ConnectionPool config on MacOS X using Oracle

I'm running WebLogic 7.x on MacOS X 10.2.1 with Oracle 9.2.x. I'm
trying to configure a ConnectionPool to use the type 2 driver that
comes with Oracle. I've tried multiple variations of driver name (ie.
oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource, oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver,
etc) and I always end up with <Error> <JDBC> <001060> <Cannot startup
connection pool "PblsConnectionPool" java.sql.SQLException: No
suitable driver>.
For the URL, I've tried jdbc:oracle:thin@... and jdbc:oracle:oci@...
I've added the Oracle lib directories and classes12.jar to the
PRE_CLASSPATH when starting WebLogic.
Does anyone know what driver/URL combination will work with a normal
connection pool and/or an XA connection pool?

If you use oracle thin driver for creating pool you should use:
And make sure you have in your classpath
If you want to use oracle oci driver:
url = "jdbc:oracle:oci8:@machinename"
Also, make sure you have in classpath and ocijdbc8.dll in
Craig Daniels wrote:
I'm running WebLogic 7.x on MacOS X 10.2.1 with Oracle 9.2.x. I'm
trying to configure a ConnectionPool to use the type 2 driver that
comes with Oracle. I've tried multiple variations of driver name (ie.
oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource, oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver,
etc) and I always end up with <Error> <JDBC> <001060> <Cannot startup
connection pool "PblsConnectionPool" java.sql.SQLException: No
suitable driver>.
For the URL, I've tried jdbc:oracle:thin@... and jdbc:oracle:oci@...
I've added the Oracle lib directories and classes12.jar to the
PRE_CLASSPATH when starting WebLogic.
Does anyone know what driver/URL combination will work with a normal
connection pool and/or an XA connection pool?

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    Lee Bennett (guest) wrote:
    :I have successfully installed Oracle 8.1.5 Enterprise edition
    :Suse 6.2 and applied the patch set,
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    var pars = '&namespace=<portlet:namespace/>' +'&imagesPath=' + '<%=imagesPath%>';
    var myAjax = new Ajax.Updater(
    {success: 'emailbody'},
    method: 'get',
    parameters: pars,
    onFailure: reportError,
    evalScripts: true
    i am accessing map object from session in my AjaxProcessRequest.jsp as shown in below code.
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    here map object is getting null from session.
    Please help on this if u know about this session.

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    Edited by: MaryM on Jul 25, 2012 3:15 PM
    Edited by: MaryM on Jul 25, 2012 3:51 PM

    I think you need load images to database XDB virtual directory /i/ and then use #IMAGE_PREFIX# substitution.
    This might help to access /i/
    Or use this to load images
    My Blog:

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    That's the right doc, you should create your destination and connection factory in jms.xml which is in j2ee/home/config directory.
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    You can create a Form which is not based on a table but it makes like more difficult since the main wizard for setting up a block is focused on reading information from the database table (so it knows what type and size to make the fields).
    If you really want to do this properly I would strongly suggest you get logged on. You need to set up the tnsnames.ora file - this is the file which tells forms how to connect to the data base. When you set up Forms you should get menu item on the Start bar for "Application Server" choose this then the option for Configuration and Migration and use the Net config assistant (you should probably read up on this before using it so you know the options.
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    Edited by: user1186295 on May 26, 2009 10:33 AM

