Convert to flash

Not sure if this question should be in the compressor section, but I know compressor doesn't convert to flash.
I'm looking for tools that are available for converting .mov files into flash files.
I have a copy of ffmpegx but it doesn't really seem to be working very well for me.
Does anyone know of any other programs?

As David mentioned, the On2 product is the one I would look at. It is the easiest (in my opinion) to use and the most high-quality results.
Also, if YouTube is your goal, follow this link to a tutorial on it.

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    I don't think you're gaining anything by exporting a DV sequence to uncompressed 8 bit. If you want to improve things, try editing in a ProRes sequence instead from the get go. 10 bit color, and it should play the DV in RT without having to render it as long as your computer is fast enough. But when you recompress a DV seqence to something else, you really can only lose quality. You can't get better by upcoverting the DV, but your titles will look better in 10 bit prores. Keep in mind that once you create something (say a title) in a DV sequnece, it becomes just that... so if you were to create the title in a ProRes 10 bit sequence, theory says that it should look better.
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    Nice episode Paul,
    I saw it on
    you mention the fireworks Icon script in it that makes the relevant size png files.
    Can you paste a link where to get it and if it is good for cs6

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    What about the built-in print methods, wouldn't it be better
    to use those here?
    Getting all pixel values is a time intensive process, because
    of the amount of pixels. It may be a bit faster if you split the
    getPixel() loop over some frames, but I'm not exactly sure how to
    do that (just read it somewhere).
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    the background while the user looks at it. This is quite some
    overhead, but when the user decides to print, the array would
    already be there.
    Finally, not helpful here, but interesting:
    No longer do you have to loop through every pixel in a
    bitmap, one at a time with getPixel to send a bitmap to the server.
    This method returns a ByteArray containing the hexadecimal color
    value of each of the pixels in the specified rectangular region of
    a bitmap. Use this method in conjunction with the new ZLib
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    ready for downloading.
    This will be available in AS 3.

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    Open the web page where this swf is placed then go for the source code by right clicking on page anywhere. Then find the name of the swf file like if the name is myFlash.swf then search it but if you do not know the name then just search .swf you will get the file path on your friend's web. like it would be or what ever is the name. Then copy the link and paste on your web browser and when the swf is opened then save it by going to File menu.
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    Hi, Welcome to the Dreamweaver forum. 
    Try this:
    It's limited in what it can do.  But it might be enough for you to squeak by. 
    Good luck and let us know how you make out with it.
    Nancy O.
    Alt-Web Design & Publishing
    Web | Graphics | Print | Media  Specialists

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    From a completed Project in PrE, you can Export/Share/Publish (the terms change version to version), to FLV. That would be what you need, but there are other considerations, for the embedded Flash Player, so John T's link should be a good place to start.
    Good luck,

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    if it's a movie clip (or in a movie clip) you can use the
    Advanced Color Filter to lower the
    stauration of it - can probably be done with Actionscript as
    well - but hard to provide details
    without knowing how you have wired your document.
    Chris Georgenes
    Adobe Community Expert
    IanH1982 wrote:
    > Hi, I am building a quiz in Flash, the quiz will display
    a question and a set
    > of three possible answers. Im just wondering if its
    possible once an incorrect
    > answer has been selected (which is a button) the button
    can be converted to
    > grayScale???
    > Any help would be much appreciated.
    > Ian

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    PowerBook G4   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Can you explain why iMovie has a convert Movie to FLV option in the Expert settings?
    I looked at your web site. Thanks for all the info.
    iSquint looks very interesting, do viewers have to have QuickTime.
    I've been converting to swf to post my videos because I ran into some viewers without QT. For example:
    Mac Mini   Mac OS X (10.4.9)  

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    Though I managed to make the FLV file I discovered that the background music was not playing.
    I want a solution through which I can make the FLV using only Quick Time player and Adobe Video Encoder and not lose the background music and the voice-overs that exist in my file.

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    to a flash file, some of the images blur slightly. Highlight boxes
    are "off" just enough to be annoying but they are in perfect
    position in the Captivate file. What's causing this?

    In your porject preferences, do you have your Jpeg image
    quality set to a higher figure 80%+ ?

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    I'm trying to convert an avi file that works perfectly to a
    FLV file using Macromedia Flash 8.
    The info for the avi file is the following:
    Codec: a52
    Sample Rate: 48000 Hz
    Bitrate: 256 kb/s
    The FLV file is trying to converted to the following:
    Video Codec: On2 VP6
    Audio Codec: MPEG Layer III (MP3)
    Audio data rate: 96 kbps (Stereo)
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    Do I need to install another codec so I can listen to the
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    I think your avi is encoded at MPEG1 and it needs to be MPEG2
    for the audio to not get dropped during the conversion. I use
    VideoRedo to convert the avi files, and you can also try SUPER
    converter or AutoGK to do it as well. =1171030

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    create a mirror html site. Does anyone know how I go about
    converting an all-Flash site into html? And quickly? I have access
    to Dreamweaver 8 and Flash 8.

    Sorry... unless you've separated the content out already,
    like into a
    database, you're going to need to cut/paste etc... there's no
    easy way if
    the site is all inside of Flash.
    Dave -
    Head Developer
    Adobe Community Expert

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