Concurrency handling in Windows Azure

Can somebody help me with getting information regarding "Concurrency handling" in windows azure.? Information like where and al concurrencies will occur in azure? And how to resolve those concurrencies?
It would be grateful if somebody help with it. Thank you.

Since most of the articles I've seen on this reference the Storage Client Library 1.x objects such as TableServiceContext, this is my solution using the newer SDK. See
This block of code should (and does) result in Precondition Failed (Error 412) due to an unmatching eTag.
CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(GetConnectionString(account, token));
CloudTableClient tableClient = storageAccount.CreateCloudTableClient();
CloudTable table = tableClient.GetTableReference(container);
TableOperation retrieveBuildOp = TableOperation.Retrieve<BuildTableEntity>(BuildTablePartitionKey, build);
var specificEntity = (BuildTableEntity)table.Execute(retrieveBuildOp).Result;
var specificEntity2 = (BuildTableEntity)table.Execute(retrieveBuildOp).Result;
specificEntity.ConcurrentDownloads = 33;
TableOperation replaceOp = TableOperation.Replace(specificEntity);
specificEntity2.ConcurrentDownloads = 22;
TableOperation replaceOp2 = TableOperation.Replace(specificEntity2);
/// <summary>
/// Build Table Entity object
/// Includes counter for number of concurrent downloads
/// </summary>
public class BuildTableEntity : TableEntity
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BuildTableEntity"/> class.
/// Required parameterless constructor
/// </summary>
public BuildTableEntity()
/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="BuildTableEntity"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="partitionKey">The partition key of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Table.TableEntity" /> to be initialized.</param>
/// <param name="rowKey">The row key of the <see cref="T:Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Table.TableEntity" /> to be initialized.</param>
public BuildTableEntity(string partitionKey, string rowKey)
: base(partitionKey, rowKey)
/// <summary>
/// Gets or sets the number of concurrent downloads.
/// </summary>
public int ConcurrentDownloads { get; set; }

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      >> can someone give me a recommended set of metrics that are good baselines?
    Actually, many metrics depend on your scenario. For instance, if there're a lot of concurrent requests or if a single request is expected to take some heavy computation, then it is expected to have a high CPU usage, thus it is difficult to give
    you a specific number.
    In general, you may want the CPU usage of a web server to be as high as possible (idle CPU costs money but does not provide valuable results), but if it is low enough, if additional concurrent requests are received, they can be served without too much
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      >> Or how many Http Server Errors? More than 0 seems bad, no? Wouldn't I want to know of any/all errors?
    As for server error, in general you want to get notified by all errors (> 0), however they're unexpected and need to be investigated. But if in your scenario you expect a certain level of server errors, then it is fine to use a larger number.
    Best Regards,
    Ming Xu
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  • What are Roles and Role entry points in the context of windows azure?

    I am just starting out with my journey towards understanding azure. I have a vague idea about the Web and Worker roles.
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    Hi deostroll,
    From you post I understand you've read quite a lot about Azure, but I'm affraid there's still some misunderstanding on what all these terms mean.
    Azure is a cloud computing suite of services tiered into three categories: IaaS, PaaS and SaaS. IaaS stands for Infrastructure-as-a-service and is an offering where Microsoft allows you to run your own virtual machines. You will handle everything from software
    patching, network connectivity (from the application level: virtual networks etc.), software installition and configuration etc. Basically everything you would do today on your own premise except for whatever concerns hardware (bare-metal). PaaS stands for
    Platform-as-a-service, and is a middle offerint, where Microsoft selects some VMs and is responsible for periodically patching this machines. You don't have to care about IIS or whatever existing applications there are on the VM either, because it's Microsoft's
    job to do this. Last but not least, SaaS stands for Software-as-a-service, and is the offering where you use a piece of software without even knowing what infrastructure exists behind it: I guess you've used some sort of webmail client before, right? That's
    a SaaS.
    When it comes to Windows Azure, IaaS is offered as Azure VM, PaaS is offered as Azure Cloud Services (formely known as Azure Hosted Services, should you get across documentation that uses that term instead) and SaaS is offered in the form of: Azure WebSites,
    Azure Mobile Services, Azure Media Services and many more.
    When you talk about either web roles or worker roles, you actually talk about two forms of roles that exist in the context of an Azure Cloud Service. Basically, when you create a cloud project from Visual Studio, you end up in adding either Web projects
    which might (but not necessarily) be linked as a Web Role to your Azure Cloud Service. You may also add, to the same solution, Worker Role projects. As you've probably already guessed, whenever you add a Web role, the web project it references is a web project
    in the literal term: ASP.NET Web Project, whether that is WebForms, MVC, MVC WebAPI that's all completely up to you. However, what is a worker role project, you might ask? A worker role project might be though of just as a console application. You basically
    get absolutely no UI, but your code runs as long as it runs inside an infinite loop at some point. If the loop stops, just like a console application, your worker role will stop which will force the Azure FabricController to refresh your role. Consider the
    FabricController has the guardian of all roles, which will auto-magically 'respawn' your roles whenever something goes wrong, whether that's a software issue in your app, in the OS or a hardware failure.
    Moreover, keep in mind that every role in your cloud service project ends up in being created as a separate VM. What this means is that you will have separate VMs for each roles in your cloud service, so even if you create several web projects, you still
    get one machine, with one IIS instances with a single web application (yours) for each of your cloud's roles. Same goes for worker roles.
    I hope this information clears up some of the questions you might have.

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    Karthika [MSFT] This posting is provided "AS IS" with no warranties, and confers no rights.

    Hi babarzhr,
    For uploading large data files to storage blob, please try AzCopy, a command line utility with concurrent operations to upload, download, and copy blobs. You
    may get the latest version from, find the AzCopy at "<system disk>:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\AzCopy" after your installation and use below AzCopy command line pattern:
           AzCopy <source folder> <destination folder> [filepatterns] [options]
    Here is the sample command lines for your scenarios.
    #1. Upload from local to your Azure Storage blob.
    #1.1 Upload single file, say uploading “db1.bck”.
             AzCopy D:\backup\ db1.bck
    #1.2 Upload multi db files, say uploading “db1.mdf”, “db1.log”, “db1.bck”, use file pattern “db*” and option /s to recursively upload.
             AzCopy D:\backup\ /DestKey:key db* /s
    #1.3 Choose block or page blob by option /BlobType:Page|Block.
            AzCopy D:\backup\ /DestKey:key db1.bck /BlobType:Block
    Download from Storage to your VM local disk.
    #2.1 Download single file, say downloading “db1.bck”.
             AzCopy D:\backup\ /SourceKey:key db1.bck
    #2.2 Download multi db files, say downloading “db1.mdf”, “db1.log”, “db1.bck”, use file pattern “db” and option /s to recursively upload, attention, when ‘source’ is storage blob,
         the file pattern will be treated as prefix.
             AzCopy D:\backup\ /SourceKey:key db /s
    #3. For uploading/downloading large data files, suggest you open resume mode directly with option /z:<journal file>.
             AzCopy D:\backup\ /DestKey:key db1.bck /z:”d:\test\restart.log”
    If your operation is
    in the middle of downloading/uploading, use same command line to resume directly.

