Conditional BreakPoint

Is it possible to set a breakpoint based on a condition?  Precisely, my problem is that while running an extractor, I have observed in SM50 that it is hitting a Z table that it is not supposed to hit!!  Now if I run the extractor in debug (/h) mode, it is taking forever to step through it to reach any conclusion on which code is reading that Z table.  Is it possible to set a breakpoint in which I can say stop the execution if there is a read from the Z table so that I can start the debugging from there?  I am not proficient in ABAP, so any step-by-step instruction to achieve the desired result is highly appreciated. 
One more question, is there anyway one can search the list of programs created by a particular user?  In se80, repository info system gives only the options - program name, short description, package and application component to search upon.  How do I find the list of programs/FMs created by a particular user?  Please help.  Thanks in anticipation.

Hi Sameer,
I dont think its possible to put dynamic break point on selection of a z table . You can put a break point on select satement but then it will stop on all selects.
First do a where used list on the Z Table and see if you can narrow down to a few programs . Put break points in each of them . Then run your exractor . If it stops at a break point then , check call stack to find the calling sequence .
Or else activate SQL trace before you run extractor. From trace display you have an option to branch to ABAP program.
To get all programs created by a user . Goto SE16 , table TADIR .
DEVCLass - Z/Y
AUTHOR - <User iD >.

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    Thanks a lot.

    Hi Yen Li,
    Applying SELECTCASE - ENDCASE combination would not produce the desired results. Instead, use Validation Business Rules - by setting up Validation Rules and Validation Rules Details and run the Stored Procedure SPRUNVALID from the Default Logic to execute these validation rules. Call the Stored Procedure by the following syntax:
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    Don't know what dialog you mean there, but anyway - right click on the breakpoint, edit breakpoint, conditions tab, and define your condition in the condition box as "localvar=value". Is that what you meant by a conditional breakpoint?

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    i want to change the layout of a pop-up window.
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    That works, i've done it much a lot.
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    I hope somebody can give me a solution.
    Thanks a lot and greetings

    Now i know the answer:
    F2-ALT-SHIFT > View Hierarchy Info > here you can find the component
    Additional Goodies:
    F2-ALT-SHIFT-CTRL > Shortcut Info
    F2 > Field Info
    F2-ALT > Conditional breakpoints
    F7-CTRL-SHIFT > Performance Tracker
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    제품 : SQL*PLUS
    작성날짜 : 1997-01-09
    Speeding up your PL/SQL development
    By Jeff Warner
    If you're doing Oracle database or application development, then you're probably using PL/SQL. Every PL/SQL programmer is familiar with
    using SQL*Plus to develop PL/SQL programs. Developer/2000 offers a better way: Procedure Builder. In this article we'll explore how
    Procedure Builder can improve your PL/SQL development.
    It has a GUI
    The first feature you'll notice in Procedure Builder is the graphical user interface (GUI). Procedure Builder provides separate windows for the
    Object Navigator, the PL/SQL interpreter, and the program unit editor. By the way, if you think the program unit editor looks familiar, you're
    probably right. Oracle uses it inside the other tools in Developer/2000 (Forms, Reports, and Graphics). Using the Object Navigator, you can
    view the relationship between your code and the library and packages. Object Navigator also provides the references and referenced-by
    information, as well as giving you the ability to examine the procedures and functions that make up packages and libraries. This makes it very
    easy to take advantage of existing code.
    The PL/SQL interpreter is just what you'd expect. You can use normal SQL and PL/SQL commands and see the results in the output
    window. You create your PL/SQL in the program unit editor window. As with any text editor, you can cut, copy, and paste as well as search
    and replace text. You can also use the editor to import and export source files. However, the editor's best feature is the Compile button. Click
    the Compile button, and Procedure Builder will compile your code and display any errors in the bottom of the window. Click on the error,
    and your cursor will move to the offending line. This will radically improve the compile-debug-run sequence. Speaking of debugging,
    Procedure Builder has something that will really make life easier for you.
    A PL/SQL debugger
    Yes, Procedure Builder includes a real debugger for PL/SQL. Its features include breakpoints, triggers, variable inspection, variable
    modification, step into, step over, and step out.
    Having a graphical and easy-to-use debugger can dramatically improve code development. For example, to set a breakpoint in your code,
    simply bring the PL/SQL interpreter window to the front and double-click on the line where a breakpoint is needed.
    Once you've set a breakpoint and executed the code, the debugger will stop the program at the breakpoint. From here, you can use Object
    Navigator to view and change the variables in the program. To resume execution, you can use Procedure Builder to step into, step over, or
    step out of a routine. Procedure Builder also provides an option to simply continue execution.
    A powerful feature of Procedure Builder's breakpoints is the capability of adding trigger code. Trigger code is a piece of PL/SQL that
    executes when the breakpoint is hit. You can use this feature to log the value of a variable to the screen or a file.
    If you need a conditional breakpoint, you can use a trigger. For example, let's say you want to stop execution only if the local variable i is
    greater than zero. First, select the line where you want the check to occur and create a trigger by clicking the right mouse button on the line
    and selecting Trigger. This will open the PL/SQL Trigger window. In the Trigger Body area, enter the following command to halt execution:
    if debug.geti('i') > 0 then
    raise debug.break;
    end if;
    Now the program will stop execution only when this condition is valid. You can also use the Trigger Body of a trigger to log information to a
    file or a screen.
    Debugging server-side programs
    The version of Procedure Builder shipped with version 1.2 of Developer/2000 is V1. Unfortunately, it doesn't allow you to directly
    debug programs on the server (this is planned for a future version). However, with the click-and-drag partition feature of Developer/2000,
    you can use Object Navigator to drag the program unit from the server to the local program unit and debug it there.
    Lots of help
    Procedure Builder includes extensive help under Windows. In addition to the normal help available on program features, Procedure Builder
    provides help on the built-in packages as well as the PL/SQL commands to maintain libraries, program units, and packages. Also, version 1.2
    or later of Developer/2000 provides the Cue Cards and Quick Tour.
    As you can see, Procedure Builder is a very powerful tool for development. The debugger is first-rate and the extensive help is a great
    addition. One other nice feature of Procedure Builder is that Oracle will license it separately from Developer/2000 if you have users who don't indeed the other parts of Developer/2000. If you're doing PL/SQL programming, you should take advantage of what Procedure Builder has to