    Hi, there are currently the following providers to choose from - you may want to consult your rep for any details on moving from to
    1) TopLink or EclipseLink using EclipseLink JPA - the RI for JPA for WebLogic, OC4J and GlassFish
    - EclipseLink JPA is focus of all current JPA development as part of EclipseLink and TopLink
    2) Another open-source JPA implementation like OpenJPA or Hibernate
    3) TopLink using TopLink JPA - replaced by (1) TopLink using EclipseLink JPA
    4) TopLink using TopLink Essentials JPA - replaced by (1) TopLink using EclipseLink JPA
    Changes to server.xml as follows:
    <shared-library name="oracle.persistence" version="1.0" library-compatible="true">
              <code-source path="../../../eclipselink/eclipselink.jar"/>
              <code-source path="../../../eclipselink/javax.persistence_*.jar"/>
              <import-shared-library name="oracle.jdbc"/>
    Changes to persistence.xml as follows: (container-managed JTA datasource)
    <persistence version="1.0" xmlns="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    <persistence-unit name="example" transaction-type="JTA">
    <property name="" value="OC4J"/>
    <property name="eclipselink.logging.level" value="FINEST"/>
    You should see output similar to the following in your server log:
    [EL Finest]: 2009-02-26 14:04:34.464--ServerSession(8634980)--Thread(Thread[HTTPThreadGroup-4,5,HTTPThreadGroup])--Begin deploying Persistence Unit example; state Predeployed; factoryCount 1
    [EL Info]: 2009-02-26 14:04:34.542--ServerSession(8634980)--Thread(Thread[HTTPThreadGroup-4,5,HTTPThreadGroup])--EclipseLink, version: Eclipse Persistence Services - ***
    [EL Fine]: 2009-02-26 14:04:35.213--Thread(Thread[HTTPThreadGroup-4,5,HTTPThreadGroup])--Detected Vendor platform:
    [EL Config]: 2009-02-26 14:04:35.26--ServerSession(8634980)--Connection(5230779)--Thread(Thread[HTTPThreadGroup-4,5,HTTPThreadGroup])--Connected: jdbc:oracle:thin:@//1y.yyy.yy.yy:1521/ORCL
         User: SCOTT
         Database: Oracle Version: Oracle Database 11g Release - Production
         Driver: Oracle JDBC driver Version:
    [EL Finest]: 2009-02-26 14:04:35.385--UnitOfWork(5746770)--Thread(Thread[HTTPThreadGroup-4,5,HTTPThreadGroup])--PERSIST operation called on: id: null state: null left: null right: null parent: null references: null).
    [EL Fine]: 2009-02-26 14:04:35.807--ClientSession(5748500)--Connection(6653899)--Thread(Thread[HTTPThreadGroup-4,5,HTTPThreadGroup])--INSERT INTO EL_CELL (ID, STATE, TSEQ, RIGHT_ID) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)
         bind => [551, null, null, null]
    thank you

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    I have encountered a problem about using Oracle Form 6i to connect Oracle Database 10g express.
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    XE =
    (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521))
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    ORA-03106: fatal two-task communication protocol error
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    or the server may not be ready for a connection.
    You can check the server and retry, or continue.
    After I google it, I still have no idea how to solve the problem. I would like to ask, could anyone mind providing some hints or solution to address the issues.
    Thanks for your assistance in advance.

    I don't believe the Net8 Easy Config (NEC) will create a compatible entry in the tnsnames.ora. I have Forms 6i running successfully against a 10g Express database, but I did not use the NEC - I created the entry myself. Here is the entry I use:
          (HOST=<<servername or IP address>>)
      )Hope this helps,
    Craig B-)
    If someone's response is helpful or correct, please mark it accordingly.

  • Can we use oracle database Instead of Cloudspace?

              hi there,Can we use oracle database instead of Cloudspace with the current implementation?
              If possible can you please send me the example
              files for connection to oracle. i would really appreciate any support.
              thanx, raghu.

              Could you tell me what specifically should I use for Oracle database instead of
              Can I use jdbc:weblogic:oracle for jdbc:cloudscape:Commerce? I am not familiar with
              Cloidscape URLs and drivers.
              prasen <[email protected]> wrote:
              > It depends upon your implementation of ResourceAdapter, particularly
              >your managedConnectionFactory. In the example we
              >supplied(BlackBoxNoTx.rar) it(database specific parameters) is being
              >passed to the ManagedConnectionFactory as one of its config-properties.
              >Also ResourceAdapters have nothing to do with Databases. It just happens
              >that in the supplied example a Database Connection is being exposed as a
              >Now if you want to use oracle database you may want to look into teh
              >source code of BlackBoxNoTx.rar's implementation.
              >Hope this helps.
              >raghu wrote:
              >> hi there,Can we use oracle database instead of Cloudspace with the current
              >> If possible can you please send me the example
              >> 1.ra.xml
              >> 2.weblogic-ra.xml
              >> files for connection to oracle. i would really appreciate any support.
              >> thanx, raghu.

