Confusion in CIN

Hi experts
I have confusions please make me correct if i am wrong.....................
1) I am selling the goods from factory , depot .
While selling the goods from factory and depots i am using the pricing procedure JINFAC and JINDEP and i have to add the excise condition types , sales tax condition types , basic price and normal discounts in JINFAC and JINDEP in order to sell the goods from factory and depot.
I am i correct

Please be clear in your question.
Consultant/Systems Analyst - SAP SD/MM

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    advanced thanks

    JEXP IN: A/R BED %
    JASS IN A/R Assessable Va
    JMAN IN Manual excise
    JMOD IN A/R BED ..............................
    Rajesh Banka
    Reward points if helpful.

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    Don't confuse a CIN (Code Interface Node) with the Call Library Function Node in which you interface to a dll. A CIN is a c language function only. The Call Library Function Node can be used for any dll in which the parameters and calling conventions are something LabVIEW can handle. You can create these dll's which c, C++, VB, Delphi, etc. The pdf document "Using External Code in LabVIEW" that is part of the shipping documentation explains the differences between the two. You can also find app notes and example code here that might help.

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    Attachments: ‏9 KB

  • Cin pricing condition types

    hi gurus,
    I am working cin ecc 6.0 .  unfortunately standard condtion types are not there.  But i need to maintain the conditon types that related excise duties.  what are the conditon types i have to use.  Whic tax procedure should i use taxinn or taxinj.  In my system taxinj it is having condition types .  But i need the conditon types which i should use in my pricing procedure for the taxinn.  what is the critriea i have to use to get the conditon types. 
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    Thanks in advance.

        Please note that SAP will not provide you all the condtion types, SAP will provide you some sample condition types (each scenario). This needs to be copied to and you have to create your own condition types and ensure that all the customization/setting should be kept intact (only if required can be changed).
    From 4.7E onwards SAP had come out with TAXINN procedure. So it is always recommended to use TAXINN procedure as this will support CRM application.
    SAP has 4 standard pricing procedure  for both formula based and condition based. You can use
    Pricing Procedure starting with JIN..... (Example JINFAC).
    In those pricing procedure you can see excise condition type for BED, AED, SED and CESS.
    Now for your information BED conditin type are: JEXP: Percentage Condition type and JEXT/JEX2 are total condition type. Similarly you can copy these conditon types and create your own ECS and SeCess Condition types.
    For ECS and SeCess Most of the customers are using ECS:  JECS:Percentage JECP=Total.
    SeCess JA1X: Percentage and JA1Y : Total
    Above mentioned ECS and SeCess condition types can be copied from repective BED condition types.
    You have all the Key combination is defined in the standard access sequence, you are not suppose to changes the standard access sequence but you can add your own table in this access sequence as per your requirement (if only standard does not support).

  • Initializing an array of clusters in a CIN?

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    typedef struct {
    LStrHandle Number;
    LStrHandle SerialNumber;
    } Record;
    typedef struct {
    int32 dimSize;
    Record ptr[1];
    } Set;
    typedef Set **SetHdl;
    MgErr CINRun(COpt *ConnectionOptions, LStrHandle *Number, SetHdl *RecordSet);
    MgErr CINRun(COpt *ConnectionOptions, LStrHandle *Number, SetHdl *RecordSet)
    // LV error code
    MgErr err = noErr;
    // ODBC environment variables
    HENV env = NULL;
    HDBC dbc = NULL;
    HSTMT stmt = NULL;
    // Connection options data variables
    UCHAR* dsn = malloc(SQL_MAX_DSN_LENGTH * sizeof(UCHAR));
    UCHAR* user = malloc(32 * sizeof(UCHAR));
    UCHAR* pass = malloc(32 * sizeof(UCHAR));
    UCHAR* num = malloc(16 * sizeof(UCHAR));
    // Query variables
    INT qlen;
    INT nlen;
    UCHAR colNumber[5];
    SDWORD colNumberSize;
    UCHAR* query;
    INT numRows;
    // ODBC return code storage
    RETCODE retcode;
    /** Prepare data from LV for C++ manipulation **/
    strcpy(dsn, LStrBuf((LStrPtr)(*(ConnectionOptions->DSN))));
    dsn[(*(ConnectionOptions->DSN))->cnt] = '\0';
    strcpy(user, LStrBuf((LStrPtr)(*(ConnectionOptions->Username))));
    user[(*(ConnectionOptions->Username))->cnt] = '\0';
    strcpy(pass, LStrBuf((LStrPtr)(*(ConnectionOptions->Password))));
    pass[(*(ConnectionOptions->Password))->cnt] = '\0';
    strcpy(num, LStrBuf((LStrPtr)(*Number)));
    // Program crashes here too, but that's the least of my concerns right now. Keep reading down.
    //num[(**Number)->cnt] = '\0';
    qlen = (int)strlen(
    "SELECT m.Number FROM master AS m WHERE (m.Number LIKE '');"
    nlen = (int)strlen(num);
    query = malloc((qlen + nlen + 1) * sizeof(UCHAR));
    "SELECT m.Number FROM master AS m WHERE (m.Number LIKE '%s'\0);",
    // Prepare and make connection to database
    SQLAllocEnv (&env);
    SQLAllocConnect(env, &dbc);
    retcode = SQLConnect(dbc, dsn, SQL_NTS, user, SQL_NTS, pass, SQL_NTS);
    // Test success of connection
    if (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS || retcode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
    retcode = SQLAllocStmt(dbc, stmt);
    retcode = SQLPrepare(stmt, query, sizeof(query));
    retcode = SQLExecute(stmt);
    SQLBindCol(stmt, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, colNumber, sizeof(colNumber), &colNumberSize);
    SQLRowCount(stmt, &numRows);
    //Program crashes on the following line. I get an error in LV saying something about an error in memory.cpp
    DSSetHandleSize((*RecordSet), sizeof(int32) + (numRows * sizeof(Record)));
    (**RecordSet)->dimSize = numRows;
    retcode = SQLFetch(stmt);
    numRows = 0;
    while (retcode == SQL_SUCCESS || retcode == SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO)
    /* Need code here to retreive/create Records and put them in the array */
    retcode = SQLFetch(stmt);
    // Free ODBC environment variables
    // Return LV error code
    return err;

