Control Menu traversal ..

Hi all,
I have been using NXP JCOP environment along with Gemalto Developer Suite (for Mobile Simulator) to develop and test my applications. I have been facing a very odd problem which i not able to solve.
My problem is related to Menu traversal, ie When my menu structure appears on the phone, (Root Menu) i select a particular menu item say "App Dev". Then it list me few items,now i select "GetInp", then do a GetInput to accept the input say "123" , i press ok. Now instead of going back to the list under AppDev . it goes back to the root menu where the "RootMenu" is listed under SIM menu.
So my application looks very odd for any menu operation as i have to start from root again selecting every thing. I tried various PDU setting in Menu, List, Display Text , Get Input but failed. Now i am stuck. :-(
My Menu construction is as this (not complete code)
import javacard.framework.Applet;
import javacard.framework.ISO7816;
import javacard.framework.ISOException;
import javacard.framework.APDU;
import javacard.framework.Util;
public class menuSelect extends Applet {
     private static final byte PROACTIVE_CMD_SET_UP_MENU = (byte) 0x25;
     private static final byte PROACTIVE_CMD_SELECT_ITEM = (byte) 0x24;
     private static final byte PROACTIVE_CMD_GET_INPUT = (byte) 0x23;
     private static final byte MENU_SELECT = (byte) 0x44;
     private static final byte STKMENU_NUMBER = (byte) 0x0B;
     private static final byte[] PROACTIVE_SETUP_MENU = {
          (byte) 0x81, CMD_DTL_LENGTH, CMD_NUMBER, PROACTIVE_CMD_SET_UP_MENU, (byte) 0x00,
          (byte) 0x82, (byte) 0x02, DEVICEID_SIM, DEVICEID_ME,
          (byte) 0x85, (byte) 0x08, 'R', 'o', 'o', 't','M', 'e', 'n', 'u',
          (byte) 0x8F, (byte) 0x09, STKMENU_NUMBER, 'A', 'p', 'p', 's', ' ', 'D', 'e', 'v',
          (byte) 0x18, (byte) 0x01, (byte) 0x24,
     private static final byte[] PROACTIVE_SELECT_ITEM = {
          (byte) 0x81, CMD_DTL_LENGTH, CMD_NUMBER, PROACTIVE_CMD_SELECT_ITEM, (byte) 0x00,
          (byte) 0x82, (byte) 0x02, DEVICEID_SIM, DEVICEID_ME,
          (byte) 0x05, (byte) 0x08, 'A', 'p', 'p', 's', ' ', 'D', 'e', 'v',
          (byte) 0x8F, (byte) 0x09, 1, 'D', 'i', 's', 'p', 'T', 'e', 'x', 't',
          (byte) 0x8F, (byte) 0x07, 2, 'G', 'e', 't', 'I', 'n', 'p',
          (byte) 0x8F, (byte) 0x09, 3, 'S', 'e', 'n', 'd', ' ','S','M','S',
          (byte) 0x8F, (byte) 0x0C, 4, 'S', 'e', 't', 'u', 'p',' ',' ','C','a','l','l',
          (byte) 0x8F, (byte) 0x05, 5, 'E', 'x', 'i', 't',
     public static void install(byte[] bArray, short bOffset, byte bLength) {
          // GP-compliant JavaCard applet registration
          new menuSelect().register(bArray,
                    (short) (bOffset + 1), bArray[bOffset]);
     public void process(APDU apdu) {
          if (selectingApplet()) {
          switch (buf[ISO7816.OFFSET_CLA]) {
               insVal = buf[ISO7816.OFFSET_INS];
               switch (insVal) {
               case INS_TERMINAL_RESPONSE:
                    byte cmdType = buf[ISO7816.OFFSET_CDATA+3];
               case INS_FETCH:
                    fetchcode = 0;
                    switch (fetchcmd) {
                    case PROACTIVE_CMD_SET_UP_MENU:
                         buf[0] = (byte) 0xD0; buf[1] = (byte) PROACTIVE_SETUP_MENU.length;
                         Util.arrayCopy(PROACTIVE_SETUP_MENU, (short) 0, buf, (short) 2, buf[1]);
                         apdu.setOutgoingAndSend((short) 0, (short) (buf[1] + 2)); // Add 2 to payload length to account for header: 0xD0 & length byte
                         //shouldFetch((byte) PROACTIVE_SELECT_ITEM.length);
                         fetchcode = 0;
                    case PROACTIVE_CMD_SELECT_ITEM:
                         switch (choosenMenuItem) {
                         case STKMENU_NUMBER:
                              buf[0] = (byte) 0xD0; buf[1] = (byte) PROACTIVE_SELECT_ITEM.length;
                              Util.arrayCopy(PROACTIVE_SELECT_ITEM, (short) 0, buf, (short) 2, (short) PROACTIVE_SELECT_ITEM.length);
                              apdu.setOutgoingAndSend((short) 0, (short) (PROACTIVE_SELECT_ITEM.length + 2));
                              //shouldFetch((byte) PROACTIVE_SELECT_ITEM.length);
                         case 1 :
                              buf[0] = (byte) 0xD0; buf[1] = (byte) (DISPLAY_TEXT1.length);
                              Util.arrayCopy(DISPLAY_TEXT1, (short) 0, buf, (short) 2, (short) (buf[1]));
                              apdu.setOutgoingAndSend((short) 0, (short) (buf[1] + 2)); // Add 2 to payload length to account for header: 0xD0 & length byte
                              choosenMenuItem = STKMENU_NUMBER;
          } // Case default
          } // Switch
If any one can help me it would be really helpful...