    micwic --
    I logged bug6508875 for this.
    One suggestion in the meantime until we can get compile errors directed to the log window for offline objects...
    You can open the Database Navigator to point to the same db connection. After generating the offline PL/SQL to the db, refresh the connection in the DB navigator. You will see any invalid objects flagged with an error icon. Then you can right-click on the PL/SQL with the error, and "Make" it. This will display the errors in the log window, similar to SQL Developer.
    -- Brian

  • HR toolbox payroll/Time management step by step

    Hi Experts,
                  Can you please tell me the PU12 Payroll/Time management step by step process?.

    The SAPADPFR process model is designed to launch a payroll and export payroll data to SAP using the Interface with external payroll systems (pu12) transaction. The system creates a process corresponding to the process model for each of the payroll services in the Services menu. In the scenario, ADP-GSI indicates whether the service must use the process model or not. You can copy the SAPADPFR standard process model and adapt it to your companyu2019s requirements.
    To launch the SAPADPFR process model, the name of the process model must be entered in the PM_PAIE constant (SAPADDFR by default). Program RPPM0FI creates a link between the different programs run in the process model and the process itself.
    The sequence of programs defined in this process model is as follows:
    ○        OT_SELECT_PERNR_OTFR initializes the process model. The user selects the personnel numbers for the payroll areas pre-selected in a dialog box. The status of the payroll areas considered on Released for payroll is updated in the HRPAYFR_ADP_PERNUM BAdl implemented by ADP-GSI.
    ○        RPCALCF0 launches the payroll for each employee selected.
    ○        RPIF00FI creates an export file based on the options defined in pu12 for the FADP interface format.
    ○        RPPMFLFI calls program RPFL00FI with the file formatting data based on the options defined in pu12.
    ○        RPTMSEFI converts the file to ZADIG format.
    ○        RPSENDFI sends the data file to ADP.
    The value of the TEM_DVR code affects the following steps:
    ○        RPDOWNFI extracts the reference values.
    ○        RPSENDFI sends the reference values.
    ○        RPPMCDFI deletes the reference values file and indicates the end of the process.
    A breakpoint is planned after each program that does not use the PNP logical database:
           1.      to manage return codes as they appear in a ADP scenario: a return code less than or equal to 50 stops the process
           2.      to call the  HRFR_PROCESS_STOP_OT_SAPOTFR function module
    A conditional breakpoint is planned for management codes. Depending on these codes, it is possible to skip these steps. These breakpoints call the HRFR_PROCESS_NAVIG_OT_SAPOTFR function module.
    In the SAPADPFR process model, in the event of an error the process stops on the step following the conditional breakpoint. The function module called allows you to ascertain whether the previous step (STOP_OTFR) was carried out correctly.
    A procedure for purging processes is integrated into the FINPER service after the process is closed.
    It is possible to view the result of the process and the updated status of the ADP exchange in the exchange table (T5F6K). Program RPDV90FI creates a link between the completed process and the ADP transmission table. You can view this information in the process log for this program.