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    MVP in ASP.NET - ASPInsider - Author - Otherwise I am a loser.

    hi Wally,
    Thanks for posting!
    >>is it ok to modify the columns in Visual Studio once the table has been created?
    yes, we could modify our sql database data on the latest version (Azure SDK 2.2 ). You could use VS 2013 and install SDK2.2 to view the data. At the same time, you will
    click Add Firewall Rule and a new rule will be automatically added for you.
    Please see the blog about this question (
    >>Can i just create the necessary items on my own or do I need to go through the management portal all the time?
    The answer is yes . If you want to manage your SQL database by azure portal, you could find your database form
    "SQL Azure", and click the "Manage" to manage your DB. Like this image:
    >>How do i handle foreign keys and such between two tables?
    you could handle foreign such as using SQL. Refer to this page (
    Hope it helps.
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  • Error: Windows Azure is currently performing an operation on this hosted service that requires exclusive access.

    We are creating 2 cloud services in parallel with one deployment(VM Role) in each cloud service. For both requests (Sometimes only on 1) we are getting the following 409 Conflict error as a response to create hosted service POST request:
    409 ConflictError :
    Windows Azure is currently performing an operation on this hosted service that requires exclusive access.
    On getting the exception we have a cleanup call and in retry we are trying to create again. On each retry we are using a new cloud service name.
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    Not sure why this error is thrown during simultaneous creations. Any help would be greatly

    Hi Sowmya,
    We are using the REST APIs for all our operations – Edit:
    Creating two cloud services with one virtual machine (IaaS) each having
    two different deployment IDs.
    Step by Step procedure for creating the services:
    Create an Affinity Group
    Create a Virtual Network
    Create Hosted service
    Create Deployment (VM Role) under that hosted service
    Step 3 & 4 are executed concurrently for two different VM Creation where it is failing with 409 Conflict error.
    Also, the two cloud services are being deployed under the same Virtual Network and same Affinity Group. Apart from this there are no shared resources
    between two cloud services.
    Please let us know if you have more queries.

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    Is there a way to debug this error? At a bare minimum, it would be great to get an error message on why it could not start.

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    C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Azure\Storage Emulator>WAStorageEmulator.exe start
    Windows Azure Storage Emulator command line tool
    Unhandled Exception: System.TimeoutException: Unable to open wait handle.
       at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Emulator.Controller.EmulatorProcessController.InternalWaitForStorageEmulator(Int32 timeoutInMilliseconds)
       at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Emulator.Controller.EmulatorProcessController.EnsureRunning(Int32 timeoutInMilliseconds)
       at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Emulator.StartCommand.RunCommand()
       at Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Emulator.Program.Main(String[] args)

  • Windows Azure Tools for Visual Studio 2013 - v2.2 install fails on Windows Server 2012 R2

    Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013
    Version 12.0.21005.1 REL
    Microsoft .NET Framework
    Version 4.5.51641
    The installation completes without any errors on my VM running Windows Server 2012 R2, however its not recognized in VS2013 ? It also breaks the Publish functionality when I try and publish a web site to my hosting provider.

    I tried install, uninstall, reinstall cycle several times without success. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    here is my About info:
    Microsoft Visual Studio Professional 2013
    Version 12.0.21005.1 REL
    Microsoft .NET Framework
    Version 4.5.51641
    Installed Version: Professional
    LightSwitch for Visual Studio 2013   06177-004-0444002-02824
    Microsoft LightSwitch for Visual Studio 2013
    Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2013 ENU   06177-004-0444002-02824
    Microsoft Office Developer Tools for Visual Studio 2013 ENU
    Team Explorer for Visual Studio 2013   06177-004-0444002-02824
    Microsoft Team Explorer for Visual Studio 2013
    Visual Basic 2013   06177-004-0444002-02824
    Microsoft Visual Basic 2013
    Visual C# 2013   06177-004-0444002-02824
    Microsoft Visual C# 2013
    Visual C++ 2013   06177-004-0444002-02824
    Microsoft Visual C++ 2013
    Visual F# 2013   06177-004-0444002-02824
    Microsoft Visual F# 2013
    Visual Studio 2013 Code Analysis Spell Checker   06177-004-0444002-02824
    Microsoft® Visual Studio® 2013 Code Analysis Spell Checker
    Portions of International CorrectSpell™ spelling correction system © 1993 by Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. All rights reserved.
    The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Third Edition Copyright © 1992 Houghton Mifflin Company. Electronic version licensed from Lernout & Hauspie Speech Products N.V. All rights reserved.
    ASP.NET Web Frameworks and Tools 2012.2   4.1.21001.0
    For additional information, visit
    ASP.NET Web Frameworks and Tools 2013   5.0.11001.0
    For additional information, visit
    BusinessObjectEditor   1.0
    Information about my package
    CodeRush for Visual Studio   13.2
    Common Azure Tools   1.0
    Provides common services for use by Azure Mobile Services and Windows Azure Tools.
    CreateLayoutWizardPkg   1.0
    Create layout wizard.
    DevExpress.ExpressApp.Design.DesignDynamicPackage   1.0
    DevExpress VSIX Package
    DevExpress.ExpressApp.DesignPackage   1.0
    DevExpress VSIX Package
    DevExtreme.Design   13.2.6
    DevExtreme Visual Studio integration package
    DXCore for Visual Studio   13.2
    DXCore for Visual Studio
    PreEmptive Analytics Visualizer   1.2
    Microsoft Visual Studio extension to visualize aggregated summaries from the PreEmptive Analytics product.
    SQL Server Data Tools   12.0.30919.1
    Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools
    Windows Azure Mobile Services Tools   1.0
    Windows Azure Mobile Services Tools
    Workflow Manager Tools 1.0   1.0
    This package contains the necessary Visual Studio integration components for Workflow Manager.
    XtraReports package   1.0
    XtraReports package

