Conversion exit list

is there a table in SAP where you can see the ABAP dictionary types and (if there exists) the conversion exit that the dictonary type belongs to?

DD01L table contains the conversion exit name along with domain name
like goto SE16 and give DD01L as table name and give kunnr in DOMNAME filed and execute.u will see that this domain is using ALPHA conv exit.
reward points if helpful
Manas Ranjan Panda
Message was edited by: MANAS PANDA

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  • Conversion Exit/Routines for Project ID

    Hello All,
    I am from the BI forum.
    I would like to have conversion exit for Project ID, The Problem i am facing in BI is, that in my BI report , the project iD displays in internal format , but i need in External format.
    For Ex the Project ID in Master data is P000291 but it displays as 0002189, which is wrong.
    I have found routines like CONVERSION_EXIT_ABPRJ_OUPUT,.
    I have also written a code in my BI system, also, but it still it shows me the internal format.
    The Source field is PSPID coming from PROJ table.
    I need to know the list of conversion routines for Project ID,,(to Convert Internal to External format).
    Thanks and Regards


  • Error in conversion exit

    This is Bhu,
    New to this site,
    I am learning BW now,
    I am facing the following problem while loading the transaction data from flat file.
    Error message : error in conversion exit CONVERSION_EXIT_UNIT_INPUT.
    Kindly help me in sorting out this problem.

    Hi Bhu.
    I usually see this problem when the unit of measure is not set up in the system.  In order for the unit of measure to pass the conversion, you will need to add the unit to the allowed list.  That can be found in the IMG (transaction SPRO).
    Hope that helps.

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    Select the column in excel
    Right Click and choose format cells.
    In the pop up window, the first tab is for formatting. A list will be available, there you have to choose "Date" format.
    Within the date format, you will find number of options to set the formatting according to your specifications.
    If that does not work out, just use "Custom" format as "mmyyyy" for all the cells in that particular column.
    With Regards

  • No Conversion exit entered

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    Thanks & Regards
    Sameer Khan

    Hi Vibhuti,
    How you created customer name and address, I mean to say data element? You can not have data with space except for short, medium and long text.
    Check if you are excluding first row as header in info package, if you have header in Flat file. Check if Lower case is ticked in Customer name and customer address.

  • Conversion exit error while activating the transfer rules

    Hello gurus,
    We are doing a function module extraction with 3.X data sources.
    On activating the transfer rules , i am getting a conversion exit error for "0fiscyear", but in the infoobject we don't have the conversion exit for it.
    Points will be awarded for any kind of response.
    Thanks and Regards,

    1. Please check in the transformation, its necessary to provide the fiscal variant mapping as well when ur mapping fiscal year object. as on the basis of that value fiscal period will be derived.
    2 I guess ur doing direct mapping (Time conversion) and there is no routine written for that.  if any u can check that as well for any error.
    Edited by: Dipika Tyagi on Jun 25, 2008 7:39 AM

  • How to find out the conversion exit format for VBRP-VRKME

    Hi Gurus,
               I am writing a report to fetch delivery details based on storage location'123'. My requirement is tat i shud convert the Billed Quantity unit TO Base unit of measure. In my VBRP table the field value/contents of VBRP-VRKME have values PAK for PAC( packets) and KAR for CAR(carton). When i click on User-specific Settings - - Check the filed CHEECK CONVERSION EXITS , i am able to get see the PAC and CAR respectively.
          But unfortunately when i selecting te fields form vbrp in my internal table i am getting the values 'PAK' for PAC and 'KAR' for CAR'. AS i am writing a report can any one suggest me how to convert this , as i wud b making use of FM MD_CONVERT_MATERIAL_UNIT  to convert to base unit of measure, n this FM is not accepting the values like PAK and CAK.
          Your Sugesstions are of utmost importance for me.
    Thanking you,

    Conversion routines are maintained at Domain Level(Definition Tab), Meins is the domain for VRKME data element.
    You have to use the following routines,

  • Web Dynpro ABAP: Assigning of Conversion Exits in ALV

    We are currently developing a generic data display application using ALV technology in Web Dynpro ABAP. "Generic" means that the structure of the data is created dynamically during runtime (using RTTS) and that even the contained data elements are created dynamically without any relation to DDIC. The generation is based on metadata like field name, data type, length, decimals, conversion exit.
    Our problem is that we were not able to find a way to assign the conversion exit of a data element ("column") in Web Dynpro ALV. Without this feature, no output conversions will take place since the data elements have no relation to DDIC. In the "classical" ALV, this could be easily done using method SET_EDIT_MASK of class CL_SALV_COLUMN.
    Is there a similar method in WebDynpro ALV or at least an alternative approach to assign a conversion exit to a column or cell?
    Thanks for your help in advance.
    Best Regards,

