Connecting to COM objects

Hi everyone,
I've got a project on the horizon that involves using an API to access a database. The API uses COM objects. 
Can I connect to the API using <cfobject> like this:
    class = "program ID"
    name = "myneatobject"
    action = "connect"
    context = "remote"
    server = "http://someserverip">
    type = "com">
If the server is remote, isn't there some security involved? Login credinentials?  I'm trying to ge my head around this.  There's an exisiting website in place using the API, however we're planning on redoing everything in CF. 
Thanks for any tips in to set me straight!

Thanks Guys.
To be sure I'm describing this properly, I've got the manual for the API (updated in 2009) and it states
"The  API is a COM+ application (formerly MTS). It
provides a set of COM objects that can be manipulated by COM-
compliant development tools such as Visual Basic, Visual C++, Visual
C#, VSTA and so on.
The API provides the ability to search and locate accounts across
multiple  databases. It uses an advanced data cache mechanism to
minimize round-trips to database servers.
Once the account is located using a 10-digit telephone, and
optionally an account number, each subsequent attempt to connect to an
database requires a company number as well as a valid account
The following example shows how to modify an existing user profile information:
Dim objUserProfile as Object
Dim lRetCode as Integer
Set objUserProfile = CreateObject("EnergyAPI.cUserProfile")
lRetCode = objUserProfile.ModifyUserInfo (sEmailAddress,
If lRetCode <> 0 Then
  ‘ Failure - Display error message
    ‘ Success
  End If
COM+ much different than COM?? Not from what I'm reading.

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    Dear all.
    How can I connect to COM objects/methods from abap?
    Could give me link to example.

    Yes this method raises and exception with this message
    Message ID:          FDT_CORE
    Message number:      085
    DO_IM_DATETIME is not in the context
    The method SET_VALUE corresponds to IF_FDT_CONTEXT. This is the method's calls
          lv_name = 'DO_IM_DATETIME'.
              o_context->set_value( iv_name =  lv_name
                                    ia_value = lv_element_tzone ).
            CATCH cx_fdt INTO lx_fdt.
              RAISE incorrect_parameter.
    I reactivate the aplication, the function, the expression and the data objects.
    But the method is still giving this exception.
    I have only this exception when I try to set up this two parameters:
    DO_IM_DATETIM of type Timepoint
    DO_IM_LANGU which is binding to the element type LANGU
    But in my BRFPlus Function Context I do have this two parameters.
    Thanks !

  • Using JNI to connect to a COM object

    I need to write an application in Java which uses a COM object. Has anyone tried to connect to/ use the functionality of a COM object by using the JNI (Java Native Interface)?
    I would highly appreciate any tips on how to go about it.

    1.create a java file which is having one native function which calls the COM function.
    2.In static block put
    3.Compile the java file(example
    4.Create the header file using the command
    javah -jni sample
    4.Create a wrapper dll in VC++.
    5.After creating wrapper dll in VC++ , keep the dll in the class path.
    6. Run the program
    See this link

  • Creating a COM object with CF9 32-bit on Windows Server 2008 R2 64-bit machine

    I'm using a 32-bit version of CF9 and it's installed on a Windows Server 2008 R2 machine (64-bit).  The problem I'm running into is that it won't allow me to create a COM object - it gives me the error, "no ntvinv in java.library.path null" when I try to run,
    <cfobject type="COM" action="CONNECT" name="Engine" class="JRO.JetEngine">
    <cfcatch type="Any">
        <cfobject type="COM" action="CREATE" name="Engine" class="JRO.JetEngine">
    Then when I run it a 2nd time, I get "An exception occurred when instantiating a COM object. The cause of this exception was that: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can not use native code: Initialisation failed."
    Can you help me?

    Replying for your patchset installation pre-req error:
    Use below command:
    ./runInstaller -ignoreSysPrereqs
    Review MOS note 763143.1 for more info.

  • Can SQL Server (2008 R2/2012) Integration Services connect to Business Objects / Hyperion directly?

    I have a situation where I need to pull data from Business Objects and
    Hyperion using
    SSIS (2008 R2/2012). I did some pro-active research on how to go about implementing this on a couple of Forums and could only figure out the below solution.
    We can create an ODBC DSN / connection for Business Objects and that can be used by SSIS as a connection manager to directly link to the Business
    Objects Universe. ( 
    Question 1 - Has anyone tried to implement this in past? Is this possible directly or can be achieved through some workarounds? sharing inputs/experience on this will be highly appreciated!  
    Question 2 - If this possible in any way , how to get this thing set-up in an environment where SSIS and BO are residing on two different domains/networks. Any way to establish a connection from SSIS
    to the BO instance/server?
    Would really appreciate if anyone can help me out with this issue.

