Conversion From BLOB to Bfile

I have table with a blob column. I need to extract the blob to a file on file system.
At the moment the DB is a 9.0, but we are about to migrate to 10.1
Does anybody know how to perform this action (possibly for both versions) ?
Thank in advance

if you have access to Oracle Metalink, then start here:

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  • Need some help extracting images from blobs...

    I want to upload a image to a oracle blob and then download it and display it into a browser using jsp. I am new to java as will as oracle and doing a project for the first time. I have searched the internet and found out some links:
    I feel the solutions given are very vogue and also tried the solutions posted in java forums itself. I would like to have simple example, step by step explanation for uploading an image into a oracle blob,download the image and display it in a browser using a jsp so that i can understand the concepts.
    Thank you SUN and JAVA PROGRAMMERS.

    thanks yogee,
    The creators of these examples have assumed that the developers are advanced users. I am not an advanced user. I am not even a intermediate user.
    1.....................................I understood this(Create Table)
    create table demo
    ( id        int primary key,
      theBlob    blob
    )/2...................................I understood this too(I suppose we are mapping the folder path)
    create or replace directory my_files as '/export/home/tkyte/public_html';3..................................I understood this too(upload the file into the blob)
        l_blob    blob;
        l_bfile    bfile;
        insert into demo values ( 1, empty_blob() )
        returning theBlob into l_blob;
        l_bfile := bfilename( 'MY_FILES', 'aria.gif' );
        dbms_lob.fileopen( l_bfile );
        dbms_lob.loadfromfile( l_blob, l_bfile,
                                   dbms_lob.getlength( l_bfile ) );
        dbms_lob.fileclose( l_bfile );
    /4..................................we are creating a package here. I got it.
    create or replace package image_get
        procedure gif( p_id in );
    /5...................................we are suppose to use this to extract the file from the blob. But where does this get stored?
    create or replace package body image_get
    procedure gif( p_id in )
        l_lob    blob;
        l_amt    number default 30;
        l_off   number default 1;
        l_raw   raw(4096);
        select theBlob into l_lob
            from demo
             where id = p_id;
            -- make sure to change this for your type!
        owa_util.mime_header( 'image/gif' );
         l_lob, l_amt, l_off, l_raw );
                  -- it is vital to use htp.PRN to avoid
                  -- spurious line feeds getting added to your
                  -- document
                  htp.prn( utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2( l_raw ) );
                  l_off := l_off+l_amt;
                  l_amt := 4096;
               end loop;
               when no_data_found then
    /6...............................Execute the procedure!
    exec image_get
    7..................................What after this step?
    I do not know servlets. I only know JSP? If you can please write a simple servlet to access the data and display it on the browser
    Sample servlet code is in the link as a last user comment. I couldn't understand head or tail.
    I appreciate your help.
    Message was edited by:

  • Blobs and bfiles

    i hav tried many examples of blobs and bfiles but without any success.
    when i used bfiles it creates a directory but i cant see the directory in the drive.
    even with blobs i have never been able to insert rows into it. i cannot even use Select * from tablename if it has a blob column
    can somebody help

    The directory is created in the DB and not on your disk
    You should be able to see it with a "select * from all_directories" ( if you have enough
    permisson )
    Then when you try to select all the data of the table that contains BLOB, you can't obtain the result. But you can do :
    select DBMS_LOB.GETLENGTH(name of the column that contains BFILE or BLOBS) from tabel
    You will obtain the size of the file inserted ...
    To see the images, you have to use Dev2k for instance.

  • Using BLOB or BFILE datatype

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    Currently I am thinking of using BLOB or BFILE to store documents (.doc, .pdf, .ppt, .rft, .csv). Can decide yet on which to use. Anyone got any recommendation on which to use?
    1. Any performace issue when using blob after i had stored it in a different tablespace?
    2. Will it take much longer time for export if to use blob.
    3. As for BFILE will it get corrupted if the physical files is delete or been moved to some other location?
    Thanks you in advance, you comments/advice is greatly appreciated..

