Convert to kindle

can I use ibooks software to convert to kindle format

You will need to consult the Kindle site regarding what format they require.  iBooks Author can only create .ibooks and .pdf formats, so it may not be useful for that purpose.  If you need .epub format, the Apple app for creating that is Pages.

Similar Messages

  • Images look unsharp when converted to Kindle format

    I have a book in InDesign that I want to be exported in both PDF and to Kindle (.mobi). The PDF version is totally fine, but the images in the Kindle version are awful. They have become blurry and unsharp, and are not readable! This is a weird happening, because I have earlier converted books to the Kindle format where the images looked fine.
    What can I do to have the images in the same quality as in the PDF file. The images in all books (including this one) are in web resulotion (72) - but shouldn't this be enough?
    My specs:
    Windows 7 Professional
    Intel @ 3.10 GHz
    8 GB Ram
    Adobe InDesign CS 5
    Kindle export tool (newest update)

    According this reference, the resolution (ppi) for the Kindle varies with model from about 60 to 100 ppi:
    I'd set a higher resolution.

  • Can Indesign CS5 convert files for use on Kindle?

    Have any of you converted books for use on Kindle, and if so, how did you do it, and did it go smoothly? Please explain in "dummies" terms, as I find this topic to be very confusing.
    If I convert files to ePub format in Ind. CS5, is this all I need to do to convert it to a format that can be used on a Kindle reader? Would this work for graphics as well as text?
    Internet searches about this gave info for an older version, CS4, and seemed to require using supplemental software to successfully convert to Kindle format.
    Thanks for any advice.

    Yes, going to EPUB and then Kindle seems to be the best route.
    A few suggestions.
    1.       Upgrade to CS6. EPUB capabilities have been dramatically improved.
    2.       Buy some good books EPUB. I suggest these two Liz Castro’s books for a start: and
    3.       Visit Liz’s blog:
    4.       Check out Ann Marie Concepcion’s excellent titles. This link will get you a one week trial:
    Finally, you need to get at least a beginner’s grasp of HTML and CSS. Without that, quite frankly, you’re screwed.

  • Images When Converting InDesign CS5.5 using Kindle plugin

    I've been reading, looking for a solution to an image conversion problem. If I create and place an image in Illustrator (for example combining a car drawing and the sun-2 items in one drawing), then export an ePub, convert for Kindle to mobi using the Kindle plugin or Calibre, I am getting the second item (in this case the sun) below the car instead of where it should be. I've tried every conceiveable variation: re-did the image in Fireworks as a PNG, re-saved into jpeg, used the AI image directly, etc. I've unzipped the ePub, but can see no way to fix the car-sun problem.
    original as placed in InDesign project                  converted version
    Any help with this image problem much appreciated. (Wish: CS6 InDesign exports for mobi).

    I didn't combine in the above image in InDesign. The car was a PNG to which I added a star drawing: probably tried it in Fireworks and Illustrator. But, not using InDesign (no star shape tool for the sun).
    (However, I originally did combine the 2 separate images (car and sun) in my first attempt in InDesign, which produced the same result. When it converted poorly, I then deleted the 2 images from InDesign and placed a single combined image-probably imported the car PNG into Illustrator/Fireworks and drew the sun, then exported the combined and placed. The combined, see above, still converts with the same problematic result. Is it possible that although the initial 2 images were deleted in InDesign and replaced, and a re-export was done of the newly saved file, somehow InDesign is caching these 2 images?)
    The InDesign PDF export's image, like in  the ePub, is fine.
    Puzzling result for the conversion.

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    Pogo is correct.  The cloud for your kindle books maintained by amazon is good for multiple devices and can be accessed by the kindle reader on the app store.  Pretty easy instructions on setup are included.

  • Does 'Export Relative to Page Size' NOT work in Kindle books & some other ereaders?