There's no method to access the controlmenu through java.
But, if you have little knowledge of c++, you can use jni for that purpose. You have to obtain the windowhandle and then you can toggle the controlmenu.
It's not that hard. I've followed that way in order to get the java's jframe minimized to the system tray...

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    Sorry - I made an assumption that you were not able to go fro a track to the title menu... what you are asking is to go from a menu to the title menu by using the ;menu' key.
    Sadly, it won't be possible - the Menu key is designed to move only between tracks and menus. If you are in a track it will take you to a menu, once there, pressing it again willr eturn you to the track.
    You need to use the 'return' key to traverse through the menus, but it isn't a robust implementation in DVDSP.
    Therefore, the only way to accomplish what you want is to use the Title key on the remote control when in a menu... unless you add a button to each sub menu that jumps to the title menu.

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    I also had the same flash and rear camera problems as everyone else but I figured it was a software problem.
    To fix the flash/flashlight, simply download the flashlight app. The one everyone used before iOS 7. The flash should work immediately.
    To fix the rear camera go to Settings > General > Restrictions. Enable restrictions and turn the Camera off, then take the restriction off. Check your camera, it should work immediately.
    Hope this answers a lot of questions and saves a bunch of money due to Apple's failures.

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    Thanks in advance.
    Custom Menu code attached: (scuse the spaced out code)
    package {
    import mx.controls.Menu; 
    import mx.core.mx_internal; 
    import flash.display.DisplayObjectContainer; 
    import mx.controls.listClasses.IListItemRenderer; 
    import mx.core.Application; 
    import mx.controls.menuClasses.IMenuItemRenderer; 
    import mx.managers.PopUpManager; 
    import flash.geom.Point; 
    import flash.display.DisplayObject; 
    import flash.geom.Rectangle; 
    import flash.utils.clearInterval; 
    use namespace mx_internal; 
    public class CustomMenu extends Menu{
    private var isDirectionLeft:Boolean = false; 
    private var subMenu:Menu; 
    public function CustomMenu(){
    public static function createMenu(parent:DisplayObjectContainer, mdp:Object, showRoot:Boolean = true):CustomMenu{
    var menu:CustomMenu = new CustomMenu();menu.tabEnabled =
    false;menu.owner = DisplayObjectContainer(Application.application);
    menu.showRoot = showRoot;
    popUpMenu(menu, parent, mdp);
    return menu;}
    override mx_internal function openSubMenu(row:IListItemRenderer):void
    supposedToLoseFocus =
    var r:Menu = getRootMenu(); 
    var menu:CustomMenu; 
    // check to see if the menu exists, if not create it
    if (!IMenuItemRenderer(row).menu){
    menu =
    new CustomMenu();menu.parentMenu =
    this;menu.owner =