    I have a situation where I need to pull data from Business Objects and
    Hyperion using
    SSIS (2008 R2/2012). I did some pro-active research on how to go about implementing this on a couple of Forums and could only figure out the below solution.
    We can create an ODBC DSN / connection for Business Objects and that can be used by SSIS as a connection manager to directly link to the Business
    Objects Universe. ( 
    Question 1 - Has anyone tried to implement this in past? Is this possible directly or can be achieved through some workarounds? sharing inputs/experience on this will be highly appreciated!  
    Question 2 - If this is possible in any way , how to get this thing set-up in an environment where SSIS and BO are residing on two different domains/networks. Any way to establish a connection from
    SSIS to the BO instance/server? (To be precise - If SSIS is hosted on a Cloud environment..?)
    Would really appreciate if anyone can help me out with this issue.

  • Connection timed out: connect at com.sun.mail.imap.IMAPStore.protocolConne

    Hi ,
    Recently, my team need to work with javamail. Here I got a problem: when I run the application in my personal home network , it goes on very well. When I run the program in my company env, it gives error info:
    Exception in thread "main" javax.mail.MessagingException: Could not connect to SMTP host:, port: 465;
    nested exception is: Connection timed out: connect
    at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.openServer(
    at com.sun.mail.smtp.SMTPTransport.protocolConnect(
    at javax.mail.Service.connect(
    The resource is :
    import java.util.Date;
    import java.util.Properties;
    import javax.mail.Authenticator;
    import javax.mail.Message;
    import javax.mail.MessagingException;
    import javax.mail.PasswordAuthentication;
    import javax.mail.Session;
    import javax.mail.Transport;
    import javax.mail.internet.AddressException;
    import javax.mail.internet.InternetAddress;
    import javax.mail.internet.MimeMessage;
    *Use Gmail
    public class GmailSender {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws AddressException, MessagingException {
    final String SSL_FACTORY = "";
    // Get a Properties object
    Properties props = System.getProperties();
    //Add proxy for GmailSender
    //especially here, I am not sure whether the proxy really works. In home network, it needn't proxy to run successfully.
    // props.setProperty("proxySet","true");
    // props.setProperty("socksProxyHost",""); // This IP address is our proxy server address
    // props.setProperty("socksProxyPort","80");
    props.setProperty("", "");
    props.setProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.class", SSL_FACTORY);
    props.setProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.fallback", "false");
    props.setProperty("mail.smtp.port", "465");
    props.setProperty("mail.smtp.socketFactory.port", "465");
    props.put("mail.smtp.auth", "true");
    final String username = "XXX";
    final String password = "XXX";
    Session session = Session.getDefaultInstance(props, new Authenticator(){
    protected PasswordAuthentication getPasswordAuthentication() {
    return new PasswordAuthentication(username, password);
    // -- Create a new message --
    Message msg = new MimeMessage(session);
    // -- Set the FROM and TO fields --
    msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(username + ""));
    InternetAddress.parse("[email protected]",false));
    msg.setText("How are you");
    msg.setSentDate(new Date());
    System.out.println("Message sent.");
    Will you please help me to review my code and give me some suggestions ?

    No point looking at the code. The error message says the code can't connect to the server you are trying to connect to, so presumably there's a firewall or something like that preventing the connection. Talk to your network people.

  • Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/object/msg/Sms

    Exception in thread main java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/object/msg/SmsService
    caused by: java.lang.NotFoundException: com.object.msg.SmsService
    I'm trying to send SMS using this code and it gives above Exception during Runtime.
    import com.objectxp.msg.*;
    public class SendSMS
    public static void main(String[] args)
    SmsService service = null;
    try {
    // Configuration
    File config = new File("jsms.conf");
    // create service object.
    service = new GsmSmsService();
    // create a new Message.
    Message msg = new Message();
    msg.setMessage("jSMS is cool!");
    // Connect to the device
    // send the Message
    System.out.println("Message sent successfully, ID is ");
    } catch (Exception ex) {
    System.err.println("Message could not be sent: "+ex.getMessage());
    } finally {
    if (service != null) {
    try {
    } catch( Exception unknown ) {}