  • Clustering using Oracle ADF - CHECK_STATE_SERIALIZATION=all

    We are using Oracle ADF We have started testing our Oracle ADF application for the cluster compatibility and used following document. We have coded all recommendations given in the document including enabling all applicable java classes to serialization and also setup adf_config.xml <adfc:adf-scope-ha-support>true</adfc:adf-scope-ha-support> and <adf:adf-scope-ha-support>true</adf:adf-scope-ha-support> exactly as per given in the document.
    Now, to check High Availability on a standalone web logic server for debugging purpose we configured Java Option "-Dorg.apache.myfaces.trinidad.CHECK_STATE_SERIALIZATION=all" as per the recommendation.
    After setting this flag system started throwing bunch of errors similar to the error given below.
    [2012-07-26T14:17:43.602-04:00] [OPERA_ADF1] [ERROR] [] [org.apache.myfaces.trinidadinternal.config.CheckSerializationConfigurator$MutatedBeanChecker] [tid: [ACTIVE].ExecuteThread: '17' for queue: 'weblogic.kernel.Default (self-tuning)'] [userId: edozer] [ecid: 64915ee7c1860d85:40a983d1:138bf4550b2:-7ffd-0000000000005fcb,0] [APP: OperaApplications_o90_smoke#V9.0.0] Failover error: Serialization of Session attribute:data has changed from oracle.adf.model.servlet.HttpBindingContext@365f8709 to oracle.adf.model.servlet.HttpBindingContext@36b6565b without the attribute being dirtied
    The question is what are we missing here?
    Please note that our application is still missing ControllerContext.getInstance().markScopeDirty(pageFlowScope); but when I tried to create a sample application and deliberately left the "markScopeDirty" using below code the above mentioned error was not reproduceable.
    public class myBackingBean
         public void changeValueButton( ActionEvent ae )
         Map<String, Object> pageFlowScope = AdfFacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getPageFlowScope();
              pageFlowTestBean obj = ( pageFlowTestBean )pageFlowScope.get( "pageFlowTestBean" );
              System.out.println( "Old Value " + obj.getYVar() );
              obj.setYVar( "New Value" );
              /* ControllerContext.getInstance().markScopeDirty(pageFlowScope); */
    Can anyone shade more light on it?
    Also, I would like to know that can someone guide me what is the best practice to perform ControllerContext.getInstance().markScopeDirty(pageFlowScope);. Because developers can easily miss this statement and I didn't find any easyway to search the code that is missing this statement (I have already tried Jdeveloper's Audit feature and it works for very few cases).

    We checked the ADF source (pasted below). It reads that markScopeDirty is getting skipped if ADF_SCOPE_HA_SUPPORT is not configured but when we debug our application the serialization fires after every pageScope/viewScope variable gets changed regardless of markScopeDirty() is being called or not. That signifies that markScopeDirty() call is not needed. Do we really need markScopeDirty() everywhere in our application or this is just a public helper method to manually trigger replication for some exceptional case? Can anyone from team Oracle explain this behavior?
    public void markScopeDirty(Map<String, Object> scopeMap)
    Boolean handleDirtyScopes =
    (Boolean)ControllerConfig.getProperty(ControllerProperty.ADF_SCOPE_HA_SUPPORT); //checks for adf-scope-ha-support
    if (handleDirtyScopes.booleanValue())
    if (!(scopeMap instanceof SessionBasedScopeMap))
    String msg = AdfcExceptionsArb.get(AdfcExceptionsArb.NOT_AN_ADF_SCOPE);
    throw new IllegalArgumentException(msg);

