Conversions for web

I have iMovie HD '06 and Final Cut Express and was wondering if there is a way to covert files created in these to .wmv files for the web.
I have done an export to Quicktime for the web and it is good but many web developers like wmv files for some reason.
Are there any special methods to convert it or freeware, shareware or anything else anyone knows about?

With Flip4Mac installed, Simply hit Export and navigate to the encoding format you want.
Look at the videos here

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  • Quicktime conversion for web...

    am usually good at this!
    i have a quicktime movie, about 270 megs (short).
    i want to post it on the web; i tried making an mp4; set it up in dreamweaver, uploaded to the web, and all i get is the "Q" symbol.
    i tried changing "mp4" to "mov"; plays locally on my mac!
    what settings do i use to get a smaller-file, half-size, qt movie on the website??
    and should it be an mp4, or sorensen 3, or??

    Please post a URL so we can check the page code and the .mp4 file.
    270 MB's is not a small file. What software did you use to create it? What is its current size and what codecs were used? Use the Movie Info window to find out and post back.

  • Prep for Web use

    Does anyone know where I can get info on web streaming, conversion for web use of FCP files or files submitted by clients. Conversion of PC files to mac and back for the above purposes.

    Welcome to the family.
    The FCP manual and the compressor manual are chuck full of'that stuff although I assume you do not own FCP or you would not be asking this question. You would have opened the index first.
    Start with google (or your favorite competitor) and look for encoding and transcoding.
    There are probably 1,000 excellent sites on the Web devoted to various products and practices and advice for users.
    Amazon will show you fifteen or twenty great books on the subject. You will need several because the science keeps changing and the craft is actually quite difficult.

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    i'm lokking to put up videos on my website for streaming and i want to get the best possible conversion with the best quality,any suggestions? < </div>
    The topic comes up weekly, sometimes daily, so you've got lots of advice to rummage through. However, you must determine if you want streaming files, which require the QT Streaming Server application, or you're actualy downloading with quick start. Huge difference.
    Be aware, the term "best" is not applicable to compression for Web video. You can have image size, frame rate, and image quality be better but only one at a time. Pick one, the others suffer. It's a question of bit rate, not file size. Time to take your Compressor manual to the gym with you. Transcoding is a difficult and complex process.

  • Best conversion for the web site

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    I made a Video with my HD camera and made a nice movie in iMovie HD 6 in 1080i-30. what is the best conversion to view it on my web site. I have tried a few of the settings but none thrill me. all either too small or too square. What are the best settings for wide screen conversion for the web?

    hey everyone
    just wanted to say thanks, I have been working on my 1st iMovie project and had a few questions and everyone here was great
    I finished my 1st iMovie project yesterday and posted it to the web site today
    I just bought the Cannon HV20 camera on Monday 5/7/07 and shot this Video on Tuesday night 5/8/07. I have never owned a Video camera before and true to the advertisement the canon was just point and shoot and I got pretty decent Video. We passed the camera around to everyone in the band so that everyone could shoot a little and everyone could be in the video. next time I think i'll bring a friend to shoot so we can just play.
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  • Gif becomes grainy/pixelated in 'Save For Web'

    Hello! I recently switched laptops and I have been having major issues trying to regain the quality gifs I used to make. After I have my gif set to go, I go to save it in 'Save For Web'. This is where all of my problems start. My gif no longer looks smooth, but the entire thing has a grainy or pixelated look -- and it doesn't change no matter how I fiddle with my settings. When switching from the 'original' to the 'optimized' tab in the save for web page, you can obviously see a loss of quality. It may be slight, but it makes a huge difference to me.
    Here's a side by side reference:
    Not sure if it will help, but here are my settings when saving (I have changed from 'pattern' to 'diffusion' and nothing changes):
    Thank you for any help you can provide!

