on to DVD SP.
    One issue I'm worried about is the dimensions. quicktime's 768 x 576 (preserve aspect ratio checked; letterbox selected) was the only dimension setting that produced a film that looked right (on the dvd; it's squished in final cut). I don't see that option in compressor. I suppose I could type it in the frame size boxes.
    I would be most grateful for help in this matter. I've spent a few weeks on this. I just plod along, zombie-like, trying a few different things every day, hoping to hit the jackpot eventually. I've been planning on trying to downconvert using my HDV/DV deck (print to tape in HDV; then change settings to downconvert and capture as DV). Would that help?
    how do pro studios handle downconverting? What kind of hardware do they use? I'm an independent filmmaker, working on a small budget, but eventually, once the film is finished and (hopefully) I have more money, I''d happily pay for a good pro conversion. Do you know what that costs? The film will be 80 minutes long.
    thanks again for your help.
    What compressor settings do you recommend?
    The best workflow I've come up with is qucktime conversion from HDV PAL to SD 10-bit PAL, then compressor conversion from 10-bit Pal to DVDPR0 50 NTSC.
    By coincidence I decided to try the initial conversion (HDV to 10-bit) this morning on compressor (but I didn't change the frame rate; i didn't know they were relavant for HD downconvert; I only been change them for the PAL-NTSC conversion).
    At first glance, the compressor 10-bit conversion doesn't look better than the quicktime conversion (due to the frame rate settings?). I don't know for sure because I haven't sent it back to compressor for PAL-NTSC conversion and on to DVD SP.
    One issue I'm worried about is the dimensions. quicktime's 768 x 576 (preserve aspect ratio checked; letterbox selected) was the only dimension setting that produced a film that looked right (on the dvd; it's squished in final cut). I don't see that option in compressor. I suppose I could type it in the frame size boxes.
    Anyway, I would be most grateful for answers to these questions. I've spent a few weeks on this and am past the point of frustration. I just plod along, zombie-like, trying a few different things every day, dimly hoping to hit the jackpot eventually. Actually, I've been planning on trying to downconvert using my HDV/DV deck (print to tape in HDV; then change settings to downconvert and capture as DV). Would that help?
    how do pro studios handle downconverting? What kind of hardware do they use? I'm an independent filmmaker, working on a small budget for the time being, but eventually, once the film is over and (hopefully) I have more money, I'll be willing to pay for a good pro conversion. Do you know what that costs? The film will be 80 minutes long.
    thanks again for your help.

    My bad, I was out in the afternoon and didn't get a chance to pick up on your reply to the last thread. Sorry to hear that your first attempt with Compressor was so disappointing.
    Just so we're clear, you're using what exact versions of the software? FCP 5.1? Compressor 2? (For Compressor, in particular, 2.0 vs 2.1 vs 2.3 is important.) And, what are your sequence settings in FCP? Finally, we're to understand that you're actually working in PAL HDV? Or are you working in AIC?

  • Downgrade Compressor Settings for longer DVD

    I work with very simple standard definition 4 x 3 aspect video and sometimes make DVD's Compressing with the various Stock DVD Compressor settings.  I have never made a custom setting with Compressor.  Now I would like to put a 200 minute video on a standard DVD (not dual density).
    Can I modify a default setting like the 150 minute, and downgrade the quality enough so that the 200 min results would fit on a 4.6 gig DVD?  (maybe room for a very simple menu.)  Do I have to make a new setting from scratch, or could I modify and save, working from a default?  Like I say, I have never made a compressor setting, so I could appreciate a sort of step-by-step.
    Thank You
    Richard Miller

    Duplicate the DVD preset you want to use; it will show up in the custom presets in Compressor.  Clcik on the new custom preset so it will show in the Inspector window and make any needed adjustments.  Give it a name you'll remember then save it and apply it to the file you want to encode.
    You can use one of the available online bit rate calculators to determine the best bit rate based on your program's duration: eid=opera&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8

  • Compressor settings for YouTube for 720p 12 minute 10GB project created in FCPX?

    Hey All
    Would anyone care to share some settings for compressor please?
    I have a 720p 50fps 12 minute 10GB file created in FCPX that using "Publish to YouTube" settings in Compressor is still coming out at 721MB.
    It will take me 4-5 hours to upload this to YouTube so need to make the file smaller and who knows how it will play once its up online.
    Any suggestions of some other Compressor settings without using too much quality?

