Confused about iWork Update

I have just updated the Mac Mini to OSX 10.9.1 and performed all the available SW updates. However, I have a strange problem witth iWork and the App store, I don't understand what is happening.
According to the App store, I have Numbers 3.0.1,  Pages 5.0.1 and Keynote 6.0.1. What is actually installed on this Mac is Numbers 2.3, Pages 4.3 and Keynote 5.3. When I run these apps, I get a nice message inviting me to update to the next version, I accept, OSX downloads many many megabytes, finishes installing, but I don't get a new version.
In the console, I see the following message:
12/17/2013 7:21:06.072 PM[1988]: *** Entitlement is missing.
Whats happening here? Am I being invited to upgrade to a SW version I'm not entitled to? Isn't the App store supposed tto sort out those details before downloading the SW?
Also, I here lots of complaints about the new iWork and missing options -  is Numbers 3.0.1 actually better than 2.3?

Are the Applications in the normal place?  I had a bit of this when I upgraded,  but found the newer Apps where in fact installed, they just didn't remove the old ones.
Assuming you older iWork is in the normal and expected place it should upgrade.
Try double checking as to whether it might be there?
Good luck,

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    The release date in iTunes Connect tells Apple the date before which you do not want your application to appear in the App Store.
    It has nothing to do with the "Release Date" as shown to users in the App Store. That can never be changed.
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    You need to start this I think.
    And if you have problems to run the update on Vista, I would try to start it as "Administrator".
    (right click on the *.exe file and select run as administrator)

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    Let me take another crack at it...
    1) Grab the patchset for the Oracle database (i.e. patch 4547809 on Metalink assuming you're using 32-bit Windows). Install this to upgrade your Oracle client to Installation instructions are in the README.
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    Do not bother with Live Update. If you want to update anything, do it manually. Also for Mobo Drivers, usenVidia nForce Drivers
    Take Care,

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    Quote from: JLio01 on 31-March-15, 07:54:03
    Forum tool is safer, M-Flash is easier. (my pov..)
    I agree with that. Although for this motherboard (any with Dual BIOS), it should not matter whether it's safer or not, as you can always restore bricked BIOS by using secondary one
    As you are using very first version of BIOS (v1.0) you can either use >>This One<< for MFlash which is latest official available v1.7 from MSI's product website OR for latest official/BETA BIOS to be used with Forum flash tool, you have to ask Svet to prepare a file for you (simply ask for it on current topic)
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    Adobe Reader is a free program, it can be used to view PDF files, fill in fillable forms, and send PDF files via email.
    Adobe Reader cannot create or edit PDF files, unless in combination with a paid CreatePDF subscription.
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    There are two aspects to iCloud.  One is simply getting an account, or migrating a mobileme account to iCloud.  The second part is using the various features of iCloud to sync contacts, calendars, use music match or photo sharing, and store iWorks documents.
    First to get an iCloud account:
    If you have a mobileme account, you can migrate by simply logging onto (ignore any references to Lion and just click through to complete the migration).  If you have OS X Lion or an iOS 5 mobile device, you can create an iCloud account on that device using any valid AppleID.
    Once you have an account, you can use JUST the mail account if you wishi - it is a standard IMAP account so you would set it up like any other IMAP email account you have, in whatever client program you use to read email.
    To use the OTHER feautes of iCloud, your computers will have to be running OS X Lion (10.7).  Your iPhone 3G will never be able to use iCloud as it cannot run iOS 5 (you need a min. of an iPhone 3GS to run iOS 5).
    The requirements for OS X Lion are here -  You need a min. of a Core 2 duo processor so you mini is not capable of running Lion.
    So, in your case, the single reasons for iCloud would be if you have a mobileme account, then use the online to migrate your account so you do not lose your email address.  You can use iCloud email (without using any other iCloud features) by setting it up as IMAP mail with these settings -
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    Automatic Undo Management in Oracle RAC
    url >>
    Oracle automatically manages undo segments within a specific undo tablespace that is assigned to an instance. Only the instance assigned to the undo tablespace can modify the contents of that tablespace. However, each instance can read the undo data blocks created by any instance. Also, when performing transaction recovery, any instance can update any undo tablespace, as long as that undo tablespace is not currently being used by another instance for undo generation or transaction recovery
    what's the meaning of above that is bold ?