    this;menu.showRoot = showRoot;
    menu.dataDescriptor = r.dataDescriptor;
    menu.styleName = r;
    menu.labelField = r.labelField;
    menu.labelFunction = r.labelFunction;
    menu.iconField = r.iconField;
    menu.iconFunction = r.iconFunction;
    menu.itemRenderer = r.itemRenderer;
    menu.rowHeight = r.rowHeight;
    menu.scaleY = r.scaleY;
    menu.scaleX = r.scaleX;
    // if there's data and it has children then add the items
    if ( &&_dataDescriptor.isBranch( &&
    menu.dataProvider = _dataDescriptor.getChildren(;
    menu.sourceMenuBar = sourceMenuBar;
    menu.sourceMenuBarItem = sourceMenuBarItem;
    IMenuItemRenderer(row).menu = menu;
    PopUpManager.addPopUp(menu, r,
    //commented out can't resolve Implicit coercion error
    //menu = IMenuItemRenderer(row).menu;
    var _do:DisplayObject = DisplayObject(row); 
    var sandBoxRootPoint:Point = new Point(0,0);sandBoxRootPoint = _do.localToGlobal(sandBoxRootPoint);
    // when loadMovied, you may not be in global coordinates
    if (_do.root) //verify this is sufficient
    sandBoxRootPoint = _do.root.globalToLocal(sandBoxRootPoint);
    // showX, showY are in sandbox root coordinates
    var showY:Number = sandBoxRootPoint.y; 
    var showX:Number; 
    if (!isDirectionLeft)showX = sandBoxRootPoint.x + row.width+10;
    showX = sandBoxRootPoint.x - menu.getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth();
    // convert to global coordinates to compare with getVisibleApplicationRect(). 
    // the screen is the visible coordinates of our sandbox (written in global coordinates) 
    var screen:Rectangle = systemManager.getVisibleApplicationRect(); 
    var sbRoot:DisplayObject = systemManager.getSandboxRoot(); 
    var screenPoint:Point = sbRoot.localToGlobal(new Point(showX, showY)); 
    // do x 
    var shift:Number = screenPoint.x + menu.getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth() - screen.right; 
    if (shift > 0 || screenPoint.x < screen.x){
    // if we want to ensure our parent's visible, let's  
    // modify the shift so that we're not just on-screen 
    // but we're also shifted away from our parent. 
    var shiftForParent:Number = getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth() + menu.getExplicitOrMeasuredWidth(); 
    // if was going left, shift to right. otherwise, shift to left 
    if (isDirectionLeft)shiftForParent *= -1;
    showX = Math.max(showX - shiftForParent, 0);
    // now make sure we're still on-screen againscreenPoint =
    new Point(showX, showY);screenPoint = sbRoot.localToGlobal(screenPoint);
    // only shift if greater our position + width > width of screenshift = Math.max(0, screenPoint.x + width - screen.right);
    showX = Math.max(showX - shift, 0);
    menu.isDirectionLeft =
    this.x > showX; 
    // now do yshift = screenPoint.y + height - screen.bottom;
    if (shift > 0 || screenPoint.y < screen.y)showY = Math.max(showY - shift, 0);, showY);
    subMenu = menu;
    openSubMenuTimer = 0;

    Maybe call menu.move instead of

  • RangeError inside mx.controls::Menu/show()