  • Syntax coloring / Keyword adding

    In Flash Builder 4, (sorry I'm still downloading, seems a bit slow today, surprise)
    Will it be a big pain in the neck to change the syntax coloring?
    Could I add my own keywords to some kind of list.
    This release seems to be playing catch up to FlashDevelop (I view this as a good thing):
    Automatic generation of Getter/Setters...
    Automatic generation of Event handlers...
    Conditional breakpoints for debuging (Yes it has that)...
    View ASDoc style documentation during code hinting...
    So could you guys please also add two things?
    One huge gripe I have is the fact that I can't change the colors in FlexBuilder to match my liking, and SO many terms are colored using the default
    that it almost makes syntax coloring a bit worthless.
    I'd like to be able to change the list of keywords / reserved words / class names / instristic class to add whichever I feel like.
    I like having addEventListener/removeEventListener/addChild/removeChild/getChildAt/getChildByName different color than everything else because I use them so much. I enjoy being able to tell what's what at a glance. Once they're colored I know there's no typographical errors.
    Ok three things...
    Code hinting in FlexBuilder leaves a lot to be desired. In FlashDevelop if I have a property named _viewPortTop, i could hit enter for the new line, then start typing 'top', and the available options will come up pruning the possible choices as they are filtered out.
    In flex builder, I HAVE to put 'this'., to even GET the list or press ctrl+space which is cumbersome to do each and every time. If i even make a typo, BAM, whole list is gone.
    I don't like seeing 'this' all over the place, since 'this' is assumed in scope.
    If there's an error, then it's a scope issue, go fix it.
    I don't want to clutter my code just cus the hinting is lackluster.
    Mario Gonzalez
    Senior Developer |

    Hi Mario,
    I just read your bug and your workaround: "Press ctrl+space, EVERYTIME you want code hinting without having to tyoe 'this'"
    This is by design, not a bug. I believe what you maybe misinterpreted as a feature is that code hints show up by simply typing. This is not true. We follow the JDT convention for explicit code hinting and implicit code hinting for AS in most cases. See auto activation in the JDT preferences for more information.
    We also have implict code hinting for MXML cases. Here are some examples of both AS and MXML:
    Implicit code hints:
    Start of MXML tag "<"
    Start of attribute inside an MXML tag "<s:Button " the space character triggers code hints
    Member access "myButton." the period character triggers code hints
    Extends keyword "extends " the space character triggers code hints
    Vector type declaration "Vector.<" the < character triggers code hints
    new expression "var foo:Button = new " the space character triggers hints
    Explicit code hints can be triggered with CTRL+Space at the user's discretion.
    For the case your are referring to, there is no implicit trigger character. You do have to hit CTRL+space in this case, that's the expected workflow in Eclipse.  I think you are suggesting that any AS identifier character always trigger code hints. Are there other IDE's that you've used that do this? I'm curious to see an example.
    Jason San Jose
    Quality Engineer, Flash Builder

