Configure search result export to functionality

Could anybody know how to configure export to excel functionality within Portal? For example, search for an opportunity click Export button. The list of templates appear, but there is only Generated Template. How to extend that list creating additional templates?
many thanks.

the assignment of templates is done in customizing.
CRM customizing -> Basic functions -> Content Management -> Assign
Document Template Profile to Application.
Unfortunately the assignment can not be done on business object level
but only on PCUI application level.
In above mentioned case you have to assign your template profile to

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    Hi adil,
    For your issue, you can go to Site Settings -> Site Collection Administration -> Search Settings -> set  "Site Collection Search Dropdown Mode" to "Show scopes dropdown":
    Best Regards,
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

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    Hi All,
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    Hi Mohan,
    What did you use for the Query text in the result source?
    I could reproduce this issue when I used Query text like: {searchTerms} Path:”http://sps2k13sp/sites/First/Shared%20Documents”
    Then I changed the Query to
    , then Search result web part didn’t return results without searching.
    So , check your result source, and use the Query like the above(adding "{?...}").
    I hope this helps.
    Wendy Li
    TechNet Community Support

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    Hi techie,
    This behavior can be altered in Document Library Settings ->
    Versioning Settings -> Draft Item Security
    Select the option Any user who can read items.
    This will allow all users to see draft items including the crawling account.
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

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    Best regards

    Hi Thomas,
    you should not use the right click and Export to Excel. I think this is a functionality of Internet Explorer for HTML Tabes. Using that functionality you will only get the actual table exported. Do you see the Button "Download" in the Toolbar? That's the export to Excel functionality introduced in CRM 5.0.

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    Hello Experts,
    I dont Know whether i am asking a good question or bad one . but i am not very much expert in search.
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    i know little basic about how display templates works. i want to implement these like and share functionality as actions  in Item_common_hoverpanel_Actions template. show that i can see in preview.
    please if any body can help me . i will be highly thankful to you.

    This will be difficult. The number of likes has a managed property called LikesCount but it is not populated by the search crawler. So your JavaScript will have to read the "LikesCount" field of the corresponding list item. That would be a
    lot of code to execute in the item display template just to display the number of likes. You could have a button that displayed a callout that would get the information and display it. The Sharing could be done via JavaScript in your item display template
    using a REST call. You can see an example of code to do that here:
    Just remember the user must have permission to share these documents, so your code will have to handle this.
    Blog | SharePoint Field Notes Dev Tools |
    SPFastDeploy | SPRemoteAPIExplorer

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    Do I add the code at the very beginning, before   //   WebHelp 5.10.005  ?
    I'm asking because I followed the steps and it did not work.
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    I don't understand the following functionality on Search Results;
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    Can someone explain why this occurs and if it's is possible to deactivate the "1 Activity in detail" result?
    Thanks in advance!
    Joost Goudriaan

    Hello Joost,
    I think I have the same or a related problem. When I open the activities application in PCUI and start some search (no matter what the search criteria or if I use advanced or simple search) the system returns one activity in detail mode. This activity seems to be in my favorites list (cannot edit favorites due to system customizing here), and I also think it has a very low id.
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    This is a CRM 4.0 system, patch level 62058 resp. 40010.
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    That does what it says - even if Google tells the browser to open the page in a new window, you have told Firefox to ignore that and open it in a new tab. Uncheck the box and you should get the result you want.

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    Would be very useful. Thanks a lot.
    Titanium PowerBook G4 / 1,67 MHz   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    If the ⌘F search results are in a "brushed metal" window in the "Finder", the window should have buttons for "Icon" and "List" view near the top left edge, just like a regular "Finder" window (unless you have customized your "Finder" toolbar to remove those buttons). Switching to "List" view should allow the full choice of sort criteria to be selected from "View Options" (⌘J).
    If the window is in "aqua" mode (no toolbar or sidebar), it is still possible to switch to "List" view from the menu bar - "View" > "as List" (⌘2).

  • ADFS SSO and SharePoint 2013 on-premise Hybrid outbound search results from SharePoint Online - does it work?