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    I've used Indesign 5.5 on a Win 7 PC.  My file has multiple graphic images and I am exporting it as an epub. When exporting from Indesign you have 2 main options when exporting graphics. You can display them Relative to page size, or have them a Fixed pixel size. In age of multiple size device screens Relative to page size is the logical option because it should be able to make images on a page fill roughly the same percentage of the screen size whatever device you read it on. However I am finding that it doesn't function with all programmes.
    I created an epub. Exported it with the Relative to page size option. This works great when viewed on PC with 3rd party software such as Sigil, or in iBooks for iPhone/iPad or Adobe Digital Editions ereader software.
    However the same epub the images DO NOT display relative to page size when viewed with Calibre ereader software (images display far too small).
    Also, I have converted that same epub (using Calibre) to a mobi. The images in the .mobi DO NOT display relative to page size when viewed with Kindle for PC, Kindle for iPad, Kindle Fire, Kindle Keyboard or Calibre.
    Now. I recognise that my test is in no way universal but something is happening that is making the same file display relative to page size with some software/devices and not relative with other software devices. I've been wondering Is this a bug in the Indesign software or is it not possible on Kindle. Has anybody experienced this. And my main objective is to find out if there is a way, using Indesign or changing the css code, to make images display relative to page size on the Kindle?!
    Any help, thoughts, ideas, knowledge would be appreciated!

    InDesign doesn't have an export to Kindle function. It is not designed to export in the Kindle MOBI format.
    There are many things which are lost when converting from EPUB to MOBI files. I'd recommend doing some reading on Elizabeth Castro's blog where she talks about some of these limitations. Also read her book "EPUB Straight to the Point for her section on converting to Kindle.
    Formatting ebooks - EPUB Straight to the Point
    Another good place to ask is in the Mobile Read forums where many long-term eBook experts reside:

  • Transfer to Kindle

    Is there a way to transfer e books from Adobe Digital Editions to my Kindle?
    Many thanks

    How can I solve this problem?
    Your Account
    Message From Customer Service
    Dear Luciano,  I've reviewed our previous correspondence with you, and I'm very sorry about the misunderstanding.  Unfortunately, we discontinued our eBook store in September 2006 and this product is no longer supported.  According to the terms of purchase, download access to eBooks through Your Media Library was only guaranteed for a period of 30 to 60 days after the purchase depending on the title.  Currently there is no possibility for recover of the editions.  For eBook support, we suggest contacting Adobe Support and Customer Service. For your convenience, I've provided the link below:  With the introduction of Kindle, Kindle for PC, and mobile apps, we remain committed to the eBook format and now offer our eBook reader, Amazon Kindle, and thousands of eBook titles in the Kindle Store at:  If you do need to contact us in the future, We can be reached by phone 24 hours a day, seven days a week using the following link:  I'm sorry, but won't be providing any additional insight on this matter.  
    Regards,  Swaroop Kumar.
    ===================================================  From: Luciano Lampi [mailto:[email protected]]
    Sent: Tuesday, December 03, 2013 10:44 AM
    To: Bezos, Jeff
    Subject: FW: A Message from Customer Service
    > Date: Tue, 1 Jan 2013 00:28:00 +0000
    > From: [email protected]
    > To: [email protected]
    > Subject: A Message from Customer Service
    > Hello,
    > I'm so sorry for the problem you had with your The Ten Faces of Innovation (Download: Adobe Reader) and you had to contact us.
    > Since our customer service centers aren't in the same location as our fulfillment centers, I'm unable to check the physical details of the item for you.
    > I don't have further details about the item - all the information available is displayed on each item's product detail page or is accessible from that page ( I'm sorry for the inconvenience.
    > In my experience, the quickest way to have this issue resolved is to contact the manufacturer directly for troubleshooting. Here's the Adobe's contact information:
    > Call Toll Free - 1-800-836-9207
    > Chat with an agent: 800-833-6687 -- Monday-Friday, 5am-7pm PST
    > If you've contacted the manufacturer and they can't help, please send us a summary of that correspondence and we'll work on another solution.
    > Please visit the following link to provide the information we requested:
    > I hope this information helps. We look forward to seeing you again soon.
    > Thank you for your inquiry. Did I solve your problem?
    > If yes, please click here:
    > If no, please click here:
    > Best Regards,
    > Rajesh M.
    > Your feedback is helping us build Earth's Most Customer-Centric Company.
    > ---- Original message: ----
    > ---------------
    > 12/31/12 12:40:42
    > Your Name: Luciano Humberto Lampi
    > Other info:my former adobe digital books
    > Comments:Dears,
    > I ordered and received adobe digital editions and due to hardware problems I´ve lost the files.
    > How can I recover all my Amazon digital adobe editions?
    > Can I have them converted to Kindle editions?
    > One of them is:
    > Order Placed:
    > May 24, 2006
    > View Order Details | View Invoice
    > Order Number:102-7390387-9776912
    > Recipient: Luciano Humberto Lampi
    > Order Total:$11.67
    > Thanks in advance for your attention.
    > Happy New Year!
    > Luciano H. Lampi
    Best regards,
    Swaroop Kumar.
    Thank you.

