Consistency Warning - [39008] Dimension Table not joined to Fact Source

I have a schema in which I have the following tables:
A) Patient Transaction Fact Table (i.e. supplies used, procedures performed, etc.)
B) Demographic Dimension table (houses info like patient location code)
C) Location Dimension table (tells me what Hospital each unique Location maps to)
So table A is the fact, and table B is a dimension table joined to table A based on Patient ID, so I can get general info on the patient. This would allow me to apply logic to just see patient transactions where the patient was FEMALE, or was in the Emergency Room, by applying conditions to these fields in table B.
Table C is a simple lookup table joined to table B by Location Code, so I can identify which hospital's emergency room the patient was located in for instance.
So the schema is: A<---B<---C, where B and C are both dimension tables.
The query works as desired, but my consistency check gives me the following WARNING:
*[39008] Logical dimension table LOCATION MASTER D has a source LOCATION MASTER D that does not join to any fact source.*
How do I resolve this WARNING, or at least suppress it?

What you need to do is to add the (physical) location dimension table to the logical table source of the demographic dimension, for example by dragging it from physical layer on top of logical table source of demographic logical dimension table in bmm layer

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  • Error 39008: logical table does not join to fact source

    About to lose my mind over this error!
    I'm told logical table IT_WORK_ITEM_D (a dimension) does not join to any fact source, although it should show as joined to IT_WORK_ITEM_DSNPSHT_F
    - I have verified the physical joins
    - I have verified the business model joins
    - I have created hierarchies for all logical tables joined to the fact (IT_WORK_ITEM_DSNPSHT_F)
    - I have checked the Content tab for the fact table and ensured that the logical dimension is set to the lowset level.
    Suggestions from here?

    This was helpful, although it did not solve the problem immediately.
    After much consistency checking, I cleared out some of the content assignments and that seemed to work (after having not worked). I still don't feel like I identified the core problem, but it is working now.

  • [39008] Logical dimension table ... has a source ... that does not join to

    Oracle BI 11g
    I have this set of tables:
    1) Table "Sales" with fields: ID, Billdate, ProductID, Amount
    2) Table "Products" with fields: ID, ProductName, BrandID, TypeID
    3) Table "Brands" with fields: ID, Name
    4) Table "ProductTypes": ID, Name
    In Physical layer I add these tables and create Physical Diagram with constraints like this:
    [Brands] -------------------->[Products]
    [ProductTypes] ---------->[Products]
    [Products] -----------------> [Sales]
    In Logical Layer I create logical table T1 Products with sources:
    - LTS1 Brands,
    - LTS2 ProductTypes,
    - LTS3 Products
    and fields:
    - ProductID
    - ProductName
    - Brand
    - ProductType
    After that I create Dimention With Level-Based Hierarchy (H1 Products):
    Total Products
    - Brands
    -- ProductTypes
    --- Detail Products
    When I try "Check Global Consistency" I get warning: "[39008] Logical dimension table T1 Products has a source LTS1 Brends that does not join to any fact source."
    And after that when I try to make Analysis in Oracle BI, for example:
    H1 Products | Amount
    and then drill down item "Total Products" I receive error:
    "State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 43113] Message returned from OBIS. [nQSError: 43119] Query Failed: [nQSError: 14025] No fact table exists at the requested level of detail: [,Brand,,,,,,,,,]. (HY000)"
    What's wrong? Where do I mistake? And why I don't get any messages about Logical Table Source LTS2 Product Type?

    you can create a single LTS for the product with the join for all 3 tables. Do you have a particular reason for the modelling that you have used?