    I want to setup an outpund hybrid search for SharePoint 2013 on-premise to SharePoint Online.
    But I'm not shure if this works with ADFS SSO.
    Has somebody experience with this setup?
    Here's my guide which I'm going to use for this installation:
    In this post I'll show you how to get search results from your SharePoint Online in your SharePoint 2013 on-premise search center.
    User synchronisation ActiveDirectory to Office 365 with DirSync
    DirSync password sync or ADFS SSO
    SharePoint Online
    SharePoint 2013 on-premise
    Enterprise Search service
    SharePoint Online Management Shell
    All configuration will be done either in the Search Administration of the Central Administration or in the PowerShell console of your on-premise SharePoint 2013 server.
    Set up Sever to Server Trust
    Export certificates
    To create a server to server trust we need two certificates.
    [certificate name].pfx: In order to replace the STS certificate, the certificate is needed in Personal Information Exchange (PFX) format including the private key.
    [certificate name].cer: In order to set up a trust with Office 365 and Windows Azure ACS, the certificate is needed in CER Base64 format.
    First launch the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
    Select your SharePoint web server and double-click Server Certificates
    In the Actions pane, click Create Self-Signed Certificate
    Enter a name for the certificate and save it with OK
    To export the new certificate in the Pfx format select it and click Export in the Actions pane
    Fill the fields and click OK Export to: C:\[certificate
    name].pfx Password: [password]
    Also we need to export the certificate in the CER Base64 format. For that purpose make a right-click on the certificate select it and click on View...
    Click the Details tab and then click Copy to File
    On the Welcome to the Certificate Export Wizard page, click Next
    On the Export Private Key page, click Next
    On the Export File Format page, click Base-64 encoded X.509 (.CER), and then click Next.
    As file name enter C:\[certificate
    name].cer and then click Next
    Finish the export
    Import the new STS (SharePoint Token Service) certificate
    Let's update the certificate on the STS. Configure and run the PowerShell script below on your SharePoint server.
    if(-not (Get-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"}
    # set the cerficates paths and password
    $PfxCertPath = "c:\[certificate name].pfx"
    $PfxCertPassword = "[password]"
    $X64CertPath = "c:\[certificate name].cer"
    # get the encrypted pfx certificate object
    $PfxCert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $PfxCertPath, $PfxCertPassword, 20
    # import it
    Set-SPSecurityTokenServiceConfig -ImportSigningCertificate $PfxCert
    Type Yes when prompted with the following message.
    You are about to change the signing certificate for the Security Token Service. Changing the certificate to an invalid, inaccessible or non-existent certificate will cause your SharePoint installation to stop functioning. Refer
    to the following article for instructions on how to change this certificate: Are you
    sure, you want to continue?
    Restart IIS so STS picks up the new certificate.
    & iisreset
    & net stop SPTimerV4
    & net start SPTimerV4
    Now validate the certificate replacement by running several PowerShell commands and compare their outputs.
    # set the cerficates paths and password
    $PfxCertPath = "c:\[certificate name].pfx"
    $PfxCertPassword = "[password]"
    # get the encrypted pfx certificate object
    New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $PfxCertPath, $PfxCertPassword, 20
    # compare the output above with this output
    ## Establish the server to server trust
    [code lang="ps"]
    if(-not (Get-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"}
    Import-Module MSOnline
    Import-Module MSOnlineExtended
    # set the cerficates paths and password
    $PfxCertPath = "c:\[certificate name].pfx"
    $PfxCertPassword = "[password]"
    $X64CertPath = "c:\[certificate name].cer"
    # set the onpremise domain that you added to Office 365