    Hello Sven Hader,
    As you said you are generatiing the metadata like field name, data type, length, decimals, conversion exit dynamically.
    Can you please let me know how you are diong this?
    Meanwhile, you can try this approach to assign a Conversion exit to ALV Table column attribute dynamically.
    DATA:     lv_data                         TYPE  dd04v,
                  lv_mode_ext2int          type   ESEBOOLE. "Conversion mode that you are in
      read the data from the database
            name                = lv_ddobjname
            state               =   iv_object_state
            langu               =   iv_langu
            dd04v_wa         =   lv_data
            illegal_input       = 1
            OTHERS           = 2.
        CHECK NOT lv_data-convexit IS INITIAL.
        CONCATENATE 'CONVERSION_EXIT_' lv_data-convexit '_INPUT'
          INTO cl_im_imp_ehs_material_erp=>mv_conversion_exit_input.
        CONCATENATE 'CONVERSION_EXIT_' lv_data-convexit '_OUTPUT'
          INTO cl_im_imp_ehs_material_erp=>mv_conversion_exit_output.
      IF lv_mode_ext2int = 'X'.
        ASSIGN cl_im_imp_ehs_material_erp=>mv_conversion_exit_input
            TO <lv_funcname>.
        ASSIGN cl_im_imp_ehs_material_erp=>mv_conversion_exit_output
            TO <lv_funcname>.
    (3) call the conversion exit
      CHECK <lv_funcname> IS ASSIGNED.
          CALL FUNCTION <lv_funcname>
              input  = iv_value
              output = ev_value.
          IF sy-subrc <> 0.
        CATCH cx_sy_dyn_call_illegal_func
              cx_sy_dyn_call_param_not_found.               "#EC NO_HANDLER
    I hope it should work.
    Edited by: Bharath Komarapalem on Dec 16, 2008 2:47 PM

  • ECC6 - ALV Grid Output Conversion Exit

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    EG: Select field (TPLNR) from table IFLOT. Value retrieved are: ?0100000000000000029. However, the output doesnt do the conversion exit to change the TPLNR value to format MY.FO.001.
    I did the same in 4.6C system, the ALV report able to display the correct value of TPLNR. Eg: MY.FO.001 instead of
    If anyone encountered the same issues in ECC6 system which In an ALV grid, it doesnt to display data that is based on a domain with a conversion exit?

    Hi Simone,
    Check this NO_CONVEXT in the Structure LVC_S_FCAT. Populate with SPACE in the FCAT Build.
    If you have conversion Exit to that field then use the CONVEXIT in the same structure while building Field Catalog. sometimes you have Z converions so you need to check this.
    If you a Table field in the FCAT then you dont need all these things. because conversion exits are automatically done. Also COL_OPT = 'X' this will align the ALV in the correct format for output. hope this helps.

  • Conversion exits before value mapping in AIF

    Hi All
    I'm trying to use conversion exits before mapping in define value mapping, where I want to truncate leading zeroes in the source field before the value mapping is executed.
    I'm using the conversion exit 'ALPHA' (internal->external) to achieve this, but the leading zeroes do not get truncated. Below is an example-
    Conversion Exit: ALPHA
    Data Element for conversion:
    Direction: Internal->External
    Source Value: 0000012345
    Expected Value after conversion: 12345
    Actual Value after conversion: 0000012345
    A similar issue Error in reading a value from database table is noted here, however note 1892571 that is suggested does not seem to resolve the issue I'm facing.
    Am I missing something here?

    Hi Glenn Bumanlag,
            I think the values that you have given for source values (Agency and scheme)
    and Target values (Agency and scheme) may be mismatching so kindly chek that...even i got the same error in the past..........
    If you the this problem kindly change it accordingly and also refresh the cache once you that with this.........
    Kindly follow the below mentioned link and check if you have followed these steps.
    PS: kindly reward points if helpful

  • Flat file Error in conversion exit CONVERSION_EXIT_PERI6_INPUT

    Hello Experts!
    I´m trying to upload a flat file data to an infocube and appears an error which diagnosis is:an error ocurred in record 1 during execution of conversion exit CONVERSION_EXIT_PERI6_INPUT for field CALMONTH.
    Procedure: Check That the record where the error ocurred has the correct format , and correct it accordingly.
    The characteristics in this fields (CALMONTH) are:
    - Data Type: numc-character string with only digits.
    - Length: 6
    - Convers.rout. PERI6
    - Output Length 7
    I hope You can help me soon.
    Thank you!

    Hi Eduardo Vergara,
    You just have to make sure the 0CALMONTH format is exactly the same. We have to match the format in the both columns. So in DataSource/Trans.Structure File “CALMONTH” change the Type to “Numc” and length o “6” . This is our problem but the tip is to match the proprieties.