    1. If the blob is in a different tablespace from the row it resides in, that is not a performance impact.
    2. Yes. And how much depends on how much blob data you have. This is because BFILE data is not exported, only the pointers are. So, if you have blob data, it IS exported, making for longer running exports.
    3. Yes. Well, not corrupted, but, of course, you won't be able to access the file. You must update it to point to the new name or location, which can be done with a simple update stmt thus:
    update bf set b = bfilename('d:\tmp','some_binary_file.dat')
    assuming column b is of type BFILE.
    Tom Best

  • Conversion of BLOB datatype to CLOB datatype

    I would need to convert the column datatype from BLOB to CLOB. currently in the table, the BLOB column has the data. the requirement is to convert this column from BLOB to CLOB datatype.
    please help me how to convert from BLOB datatype to CLOB datatype

    I have just been dealing with the same issue -- mass conversion of data in BLOB form to CLOB. I think I've finally got it working well. I have a table that has an key column then both a BLOB and a CLOB column. I load the BLOBS into the table then run the following PLSQL block (uses the given proc) to transfer the data from the BLOB column to the CLOB column.
    -- Proc to convert BLOB to CLOB
    create or replace function stg.blob_to_clob( p_blb in blob )  return clob  is
       v_clb   clob    ;
       v_dst   integer := 1 ;
       v_src   integer := 1 ;
       v_wrn   integer ;
       v_lng   integer := dbms_lob.default_lang_ctx ;
       dbms_lob.createtemporary ( v_clb, false ) ;
         ( dest_lob      =>  v_clb
         , src_blob      =>  p_blb
         , amount        =>  dbms_lob.lobmaxsize
         , dest_offset   =>  v_dst
         , src_offset    =>  v_src
         , blob_csid     =>  dbms_lob.default_csid
         , lang_context  =>  v_lng
         , warning       =>  v_wrn
       if  ( dbms_lob.NO_WARNING != v_wrn )  then
          v_clb := '~~~{ Error: Invalid Character in source BLOB }~~~' ;
       end if ;
       return v_clb ;     
       when others then
          v_clb := '~~~{ Error: BLOB Conversion Function Failed }~~~' ;
          return v_clb ;
    end ;
    -- Use the proc above to convert each BLOB to a CLOB in the given table.
       cursor c1 is
          /* Select the BLOBS to be converted. */
          select  id,  m_blob,  m_clob
            from  stg.temp_cnvrt
                  /* Trying to convert NULL BLOBS will result in an error */
           where  dbms_lob.getlength(m_blob) > 0
          for update ;
       v_tmp_clob   clob ;
       FOR  nxt in c1  LOOP
          v_tmp_clob := stg.blob_to_clob( nxt.m_blob ) ;
          update  stg.temp_cnvrt
             set  m_clob = v_tmp_clob
           where  current of c1 ;  
       END LOOP ;
       commit ;
    end ;

  • Can not retrieve cell data content From BLOB object.

    I have load Image into Georaster with Raster_Table following:
    create table rdt_1 of mdsys.sdo_raster
    (primary key (rasterId, pyramidLevel, bandBlockNumber,
    rowBlockNumber, columnBlockNumber))
    lob(rasterblock) store as (nocache nologging);
    After I load Image successful, I continue load all cell data into BLOB object by:
    gr sdo_georaster;
    lb blob;
    SELECT georaster INTO gr FROM georaster_table WHERE georid=2;
    dbms_lob.createTemporary(lb, FALSE);
    sdo_geor.getRasterData(gr, 0, lb);
    Please give me simple PL/SQL to retrieval content from BLOB object!
    Thank You very much!

    BLOB stands for Binary Large OBject. However the acronym has a pleasing affinity with the actual nature of the thing. In a database a BLOB is an undiffereniated mass of bytes. We don't know whether it's a spreadsheet or a word document or an image. So there is no out-of-the-box API for treating a BLOB as it's native file type.
    Having said that there may be something in the Spatial API that works with such things - you might be better off asking the question in Spatial. Although I suspect that venue doesn't get as much through traffic as this one.
    Cheers, APC

  • Getting issue while downloading 4 to 5 gb file from blob storage.