  • Workaround for using Oracle JDBC extension with WLS pooling

    Reading the newsgroup I saw that many of us encountered the problems
    with ClassCastException when tried to use Oracle JDBC extension
    with WLS pooling. I also had.
    In this case BEA recommends to use dangerous
    method getVendorConnection() which exposes
    the physical connection object to your code.
    Yes it's really dangerous because of unsafe usage may breaks
    WLS pooled connection(s).
    Moreover, this practice will make your JDBC code
    unportable (your JDBC code in addition to Oracle dependence
    became Weblogic dependent):
    void doSmth() {
    Connection con = ...;
    Connection vCon = ((WLConnection)con).getVendorConnection();
    // + mess of usage con in one places and vCon in others
    // (where Oracle extensions are needed)
    // !Don't forget to don't close vCon!
    I found the workaround.
    Yes the real cause of ClassCastException is that
    in depth of Oracle driver the casting
    to class oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleConnection
    (not to interface oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection)
    is performed.
    Someone can say that this is bug or pure desing.
    Weblogic pooled connection provide dynamic
    implementation for all public interfaces
    which real physical (wrapped) connection object implements.
    Great feature!
    But I guess that all interface methods implemented
    by simple call-delegation to physical (wrapped) connection object.
    In case of oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection interface
    this approach doesn't work for at least one its method:
    public OracleConnection unwrap()
    WLS pooled connection shoudn't implement this method by
    delegation to physical connection object BUT should
    return physical connection object itself!
    // Wrong implementation of unwrap()
    // delegation is used
    public OracleConnection unwrap() {
    return physicalConnection.unwrap();
    // Right implementation of unwrap()
    // physical connection returned
    public OracleConnection unwrap() {
    return physicalConnection;
    1. Develop your own OracleConnection wrapper class:
    import oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection;
    import weblogic.jdbc.extensions.WLConnection;
    public class MyOracleConnectionImpl implements OracleConnection {
    private OracleConnection con;
    public MyOracleConnectionImpl(OracleConnection connection)
    throws SQLException
    this.con = connection;
    public OracleConnection unwrap() {
    return (OracleConnection)
    /* Implement all other methods by delegation to con object */
    2. Don't get Connections directly from DataSource --
    develop your own simple (may be static) utility
    class which retrives Connections from dataSource
    and returns them wrapped into your MyOracleConnectionImpl
    to your code from some method:
    puclic abstract class MyConnectionSource {
    public static Connection getConnection() {
    Connection con = // get it from DataSource
    return new MyOracleConnectionImpl((OracleConnection)con);
    3. Add attribute RemoveInfectedConnectionsEnabled="false"
    to definition of your JDBCConnectionPool within config.xml
    You may do it because of you `safely` use vendorConnection --
    you don't expose it to application code.
    4. Enjoy the Oracle JDBC extensions in your code!
    Connection con = MyConnectionSource.getConnection;
    ArrayDescriptor add =
    ArrayDescriptor.createDescriptor("your_type", con);
    Hope it helps to someone.
    Best regards,
    Eugene Voytitsky