    Say you're running a 2-node RAC and node 2 dies. The services which were running on node 2 now get re-located to node 1. It is then possible that node 1 will perform transaction rollback/recovery and, when it does so, it will need to be able to read from node 2's undo tablespace (and maybe update the undo segment headers in node 2's undo tablespace, too).

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    Thanks in advance.

    Actually, that was changed in the iOS 5.1.1 update. You can now stop the phone from defaulting to CDMA by going into Settings>General>Roaming>International CDMA and making sure it's set to "off". While it doesn't sound as if there's any harm in setting Data Roaming to off, I don't think it matters in this circumstance.

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    Thanks...and now I'm off to the BB Desktop Manager forum to ask a few questions there!
    Go to Solution.

    Hi and Welcome to the forums!
    I can help you with one or two of your questions:
    ejm1 wrote:
    Next, I don't truly understand what BIS is...I searched through the KB and couldn't find anything that actually defines BIS...could somebody please explain what BIS is?
    BIS is Blackberry Internet Service...a service, hosted by your carrier, that provides a conduit between internet facing email systems (e.g., Yahoo, GMail, etc.) and your BB. Inside of BIS, you create conduits for each of your email providers that you desire to receive OTA email for on your BB. BIS will check your provider on a periodic basis (documented to be every 15 minutes) and only when there is something that needs to come to your BB does it generate any traffic over the carrier network with your BB. BIS is an add-service, only available to those who, from their carrier, contract for The Blackberry Data Plan (as it is usually called) -- a generic data plan is not usually adequate to have access to BIS.
    ejm1 wrote:
    Finally, can somebody please explain the difference between "mobile network" and "wi-fi"? It seems, if I turn off "mobile network" I have no connection at all, including wi-fi. Is that the way things should be? But, I can turn off wi-fi and still get a connection (if I go outside as far from my house as possible and face south <g>).
    Mobile Network is your carriers and/or voice services provided OTA for your BB. WiFi is wireless networking (802.11a/b/g/n) through your home WAP, hotspots, etc. I don't know if turning off Mobile Networ should or should not affect your ability to continue to use WiFi...I would think they are separate, but I don't have a BB model with WiFi.
    I know nothing about the pay-as-you-go programs, but from all you describe, it seems that you may well be using your carrier network at times. You will need to find out (and there are others here who know) how to shut off your carrier network yet leave WiFi running so that you don't incurr the costs of surfing via the carrier network.
    Hope that helps a little!
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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    Just bought a Nikon d750 and confused about adobe LR4 and PS6 support for the RAW files. I have DNG 8.7 but wondering if LR and PS will import direct soon Thanks for any advice

    Support for the Nikon D750 was introduced in the latest version of LR 5.7 and ACR 8.7 on Novemder 18th 2014.
    Further updates to LR 4 were stopped when LR 5 was released on June 9th 2013. No further updates for bug fixes and new camera support.
    Nada, LR 4 will never support Nikon D750. The Nikon D750 was introduced into the market in September 2014 some 15 months after further development of LR 4 was discontinued.
    You can use the Adobe DNG program (free download for the package) to convert the Nef (raw) files from your Nikon D750 to the Adobe DNG format which will permit you to import those into LR 4. This is the crutch provided by Adobe to allow for the processing of raw files with outdated versions of LR and ACR.
    You can also update the ACR plugin for PS CS6 to version 8.7 which can also work with the raw files from the D750. For direct support in Lightroom you will need to upgrade (paid) to version 5.7.

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    About the iWork 9.3 Update - Apple Support
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