  • Unable to load the web site after deploying into the windows azure.Internal Server 500

    Hello everyone,
    Currently we are having one cloude service running into window azure.We are weekly deployeing that from local visual studio 2010.Yesterday when i published from visuual studio after that i am getting 500-Internal server error while opening my URL.So i had
    thought of enabling the Remote Access for my cloude service ,but when i am trying to do that i am geting different differnt errors.
    Details are like..
    3:14:39 PM - Warning: There are package validation warnings.
    3:14:39 PM - Checking for Remote Desktop certificate...
    3:14:40 PM - Preparing deployment for ScrumApplication.Azure - 2/11/2015 3:13:26 PM with Subscription ID 'b7a6057b-c401-46d7-a18d-7e0a4d6d1863' using Service Management URL ''...
    3:14:40 PM - Connecting...
    3:14:40 PM - Verifying storage account 'leanzy'...
    3:14:41 PM - Uploading Package...
    3:35:24 PM - Updating...
    3:36:13 PM - Legacy plugin RemoteAccess is found in role ScrumApplication. Please remove the import from Service Definition file to use the Extension.
    and some time i am getting another issue like
    1:58:36 AM - Warning: There are package validation warnings.
    11:58:36 AM - Checking for Remote Desktop certificate...
    11:58:41 AM - Uploading Certificates...
    11:59:01 AM - Preparing deployment for ScrumApplication.Azure - 2/11/2015 11:57:47 AM with Subscription ID 'b7a6057b-c401-46d7-a18d-7e0a4d6d1863' using Service Management URL ''...
    11:59:01 AM - Connecting...
    11:59:01 AM - Verifying storage account 'leanzy'...
    11:59:03 AM - Uploading Package...
    12:10:41 PM - Unable to write data to the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.
    so please help me to resolve the problem in urgent basis. 
    Please mail me if anything we can do on urgent basis.
    My email id is- [email protected]
    Thanks in advance.

    hi Madhusudan,
    According to your description, It is very hard to reproduce your issue. But from my experience, I suggest you can try those steps:
    1.Please try to create a new cloud service and try to deploy on Azure. I wanted to check whether the environment  issue.
    2.Please try to redeploy your project and disable RemoteAccess feature in your deployment process.
    Any results, please let me know free.
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  • Crystal report installation problem in windows azure.

    Hi Everyone,
    Good day!.
    I have purchased standard version of web site in windows azure server,i'm converting existing normal application into widows azure project as web role project.In my existing project they have used crystal report tool to generate the reports.
    The issue has been arrived when i published the project into azure server.When i did some R&D people have suggested some tool to install the tool name called "CRRuntime.MSI".We tried and install this msi file both 64 bit and 32 bit,but the
    problem we couldn't even know whether the .MSI file got installed or not.
    Still we are having same issues in server.Please give your good ideas to short this issue in server.
    I'm using VS 2012
    Thanks in advance !

    Please make sure that you are enabling remote connection to the web role while deploying from visual studio 2012. Then get remote connectivity RDP file for the VM and connect to it. Install your tool manually and check if the problem getting resolved. If
    this manual installation works then you can schedule installation as start up task in Azure web role.
    [Although I don't know if your tool can be installed automatically by .cmd or .bat or powershell script file]
    You can add installations as start up task in Azure Web Role service definition file. Here is the link and sample XML tags-
    <ServiceDefinition name="MyService" xmlns="">
    <WebRole name="WebRole1">
    <Task commandLine="Startup.cmd" executionContext="limited" taskType="simple">
    Mark As Answer if it helps you |
    My Blog

  • How to remove credit card details from Windows azure account?

    Hi friends,
    I Just want to remove my credit card details from my windows azure account.
    Is there any possiblity or else i just want to delete my account. Plz help me.

    if you simply delete all the apps, storage, databases etc whatever is hosted on azure you should not get charged.
    if you want to cancel your account here is the link
    hope that helps
    -------------------------------------------Please mark as answered if it helped
    Please mark as answered if it helped Vishal Narayan Saxena

  • How to configure a proxy server for Windows Azure Tools in Visual Studio 2013

    Hi Visual Studio/Azure Tools team
    I would like to use the Windows Azure tools in Visual Studio 2013 to manage my Azure Web sites (Server Explorer -> Windows Azure -> Web Sites) from within my corporate network which is secured using a proxy server. Unfortunately, I am not able to use
    the Windows Azure tools since the required HTTPS connection to windows azure is not going through the default configured proxy. Instead, Visual Studio tries directly to connect to port 443 which is blocked by our corporate firewall (and yes: there is no way
    around using our proxy server). Other visual studio features like NuGet, updates, etc. work fine and use the configured proxy server. 
    So my question: How can I configure visual studio respective its Azure tools to use a proxy server instead of a direct connection? I already tried configuring the proxy server within the file devenv.exe.config but this doesn't show any effect for Windows Azure

    As we have very similar problems I consider the found solution a work arround an existing problem which will not work if corporate FW policy does not allow such changes.
    In my mind, any tools in charge of dealing with some sort of FW protocols should deliver the following information, should make it absolute clear how to setup that the request packages are setup rigth at the first time.
    a) proxy server
    b) proxy port
    c) proxy user
    d) proxy users-password
    e) proxy.auth.Preference="BASIC"
    And for moste tools (including Visual Studio and AZUR Tools) it is absolut unclear
    a) how to setup that on a per tools basis
    b) OR who inherits this information from whom    i.e. use the same as IE does, what if we use FireFox or any other browsers?
    I understand that developers requested to cure such problem areas will often have difficulty to gain all required elemenst used to realy test the solution.
    But I can tell you: I loos more time figthing down the FW setups for my clients. WHat I do at home in a sniff, takes ages to be realised by all the various clients on the market where each has to deliver the same sort of information but actually does not,
    or has it just somewhere, but not in the vicinity of the demanding user.
    Good examples i.e. NetBeans IDE where the Option Menu shows very clearly what information is required to pass through a FW/Proxy; but even there, the hint to start with a BASIC authentication schema is not part of this OPTION menu and must be added a JAVA
    environment value. But at least, it works.

  • How can I save my Log files (and other my own files) to windows azure ?