    First, JJMack is correct: lots of colours (around 32100) in this example do make it harder to convert without grain.
    Second, the quality of the GIFs you produced in Save for Web (SfW) prior to the purchase of the new laptop were never any "better" - it merely means that the previous screen was unable to display the results at a decent enough quality to actually discern the differences between the original and the GIF version with reduced colours. Screen quality does matter.
    Second, Photoshop's Save for Web colour reduction algorithms are quite old-fashioned, and (far) better methods are available. Not in Photoshop, however. For a good conversion you will have to look elsewhere.
    Here is the original version @2x zoom (32101 colours):
    Photoshop's version. The best visual quality I could achieve in SfW (diffusion dither at 81%, perceptual). Obvious banding issues, and a very grainy result.
    Next up: RIOT (Radical Image Optimization Tool). RIOT features a newer "NeuQuant neural-net" colour quantization algorithm. Notice how the gradients are quite nicely retained, although here and there some issues pop up (lips/makeup, building, arm highlight, and greenery are missing colour). Overall, though, the final result is much less grainy looking than Photoshop's effort. At the expense of smaller areas with unique colours.
    Next, let's try Color Quantizer with standard settings,  a two factor gradient priority, and 256 colours. Dithering was set to Shiau-Fan @75%. Slight banding in the lighter areas of the background, and the building and lips are again missing colours from the original. Much less grainy than Photoshop's version.
    Colour Quantizer features a quality mask brush, which allows us to safeguard smaller areas with unique colours from colour degradation. I painted a mask for the lips, the building and greenery in the background, the skin of the woman on the right in the background, the lighter area around the vent, and the forehead to preserve those areas' quality as much as possible.
    I feel this result speaks for itself. There is slight banding visible in the lighter area of the wall on the right, but still much less pronounced compared to SfW's version. The colours are all there, especially the important ones for the makeup and the smooth facial tones of Kate. The shoulder's highlight is also preserved nicely. Even the woman on the right in the background looks spot on (which was yet another sore point in SfW's version).
    Arguably the best version. Far superior to Photoshop's failed effort.
    Fourth, if you are still using GIF to optimize still images: STOP NOW. GIF is terrible in comparison to properly optimized and compressed PNG files. Only use GIF when small animated movies are your goal.
    Here is a 512 colour version produced in Color Quantizer (Photoshop's SfW function lets us down once more, unfortunately: there is no option to reduce an image to 512 colours for PNG):
    This last version is visually (mostly) indistinguishable from the original, and clocks in at only 52kb.
    Of course, if you are saving this as a still image, jpg should have been your choice in the first place, since it is a photo.
    - avoid Photoshop's "Save for Web" function if your intention is a quality colour reduction;
    - avoid GIF for still images. Either use PNG or JPG. JPG works best for photos;
    - avoid Photoshop and SfW if your intention is to optimize PNGs well. Sfw cannot save PNG files with reduced colours beyond 256 colours;
    - fall back to external and/or online utilities to optimize PNG and GIF files. Color Quantizer and RIOT deliver better results than SfW. Or use online optimization tools to optimize animated GIFs (Optimize animated GIF). You can also optimize each frame in a tool such as CQ, and then import the individual frames into a animated GIF utility. Remember, each frame can save its own custom 256 colour palette;
    - for optimum quality a quality mask tool, such as the one in CQ, is a very effective and efficient method to guarantee the best possible conversion;
    - file sizes of png files created in external utilities almost always beat the ones generated in Photoshop and SfW;
    - a better choice to export PNG files is Photoshop CC Generator. At least that one allows for 8bit PNG files with full transparency (another missing essential feature that SfW fails to provide).
    Other resources (these refer to png, but are also effective for GIF optimization in Photoshop):
    PNG Optimization Guide: More Clever Techniques - Smashing Magazine
    Color Quantizer: Color quantizer
    RIOT standalone version (no installation required):

  • Color difference between PNG and JPG in Save For Web

    I am working on a website and I while building images for the site I am using a mix of png and jpg images. When I "Save for Web" the same source image creates two different color images when I save them as either png or jpg. How do I make sure the images are saving with identical colors in both png and jpg. Thanks

    >My working space is Adobe RGB but I'm not opening the sRGB PNG into Adobe RGB. I am choosing "Leave as is (don't color manage)" this should preserve the PNG's RGB numbers.
    are you certain it is not being converted when you open it?
    The numbers you quoted are the numbers I get if I open an untagged sRGB image into Adobe RGB (assuming Adobe RGB), and then convert to sRGB.
    If I open my sRGB images, either PNG or JPEG, into sRGB, they always match. I've been working on a web site for the past 3 weeks, doing this regularly.
    If you are working in Adobe RGB with sRGB images that are not tagged, you add a level of complexity that requires you make the right decision at every step. You need to open them without conversion, then assign sRGB, to keep working.
    Or just open the images in Firefox 2, which cannot color manage, and see if the sRGB jpeg and the sRGB PNG match. This is the acid test.

