Contact personen verwijderen

Hoe kan ik een contact of persoon verwijderen uit elements 12 met de verwijderoptie werkt dit niet.

Lync aggregates contact data from Microsoft Exchange GAL, Outlook and Microsoft Lync Server.
So you can see information from outlook in Lync user card.
Lisa Zheng
TechNet Community Support

Similar Messages

  • Outlook contact not added Email do not show all information i Lync 2013 Client

    I have seen if no Email address is added into contact personen I only get emty Card of user i Lync 2013.
    When I add Email adr. into contact person and wait a littel then user get all information right i Lync 2013 user Card.
    IS this right or should it also showing user and all information from Outlook contact Card into lync 2013 client Card?

    Lync aggregates contact data from Microsoft Exchange GAL, Outlook and Microsoft Lync Server.
    So you can see information from outlook in Lync user card.
    Lisa Zheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Site messed up after adding Contact form.

    The site is online in its current state:
    The site uses (X)HTML, JAVA, PHP and Spry tabbed panels with a CSS layout.
    The current state has:
    <?php include("mail.php"); ?>
    Before the Doctype, etc.
    <?php $xajax->printJavascript('xajax/'); ?>
    In the header.
    But adding:
    <?php echo '<div id="contact_result">'.$form.'</div>'; ?>
    to the div where i want to put the mailing form results in problems...
    If i add that last line my footer will go up to the header. and i dont know why...
    The new code from the form that messes up the site is marked in red.
    The HTML:
    <?php include("mail.php"); ?>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
    <html xmlns="">
         <meta http-equiv="Content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
         <title>Wientjes Voegwerk & Renovatie - Home</title>
        <link href="CSS/Style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
         <script src="SpryAssets/SpryTabbedPanels.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
         <link href="CSS/Style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />
         <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="NL" />
         <meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no" />
         <meta name="MSSmartTagsPreventParsing" content="true" />
        <meta name="description" content="Wientjes Voegwerk en Renovatie is een voeg- en renovatiebedrijf gespecialiseerd in gevelrenovatie. Dagelijkse werkzaamheden zijn het voegen van nieuwbouwwerk, en alle voorkomende vormen van gevelrenovatie. Ik geef uw woning, garage of schoorsteen de aandacht die het verdient en ben trots op het resultaat van mijn werk!"/>
        <meta name="keywords" content="Voegwerk, Renovatie, Reinigen, Impregneren, Muur, Voegen, Steen, Woning, Garage, Schoorsteen, Bedrijf, Gevel, Wientjes, Uitslijten, Kappen, Fundering, Vorstschade, Metselen, Metselwerk, Vocht" />
        <meta name="author" content="Rob Nijlaan" />
        <?php $xajax->printJavascript('xajax/'); ?>
    <div id="WContainer">
      <div id="WHeader" align="center">
             <img src="Pictures/VoegenRenLos.png" width="540" height="58" /><br />
        <img src="Pictures/WientLogo.png" width="600" height="136" alt="Wientjes Voegwerk &amp; Renovatie" /></div>
         <div id="TabbedPanels1" class="VTabbedPanels">
              <ul class="TabbedPanelsTabGroup">
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              <style>#Home a{display:block;color:transparent;} #Home a:hover{background-position:left bottom;}a#Home {display:none}</style>
              <table id="Home" width=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr>
              <td style="padding-right:0px" title ="Home">
            <a href="javascript:TabbedPanels1.showPanel(1);" title="Home" style="background-image:url(Buttons/Home.png);width:172px;height:75px;display:block;"><br/></a></td>
             <div class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">
              <style>#Info a{display:block;color:transparent;} #Info a:hover{background-position:left bottom;}a#Info {display:none}</style>
              <table id="Info" width=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr>
              <td style="padding-right:0px" title ="Info">
              <a href="javascript:TabbedPanels1.showPanel(2);" title="Info" style="background-image:url(Buttons/Info.png);width:172px;height:75px;display:block;"><br/></a></td>