    Hi ,Dear all
    I am migrating an Asp.Net Web App to Windows Azure. It runs in IIS
    In that Web App,it will:
      1. save log files to a virtual path (for example, save to $WEBAPP_ROOT_DIR/LOGFILES/
      2. save ViewState by session as temporary files to a virtual path (for example , save to $WEBAPP_ROOT_DIR/VIEWSTATE/
      3. upload some image files to the web server virtual path at $WEBAPP_ROOT_DIR/UPLOAD/
    so, when I migrate the web app to windows azure,how can I do the same job in my code?It seems so many great changes in my code ...
    Any ideas and suggestions for me ? many thanks!

    hi Eric,
    If you use Azure website, you can save your log and files into azure storage service ,such as blob or table.
    If you use VM to host your service, you can only attach a data disk or file service on your VM and save your data into data disk or file service.
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  • Windows Azure SDK 2.5.1 Not working

    I have installed 2.5.1 SDK for VS2013.  When I tried to run I was getting:
    Windows Azure Tools: Error: The installed Microsoft Azure Compute Emulator does not support the role binaries. Please install the latest Microsoft Azure Compute Emulator and try again.
    Windows Azure Tools: Warning: The role binaries in your package are using an older version of the Microsoft Azure SDK. Please consider upgrading.
    Windows Azure Tools: Error: The installed Microsoft Azure Compute Emulator does not support the role binaries. Please install the latest Microsoft Azure Compute Emulator and try again.
    Windows Azure Tools: Warning: The role binaries in your package are using an older version of the Microsoft Azure SDK. Please consider upgrading.
    Windows Azure Tools: Error: The installed Microsoft Azure Compute Emulator does not support the role binaries. Please install the latest Microsoft Azure Compute Emulator and try again.
    Windows Azure Tools: Warning: The role binaries in your package are using an older version of the Microsoft Azure SDK. Please consider upgrading.
    Windows Azure Tools: The system is missing a prerequisite to execute the service. Please see the release notes.
    The emulators were running at 2.5.  I was able to update references for WindowsAzure.Diagnostics and .ServiceRuntimes to a 2.5 version but no newer version andConfiguration and Storage dlls were evailable.  So I updated those packages with NuGet. 
    Now I have WindowsAzure.Configuration.dll version 3.0 and Storage.dll version 4.3.  I still get the above errors.
    Previous SDK upgrades where slam dunks, but I can't get this one working.  Can you help?
    I've included the WindowsAzure references from my web csproj file below in case more details are needed.
    Thanks in advance,
    <Reference Include="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Configuration, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, processorArchitecture=MSIL">
    <Reference Include="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Diagnostics, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, processorArchitecture=MSIL" />
    <Reference Include="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.ServiceRuntime, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, processorArchitecture=MSIL" />
    <Reference Include="Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35, processorArchitecture=MSIL">

    Hi TerryL,
    I am moving your thread into the Cloud Services (Web and Worker Roles)
    Forum for dedicated support. Thanks for your understanding.
    Best Regards,
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    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Error installing windows azure pack; websites v2