  • 2 fact Tables not joining to all the same dimensions

    Hi there,
    I have 2 Fact tables
    1) Errors (count)
    2) Tasks (count)
    both share the following dimension - customer
    and both have a dimension that joins only to itself
    1) Errors type (joining to errors Fact)
    2) Tasks type (joining to Tasks Fact)
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    customer - errors count - tasks count
    xyz 2 8
    customer - errors count - tasks count - task type
    xyz 0 8 abc
    customer - errors count - tasks count - errors type
    xyz 2 0 123
    I have seen some documentation on fact tables not joining all dimensions but any help would be appreciated

    The end game would be to be able to see the following:
    customer - errors type - errors count - task count - tasks type
    xyz 123 2 8 abc
    Initially I would take the either or:
    customer - errors type - errors count - task count -
    xyz 123 2 8
    customer - errors count - task count - tasks type
    xyz 2 8 abc
    I think there is something I ned to do in the Repositry?

  • Consistency Warning: [39008] Logical dimension table ... has a source ...

    Hi and many thinks for reading,
    I have a problem (which is quite common as I saw, though I could'nt find a solution which resolves my issue yet) with the consistency.
    My physical layer looks like this:
    In the Business Model I have just the same tables and the following joins in the Logical Table Diagram:
    Table_A -> Table_B
    Table_C -> Table_A
    Table_D -> Table_A
    Table_E -> Table_A
    The consistency check is delivering the following two warnings:
    Logical Table Source
    [39008] Logical dimension table Table_A has a source Table_A that does not join to any fact source.
    Logical Table Source
    [39008] Logical dimension table Table_B has a source Table_B that does not join to any fact source.
    While working in BI answers I manage to retrieve all data from Tables C, D, E. But for tables A and B I can retrieve just the columns which are defined in the join Table_A->Table_B. All other columns deliver the following error:
    Error Codes: OPR4ONWY:U9IM8TAC:OI2DL65P
    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 14026] Unable to navigate requested expression: Table_A.Column_X. Please fix the metadata consistency warnings. (HY000)
    If i retrieve one Column from Table_A and one from Table_E, I have the following error:
    Error Codes: OPR4ONWY:U9IM8TAC:OI2DL65P
    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 15018] Incorrectly defined logical table source (for fact table Table_E) does not contain mapping for [Table_B.Column_X]. (HY000)
    (yes its Table_B not a)
    I would like to fix this errors but am not sure where the problem is hidden.
    Any help is kindly appreciated.

    Hi Goran,
    thanks for you help.
    I tried to create the BMM in the two way but, it doesn't work out neither way. The Administration tool is recognizing the repository as consistent, thought it has some warnings, but in BI Answers I cant retrieve even a single column from one table.
    I am also not sure, how does it work, that you just add TableB to the logical TableA, who would the programm know which rows belong together? I assume one must establish a logical connection between TableA and TableB to make it compatible?
    About my tables:
    Actually TableA, TableB and TableC are recognized dimensions (white) and TableD and TableE are recognized as facts (yellow) in the Administration tool. Though I dont agree with this assignment. TableA is definitly a fact table (it is also the center of the star schema) while the other tables are the dimension tables. Not sure how the Administration tool is distinguishing between facts and dimensions...
    Here are my warnings:
    BUSINESS MODEL TAB: (with two logical tables)
    [39008] Logical dimension table TableA has a source TableA that does not join to any fact source.
    [39008] Logical dimension table TableA has a source TableB that does not join to any fact source.
    BUSINESS MODEL TACDE: (with three logical table sources)
    [39008] Logical dimension table LT2 has a source TableE that does not join to any fact source.
    [39008] Logical dimension table LT2 has a source TableD that does not join to any fact source.
    [39008] Logical dimension table LT2 has a source TableC that does not join to any fact source.
    And the errors in Answers:
    Retrieving ColumnX from TableA in the first model
    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 14026] Unable to navigate requested expression: TableA.ColumnX. Please fix the metadata consistency warnings. (HY000)
    Retrieving ColumnX from TableA in the second model
    State: HY000. Code: 10058. [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: HY000] [nQSError: 10058] A general error has occurred. [nQSError: 17001] Oracle Error code: 12170, message: ORA-12170: TNS:Connect timeout occurred at OCI call OCIServerAttach. [nQSError: 17014] Could not connect to Oracle database. (HY000)
    Thanks for further help!