    run this one in command prompt and then convert the applet using converter tool
    JC_HOME = C:\java_card_kit-2_2_2\bin\
    set CLASSES=%JCHOME%\lib\apduio.jar;%JC_HOME%\lib\apdutool.jar;%JC_HOME%\lib\jcwde.jar;%JC_HOME%\lib\converter.jar;%JC_HOME%\lib\scriptgen.jar;%JC_HOME%\lib\offcardverifier.jar;%JC_HOME%\lib\api.jar;%JC_HOME%\lib\installer.jar;%JC_HOME%\lib\capdump.jar;
    D:\NareshPalle\jcardRE\Smart\src>java -classpath %_CLASSES% com.sun.javacard.con
    verter.Converter -out EXP JCA CAP -exportpath .\exp -applet 0x0a:0x00:0x00:0x00:0x0e:0x01:0x02:
    0x03:0x04:0x05:0x06 PackageName appletName 0x01:0x02:0x03:0x04:0x05:0x0
    6:0x07:0x08 1.0
    go to following directory and run the converter tool in command prompt
    step 1: cd C:\java_card_kit-2_2_2\bin\
    then run this command under the above directory
    step 2:converter -classdir E:\Pathof Your applet class file -out EXP JCA CAP -exportpath E:\path of exp files folder -applet AID PackageName AppletName PackAID major.minor no
    For more doubts mail me....
    *[removed by moderator]*
    Thanks and Regards
    Edited by: EJP on 31/03/2012 20:09: removed your email address. Unless you like spam and unless you think these forums are provided for your personal benefit only, posting an email address here serves no useful purpose whatsoever.

  • Word 2007 COM object

    I am having a heck of a time finding a good example of a word
    COM object. I just upgraded from word 2000 to word 2007, in hopes
    that would suddenly work for me (which honestly I didn't
    expect...). In word 2000, this line worked fine, but not in 2007:
    Here is what I am trying to accomplish: I need to use values
    submitted by forms and input it into a word document. The word doc
    needs to have different paragraphs in different formats. I thought
    I could build the paragraphs somehow, with formatting with
    something like para1 = docrange.newparagraph(); then insert the
    text and formatting into para1 and then insert para1 into the
    document. It does not seem to be working at all. If someone can
    link me to a good example I can figure it out from there, but I
    don't seem to be able to find it. Here is my code so far:
    <cfquery name="getAttorney" datasource="agreement">
    Select * from Attorney where ID =
    <cfoutput query="getAttorney">
    <cfset attornyInfo =
    <!--- If it exists, connect to it --->
    <!--- The object doesn't exist, so create it --->
    /* This will open Word if running locally */
    objWordApp.Visible = true;
    /* This returns the 'Documents' collection the Word Object
    thisDoc = objWordApp.Documents.add();
    /* Save the document to a location */
    docRange = thisDoc.Range(0);
    docRange.InsertAfter("I am the paragraph you requested");
    docRange.InsertAfter("check me out... I'm on the second
    para1 = thisdoc.paragraphs.count();
    data = docrange.listparagraphs();
    data1 = docrange;
    /* Save the changes */
    /* Close the document */
    /* Quit Word */
    <cfdump var="#para1#">
    <cfdump var="#data#">
    <cfdump var="#data1#">
    The dumps do dump information on the related objects, giving
    me methods, puts and gets, but I need more explantion than what is
    actually provided. Para1 used to dump "1" even though I had more
    paragraphs than that in the build. Since I upgraded to 2007, I have
    not gotten it not to error out, I will try to save it as a docx,
    but a doc is really more appropiate for my purposes.
    Thank you for your time.

    The last time I had to deal with a requirement like this,
    which was
    about 2000-2001, we eventually scrapped the word COM thing.
    Even then
    it was such a fragile and perilous solution, fraught with
    problems and
    What we ended up doing, that was much easier, was to create a
    .rtf, rich
    text format, file. We could do all the required formating in
    format, and 90% of the uses would have this file open in MS
    Word and not
    even know they did not get a .doc file.
    How we did it was create a .rtf template with dummy text that
    had all
    the desired formating. Then we could read in the .rtf file,
    which is
    just a marked-up text file, not a binary, and string replace
    the dummy
    text with the dynamic text. Save it again and viola a rich
    formated file with the required content.
    These days, I would push for doing this in PDFs and use
    <cfdocument...> and|or <cfpdf...> functionality.
    But if it has to be
    Word, I suppose it has to be Word.