             <div class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">
              <style>#Gallerij a{display:block;color:transparent;} #Gallerij a:hover{background-position:left bottom;}a#Gallerij {display:none}</style>
              <table id="Gallerij" width=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr>
              <td style="padding-right:0px" title ="Gallerij">
              <a href="javascript:TabbedPanels1.showPanel(3);" title="Gallerij" style="background-image:url(Buttons/Gallerij.png);width:172px;height:75px;display:block;"><br/></a></td>
              <div class="TabbedPanelsTab" tabindex="0">
              <style>#Contact a{display:block;color:transparent;} #Contact a:hover{background-position:left bottom;}a#Contact {display:none}</style>
              <table id="Contact" width=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0 border=0><tr>
              <td style="padding-right:0px" title ="Contact">
              <a href="javascript:TabbedPanels1.showPanel(4);" title="Contact" style="background-image:url(Buttons/Contact.png);width:172px;height:75px;display:block;"><br/></a></td>
            <br />
            <br />
            <br />
            <br />
            <br />
            <center><footer>Wientjes Voegwerk en Renovatie<br /><br />
            tel; 06 - 221 464 28<br /><br />kvk;
                     <div class="TabbedPanelsContentGroup">
                        <div class="TabbedPanelsContent" id="Home">
                       <h1>Welkom Bij Wientjes Voegwerk en Renovatie!</h1>
          <p>Wientjes Voegwerk en Renovatie is een voeg- en renovatiebedrijf gespecialiseerd in gevelrenovatie.<br />Dagelijkse werkzaamheden zijn het voegen van nieuwbouwwerk, en alle voorkomende vormen van gevelrenovatie.<br />Ik geef uw woning, garage of schoorsteen de aandacht die het verdient en ben trots op het resultaat van mijn werk!<br /><br />Wientjes, J </p>
          <h2>Voegen/Renovatie/Reinigen & Impregneren. </h2>
    <table border="0" align="right"><center><tr><td>
    <a href="Foto/Foto's telefoon1 075.jpg"><img src="Foto/Foto's telefoon1 075.jpg" alt="Muur met Steiger" width="379" height="354" align="right" margin-right="55px"/>
    </a></td></tr><tr><td><center>klik op de foto voor een groter voorbeeld</center></td></tr></center></table>
      <p>Vaak wordt er bij het kopen van een woning weinig aandacht besteed aan het voegwerk. Er wordt alleen gekeken naar hoe een woning is gebouwd.<br />Een voeg bepaalt echter wel het aanzicht van een woning. Van een goed aangebrachte voeg heeft u uiteraard veel langer plezier. <br />Renovatie bestaat voornamelijk uit het uitslijpen of kappen van het oude voegwerk. Waar nodig het verwijderen van scheuren die zijn ontstaan door:</p>
            Verzakking van de fundering
            Slecht voegwerk
            Doorhangen of ontbreken van ...
      <p>Bij gevelvervuiling van uw woning kunnen er problemen ontstaan die het wooncomfort negatief kunnen beïnvloeden.<br />Wanneer de voeg is aangetast of het metselwerk is door vorstschade beschadigd, kunnen er vochtproblemen in huis ontstaan.<br />Mos en alg hechten zich goed aan beschadigde stenen en voegwerk. <br /><br />Door middel van impregnering wordt een woning waterafstotend gemaakt.<br />Dit betekent dat het voeg- en metstelwerk jarenlang wordt beschermd tegen weersinvloeden. <br />Ook is impregnering beter voor de isolatie van de woning.</p>
    <p align="left"><img src="Pictures/TelnrLos.png" width="525" height="49" align="top"/></p>
                       <div class="TabbedPanelsContent" id="Info">
                       <div class="TabbedPanelsContent" id="Gallerij">
                            <div class="TabbedPanelsContent" id="Contact">
                    <?php echo '<div id="contact_result">'.$form.'</div>'; ?>
           `     </div>
         <div id="WFooter" align="center">
             <footer>Wientjes Voegwerk & Renovatie     ,    03- '02         »        Site by ;    <b>Rob Nijlaan</b>        »        Problemen of vragen over deze site?    -    <b><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a></b></footer>
    The CSS:
    @charset "utf-8";
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    font-weight: bold;
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    font-family: "Trebuchet MS", verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif; color: #595999;
    font-weight: bold;
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    font-family: "Trebuchet MS", verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 110%;