  • A dimension table outer join across two databases

    I have two databases of the same schema but may have different data that I would like to do comparisons on. For this discussion, each has two tables, Dimension and Fact. I created a common dimension which would show dimension data that exists on both databases. However, I want a common dimension which is a full outer join of the two Dimension tables that can be used to view data on the Fact tables on the two databases; this seems to be a little difference than a fact which may having missing value, isn't it? should this outer join occurs at the physical or logical? Can I even do it at physical if the data are from two different source? Any recommendation on what is the best way to do so? Thanks

    It depends on how you are defining your BM. Always, BM is for creating joins on folders within BM, in the sense that each folder can contain data from within multiple databases. So, create it in Physical layer and also create new joins for your defined facts dimensions in BM. But remember, cross database joins are not recommended. If both your schemas reside on 2 different oracle databases, you would be better off creating a single view (by creating a dblink between these 2 databases). So, create a single view and include that in the physical layer.

  • Dimension tables not deleted when cube data deleted

    We are using a process chain to delete the entire contents of the cube prior to the next load.  Over the course of time repeating this everyday, we see that the RSRV check tells us that the "MAX % ENTRIES IN DIMS COMPARED TO F-TABLE"  = 4718% !!  How can this be if each day the data is getting deleted from all related tables?  The max could only be 100% then, correct?
    Please advise.  I could not find an OSS note that the dimensions are not deleted as well with that step in a process chain.
    Thanks, Peggy

    we have fixed it call creating our own ABAP code with the following CALL:
            i_infocube        = YOUR_ICUBE
    OPT       i_t_dime          = YOUR_DIMENSION
    OPT       i_check_only      =
            e_repair_possible = tp_repair_possible
    OPT        c_t_msg           = it_msg
            x_message         = 1
            OTHERS            = 2.
    (inserting code in the new SDN frontend is a bit of a nightmare...)
    and included this ABAP in the chain
    You can also go via RSRV and do that manually.
    I don't recommend to delete the whole dim table since the loading time will be drastically higher if you have your DIMS empty...
    The above works as well for aggregates...
    hope this helps
    Edited by: Olivier Cora on Jan 15, 2008 5:41 PM

  • Dimension table is added as Fact table

    I have a table that I am importing into the BMM as a dimesion table. Each time I try and join the existing fact to this dimension table in the BMM it recognizes the dimension as a fact table. How can I add this table as a dimension.

    Define a primary key in dimension table and establish the join between fact and dimension table in both physical and BMM layer.Better to use physical join in both the layers.
    mark if helpful/correct...

  • Physical query generation: unneeded dimension tables get joined to the fact

    Hi there!
    The setup is the following:
    There is a logical fact table which is joined to 7 logical dimensions, it has 4 table sources which correspond to different time dimension levels (all other dimensions are mapped to Detail level).
    Time dimension logical table also has 4 different table sources (for days, months, quarters, and years).
    The data source is an Oracle Database 11gR2.
    The problem is:
    No matter what the logical query is, in the physical query all 7 joins are performed, even if the resulting data is then simply discarded. This results in very bad query performance.
    I feel that it is somehow related to the level-based fragmentation (since, for instance, inclusion of time dimension columns in SELECT list (not in WHERE) seems to affect physical queries), but lack sufficient knowledge to solve this problem or put up with it.
    My questions are the following:
    1) Have you ever encountered such a situation?
    2) Can unneeded joins be eliminated?
    2.1) If yes, how?
    2.2) If not, then why are they needed?
    Thanks in advance!

    Physical level:
    D01-D06 - ordinary physical tables.
    D_DATES - all time levels from dates to years, D_MONTHS - time levels from months to years, also D_QUARTERS and D_YEARS.
    F_DAILY - fact table joined to all of the D01-D06 and to D_DATES, F_MONTHLY - joined to D01-D06 and D_MONTHS, also F_QUARTERLY and F_YEARLY. All measure columns are the same.
    Logical level:
    D01-D06 correspond to ordinary logical tables with a single table source. Logical dimensions are created.
    D_TIME is a logical time dimension with four levels (dates, months, quarters, and years) and four table sources ( D_DATES, D_MONTHS, D_QUARTERS, and D_YEARS ).
    F is a fact table with four logical table sources ( F_DAILY, F_MONTHLY, F_QUARTERLY, and F_YEARLY ) with aggregation content levels set correspondingly.
    OBIEE correctly picks physical table sources for different time levels, but generates extremely inefficient SQL (joining all dimension sources in a WITH-subquery, doing ROW_NUMBER over a result set, and then discarding half the columns, which were not needed to start with).

