Convert Illustrator script from cs3 to CS5

Hi Everyone,
I'm new to illustrator scripting I did some simple InDesign script before but this the first time I am ask to create script for Illustrator.
We have an old script that will create a report for the properties (e.i.: fonts, linkedImages, strokeWeights, dashes, strokeColors, etc.) of illustrator file. The script is working in CS2 and CS3 but since most of production people are now using CS5 and CS6 they ask if we could migrate this script to CS5. The script is using hashtable.jsx to get those properties. Does the CS5 script still need hashstable file or I have to create the script from scratch with out using the hashtable script?
Any suggestion or information on how I could convert the script to higher version is mostly appreciated.
Thanks and regards,

I can't see #include in the script the only thing hashtable is called by this function. According to what I've read about the hashtable.jsx since it is in the startup script folder illustrator will autoload this script upon launching of the application.
function TechArtProperties(parent) {
  this.width = 0;
  this.height = 0;
  this.colorMode = DocumentColorSpace;
  this.fonts = new Hashtable();
  this.embeddedImages = new Hashtable();
  this.linkedImages = new Hashtable();
  this.lockedObjects = 0;
  this.hiddenObjects = 0;
  this.strokeWeights = new Hashtable();
  this.dashes = new Hashtable();
  this.strokeColors = new Hashtable();
  this.fillColors = new Hashtable();
  this.effects = new Hashtable();
  this.brushes = new Hashtable();
  this.transparencies = new Hashtable();
  this.gradients = new Hashtable();
  this.layers = new Hashtable();
  this.parent = parent; =0;
  this.artName = "";

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    I made several scripts while using CS3. Now that I have got the CS5 version, how can I convert those previous scripts ? Thanks for your help.

    Which OS are you using.
    Windows XP/Vista/7 32 bit "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS3\Presets\Scripts" and "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5\Presets\Scripts"
    Windows 64bit "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5\Presets\Scripts" , "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Photoshop CS5\Presets\Scripts"
    Mac OS version ??

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    I have a big site and do not wan't to redo my template unless I absolutely have to.
    Here is the link:
    Here is the code on my page:
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    It's not 100% clear from your post, but you should be aware that CS5 plugins should not work in CS5.5. Because of a CS5.5 bug, CS5 plugins will load in InDesign 7.5.0, but that is fixed in 7.5.1 so they will not load.
    You should lean a bit harder on Virginia Systems. They should be able to tell you how to get them the stack trace from the crash which they should be able to look at and tell you which plugin (if any) is responsible for the crash. I could do it for Mac OS X but I don't know how under Windows. You could start by looking at the Event Viewer, though. That may have some helpful information about the crashes and the faulting module.

  • Upgrading from CS3 to CS5 issues

    I work at a medium size College on a pretty small team, 1 editor/writer, 1 communications coordinator, and 1 designer (me). I've been using InDesign (ID) for 5 years now and we added on the InCopy (IC) workflow a few years ago with CS3 (both of us then had CS3). The editor and I just recently upgraded from CS3 to CS5 and we've hit a snag. I opened a project, the Academic Catalog in fact, in CS5 that we began in CS3 which we were almost finished with and when I tried to check out a story I got this error.
    "This story needs to be converted to "InCopy Document" format in order to edit it."
    The editor got the same message in IC. So I thought maybe files created by CS3 for IC don't work with CS5 so I decided to try to unlink the INCX files in ID and relink. Sure enough it created a new ICML file which the editor was able to open, edit, and save in IC. And I thought I had my problem solved until I opened the file in ID; when I tried to update the linked file ID crashed. I've tried unsuccessfully to get the updated stories from IC to update in ID w/o crashing. I've restarted the computer; it is Windows afterall. I've run 'Updates' in both our programs, and it says there are none. I've tried tossing the ID and ICML file; fortuanalty I was smart enough to do all this with a copy of the orginal CS3 file. I followed all my above steps a second time and it's still crashing. I'm not sure what to do at this point. Does anyone have any ideas? Is there a known issue like this?
    btw, we're both running Windows Vista and both in CS5 (7.0).