  • Save for Web... and grayscale images

    I noticed a strange behavior when I use "Save for Web and Devices" on scanned BW negatives...
    I import the negatives via the scanner's twain driver in Photoshop as 16bit grayscale images. My grayscale working space is normally set to the default DotGain 20% profile. When I want to show these images on the web, I use "Save for Web and Devices..." and I have selected the convert to sRGB option. For some reason, the "embed color profile" option is disabled (grayed out) when the document is in grayscale mode.
    When I view the the exported image (in a color managed application or browser) it looks too dark and shadow detail is lost. Examining the file info shows that the JPG file is in RGB color space and has the sRGB profile assigned.
    When I convert the image to RGB mode before I do save for web... the exported image will look exactly like it looked in Photoshop. Also, the mode change doesn't cause a change in appearance. Also, after changing to RGB, the "embed color profile" option in save for web... becomes enabled.
    I experimented with other working color spaces and noticed that an image exported from a grayscale image in "GrayGamma 2.2" working color space will display almost like an image that was exported from a grayscale image converted to RGB.
    I would like to understand this behavior and whether it is correct. My assumption would be that a conversion to sRGB during the export should yield the same result like a manual conversion of the image in photoshop but for some reason the results are quite different.
    How can I export my grayscale images to sRGB JPG without having to convert to RGB manually while preserving the tonality from the original image?
    I have attached an image which I hope might illustrate the effect I'm describing. The crop on left hand side looks as expected and is the result of exporting from an image that was converted from grayscale to RGB mode (sRGB working space) before using save for web...
    The image in the middle is the result from converting to GrayGamma 2.2 color space but leaving the image in grayscale mode before saving for web and devices. It is almost identical to the crop on the left. The crop on the right hand side is the result of using save for web and devices from the original image in grayscale mode with the default DotGain 20% profile.

    These are my settings. Are they the same in your SFW dialog?

  • Save for Web Image Is Offset

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    If you are trying to save as a jpeg, gif or png then you are rasterizing the vector graphic, which is likely the case of the 'white' space.
    To get around this, try creating bleed of 2 pixels all the way around the artboard and then use the crop tool to crop the image to 220x88.
    An alternative to this would be to open the file saved for the web in Photoshop or Fireworks and fill in the white/blank space.

  • Errors in Export to PDF for web use - some images are lost when PDF is enlarged & in browser

    I have a multi-page PDF in InDesign CS6 that I want to export to view on the web. I need the file to stay under 2MB, and I need it to be crisp and nice enough to read the type on the page (as small as 9pt type).
    The errors that are occurring are the following:
    On some browsers, some images will entirely not show up. Some of the missing images have been pasted into the document, some placed. I cannot think of a correlation.
    When the PDF is enlarged (Adobe Acrobat X 10.1.10) to more than ~200%, there is one placed image that will mostly disappear. What I mean by "mostly" is that little bits of it are still visible, like I masked it carelessly or something. Since this is only occurring with one image it seems that it would be a problem with the image itself, yes? I'm all ears if I'm making a mistake. It is a placed .ai file with no link errors. Should I not be placing directly from illustrator? It renders wonderfully from 100% all the way up to 188%, and then if you enlarge by margins of 1% little bits of it disappear, almost a chunk at a time.
    The way I've been exporting is:
    File > Export > Adobe PDF (Print)
    Adobe PDF Preset: Smallest File Size
    Standard: None
    Compatinility: Acrobat 6 (PDF 1.5)
    Options: Optimize for Fast Web View
    Export Layers: Visible & Printable Layers
    I always change the downsampling from [100/150] to [150/225]. I usually leave the JPG image quality low. I leave both bottom boxes checked (compress text and line art, crop image data to frames)
    Color Conversion: convert to destination
    Destination: sRGB 1EC61966-2.1
    Profile Inclusion Policy: Include Destination Profile
    However, after reading a few other forum questions I started trying to export as Acrobat 4 so that it would flatten. When I do that, problem #2 still persists although I didn't test problem #1. I haven't tried using Distiller, and using the "prepare for web publishing" action within Acrobat itself makes the PDF too artifacted.
    At the heart of my question is this: I am a young designer at an old company that is not necessarily keeping up with the times. I REALLY want to know what the best, most efficient way to export a pdf for web viewing is. Does this exist in InDesign, outside of InDesign? Does it exist at all? Tell me what I'm doing wrong so that I can get better!
    Thank you in advance.