    font-family: "Trebuchet MS", verdana, arial, helvetica, sans-serif;
    font-size: 70%;
         margin:0 auto;
         margin-left: 10%;
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         height: 195px;
         margin-bottom: 10px;
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    .VTabbedPanels .TabbedPanelsTabGroup {
         float: left;
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    .VTabbedPanels .TabbedPanelsTab {
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         height: 30px;
    Also i use "SpryTabbedPanels.js", for the html.
    The Contact form: (adjusted to hide critical info from forum users)
    $form = '<form id="ContactForm">
                <div class="container">
              <label class="contactlabel">Ùw Naam<br /><input name="name" type="text" class="input" /></label>
              <label class="contactlabel">Uw Email Adres:<br /><input name="email" type="text" class="input" /></label>
              <label class="contactlabel">Uw Telefoonnummer:<br /><input name="phone" type="text" class="input" /></label>
              Typ hier uw bericht:<br />
              <textarea name="msg" cols="1" rows="1"></textarea><br />
                 <input type="button" id="subbtn" class="btn" value="Submit" onclick="xajax_myFunction(xajax.getFormValues(\'ContactForm\'));" />
              <div id="form_msg"></div> //this div will contain error messages
    function myFunction($get) { 
        global $form, $error;
        $error = '';
        $objResponse = new xajaxResponse();
        $show_form = true; 
        if (!empty($get['email']) && !empty($get['phone']) && !empty($get['msg']) && !empty($get['name'])) {
            if (preg_match("/^[\w-]+(\.[\w-]+)*@([0-9a-z][0-9a-z-]*[0-9a-z]\.)+([a-z]{2,4})$/i", trim($get['email']))) {
                $email = preg_replace("/\r\n/", "", $get['email']);
                $from = preg_replace("/\r\n/", "", $get['name']);
               $name = $get['name'];
                $phone = $get['phone'];
             $msg = $get['msg'];
             $mail = new PHPMailer();
                $mail->Host = "";
                $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
                $mail->Username = "USERNAME";
                $mail->Password = "PASSWORD";
                $mail->From = $get['email'];
                $mail->FromName = $get['name'];
                $mail->AddAddress("[email protected]");
                $mail->AddReplyTo($email, $from);
                $mail->Subject = "Er is een bericht verzonden vanuit";
             $mail->Body = "Name: $name <br/> Email: $email <br/> Phone: $phone <br/> Message: $msg";
                if ($mail->Send()) {
                    $error = "Success! Dank u voor uw interesse! Er wordt zo spoedig mogelijk contact met u opgenomen.";
                    $show_form = false;
                } else {
                    $error = "Er is een probleem ontstaan tijdens het verzenden, probeert u het a.u.b. nog eens.";
                        $show_form = true;
            } else {
                $error = "Het ingevoerde email adress is onjuist. Probeert u het a.u.b. nog eens.";
                   $show_form = true;
        } else {
            $error = "Vul a.u.b. alle nodige velden in!";
              $show_form = true;
        if (!$show_form) {
              $objResponse->assign('contact_result', 'innerHTML', $error);
              } else {
              $objResponse->assign('form_msg', 'innerHTML', $error);
        return $objResponse;
    $xajax = new xajax();
    Also "class.phpmailer.php" and "" are obviously needed as well as some other files from those packages.
    1. Adding the form to a div (into content div of Spry tabbed panels) results in wrong apearance.
         Footer is put to top.
    2. Adding the form to a div results in broken functions.
         Buttons in the Spry tabs dont work anymore.
    3. Java is messed up.
         in top screen you read:  printJavascript('xajax/'); ?>
         in lower screen in content div:  test2 test3 (text from the 2nd and 3rd Content area of Spry, just so its filled with something) and  '.$form.'  '; ?>
    1. Please help me with the contact form so it will work on my page and no error remains. Im not that good in Java...
    2. Please help me solving the problem with the footer. I dont have any clue anymore why this happens. And why no problems occur without the mail form.
    3. Can anyone tell me why the buttons also lose function? It looks like a similar problem as the footer.
    In short: HELP!

    Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. I must honestly say im a hobby programmer that has the capability to learn fast.
    A few weeks ago i only knew html, actionscript, etc. I never worked with xhtml, javascript, css, etc. untill now.
    But with some help i managed to resolve ALL problems so far, exept 2...
    My site has no errors anymore all files are validated 100%!
    The only 2 problems now are;
         1.     The use of <li> for Spry tabs. They make the buttons have a dot in front of them. I hope this can be changed into something that removes the
                 list dots/numbers.
    So from this:
    to this:
         2.     I like to use this email form from:
    The code is embedded in my site but doesnt work at all. Please take a look at it...

  • Photoshop elements 12 Organiser delen email contact niet verwijderbaar

    Wie kan mij helpen met het verwijderen van een contact uit de contactenlijst van elements 12.
    Dit contact wordt grijs weergegeven, is wel te selecteren en dan te verwijderen maar komt steeds weer terug.

    Don't you think it would be easier to get an answer if you asked in the Photoshop Elements forum?

  • Ik heb bij mijn nieuwe Imac een zoomfunctie aangeklikt, nu heb ik bij mijn muispijltje op het scherm een vergroot rechthoek en kan deze niet meer verwijderen

    Ik kan de zoomfunctie vast aan het pijltje niet verwijderen.
    Heb de imac vandaag gekocht en ben leek
    wie weet de oplossing?

    Only the carrier your phone is locked to can authorize unlocking it. Contact them and find out what their policy is.

  • What happens on iCloud (ex. contacts) when multiple family members use the same Apple ID?

    What happens on iCloud when multiple family members use the same Apple ID?  For example if we all choose to use iCloud for contacts, are they all merged together?  We use the same Apple ID so we can use find my iPhone to keep track of the whole family.

    Of course if you are both connected to the same iCloud account you have the same contacts - what did you expect?. The contacts live on the server and are read from there by the devices; so as you've both managed to sync your contacts up to iCloud they are now inextricably mixed. You can only delete your contacts by deleting individual ones, and doing that will delete them from your phone as well.
    You can only unravel this by
    1. In the iCloud contacts page at, select all the contacts, click on the cogwheel icon at bottom left and choose 'Export vCard'.
    2. Sign out of System Preferences>iCloud
    3. Create a new Apple ID and open a new iCloud account with it for your own use.
    4. Import the vCard back into the iCloud contacts page.
    5. Go to and sign in with the original ID. This is now his ID. Work through the contacts individually deleting the ones you don't want him to have. When done sign out and advise him to change his password.
    6. Go to the new iCloud account and delete his contacts individually.
    Of course if you have also been syncing calendars and using the same email address there are problems with doing this.

  • PCS no longer working with contacts and 6086

    I have applied the latest release of PC Suite
    Previously the installed level was
    The send/read/write message still doesn't work but hangs the Windows Explorer for a while (this hang didn't occur previously)
    But now, the contact facility no longer works. It is no longer possible to edit a contact, to store it locally or to send it to the phone even a message says everything is OK
    (translate it from french: The contact has been well recorded into the phone)
    Folder browsing still works correctly, either the phone folder or the memory card folder
    Need a fix or a way to install the previous version, at least for the contacts...
    This is a really negative feedback!

    I guess what I learned is that sometimes the best solution is to do nothing and wait for the problem to solve itself! Funny, this has never worked for me before.
    WOT is now working for me but often for only the first few rows of images. That's cool that it is also working with bing images.
    Boudica, thanks for understanding. I am new contributor/ question-asker here on mozilla and may not understand how things are done. I was just frustrated, getting an email saying that my question was answered, logging in to find that it wasn't.
    Now we have the functionality that we wanted, right?

  • Motorola V3r and iSync sends phone contacts to wrong folder

    I want to sync my phone to a Group called Cell Phone in my Address Book via iSync. iSync has recognized my phone without a problem but I'm not having any luck directing the phone numbers from my phone to the Cell Phone Group. The phone numbers are going from my phone to the All Group. But it is pulling numbers from the Cell Phone Group and putting them in my phone. ??? In iSync I have the Contacts box checked and I used the drop down menu to specify my Cell Phone group.
    Any ideas? Why is it pulling numbers from one group and importing them to another?

