Contact keeps reverting after resizing

I have a contact picture set already but when I go into the contacts app the circle doesn't show their face. I press on edit and try to change it to their face. After saving, about 10 seconds later the contact circle reverts to not showing the face again. This doesn't happen to all my contacts, some I've successfully edited. The only kind of contacts I have on my phone are icloud and I'm running the latest ios 8 on iphone 6.

This can be due to group policies, SCCM scripts, startup scripts, or any schedules task. Please verify if anyone of these is causing trouble.
Arnav Sharma | Facebook |
Twitter Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members
reading the thread.

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    How do I get my web pages back to original size? My fonts are all too large and keep reverting after I change them back!

    That has not worked. I do it and still it reverts. Isn't there a way to tell Firefox to just go back to default settings?

  • Resistry Keeps Reverting After Reboot

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    The hive is \\my computer\HKLM/software\microsoft\windows nt\currentversion\winlogon
    I get a file called test.sdb on the desktop if I change some gpedit settings but I'm not sure which ones specifically. if this is unrelated to the issue please ignore it.
    How do I find the cause of this or stop regedit from reverting these reg keys?

    This can be due to group policies, SCCM scripts, startup scripts, or any schedules task. Please verify if anyone of these is causing trouble.
    Arnav Sharma | Facebook |
    Twitter Please remember to click “Mark as Answer” on the post that helps you, and to click “Unmark as Answer” if a marked post does not actually answer your question. This can be beneficial to other community members
    reading the thread.

  • Contacts keep appearing after deletion

    In anticipation of acquiring an iPhone, I'm going to clean up my contacts.
    My Palm is the best repository of contacts, happily being the source between iSync and my t610 phone.
    But now there's been some duplication and other crap and I want to start over.
    OK, turn off sync'ing via .Mac, the t610. Then I removed the contents of the Address book from my user/library/Application support/Address Book/
    But a few minutes after opening up Address Book, all these contacts show up.
    My question, where are they coming from?
    thanx, sam

    It doesn't apply to you then, as SyncServices support was added to a recent update of MS Office 2004.
    Apart from that (which I've experienced myself), I can't think of anything else that would be causing your issue.

  • Dreamweaver template (.dwt) keeps reverting to old version after reopening CS3

    I work locally on all files and upload as needed.  After chaging template and applying it, I can upload all associated pages just fine.  If I close DW and reopen, the old version of the template is there without any changes -- even though I saved the template.
    Also, updating the template will change all other web pages except index.html.
    Any ideas?