    Hello Eugene Voytitsky,
    Thanks Eugene Voytitsky for your idea
    I have tried the solution suggested by You, but it did not work.
    It still throws ClassCastException.
    I am sorry for posting the whole code of two classes below.
    I did this to give you more clarity.
    I am also indicating the place where the exception was thrown..
    Please let me know if I am doing something wrong.
    OracleConnection Wrapper class
    package ejbTesting;
    // sql imports
    import java.sql.CallableStatement;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DatabaseMetaData;
    import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
    import java.sql.SQLException;
    import java.sql.SQLWarning;
    import java.sql.Statement;
    // util imports
    import java.util.Map;
    import java.util.Properties;
    // imports from Oracle Driver Classes
    import oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection;
    import oracle.jdbc.OracleOCIFailover;
    import oracle.jdbc.OracleSavepoint;
    // import from Weblogic extensions
    import weblogic.jdbc.extensions.WLConnection;
    public class WeblogicConnectionWrapper implements OracleConnection
         // oracle connection object
         private OracleConnection connection;
         public WeblogicConnectionWrapper (OracleConnection orclConnection)
                   this.connection = orclConnection;
              catch(Exception unexpected )
         public OracleConnection unwrap()
              // The datasource returns a weblogic.jdbc.pool.Connection
              // This needs to be type casted to weblogic.jdbc.extensions.WLConnection
              // Only this weblogic.jdbc.extensions.WLConnection CAN BE type casted
              // to OracleConnection
         return (OracleConnection) ((WLConnection) connection).getVendorConnection();
         catch(Exception sqlException )
              sqlException.printStackTrace ();
              return null;
         /* Implement all other methods by delegation to connection object */      
    public Connection _getPC()
    return connection._getPC();
    public void archive(int i, int j, String s)
    throws SQLException
    connection.archive(i, j, s);
    public void assertComplete()
    throws SQLException
    public void clearWarnings()
    throws SQLException
    public void close()
    throws SQLException
    public void commit()
    throws SQLException
    public Statement createStatement()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.createStatement();
    public Statement createStatement(int i, int j)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.createStatement(i, j);
    public boolean getAutoClose()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getAutoClose();
    public boolean getAutoCommit()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getAutoCommit();
    public CallableStatement getCallWithKey(String s)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getCallWithKey(s);
    public String getCatalog()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getCatalog();
    public boolean getCreateStatementAsRefCursor()
    return connection.getCreateStatementAsRefCursor();
    public int getDefaultExecuteBatch()
    return connection.getDefaultExecuteBatch();
    public int getDefaultRowPrefetch()
    return connection.getDefaultRowPrefetch();
    public Object getDescriptor(String s)
    return connection.getDescriptor(s);
    public boolean getExplicitCachingEnabled()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getExplicitCachingEnabled();
    public boolean getImplicitCachingEnabled()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getImplicitCachingEnabled();
    public boolean getIncludeSynonyms()
    return connection.getIncludeSynonyms();
    public Object getJavaObject(String s)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getJavaObject(s);
    public DatabaseMetaData getMetaData()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getMetaData();
    public Properties getProperties()
    return connection.getProperties();
    public boolean getRemarksReporting()
    return connection.getRemarksReporting();
    public boolean getRestrictGetTables()
    return connection.getRestrictGetTables();
    public String getSQLType(Object obj)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getSQLType(obj);
    public String getSessionTimeZone()
    return connection.getSessionTimeZone();
    public int getStatementCacheSize()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getStatementCacheSize();
    public PreparedStatement getStatementWithKey(String s)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getStatementWithKey(s);
    public int getStmtCacheSize()
    return connection.getStmtCacheSize();
    public short getStructAttrCsId()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getStructAttrCsId();
    public boolean getSynchronousMode()
    return connection.getSynchronousMode();
    public int getTransactionIsolation()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getTransactionIsolation();
    public Map getTypeMap()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getTypeMap();
    public String getUserName()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getUserName();
    public boolean getUsingXAFlag()
    return connection.getUsingXAFlag();
    public SQLWarning getWarnings()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.getWarnings();
    public boolean getXAErrorFlag()
    return connection.getXAErrorFlag();
    public boolean isClosed()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.isClosed();
    public boolean isLogicalConnection()
    return connection.isLogicalConnection();
    public boolean isReadOnly()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.isReadOnly();
    public String nativeSQL(String s)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.nativeSQL(s);