    I might just have to go back to CS3 to finish this project up—fortunatly I foresaw an issue like this and kept CS3 installed. That will most likely solve the problem with this project, provided it too does not crash. And that is my concern for future 'new' projects in CS5, are those going to crash too? I think I'll do some testing with my editor.
    What type of additional info would help?

  • Can't find this info anywhere... Can I upgrade from CS3 to CS5 or CS5.5?

    After using Adobe products for years and years, it's not only my opinion but the opinion of many of my colleagues that CS upgrades are only worth it about every other upgrade. That might be a subjective opinion, but it does lead in to my question: Does anyone know if I can upgrade from CS3 to CS5 or CS5.5?? I can't find that info anywhere on Adobe's site.

    Does anyone know if I can upgrade from CS3 to CS5 or CS5.5??
    The Adobe Buying Guide clearly states that the answer for CS3 to CS5.5 is yes.
    Design Premium example (other Creative Suites are the same):
    You won't be able to buy CS5 from Adobe (not that you'd have any reason to).

  • Upgrading from CS3 to CS5.5 Design Premium??

    Hi there, I work for a small print company and we are in the process of upgrading from CS3 to CS5.5 Design premium, the company has purchased a new Mac (runs Lion 10.7), our old Mac is on 10.4 and it has run CS2 upgrade, and a few years back we installed the CS3 upgrade. We have not installed any of the creative suite onto the new Mac and I am wondering can I just buy the CS5.5 upgrade and use the CS3 upgrade serial number when installing? Will this be enough?
    Or do I need to go back to the initial Creative Suite that the company brought from scratch and enter that serial number?
    Any help on this would be greatly appreciated!

    Just have the serial number from CS3 handy when you install.
    More good news for you. Starting today if you buy CS5.5 you get a free upgrade to CS6 when it ships.

  • Opening .psd Files from cs3 In CS5?

    I'm new to photoshop CS5 and I'm getting this error on some PSD files "Could not complete your request because it is not a valid photoshop document" and I think its because these .psd files were made/saved in CS3. So is there any way I can open CS3 .psd files in CS5?
    If CS3 .psd files should open fine in CS5, then does anyone know what could be my problem? thanks!

    There should not be an issue with PSD's from CS3, in CS5. There were some compatibility issues way back, but Adobe offered the ability to include that backward compatibility.
    My first thought would be that there is a problem with those particular PSD files. Do they Open in PS CS3? Do they Open fine in programs, like IrfanView?
    Now, if there IS an issue with CS5, someone will correct my assertions.
    Good luck,

  • Can I upgrade directly from CS3 to CS5?

    Can I upgrade directly from CS3 to CS5?

    Deactivate CS3 on your old computer. Install and activate CS3 on your new computer. After you have done that, you can upgrade to CS5.
    From the forum thread posted earlier: If CS3 is detected by the installer as being already installed in the machine, it will read the old serial number transparently and will prompt you only for the serial number for CS5.

  • Going from CS3 to CS5

    I have just updated from CS3 to CS5 and am experiencing
    growing pains. I have several questions but I will do them one at a time.
    first- In CS3 I edited a jpg file then hit save as and change the file name in order to have the original file
    and the edited one saved. CS5- When I do this and hit "save as" nothing happens. Am I doing something
    wrong or is this an "improvement" of CS5
    Jim R

    Do you have a small screen display?  One that doesn't meet the minimum 1024 x 768 pixel requirement of Photoshop perhaps?
    Unfortunately, it will not put up a Save dialog on a too-small screen.  Yeah, that seems pretty bogus.

  • Upgrading from CS3 to CS5

    I purchased Photoshop CS5 upgrade. When I enter the CS3 serial number (Adobe CS 3 Design Standard)  I receive the notice that the serial number is valid, but a qualifying product cannot be found on my computer. Why is the upgrade not able to find my CS3 copy?

