Control Time Machine, Control Time Machine

Is there some way to control when Time Machine backs up?  It totally takes over the machine.  I would like to limit it to starting the back up after mignight.  Iron Mountain and other back up apps allow that.

I used to allow TM only one or two backups per day simply by ejecting and switching off the drive. I ran TM that way for over a year and never had a single problem.
Here's the thing, sense I was already using CarbonCopyCloner for years before TM came out, plus not needing hourly backups. It was very easy for me to turn TM off, erase the drive and use it as a second CarbonCopyClone instead.

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    If you have a rescue email address (which is not the same thing as an alternate email address) on your account then the steps on this page will give you a reset link on your account :
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    Contacting Apple about account security :
    When they've been reset (and if you don't already have a rescue email address) you can then use the steps on this page to add a rescue email address for potential future use :
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    -- Jim

    Thanks, but it doesn't exactly address my question.  TimeMachineEditor allows me to set the intervals or times when backups occur, but it doesn't control the algorithm that decides which snapshots should be deleted.  My problem was that Time Machine chose to delete all of the old snapshots and keep only the most recent ones: I'd like it to keep more of the recent ones than the old ones, but still keep some old ones.
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    Is there a way to control the algorithm that decides which backups to keep and which to delete?  I would have it delete the hourly, daily, and weekly backups in a way that preserves their relative distribution.
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    -- Jim

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    This is the iSync forum - nothing at all to do with Time Machine.
    The correct forum is here:

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    no, there is no way to do that. however, you can make a partition on the external and keep the TM backups on that partition. this will restrict the amount of space TM backups take. it's best to make this partition dedicated to just TM and not keep any other data there. you can do it nondestructively even now by splitting the current partition with TM backups in two. this will preserve the data on the partition with the backups. enter "creating new volumes" in disk utility help to see how that's done.

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    Hi ...
    I've found a solution to my problem.
    Time Machine locates extenal HDD backups differently depending if they were done via a network or via a USB/FireWire/Thunderbolt connection.
    My initial backup was done via a direct Thunderbolt connection. I ran into the above issue b/c the second time when I tried looking for the backup file the HDD was conencted to my iMac and I was accessing it via a network conenction.
    I simply connected the drive directly to my MacBook pro and ... voila. I was able to see the backup, select the iPhoto library and begin the restore.
    Hope this helps.
    BTW - I found this out by reading the 'blue box' selection on this page:
    (Thanks goes to Pondini!)

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    You won't be able to see them in the nice display of the current settings as when selecting +Mail > Preferences+ from the Mail Menubar.
    And, neither the data (emails) or preferences are stored in the application.
    The preferences and settings are stored in this file:
    *<your home folder>/Library/Preferences/*
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    If you want to limit the space the backups take, limit the space available to it.
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    If you're trying to add photos to photo stream on your PC, you drag them to your photo stream uploads folder (normally My Pictures\Photo Stream\Uploads).

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    One thing to double check is that the computer name (in the sharing preference panel) is exactly the same as it was when the backups were made. Sometimes that is all it takes to have Time Machine continue with incremental backups.
    In your case, however, it may be that you would need to change the new computer's ethernet MAC address to the same as your old computer, and that could be a problem if you don't still have that computer.

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    that is not in the options.  Here is a screen shot

  • How do we regain control over our Time Machine drive revisited

    +I posted this question as two posts over in the+ *Intel-based iMac* +forum but I think I may have put it in the wrong place. Please forgive me if you've already read this over there. If someone tells me how to delete a post I will or perhaps a Moderator can/will do it for me.+
    +O M Oz+
    Recently our 2.66 Intel Core 2 Duo started into a cycle of rebooting itself during the startup sequence. Eventually we decided to Restore the disk from the Time Machine Backup which is kept on an external 1TB La Cie drive.
    After the Restore was complete; Time Machine attempted to do a backup run but we got an error message saying the drive could not be accessed to write the backup. Only the very last backup could be seen from the Star Wars screen. The icon had changed to the generic usb drive icon with a padlock.
    I attempted a Full Reset of Time Machine by deleting the Preferences as described in the Troubleshooting thread. Since then we have not been able to access the Time Machine drive at all with either Time Machine or Finder.
    A check of Sharing and Permissions shows that all users are listed having custom access which seems to mean you cannot read or write the drive. Disk Utility reports the drive as seeming to be okay when run in either Verify or Repair modes.
    I have also attempted to run the sudo command from Terminal with no success. I'm running out of ideas. I don't want to do a low level reformat of this drive yet because it IS a backup drive and I'm not clear on the status of the restored drive.
    *Next Day after sleeping on it, I posted...*
    I've been thinking it over carefully and think I might have done the damage myself.
    Before things went pear shaped I needed to back up the 80GB Hard Drive for a laptop but was just a little short of space on the 1TB drive. In Finder I went into the backup.backup folder and deleted the oldest backup under Finder.
    From what I NOW know of the data structures of Time Machine I suspect this would have also removed the backups of whatever it is that logs the various permissions. Am I right?
    If I am right can I recover from this and still save the the older backups?
    Old Mac Oz