    public Object openJoltConnection(String s, short word0, short word1)
    return connection.openJoltConnection(s, word0, word1);
    public void oracleReleaseSavepoint(OracleSavepoint oraclesavepoint)
    throws SQLException
    public void oracleRollback(OracleSavepoint oraclesavepoint)
    throws SQLException
    public OracleSavepoint oracleSetSavepoint()
    throws SQLException
    return connection.oracleSetSavepoint();
    public OracleSavepoint oracleSetSavepoint(String s)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.oracleSetSavepoint(s);
    public int pingDatabase(int i)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.pingDatabase(i);
    public CallableStatement prepareCall(String s)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.prepareCall(s);
    public CallableStatement prepareCall(String s, int i, int j)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.prepareCall(s, i, j);
    public CallableStatement prepareCallWithKey(String s)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.prepareCallWithKey(s);
    public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String s)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.prepareStatement(s);
    public PreparedStatement prepareStatement(String s, int i, int j)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.prepareStatement(s, i, j);
    public PreparedStatement prepareStatementWithKey(String s)
    throws SQLException
    return connection.prepareStatementWithKey(s);
    public void purgeExplicitCache()
    throws SQLException
    public void purgeImplicitCache()
    throws SQLException
    public void putDescriptor(String s, Object obj)
    throws SQLException
    connection.putDescriptor(s, obj);
    public void registerApiDescription(String s, short word0, short word1, String
    connection.registerApiDescription(s, word0, word1, s1);
    public void registerSQLType(String s, Class class1)
    throws SQLException
    connection.registerSQLType(s, class1);
    public void registerSQLType(String s, String s1)
    throws SQLException
    connection.registerSQLType(s, s1);
    public void registerTAFCallback(OracleOCIFailover oracleocifailover, Object
    throws SQLException
    connection.registerTAFCallback(oracleocifailover, obj);
    public void rollback()
    throws SQLException
    public void setAutoClose(boolean flag)
    throws SQLException
    public void setAutoCommit(boolean flag)
    throws SQLException
    public void setCatalog(String s)
    throws SQLException
    public void setCreateStatementAsRefCursor(boolean flag)
    public void setDefaultExecuteBatch(int i)
    throws SQLException
    public void setDefaultRowPrefetch(int i)
    throws SQLException
    public void setExplicitCachingEnabled(boolean flag)
    throws SQLException
    public void setImplicitCachingEnabled(boolean flag)
    throws SQLException
    public void setIncludeSynonyms(boolean flag)
    public void setReadOnly(boolean flag)
    throws SQLException
    public void setRemarksReporting(boolean flag)
    public void setRestrictGetTables(boolean flag)
    public void setSessionTimeZone(String s)
    throws SQLException
    public void setStatementCacheSize(int i)
    throws SQLException
    public void setStmtCacheSize(int i)
    throws SQLException
    public void setStmtCacheSize(int i, boolean flag)
    throws SQLException
    connection.setStmtCacheSize(i, flag);
    public void setSynchronousMode(boolean flag)
    public void setTransactionIsolation(int i)
    throws SQLException
    public void setTypeMap(Map map)
    throws SQLException
    public void setUsingXAFlag(boolean flag)
    public void setWrapper(OracleConnection oracleconnection)
    public void setXAErrorFlag(boolean flag)
    public void shutdown(int i)
    throws SQLException
    public void startup(String s, int i)
    throws SQLException
    connection.startup(s, i);
    Util class to get Wrapped Connections from
    package ejbTesting;
    // j2ee imports
    import javax.naming.InitialContext;
    import javax.sql.DataSource;
    // sql imports
    import java.sql.Connection;
    // imports from Oracle Driver Classes
    import oracle.jdbc.OracleConnection;
    * Wrapper class for the DataSource Connection from Weblogic pool
    public class DataSourceConnectionWrapper
         // datasource variable
         private static transient DataSource datasource = null;
         private static String dbName = "jdbc/workbench";
    * Method that returns the database connection
         public static Connection getConnection()
                   // initialsing the datasource object
                   initialiseDataSource ();
                   // Getting a connection from the datasource
                   Connection con = datasource.getConnection( );
                   // wrapping it custom wrapper class and
                   // returning the connection object
                   return new WeblogicConnectionWrapper((OracleConnection)con);
              catch(Exception exception )
                   return null;
         private static void initialiseDataSource( ) throws Exception
    if ( datasource == null )
    InitialContext ic = new InitialContext( );
    datasource = (DataSource) ic.lookup( dbName );
    catch (Exception ne )
    throw new Exception( "NamingException while looking up DataSource with
    JNDI name" +
    dbName + ": \n" + ne.getMessage( ) );
    Exception Stack Trace
    The line 46 in DataSourceConnectionWrapper
    corresponds to
    return new WeblogicConnectionWrapper((OracleConnection)con);
    Which I feel is logical as the connection which we get from Weblogic
    datasource cannot be type casted to OracleConnection
    java.lang.ClassCastException: weblogic.jdbc.pool.Connection
    at ejbTesting.DataSourceConnectionWrapper.getConnection(