  • Dimension Table Attributes giving No Fact Table Exists Error

    Hi Experts,
    My OBIEE version is There is a presentation table which has columns coming from multiple logical tables. I'm dragging 2 columns into the report which are coming from 2 logical tables.
    The result is displaying. When I checked the query, a fact table is also coming and results are getting effected because of this.
    Could anybody let me know if any idea.

    Hi SriramKarthik,
    Aj (bi007) already gave you the answer on how you can change the implicit fact table, the one you are seeing in your physical query.
    I'm just not sure of what is your question: are you surprised to see a fact table is used in the physical SQL and look for a way to avoid it because, as you say, results are impacted by that implicit fact table? You can't get rid of that table, you can only choose it (the implicit one).
    OBIEE must join in a way or another your 2 dimensions, and in your BMM these dimensions are joined by a fact table, that's why you see it in your query.

  • OBIEE-can we link two dimension tables belonging to different fact tables?

    Hi ,
    I have just started with OBIEE concepts....need your views on this issue:
    Fact 1 -> Dim 1, Dim2,Dim3 and so on..
    Fact 2 -> Dim a, Dim b,Dimc and so on...
    If I link Dim1 and Dim a with a valid key ,would that distort the star schemas to slowflake in BMM layer?
    Thanks in advance!

    I don't see this that would make it snowflake more like what I think as conforming dimensions. You need to make sure the grain of the measures is at what level , the they are same grain then you should be good however if they are different then you would start seeing null values.
    Fact Measures use the same, conformed dimensions like Dim1 and Dim a if you trying to generate from multiple facts, the BI server was able to automatically stitch them together into a single result set. If they came from the same fact table that's easy as its only one single table, but if you are pulling from different fact tables, the conformed dimensions would allow them to be stitched into the same report
    Conformance means that these sources can be mapped to a common structure – the same levels – and also the same data members.
    Mark if helps.

  • Getting Warning while adding Dimension table to FACT LTS

    While i am applying join betwwen fact and Dimension at BMM level, i am getting warning as there is no join with Fact Source, even though i provided join there.
    Can any one help in this.

    Make sure you have set the Content Level of all LTS of all Fact Tables...
    Double click on LTS of fact, go to Content Level --> change to Logical Level to 'Column (or) Detail Level'
    then u will not get warnings..
    Please mark helpful or correct if this helped you out

  • Please help me out with this error:Logical dimension table D_TARGET has a source D_TARGET that does not join to any fact source.

    I get the folowing error when I run the global consistency check
    Business Model DAC_Measures:
    [39008] Logical dimension table D_TARGET has a source D_TARGET that does not join to any fact source.
    Can someone help me out please?
    Thank you!

    It seems your dimension is not joined to any facts. Did you check your BMM/physical joins?