    Show Large Images is a preference inside of Acrobat which might be disabled.
    Acrobat - File > Preferences

  • PNG changing colors using save for web (CS2)

    Im having a problem with making PNG pictures when using the "save for web" function (this also happens in Image ready)
    I make an image in sRGB color space and chose "save for web" and set the settings, all looks fine and i save it as png8 or png24.
    Then when i view it in a browser the colors af "off" (desaturated) ??
    But if i chose "Save as" in Photoshop, and chose png, and save it that way, the color macth up and looks allright.
    What im a doing wrong ??
    I have made a test with to sets of colors / picture one with "websave" color and one without then save them "using save for web" in gif, jpg with profile, png8 and png24
    The gif and jpg goes well but the png's colors goes "off"
    I also saved the to files using "save as" and here the png's colors looks fine
    (Ther are also some screendums of my color setting, "save for web" setting and my screen profile if that can be of anny help
    Also! can anybody tell me this ?
    When using "save as" i cant chose what png im saving as ? (8 or 24) What type of png dos PS use when you save it like that ???

    Now I've read up on it, it seems the issue is indeed gamma.
    (I really appreciate the "that's impossible, you must be doing something wrong" comments, by the way. Not "hmm, I don't know," but actually "what you've described in detail isn't happening; you're imagining things." Super helpful.)
    Anyway the real question is: is there a way to stop Photoshop from including gamma data? It's apparently an optional portion of the PNG spec.
    The whole gamma thing is unfortunate, but the *really* unfortunate bit is that Photoshop includes this information at all, particularly in a Save for Web context.
    Most importantly, it seems this has been an issue for some time (Google "PNG Photoshop gamma"), and PNG is usually used for web, so why on Earth hasn't Adobe addressed this? Let's not forget that Photoshop is the industry-leading tool, and the Extended version costs $1000 by itself. The only options I've seen for saving as PNG in PS so far is sRGB conversion, bit depth, transparency, and interlacing. This whole gamma thing seems pretty unacceptable behavior, even by default.
    I'm looking into pngcrush; does anyone have a simpler solution to strip the gamma information? Of course, if there's a way to do this in Photoshop itself, please please let me know.

  • Converting InDesign File to PDF for Web

    I designed an ad that is to be used for web view only in InDesign (CS3 on PC). The file restrictions I have been given require that it is 72dpi and a PDF file. When I convert to PDF(smallest file size,no spot colors, compressed), I end up with a file that is 4MB. I'm assuming a file that is 72dpi and 6.25"x9.25" shouldn't be that big. When I look at the "Audit Space Usage" window, 90% is under "Contents Stream" (I don't know what this means).
    I'm new to creating files for web viewing so I'm not sure how to go about accomplishing this without losing image quality. I've tried "reducing file size" and the "PDF Optimizer" in Acrobat. I always get the message "The PDF document contained image masks that were not downsampled." when I attempt this.
    What do I need to do to create a PDF file with these specifications that will retain some of the image quality (won't look pixelated and be read-able)? I don't mind recreating the ad in Illustrator, or Photoshop if I can guarantee that I can end up where I need to be.
    I would really appreciate any tips on this!!