  • Connect webdynpro callable object with ms sql server 2000

    Hi all
    how connect webdynpro callable object with ms sql server 2000?
    How can I register on the portal as an additional connection?
    thank you very much!

    Thanks for your answers, Now I have the following problem, to develop this code:
    try {
              InitialContext iC = new InitialContext();
              DataSource dataSource = (DataSource)iC.lookup("jdbc/ConnectionAlias");
              Connection con = dataSource.getConnection();
              java.sql.Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
              ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("select * from ejemplo");
              while ({
                                                             DatosElement =
         }catch (SQLException e) {
         }catch (Exception e){
    and shows me the following exception
    ResourceException in method ConnectionFactoryImpl.getConnection(): SQLException thrown by the physical connection: java.sql.SQLException: [Microsoft][SQLServer 2000 Driver for JDBC]Error establishing socket.
    the data that you place in the visual administrator were:
    Drivers: (msutil.jar , mssqlserver.jar , msbase.jar)
                   Name: MyDatasource
                   Alias: ConnectionAlias
                   JDBC Version: 1.x
                   Driver Class:
                   Database URL: jdbc:microsoft:sqlserver://;DatabaseName=test
                   User: sa
                   Password: abcd1234
    did not know the cause of the problem

  • Cfobject - An exception occurred when instantiating a COM object

    I'm getting the following error:
    An exception occurred when instantiating a COM object.
    The cause of this exception was that: java.lang.RuntimeException: Can not use native code: Initialisation failed.
    1 :
    2 : <cfscript>
    3 :     oLoader = CreateObject("com", "easyPDF.Loader.6");
    4 : </cfscript>
    This is on a dedicated server with 64bit Windows Server 8 and 64bit ColdFusion 9.  easyPDF is a program that will convert files into PDF on the server, it is also the 64 bit version.
    I'm not even trying to do anything but load the object and am getting the error.  I took a peek inside the registry and searched for "easyPDF.Loader" and it was found.
    Any ideas what could be going wrong? Is there something I need to do with the CF setup or IIS to get this working?  It gives the same error with the following line of code as well.
        <cfobject type="com" action="connect" class="Word.application" name="this.wordCom" context="local">
            <cfobject type="com" action="create" class="Word.application" name="this.wordCom" context="local">
    Any help or guidance would be great.  Is there a basic <cfobject type="com"> that should work on ANY computer without installing something that I could use to test?

    Just to give everyone some closure in this matter:
    I've opened a case with Adobe Support. Their reply was:
    COM interoperability with CF9 is not supported on 64 bit Windows OS. This is due to the limitations imposed by JIntergra. You can find a reference for this in the following tech-note:
    It seems that J-Integra ( won't update their code libraries for 64-bit support due to lack of customer demand for this functionality. Mind you this is the newest technot I could find on the matter but it was last update in 2010. I've also emailed j-Integra sales ( to inquire about any progress in porting over their libraries to 64-bit. Who knows, if they get enough requests...
    I will now try to access my COM libraries from a .NET dll and call it using cfexecute.

  • Adobe Plugin not able to access COM object in Protected mode

    We have an adobe plugin for our application. The plugin creates a toolbar button in Adobe and on clicking this button, it invokes one of the form from our application to save the document record for the PDF file in the database. The plugin was working fine till Adobe 9. It stopped working in Adobe X with proctected mode ON. However, if we turn off Protected mdoe, it works fine.
    I did some research and found that we need to modify the policy rules by creating ProtectedModeWhitelistConfig.txt file and appropriate registry for it. I did those steps and now I am not getting "Access denied" error when protected mode is ON but the plugin is still not working. On further debug, I found that it fails while trying to connect to SQL Server. It gives error "SSL Security Error". This is working perfectly fine without protected mode. Also It is not able to access COM objects. I guess both these things might be related.
    Can anyone let me know what are we missing here?

    I would recommend that open a formal support case, as working with Protected Mode is quite complex.

  • Sun JDK 1.3.1 calling a Microsoft COM object???