    I half expected you would be the first to reply, Pondini
    Pondini wrote:
    Old Mac Oz wrote:
    . . . The icon had changed to the generic usb drive icon with a padlock . . .
    . . . *we are not able to access* the Time Machine drive at all *with either Time Machine or Finder*. > >. . .From what I NOW know of the data structures of Time Machine I suspect this would have also removed the backups of whatever it is that logs the various permissions. Am I right?
    Not exactly, but yes, that can damage your backups.
    Try to repair them, per #A5 in the Troubleshooting Tip. If that succeeds, your backups are probably ok. If not, It's possible that +Disk Warrior+ can. It's expensive (about $100), and probably a good investment for the future, but there's no guarantee.
    I have already tried that but Disk Utility reports that there is nothing wrong with the disk; clearly that is wrong. I cannot reset the permissions to let me (as the Administrator) even read the disk
    If that succeeds, and the 80 GB backup from another Mac is still there, you can delete it via Time Machine. See #12 in the Frequently Asked Questions *User Tip,* also at the top of this forum.
    The 80GB backup was a simple Finder copy from the extracted Hard Disk onto my Time Machine disk, just simply regaining Finder access will allow me to rescue that
    Also, everything you restored to your internal HD is considered as new, so it must be backed-up again. That will, of course, take a lot of space. It's possible that Time Machine deleted a large number of your old backups to make room. If it didn't, because it couldn't do the backup, it will when it can.
    I understand that is what should happen.
    So . . . try the repair. If that works, see if the old backups are still there, and also see how much space is available on your TM drive. If there's not enough room for a new full backup of your internal HD, plus 20% for workspace, TM will have to delete some old backups. If the disk isn't well over twice the size of the data it's backing-up, your best bet may be to erase the drive and let Time Machine start fresh.
    I am coming to that conclusion. The drive is plenty big enough, it's a Terabyte backing up a 300GB disk. Activity Monitor and Finder using +Get Info+ both tell me the drive has 931.39GB available with about 907GB used, we just cannot access any of the data this usage represents due to the locked permissions.
    Since I last posted I have also tried resetting PRAM and running sudo from Terminal as per #C5 in the Troubleshooting Tip to reset the permissions to no avail.
    The Restore has not been a success so I am probably going to have to wipe the whole computer and rebuild the system, something I am understandably unwilling to do.
    I asked here because the problem seems to be related to a recent Time Machine run and the drive I used. Am I asking my question in the correct forum?
    Thanks for your input so far.
    Old Man Oz

  • Can I control how much of my back up disk time machine uses?

    I bought a 1tb backup drive and want to save my photos to it. However, I also want to use it to back up my macbook pro. I was wondering if I could actually do that, using it for both purposes, or if when the drive was full, due to the backups, will it no longer let me save my photos there. Or is there a way to only have time machine save one backup at a time? I don't need to back it up all that often.

    Time Machine will back up until it fills the drive. The bigger the drive, the farther back in time you can go. What you could do is to create 2 partitons on the drive, one for Time Machine and the other a regular old Mac OS Extended(Journaled). Personally, I'd have at least twice the capacity of the computer's drive allocated as Time Machine (so a computer with a 250 gb drive would get at least a 500 gb Time Machine volume).
    You set up partitions with Disk Utility. Set them both up as Mac OS Extended (Journaled). When you first connect with Time Machine it'll ask you if you to choose the drive and want to dedicate that to TM. Choose one of the partitions and you're good.

  • Can I control what Time Machine Backs up?

    I bought a 2TB external drive last night and set up my Time Machine to back up my iMac. I have up to 5 external drives hooked up to my computer. The first backup failed saying I needed more than 2TB of space. I noticed one of my external drives was active too. So I stopped the backup and ejected each of my external drives. When I started Time Machine again, it said it only needed 1.85 GB! Thats more like it!!! When I clicked on the options button and removed all the external drives to NOT be included in the backup for some reason it was still backing up those drives. I am not sure why.
    So moving forward what is the best plan of action? Do I turn the TM off when I have those external drives mounted or vice versa and eject all my external drives and leave TM on?

    All you could ever need to know about Time Machine:
    (from the late and sorely missed ASC contributor Pondini)

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