    Sure.  No nested templates to my knowledge -- especially since I only have one template.  Look like I have some regions in my index.html that don't match the .dwt -- even though the .dwt was created from the .html.  When I tried to update the .html, it really screws up the content.  Let's kill the 1st bird first -- why my ,dwt file keeps reverting to an old version.  Here is the code for the template.  Again, thank you!
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
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    <meta name="keywords" content="annapolis, annapolis cove, annapolis cover neighborhood, bay ridge, marina" />
    <meta name="description" content="Annapolis Cove is a scenic waterfront community in Annapolis, Maryland, featuring 208 single-family homes, several of which are waterfront. It has a beautiful private marina on Lake Ogleton that leads into the mouth of the Severn River." />
    <title>Annapolis Cove</title>
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          <h2>Board of Directors </h2>
    <p><strong>President</strong> - Norm Idelson, <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>
    <p><strong>Vice President</strong> - Judy Appleby, <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>
    <p><strong>Secretary</strong> - Carol Small, <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>
    <p><strong>Treasurer</strong> - Sylvia Stafford<br />
      <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>
    <p><strong>Members at Large:</strong></p>
    <p>Janice Gary, <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>
    <p>Gary Lidard, <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>
    <p>Ted Rowett, <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>
    <hr />
    <h2 class="style3">Committee Chairs:</h2>
    <p><strong>Accounting Review</strong>: <br />
    Al Cipriani and Fred Lounsberry</p>
    <p><strong>Architectural Control:</strong><br />
      Ann Haller, <a href="mailto:[email protected]" class="style2">[email protected]</a></p>
    <p><strong>Common Areas:</strong><br />
      George Gonzalez, <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>
    <p><strong>Erosion Control:</strong><br />
      Vince Ritts, <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>
    <p><strong>Hospitality:</strong><br />
      Sylvia Stafford, <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>
    <p><strong>Marina:</strong> <br />
      Bruce Reiter,  <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><a href="mailto:[email protected]"></a></p>
    <p><strong>Safety and Security:</strong><br />
      Jim Stafford, <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>
    <p><strong>Communications</strong>:<br />
      Norm Idelson,  <a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></p>
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                    <h4>                ACPOA Annual Meeting</h4>
                    <p>The meeting was held on May 2, 2012. We need15 more votes to reach the  quorum. As provided by the bylaws a motion was made and approved to extend the  on-line voting in order to try and obtain the required additional votes needed  to make the election results official.  <strong>If you have not yet voted, please do so ASAP on-line</strong>, using the Votenet  system by proceeding to the following <a href="" target="_blank">link</a> and vote according to the Ballot instructions. Be aware that Fred Lounsberry  submitted his name for nomination during tonight’s meeting, and you can vote  for him on-line by using the write-in capability should you choose to do so.<br />
                    <p>Presentations given at the meeting can be found on the <a href="../covedocuments.html">documents page.</a>                  <br />
                    <h4><strong>Architectural Control  Guidelines</strong> </h4>
                    <p>If you are  planning interior remodeling projects, please note that while indoor  renovations do NOT require an application to the Architectural Control  Committee, an application is required for outdoor construction support such as  dumpsters, storage Pods, and Porta-Potties.</p>
                    <p><strong>Safety Committee Tip of the Month </strong>can be found at <a href="../safetyandsecurity.html">this link.</a></p>
                    <p><strong>Hospitality  Committee</strong></p>
                  The  Hospitality Committee continues to look for volunteers to assist in  coordinating community events. Contact Sylvia Stafford if you'd like to join the Committee, 410-268-9618.</div>
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          <h1><!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="Page Header" -->Annapolis Cove<!-- TemplateEndEditable --></h1>
          <p align="center" sb_id="ms__id1076"><img src="../MtgTimeBanner.png" alt="" width="580" height="50" /></p>
          <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="Body" -->
          <p sb_id="ms__id1076"><span sb_id="ms__id1077">Annapolis Cove is a scenic waterfront community in Annapolis,   Maryland, featuring 208 single-family homes, several of which are waterfront. It has a   beautiful private marina on Lake Ogleton that leads into the mouth of the Severn   River. On clear days, if you look through the channel, you can see the   Chesapeake Bay Bridge approximately five miles north.</span> The Cove has a recreational area with picnic tables and a basket ball court overlooking the marina. It also has a picturesque pond with large snapping turtles that kids love to watch and feed.</p>
          <p sb_id="ms__id1076">Annapolis Cove is a 10 minute drive from the Annapolis Historic district and less than five minutes from Quiet Waters Park. Quiet Waters  has 340 acres consisting of six miles of paved trails for hiking and biking, visitor center,   grandstand for entertainment, ice skating rink, a children's   playground, pavillions for picnics, two fenced dog play areas (one for small   pups, the other for larger breeds), a dog beach, and kayak and paddle boat   rentals.</p>
          <p>Annapolis Cove is 35 miles east of D.C., 32 miles south-east of Baltimore, and 122 miles west of Ocean City, MD</p>
          <p align="center"><img src="../AnnapolisCoveWeb.jpg" alt="Map of the Annapolis Cove Area" width="550" height="410" /></p>
          <p> </p>
          <hr />
          <p>Annapolis has a beautiful downtown historic area with great shops and restaurants. It is also home to the United States Naval Academy and St. John’s College, a   liberal arts college with a history going back to 1696. Annapolis is well known   as a center of sailing and boating in the Mid-Atlantic. <a href="#"></a></p>
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        <div align="center">Copyright 2012, Annapolis Cove. All rights reserved.</div>

  • Info for purchased items (e.g., genre, year) keeps reverting to what's assigned by iTunes store after I change it

    Problem that seems to have cropped up recently...
    For purchased items, the changes I make to track info keep reverting to what the iTunes store had initially assigned. For example, genre - I've created some of my own, or changed the assigned genre for some songs after downloading. These genres determine where songs show up in my various smart playlists. They also keep my similar music together. I've painstakingly changed genres on downloaded music, but when I look at my library in song view the next time I launch iTunes, they're all back to what they were when I downloaded them.
    This also happens for all the other details: album, year, album artist, etc. It's driving me mad!
    Please advise.
    I want Devo under New Wave, dammit, not Pop. Why can't I change these and have them stay that way? Anyone else finding this?