  • Please help me with this chaotical Flash Builder 4.5 Code Assist

    Hello everybody. In the past few days, I have been analyzing a very strange behavior of my Flash Builder 4.5. I am trying to upgrade to it, from Flex Builder 3, but I am finding the process impossible due to 2 problems. This is the first one:
    I get no code assist for SOME casted types. I don't understand why! I would be very grateful to any kind soul which can pull me aboard Flash Builder 4.5. I've been waiting 26 months (yes, more than 2 years) to have an ActionScript IDE with snippets & conditional breakpoints and now I can't make it work ::- (.
    First, see this image:
    As you can see there, the environment WARNS me (I hate warnings!) that there is no "Text" member. HOWEVER, the code compiles and runs. Even worse, accessing that member after an explicit type declaration works fine.
    Now here comes the funny part: I declared some other type called "SomeClass" and put in it a TestMethod and casted "sender" to it. SURPRISE!!! The Code Assist works there!
    WHY !?
    I even tried a TestProperty, just like in G3Widget, and that works fine as well! I don't get it any more!!!
    I extracted some code for you:
    //This is where I did the above tests.
    package //This class is in the root of the application.
      import Gamaddiction.ASDFG.GAS3.G3Construction.G3Widget;
      import Gamaddiction.ASDFG.GAS3.G3Construction.SomeClass;
      public class SandBox
        private function cmdTwo_Click (sender: Object, fe: Event, payload: Object): void
          trace(G3Widget(sender).Text); //Can't see "Test" in Code Assist List and I get a WARNING: -Access of undefined property Text
          var a: G3Widget = G3Widget(sender);
          trace(a.Text); //But this works!
          trace(SomeClass(sender).TestMethod); //This crashes, of course, because sender is NOT a "SomeClass"
          //but nevertheless, it compiles fine and I get NO warnings and the Code Assist WORKS FINE HERE.
    //Code assist works fine for the following Class.
    package Gamaddiction.ASDFG.GAS3.G3Construction
      public class SomeClass
        public function SomeClass ()
        public function get TestMethod (): String
          return "bau";
    //This is the G3Widget Class, on whose Text member Code Assist fails.
    //This class is in THE SAME path as the above Class, which works fine.
    package Gamaddiction.ASDFG.GAS3.G3Construction
      public class G3Widget implements IG3Parent
        protected var _Text: String;
        public function get Text (): String
        { return _Text; }
        public function set Text (text: String): void
        { _Text = text; }

    I found why the nasty behavior above was happening ::- D.
    I usually design my classes in Enterprise Architect. Since this is a rather large project, started from of about 30 classes, I did the entire architecture in EA, then, generated the code.
    But, EA has poor AS3 support. And as a consequence, it has a few issues, such as the way it generates CONSTRUCTORS:
    public function G3Widget (name: String, parent: IG3Parent = null): void
    Spot the mistake ::- D.

  • Need debugging help: Why is JScrollPane auto-scrolling?

    I'm trying to figure out why when I double-click on a cell within a JTable that's wrapped in a JScrollPane in order to open up another window, the JScrollPane automatically scrolls to the top.
    Even when I update the double click operation to simply call setSelected(false), the JScrollPane still automatically scrolls to the top.
    I added myself as a change listener to the scroll pane's row header view port, and captured the following stack trace.
    I'm having trouble debugging exactly what is causing the following chain of events to fire. If I try to put a debug breakpoint on a method like EventQueue.invokeLater() that's probably initiating the following chain of events, I can't even get back to my application window from my IDE without having to dismiss all of the breakpoints that are reached.
    If I try to follow through from the double-click to the actual JScrollPane auto-scroll, I get lost in a maze of Swing events that I can't navigate out of.
    Any suggestions on how to appropriately debug this would be greatly appreciated.
    rowHeaderViewPort stateChanged fired
    chgEvent == javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent[source=javax.swing.JViewport[,1,21,0x329,invalid,layout=javax.swing.ViewportLayout,alignmentX=null,alignmentY=null,border=,flags=8,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=java.awt.Dimension[width=0,height=0],isViewSizeSet=false,lastPaintPosition=,scrollUnderway=false]]
    chgEvent source == javax.swing.JViewport[,1,21,0x329,invalid,layout=javax.swing.ViewportLayout,alignmentX=null,alignmentY=null,border=,flags=8,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=java.awt.Dimension[width=0,height=0],isViewSizeSet=false,lastPaintPosition=,scrollUnderway=false]
    java.lang.Exception: stack trace
         at MyForm$2.stateChanged(
         at javax.swing.JViewport.fireStateChanged(
         at javax.swing.JViewport.setViewPosition(
         at javax.swing.ViewportLayout.layoutContainer(
         at java.awt.Container.layout(
         at java.awt.Container.doLayout(
         at java.awt.Container.validateTree(
         at java.awt.Container.validateTree(
         at java.awt.Container.validateTree(
         at java.awt.Container.validateTree(
         at java.awt.Container.validateTree(
         at java.awt.Container.validateTree(
         at java.awt.Container.validateTree(
         at java.awt.Container.validateTree(
         at java.awt.Container.validate(
         at javax.swing.RepaintManager.validateInvalidComponents(
         at javax.swing.SystemEventQueueUtilities$
         at java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch(
         at java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(
         at java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(

    Thanks for your response. I examined the code and nowhere that I can see is it calling either of those two methods.
    At some point, it looks like something within my code or in the UI frameworks that I'm using is invalidating my JScrollPane. I'm having a very difficult time, though, tracking down exactly which component is causing that invalidation.
    Short of writing my own JScrollPane so that I can capture the stack trace of calls to invalidate(), does anyone have any suggestions for debugging this further? I tried to use a conditional breakpoint in Eclipse 2.1.3 (Component.invalidate() where the Component is an instance of JScrollPane), but my breakpoint is never being executed.