    Hi i have to download a file from blob storage upto 3 to 5 gb .
    Below is my code:
    Label lblfilename = (Label)row.FindControl("lblGrid_filename");
        Label lblfilesize = (Label)row.FindControl("lblGrid_hidfileSize");
        string downloadfile = lblfilename.Text.ToString();
       // DownloadFileFromBlob(downloadfile, CONTAINER, ACCOUNTKEY);
        AccountFileTransfer = CloudStorageAccount.Parse("DefaultEndpointsProtocol=https;AccountName=" + ACCOUNTNAME + ";AccountKey=" + ACCOUNTKEY);
        if (AccountFileTransfer != null)
            BlobClientFileTransfer = AccountFileTransfer.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            ContainerFileTransfer = BlobClientFileTransfer.GetContainerReference(CONTAINER);
            BlobRequestOptions options = new BlobRequestOptions();
            options.Timeout = new TimeSpan(0, 180, 0);
        var data = Regex.Match(lblfilesize.Text.ToString(), @"\d+").Value;
        int value32;
        Int64 value64;
        var blobSize = 0L;
        var blockSize = 0L;
        var offset = 0L;
        if (int.TryParse(data, out value32))
            blobSize = Convert.ToInt32(lblfilesize.Text.ToString());
        else if (Int64.TryParse(data, out value64))
            blobSize = Convert.ToInt64(lblfilesize.Text.ToString());
        var blob = ContainerFileTransfer.GetBlockBlobReference(downloadfile);
        var sasUrl = blob.Uri.AbsoluteUri;
        CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = new CloudBlockBlob(sasUrl);
        //blobSize = Convert.ToInt32(lblfilesize.Text.ToString());
        blockSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024;
        Response.ContentType = "APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM";
        System.String disHeader = "Attachment; Filename=\"" + blockBlob.Name + "\"";
        //Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", disHeader);
        for (offset = 0; offset < blobSize; offset += blockSize)
            using (var blobStream = blockBlob.OpenRead())
                if ((offset + blockSize) > blobSize)
                    blockSize = (blobSize - offset);
                byte[] buffer = new byte[blockSize];
                blobStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
    SNAPSHOT of error:

    Hi Will thanks per the reply
    I have make some changes in the code and now i am using the v4.0.30319 azure storage for downloading and able to download a file upto 3.5 GB. Now the problem is that each file size is showing 0 KB.
    Here is my code and snapshot:
      Button btndownloadrow = (Button)sender;
        GridViewRow row = (GridViewRow)btndownloadrow.NamingContainer;
        Label lblfilename = (Label)row.FindControl("lblGrid_filename");
        Label lblfilesize = (Label)row.FindControl("lblGrid_hidfileSize");
        string downloadfile = lblfilename.Text.ToString();
        CloudStorageAccount AccountFileTransfer = CloudStorageAccount.Parse("DefaultEndpointsProtocol=http;AccountName=" + ACCOUNTNAME + ";AccountKey=" + ACCOUNTKEY);
        // Create the blob client.
        CloudBlobClient BlobClientFileTransfer = AccountFileTransfer.CreateCloudBlobClient();
        // Retrieve reference to a previously created container.
        CloudBlobContainer ContainerFileTransfer = BlobClientFileTransfer.GetContainerReference("filetransfer");
        if (AccountFileTransfer != null)
            BlobClientFileTransfer = AccountFileTransfer.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            CloudBlockBlob pageBlob = ContainerFileTransfer.GetBlockBlobReference(CONTAINER);
            BlobRequestOptions options = new BlobRequestOptions();
            options.ServerTimeout= new TimeSpan(0, 180, 0);
        var data = Regex.Match(lblfilesize.Text.ToString(), @"\d+").Value;
        int value32;
        Int64 value64;
        var blobSize = 0L;
        var blockSize = 0L;
        var offset = 0L;
        if (int.TryParse(data, out value32))
            blobSize = Convert.ToInt32(lblfilesize.Text.ToString());
        else if (Int64.TryParse(data, out value64))
            blobSize = Convert.ToInt64(lblfilesize.Text.ToString());
        CloudBlockBlob blob = ContainerFileTransfer.GetBlockBlobReference(downloadfile);
        var sasUrl = blob.Uri;
        CloudBlockBlob blockBlob = new CloudBlockBlob(sasUrl);
        //blobSize = Convert.ToInt32(lblfilesize.Text.ToString());
        blockSize = 4 * 1024 * 1024;
        Response.ContentType = "APPLICATION/OCTET-STREAM";
        System.String disHeader = "Attachment; Filename=\"" + blockBlob.Name + "\"";
        Response.AppendHeader("Content-Disposition", disHeader);
       // blob.DownloadToStream(Response.OutputStream);
       // byte[] bytes = new byte[blockSize];
        for (offset = 0; offset < blobSize; offset += blockSize)
            using (var blobStream = blockBlob.OpenRead())
                if ((offset + blockSize) > blobSize)
                    blockSize = (blobSize - offset);
            byte[] buffer = new byte[blockSize];
                blobStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);
    Please suggest me if i am missing any logic.

  • Display data from BLOB column.

    Hi All,
    I want to display data from blob datatype field, which contains HTML and GIF both files.
    If I set it's property from file format IMAGE then i get data only gif.
    if anybody have answer plz revert back...

    Hi Juned
    What I suggest is that you may have overlapping fields. One to show HTML and other to show GIF. You need to add one more column to your table in order identify if the BLOB is GIF or HTML.
    In the Format Trigger of each of these two fields, inspect the value of flag column and hide one field if the datatype is not its type.
    For instance, if flag field is 0 then hide Image field and show HTML field. If flag field is 1 then show Image field and hide HTML field.