  • +s in PDF

    Have a pdf that i populate using a cold fusion app.  It all appears correctly
    , however, on some fields I get a + sign in a box printing.  I'm guessing that means the data didn't all ap
    pear, however it does all appear.  Is there and easy way to get rid of it?  Can't really make the
    boxes any bigger and all of the data DOES print.

    I converted the SRND for 8.x CUCM and it worked.
    Mostly PDF documents converted to Kindle read OK, not 100% but OK.  The biggest annoyance are TABLES which do not convert well at all but everything else is manageable.
    Here are the three(3) ways I tested to get PDF docs on my Kindle 3:
    1. Connect it to your PC and drag and drop the PDF to the Kindle.
    This method preserves the original PDF document the best but you can not change text size (only ZOOM the entire document which then won't fit in the screen anymore)
    No Notes or Highlights
    2. Use Amazon's email conversion service.  Email your document to [email protected]
    This converts your document to native format which now gives you the ability to save Notes & Highlights.
    Tables in your documents (I have only tried Cisco PDFs) will not format well.
    Another annoyance is that the CONTENTS page at the beginning of most Cisco PDFs is not clickable.  The hyperlinks do not work so you can;t just click on one and be brought to the proper section.
    3. Download Mobipocket Creator (it is free) and install it on your PC.
    This gives you the same options as #2 above but not your CONTENTS page is clickable.  This is a benefit especially for large PDFs.
    Take it for what it is, its a portable reading device and for what I want it for it does an adequate job - I am hopeful that it will only continue to improve overtime.  I had an iPad and returned it - while it is an awesome device try laying in bed at night and holding the iPad for more than 20 minutes without your arm cramping up.  The Kindle (while not 100% perfect yet) works for me in a form factor & price point that I can live with.

  • Exporting InDesign Book to Epub (general questions)

    Re: InDesign CC
    I've created a 366 page book using about 32 individual .indd files and have some general exporting-to-epub questions.
    1. Images.
    My images are placed .ai and .psd files that have names I can understand, such as and picture-of-that.psd. When InDesign exports to epub, the images are renamed to something that a species whose native language is binary can understand. For example, this and that get renamed to 12345.jpg and 67890.jpg. And then there is also a funky naming convention that keeps the original name but adds _fmt.jpeg to it.
    Is it possible for me to export to epub and keep original file names?
    2. content.opf metadata
    Ultimately my epub needs to be converted into Kindle format. Amazon provides a Kindle Previewer that converts the file into their required .mobi format and that works, but some minor customization is required to get it to work right. The minor customizations include assigning the cover page, the table of contents (toc), and in my opinion, an even more important start page.
    My cover page, toc, and start page exist as individual .indd files.
    According to the mobipocket references (provided above), I need to add a few items to the content.opf file:
    For the cover:
    <metadata> <meta name="cover" content="my-cover-image" /> </metadata>
    <manifest> <item href="MyCoverImage.jpg" id="my-cover-image" media-type="image/jpeg" /> </manifest>
    For the table of contents:
    <guide> <reference type="toc" title="Table of Contents" href="mytoc.html"/> </guide>
    For the start page:
    <guide> <reference type="start" title="Start here" href="starthere.html"/> </guide>
    So, I can use Dreamweaver easily enough to open the content.opf file and manually insert those codes, but is there a way I can pre-code their key values into the InDesign page so that they are automatically placed in the proper positions on export?