    My question, which inevitably in my eyes has been deemed impossible to answer, is as follows: How can one incorporate MS VM to connect to an MS COM object using Sun�s JDK 1.3.1?
    I�ve tried the following: I ran the simple example of a COM object with a client interfacing with that COM object that came with MS SDK for Java 4.0. I built the *java files using the given makefile (jvc).  I registered the Hub with javareg and created a hub.tlb with jactivex. 
    Using JBuilder 4.0, I built a small non-swing object that created in instance of the Client class from above:
    import sample.dcom.*;
    public class Main
    public Main()
    // MS Client � the Client class creates the COM object connection to HUB
    Client client = new Client();
    catch( Exception exception )
    System.err.println("Default exception caught");
    I was able to compile/make the above snippet of code, but without having access to the* classes and without loading a library (since the Hub class actually references a native function), I was not able to run my application:
    java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError: addListener
         at hub.Hub.addListener(Native Method)
         at sample.dcom.Client.<init>(
         at am.temp.Main.<init>(
         at am.temp.Main.main(
    However, if run the following command: jview Main, I get the necessary results. Which is what I thought would happen. I tried doing the same thing within a swing application, however, to my not-so-surprise, MS doesn�t contain swing components. I�ve read through many forum headaches: �I�ve tried appending rt.jar�, �You can�t mix MS with Sun�, etc.
    Therefore, has anyone had any luck creating/connecting/instantiating a MS COM object while trying to run it under Sun�s VM? Note: I have to do it this way since the application I�m trying to connect to is built as a COM server and I�m using Java as my application language.
    Thank you.

    gui != COM.
    In other words COM objects are not limited to GUI objects. From your question it looks like you have a COM object which is a gui component. And you want to use it in swing. If it is just a fancy drop down box then I would say the complexity isn't worth it. If it does more, then I believe that people have put 'windows' into swing frames. You can search this forum or perhaps the "Advanced Programming" (or even all forums) for more discussion on that.

  • Instantiating COM objects from within the java code in WLS

    is there a way to use COM objects from servlets or ejb's,
    with JVM, not with JView.

    Sun has released a beta product - its a COM bridge that you can use
    to connect a Java2 JVM to a COM object with. I havent tried it yet
    but I probably will soon.
    "Michael Girdley" <[email protected]> wrote in message news:39b86deb$[email protected]..
    No, at the current time we only support COM integration when using the
    Microsoft JVM. The Jintegra product from Linar is good.
    Michael Girdley
    BEA Systems Inc
    "Ali Ozgun" <[email protected]> wrote in message
    news:[email protected]..
    is there a way to use COM objects from servlets or ejb's,
    with JVM, not with JView.

  • Using COM object library & components in Java

    I've built an application that allows a PC (connected to a mobile phone by cable) to send & receive SMS from another mobile phones, using VB & Nokia PC Connectivity SDK. I want to rewrite the application in Java.
    As I have read in the documentation, Nokia PC Connectivity libraries are implemented as COM libraries. That is why I am asking if can I use COM object libraries & components in Java???
    And does Java environment supports object libraries as VB or C++ does???
    I am a VB programmer, but I am migrating now to Java which is why I have little knowledge about it. Please be kind enough to help me with this & with my learning about Java. Any help & suggestions are very well accepted.
    Thanks a lot

    I suggest that if you have a COM library dependency and lock-in, then Java is not the natural choice of platform. If you can re-write the Nokia connectivity app in Java, then that would be best. If you are just doing this to learn Java, then leave it and learn Java on a diff project!
    When you talk of object libraries, I am guessing you are just talking about software components (as COM objects could be classed)... in which case - of course Java supports components. Take a look at JavaBeans.

  • MSXML 4.0 needed for COM object invocation?

    Do I need MSXML 4.0 for the <CFOBJECT> tag to worK? Coz
    I dont have this right now and I am gettign the following error
    when i try to instantiate a COM object.
    "An exception occurred when instantiating a Com object. The
    cause of this exception was that: An
    exception occurred when instantiating a Com object..
    The error occurred on line 5. "
    <TITLE> Test</TITLE>
    ACTION="Connect" CONTEXT="Local">
    <CFSET MyWord.Visible="False">
    <CFSET OriginalDoc=MyWord.Documents>
    <CFSET OriginalDoc.Open("C:\wwwroot\test.doc")>
    <CFSET ConvertedDoc=MyWord.ActiveDocument>
    <CFSET MyWord.Quit()>
    <CFSET ReleaseComObject(MyWord)>

    I installed MSXML 4.0 and now I am getting a slightly
    different error:
    " An exception occurred when instantiating a Com object. The
    cause of this exception was that:$ComObjectConnectionException: An
    exception occurred when trying to connect to an active Com object..
    Any Ideas?

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