    Apple have not provided this functionality for some reason.
    You will see that there is a "Put events created on the phone into:" but not a "Put Contacts created on the phone into:" pop-up.
    I don't know why Apple have not provided this option.
    There is no workaround.

  • Contact form check boxes will not work on a Tablet

    Hi there,
    I created a website (Desktop) and a mobile version (Phone).  I did not create one for a tablet but have relied on the Desktop version if someone views it on a Tablet.
    Here's the thing, I created a contact form with checkboxes.  It works great on a desktop (because people check the boxes with their mouse), however, it doesn't work on a Tablet, when you try and check the boxes with your finger.

    Please share the site URL.

  • I deleted a contact, but they still show up in my text options to send.  I would like to delete the contact from my texts too.

    I deleted a contact, but they still show up in my text options to send.  I would like to delete the contact from my texts too.

    No don't restore your iphone. I've done that several times &amp; it has never worked. -I still have deleted contacts in my iphone texts.  *However if you do restore it you will not lose all your data, pics, text messages etc if you backup in iCloud. It restores back to original phone. Very nice :). Anyhowwww....
    I JUST  figured it out!! :))). Remove the contact from recents.
      Start a text. You should see the deleted contact. All the way to the right of the name is a symbol. The symbol is a circle with "i" in the middle. Click that symbol then in red lettering click "remove from recents".

  • Mobile Me CONTACTS not coming down to iOS4 and lost visual voicemail

    I updated my 3GS to iOS4 and everything seems to be working, howver my contacts haen't repopulated the phone form Mobile Me. they are all still there on Mobile Me, but when I go to contacts on the iPhone, there are none and unlike previously, opening contacts on the phone does not force a sync (no spinning clock-wheel)...
    I have tried turning off the Mobile Me setting on the iphone and then restarting it, but still no contacts...
    I also lost my visual voicemail.... when I go to voicemail, it wants me to physically dial up voicemail...
    Any ideas here?

    dmbono wrote:
    Try turning off push and instead fetch every 15 minutes. There seems to be a bug that prevents data from getting through on push. Hope they remedy this soon!
    Huh? A "bug" would affect all devices using the OS. I have no idea what you are talking about as push worked just fine here after allowing a little time for my phone to be re-provisioned by the network. That took longer than normal due, I'm sure, to the large number of folks trying to do the same thing I was. And we've all hear AT&T whine that we evil iPhone users are breaking their network.

  • I cannot receive email properly now. When I open mail, it says that is downloading about 1,700 emails. At the very end, it gives me my newest ones. But this takes a long time. I've contacted the Internet service provider and verified all the right setting

    I cannot receive email properly on either my IPad or my IPhone. I have had them for over a year and they have always worked fine. Until three days ago, when they both started acting up. On the IPad, when I open mail, it says it is downloading about 1,700 emails. At the very end, which takes quite a while to get to, I finally get the most recent ones. The IPad is sending emails just fine.
    On my IPhone, when I open mail, it says it is downloading 100 emails, but it doesn't do that. And it gives me no new emails at all. The IPhone is sending email just fine.
    I have already deleted the email accounts on both devices and reinstalled them. I've contacted the Internet service provider and verified all the right settings. The Outlook email on my desktop is working perfectly.

    WMV is a heavily-compressed format/CODEC, and the processing time will depend on several factors:
    Your CPU, which is not that powerful in your case
    Your I/O sub-system, which is likely a single HDD on your laptop
    The source footage. What is your source footage?
    Any Effects added to that footage. Do you have any Effects?
    Each of those will have an impact on the time required.
    The trial has only one main limitation - the watermark. Now, there are some components, that have to be activated, but are not with the trial, but they would be evident with Import of your source footage, if it's an issue.
    Good luck,

  • How to make mac address gmail contacts overwrite the ones on my HTC Android phone - I don't want to sync - that makes the phone scramble and overwrite my computer.  I want to remove or correctly overwrite the phone information as I have done with iPad.