    When installing windows azure pack: websites v2 gives the error.  All dependencies are installed successfully on windows 2012 R2. Other windows azure pack express  installed successfully in another machine.  when I try install WAP websites
    v2 on another windows 2012 R2 gives the error.  The log file follows:
    === Verbose logging started: 1/2/2014  2:05:55  Build type: SHIP UNICODE 5.00.9600.00  Calling process: C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv\InetMgr.exe ===
    MSI (c) (34:94) [02:05:55:521]: Resetting cached policy values
    MSI (c) (34:94) [02:05:55:521]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
    MSI (c) (34:94) [02:05:55:521]: ******* RunEngine:
               ******* Product: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\HostingPrimaryControllerBootstrapper_v2\8679DB5B824AE838ACFF0353D295F7353D721621\WebSitesFeed.msi
               ******* Action:
               ******* CommandLine: **********
    MSI (c) (34:94) [02:05:55:521]: Client-side and UI is none or basic: Running entire install on the server.
    MSI (c) (34:94) [02:05:55:521]: Grabbed execution mutex.
    MSI (c) (34:94) [02:05:56:099]: Cloaking enabled.
    MSI (c) (34:94) [02:05:56:099]: Attempting to enable all disabled privileges before calling Install on Server
    MSI (c) (34:94) [02:05:56:115]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
    MSI (s) (A4:24) [02:05:56:271]: Running installation inside multi-package transaction C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\HostingPrimaryControllerBootstrapper_v2\8679DB5B824AE838ACFF0353D295F7353D721621\WebSitesFeed.msi
    MSI (s) (A4:24) [02:05:56:271]: Grabbed execution mutex.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:56:302]: Resetting cached policy values
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:56:302]: Machine policy value 'Debug' is 0
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:56:302]: ******* RunEngine:
               ******* Product: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\HostingPrimaryControllerBootstrapper_v2\8679DB5B824AE838ACFF0353D295F7353D721621\WebSitesFeed.msi
               ******* Action:
               ******* CommandLine: **********
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:56:412]: Machine policy value 'DisableUserInstalls' is 0
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:56:505]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\Windows\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi 3: -2147287038
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:56:599]: SRSetRestorePoint skipped for this transaction.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:56:662]: MSCOREE not loaded loading copy from system32
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:005]: End dialog not enabled
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:021]: Original package ==> C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\HostingPrimaryControllerBootstrapper_v2\8679DB5B824AE838ACFF0353D295F7353D721621\WebSitesFeed.msi
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:021]: Package we're running from ==> C:\Windows\Installer\fd7dc.msi
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:021]: APPCOMPAT: Uninstall Flags override found.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:021]: APPCOMPAT: Uninstall VersionNT override found.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:021]: APPCOMPAT: Uninstall ServicePackLevel override found.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:130]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{7DE9D988-C892-43A6-884B-74A5008D6018}'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:177]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:849]: Machine policy value 'DisablePatch' is 0
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:849]: Machine policy value 'AllowLockdownPatch' is 0
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:849]: Machine policy value 'DisableLUAPatching' is 0
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:849]: Machine policy value 'DisableFlyWeightPatching' is 0
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:880]: APPCOMPAT: looking for appcompat database entry with ProductCode '{7DE9D988-C892-43A6-884B-74A5008D6018}'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:880]: APPCOMPAT: no matching ProductCode found in database.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:880]: Transforms are not secure.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:880]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiLogFileLocation property. Its value is 'C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\logs\install\2014-01-02T02.05.44\WebSitesFeed.txt'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:880]: Command Line: WEBSITES_FEED= FEED_HASH=826363D220C6EF0D8DBF36FA63172A339D16C268 FEED_FILE_NAME=WebSites0.9.0.xml WEBSITES_UPGRADE_ACTIONS=None ACTION=INSTALL REBOOT=ReallySuppress CURRENTDIRECTORY=C:\Windows\system32
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:880]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PackageCode property. Its value is '{F8DA307E-FEA1-4E30-8764-A09F1C1B8271}'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:880]: Product Code passed to Engine.Initialize:           '{7DE9D988-C892-43A6-884B-74A5008D6018}'
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:880]: Product Code from property table before transforms: '{7DE9D988-C892-43A6-884B-74A5008D6018}'
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:880]: Product Code from property table after transforms:  '{7DE9D988-C892-43A6-884B-74A5008D6018}'
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:880]: Product registered: entering maintenance mode
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:880]: Determined that existing product (either this product or the product being upgraded with a patch) is installed per-machine.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:880]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying ALLUSERS property. Its current value is '2'. Its new value: '1'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:880]: Product {7DE9D988-C892-43A6-884B-74A5008D6018} is admin assigned: LocalSystem owns the publish key.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:880]: Product {7DE9D988-C892-43A6-884B-74A5008D6018} is managed.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:880]: MSI_LUA: Credential prompt not required, user is an admin
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:880]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ProductState property. Its value is '5'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:880]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ProductToBeRegistered property. Its value is '1'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:896]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer 3: 2
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:896]: Entering CMsiConfigurationManager::SetLastUsedSource.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:896]: Specifed source is already in a list.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:896]: User policy value 'SearchOrder' is 'nmu'
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:896]: Machine policy value 'DisableBrowse' is 0
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:896]: Machine policy value 'AllowLockdownBrowse' is 0
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:896]: Adding new sources is allowed.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:896]: Package name retrieved from configuration data: 'WebSitesFeed.msi'
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:896]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Error
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:912]: Note: 1: 2262 2: AdminProperties 3: -2147287038
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:912]: Machine policy value 'DisableMsi' is 1
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:912]: Machine policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:912]: User policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:912]: Product {7DE9D988-C892-43A6-884B-74A5008D6018} is admin assigned: LocalSystem owns the publish key.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:912]: Product {7DE9D988-C892-43A6-884B-74A5008D6018} is managed.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:912]: Running product '{7DE9D988-C892-43A6-884B-74A5008D6018}' with elevated privileges: Product is assigned.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WEBSITES_FEED property. Its value is ''.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding FEED_HASH property. Its value is '826363D220C6EF0D8DBF36FA63172A339D16C268'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding FEED_FILE_NAME property. Its value is 'WebSites0.9.0.xml'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying WEBSITES_UPGRADE_ACTIONS property. Its current value is 'CreateOrUpdateFeed'. Its new value: 'None'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ACTION property. Its value is 'INSTALL'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding REBOOT property. Its value is 'ReallySuppress'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CURRENTDIRECTORY property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CLIENTUILEVEL property. Its value is '3'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MSICLIENTUSESEXTERNALUI property. Its value is '1'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:912]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CLIENTPROCESSID property. Its value is '2868'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:58:912]: Machine policy value 'DisableAutomaticApplicationShutdown' is 0
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:084]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiRestartManagerSessionKey property. Its value is '511fc0c519f6f7459d8de9cdea06010a'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:084]: RESTART MANAGER: Session opened.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:084]: TRANSFORMS property is now:
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:084]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PRODUCTLANGUAGE property. Its value is '1033'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:084]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding VersionDatabase property. Its value is '300'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:084]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:084]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Administrator\Favorites
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:099]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Network Shortcuts
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:099]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Administrator\Documents
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:099]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Printer Shortcuts
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:099]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Recent
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:099]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\SendTo
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:099]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Templates
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:099]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:099]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:099]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Administrator\Pictures
