Controlling MC from another MC

Hi all,
I'm a noob but tried google and manuals but can't find the answer which will probably be simple.
I have 3 movieclips in frame 1 main timeline.
The instance names are mc1, mc2 and mc3.
When mc1 is at the end, mc1 has to go to frame 2 but mc2 has to go to the next frame and stop.
Then when mc1 is at the end again the same has to happen.
On the last frame of mc1 timeline I have:
But with which line of code will mc2 go to it's next frame?
Thank you in advance

its important that ypu place the abobe posted code inside a Enterframe function, otherwise it will only be triggered once at the start of yur app, like so:
function checkFrames(e:Event):void
    trace("mc1-PLAYHEAD is at:" + mc1.currentFrame + " of " + mc1.totalFrames);
    trace("mc2-PLAYHEAD is at:" + mc2.currentFrame + " of " + mc2.totalFrames);
    trace("mc3-PLAYHEAD is at:" + mc3.currentFrame + " of " + mc3.totalFrames);
    //do stuff depending on the state of the different Playheads
    if (mc1.currentFrame == (61))

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    Message Edited by Mohammed.Ashraf on 06-09-2009 10:27 AM
    Eng. Mohammed Ashraf
    Certified LabVIEW Associated Developer
    InnoVision Systems Founder, RF Test Development Engineer
    Attachments: ‏10 KB
    test_out of ‏30 KB

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