Constant dinging when sound unmuted

Every time I unmute my MacBook Air, be it using headphones or speakers, there is a constant dinging sound.  It's one of the sound effects that comes with the computer, but every second or so, it dings even though I don't have new mail or any other notifications going on.  The only way to get it to stop is to reboot the computer.  I don't leave the sound on all of the time because of so many web pages having videos or ads embedded into them.  Has anyone else had this problem?

The mechanical noise makers on a MBP are The HDD, the DVD drive and the fan(s). It is possible that you may have downloaded some software that may be the cause if these noises.  If it is software, and you cannot find the source, a reinstall of the OSX and then your user data may be required.  A Time Machine reinstall would not be applicable in such a situation.
Often it is helpful if the model/year of the MBP is identified and the OSX.

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    Hello and Welcome to Apple Discussions.
    Try checking the hard disk for errors just in case.
    Open Disk Utility, in the Utilities folder in the Applications folder.
    Insert your Mac OS X Install disc in your computer’s optical drive or an optical drive connected to your computer, and then restart your computer. When you hear the startup tone, hold down the C key until you see the progress indicator, which looks like a spinning gear.
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    Well if your on 10.6.2, you need to software update to 10.6.8
    Perhaps you need to adjust the Silverlight (Microsoft DRM video plug-in) sound level itself too
    Run a check here to see if your current on your Silverlight (works for all browsers)
    Use another browser like Firefox and see if it continues.
    Try another video file. They all have their own sound levels too.

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    No audio on DVD disc.
    Most common origin.
    1. Imported audio from iTunes.
    • In iTunes copy out as an Audio-CD .aiff (Same as played on standard Stereo CD - no .mp3)
    • Use this in Your movie project
    2. Low - Free Space on Start-up/Boot/Internal/Mac OS Hard disk makes it hard for iMovie to work as intended.
    Down to 1.3 GB and it doesn’t work - especially audio don’t migrate over to Media Browser
    (iM’08 & 09)
    3. Material in iMovie’08 & 09 - Shared to Media Browser and here selected as Large
    large.m4v. It silenced out this project in iDVD. By making a slight alteration - provoking it to ask for a new Share/Publish to Media Browser and here selecting 640x480 - and audio was back when a new iDVD project was created including this movie.
    Minuscular - - 176x144
    Mobile - - - - - 480x360
    Medium - - - - 640x480
    Large - - - - - - 720x540    960x540
    HD - - - - - - - - 1280x720
    4. Strange audio formats like .mp3, .avi, .wma etc.
    • Change them to .aiff. Use an audio editor like Audacity (free)
    5. Main audio is set to off in System Preferences - Does this by it self - Don’t know why
    Cheque Audio-Out resp. Audio-In
    6. Ed Hanna
    Had the same problem; some Googling around gave me a kludgy, but effective fix
    Downgrade Perian from recent versions back to version 1.0.
    That worked for me, and so far I haven't encountered any deficiencies — except it takes more advanced versions of Perian to enable QuickTime to handle subtitles in .srt format — that I have noticed.
    7. GarageBand fix.
    In this set audio to 44.1 kHz (Klaus1 suggestion)
    (if this don’t work try 48 kHz - me guessing)
    Before burning the DVD.
    • Do a DiskImage (File menu and down) (Save as a DiskImage)
    • Double click on the .img file
    • Test it with Apple DVD-player tool
    If it’s OK then make Your DVD.
    Burn at x1 speed.... (or x4)
    • In iDVD 08 - or - 09
    • Burn from DiskImage with Apple’s Disk Utilities application
    • OR burn with Roxio Toast™ if You got it
    Yours Bengt W

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    Have you tried completely uninstalling and re-installing the current version of QuickTime?
    You could also see if there's any related error messages in the Event Viewer which might help to pinpoint what the problem is.
    Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Event Viewer

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    That's a good point but what I'm trying to do is remove unwanted background noise from a clip. Sound Soap 2 does 90% of this in a single click and that's why I use it. Does Soundtrack Pro have a similar feature? I don't dabble too much in that program (for audio repair).
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    The problem is...
    Sound Soap seems to be tripping up this particular computer.
    Anyway, just thought I'd throw it out there on the chance someone else had the same issue.
    Thanks for the suggestion!

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    Thanks. I read the doc, and basically the method I used to resolve the problem was based on that. Since the import dump will generate an archivelog, in my case more than 25G, How can I avoid the archiveloging during theb import dump, some kind of switch-off? Otherwise, how can I know how much archivelog will be generated by the process in order to change flash_recovery_area.
    Message was edited by:

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    Go into Recovery Mode per the instructions here.  Also, since you have IOS-7, read this.