    You mention pictures. If the file is mostly pictures, then the first step is to reduce the picture content, possibly by using 256 colors rather than millions and such. Check the properties of the settings file for the conversion (I don't have current versions available to check right now - you also did not mention your Acrobat version). It is probably best to down sample in a graphics program such as Illustrator or Photoshop (depending on the image being vector or bitmap) and then include them in the original. It is always a good idea to work on a copy and leave the original in place. Trying to do the reduction in Acrobat is not the best approach.

  • How do I compress a 2 min FCP video into 100MB for web upload?

    How do I compress a 2 min FCP video into 100MB for web upload?
    I have FCP v.7 as a part of FCStudio
    OK, this may seem like a stupid question for most of you but I haven't used FCP for years.  I am trying to make and upload a 2 min video to the web and don't know how to turn it into a size of 100MB or less.
    Yes, I realize that I have Compressor but it does not work on my computer for some reason.  I think my laptop is too old for it or something.
    It needs to be in one of these formats and I would like to use the highest quality.  Suggestions needed for this also since this will be my first attempt at an uploaded video.
    .MOV, .WMV, .AVI, .MPG, .3GP, 3G2, .QTL, OR .MP4
    Any help would be wonderful!
    MacBook Pro, OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.3), 750GB HD, 2.2 GHz, 6 GB RAM

    First, let me apologize for the way we were chatting on your thread while waiting.
    Let me summerize what I think we have here:
    1. You have a 2 minute show you want to convert to some codec appropriate for high quality presentation, but under 100MB final filesize.
    2. You feel you don't want to use Compressor or a preset for YouTube.
    3. You're in a hurry.
    The fastest and highest quality method of making this conversion is using Compressor. It is designed to do precisely what you ask. The codec you want is H.264.
    The YouTube preset is being suggested not because we think you're going to upload the clip to that site, but because the YouTube preset is a remarkably easy way to get a HQ H.264 clip with acceptable filesize. I'm staring at a 3:40 clip of 1080p that would knock your socks off and it's 90MB!
    Even on a laptop the conversion is a matter of minutes.
    If you're OK with my arguement, I'll write out a step-by-step proc for you and you can be done with this in time for that primetime show you want to watch.  OK?

  • Actions and Save for Web

    I have tried to research this on my own searching the forum and asking users far more advanced than I am to no avail. I thought it might be possible that someone here would know whether what I want is feasible.
    I use the "Optimize to file size" feature in the Save For Web Panel constantly. I am planning on doing a large amount of conversions in the near future (by which I mean resaving .jpegs at a certain dimension and resolution. As far as the dimension and resolution go, there is no difficulty creating an action to do that. But the icing on the cake for me is have them all processed through Save for Web at a certain file size (for the sake of argument, say 500K). Yes, I know that the resulting images will vary in quality (obviously) because the end result will very much depend on their file size to begin with but that is not an issue for me for my purposes.
    Save for Web has various presets and allows you to save presets; however, it does not allow you to save the Optimize to file size as a preset. When I try to record an action, and go to the Save for Web, use the Optimize etcetera, the action created lists the quality of the image I process to record the action. So, for example, if my image is less than 500K, the quality recorded in the action is 100. If my image exceeds 500K, the quality might be 86 and that is what the action records. For whatever reason, what is recorded is the quality rather than the 500K. I am not sure if this is being written clearly enough to explain. I want every image to end up being 500K regardless of what the final quality is (quality being the difference between the original image and the image as saved by Save for Web). But actions are saving the attribute of quality rather than file size.  Sigh. I think I am just repeating myself trying to make it clear but probably failing. In case a screen shot helps clarify, here it is. If this can't be done, I would love to know that so I can give up trying.