  • Logical Dimension tabel does not join to any fact source

    I want to create a new “Dimension” table. This will be an Account Geographic dimension. My Business and Physical model are setup as follows:
    1.     Account Address (WC_ADDR_F) is joined to Account (W_ORG_D) which is joined to multiple Fact tables (Ex: Order Item (W_ORDERITEM_F)
    2.     When I perform “Global Consistency” check it comes back with no errors or warnings.
    I create the Account Geographic dimension as follows:
    1.     I right click on the subject area and select New Object->Dimension and name it “Account Geographic Dimension”. I do not select or change anything else.
    2.     I right click on the new dimension and select New Object->Logical Level. I name the level “All” and check the “Grand total level” check box. Nothing else is changed.
    3.     I right click on the “All” level and select New Object->Child Level. I name the level “Country”, set number of elements to 200.
    4.     I right click on the “Country” level and select New Object->Child Level. I name the level “State”, set number of elements to 250.
    5.     I drag the “Country” element from the Logical table (Account Address) to the “Country Level” on the new Dimension (Account Geographic Dimension)
    6.     I drag the “State” element from the Logical table (Account Address) to the “State Level” on the new Dimension (Account Geographic Dimension)
    7.     I then select the “Country” level properties and add a new key. For the key I select the “Country” column that I just dragged up there.
    8.     I then select the “State” level properties and add a new key. For the key I select the “State” column that I just dragged up there.
    My goal is that when an Analyst selects the “Country” column in Answers from the “Account Address” area that the user would be able to drill down from “Country” to “State”.
    When I perform “Global Consistency” I now get the following warning:
    BUSINESS MODEL CCCi Analytics:
    [39008] Logical dimension table Account Address has a source CCCi_Dim_WC_ADDR_F_AccountAddress that does not join to any fact source.
    Why do I now get an error no the Account Address table for not connecting to a Fact table? The error message references the “Account Address” dimension table which I believe is the source to the Account Geographic Dimension. If this is the source table, why did it not get a warning message before I created the new dimension?

    Here is the solution that I was able to get to work:
    1.     I did not have to reduce the business model to a star but was able to keep it a snowflake
    Final design (which was same as the original) here is the Business Model (snowflake schema)
    1.     Account Hierarchy (logical) -> Account (logical) -> Order Item Fact
    2.     Account Address (logical) -> Account (logical) -> Order Item Fact
    In this model the logical tables Account Hierarchy and Account Address snowflake off of the Account table which joins to the Fact table. I then:
    1.     Created an “Account” dimension
    2.     Created a child “Account Total” level
    3.     Created two (2) children off of the “Account Total” level: (1) Account Address Country and (2) Account Hierarchy Top Level
    a.     Key for “Account Address Country” was the Country column from Account Address (logical)
    b.     Key for “Account Hierarchy Top Level” was the Top Level Account Name from Account Hierarchy (logical)
    4.     Off of “Account Address Country”:
    a.     Created a (1) child off of “Account Address Country” called “Account Address State” with the State field from the Account Address (logical) as the key
    b.     Created a (1) child off of “Account Address State” called “Account Address Detail” with the ROW_WID from the Account Address (logical) as the key
    c.     Created a (1) child off of “Account Address Detail” with the ROW_WID from the Account (logical) as the key
    5.     Off o “Account Hierarchy Top Level”:
    a.     Created a (1) child off of “Account Hierarchy Top Level” called “Account Hierarchy Level 1” with the Top Account ID from Account Hierarchy (logical) as the key
    b.     Created (1) child off of “Account Hierarchy Level 1” called “Account Hierarchy Detail” with the ROW_WID from “Account Hierarchy” as the key
    c.     Crated a (1) child off of “Account Hierarchy Detail” with the ROW_WID from the Account (logical) as the key
    The global consistency check completed with no errors or warning with this design. It appears that perhaps you need to have all of the logical table keys in the dimension path that trace to the Fact table. One other note, cannot repeat use of other columns in the dimension except for the key of the first logical table.
    Please let me know if I missed something.

  • How to have fact and dimension which are not joined in same report

    Hi All,
    suppose we have 2 dimensions and 1 of them is joined to fact but we want to pull both these dimensions along with fact and fact column shows null but we dont want that .how can we have 2nd dimension which is not joined to fact in the same report .Actually i have a column called equipment schedueled time and it can be shown only with equipment dimension but I want to pull both equipment,geography and equipment scheduled time in report if I do it now it shows equipment scheduled time as null because its not joined with geography dimension.I want even if the geography dimension exists it should show the value of equipment scheduled time .
    Can someone please help me.
    Thanks in Advance

    Hi ,
    Can you please tell me what are fact and dimension tables of your requirement.If you want display the data from 2 dims and a fact table ,you have to establish the joins between facts and dimensions.
    mark if helpful/correct...

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