    When you reference "50 fps", do you happen to know if that's fields per second or frames per second?  Depending on the answer to that, you may or may not need to adjust that.
    When it comes to file size, you have frame rate, frame size, compression type and data transfer rate affecting the final size.
    As Russ and darby have suggested, data transfer rate is the main thing to experiment with (since you're publishing for Vimeo, the other setting are pretty much locked in).
    I have found that when it comes to playing with the bit rate, a video with a 1280 by 720 frame size needs between 4,000 kilobits per second and 5,000 kilobits per second to maintian good image quality.  While you might get good results at a lower rate, high contrast areas in the picture are very, very, very likely to show loss of image quality.
    If you need to get your video up asap, start the upload late at night.  As long as your internet connection doesn't drop out (knock on wood), you file will be uploaded by the morning.
    Also, (for what it's worth) is there any place close by that has fast internet that you could use?  If you have access to a computer lab at a local community college, a 1GB file will probably upload in minutes rather than hours.

  • Playstation 3 compressor settings for h.264/mp4 and avchd and 5.1 audio

    Hello this is my first post on this forum. I am a cameraman by trade, but do a lot of editing. I am pretty good on an Avid and with color correction software, but since I sold my sony f900 and picked up a couple or RED cameras - I was forced to hop on the FCP studio2 wagon. So I apologize for the newbie questions.
    I have a PS3 and not a PSP. I find more and more clients have a PS3 for their media and blu-ray... etc. So my question is what are the settings for compressor to encode for the PS3 and there ever so nit picky and poorly documented parameters.
    There are plenty of non-pro answers, but I have searched high and low for what they need specifically. I see lots of questions but now answers.
    So how can I take my final cut footage or any video file for that matter, and put it into something that my PS3 can chew? What are the H.264 (mpeg4) settings?
    Can I also (but not exclusively) encode in AVCHD from compressor?
    Lastly is there a way to put on the 5.1 or surround info into these files for PS3 playback? if I want to take one of my work DVD's (reel, projects, etc) and put it on the PS3 or bring in surround encoded (5.1, 6.1, 7.1) tracks into FCP and put it with my footage?
    Thanks for any and all help...
    the only vaguely technical info I have found was on the PS3 forum, here is what it says:
    For those of you who want to put .MP4 videos on a PS3 with a Macintosh, this is how you do it with ffmpegx.
    - X264 Encoding
    - framesize can be any
    - framerate can be any
    - any MP3 or AAC track
    - Use CABAC on
    - Constant bitrate on
    - Trellis on
    - Decode with Quicktime (not always necessary but if your picture is out of sync with audio, try this)
    - AVC level 3.0
    This produces a good .MP4 file that the PS3 will happily play.
    Can anyone help or point me in the right direction? if not can we figure it out on this thread? there are a lot of questions I find when I google this subject out there - so a lot of people would be happy to find the answer.
    Olias Sunhillow

    I have created files to play on PS3, and the secret is to use MPEG Streamclip. You can encode to whatever you want in MPEG2 or MPEG4, then open that bad boy in MPEG Streamclip:
    If it's MPEG2, File > convert to TS
    If it's MPEG4: File > Save As MP4
    That's it. MPEG Streamclip doesn't re-encode so no quality loss. All it does is change the container. And PS3 is very picky about containers.
    As for 5.1 audio, you can do this by encoding separate MPEG2 video and AC3 audio files like you normally would for a DVD. For hi-def MPEG2, use one of the Compressor presets for HD-DVD. Make sure they both have the same name ("xxx.m2v" and "xxx.ac3", for instance) and are in the same folder. Then open the video in MPEG Streamclip and it will automatically mux the streams together, which can then be converted to TS.
    Note that this is only possible encoding video to MPEG2. I don't know of any way to create an MP4 with 5.1 audio.
    PS3 is a great way to deliver HD video onto your TV without the frustration of trying to author Blu-Ray or even burning discs.

  • Compressor 1080p for Apple Devices (10 Mbps) Does Not Include Dolby 5.1 Audio Track

    Compressor recognised my file's audio properties as: AAC 5.1 (C L R Ls Rs LFE), 48.000 kHz
    I use the 1080p for Apple Devices (10 Mbps) which should include Dobly 5.1 audio track
    After the succesfful completion of any file the output file only includes a 2 channel audio track.

    WIsh I could help and was hoping someone else would jump in with suggestions. The surround sound work I've done successfully is limited to the legacy versions of FCP and Compressor. When I've tested it in the FCPX  to Compreessor workflow, I've not got it to work either.
    I suggest you post your question in FCP X or Logic Pro forum to see whether you get some help.
    Good luck.

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