    Hi Michael.
    That's a good suggestion about inserting jpg's into the InDesign document and then exporting to epub. I've done that before and it's worked quite well, especially with consideration to file size. However, this particular book has over 130 graphics and it's also going to the printing press... so I'm trying to keep my workload to be as efficient as possible. So you wouldn't have known that, and again, that's a great suggestion.
    I have not been able to get that plugin to work, and it's also no longer necessary. Kindle has a previewer that automatically converts the file to .mobi format, and allows the user to view the .mobi file through viewing screens that represent the Kindle device:
    Thanks for the info on the ALT text. I need to do that.... I've also looked through the File Info window tabs and did not find any area that seemed to allow me to enter that information.
    I have previously created and published on Kindle one book that was one single InDesign file, and as you suggested, had the cover and TOC with everything else. Unfortunately, there too, I had to manually enter the cover, start, and toc code using Dreamweaver.
    It looks like at this time there's no easy way to get around manually updating the .html files.
    Thanks for making the time to reply.

  • Robohelp 10 locking up!

    Robohelp 10 locks up when trying to convert to kindle.  Any suggestions on the reason and anyone have the fix?
    Thank you!  Gary

    Take a look at the information in the Employee Care sample project that ships with Rh10. There is some information in one of the topics and you can compare your layout with the one there.
    Try with a very simple text only topics as well.
    See if that helps and post back with the outcome.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • How do I convert or copy itunes playlist to a kindle fire?

    How do I convert or copy itunes playlist to a kindle fire?

    Moved discussion to Digital Publishing Suite forum.

  • Kindle plugin export only converts one file

    I am using InDesign 5.0. I installed the lastest version of the Kindle Plugin. I open all my individual indd book chapters (14 in all) and then create a book file which I save (and make sure the TOC styles are copied into the primary Style Source file). When I click the Export to Kindle option, the plugin only converts whatever single indd file I have selected in the window (however all are open in the window). Why is it not converting all 14 of my book chapters at once into one file? I am a new user of InDesign (less than a year) and maybe I am missing something that is so very obvious that I cannot see it -- if you know what I mean. :-) Can anyone explain to me the error of my ways? Thank you! ~ Carolyn

    I'm afraid I'd only be guessing at this point. I don't do epub at all. I do know, however, that CS5.5 tends to work better than CS5, and CS6 better still.
    One thing would be to make sure your CS5 is fully patched to the 7.0.4 update.

  • Converting a pdf to Kindle?

    I created a document in Mac Pages and converted it to a pdf. Now I want to convert the pdf to the Kindle format so I can sell the ebook on Amazon. Which of the Creative Cloud programs/applications do I use?

    The Kindle format (as well as the common EPUB format used by iBooks, Nook, etc.) are reflowable formats. Text can be resized by choosing different font sizes. Kindles (and other other eBooks) may be viewed on devices with different dimensions.
    PDFs are fixed format. It's virtually impossible to create a good AZW/Mobi file directly from a PDF file.
    The best application to use is to take your original document in Word or InDesign, and convert from there. Elizabeth Castro's eBooks on creating eBooks will give you a lot of information:

  • How do I convert ePUB for a Kindle

    it is not coverting to MOBI on eCalibre due to DRM

    The DRM is part of the lending: it gives you the right to read the book for a limited period on compatible systems.
    In the UK and many other places, libraries use Overdrive which uses the Adobe ADEPT DRM infrastructure.
    This is supported by a majority of eReader devices, and there are apps for its use on most tablets and phones.
    ADEPT is as close as anything to being the 'open' DRM standard for eBooks.
    Amazon the publisher and producer of Kindles has sadly chosen not to support the ADEPT standard on Kindles,
    and Kindles are therefore not compatible systems.
    I understand that many libraries in the US have also arranged for lending of books in MOBI format.

  • Options for kindle convert

    It would seem that there are no real options to translate an iBooks file to kindle format without the layout getting messed up in some shape or form. My question to the community is, what methods have you used to get the book to kindle? It seems that I am going to compile it in a Microsoft word template that some guy made available on the web. I think this is the only method that I could 100% trust unless someone has a better idea?

    hey jonathan, heres the microsoft word template. I dont know if this fits your needs but I am going to see if it works.
    there is another site which i will post that i havent tried yet that supposedly does conversions. give me a few minutes and Ill post it

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