    This bug seems to happen only with submenus, when the mouse
    move quickly on another menu.
    the Hide/Show part of the MenuBar seems to be buggy.
    How to reproduce it ? this is not very clear. see in the end
    of this POST.
    RangeError: Error #2006: L'index indiqué sort des
    at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/addChildAt()
    at mx.managers::SystemManager/[C:\dev\GMC\sdk\framew orks\mx\managers\
    mx.managers::SystemManager/addChild()[C:\dev\GMC\sdk\frameworks\mx\managers\SystemManager .as:1190]
    mx.managers::PopUpManager$/addPopUp()[C:\dev\GMC\sdk\frameworks\mx\managers\PopUpManager. as:221]
    mx.controls::MenuBar/mx.controls:MenuBar::showMenu()[C:\dev\GMC\sdk\frameworks\mx\control s\]
    mx.controls::MenuBar/mx.controls:MenuBar::mouseOverHandler()[C:\dev\GMC\sdk\frameworks\mx \controls\]
    I build the MenuBar example in the offical Doc.
    <menuitem label="Menu1">
    <menuitem label="MenuItem 1-A" data="1A"/>
    <menuitem label="MenuItem 1-B" data="1B"/>
    <menuitem label="Menu2">
    <menuitem label="MenuItem 2-A" type="check"
    <menuitem type="separator" />
    <menuitem label="MenuItem 2-B" >
    <menuitem label="SubMenuItem 3-A" type="radio"
    groupName="one" data="3A"/>
    <menuitem label="SubMenuItem 3-B" type="radio"
    groupName="one" data="3B"/>
    then I click on the menu to activate it.
    then I move the mouse quickly a circular way over the menubar
    the trick is to move over the "SubMenuItem 3-B" and go as
    fast as you can
    on the first menu: "Menu1"
    doing this will crash after 10 seconds (depend where the
    mouse move)
    it seems that the submenu is not properly closed, or its
    parent menu is dead before him...

    to be more precise, it is certainly related to SUBMENU.
    nothing happen with simple 1 level menu.
    so troubles should begin with items "SubMenuItem 3-A" and
    "SubMenuItem 3-B" when mouse
    move over them quickly to another menu, for example "Menu1"
    then go back to the parent of the
    submenu ("Menu2").
    show() crash to display "Menu2", may be because submenu is
    not properly closed.

  • Controlling Menu Bars of Windows Applications like IE and Editor with LabVIEW 6

    Hi everybody !
    I'm trying to develop a vi (LabVIEW 6) which controls menu bars in
    Windows Applications (IE, Editor, etc.) like "File-Save As..." or
    "View-Source...". I'm pretty sure I've got to use the ActiveX
    possibilities in LabVIEW, but I haven't been succesful. Any comments
    will help.

    You can use Win32 API to simulate a key-press (e.g. ctrl-S for Save)
    for IE or any window applications, as long as the application has
    short cut for menu items, and active.
    You can use external code (VC, VB, dephi, etc..) to build DLL, CIN, or
    ActiveX, call them in LabVIEW.
    I made "Send" in G Toolbox.
    If the menu item doesn't has a shortcut, you can send a message (use
    spy tool to find out) to the application.
    George Zou

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    How to access the control menu(Restore,move,minimize,maximize,close) of JFrame and JInternalFrame can be accessed using Keyboard like in windows(Using space bar for any window we can access the control menu of that window in Windows OS).
    How to achieve this feature in Java for JFrame and JInternalFrame
    Any sample code will be helpful

    try search the forum with topic: control menu on-off

  • Control Menu Handphone Nokia 6610

    Hi All,
    I have handphone with the type Nokia 6610.
    And now I want to try create a Aplication for remote menu in handphone. Just for exploration knowledge about AT Command. And Now I can create Aplication to SMS Gateway.
    In my exploration about AT Command, I try create application desktop to remote menu in Handphone. My Mean about Remote menu is I want create like as simulator menu handphone. If I click button "MENU" in Application then Handphone automaticly display menu in handphone such as "MESSAGE,REGISTER and etc". And the if I want click button "MESSAGE" in Application then Handphone automaticly display menu in handphone such as "INBOX,OUTBOX and etc". I hove know about my mean in control menu . And the problem is I can't use AT Command to create this Application. I was googling to handle this but I never get a solution. I think that menu in Handphone is use AT Command, right? Please for Master please advise me solution to finished My problem . If this Application is finished I want use this Application to my Skripsi . Thanks very much for all attention. I wait respon for My problem.
    Best Regards
    Ageng Setiawan
    Just Bravo-IT

    That is not possible on normal nokia phones. Perhaps on smartphones with the Symbian OS on - but not on your 6610

  • Control menu os7

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    How do I make this issue known to Apple?

    Spotgofast wrote:
    How do I make this issue known to Apple?