    Thank you for your reply, Jeff. I did enter the CS5 serial number, and when prompted entered CS3, as my original, (the updating product) followed by that serial number. It was at that point I received the message that the serial number was valid, but a qualifying product cannot be found on my computer. I have read elsewhere that one cannot upgrade from a suite to an application. Have I made a 'financial error' and purchased the wrong product?  Sue
    Date: Sat, 25 Feb 2012 16:43:19 -0700
    From: [email protected]
    To: [email protected]
    Subject: upgrading from CS3 to CS5
        Re: upgrading from CS3 to CS5
        created by Jeff A Wright in Downloading, Installing, Setting Up - View the full discussion
    You would first be entering the Photoshop CS5 serial number followed by your eligible product.  If the serial number is valid then it should not be also searching for a qualifying product.
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  • Upgrading from cs3 to cs5 ext.

    dec 20/2010 the adobe site had a sale on, i upgraded from cs3 to cs5 ext. i have deactivated it on the laptop that i have been using it on and want to install it on my xps710
    The only problem is that when i try to activate cs5ext the dropdown menue to select the serial number that i want to use for the cs3 is not an option, any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
    P.S, i dont remember the process that the adobe support walked me through when i installed it on my laptop, something to do w/ selecting "trial version", then something else, i cant remember.

    Wasn't able to quite figure your problem, but see if this doc helps  you:

  • How to export / import workspaces from CS3 to CS5

    How to export / import workspaces and other preference settings from CS3 to CS5.

    copy the files from

  • Updating from CS3 to CS5

    I'm currently in the process of switching over from CS3 to CS5 on my iMac. I've successfully updated the main part of the suite but when attempting to update Acrobat was given a warning the scared me. It said something about possibly losing my current PDF's. It appears that you have to uninstall your old version of Acrobat before installing the new version. If I do that, will I lose all of my pdfs currently on my system or will they still be there after uninstalling the program and reinstalling it?

    Straceylou16 no you will not loose your PDFs.  It is only going to remove the old version of Acrobat.  Your PDFs you have saved will not be affected.

  • Updating a Site from CS3 to CS5

    I just searched to try and find an answer to this one and not be a nuisance.  Not much luck.
    I just upgraded from CS3 to CS5.  CS3 is still installed and everything seems to be working fine.  What I'm not sure about is whether or not I should simply open my current CS3 site in CS5 and continue working, or if it's better to define a new site and somehow bring the site over.  Since, the CS3 site is quite old, I also need to update the code to XHTML.
    Any tips?

    I also recently upgraded from CS3 and it was fine to just open the site up and start working.
    One caveat -  I would caution about uninstalling CS3 unless you absolutely need the room. I've run into a couple of extension that are no longer being supported in asp on CS5.  Until I figure out a replacement, it's been nice to fall back to CS3 just to tweak occassionally.

  • How do I update font from CS3 to CS5

    I have been doing all of my design work on CS3 and finally left the dark ages for CS5. I converted my CS3 to CS5 on my old computer and things worked fine. Now, I have moved to a new computer with CS5 and when I imported my documents I got the missing text notice. It is for Lucidia Calligraphy and perpetua titling bold. I'm assuming those were fonts in the CS3 package. The question is can I import those fonts from the old computer into the new computer with CS5?? If so, how exactly would one go about doing that??

    Neither of these fonts are installed with InDesign.
    Restart your old computer and open one of the documents that contain these fonts. Then use Type > Find Font to get the location of these fonts (click the More Info button in this dialog). Note down the location, then use your OS to navigate to it (Finder or Explorer, it doesn't matter). ... Uh, I don't think CS3 had this wonderful option to immediately open an OS window at the font location in the Find Font dialog (yes, that same function that's not functioning on Windows 7!), but if it does you can use that instead.
    Copy the font files on a removable device -- disk, USB stick -- or simply e-mail them to yourself. Then install them on your new system by following the approved steps for your specific OS.

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