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:099]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:099]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:099]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:099]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:099]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Public\Desktop
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:099]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Administrative Tools
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:099]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:099]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:099]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:099]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Users\Administrator\Desktop
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:115]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Templates
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:115]: SHELL32::SHGetFolderPath returned: C:\Windows\Fonts
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:115]: Note: 1: 2898 2: MS Sans Serif 3: MS Sans Serif 4: 0 5: 16
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:115]: MSI_LUA: Setting AdminUser property to 1 because the product is already installed managed and per-machine
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:115]: MSI_LUA: Setting MsiRunningElevated property to 1 because the install is already running elevated.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:115]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding MsiRunningElevated property. Its value is '1'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:115]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Privileged property. Its value is '1'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:115]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\User Info 3: 2
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:115]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding USERNAME property. Its value is 'Windows User'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:115]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MS Setup (ACME)\User Info 3: 2
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:115]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding Installed property. Its value is '00:00:00'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:115]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding DATABASE property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\Installer\fd7dc.msi'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:115]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OriginalDatabase property. Its value is 'C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\HostingPrimaryControllerBootstrapper_v2\8679DB5B824AE838ACFF0353D295F7353D721621\WebSitesFeed.msi'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:115]: Machine policy value 'MsiDisableEmbeddedUI' is 0
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:115]: EEUI - Disabling MsiEmbeddedUI due to existing external or embedded UI
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:115]: EEUI - Disabling MsiEmbeddedUI for service because it's not a quiet/basic install
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:115]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: PatchPackage
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:115]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:115]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:115]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding UILevel property. Its value is '2'.
    === Logging started: 1/2/2014  2:05:59 ===
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:115]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\Windows\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi 3: -2147287038
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:146]: APPCOMPAT: [DetectVersionLaunchCondition] Launch condition already passes.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:146]: Doing action: INSTALL
    Action start 2:05:59: INSTALL.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:177]: Running ExecuteSequence
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:177]: Doing action: AppSearch
    Action start 2:05:59: AppSearch.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:177]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding IISINSTALLPATH property. Its value is 'C:\Windows\system32\inetsrv'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:177]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding IISMAJORVERSION property. Its value is '#8'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:177]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding IISMINORVERSION property. Its value is '#5'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:177]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding IISCOREWEBENGINEINSTALLED property. Its value is '#1'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:177]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding IISW3SVCINSTALLED property. Its value is '#1'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:177]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding IISMANAGEMENTCONSOLEINSTALLED property. Its value is '#1'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:193]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding IISNETFXEXTENSIBILITYINSTALLED property. Its value is '#1'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:193]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding IISASPNET property. Its value is '#1'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:193]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\IISADMIN 3: 2
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:193]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding IISREMOTECHANNELINSTALLED property. Its value is 'Microsoft.Web.Management.Remoting.HttpChannel, Microsoft.Web.Management.Remoting, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:193]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding NETFRAMEWORK20 property. Its value is '#1'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:193]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding NETFRAMEWORK20_SP_LEVEL property. Its value is '#2'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:193]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding NETFRAMEWORK35_SP_LEVEL property. Its value is '#1'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:193]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding POWERSHELLINSTALLED property. Its value is '#1'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:193]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WINDOWSUPDATE_START_TYPE property. Its value is '#3'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:193]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WINDOWSEDITION property. Its value is 'ServerDatacenter'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:193]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WebPlatformInstaller\3 3: 2
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:193]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WEBPI4INSTALLED property. Its value is '#1'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:193]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SAVED_WEBSITES_FEED property. Its value is ''.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:193]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SAVED_FEED_HASH property. Its value is '826363D220C6EF0D8DBF36FA63172A339D16C268'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:193]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SAVED_FEED_FILE_NAME property. Its value is 'WebSites0.9.0.xml'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:209]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding WEBPICMD property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\webpicmd.exe'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:209]: Doing action: FindRelatedProducts
    Action ended 2:05:59: AppSearch. Return value 1.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:209]: Skipping FindRelatedProducts action: not run in maintenance mode
    Action start 2:05:59: FindRelatedProducts.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:209]: Doing action: LaunchConditions
    Action ended 2:05:59: FindRelatedProducts. Return value 0.
    Action start 2:05:59: LaunchConditions.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:209]: Doing action: SetFEED_FILE_NAME
    Action ended 2:05:59: LaunchConditions. Return value 1.
    Action start 2:05:59: SetFEED_FILE_NAME.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:209]: Doing action: SetFEED_HASH
    Action ended 2:05:59: SetFEED_FILE_NAME. Return value 1.
    Action start 2:05:59: SetFEED_HASH.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:209]: Doing action: SetWEBSITES_FEED
    Action ended 2:05:59: SetFEED_HASH. Return value 1.
    Action start 2:05:59: SetWEBSITES_FEED.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:209]: Doing action: ValidateProductID
    Action ended 2:05:59: SetWEBSITES_FEED. Return value 1.
    Action start 2:05:59: ValidateProductID.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:209]: Doing action: CostInitialize
    Action ended 2:05:59: ValidateProductID. Return value 1.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:209]: Machine policy value 'MaxPatchCacheSize' is 10
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:224]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding ROOTDRIVE property. Its value is 'C:\'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:224]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding CostingComplete property. Its value is '0'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:224]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Patch
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:224]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: PatchPackage
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:224]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: MsiPatchHeaders
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:224]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: __MsiPatchFileList
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:224]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: PatchPackage
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:224]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: PatchPackage 4: SELECT `DiskId`, `PatchId`, `LastSequence` FROM `Media`, `PatchPackage` WHERE `Media`.`DiskId`=`PatchPackage`.`Media_` ORDER BY `DiskId` 
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:224]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Patch
    Action start 2:05:59: CostInitialize.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:224]: Doing action: FileCost
    Action ended 2:05:59: CostInitialize. Return value 1.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:240]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: MsiAssembly
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:240]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Class
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:240]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Extension
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:240]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: TypeLib