    Please help - I am beginning to hate google, my android and gmail.  I have just wasted about 5 hours in a futile attempt to try and get my current Mac contacts list on my computer updated to my phone. I'm not that computer literate but I have looked up about google phone accounts, vCards, backing up contact lists, what SD on phones are, and God know what else.  I have searched the internet and tried all sorts of things and I still have a mac with a now correct contact list (after the iPad contacts scrambled it and I spent ages manually correcting them all) and a phone with an outdated contact list.  If you try and sync them the phone wants to overwrite the computer one just like the iPad did (would it be so **** hard to give you a choice on the phone as to which overwrites which!).  After all the  advice on the internet failed, I got the bright idea to completely delete all the ones on the phone and if it was empty of contacts the computer one could be exported to it.  Not as simple as it sounds.  First I backed up (I think) my computer contacts list. Numerous futile attempts to go through the phone options to globally delete all contacts did not work - they gave a warning message and you got to choose whether to continue or not, I did, and it looked like it might be working as it changed to zero data on the phone, but then they all popped back up again from God knows where from, but without their little added bits like pictures of the people.  So, I tried un- syncing the darn phone from  google and then deleting them globally.  That didn't work either.  I tried deleting them  all again and again and google would crash and not let me do it. It is absolutely ridiculous that this is so damned difficult to do (especially if you are not computer savvy) and that you cannot choose which device overwrites which when syncing. I gave up and ticked sync with Google again (not that it appears to do anything to the phone contact list at all).  So after 5 hours I am back to where I started from, with a phone showing all the same  incorrect contacts (but the pictures are back), which wants to overwrite the computer if I try any sort of sync, and no way to fix them except go into each one manually and try and do it - and how long would that take (and I've already wasted hours and hours fixing scrambled contact lists!).  I think I will do a print out of the computer contact list and just carry it around with me like an address book - so much bloody simpler.  So now I have a headache, am fighting an overwhelming urge to hurl the phone at the wall,  hoping for a heat wave to evaporate icloud things and am wishing I had bought an iPhone instead of the stupid HTC Android.  Can any one offer me any suggestions on how to get rid of the contacts on my phone and replace them with the ones in my mac address list - hopefully after that  they can sync to their hearts content and not stuff everything up again (which was why I unsynced google a while back - because the phone's list kept making stuff ups and scrambling and duplicating my computer contacts list).  Am I the only one on the planet having this problem or is there someone else out there who has had it and solved it.

    Without "pretending" to be yourself on the other phone (change settings) there's nothing else you can do.
    iOS devices are meant to be single user and can't view the same way a Mac or PC can do.
    You need to find a desktop or laptop machine (Mac or PC) to log in at iCloud.

  • Open and close multisim contact with LabVIEW

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    Dibujo.JPG ‏13 KB

    Hi Guddan,
    I created a RFC having a query which is taking a long time to execute. So i want to close RFC connection with portals which is via java connector(JCO) before that query and open the connction again after that query.
    I guess i will need to understand your requirement a little more in detail, as i understand you have an RFC which has a query within to fetch some data and is taking a long time to do so. In the meantime you don't want to keep the connection open?
    My question would be, Is the role of this RFC to only execute the query and fetch the data or does it do something else?
    If it does other things and these are independent of the query execution, then you can span a parallel call within the RFC to execute the query and in the meantime the RFC does the other things (or vice versa) hence reducing the overall time taken.
    If the sole purpose of this RFC is to execute the query, then you will not be able(i mean to say there is no simple and direct way of doing this) to close the connection after the Query is started and re-establish the connection after its execution, for a simple reason that - how will you know if the query has completed it's execution, so that you can establish the connection back.
    Alternate solutions, make this a two way asynchronous call, 1) You invoke the RFC asynchronously and close the connection, the RFC in turn will execute the query and transfer the data to JCO via another RFC call.
    If this needs to be a synchronous call, then you will need to optimize the query to its best.

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    Boot from your recovery partition (command-R at startup) and select Get Help Online. Safari will launch. Is it slow?

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