Convert .mov(h264) to flash(.flv)

I encoded my imovie files using Quicktime Pro I am really happy with the quality of the h264 encoder. However I have been asked to embed a flash version of a video for a blog. Can anyone recommend a mov to flv converter that is of reasonable quality.

Jess, I think it only downloads .flv (automatically). You could, however, open .flv file in Quicktime with a plugin which I forgot. Might be DivX. When in QUicktime Pro, look under for QUicktime in System Preferences. Then look for an update tab. Click on something about "3rd Party"
Just download those items. It should work. Maybe someone out here knows exactly.

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    Hello, I finished editting a corporate video for client and they want to know if I can also send them an FLV format video.
    Does anyone know how I can do this.  I edited video in Final Cut Pro and used Compressor to export my final .mov video file. 
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    The best method would be to use a Flash encoder to transcode the video.  Do you have a Flash encoding application?
    Another method would be to export an H.264 file of the video.  When it's finished, change the file extension to .flv.  It should play in later versions of Flash player, but won't play in older versions.

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    Those are mutually exclusive operations, file size and image quality.
    Adobe's own media encoder cannot compress the their own FLV any more efficiently using preset. if you get in and tweak every scene change you can expect some fabulous results at the expense of lots of time and effort. But the file won't be significantly smaller.
    Again, suggest you hit and get everything they have to offer on encoding for Flash, there's tons of free information, not al of it is easy to find, hidden in support forums, tutorials, blogs. But it's there. And you can search here for "flv" we see the topic daily.
    But consider that you shot 720 and are now smooshing it to less than VHS quality and wondering why it's not both lovely and small at the same time. It's a tough compromise, very difficult to achieve, especially if you are going to open the frame controls and start applying white restore, intelligent deinterlacing, gamma, and contrast adjustments.
    Sorry not to be able to give you a magic formula.

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    It feels like you are mixing several unrelated objectives hoping that there is a single solution.
    1. Video encoders like the one that comes with Flash do just that - encode videos into a format that can be read by Flash player (NetStream class).
    2. In order to edit video you need a video editing software (iMovie, Final Cut, etc.) - these programs have nothing to do with Flash.
    3. Video CANNOT be converted to Flash code.
    4. Thumbnails: you need to write an ActionScript code to display thumbnails.

  • Converting .mov to .flv

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    You might have a muxed Mov file. Try the free and see if it works.
    You can also download MPEG Streamclip for free and that baby
    converts a ton of ways.

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    I have Flash CS3

    Open your version of Flash and then the Help files. Enter QuickTime as the search term and see what comes up.

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    Every time I convert movies from any Quicktime-readable format to .mov format (including .mov to .mov), the resulting movie has a (horrendous) *green line* on the bottom.
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    *Thank you very much.*

    Thank you David.
    Did work!
    I also read the post you suggested.
    My original video was 426x175 and I changed it in the export properties to 426x 174 . One (1) pixel smaller, and voila!
    Doing this and reading that post doesn't match with Apple's straight forward style.
    Imagine if you have a stubborn movie because of its dimensions?
    I felt like doing medieval engineering.
    Thanks a lot again, David.

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    Thanks for recommendation. The DVD2Web Converter does look like the appropriate tool.

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    Hi Vlaf (Flav),
    the main thing for converting a flash swf into a flv is to make sure that the timeline is not embeded inside a moveclip (meaning that the timeline of the movie is on the MAIN timeline....and not nested somewhere else.
    if this is right, then it should export correctly. If it still fails with the Encoder....try an alterative encoder caller "Super"(its free)...and does a great job!
    unless specified by your client or target advert host, always try to use a minimum of 30 frames per second and you should be good to go.

  • Converted wmv to FLV want to convert to swf or imbed FLV in site.

    I a'ready used CS5 Flash encoder to convert the WMV to flv swf and it's good quality, but I don't know how to make it work in a website.  It only plays in my video player, locally (before adding to the site).
    Is there special code (HTML) that will make it work ... or ... can someone send me instructions on how to conver to SWF.  I've inserted SWF's before and they work.
    I need to make sure I can "remove" the control bar.  It's a slide show for a website, don't want it to be interactive, in any way.  I also want it to loop and continue the loop when people go to another page on the site.
    I hope I'm not asking too much.  I've been able to achieve this with other software that is no longer current with todays technology.
    Appreciate you help.