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    I'm not sure of the cause or solution, but since I replied yesterday, the problem seems to have gone away.
    Prior to making the posting when I first heard the sounds I noticed that I had left 1Password (although locked) and Keychain Access running and thought that might have something do to with it. So i quit them, but still had the noises after the screensaver came on. I even rebooted and still had the problem. I'd hear the sound when the screensaver first came on and then periodically after that.
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    - David

  • Strange Constant HD Access Sounds for no reason??

    Well, i just upgraded my system From....
    MB: Asus AM266-D
    CPU:  Dual Athlon MP 2400+
    RAM: 1 Gig Ram
    Controller: Promis SATA controller,
    HDs: Western Digital Raptor 74gig SATA
           Maxtor 300gig SATA2
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    RAM: 2 Gig crosshair 800mhz, (pc6400)
    PS: Enermax liberty 620w
    VGA: Ati X1950XT (saphire)
    HD: Same as Before
    Problem... Strange Very Annoying Constant HD Access.
    First everything is all good, so i boot into my previous windows install from my other system, it updates all the drivers and i notice the thing is messed up, the HD access is slow and seems like its working harder than usual.... Turns out this was due to it being in IDE Mode, so i did a re-install of windows anyway in ACHI or whatever it is and installed the proper drivers, for the Intel SATA controller in AHCI.
    Well, that definatly fixed the initial problem, but now, when the PC is completely IDLE, 0% CPU usage, No System restore, and nothing obvious using preformance monitors i setup, the HD is being accessed and its a constant sounding pattern, over and over and over every 3 seconds.... and its very very annoying.
    So, for "I'm a potty mouth"s and gigles, i try a diffrent controller, the other sata controller, and same thing (with a re-intall of windows) then, i tried my old promis controller, installed driver, new windows install just incase, no repair, Same thing!!!!!!!!
    Windows shows NO hd access in any of its preformance monitors and 0% CPU usage during this time.
    Its like somthing is happening in the background, but not at the windows level, but at the hardware level????
    I still havent ruled that out 100% though, but when i install linux Next, We'll see...
    Windows in safe mode does the same, i've excluded a number of services etc... still the same thing.
    This never happend once in my life, or on my previous hardware.
    Also, i've even tried installing windows on my secondary drive, a SATA 2 Maxtor 300gig, NCQ... same thing, except its much quieter... so its not noticable, but its still there. On the WD Raptor though, its noticable and very annoying... especially when the PC is suppose to be IDLE, lol......
    I've kept my windows install on my Maxtor, since its unoticable, and i put my raptor as a slave for now, but strangely enough, the raptor still makes that sound pattern during access and for 5 mins after, then it stops.   When windows was installed on it, it would do it for 20-30 mins then stop eventually only if you left it IDLE and dont do anything on the PC.  It even does this in the windows XP setup, lol.... like when entering the serial number, its all idle, and it does it.  its annoying as hell.
    Also, the HD access LED does light during this access, but i see no simular patterns from HD access of other programs at all. and like i said 0% idle cPU usage.
    So, WT is happening? Anyone experience such a weird problem?? anyone with this Board and a Raptor 74gig running windows XP have this issue?????????
     Theres not really any preformance issues i beleive, since i got a 72xxx score in PCMark, and the HD's speed surpased even the other PC's in my PC's class that got right marks, even one running quad core.... but its the sound, its just driving me nuts, if i couldent hear it, i would be set, lol......i wouldent attempt to dampen the sound given how hot those raptors can run.  only thing i havent tried were, Linux, and trying the Raid Driver instead of AHCI. 
    is there any tools for monitoring HD access on the HW level? anything? any ideas?
    Thanks for any suggestions.....
    FYI, the sound is like ("errrrr", "chick", "chick"....wait 3 seconds, repeat)
    the "errrr" is a solid consistant sound for about a full second, the other sounds after it seem more like normal sounding HD access, but it goes in that pattern.  In IDE mode, its just insanely retarded... everything that loads does a solid consistant agressive sounding HD access.   using my previous MB, CPU, controller, it never did any of this at all. 

     Hello!  Thanks for suggestions... the power is all good though, thats for sure.  I also mentioned the PS above... its New too.   
    PS: Enermax liberty 620w.   For cables, i have tried with the legacy power connection and SATA power, plus a change of data cables.
     I ran the WD diagnostics tool checker, the drive is being a secondary now.  No bad sectors or problems writing 0's to the drive, all reports good anyhow.  it might be some sorta power saving issue like you mentioned.  I also have the jumper on the HD still at default, which i believe is set to no spread spectrum clocking, like it aways was.  There is a setting for power management, but it isn't on that jumper.  the jumpers and power management in the bios are the only things i haven't tried, but thats next.   
     Also, i updated to the latest bios version, just to see.    I wish there was some tools to monitor the commands + data going to the HD from the controller, that may narrow things down a bit.   I'm a coder and its annoying troubleshooting these odd ball problems without proper tools, hehe.
    i'll try the power stuff and see what happends

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