    This looks incorrect:
    MgErr CINRun(COpt *ConnectionOptions, LStrHandle *Number, SetHdl *RecordSet)
    Did you let LabVIEW generate the C file??
    When you pass an array of clusters to a CIN, what is passed is a handle to the array. You are declaring a pointer to a handle. I just did a test passing an array of clusters to a CIN. The C file looks like this (comments are mine):
    typedef struct {
    int32 Num1;
    int32 Num2;
    } TD2; // the cluster
    typeDef struct {
    int32 dimSize;
    TD2 Cluster[1];
    } TD1; // the array
    typeDef TD1 **TD1Hdl; // handle to the array
    CIN MgErr CINRun(TD1Hdl Array);
    Notice that it passes you a HANDLE, not a pointer to a handle.
    On this line:
    DSSetHandleSize((*RecordSet), sizeof(int32) + (numRows * sizeof(Record)));
    If RecordSet is a HANDLE, then (*RecordSet) is a POINTER - you are passing a POINTER to a routine that expects a HANDLE.
    The line:
    (**RecordSet)->dimSize = numRows;
    Is also incorrect - if RecordSet is a HANDLE, then (*RecordSet) is a POINTER, and (**RecordSet) is an ARRAY, but you're asking it to be a pointer. (*RecordSet)->dimSize would be the size to fetch.
    Read the rules again on what is passed to CINs.
    I strongly suggest developing the interface first - the VI that calls the CIN. Put the CIN in place and let LabVIEW generate the initial C file.
    Then modify the code to do something simple with the input arguments, like fetch the array size, and put this number into an output argument. Something VERY basic, just to test the ins and outs. Debug this until all ins and outs are working.
    THEN AND ONLY THEN add code to do whatever work needs doing.
    Steve Bird
    Culverson Software - Elegant software that is a pleasure to use.
    Blog for (mostly LabVIEW) programmers: Tips And Tricks

  • TAXINN-Urgent Requirement-CIN

    Hi Gurus(CIN EXperts),
    I have to maintain..the following for my client.
    S/H CESS-1%
    VAT 4%
    or CST 3% or may vary.
    What all the configurations i have to do ?
    in SPRO- Logistics Execution-Tax on goods movement-india-Basic Settings-Maintain Excise Defaults
    What to be maintained .. i am confused with NCCD/AT1 etc..
    For the above scenario .. what all i have to maintain in TAXINN.
    Please let me know very urgent.
    Thanks & Regards

    Hi Srikanth,
    see below links for configs of TAXINN
    Hope this will help.