    $SPCN = ""
    # your onpremise SharePoint site url
    # don't change this value
    # get the encrypted pfx certificate object
    $PfxCert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2 $PfxCertPath, $PfxCertPassword, 20
    # get the raw data
    $PfxCertBin = $PfxCert.GetRawCertData()
    # create a new certificate object
    $X64Cert = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate2
    # import the base 64 encoded certificate
    # get the raw data
    $X64CertBin = $X64Cert.GetRawCertData()
    # save base 64 string in variable
    $CredValue = [System.Convert]::ToBase64String($X64CertBin)
    # connect to office 3656
    # register the on-premise STS as service principal in Office 365
    # add a new service principal
    New-MsolServicePrincipalCredential -AppPrincipalId $SPOAppID -Type asymmetric -Usage Verify -Value $CredValue
    $MsolServicePrincipal = Get-MsolServicePrincipal -AppPrincipalId $SPOAppID
    $SPServicePrincipalNames = $MsolServicePrincipal.ServicePrincipalNames
    Set-MsolServicePrincipal -AppPrincipalId $SPOAppID -ServicePrincipalNames $SPServicePrincipalNames
    # get the online name identifier
    $MsolCompanyInformationID = (Get-MsolCompanyInformation).ObjectID
    $MsolServicePrincipalID = (Get-MsolServicePrincipal -ServicePrincipalName $SPOAppID).ObjectID
    $MsolNameIdentifier = "$MsolServicePrincipalID@$MsolCompanyInformationID"
    # establish the trust from on-premise with ACS (Azure Control Service)
    # add a new authenticatio realm
    $SPSite = Get-SPSite $SPSite
    $SPAppPrincipal = Register-SPAppPrincipal -site $SPSite.rootweb -nameIdentifier $MsolNameIdentifier -displayName "SharePoint Online"
    Set-SPAuthenticationRealm -realm $MsolServicePrincipalID
    # register the ACS application proxy and token issuer
    New-SPAzureAccessControlServiceApplicationProxy -Name "ACS" -MetadataServiceEndpointUri "" -DefaultProxyGroup
    New-SPTrustedSecurityTokenIssuer -MetadataEndpoint "" -IsTrustBroker -Name "ACS"
    Add a new result source
    To get search results from SharePoint Online we have to add a new result source. Run the following script in a PowerShell ISE session on your SharePoint 2013 on-premise server. Don't forget to update the settings region
    if(-not (Get-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)){Add-PSSnapin "Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell"}
    # region settings
    $RemoteSharePointUrl = "http://[example]"
    $ResultSourceName = "SharePoint Online"
    $QueryTransform = "{searchTerms}"
    $Provier = "SharePoint-Remoteanbieter"
    # region settings end
    $SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication
    $FederationManager = New-Object Microsoft.Office.Server.Search.Administration.Query.FederationManager($SPEnterpriseSearchServiceApplication)
    $SPEnterpriseSearchOwner = Get-SPEnterpriseSearchOwner -Level Ssa
    $ResultSource = $FederationManager.GetSourceByName($ResultSourceName, $SPEnterpriseSearchOwner)
    Write-Host "Result source does not exist. Creating..."
    $ResultSource = $FederationManager.CreateSource($SPEnterpriseSearchOwner)
    $ResultSource.Name = $ResultSourceName
    $ResultSource.ProviderId = $FederationManager.ListProviders()[$Provier].Id
    $ResultSource.ConnectionUrlTemplate = $RemoteSharePointUrl
    Add a new query rule
    In the Search Administration click on Query Rules
    Select Local SharePoint as Result Source
    Click New Query Rule
    Enter a Rule name f.g. Search results from SharePoint Online
    Expand the Context section
    Under Query is performed on these sources click on Add Source
    Select your SharePoint Online result source
    In the Query Conditions section click on Remove Condition
    In the Actions section click on Add Result Block
    As title enter Results for "{subjectTerms}" from SharePoint Online
    In the Search this Source dropdown select your SharePoint Online result source
    Select 3 in the Items dropdown
    Expand the Settings section and select "More" link goes to the following URL
    In the box below enter this Url https://[example]{subjectTerms}
    Select This block is always shown above core results and click the OK button
    Save the new query rule

