Connection for ericsson mobile to my powermac, anyone?

hi, anyone out there,
been trying to connect my sony ericsson mobile to my power mac. recently just installed an airport card, was wondering if i could connect via this gadget.
please advise

Bluetooth connection and iSync and Bluetooth File Exchange have been seamless with all my Sony Ericsson Phones. (5 of them). I have used D-Link bluetooth adaptors but now I have built in bluetooth.

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    Did you ever get a reply to this.  I have the same problem.  I have the same problem when even when I reply to an email... no photo shows up in my new reply message.  The only way I have figured out is to use the "forward" option.
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    Let me know if you ever hear on this one.
    Many thanks.

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    Hi alexanderfrommilton,
    First try reinstalling itunes.

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    Belkin Y Adapter; Mini Stereo Plug, Headphone Splitter -
    Make sure it is 1 male > 2 female, as above.

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    PC Suite for Sony Ericsson 1.6.0
    Sony PC Companion & Sony Media Go
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    PC companion is a replacement for PC suite version 6 (but not for other versions), so any phone that is compatible with this version of PC suite, will also be compatible with PC companion. However, other versions of PC suite can still be used, so none of them have actually expired. As for Media Go, there have been several updates which should work with any phone that is compatible with this application.
    Hope this helps.

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    Does your Cloud subscription properly show on your account page?
    If you have more than one email, are you sure you are using the correct Adobe ID? for subscriptions on your Adobe page
    If yes
    Some general information for a Cloud subscription
    Cloud programs do not use serial numbers... you log in to your paid Cloud account to download & install & activate... you MAY need to log out of the Cloud and restart your computer and log back in to the Cloud for things to work
    Log out of your Cloud account... Restart your computer... Log in to your paid Cloud account
    -Sign in help
    -ID help
    If no
    This is an open forum, not Adobe support... you need Adobe staff to help
    Adobe contact information -
    -Select your product and what you need help with
    -Click on the blue box "Still need help? Contact us"

  • Hi i have SE R300 mobile,i need to copy my contacts and sms messages to pc but i don't find pc suite for my mobile.As i ve have some sentimental msgs i need them to be stored in my pc.Is there any alternate softwares to connect my mobile to pc.

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    Hey @piyali, I wanted to inform you that your phone doesn't have a software to transfer that information. But for you to know when you transfer the messages to the computer it will just appear a regular notepad document, so basically, you could just copy the information from the text message into a notepad in your computer and you can keep those important memories for yourself.

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    I had the same problem. It fixed itself when I opened Internet Explorer (I don't normally use it). I was opening Support Portal to get some support help, but I'm not sure if it was the page or simply opening IE that did the trick.

  • Questions on MCX Policies for Laptop/Mobile Users:

    Questions on MCX Policies for Laptop/Mobile Users:
    I have several managed Macs running Leopard. Many of them are MacBook laptops. My main MCX policies involve mapping printers and mounting network volumes at login. These are simple computer and group policies to help make the users life a little easier when it comes to finding and using network resources such as file server volumes and network printers.
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    1) When users are off our LAN, the Mac still tries to mount the network volumes in their OD/MCX login items when the user logs in (with cached mobile credentials). Can this be avoided? Windows PCs do not do this. If the PC laptop cant find an AD DC, they simply don't run the login scripts and thus dont try to mount/map network volumes. How can I make the Mac laptops only mount network volumes when they are on the LAN?
    2) Most Mac users have a Cisco VPN client, and use it regularly to connect to the company's LAN from home, hotels etc. Of course when they log into the network via VPN, their network volumes are not mounted automatically. Is their a way to re-run the MCX managed login items script once they connect to the VPN and mount (i.e.; "map") their network drives? Sure, users can simple use the "Connect To Server" option in the FInder (or perhaps try and use the god-awful Leopard Finder side bar discovery browser thingy which I hate - never mind), but I need a consistent automated way to mount volumes quickly and easily for my mobile users. There must be a way to run (or re-run) the login items part of my MCX policies.

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  • "No Internet Access" on connected device with mobile hotspot

    I've been on Verizon for 2 weeks.  Note II on a Family Share Plan with lots of data.  Using the built-in Verizon Mobile Hotspot application.  Connecting from my work laptop, which is Windows 7.
    Set it up and everything worked fine for a week and a half.  I had no problems connecting or accessing the internet from my laptop.  It worked fine Monday morning.  Monday afternoon my laptop started giving me the warning message "No Internet Access" when connecting to the phone's hotspot.  I'm in a 4g area where the hotspot has worked previously.  I've tried several times in several different 4g locations as time allowed over the last 2 days, and I have not been able to get to the internet on my connected laptop again.
    While connected to the mobile hotspot I ran Windows troubleshooter and it tells me that there is no DHCP server available, and that the default gateway for this network is unreachable.  My laptop has no problems reaching the internet via the wireless network at work or at home.  The laptop connects to both of those wireless networks every day (both before and since this problem appeared.)
    I have rebooted both the phone and the laptop, with no change in the problem results.  I renamed the hotspot, and connected to the "new" hotspot from my laptop, with no change in the problem results.  I have tried running "ipconfig /renew" from my laptop while connected, and that is when it tells me that it cannot find a DHCP server for this network.
    What broke?  How can I fix it?
    I'm still in the 100% refund return period on my contract and phones (for another day or so.)  This is an absolute deal-killer.  Hotspot on my phone is the single reason why I switched networks.
    * Revised 2/28:
    This morning I turned on the mobile hotspot feature on my wife's Galaxy S3 (on the same Verizon Family Share Plan.)  Then I connected to it from my laptop.  When it connected it said "limited internet access" for about 30 seconds, and then that warning went away and I had full access.  I surfed for a moment to confirm, and all was working.  I turned off the GS3 hotspot and turned on the hotspot on my Note II.  When I connected to the Note II's hotspot from my laptop I still had no internet access.  I left it for 3-4 minutes, and it never switched on.  I tried surfing and got only error messages in my browser.
    All of this was while sitting at my desk.  So I believe I have ruled out the laptop as a cause for this problem. 
    Thanks in advance,

    After I posted the above in February I talked to Verizon support.  They could not resolve the problem.  They replaced the phone, and the new phone has worked for months.  My work schedule changed a bit, and so I started using the hotspot less often.
    Last week I noticed that after I connected my laptop I had a longer delay before it would change from "No Internet Access" to giving me access.  Yesterday morning it was so slow that I got the command prompt up on my laptop and determined that from the laptop's perspective the problem was that there was no DHCP server available through the hotspot network.  That morning it did eventually find the DHCP server and issue my laptop an IP address, and let me connect. 
    Yesterday afternoon the DHCP server never appeared, and I was not able to connect to the internet.  Same thing this morning.  I rebooted both the phone and the laptop.  No change.  The laptop connects to other wireless networks just fine, still.  This worked for months.  Why did it slow down connecting and then stop?  I'm guessing there must be some sort of buffer that has filled up.
    Anyone have any ideas?
    Thanks in advance.

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