  • CIN Tax Procedures

    Can anyone please explain me why different tax procedures are used,
    These below procedures are used for factory sales...
    J1INFAC (condition-based excise determination) and JFACT (formula-based excise determination).
    Then why TAXINN & TAXINJ....
    getting confused, please help ASAP.
    Please explain me how, where, why these procedures to be used and how does it would impact !!!
    Thank you,

    Difference between TAXINJ and TAXINN
    1. It is Formula Based Tax procedure.
    2. It was most commonly used upto intial phase of R/3 4.7, but the latter implementations were with TAXINN.
    3. Tax Code plays a vital role, as the Tax Rate are maintained in Tax Code.
    4. It is complex compared to TAXINN
    1. It is Condition Based Tax procedure.
    2. Tax Code is required to be maintained in Condition Record, & if Tax Code is not found in Condition Record, Sales Cycle will go upto billing, but not release to accounting. Hence even a single Tax code may suffice the requirement for different Tax rate.
    Rajesh Banka
    Reward points if helpful.

  • Cin excise duty entry

    need the advice. please help.
    1) for manufacturing, when purchase, the input tax will debit cenvat account, say 100inr. when sales, output tax will credit cenvat account, say (120)inr.
    may i know if 100inr is excise duty paid and 20inr (120-100) is excise duty payable?
    2) so actually the total duty paid is 100 + 20 = 120inr, correct?
    3) may i know what is the difference for excise duty paid / excise duty payable and cenvat receivable account?
    3) may i know how is the double entry for point 1 from purchase to sales until RG and pla?

    Pl. go through the following carefully.  If u see the config. of CIN the column names Excise Account Assignment Table are like RG23A BED etc., Hence the account description(user's discretion) can be CENVAT Account or RG23A account.
    Apart from this there are entries in RG23 registers which are Statutory requirement.
    Pl. do not get confused with Account and Register. Account will have only the amounts where as registers will contain no. of particulars.
    Check the accounting entries for the whole process
    <b>What should be my accounting entry in procurement?</b>
    For Domestic Procurement of Raw Material
         During GR
                   Material Stock      Dr.
                   GR/IR clearing          Cr.
         During Excise Invoice Credit          
                   Cenvat Account OR RG 23A     Dr.
                   Cenvat Clearing          Cr.
         During Invoice Verification
                   Cenvat Clearing     Dr.
                   GR/IR Clearing     Dr.
                   Vendor Payable          Cr.
    <b>For Domestic procurement of Capital Goods</b>
         During GR
                   Material Stock      Dr.
                   GR/IR clearing          Cr.
         During Excise Invoice Credit          
                   Cenvat Account/ RG 23C A/c (CVD) A/c     Dr.     (50%)
                   Cenvat On-hold/ RG 23C A/c (CVD) A/c     Dr.     (50%)
                   Cenvat Clearing          Cr.
         <b>During Invoice Verification</b>
                   Cenvat Clearing     Dr.
                   GR/IR Clearing     Dr.
                   Vendor Payable          Cr
    <b>Subsequent of Capital Goods</b>
                   Cenvat Account/ RG 23C A/c (CVD) A/c     Dr.     (50%)
                   Cenvat On-hold/ RG 23C A/c (CVD) A/c     Cr.     (50%)
    <b>For Excise Duty Credit of Raw Material without PO</b>
                   Cenvat Account OR RG 23A     Dr.     
                   Cenvat Clearing          Cr.
    <b>For Excise Duty Reversal through Excise JV</b>
                   Cenvat Clearing               Dr.               Cenvat Account OR RG 23A          Cr.
    <b>What should be my accounting entry when the goods are issued through MM and excise invoice is created (J1IS & J1IV)?</b>
    During Excise Invoice Creation
              Cenvat Suspense Account          Dr.
              Cenvat payable               Cr.
    Note: Cenvat Suspense Account should be cleared apprpiately using FI JV’s.
    For TR6C Challan
    PLA Account               Dr.
    PLA on hold Account          Cr.
    During Fortnightly  Utilization
    Cenvat payable               Dr.
    Cenvat Account/ RG23A/RG23C     Cr.
    PLA Account                    Cr.

  • SD related CIN transactions

    Hi SD Guru's,
    Can you please tell me what are the SD related CIN transactions. I am confused about this because, My client  have Sales and coordination department. This department handles all the functions related to duties and taxes.
    It will be very much helpful if you list the transactions....
    Thanks in advance...