    Anyone else?  You obviously have not been looking at the past 24 hours posts.
    2014 discussion about edited tags for Store purchases reverting to originals -

  • I am having trouble removing/changing my iphone id. It keeps reverting back to my partners id any help would be appreciated.

    I am having trouble removing/changing my iphone id. It keeps reverting back to its previous id. How can I fix this problem?

    Jgreg14 you have my sympathies. 36 hours ago while using my iPad I was told that my Apple ID had been disabled. Like you I went to the forums, reset my password, and also like you, nothing changed. I have contacted iTunes support and after 24 hours they responded with this:
    Cesar here from the iTunes Store Support Team. Your inquiry is very important to me, so I have requested assistance with the issue you reported. You will receive an email after the matter has been investigated and further information is available.
    Thank you for your patience. Apple wants your iTunes experience to be as enjoyable as possible. Take care!
    Boy do I feel special. I sat on the phone to the UK helpline for 30 minutes, and have been told my case has been elevated to "URGENT".
    Basically I was wondering if you ever got your problem sorted out?

  • My APPLE ID is NOT working properly. I am frustrated beyond belief I have tried time and time again to change my apple ID and it keeps reverting back to my original ID!! I even set up a new email to try to submit a new id and it still does not work

    My APPLE ID is NOT working properly. I am frustrated beyond belief I have tried time and time again to change my apple ID and it keeps reverting back to my original ID!! I even set up a new email to try to submit a new id and it still does not work

    To change your Apple ID, follow these steps:
    Go to My Apple ID (, click "Manage your Apple ID", and sign in.
    If you have two-step verification turned on, you'll be asked to send a verification code to the trusted device associated with your Apple ID. If you are unable to receive messages at your trusted device, follow the guidelines for what to do if you can't sign in with two-step verification.
    In the "Apple ID and Primary Email Address section," click Edit.
    Enter the email address you want to use, then  click Save Changes. Apple will send a verification email to that  address.
    Open the  email  from Apple, then click Verify Now in the email.
    When the My Apple ID page opens, sign in with your renamed Apple ID.
    If you have two-step verification turned on, you'll be asked to send a verification code to the trusted device associated with your Apple ID.
    After you see a message indicating that verification is complete, remember to update all of the stores and services that you use with your  Apple ID.

  • I own a late 2009 Macbook Pro, and it keeps freezing after OSX Lion installation.

    I own a late 2009 Macbook Pro, and it keeps freezing after OSX Lion installation.  I will post my computer's 'specs' below.  I installed Lion, from Snow Leopard, through the App store.  The first week, it worked like a dream, and was loving my brand new computer, or so it seemed.  I then began to run into problems, and I can't confirm this 100%, but I believe it was after I updated from 10.7.1, to 10.7.2. 
    The freezes are sporatic at best, and cannot be narrowed down to one app.  I googled the issue about two weeks ago, and found a fix involving a temporary log-in, verifying the disk, restarting the computer holding CMD+R, and repairing the disk from there.  That fixed the problem.  For about three or four days.  From there I brought my laptop to Best Buy, where I purchased the computer (start the groans, my dad wanted the accidental damage, and he was paying, there was no argument).  My warranty there was still good, but all they were offering was to check my hard-drive, and possibly ship it out.  That would not be good for me, as I am a High School student, who works online. 
    So I then decided to go to the Apple store, see what they said.  They said a bunch of people had this problem, it would cost a lot to fix, as I would need a new Logic Board.  This did not make any sense to me, as I knew it was Lion's fault, so why would they not make the L-2009MBP Logic Board compatible, and why are only a few people having this problem, well a lot more than a few, but I mean not everyone. 
    So I asked a friend about it, and we decided to run a back up, and erase the computer, and re-install Lion.  Figuring maybe my data was corrupted during install.  This helped for a day or two, and happened again.  So this time, we backed up only files (music, pics, documents, etc.,) and did a fresh install.  I got my computer back last night.  Now, I am not saying that didn't help.  Previously I would have frozen about 18 times well writing this, but I have not frozen once (hopefully I didn't just jinx myself).  I have gone from about one freeze every 10-15 minutes (sometimes worse), to about one every 1-3 hours.  Which, let's be honest is still a lot. 
    So, before I just decide to go and revert to Snow Leopard on my merry way, I ask, do any of you have any other ideas?  Or guarenteed fixes?  I know a guarentee is a hard thing to ask for, but I am desperate, my teachers are getting angry with me for not sending work, and I know this would help a lot of people.  Thank you to those who read through my whole spiel, and thank you to those who will help me!
    [Ps, while I am somewhat of a noob, I know my way around a computer, so any help, or knowledge you could bestow upon me is awesome.  Especially DIY fixes.  (if your only advice is, don't buy a mac at Best Buy, don't bother commenting)]
    Macbook Pro
    15-inch, 2.53GHz, Mid 2009
    Processor:  2.53 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo
    Memory:  4 GB 1067 MHz DDR3
    Graphics:  NVIDIA GeForce 9400M 256 MB
    Software:  Mac OS X Lion 10.7.2 (11C74)