    I would first open the web page you want the flash video to be on.  Next hit the PrtScn SysRq button on your keyboard.  This copies the web page to your clipboard.  Next open PhotoShop and hit Ctrl + N press Enter then press Ctrl + V and copy the image into the PhosoShop Document you just created.  Next with the magnify tool, zoom in on the image where the video is going to be.  If the borders are defined, make a selection around the area and adjust the dimension using Select - Transform Selection.  Once you have the selection accurately defined hit Ctrl + C then Ctrl + N.  The resulting dialog will give you the exact pixel dimension your Flash movie needs to fit into.  If everything fits, this will be the dimension of your Flash movie.  Open Flash and hit Ctrl + J. This will allolw you to re-size the SWF file that is exported from Flash.  Select the correct dimension and adjust the background color if necessary.  Save the Flash Document (FLA) and make sure the video file: flv or f4v is in the same folder. Go to File - Import- Import Video. Hit Browse, select the video and hit Open.  Follow the dialog and choose not to include the controls (None at the top of the drop-down)
    Here is the Action Script that makes the video loop:
    // Video component instance name
    var flvControl:FLVPlayback = video1;
    var flvSource:String = "etsy_matildas_march.f4v";
    // Loop the video when it completes
    function completeHandler1(event:VideoEvent):void;
    flvControl.addEventListener(VideoEvent.COMPLETE, completeHandler1);
    // Set video
    flvControl.source = flvSource;
    Publish the SWF from Flash and open the resulting html file in notepad.  Find the code in the Notepad file that looks like this:
    <div id="flashContent">
                <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" width="720" height="440" id="index_2011" align="middle">
                    <param name="movie" value="index_2011.swf" />
                    <param name="quality" value="high" />
                    <param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" />
                    <param name="play" value="true" />
                    <param name="loop" value="true" />
                    <param name="wmode" value="window" />
                    <param name="scale" value="showall" />
                    <param name="menu" value="true" />
                    <param name="devicefont" value="false" />
                    <param name="salign" value="" />
                    <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
                    <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />
                    <!--[if !IE]>-->
                    <object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="index_2011.swf" width="720" height="440">
                        <param name="movie" value="index_2011.swf" />
                        <param name="quality" value="high" />
                        <param name="bgcolor" value="#000000" />
                        <param name="play" value="true" />
                        <param name="loop" value="true" />
                        <param name="wmode" value="window" />
                        <param name="scale" value="showall" />
                        <param name="menu" value="true" />
                        <param name="devicefont" value="false" />
                        <param name="salign" value="" />
                        <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain" />
                        <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />
                        <a href="">
                            <img src="" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" />
                    <!--[if !IE]>-->
    Paste the code into the appropriate spot on the destination web page.  Either in a Table Cell (old school) or within a DIV contemporary CSS.
    Note that the first line that reads: <div id="flashContent"> relates to a CSS file associated with the page if there is one.  On the associated CSS file, the parameters will adjust alignment of the Flash movie on the destination HTML page.
    Also note that "loop" in the code just above only relates to the swf file NOT the FLV or F4V.  That's why you need to add the Action Script within Flash.  Be sure to give your video on the stage an instance name and it must match what's in the Action Script.  Also check the name and file path of your flv/f4v. It makes everything a lot easier if all of the associated files are in the same folder.

  • Issues converting my h264 footage to AppleProRes 4442HQ

    Hello everyone, I shot an interview with 2 HDMI lights an Actor and black background. I was very picky about setting the right color temperature in Kelvin degrees with a Sekonic color meter, I also adjusted the Canon 7D settings to make the recording less saturated and less contrasty in the picture style menu. Moreover, I checked everything during the shoot on a calibrated 24 inch monitor that I was using as big viewfinder trough the HDMI connection. Now that I need to convert every clip from H264 to AppleProRes 442 HQ for editing purpose I noticed that my final converted mov file is very different from what I shot. Let me explain, the black background was having a kind of pattern/texture that disappeared, the image is much more contrasty, the skin tone of the talent changed and overall everything is more dark. The only settings that I touched were: no sound, size 1920X1080 HD, 24 fps. Does anybody know if the check box on Automatic Gamma should be disabled? I kept it on Automatic as it is by default. There is a template of settings that I should use in this delicate phase? Thank you very much for your appreciated help.

    rumblemac wrote:
    As a monitor during production I used an HP Dreamcolorzx.
    A computer display, not a standard NTSC broadcast quality monitor. It does claim to reproduce the full NTSC color gamut, but that does not necessarily make it broadcast quality. I'll wait for someone to chime in on that.
    Right now I'm just using my apple laptop's 17 display (matte).
    You should really check it on an external NTSC monitor before spending too much more time.
    My MacBook Pro is not calibrated however when I play the two clips in QuickTime the h264 mov file is closer to what I shot, whereas the apple pro res one is like 2 stops darker and very saturated.
    It's not recommended, but you can import the h.264 into FCP to compare the two files in FCP. Have you looked at them in FCP yet?
    I chose to save as appleprores 442HQ and I understood why should not do it again, but that besides making the file heavier is not related to the main Issue that everything is darker with default settings.
    Probably correct.
    Once again, how was the HP Dreamcolorz monitor calibrated on set?
    Once again, how did you convert the files to ProRes?

