Convert swf to jpeg

Hi all
I've made an animation where the user has to draw something,
from there i want the user to save his/her animation to a jpeg
file... Is there a way to do this, I've been looking around php but
haven't found nothing yet...
please help

I'd also suggest Shockwave and Director--Director has the
_stage.image function that lets you manipulate a bitmap that can
include Flash, and I'm sure there are JPEG export Xtras.
I realize that's not suitable for some deployments, nor cheap
unless you have Director already. Good luck!

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    You need to go here:
    Cap Using Flash 8 and PHP
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    Frank Caggiano wrote:
    Decided to finish this up as an interesting exercise. Hope you find it useful.
    One question for the  Applescripters here. The Automator action run as a shell script seems to return a list of filename aliases but the return value while looking like a list didn't behave as a list. I managed to rip it apart to get to the filepaths and the script works but it seems really kludgey . So my question is given the return of the Automator run as a do shell script what is a more correct way to handle it?
    Convert PDF to JPG
              © 2011 Frank Caggiano
              GNU Public License
              Convert pfd files to jpg images.
              The converted JPG files wil have the name of the original PDF files with the extension changed to JPG.
              The actual conversion uses the Automator action Render PDF Pages as Images.
              The user needs to create an Automator action with Render Pages as Images as the single action.
              Set the parameters for the conversion in the action.
              NOTE: this script assumes you're converting to jpg files If you select another output format in the action this script will
              need to be modified.
    -- choose PDF files
              set sourceFiles to choose file with prompt "Select PDF files" of type {"com.adobe.pdf"} with multiple selections allowed
    on error msg number n
              if n ≠ -128 then
                        error "Unknow error: " & msg & space & n
              end if
    end try
    -- choose destination folder
              set destFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select Destination Folder"
    on error msg number n
              if n ≠ -128 then
                        error "Unknow error: " & msg & space & n
              end if
    end try
    set destFolder to quoted form of POSIX path of destFolder
    -- select workflow
              set workFlow to choose file with prompt "Select Work Flow" of type {""}
    on error msg number n
              if n ≠ -128 then
                        error "Unknow error: " & msg & space & n
              end if
    end try
    set workFlow to POSIX path of workFlow
    repeat with sourceFile in sourceFiles
      -- get base name of the source file
              set bName to do shell script "basename " & quoted form of POSIX path of sourceFile
      -- Strip off the extension
              set text item delimiters to "."
              set bName to text item 1 of bName
                        set res to do shell script "automator -i " & quoted form of POSIX path of sourceFile & space & workFlow
              on error msg number n
                        error msg & space & n
              end try
      -- Seems strange to  do it this way but it works
              set text item delimiters to "\""
              set theList to text items of res
    We go through the list of converted files. If there is more then one then the second and subsequent files
    will get and integer added to the name to avoid conflict.
              set cnt to 0
              repeat with convertedFile in theList
                        if convertedFile does not contain "alias" and convertedFile does not contain "}" then
                                  set fullPath to quoted form of POSIX path of convertedFile
                                  if cnt ≠ 0 then
                                            do shell script "mv " & fullPath & space & destFolder & bName & "_" & cnt & ".JPG"
                                            do shell script "mv " & fullPath & space & destFolder & bName & ".JPG"
                                  end if
                                  set cnt to cnt + 1
                        end if
              end repeat
    end repeat
    Hi Frank--
    I tried the script you wrote and created the Automator workflow with the single action as requested, saved it to the desktop then selected it when your script's dialogue requested it. However, at that point your script game me the following error. Ideas? I did save the workflow as a workflow and I selected it directly, so I'm not sure why it thinks that the "workflow file does not exist" ? :
    error "The workflow file does not exist. 255" number -2700 from «script» to item

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    RAW files are just sensor dumps of the raw data and can't be viewed unless a jpeg version is created. The jpeg version of the photo is created by iPhoto for display purposes.
    Make sure Photoshop is set as the external editor in iPhoto's Advanced preference pane and that RAW files are edited when using the external editor.
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  • Convert swf to video

    Once, I find a very cooling flash on web, I want to put it on
    my iPhone, but as you know, iPhone can only play iphone movie, then
    I search on line to fine a program that can convert swf to iphone,
    and I found Moyea swf to video converter. Actually, there are 9
    products in Moyea swf to video converter series, you can choose
    according to your own needs, such as swf to video Pro, swf to video
    Std, swf to iphone, ipod, 3GP, Mpeg and so on.
    Moyea SWF to video Pro is is quite brilliant in the
    conversion from SWF to AVI, MP4, MPEG (compatible with DVD, VCD,
    SVCD), and 3GP, etc. This program is orientated for video
    professionals, business presenters, instructors, web designers,
    video enthusiasts, etc.
    As distinct from the crowd of other converters, the program
    has no problems related to video and audio asynchronization,
    skipped/lost frames, audio distortion, inability to retain Alpha
    Channel effect of original Flash files in converted videos and
    failure to process internal and external Flash video (FLV).
    Instead the program could let you fully enjoy the original
    effects of your Flash files on PC, iPod, Zune, Xbox, PSP, cell
    phones, DVD players and other portable devices when you are on the
    move. Generated video files can be cropped, added a transparent
    background and an animated watermark, etc.
    But I think Moyea swf to iphone converter is enough for me to
    use, so I bought it. And after using it, I found that This SWF
    Converter is a economical and powerful tool for converting SWF to
    video for home use as well as sharing with excellent picture
    quality and sound quality. For it cost less and has perfect
    performace for converting swf to mp4, swf to iphone video(mp4), swf
    to iPod video(mp4), and ripping SWF to MP3,AAC, M4A, WAV audio
    Now I want to share this series of program with all of you.
    If you want to know more information please view
    Moyea SWF to video

    Yeah, of course the
    SWF to Video Pro supports to
    convert SWF to AVI video with alpha, generate 32 bits RGBA file,
    offer manual mode for interactive Flash conversion, etc.
    Actually you can download the trial version from the home
    page of the product:

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    You can try Aunsoft SWF Converter, It can convert swf to avi with high quality,
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    You can download it, install and uninstall very easily!

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    I think they mean to convert flash content into a type of
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    generation loss. There are several "swf 2 avi" converters out
    there. Flash itself lets you export to avi, but the quality has
    never been good. I use GeoVid's Flash to Video Encoder
    and Flashants SWF2Video
    Each performs relatively well. From that, you can use the exported
    video and place into whatever dvd burning application you

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    There is a solution after all: bundle all swf's in an .orb file using the app of the first link and then convert the .orb file to .pdf using the second app. Both apps are from the same developer.
    BTW .orb files can be viewed on iPad/iPhone.

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    Captivate is e-learning development software not a dedicated video convertor, you are better off trying something like Adobe Media Encoder or Super.

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