  • Getting ÿþ as saved conversations from Lync in Outlook in Office 2013

    I've been trying to get to the bottom of this and have found similar posts, but no one seems to have an answer.
    When I IM someone using Lync 2013, they get a pop up notification but instead of the message they see ÿþ<.  Once they open the chat window, they can see my typed text.  Occasionally, certain people can't see the first line of my chat, but as
    long as they keep the chat window open, they can see everything new I type.
    All my conversations that are saved in outlook show ÿþ< for the text and are unreadable.  I've disabled the saving of conversations because they have become worthless.
    I believe it has to do with BOM but have not been able to find a way to fix this.
    If I copy a conversation from the chat window and paste it into Microsoft Word it shows ÿþ<, but if I paste it into notepad the conversation appears.
    (I had inserted a screenshot here, but am unable to because I am unable to figure out how to get my account "verified")
    I've tried changing the preferred encoding for outgoing messages: to Unicode (UTF-8) in Outlook, but this had no effect and I can't find a similar option in Lync 2013.
    (I had inserted a screenshot here, but am unable to because I am unable to figure out how to get my account "verified")
    I enabled logging for Lync and the event IDs that come up are 1, 11 and 12, to which I cannot find any information for at the moment.
    Any help and or suggestions would be appreciated.

    Did the issue happen only for you or for multiple users?
    Please try to delete Lync User Profile and information on Registry, then repair Office 2013.
    The path of Lync User Profile: %UserProfile%\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync
    The path for information on Registry: HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Office\15.0\Lync\[email protected]
    Then test the issue again.
    Best Regards,
    Eason Huang
    Eason Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Project Conversion from 11.03 to R12- need help

    Hi All,
    I need some information regarding conversion from 11.03 to R12 along with Capital Project's conversion, do we need to take care Asset Assignment and Assets information at the time of Project Conversion. Iam doing Project and Task conversion different. Is there any good mapping document or Conversion FD, if any body have please send my mail ID. [email protected]
    Thanks for your help.

    Usually only Open Invoices and Unapplied Receipts are migrated from Old system to New Instance.
    Post Migration Reconciliation shall be tough in that scenario. Reconsider/Rediscuss with Client.
    Migration can be done using APIs or Custom Scripts using Standard Interfaces.
    Hope this is helpful

  • How can I open different binary files from BLOB column ?

    If we store some type of binary file (XLS, DOC, PDF, EML and so on, not only pictures) in BLOB column how can I show the different contents? We use designer and forms 9i with PL/SQL.
    How can I copy the files from BLOB to file in a directory or how can I pass BLOB's content to the proper application directly to open it?

    The mime type is just a string as explained above (e.g. application/pdf...). There are lot of samples here and on metalink.
    E.g. add a column mime_type varchar(30) to your blob table. Create a procedure similar to the following:
    PROCEDURE getblob
    vblob blob;
    vmime_type myblobs.mime_type%type;
    length number;
         select document, mime_type into vblob,vmime_type from myblobs where docname = p_file;
         length := dbms_lob.getlength(vblob);
         if length = 0 or vblob is null then
         htp.p('Document not available yet.');
         htp.p('Content-Length: ' || dbms_lob.getlength(vblob));
         end if;
         when others then
    Create a DAD on your application server (refer to documentation on how to create a DAD).
    Display the blob from forms (e.g. on a when-button-pressed trigger):
    For storing blobs in a directory on your db server take a look at the dbms_lob package.
    For storing blobs in a directory on your app server take a look at WebUtil available on OTN.
    Gerald Krieger

  • Since downloading Firefox 4, I am having problems archiving gmail conversations from my inbox view. Also, when I go to enter a new event in google calendar, I now have to click the cursor in the box to type the event (it used to let me just start typing).

    Since downloading Firefox 4, I am having problems archiving gmail conversations from my inbox view (either one or several conversations) as it says "No Conversations Selected" when I have selected one or several. Also, when I go to enter a new event in google calendar, I have to click the cursor in the box to type the event (it used to let me just start typing) or else it flips out and starts jumping to day view or another month. Does anyone know how to fix either of these?

    I have had this problem; but while trying to fix another problem, I reset my preferences for Firefox and it fixed this problem as well. To reset preferences, follow this link:

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    How can I print a text message conversation from my iPhone? Not using screenshots. It's around 500 messages so screenshots is not a option.