  • No "presence" Attribute for Master Pages or Content Areas?

    Is it true that there isn't a .presence attribute for master pages and content areas?  I have a form with multiple master pages, and based on certain criteria, I'd like to not display the master page.
    This master page has 1 content areas.  One is a header area.  The rest of the page is content area 2.  It is blank.  I have a conditional breakpoint that sends line items from a table to content area 2 if I have more than 7 line items.
    If I have 7 or fewer line items, I'd like to hide this master page, but LiveCycle doesn't seem to think you should ever hide an entire master page.  If I could hide the top content area, then at least the page would print blank.
    I can't wrap content areas in subforms.  If I could do that, then I could hide the subform.

    My problem is I have page 1 with fields in the header, then there are line items attached to a database table.  There could be 1 line item or 200.  I can print up to 7 line items on the first page and then a footer must appear on just page 1.
    If there are more than 7 line items, I continue to another page.  I have to have a bunch of header fields at the top of this continuation page.  The line items continue under this.  If another continuation page is needed, then the header info appears at the top and then the line items continue.  This goes on until all line items are displayed.
    I have to use a conditional breakpoint in this line item table so I can tell it to go to a content area under the header on the continuation page.  I can't have the line items continue at the top of a page because I need that header.
    I define the content area under the content area for the header on the continuation page.  I have only been able to define content areas on master pages.
    I have more than 1 master page.  Page 1 and the final page are on 1 master page and they must always print.  The line item continuation page is another master page with 2 content areas (header and line item continuation).
    If I have 7 or fewer line items, the continuation page is not needed.  I need to be able to hide or display this page dynamically based on the number of line items from the database.
    I can show some examples when I get back to work.

  • Test Script for HR Off Cycle Process Model

    Does any one have the Test Script for Off cycle Process Model?

    Do you have any conditional breakpoint between second and third step?
    The red error is coming out of conditional breakpoint and it will work if you re-run the step. Generally, we put conditional breakpoint to make sure that we will start next process only after verfiying the result of the last step and thats why if you start manually it turns green.
    You can delete conditional breakpoint if you dont want.

  • Jdeveloper patches for jsp?

    Is there a patch for jdeveloper 3.0 that makes the debugging of JSPs possible? Right now the line numbers that are shown are way off.
    Where can I find the patches on this site?
    ORACLE - Isn't it possible that such a big e-business company could design the site so you don't need to ask where the patch pages are located ?

    JDeveloper 3.0 supports JSP (Java Server Pages ) Debugging. No need of any additional patches.
    Right now the line numbers that are shown are way off.
    (What exactly is the meaning of this , I am not clear, please explain).
    In JDeveloper 3.1 it is possible to do the remote debugging of JSP's and Servlets running on another web servers.
    One restriction is that
    When debugging JSP's (either locally or remotely), any debugging feature which uses expression evaluation will not be available. This includes conditional breakpoints,
    expression logging for breakpoint occurrence, and the Run->Evaluate/Modify dialog.
    The above is mentined in the Release Notes for Oracle JDeveloper 3.1.

  • Debugging Oracle Object types

    I'm trying to debug a application (in 9i Release 2) using PL/SQL object types and was wondering if JDev can help.
    I can see the objects, and their code, but the debugger seems unable to step into them, see local variables etc. It also incorrectly identifies code errors -- in short it appears to be using the 9i Release 1 drivers.
    I've just installed version but that hasn't helped. The release notes say helpfully that 9.0.3 can handle the drivers for 9i R2, but it won't use them!
    I'm about to try the 10g preview, but I'm not feeling hopeful. Is this something I can expect to be fixed or do I have to find some other way of debugging my code?

