Continued conversion failure

I'm very irriated with the continued failure with ADOBE. I've updated my system requirements and been very patient with the continued errors for weeks on out BUT it gets very frustrating. I can't do my job when this conversion failure happens. Please help someone that knows what I can do to fix this.

Some inconsistancies that confuse the issue.
You mention use of Adobe Reader. While Reader is fine for open/view of a PDF it (Reader) does not & cannot create a PDF file.
Adobe Reader XI does have an inbuilt feature that 'connects' the user to Adobe online, subscription services that can provide various services. One of these is the creation of a PDF from a TIFF file submitted to the online service.
So, is this the process you are using? If so you must be a subscriber and be logged into the service's servers.
That you mention "conversion failure" is indicative of use of the online service(s).
You've mentioned Acrobat XI Pro. With this application installed you can create a PDF from scanner.
For this always have the scanner/printer device manufacturer's latest software/drivers installed.
Using Acrobat XI Pro you can File :: Create :: PDF from file
Browse to and select the TIFF file to processed.
Be well...

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    Hi sdr2014,
    I'm sorry to hear your conversion process has stalled. It sounds as though the problem isn't specific to one file, as you've been unable to convert anything since the first four chapters converted successfully.
    So, let's try this:
    If you're converting via the ExportPDF website, please log out, clear the browser cache, and then log back in. If you're using Reader, please choose Help > Check for Updates to make sure that you have the most current version installed.
    Please let us know how it goes.

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    Hi Dean,
    How can I assist? Are you still experiencing trouble? Would you like me to take a look at your document for you?
    Looking forward to hearing back from you.
    Kindest regards, Stacy

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    Hi bergmanc,
    It sounds like there may be an issue with the file that you're trying to convert. Have you tried to convert other files? If so, are they converting without error?
    Please tell me a little more about the file that you're trying to convert. For example, what is its file size, how many pages does it have, are there lots of graphics, or a mix of fonts? If the file is complex, it may be that the ExportPDF service is timing out before it can complete the conversion process. It also possible, that the PDF may not be written properly, if t was created by a third-party appellation.
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    Hi denise/sharon,
    I can understand your frustration. Are you converting via the ExportPDF website, or from within Adobe Reader? Does the conversion failure occur every time that you try to convert a file (has it ever worked for you)?
    Since you're talking about payroll, I'm assuming that you're accessing ExportPDF from a corporate computer. You may want to check with your IT department to make sure there are no firewall/proxy settings that limit your access to the Internet.
    Also, make sure that you're using a supported web browser. You can find a list here: System Requirements | Adobe Acrobat Pro and Online Services
    Finally, if you're using Reader, you can try disabling OCR (optical character recognition) by following the steps in this document: How to disable Optical Character Recognition (OCR) when converting PDF to Word or Excel.
    Please let us know how it goes.

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    Hi eec hampton,
    Adobe PDF Pack and Acrobat XI are two different things. PDF Pack is an online service, whereas Acrobat XI is a much more current version of the Acrobat that you had on your computer until recently.
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    Hi lfordlaw,
    How large is the PDF that you're trying to convert? How did you generate the PDF from Word (did you use Acrobat, or Word's built-in PDF generator)? What version of Word are you using?
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    Clear the browser cache and log back in to
    Try a different web browser (see System Requirements | Adobe Acrobat Pro and Online Services for a list of supported browsers).
    Try to convert a different file (if you can convert another file without error, the one you're receiving the error on may be damaged).
    I look forward to hearing back from you.

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    Hi rusell1234,
    Does the error occur with a specific PDF file, or with any file that you try to convert? Can you tell us a bit more about the file(s) that you're converting--how many pages, what sort of content it has (text/graphics/fonts).
    For starters, please clear the browser cache and try again, or try converting from a different web browser. And, make sure that Reader is up-to-date by choosing Help > Check for Updates.
    Please let us know how it goes.

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    To use the online service you must upload the file to the service's web site after sign in to your account.
    The ExportPDF and the PDF Pack Services provide for PDF to Word / Excel. 
    Each has its own dedicated user-2-user forum where you'll want to browse and ask questions.
    For ExportPDF: 
    For PDF Pack: 
    Be well...

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