    Yes, you can delete from iphone:
    It is covered in the manual.
    Page 172:
    "Delete a podcast: In the Podcasts list in iPod, swipe left or right over the podcast, then
    tap Delete. "

  • Page numbers incorrect after conversion from Excel to pdf

    Page numbers incorrect after conversion from Excel to pdf
    ""This above link (thread:834599) is from a case back in 2011 that claims to solve this problem, but it does not solve this problem. I think that customer only cared about having continuous page numbering, not discrete page numbering per sheet.
    I still have this issue in Acrobat XI and MS Office Professional Plus 2010. I keep upgrading to no avail. This regression has resulted in a huge time drain for me. If you fixed it, please explain how I can get my hands on the resolution.
    Previous versions of Excel and Adobe Acrobat enabled flexibility around the "Page #" of "Number of Pages" (Page &[Page] of &[Pages]) token, depending on context and usage. The "# of pages" token could represent EITHER the number of pages in the workbook OR the number of pages in the tab/sheet, depending on how you generated the PDF:
    You could select "Selected Sheets" and then select all or some of the individual sheets in the workbook, and the PDF would honor the discrete numbering of each of the sheets, so the first page of each sheet was p1 and the "# of pages" was the number of pages in the sheet; not the number of pages in the workbook; or
    You could select "Entire Workbook" and the PDF would honor continuous page numbers across all sheets, as a single document.
    Now, it only honors the total number of pages in the workbook, regardless of the method you use to publish to PDF: saving as PDF, printing to PDF, using "createPDF" from Acrobat plugin to Excel's menu ribbon; selecting all sheets, some sheets, or Entire Workbook; automatic First page number or "1" under Page Setup > Page> First page number. (This last option, btw, does restart every sheet at p1, but it hardly makes sense if the total number of pages is still the total number in the workbook instead of the number in the sheet.)
    I spent a lot of time trying each which way that the blog posts recommended and have tried this on multiple versions of Excel and Acrobat now.
    NONE of these time-consuming experiments gave me what I wanted.They all insist that "Page #" of "Number of Pages" (Page &[Page] of &[Pages]) is the total number of pages in the workbook or the total number of pages in the selected sheets combined.
    The numbering are correct in Excel Page Layout.
    The same issue happens when using LibreOffice calc. (Although, I never tested with Libre Office before, so I don't know that it ever worked).
    The workaround now is to create PDF for each spreadsheet one at a time, and then compile them using the Acrobat combine/binder feature. All alternatives are extremely time consuming and tedious. It used to be automatic. This is a major regression that has gone untreated for over a year now, maybe two years.
    My task takes infinitely more time to complete than it did with previous versions of Acrobat. That means that days are added to my project, when the functionality used to enable a quick pdf generation that was ready for review, now I have to do this very manual time-consuming set of steps to generate a draft. As the project has grown and more tabs are added, my pdf-generation task takes that much longer. We require lots of drafts. It used to be easy and fast. Now it is hard and time-consuming.
    In my opinion, the problem is not Excel; it is Acrobat because it was introduced with an upgrade in Acrobat, not an upgrade in Excel. The problem was introduced in Acrobat 9 or 10. Please provide a patch or add-on or something.

    If you are setting up the page numbers in Excel, the resulting PDF would display the the page numbers created in Excel. On Excel 2010 support page, ( HA010342619.aspx#BM2) is stated the following "tip" which indicates by default Excel 2010 starts numbering each tab with 1. Exel's workaround tip is below - 
    Set a different number for the starting page
    Tip   To number all of the worksheet pages in a workbook sequentially, first add page numbers to all worksheets in a workbook, and then use the following procedure to begin the page number for each worksheet with the appropriate number. For example, if your workbook contains two worksheets that with both be printed as two pages, you would use this procedure to begin the page numbering for the second worksheet with the number 3.
    On the Page Layout tab, in the Page Setup group, click the Dialog Box Launcher next to Page Setup.
    On the Page tab, in the First page number box, type the number that you want to use for the first page.
    Tip   To use the default numbering system, type Auto in the First page number box.
    Also helpful in the same section is the note on viewing page numbers. To see if the page numbering dilemma originates in Excel make sure you are using the Page Layout View see below:
    Hide All
    If you want numbers shown on pages when you print a worksheet  you can insert page numbers in the headers or footers of the worksheet pages. Page numbers that you insert are not displayed on the worksheet in Normal view — they are shown only in Page Layout view and on the printed pages.
    Overall it may be easier not to create the page numbers in Excel but instead create then in Acrobat using the Headers and Footers option in Acrobat.  I hope this helps - it sounds like a frustrating issue you are experiencing.

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