    Dear Kumar
    Go to J1ID and maintain the relevant details in the following tabs
    -  Material and Chapter ID combination for salable items
    -  Customer Excise details
    -  Excise Tax Rate
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • Sap cin patch for ecc 6.0 sr2 how to install ?

    hi friends
    i  have  installed sap ecc 6.0 sr2 in my landscape .my funcational consultants asking for cin patch to install .
    i have tried in i found  cin 30a ,cin 40a  i am confused  what patch i need to apply in my system (ecc 6.0 sr2 )
    my question is 
    1. how  to find the cin patch .
    2. how to install the cin patch .
    3. what version i have to install in my system  ?
    thanks in advance

    There are not any CIN available for ECC 6.0. You can raise an OSS message for your requirement, and they can clarify what are the possibilities.
    I have found something, check this thread
    Edited by: Subhash Chandra on Feb 20, 2009 7:53 AM

  • Recompiled from LV6.1 to LV7.0, now I can't configure CIN

    I have a VI using a CIN that works in LV 6.1 and in LV7.0 (no CIN load errors). BUT, I can't configure the CIN in LV7.0, even after reloading the .lsb file. All the inputs are unnamed as well (the pop-up says simply 'input'). But the vi still works. I have all the source code for the .lsb files.
    Any ideas what's happening here?

    vituning wrote:
    > I have a VI using a CIN that works in LV 6.1 and in LV7.0 (no CIN load
    > errors). BUT, I can't configure the CIN in LV7.0, even after reloading
    > the .lsb file. All the inputs are unnamed as well (the pop-up says
    > simply 'input'). But the vi still works. I have all the source code
    > for the .lsb files.
    What sort of configuration would you want to do on a CIN node? Are you
    sure you don't confuse this with the Call Library Node?
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • Confused by C , please help

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    I got a simple question:
    how to read the user input in C ?
    in c++ the only thing I had to do was cin >> variable_name;
    now I have read like 10000 ways to read user input...
    how can I asign user input into an integreer with C ?
    I read about this and it works... but its not very conventional.
    #include <stdio.h>
    char base[100];
    int n;
    int main()
    fgets(base, sizeof(base), stdin);
    sscanf(base, "%d" , &n);
    printf(" The integreer value is %d ", n);
    return 0;
    This works... but I think there must be some easier and conventional way... help please!

    I think you need to buy a good C book.
    "The C Programming Language" ( and "C: A Reference Manual" ( are very good books.
    Also, forget what you know about C++.

  • CIN account determination querry

    Hi People,
                        Please help me out wiht CIN account determintino. Where ever I search for CIN config I get almost same  docs and I don't have much problem with other areas but a littel confused with account determination. So please try to reply in regard of account determination.
    I have mentioned how much I understood followed by my querry
    My querry is that in step " Specify  excise accounts per excise transaction' we specify the  excise transction types and the accounts whch will get afffected when that transaction will happenn. Like for example for sales it is DLFC and when excisable material sales would take place then some accunts would get credited and some would get debited.
    Now which G/L will be assigned to the account type is detemined in the next step " Specify G/L accounts per excise transaction type"
    Please correct me if I was wrong till herer. Now my querry is that what exaclty is the relation between the account types mentioned in the previous step and vertical columns in the next step where you actuallly assigne G/L's.
    For example in case of DLFC is says
    Credit RG23bed.
    Debit    MSUSP.
    Now in the next step  which is specify G/L accounts the columens where wer assign G/L there are individual columns for RG23A BED RG23c. BED So it that  in account types its just the single entry RG23 BED which clubs the RG23A BED and RG23c BED.
    Also in account type there is not account type for registeer RG23D for depot. Neither it cab be seen in specify G/L accounts step. So how do we handle depot than.
    Please help me out wiht this. I am very much oconfused with the account determination part of CIN.

    Under the tab "Specify Excise Accounts per Excise Transaction", you just define the Excise Transaction Type should be debited or credited and if debit to what register and if credit to what register.
    Only in the next step, namely, "Specify G/L Accounts per Excise Transaction", you are precisely defining the system that if the Excise Type is debit, debit to a particular G/L Account and the same way for credit also.  Here only, system determines to which G/L Accounts, the amount should be posted.  That is for two excise transaction types (DLFC & CEIV), you would assign one G/L account, so that in FI postings, you can see one debit entry and credit entry.
    G. Lakshmipathi

  • Difference between PO created with reference and without reference(CIN)

    Dear Experts,
    I am working on CIN. I had created a PO(PO # A) and it perfectly captured an Excise invoice(J1IEX_C). I tried to create another PO(PO # B) with same details like Material, Plant, Vendor, everything else remains same, but this time I was not able to capture excise invoice. Under J1IEX_C I am getting an error "Excise Details are not maintanied for Vendor 20033525. Message no. 8I565"
    I again created new PO(PO #C) with reference to PO # A(copy) and for this PO I could capture Excise invoice for PO # C.
    I am confused why is this happening, as my vendor is same in all the cases.
    Thanks and Regards,

    Genrally it should not happend like that. check the vendor details in j1id ? make sure give all details means each and every field.
    your using ecc6 and updated new support pack then you have to fill all the coloums in ji1d vendor detials.
    so your taking the ref of old po system not asking the details.

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