    Hi  Janik,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to display hybrid search results in SharePoint Server 2013.
    For achieving your demand, please have a look at the article:
    If you are using single sign-on (SSO) authentication, it is important to test hybrid Search functionality by using federated user accounts. Native Office 365 user accounts and Active Directory Domain Services
    (AD DS) accounts that are not federated are not recognized by both directory services. Therefore, they cannot authenticate using SSO, and cannot be granted permissions to resources in both deployments. For more information, see Accounts
    needed for hybrid configuration and testing.
    Best Regards,
    Eric Tao
    TechNet Community Support

  • Sorry, something went wrong - Open Office File from Search Results Page with Office Web Apps

    I'm getting "Sorry, something went wrong" error when I'm trying to open any office document from inside Search Results Page with Office Web Apps, the same error is appearing in the document preview as well.
    The error in SharePoint logs says that the file cannot be found.
    Please note that this error is coming only when the "Filename" of the document is not written in English (in my case its written with Arabic characters).
    If I try to open it from the document library, its opening properly with no errors.
    The only difference between two URLs (document URL in Search Results and in Document Library) is the value for "sourcedoc" attribute;
    In the case of Search Results page, the filename in "sourcedoc" attribute is kept as is with Arabic characters.
    While in the Document Library, the filename in "sourcedoc" attribute is converted into different characters (something like: "B9%D9%85%D9%8").
    Anybody have an idea on how to overcome this issue, implement a workaround or modify the "sourcedoc" behavior?
    Thanks in Advance.
    Hamza AlSughier

    Dear Wendy,
    Thanks for your efforts, I already tried your last suggestion before, but this didn't solve my problem.
    Actually my end users are accessing this portal using ADFS and HTTPS.
    Finally I got this solved, I have done below to get my overall solution working perfectly:
    - First I have configured Windows Authentication and ADFS Authentication on the same zone which is the default zone.
    - The issue when opening office documents with Arabic file name has disappeared as a result of first change.
    - Then I have faced an issue where we are not able to crawl content under Default zone, however we have to do so, after too many efforts, I found that its related to the Load-balancer/proxy, I have made the crawler server
    to crawl himself (http://CrawlServerName:PortNumber).
    - Also a change on Alternate Access Mapping was needed, I have set one of the extended zones (which is running Windows Authentication only) as Internal URL for the Default Zone, and this is was the URL I used for Crawling.
    I have configured Server Name Mappings to make sure we got proper URLs in Search Results.
    - Then we faced another issue, which is Authentication selection on login page (How to bypass this page, and authenticate using ADFS auto), I used this solution (Set Custom Sign In Page):
    - I faced one more issue as a result of above workaround; Sign Out functionality wasn't working well; users get logged in automatically whenever I click on Sign Out. I solved this by modifying the "Sign Out" Control under _layouts;
    I made it to redirect users to ADFS Sign Out Page instead of SharePoint Sign Out Page (I know its not recommended, but I don't have any other option).
    Hamza AlSughier

  • Error in saving search result in MDS application

    Hi All
    I'm developing a ADF customizable web appicatoion using jdeveloper
    It works fine when I deploy this application to metadata repository, but when I Save a search result in search panel it gives following error "You do not have permission to replace this search"
    This is my configuration in ADF-Config file
    <namespace metadata-store-usage="MAR_TargetRepos" path="/pages"/>
    <metadata-store-usage default-cust-store="true" deploy-target="true" id="MAR_TargetRepos">
    <metadata-store class-name="oracle.mds.persistence.stores.db.DBMetadataStore">
    <property value="mds-csd" name="repository-name"/>
    <property value="jdbc/mds/csd" name="jndi-datasource"/>
    <property value="owsm" name="partition-name"/>
    Please help me to resolve this error

    you are trying to change a system search, which is not allowed for customization. You can save custom searches in MDS but not override system searches
    +"Query component now support the overriding the saved search functionality. When user click on the "Save..." button, "Create Saved Search" dialog comes up with name field populated with the currently selected saved search. If user enters a "System Search" name and click OK button, a error dialog stating "You do not have permission to replace this search:" is shown. If user enters an already existing saved search name then a warning dialog stating "Replace existing search:" is shown. On clicking OK existing search is replaced with the new definition. If a name that is not already present in the saved-search list is provided, a new search with the given name is created. For this a new event QueryOperationEvent.Operation.OVERRIDE is added.+
    +Query component now allows the deletion of saved-search which is currently active search in the query-panel. When user deletes currently active saved-search, we set the first search from system-search list as the currently active search, and refresh the query-panel when "Personalized Saved Search" dialog is closed. "+

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