Conditional Formatting when Printing

I would like a message ("Doubleclick for Drilldown!") to appear in Print Preview but disappear (suppress itself) when the user prints out the report. Is that possible within Crystal Professional version 11.0?

Hi Art,
Well, Crystal Reports is a WYSIWYG(What you see is what you get) reporting tool. If it's there on the Preview screen then it will be there when you print it too!

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       Its not possible using user settings. All you would need to do is copy the SAP SCRIPTForm  program(You can keep the Print program as such) and set date mask as required in SAP script text editor using command
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    which obiee version r u using?
    My Blog ref:
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       Its not possible using user settings. All you would need to do is copy the SAP SCRIPTForm  program(You can keep the Print program as such) and set date mask as required in SAP script text editor using command
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    There's no automated process because I don't think Acrobat could determine what was the beginning of a chapter. However, you can insert blank pages that start the first page of chapters to an odd-numbered page.
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    Edited by: canmurt on Dec 27, 2009 9:44 AM

    Thank you for quick answer, but there is no "Admin General privileges" :(
    Do u know anything about first question
    Access to Dashboards
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    Access to Oracle BI Publisher Enterprise
    Access to Oracle BI for Microsoft Office

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    Hi Rikz,
    According to your description, you want to preserve the formula and conditional formatting when export report to excel format.
    According to my knowledge, In earlier versions of Reporting Services, there was limited support for translating expressions in RDL to Microsoft Excel formulas. Since SSRS 2008, when you export a report to Excel, RDL expressions are not translated to Excel
    formulas, which is documented at by Microsoft. When we export a report to excel, only the final data is exported. If some user want to preserve specify cells’ conditional formatting, we can use IIF function as a workaround
    as below:
    IIf(Globals!RenderFormat.Name Like "EXCEL*", Excel Formula, RDL Formula)
    For more information about export formulas to Excel, please refer to the following feedback:
    If you have any more questions, please feel free to ask.
    Wendy Fu

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    Hi JK73,
    This sounds like a mispick error. This VIDEO might help in solving your issue. I would start at minute 3:40 for the most pertinent information.
    I work on behalf of HP.

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    Environment - Oracle Business Intelligence, OS: Windows, Browser - Internet Explorer 6
    Thanks in advance

    try tools-internet options-advanced-printing-check print background colors.

  • SSRS 2012 Conditional Formatting Color Issues When Exporting to Excel

    Hi all,
    We recently upgraded to SQL 2012 from SQL2008 R2. I'm having a strange issue with SSRS2012.
    One of the report has conditional formattings on cell background colors. Everything works fine when render the report in browser or preview mode. However, the conditional formatting stop working when export the report to Excel (no issues if
    export to pdf). All cells are high-lightened with pre-defined color although it should only high-lighten those cells that fulfil the condition.
    Has someone encountered this issue before ? Thanks for any help.

    Hi ZZ02,
    I have test the scenario in my testing environment, however, everything goes well when exporting to Excel format. The issue might be related to the expression for the conditional background color. To make further analysis, please post the expression as well
    as the report design structure.
    Additionally, in SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services, the Excel rendering extension renders a report to the native format of Microsoft Excel 2007-2010, the format of which is ExcelOpenXML. By default, the previous version of the Excel rendering extension,
    compatible with Microsoft Excel 2003, is disabled. At this time, I suggest that you enable the Excel 2003 rendering extension by modifying the RSReportServer.config file. After that, the Excel 2003 rendering format will be available on report manager (not
    available in Report Designer). So, please export the report from report manager and check the result again.
    For more information about enable the Excel 2003 rendering extension, please see:
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Subscriber Support
    If you are
    TechNet Subscription user and have any feedback on our support quality, please send your feedback
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

  • Search report - error-no data found when printing to csv format

    Hi all,
    I have a search report,
    I have 4 select list and two text field and two date field to search for the result.
    I have even put the computation for the select list items in
    on load - before header ie setting the items to default value.
    Still when i try to print it in the csv format , and try to open the excel, it is saying "no data found" error
    Please, Could any one give me a solution to solve this bug?
    Note: Ordinary report is getting printted in the csv format.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi Denes and Scott,
    sorry, only when i select the values for all the 4 select list
    csv is working. default values are not restored in the session.
    How to restore the values in the session state after pressing the search button.
    i have set the default values for the select list and the query is working fine
    but when i see the session from the toolbar the default values are not present.
    but when i see the debug from the toolbar the values are set properly.
    In your example the session is showing the values of the select list and check box
    The same way i did, but in "session" values are not seen so again no data found is seen when printing csv .

Maybe you are looking for

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