    I also have problems debugging oracle objects. I'm running an Oracle Database Version and use
    JDeveloper 9.0.3 to remotely debug PL/SQL Code. The debugging works fine when I'm setting breakpoints and
    step through the code.
    But I seem to be unable to list the value of variables of
    object types and variables of nested table types. And of course I cannot set conditional breakpoints on variables that have an Oracle object type. If I try 10g, there is no improvement. The object types are not recognized as Oracle object types or nested table types, instead they are shown as $Oracle.builtin.OPAQUE
    I need this feature to remotely debug procedures, that mostly use Oracle object types as parameters. Is there any possibility that I can get this feature to work? Otherwise JDeveloper is not much of a use for me when I'm debugging PL/SQL code.
    I provided an example, in which I create the above mentioned types and fill them with data, but where I'm unable to retrieve the values of the variables in JDeveloper:
    PROMPT Creating TYPE 'ot_hwemployee'
    emp_id NUMBER (10),
    emp_name VARCHAR2 (200)
    PROMPT Creating TYPE 'nt_hwemployee'
    CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE nt_hwemployee AS TABLE OF ot_hwemployee
    PROMPT Creating TYPE 'nt_hwinteger'
    PROMPT Creating PROCEDURE 'checkEmployees'
    vnt_employees nt_hwemployee;
    vnt_employees := nt_hwemployee(ot_hwemployee(1, 'Mustermann Max'),
    ot_hwemployee(2, 'Beispiel Barbara'),
    ot_hwemployee(3, 'Schober-Gant Astrid'));
    END checkEmployees;
    PROMPT Creating PROCEDURE 'deleteEmployees'
    pnt_employees IN OUT nt_hwemployee)
    vnt_employees_deleted nt_hwinteger;
    vnt_employees_deleted := nt_hwinteger();
    FOR i IN pnt_employees.FIRST .. pnt_employees.LAST LOOP
    IF (pnt_employees(i).emp_id > 2) THEN
    vnt_employees_deleted(vnt_employees_deleted.COUNT) := pnt_employees(i).emp_id;
    END IF;
    END deleteEmployees;
    -------------------------END EXAMPLE-------------------

  • FATAL_ERROR in CRM outbound queue

    In CRM Outbound queue SMQ1  (SALES ORDER) we are getting some dumps as follows.
    Exception condition "FATAL_ERROR" raised.
    But in ST22, I cannot see any  dumps caused by this.    Please help.
    Thanks & Regards

    Hello Sunil,
    look up the function call used in doc flow by clicking on the bdoc.
    Set a breakpoint there.
    Lookup error nummer and error class (you can search all error text in table t100)
    Set a conditional breakpoint on sy-msgno with condition sy-msgno = <yournumber>
    Let the code itself tell you why you get a fatal error.
    You might want to check the general connectivity betweeen crm and erp as well.
    Are there any green bdocs exchanged betweeen the Systems?
    Greetings Lutz

  • Problem setting up Breakpoint Conditions

    I am having a problem with getting my breakpoints(that have set conditions to work). While looping through a very large list I have set a breakpoint condition to halt execution when a specific string is encountered.
    However each time execution goes through this line of code, I get the following message:
    "Warning: The breakpoint condition "Acme Company".equals(MyStringVar)" could not be evaluated.
    I have tried different variations of setting the condition but I always get the "could not be evaluated" message.
    Anyone have an idea as to what I am doing wrong?
    Thanks in advance,

    For the following code:
    public class loop {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
        String a = "hello";
        for (int i = 1; i < 30; i++)  {
                a = a+i;
    }I can use the condition on the a=a+i line saying:
    and it breaks on the right event.

Maybe you are looking for

  • Why the same name of process comes out in AIX , in java. please help me.

    Hello. I have two questions related to Jvm. I've developed Job scheduler program which is doing somthing as the DB schedule is set in the way of Multi thread. Currently , I'm in the process of testing this one. It is good , if in the normal case. How

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    Hi, so I have this field called temination date in an infopath 2010 form. When (if) a user changes that field, I need to send an email out to other users, but I can't figure out how to do it, I have tried making another field called temination date b

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    i intalled windows on my macbook pro. after intalling all the apple support driver sotware every is fine but the mouse gestures never work. the most annoying thing is its inability to double tap to drag items and to tap and select is also not working

  • What is the function to count number of spaces in a cell.

    Hi Experts, In Webi, i am stuck with one scenario. The scenario is I have a column named Customer Address. In that i want to know how many "spaces" are there for the each row. I have created variable and tried using various functions like Count, Subs

  • Why is the network time WRONG??

    Anyone have a clue why the time on the Verizon network is roughly 8 minutes fast tonight?  It is ridiculous that my phone is using the network time signal and I know that the time on the phone is wrong.