  • Using Media Manager to convert movies to apple pro res

    Using Media Manager to convert movies to apple pro res,  How can I convert my existing media files  from quicktime movies into apple pro res 422 ?
    After they are converted will I have to re-point my fcp project to the converted files?
    Thank You for taking time to answer these

    Sorry, I am not following.
    You said you have converted them to prores LT & are having this issue, or is it with H264 files in your edit?
    How did you convert? using media manager, or compressor?
    if you still are using the H264 media that would be the issue.
    That is not an editing codec. it is a delivery codec.
    The thing to have done would have been to convert to prores before you started editing.
    or did you do that?

  • Export project in MOV H264 AC3

    Hi ... one question ... is possible export one project video in a file MOV h264 but with AC3 at 6 channel and not AAC at 6 channel? because home theater not support AAC but only AC3

    Whith AnyVideo Converter:
    With Final Cut Pro X:
    Codec: H.264, AAC, Timecode
    I want export by FC Pro X one project in AC3 audio ... but the software will not let me choose the audio format ... only Quicktime AAC.
    By compressor i can export AC3 but the software make me 2 file: one video file without audio ... and one Audio File AC3.

  • Problem Using Flash FLV Video Via Dreamweaver CS3

    I have been unable to get my FLV video to play on my website.
    I seem to have two problems:
    1) I want the FLV file to be hosted in a different domain to
    the website itself (for bandwidth reasons) and it doesn't want to
    do that!
    2) I would prefer to use Flash skins rather than Dreamweaver
    skins as I want to offer a full-screen option but I cannot get them
    to work!
    If I host the FLV file on the website domain, the video plays
    ok. If I change the file location in the Properties of the movie to
    become the FLV located on the other domain (using full path
    http://<etc>flv) then nothing
    displays on that part of the page. Firebug tells me it has loaded
    the AC_RunActiveContent.js and FLVPlayer_Progressive.swf but it
    makes no mention of the skin file or the flv file itself ... it is
    as if it just simply has not bothered with it! I suspect I am
    missing something obvious but cannot find it. All help would be
    appreciated. By the way, I have loaded up a crossdomain.xml file to
    the root of the domain that hosts the flv file but that didn't seem
    to make any difference!
    The second challenge is that ideally I would like to use a
    Flash skin so that I can have a full-screen option and so that I
    can have the menu bar under the video itself. However, I can't even
    get that option to work when I host the whole lot on the normal
    webserver! I am suspecting that it might be something that might
    suddenly start working when I fix problem 1. However, if anybody
    has any links to a page that provides simple instructions about how
    to do this task I would greatly appreciate it!
    Many thanks for your help!

    1) Why not post your video to YouTube or Google Video and
    then embed the
    code they provide into your website. This way their servers
    carry the
    bandwidth for you and the scripted embed code will work on
    your site.
    2) If Video sharing isn't an option, and you need more
    bandwidth, you can
    get domain hosting for as little as $4.95 - 6.95/month at
    Lunarpages or Web Hosting Pad.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing

  • How do you convert mov to wav files?

    How do you convert .mov files to .wav files in iMovie 10? I can no longer find the Share/Quicktime/Options tabs.

    * the .mov container can be handled by any PC with a free download of Quicktime for Windows; but many PC users hesitate doing so, because on the Apple website it looks like you instali iTunes too... many PC don't like that...
    * .mp4 can be handled by any actual PC mediaplayer... again: PC users are used to import .wmv (or the very old .avi container/not supported by YouTube)
    * for exporting .wmv on a Mac, you need to buy a licence at
    * mpeg... the MotionPictureExpertGroup published many codecs... mpeg1, mpeg2, mpeg4, h261, h264. .... but using iM as exporter, all these mpegs will be "hidden" in the QT container .mov... with QTpro you can strip-off the container, but I recommed the beginner to use one of the above mentioned options......

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