    Once it is downloaded you need to restart the computer if it does not restart automatically. When it next starts up you should note a progress bar appearing below the Apple logo. When done the computer will restart once more. The new firmware should now be installed.

  • Numbers file keeps reverting to old version

    I use Numbers (Version 3.5.2) on my MacBook Pro running (Yosemite 10.10.2) and also on my iPad air (running iOS 8.1.3) and iPhone 6 (running iOS 8.1.3).  I have a file that I use to keep track of grades that is used across all three devices.  In the last month the file keeps reverting back to an old version of the file.  After this happens I can go into Numbers on Mac and Select "Revert to..." and select the correct version of the file.  I did this yesterday and deliberately reverted to the correct version on the Mac and saved, then opened the iPad, made sure it had the correct version, made a minor change and closed the file.  I then opened on the iPhone made sure it was the correct version, made a minor change and saved.  I then reopened on the Mac it was the correct version and included the minor changes made on the iPad and iPhone.  I saved and then closed the file.  Today when I open the file on my Mac, it is back to a version that is over a month old.  I again used the "Revert to.."  command and was able to get back to the correct version of the file from yesterday.  I can't figure out why it keeps reverting to an old version.  At first I thought it was pulling in an old version from the iPad or iPhone, but after the experiment yesterday that does not seem likely.  Has anyone else had this problem?  It is making me seriously question the use of Numbers with documents in the cloud as I can not be certain that the data in the file is correct.
    Thanks for any suggestions.

    I use Numbers (Version 3.5.2) on my MacBook Pro running (Yosemite 10.10.2) and also on my iPad air (running iOS 8.1.3) and iPhone 6 (running iOS 8.1.3).  I have a file that I use to keep track of grades that is used across all three devices.  In the last month the file keeps reverting back to an old version of the file.  After this happens I can go into Numbers on Mac and Select "Revert to..." and select the correct version of the file.  I did this yesterday and deliberately reverted to the correct version on the Mac and saved, then opened the iPad, made sure it had the correct version, made a minor change and closed the file.  I then opened on the iPhone made sure it was the correct version, made a minor change and saved.  I then reopened on the Mac it was the correct version and included the minor changes made on the iPad and iPhone.  I saved and then closed the file.  Today when I open the file on my Mac, it is back to a version that is over a month old.  I again used the "Revert to.."  command and was able to get back to the correct version of the file from yesterday.  I can't figure out why it keeps reverting to an old version.  At first I thought it was pulling in an old version from the iPad or iPhone, but after the experiment yesterday that does not seem likely.  Has anyone else had this problem?  It is making me seriously question the use of Numbers with documents in the cloud as I can not be certain that the data in the file is correct.
    Thanks for any suggestions.