    I want every image to end up being 500K regardless of what the final quality is (quality being the difference between the original image and the image as saved by Save for Web).
    You may have to resort to Scripting for this task … it may need a fairly convoluted approach but I think it has come up before, so someone may be able to help you over at

  • Want docs for Web Dynpro ABAP

    Hi All ,
    Can anyone please send me the Docs or link for Web Dynpro ABAP .
    Thanks in advance

    Web Dynpro ABAP
    Also, I have the official Web Dynpro for ABAP documentation. Please let me know if I should send it to you.
    Hope that the following also helps you.
    Web Dynpro for ABAP (WD4A, WDA) is the SAP standard UI technology for developing Web
    applications in the ABAP environment. It consists of a runtime environment and a graphical
    development environment with special Web Dynpro tools that are integrated in the ABAP
    Workbench (SE80).
    Web Dynpro offers the following advantages for application developers:
    ? The use of declarative and graphical tools significantly reduces the implementation
    ? Web Dynpro supports a structured design process
    ? Strict separation between layout and business data
    ? Reuse and better maintainability by using components
    ? The layout and navigation is easily changed using the Web Dynpro tools
    ? Stateful applications are supported – that is, if the page is changed and the required
    data remains intact so that you can access it at any time throughout the entire
    application context.
    Note that stateless applications are not possible.
    ? Automatic data transport using data binding
    ? Automatic input check
    ? Automatic operation of the Web Dynpro application using the keyboard
    ? User interface accessibility is supported
    ? Full integration in the reliable ABAP development environment
    Web Dynpro Architecture
    Web Dynpro is the SAP NetWeaver programming model for user interfaces (UIs).
    The Web Dynpro model is based on the Model View Controller paradigm, and has the
    following features that build on the classic dynpro model:
    ? Clear separation of business logic and display logic
    ? Uniform metamodel for all types of user interfaces
    ? Execution on a number of client platforms.
    ? Extensive platform independence of interfaces
    Metamodel Concept
    Web Dynpro provides support for developing Web representation of a business application.
    You use specific tools to describe the properties of a Web Dynpro application in the form of
    Web Dynpro metadata. The necessary source code is then generated automatically and
    executed at runtime. In addition to the events offered by the framework, you can also define
    your own events for a Web Dynpro application. However, the event handling must always be
    programmed in separate source code areas which are executed automatically when the event
    is triggered at runtime.
    In Web Dynpro, each user interface is always made up of the same basic elements. These
    elements of the metamodel can be statically declared using Web Dynpro tools.
    It is also possible to implement elements of the metamodel at runtime and to change them or
    reintegrate them at runtime. Using these implementations, you can make any changes or
    enhancements to a user interface that has been created by declarative methods by
    generating new interface structures at runtime.
    This means that you can combine declarative processes and the implementation of source
    Graphical Development Tools
    To support this declarative concept, both the SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio and the
    ABAP Workbench contain a range of Web Dynpro tools. You can therefore generate a large
    proportion of a Web Dynpro application using the tools provided, without having to create your
    own source code. This applies to the following parts of the application:
    ? Data flow between the front end and back end
    ? Layout of the user interface
    ? Properties of user interface elements
    The Web Dynpro tools enable you to create source text areas manually within generated
    source texts. These areas are not changed if the source code is regenerated.
    Separation of Business and Application Logic
    Using Web Dynpro enables a clear separation of business logic and display logic. A Web
    Dynpro application runs on the front end and has local or remote access to the back end
    system via a service. This means that the display logic is contained in the Web Dynpro
    application, while the business logic and the persistence of the business objects run in the
    back end system. The following options are currently available for connecting Web Dynpro
    applications and the back-end system:
    ? An interface generated using adaptive RFC, through which BAPIs of an SAP system
    can be called
    ? An interface for calling Web services
    ? A self-generated interface
    The source code required for connecting the Web Dynpro application can be generated
    from a UML definition of the Web Dynpro interface. A UML definition can be imported
    into the Web Dynpro tools as an XML file.
    Conversion of the Model-View-Controller
    Conversion of the Model-View-Controller Programming Model
    Every Web Dynpro application is structured according to the Model View Controller
    programming model:
    ? The model forms the interface to the back end system and thus enables the
    Web Dynpro application access to data.
    ? The view is responsible for the representation of the data in the browser.
    ? The controller lies between the view and the model. The controller formats
    the model data to be displayed in the view, processes the user entries made by the
    user, and returns them to the model.
    Reward points if useful

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