    Action start 2:05:59: FileCost.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:240]: Doing action: CostFinalize
    Action ended 2:05:59: FileCost. Return value 1.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:240]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OutOfDiskSpace property. Its value is '0'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:240]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding OutOfNoRbDiskSpace property. Its value is '0'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:240]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceAvailable property. Its value is '0'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:240]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceRequired property. Its value is '0'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:240]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding PrimaryVolumeSpaceRemaining property. Its value is '0'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:240]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: MsiAssembly
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:240]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: MsiAssembly 4:  SELECT `MsiAssembly`.`Attributes`, `MsiAssembly`.`File_Application`, `MsiAssembly`.`File_Manifest`,  `Component`.`KeyPath` FROM `MsiAssembly`, `Component` WHERE  `MsiAssembly`.`Component_`
    = `Component`.`Component` AND `MsiAssembly`.`Component_` = ?
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:240]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding DIR_WebSitesFeed property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Sites\Feed'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:255]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Patch
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:255]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Condition
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:255]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding TARGETDIR property. Its value is 'C:\'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:255]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding DIR_IIS property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\IIS\'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:255]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding DIR_WebSites property. Its value is 'C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Sites\'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:255]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying DIR_WebSitesFeed property. Its current value is 'C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Sites\Feed'. Its new value: 'C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Sites\Feed\'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:255]: Target path resolution complete. Dumping Directory table...
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:255]: Note: target paths subject to change (via custom actions or browsing)
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:255]: Dir (target): Key: TARGETDIR , Object: C:\
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:255]: Dir (target): Key: WindowsFolder , Object: C:\Windows\
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:255]: Dir (target): Key: ProgramFiles64Folder , Object: C:\Program Files\
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:255]: Dir (target): Key: DIR_IIS , Object: C:\Program Files\IIS\
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:255]: Dir (target): Key: DIR_WebSites , Object: C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Sites\
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:255]: Dir (target): Key: DIR_WebSitesFeed , Object: C:\Program Files\IIS\Microsoft Web Sites\Feed\
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:255]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding INSTALLLEVEL property. Its value is '1'.
    Action start 2:05:59: CostFinalize.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:255]: Doing action: MigrateFeatureStates
    Action ended 2:05:59: CostFinalize. Return value 1.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:255]: Skipping MigrateFeatureStates action: not run in maintenance mode
    Action start 2:05:59: MigrateFeatureStates.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:255]: Doing action: InstallValidate
    Action ended 2:05:59: MigrateFeatureStates. Return value 0.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:255]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting MsiRestartManagerSessionKey property. Its current value is '511fc0c519f6f7459d8de9cdea06010a'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Feature: CommonFeature; Installed: Local;   Request: Null;   Action: Null
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Component: C_DiscoverabilityKey; Installed: Local;   Request: Null;   Action: Null
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Component: C_WebSitesSetupHelper.ps1; Installed: Local;   Request: Null;   Action: Null
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Component: C_WebSitesSetupHelperWrapper.ps1; Installed: Local;   Request: Null;   Action: Null
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Component: __C_DiscoverabilityKey65; Installed: Null;   Request: Null;   Action: Null
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: BindImage
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ProgId
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: PublishComponent
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: SelfReg
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Extension
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Font
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Shortcut
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Class
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Icon
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: TypeLib
    Action start 2:05:59: InstallValidate.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Modifying CostingComplete property. Its current value is '0'. Its new value: '1'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: BindImage
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: ProgId
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: PublishComponent
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: SelfReg
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Extension
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Font
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Shortcut
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Class
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Icon
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: TypeLib
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2727 2: 
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:271]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: FilesInUse
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:287]: Note: 1: 2727 2: 
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:287]: Doing action: InstallInitialize
    Action ended 2:05:59: InstallValidate. Return value 1.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:287]: Machine policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:287]: User policy value 'AlwaysInstallElevated' is 0
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:287]: BeginTransaction: Locking Server
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:302]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\Windows\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi 3: -2147287038
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:302]: SRSetRestorePoint skipped for this transaction.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:302]: Note: 1: 2203 2: C:\Windows\Installer\inprogressinstallinfo.ipi 3: -2147287038
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:302]: Server not locked: locking for product {7DE9D988-C892-43A6-884B-74A5008D6018}
    Action start 2:05:59: InstallInitialize.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:552]: Doing action: RemoveExistingProducts
    Action ended 2:05:59: InstallInitialize. Return value 1.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:552]: Skipping RemoveExistingProducts action: current configuration is maintenance mode or an uninstall
    Action start 2:05:59: RemoveExistingProducts.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:552]: Doing action: ProcessComponents
    Action ended 2:05:59: RemoveExistingProducts. Return value 0.
    Action start 2:05:59: ProcessComponents.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:552]: Doing action: UnpublishFeatures
    Action ended 2:05:59: ProcessComponents. Return value 1.
    Action start 2:05:59: UnpublishFeatures.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:552]: Doing action: RemoveRegistryValues
    Action ended 2:05:59: UnpublishFeatures. Return value 1.
    Action start 2:05:59: RemoveRegistryValues.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:552]: Doing action: RemoveFiles
    Action ended 2:05:59: RemoveRegistryValues. Return value 1.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:552]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: RemoveFile
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:552]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: RemoveFile
    Action start 2:05:59: RemoveFiles.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:552]: Doing action: InstallFiles
    Action ended 2:05:59: RemoveFiles. Return value 0.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:552]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Patch
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:552]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: Patch 4: SELECT `Patch`.`File_`, `Patch`.`Header`, `Patch`.`Attributes`, `Patch`.`Sequence`, `Patch`.`StreamRef_` FROM `Patch` WHERE `Patch`.`File_` = ? AND `Patch`.`#_MsiActive`=? ORDER BY `Patch`.`Sequence`
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:552]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Error
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:552]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: Error 4: SELECT `Message` FROM `Error` WHERE `Error` = 1302
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:552]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: MsiSFCBypass
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:552]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: MsiSFCBypass 4: SELECT `File_` FROM `MsiSFCBypass` WHERE `File_` = ?
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:552]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: MsiPatchHeaders
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:552]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: MsiPatchHeaders 4: SELECT `Header` FROM `MsiPatchHeaders` WHERE `StreamRef` = ?
    Action start 2:05:59: InstallFiles.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:568]: Skipping action: CA_SET_PROPERTY_UPDATE_OFFLINE_FEED (condition is false)
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:568]: Skipping action: CA_UPDATE_OFFLINE_FEED (condition is false)
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:568]: Doing action: WriteRegistryValues
    Action ended 2:05:59: InstallFiles. Return value 1.
    Action start 2:05:59: WriteRegistryValues.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:584]: Doing action: RegisterUser
    Action ended 2:05:59: WriteRegistryValues. Return value 1.