  • Control menu on-off

    how can we turn the control menu on,off ??

    There's no method to access the controlmenu through java.
    But, if you have little knowledge of c++, you can use jni for that purpose. You have to obtain the windowhandle and then you can toggle the controlmenu.
    It's not that hard. I've followed that way in order to get the java's jframe minimized to the system tray...

  • Disable the remote control, menu.

    Maybe a dumb question but I can't seem to find a way to disable the menu that comes up from the remote control. It seems to jump up once in a while and I never use it and would just like to disable it.

    Yes, I didn't realize that's what it's called.
    I use an application called synergy to share the mouse and keyboard with a windose machine, a linux box and this mac. It is a really nice way to stay somewhat OS agnostic, it also shares the clipboard with the various machines. I really like the app. However, this nagging problem happens occasionally where Front Row will just randomly pop up and I can't get back out of it. So all I can do is reboot. I'm not sure what causes it, although I'm fairly sure it has something to do with synergy. I did not know there was an easy way to disable the remote, so I've done that now and maybe it will make a difference. But is there a way to just completely disable, uninstall Front Row?

  • Minor glitch in source control menu (jdev903prod)

    make sure you have CVS selected as source control tool.
    Then, after starting up Jdeveloper, open a workspace. Choose File->Source Control: the login option is disabled!
    (rightclicking the workspace and choosing source control->login from there works, but the one in the file menu doesn't)

    Thanks for reply.
    That link doesn't provide enough information about SCC.
    I'm not looking for general SCC programming info.
    I only want to know how to refresh the SCC status in the project programmatically.
    George Zou

  • 求教reference(right -key click get)用法 和menu组件的用途(applicatin control--menu)

    请指教 如上

    If you are building a VI that contains several Property Nodes or if you are accessing the same property for several different controls and indicators, you can place the Property Node in a subVI and use control references to access that node. A control reference is a refnum to a specific front panel object.

  • I can't get my cursor to completely leave the screen, so when I'm watching videos on some services the video control menu stays at the bottom of the screen. How do I make it disappear so I don't have to see the progress bar and stop/start buttons?

    When I watch certain video services like amazon or Netflix and enter full screen, when I move the cursor a video menu pops up on the bottom of the screen and won't disappear until the cursor goes offscreen. But my cursor won't go fully off screen. Just the tip remains visible so the video menu doesn't leave.

    What happens if you simply click the trackpad in the movie area before the cursor disappears?  Does that cause the video menu to disappear?

  • May I control menu when I launch the 'ExportController' plug-in?

    Hi everybody,
    I have write a 'ExportController' plug-in based on the sample SDK(Mac) provided.
    It works correctly as expected workflow, a new sub-menu under 'Export' added, and it can render timeline, export it, and do other post-process.
    But it does not support 'copy', 'paste', 'cut' operation for NSTextField in my custom UI.
    I found all menu items' status didn't change, and the items(Copy, Paste,...)  under 'Edit' are disable.
    I think the copy function missing is because menu item disable, but I don't know it is support to change or edit those status?
    (I am using the Premiere Pro CC Mac SDK, plug-in type is 'ExportController'.)

    Hi bbb_999,
    I am still using CS6 because the place where I work at have not updated to CC yet. And I was referring to premier pro CS6, sorry that I did not mention it in the question I had posted earlier. I am able to use the premier pro SDK and compile my plugin, but I am not finding any documentation on how to implement UI using C++.  For example, in the transmitter SDK, this is what it says :
    tmResult TransmitPlugin::SetupDialog(tmStdParms* ioStdParms,prParentWnd inParentWnd)
      // Get the settings, display a modal setup dialog for the user
      // MessageBox()
      // If the user changed the settings, save the new settings back to
      // ioStdParms->ioSerializedPluginData, and update ioStdParms->ioSerializedPluginDataSize
      return tmResult_Success;
    I can use the MessageBox and create some basic windows message boxes, but how do I create the UI panels in premier pro inside this function ?
    I have not seen Premier Pro CC SDK yet, but if its a bad idea to work in CS6 because CC SDK has much better features and documentation, then I will move to it asap. Please let me know.

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