  • Problem in using OracleAS Web Cache as Load Balancer

    I have two machines: and
    Both of above machines are running Redhat Linux AS 4.
    On both machines, I have installed Oracle Forms and Reports 10g Services. I have deployed my application on both machines.
    I am able to access my application at by doing:
    and I am also able to access my application at by doing:
    I have implemented OracleAS Web Cache at machine, and have enabled the Load Balancing.
    In Origin Servers, its showing me two servers:
    Host =>, PORT=> 7778, Routing=> Enabled, CAPACITY=>100, Failover Threshold=>5, PING URL=>/, PROTOCOL=>HTTP
    Host =>, PORT=> 7778, Routing=> Enabled, CAPACITY=>100, Failover Threshold=>5, PING URL=>/, PROTOCOL=>HTTP
    In Site Definition, I have following information:
    Host Name=>, PORT=>7777
    In site-to-server mapping, I have following information:
    Priority      Host Name      Port      ESI Content Policy      Host Name      Port      Proxy
    1      7777      Unrestricted      7778      No      7778                                    No
    2      *      7777           Exclude Fragments      7778      No
    3      *      *           Exclude Fragments      7778      No
    In Session Binding, I have selected "JSESSIONID" as session, and "OC4J-based" as session binding mechanism.
    Now please guide me as how would I run my application by using the OracleAS Web Cache?
    What would be the URL?
    Do I need to make any changes in httpd.conf files of and
    Please guide.
    Thanks and regards

    i hv recently configured webcache load-balancing for my 2 mid-tiers.I did not upgrade pre-requisite webcache upgrade patch 4569559 to my 10g rel 2 OAS and it still worked a bit but I do have some doubts why oracle recommends installing this patch before configuring webcache load-balancing.Have u?
    btw u need to collapse all the features of webcache of caching to turn on http load-balancing.U need to add a parameter to internal.xml (LOADBALANCE ON="YES") and register origin servers of both servers with each other and map ur sites so that origin servers of both servers will cater sites of server1 and server2 at the same time.
    what worked for me is i registered origin server of server1 at server2 and origin server of server2 at server1 and mapped site of server1 (http://server1:port/forms/frmservlet?config=something) to work with origin server of server2 as well at site-to-server page so that origin servers of both servers will load-balance my server1 site and vice-versa.
    But still its not seamless.The initial site request was still being routed to the server which is DOWN first and not seamlessly routed to other server which is UP.Maybe webcache upgrade patch would hv done this seamlessly????
    Edited by: anandk on Oct 26, 2009 6:28 PM

  • Workspace Congifuration Using Oracle Application Server

    Hi All,
    Is there some of you ever try to configure the Hyperion Workspace 9.3.1 using Oracle Application Server
    I've tried, but it seem like failed. I cannot access the workspace at all.
    I did some configuration in this part :
    - Workspace - Administration - Server Properties
    - configure the portlet.xml at <>\Workspace\applications\Workspace\workspace\WEB-INF\
    - change the config.bat at D:\Hyperion\BIPlus\bin
    Any suggestion for this problem..??

    1. Correct the following path
    extension_dir = "D:/php/ext"
    (if your php is installed in D:/php, the above path is correct.
    2. Find the line ;extension=php_oci8.dll
    delete comment sign (;) and it will be :

  • Is it possible to use Oracle Memebership Providers with Oracle Express

    I am using Oracle Express as development database and I was able to create the ORA_ASPNET_ tables and procedures but when I try to use Microsofts "ASP .NET Configuration" tool to create users and roles I get this error message: OracleConnection.ConnectionString is invalid
    When I use the connection string in code to connect to the database I am successful, I am able to open and close a connection to the Oracle Express database.
    This is the connection string I am using: <add name="OraAspNetConString2" connectionString="DATA SOURCE=localhost:1521/XE;ENLIST=false;METADATA POOLING=False;PASSWORD=CREDENTIALSMGR;PERSIST SECURITY INFO=True;STATEMENT CACHE PURGE=True;USER ID=CREDENTIALSMGR;" providerName="Oracle.DataAccess.Client"/>
    So I am wondering why when I run the application and the membership class tries to verify the user I get the error message: OracleConnection.ConnectionString is invalid
    I have been looking at this a couple of days now so not sure what the problem is, any help?

    I suggest that update your machine.config file under your
    There is one following entry. You may try to update the
    connectionString with a valid string value.
    <add name="OraAspNetConString" connectionString=" " />

Maybe you are looking for

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