    Okay, so I live in an area with rural internet. Because of this I have only just downloaded the 6.1.3 iOS update this week for my 4G iPod touch. I have only just discovered how bad an idea that was.
    Safari crashes every half-minute, the iPod is now INCREDIBLY slow, Twitter, YouTube and almost every app I have keeps crashing after a minute or so...
    I have gone over all the 'fixes' that google has presented to me.
    Clearing the multitasking bar doesn't change jack and I can't roll back my iPod to the backup on iTunes because I just got a new computer. And the first thing I did was move all my music over and SYNC THE IPOD AFTER IT HAD BEEN UPDATED.
    So what am I supposed to do? My iPod is USELESS to me now as an internet-capable device OR music player, and no matter where I look the only help anyone can offer is "Apple doesn't support downgrading"???
    So Apple updates the OS with a faulty patch and I have to deal with the failure?
    Is there anyone who can actually HELP me? What do I do? Jailbreak the **** thing? I've never jailbroken anything before, but surely it can't render my iPod any more useless than it already is! It's not like the thing is covered under warranty anymore! (Really convinient, that...)
    Can some please help me get my iPod WORKING again?! I paid $300 dollars for a music player with internet access, not a paperweight!
    Either way, I'm officially done with Apple devices after this nonsense. I hear Galaxy Tabs actually work! Imagine!

    - Reset the iOS device. Nothing will be lost
    Reset iOS device: Hold down the On/Off button and the Home button at the same time for at
    least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears.
    - Reset all settings      
    Go to Settings > General > Reset and tap Reset All Settings.
    All your preferences and settings are reset. Information (such as contacts and calendars) and media (such as songs and videos) aren’t affected.
    - Restore from backup. See:                                 
    iOS: How to back up                             
    - Restore to factory settings/new iOS device.
    If still problem, make an appointment at the Genius Bar of an Apple store since it appears you have a hardware problem.
    Apple Retail Store - Genius Bar          

  • Alpha Channel Settings keep reverting back to "Ignore"

    Hey All,
    Just diving into FCPX and I had a question about the alpha channel. After finding the Alpha setting in the inspector, I switched to it premultiply. However, upon clicking out of it, the inspector reverts back to "ignore alpha." It does this whether I change the clip in teh Project or the Library. The title animation I'm using was exported from after effects with the animation preset.
    Is there a reason why it keeps reverting back to the ignore alpha setting?

    The computer may require a reset of the +system management controller...+
    • Intel-based Macs: Resetting the System Management Controller (SMC)
    There had been a reset method in prior models of PPC powerbooks, etc
    that worked by putting your palm/hand flat over the trackpad for a few
    seconds, then moving it one direction in one pass. However, that seems
    to not be suggested in remedies to resolve Intel-based trackpad issues.
    Hopefully the SMC reset will help.
    Good luck & happy computing!

  • Why do all my programs keep crashing after the most recent apple update?

    Everything keeps crashing after i made an update on saturday. Anyone else having this issue, anyone know of any solutions. Safari, Chrome, all adobe products keep crashing. Very frustrating as today is a work day and have not been able to get anything done. I've lost a whole day of work and am really hoping for a solution so my whole week is not lost.

    Have you got any programs which modify the OS, such as haxies and those fancy utilities? If so, you could delete them, preferably using the uninstaller provided by the supplier. Also, any out-of-date hardware which might be upsetting Lion?
    If that fails, erase your hard drive and re-install Lion (which will be a clean install). Or erase and revert to SnowLeopard or earlier and wait for Lion to settle down.
    However, for people running a business (you mention "work") it would be safer to install a new OS on to an external Firewire or USB HD and see how it goes. If it does not work, you can revert to your earlier setup. (If you can revert to an earlier workable OS, you could do that as well.)

  • Im on my ipad and want to purchase with iTunes and pay with voucher but it keeps reverting to credit card

    Hi please help I want to purchase tvshow thru iTunes but it keeps reverting to credit card and I want to pay with voucher

    Trace1971 wrote:
    ...  I want to pay with voucher
    What type of Voucher...
    Some In-App Purchases require a Credit Card.
    To Contact iTunes Customer Service and request assistance
    Use this Link  >  Apple  Support  iTunes Store  Contact

  • Whenever I work on my Mac it keeps reverting back to the previous settings once I restart.....Please Help!

    Whenever I work on my Mac it keeps reverting back to the previous settings once I restart.....Please Help!

    Do you mean that all changes you made to your files are lost, or do you mean that changes to your preferences are lost? For example, pick any small file, make a copy of it, and put the copy on your Desktop. After rebooting, is the copy still there?

Maybe you are looking for

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    how to fix it

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