Conforming project to dpx sequences

Hi there,
I have an advert I've cut in premier cc and had graded professionally - Ive had dpx image sequences given back to me . Is there a straightforward way to get premier to relink to these sequences?

OK, I chatted with Adobe and after they got back to me via email, here's what they wrote:
"Hi Sami,
This is Adobe Technical Support.
We are responding in reference to your case# 0185837302 regarding the Adobe Premiere Pro, I researched the issue and found out that the issue is reproducible on our end.
I have reported the issue to the higher level of support team. They will research on this issue and will try roll out a patch update to fix it."

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    that's usually for a film recorder. It is going to film output?
    You can do a DPX sequence out of Compressor, if that helps.
    in the compressor inspector panel change Quicktime movie to Image sequence
    then select DPX.
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    My apologies Jim.  My understanding - which was probably incorrect - was that the XML schema that was in use by FCP7, which has since been implemented for use in Smoke, Resolve, Premiere, etc., was developed by Apple.  Thanks for educating me!
    XML as currently coded cannot convey sequences created from image-sequence-based media.
    What has been an issue for me and a few others, which may be in play here, is relinking to media coming from a third party grading session.  Smoke, Hiero, Resolve, SpeedGrade can all conform DPXs to an EDL or XML using timecode (independent of reel name, clip name, etc) while Premiere as yet does not.  Premiere's relinking struggles if there's any disparity between the source file names and the file names it's relinking to.  It would be great to see some more flexibility there, such as timecode-based relinking coupled with optional fields for partial clip name and partial reel name relinking.
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    Nothing in Acrobat, as emailed forms simply arrive in your regular mail client.
    You could create a dedicated mailbox for the form, and set an auto-responder on your mail server - but that's all.

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    Hi there.
    I am having the same exact problem, in CS6.
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    Please check this out :
    Thank You

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    First, this can happen ... you do have auto-saves set for every so often, right? Do a manual save-as every now and then? Right? ... Hope so ...
    If you've got autosaves "on" you can of course go to the last saved save. Depending on your time betwixt saves, you might lose some work. Better than everything, of course.
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    Thank you very much.

    Features and Sequence Presets missing | Adobe Premiere Pro CS6
    FAQ: Why are some codecs and sequence presets missing from my installation of Premiere Pro?
    What to do when you get a preview preset codec error in Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 | Val Gameiro, Writer, Director, Filmmake…
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    Thanks for your help.

    Hi Marc-Andre d'Anjou,
    I am sorry to hear you're having trouble with this issue. It happens sometimes because of activation problems. The doc that Rameez points to is missing steps for reactivating the Creative Cloud version of Premiere Pro. For Premiere Pro CC, and later, see the section "How to deactivate or sign out" in this document. See the section "How to activate or sign in" in the same document to activate Premiere Pro once more.
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    You can browse and import DPX sequences directly into Color. But if the sequences are numbered and not named, Color doesn't see them as sequences but as individual files
    So files numbered 90000.dpx to 91334.dpx won't work.
    Opening.90000.dpx to Opening.91334.dpx will show up as a 'clip' that you can import and drag into the timeline.
    Neil Sadwelkar

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    I edited a .mov premiere sequence from my 7D and 5D MK II in SpeedGrade by using the "send to adobe speedgrade" option. I exported the grade as a .dpx sequence and brought it back into premiere. Now when I try to export it in h.264 "for youtube hd 1920x1080 23.976", I get a huge loss in color range and blacks become so pixelated and I even lose a lot of darkness in the blacks. The grade no longer looks good. The preview monitor looks great in premiere but it does not match the final export. I need help with this one!
    Software: Production Premium CS6
    Footage: 1920x1080 / 23.976fps
    Camera: Canon 7D + 5D MKII
    System Specs:
    W7 Professional 64-bit
    i7 930 (stock)
    Gigabyte X58A-UD3R
    12gb G.skill Pi Series 1333mhz
    EVGA GTX 470 SC
    180gb Corsair Force GT SSD (boot)
    1TB WD Caviar Black (production premium program files)
    2TB Seagate Barracuda (speedgrade .dpx files)
    750gb Seagate Barracuda (source footage/scratch disks + cache)

    Use the MPEG2-DVD preset
    CS5-thru-CC PPro/Encore tutorial list may help

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    my old version of Pr CC was crashing all the time so i updated it.
    now when i access my projects only one sequence appears. can i still access my previous sequences and how?
    thanks a lot

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