  • Short Dump DYNPRO_MSG_IN_HELP in Conversion Exit

    Hi Gurus,
    I've written the following conversion exit:
    *"*"Lokale Schnittstelle:
    *"     VALUE(INPUT)
    *"     VALUE(OUTPUT)
    *"      INPUT_NOT_VALID
      DATA : CPI_OUT(4) type n, CPI_IN(5), cpi_in2(5), cpi_in3(5).
      DATA : CPI_YEAR(4), CPI_PERIOD(3).
      DATA : CPI_NUM2(2) TYPE N.
      DATA : CPI_NUM3(2) TYPE N,
             index(2)    type n,
             index2(2)   type n,
      DATA : CPI_C8, CPI_C7, CPI_C6, CPI_C5.
      DATA: SONDERZ.                    "nimmt das Trennungszeichen auf
      check not input is initial.
      CPI_IN2 = INPUT.
      CLEAR : cpi_in, cpi_in3, cpi_out, OUTPUT, index, index2, merker,
              cpi_num2, cpi_num3.
        if cpi_in2+index(1) co '0123456789' and merker ne 'X'.
          cpi_in+index2(1) = cpi_in2+index(1).
          add 1 to index2.
        if cpi_in2+index(1) = ':'.
          merker = 'X'.
          clear index2.
        if cpi_in2+index(1) co '0123456789' and merker = 'X'.
          cpi_in3+index2(1) = cpi_in2+index(1).
          add 1 to index2.
        add 1 to index.
        if index = 5.
      if cpi_in3 is initial.
        cpi_out = cpi_in.
        cpi_num2     = cpi_in.
        cpi_num3     = cpi_in3.
        cpi_out(2)   = cpi_num2.
        cpi_out+2(2) = cpi_num3.
      if cpi_out(2) > 23.
        message e000 raising input_not_valid.
      if cpi_out+2(2) > 59.
        message e001 raising input_not_valid.
      output   = cpi_out.
    *  output+2(2) = cpi_in+3(2).
    The problem is when the user inputs an invalid value and presses directly after this F4 the conversion exit will call and I get the short dump DYNPRO_MSG_IN_HELP  when I trigger the error message.
    Is there any way to know that the program is in value-request? Maybe a system field? Can I catch this error?
    Thanks for help.

    Hello Lars,
    refering to OSS 84510 SAP does not allow error messages in this environment. However, to find out if you are in a F4- context you can use the kernel function 'DY_GET_DYNPRO_EVENT'
      data: event(3).
      "check if we are in F4 environment
      call 'DY_GET_DYNPRO_EVENT' id 'EVENT' field event.
      if sy-subrc <> 0 or ( event <> 'PAI'
                        and event <> 'INP' )."PAI also POV
        " not F4 help
        message e000 raising input_not_valid.
        "F4 help -> only S message
        message s000 display like 'E' raising input_not_valid.
    Kind regards, miro

  • Custom Conversion Exit for a Custom InfoObject

    Has anyone created a custom conversion exit for an InfoObject?
    I have a requirement to mask the first five digits of the Social Security Number on output only. I created a custom conversion exit ZCONV, for example and added code to the output function module CONVERSION_EXIT_ZCONV_OUTPUT to accomplish the masking. In the CONVERSION_EXIT_ZCONV_INPUT, I just passed INPUT to OUTPUT.
    It works OK for masking the output results but any input variables return an "Invalid Format" error. So I am not able to have a selection screen variable where you enter the SSN number and run the query for it. It tries to convert it to the masked form and then run the query.
    Any pointers. Helpful answers will be promptly rewarded.

    Since the ultimate goal was not to display Social Security Numbers, I changed the custom Conversion exit to display SID values. In case anyone needs to do the same, The output function module CONVERSION_EXIT_ZCONV_OUTPUT  is coded to read the SID value for the SSN number from the SID table of the InfoObject and the input function module CONVERSION_EXIT_ZCONV_INPUT does the reverse by reading the SSN number for the SID.
    Dropdowns on variable values work OK by displaying the SID value and the employee name. The only drawback is that you cannot input a SSN number on the selection variable. You have to do the dropdown and select.

  • Data collection: Conversion exit and Input Conversion of Local Currency

    I'm collecting transaction data from BI where the local currency for one company has no decimal places.
    Therefore if I collect the data with no conversion, the value is multiplied by 100 in BCS .
    has anyone used the Conversion Exit or Input Conversion options?
    - any feedback, tips or useful documentation/links you can point me to?
    All help much appreciated.

    Hi TheScotsman,
    I'm almost sure that the reason of this behaviour but the special treatment of some specific currencies (see the OSS note 153707). Just check if you have the currency in the TCURX table.
    If yes, then please go through the links:
    Re: Local Currency COP, KRW values wrong in report
    (I described symptoms)
    Re: Currency conversion cube to report
    (see the document in the link)
    Edited by: Eugene Khusainov on Sep 8, 2008 4:20 PM

  • Assigning Conversion Exit to a Select-Option on Selection Screen.

    Is it possible to assign Conversion Exit (Like ALPHA) to a Select-Option on a Selection Screen. If so can anyone please tell me how is this achieved.
    Thanks & Regards,
    P.S.: Points will be definitely awarded.

    Hi Anjaneyulu,
    Thanks for the Reply.
    But the problem comes here, when he enters both the ranges as well as single values, using the extension button provided for the select-option.
    One option i found was in the layout of selection screen, to the select-option i assigned the ALPHA as conversion exit. But it says that this will be over-written once program/screen is generated.
    Kindly let me know if any one has a solution for this.
    Thanks & Regards,

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