    Action start 2:05:59: RegisterUser.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:584]: Doing action: RegisterProduct
    Action ended 2:05:59: RegisterUser. Return value 0.
    Action start 2:05:59: RegisterProduct.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:599]: Doing action: PublishFeatures
    Action ended 2:05:59: RegisterProduct. Return value 1.
    Action start 2:05:59: PublishFeatures.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:599]: Doing action: PublishProduct
    Action ended 2:05:59: PublishFeatures. Return value 1.
    Action start 2:05:59: PublishProduct.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:599]: Resolving source.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:599]: Resolving source to launched-from source.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:599]: Setting launched-from source as last-used.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:599]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SourceDir property. Its value is 'C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\HostingPrimaryControllerBootstrapper_v2\8679DB5B824AE838ACFF0353D295F7353D721621\'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:599]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SOURCEDIR property. Its value is 'C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\HostingPrimaryControllerBootstrapper_v2\8679DB5B824AE838ACFF0353D295F7353D721621\'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:599]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding SourcedirProduct property. Its value is '{7DE9D988-C892-43A6-884B-74A5008D6018}'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:599]: SOURCEDIR ==> C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\HostingPrimaryControllerBootstrapper_v2\8679DB5B824AE838ACFF0353D295F7353D721621\
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:599]: SOURCEDIR product ==> {7DE9D988-C892-43A6-884B-74A5008D6018}
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:599]: Determining source type
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:599]: Source type from package 'WebSitesFeed.msi': 2
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:599]: Source path resolution complete. Dumping Directory table...
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:599]: Dir (source): Key: TARGETDIR , Object: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\HostingPrimaryControllerBootstrapper_v2\8679DB5B824AE838ACFF0353D295F7353D721621\ , LongSubPath:
     , ShortSubPath:
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:599]: Dir (source): Key: WindowsFolder , Object: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\HostingPrimaryControllerBootstrapper_v2\8679DB5B824AE838ACFF0353D295F7353D721621\ , LongSubPath:
     , ShortSubPath:
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:599]: Dir (source): Key: ProgramFiles64Folder , Object: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\HostingPrimaryControllerBootstrapper_v2\8679DB5B824AE838ACFF0353D295F7353D721621\ ,
    LongSubPath: x64\ , ShortSubPath:
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:599]: Dir (source): Key: DIR_IIS , Object: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\HostingPrimaryControllerBootstrapper_v2\8679DB5B824AE838ACFF0353D295F7353D721621\ , LongSubPath:
    x64\IIS\ , ShortSubPath:
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:599]: Dir (source): Key: DIR_WebSites , Object: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\HostingPrimaryControllerBootstrapper_v2\8679DB5B824AE838ACFF0353D295F7353D721621\ , LongSubPath:
    x64\IIS\Microsoft Web Sites\ , ShortSubPath: x64\IIS\f-y7bkar\
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:615]: Dir (source): Key: DIR_WebSitesFeed , Object: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\HostingPrimaryControllerBootstrapper_v2\8679DB5B824AE838ACFF0353D295F7353D721621\ , LongSubPath:
    x64\IIS\Microsoft Web Sites\Feed\ , ShortSubPath: x64\IIS\f-y7bkar\Feed\
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:615]: Doing action: InstallFinalize
    Action ended 2:05:59: PublishProduct. Return value 1.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:630]: Running Script: C:\Windows\Installer\MSI963B.tmp
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:630]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Adding UpdateStarted property. Its value is '1'.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:662]: Note: 1: 2265 2:  3: -2147287035
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:662]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:677]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:677]: Executing op: Header(Signature=1397708873,Version=500,Timestamp=1143083200,LangId=1033,Platform=589824,ScriptType=1,ScriptMajorVersion=21,ScriptMinorVersion=4,ScriptAttributes=1)
    Action start 2:05:59: InstallFinalize.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:677]: Executing op: ProductInfo(ProductKey={7DE9D988-C892-43A6-884B-74A5008D6018},ProductName=Web Sites Local Feed,PackageName=WebSitesFeed.msi,Language=1033,Version=117778466,Assignment=1,ObsoleteArg=0,,,PackageCode={F8DA307E-FEA1-4E30-8764-A09F1C1B8271},,,InstanceType=0,LUASetting=0,RemoteURTInstalls=0,ProductDeploymentFlags=3)
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:677]: Executing op: DialogInfo(Type=0,Argument=1033)
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:677]: Executing op: DialogInfo(Type=1,Argument=Web Sites Local Feed)
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:677]: Executing op: RollbackInfo(,RollbackAction=Rollback,RollbackDescription=Rolling back action:,RollbackTemplate=[1],CleanupAction=RollbackCleanup,CleanupDescription=Removing backup files,CleanupTemplate=File: [1])
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:693]: Executing op: SetBaseline(Baseline=0,)
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:693]: Executing op: SetBaseline(Baseline=1,)
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:693]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=RegisterProduct,Description=Registering product,Template=[1])
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:693]: Executing op: UpdateEstimatedSize(EstimatedSize=0)
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:709]: Executing op: ProductCPDisplayInfoRegister()
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:724]: Executing op: ActionStart(Name=PublishProduct,Description=Publishing product information,)
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:724]: Executing op: CleanupConfigData()
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:724]: Executing op: RegisterPatchOrder(Continue=0,SequenceType=1,Remove=0)
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:724]: Executing op: SourceListRegisterLastUsed(SourceProduct={7DE9D988-C892-43A6-884B-74A5008D6018},LastUsedSource=C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\HostingPrimaryControllerBootstrapper_v2\8679DB5B824AE838ACFF0353D295F7353D721621\)
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:724]: Entering CMsiConfigurationManager::SetLastUsedSource.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:724]: Specifed source is already in a list.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:724]: User policy value 'SearchOrder' is 'nmu'
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:724]: Adding new sources is allowed.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:724]: Set LastUsedSource to: C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Web Platform Installer\installers\HostingPrimaryControllerBootstrapper_v2\8679DB5B824AE838ACFF0353D295F7353D721621\.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:724]: Set LastUsedType to: n.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:724]: Set LastUsedIndex to: 1.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:724]: Executing op: End(Checksum=0,ProgressTotalHDWord=0,ProgressTotalLDWord=0)
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:771]: Note: 1: 2265 2:  3: -2147287035
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:771]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:771]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:802]: Note: 1: 2265 2:  3: -2147287035
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:865]: Note: 1: 2318 2: 
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:865]: No System Restore sequence number for this installation.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:865]: Unlocking Server
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:974]: PROPERTY CHANGE: Deleting UpdateStarted property. Its current value is '1'.
    Action ended 2:05:59: InstallFinalize. Return value 1.
    Action ended 2:05:59: INSTALL. Return value 1.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:974]: Note: 1: 1728
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:974]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Error
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:974]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: Error 4: SELECT `Message` FROM `Error` WHERE `Error` = 1728
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:974]: Note: 1: 2205 2:  3: Error
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:974]: Note: 1: 2228 2:  3: Error 4: SELECT `Message` FROM `Error` WHERE `Error` = 1709
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:974]: Product: Web Sites Local Feed -- Configuration completed successfully.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:05:59:974]: Windows Installer reconfigured the product. Product Name: Web Sites Local Feed. Product Version: 7.5.10274.0. Product Language: 1033. Manufacturer: Microsoft Corporation. Reconfiguration success or error status: 0.
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:06:00:084]: Deferring clean up of packages/files, if any exist
    MSI (s) (A4:64) [02:06:00:084]: MainEngineThread is returning 0
    MSI (s) (A4:24) [02:06:00:084]: RESTART MANAGER: Session closed.
    MSI (s) (A4:24) [02:06:00:084]: No System Restore sequence number for this installation.
    === Logging stopped: 1/2/2014  2:05:59 ===
    MSI (s) (A4:24) [02:06:00:084]: User policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
    MSI (s) (A4:24) [02:06:00:084]: Machine policy value 'DisableRollback' is 0
    MSI (s) (A4:24) [02:06:00:084]: Incrementing counter to disable shutdown. Counter after increment: 0
    MSI (s) (A4:24) [02:06:00:084]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2
    MSI (s) (A4:24) [02:06:00:099]: Note: 1: 2265 2:  3: -2147287035
    MSI (s) (A4:24) [02:06:00:099]: Note: 1: 1402 2: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Installer\Rollback\Scripts 3: 2
    MSI (s) (A4:24) [02:06:00:099]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied.  Counter after decrement: -1
    MSI (c) (34:94) [02:06:00:099]: Decrementing counter to disable shutdown. If counter >= 0, shutdown will be denied.  Counter after decrement: -1
    MSI (c) (34:94) [02:06:00:099]: MainEngineThread is returning 0
    === Verbose logging stopped: 1/2/2014  2:06:00 ===
    Please help me to sort out this problem.

    Please check in the log files from the following path: %ProgramFiles%\IIS\Microsoft Web Sites\Logs
    HostingPrimaryControllerBootstrapper_v2 entry from the feed will execute a couple of powershell scripts after installing WebsitesFeed.msi. The output of this commands are saved in the Logs folder.

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