Converting color .jpg image to grayscale

I have a color .jpg image that I want to convert to grayscale and then add annotation. Is this easy to do in Illustrator?

Thomas Crowley wrote:
I've opened the .jpg image in Illustrator. It is a line drawing.
Those two statements constitute a logical fallacy. A JPEG image is a bitmap, and not, in any way or fashion, a "line drawing". Therefore,
...I cannot edit individual parts of the drawing.
is because the "individual parts" of the image are single color pixels. To "edit" these, you need a bitmap editor.
It's necessary to say "edit" (w/quotes) because you will be editing pixels. Any notion of 'lines', 'planes', and 'shades' only exist in your mind, and not as physical separate objects somewhere inside the bitmap. If you think you can "select" a big black square "object" in the bitmap editor, well, that's because the software only makes you think you can (it's easy to scan for the edge of a single color filled region).
... I just felt you might need to know this.

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    I'm using Acrobat Professional 8 to convert a pdf file to the U.S. Web  Coated (SWOP) v2 color space. Strangely enough, when executing the color  convert, the JPEG image quality seems to degrade (see  attached image). Is there any way to prevent or minimize this quality  loss?

    Okay do you have an original of the design.
    try saving in 300 or 600 DPI  create the pdf.
    the try adding the Graphic
    Click on Tools menu Content editing
    next click on add image
    locate the image.
    Now place the image approximately where it should be.
    then choose the image and place in desired area.
    see if image looks better.

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    Second question? When I import files (accepting all defaults) where are they stored on my hard disk? I wanted to look at them with Leopards Preview but I can't find the actual files...only the thumbnails in Aperture.

    I re-exported the images from Acrobat and saved them at the highest JPG settings. That seemed to work.

  • Convert Colors spoil image quality! Why?

    In previous post i mentioned loss of image's quality. Now i tested it again and made example. Don't see any option for avoiding it. Maybe (and probably that's so) i just can't find some important preference. I change in preferences in Categories Convert form/to PDF jpg and tiff option to maximum but it didn't do any good.
    Before and after (zoom 200%):
    Any ideas?
    P.S. Acrobat Pro X.

    Okay do you have an original of the design.
    try saving in 300 or 600 DPI  create the pdf.
    the try adding the Graphic
    Click on Tools menu Content editing
    next click on add image
    locate the image.
    Now place the image approximately where it should be.
    then choose the image and place in desired area.
    see if image looks better.

  • How to convert JPG image to BMP ? (Printing jpg images in smartforms from content server)

    We have employee photos(JPG Format) stored in Content server. And now we want to print the photos in smartforms. For this I had written the below code to read the photo from content server in binary format as below.
        P_PERNR                     = P_PERNR
    *   P_TCLAS                     = 'A'
    *   P_BEGDA                     = '18000101'
    *   P_ENDDA                     = '99991231'
    *   P_EXISTS                    =
       P_CONNECT_INFO              = PS_CONNECT_INFO
    *   OTHERS                      = 2
    IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    * Implement suitable error handling here
       STOR_CAT                    = SPACE
       CREP_ID                     = PS_CONNECT_INFO-ARCHIV_ID
          DOC_ID                      = PS_CONNECT_INFO-ARC_DOC_ID
    *   PHIO_ID                     =
    *   SIGNATURE                   = 'X'
    *   SECURITY                    = ' '
    *   NO_CACHE                    = ' '
    *   RAW_MODE                    = ' '
    *   FROM_CACHE                  =
    *   CREA_TIME                   =
    *   CREA_DATE                   =
    *   CHNG_TIME                   =
    *   CHNG_DATE                   =
    *   STATUS                      =
    *   DOC_PROT                    =
    *   ACCESS_INFO                 =
    *   CONTENT_TXT                 =
       CONTENT_BIN                 = IT_BINARY
    * BAD_STORAGE_TYPE            = 1
    *   BAD_REQUEST                 = 2
    *   UNAUTHORIZED                = 3
    * COMP_NOT_FOUND              = 4
    *   NOT_FOUND                   = 5
    *   FORBIDDEN                   = 6
    *   CONFLICT                    = 7
    *   ERROR_HTTP                  = 9
    * ERROR_SIGNATURE             = 10
    *   ERROR_CONFIG                = 11
    *   ERROR_FORMAT                = 12
    * ERROR_PARAMETER             = 13
    *   ERROR                       = 14
    *   OTHERS                      = 15
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
    * Implement suitable error handling here
    Now the issue is I want to convert that binary data to bitmap image and upload the same in to SE78. So that I can use that BMP image from SE78 in my smartforms.
    I had used the class CL_IGS_IMAGE_CONVERTER to covert the image into bmp but it is giving error that error in IMAGE DATA CORRUPT & Error Code 3. The conversion code used is as below.
    ******* CONVERT THE JPG IMAGE INTO BMP PHOTO. **********
        G_IMG_BLOB[] = IT_BINARY.
            DESTINATION = P_DEST.
            BLOB      = G_IMG_BLOB
            BLOB_SIZE = G_IMG_SIZE.
          WHEN 'TIF'.
            G_IMG_TYPE = 'image/tiff'.
          WHEN 'JPG'.
            G_IMG_TYPE = 'image/jpeg'.
          WHEN 'PNG'.
            G_IMG_TYPE = 'image/png'.
          WHEN 'GIF'.
            G_IMG_TYPE = 'image/gif'.
          WHEN 'BMP'.
            G_IMG_TYPE = 'image/x-ms-bmp'.
          WHEN OTHERS.
        L_IGS_IMGCONV->OUTPUT = 'image/x-ms-bmp'.
            OTHERS = 1.
              BLOB      = L_IMG_BLOB
              BLOB_SIZE = L_IMG_SIZE
              BLOB_TYPE = L_IMG_TYPE.
              NUMBER  = L_ERR_CODE
              MESSAGE = L_ERR_TEXT.
    So could you please some one help me how to convert JPEG Photo to BMP programatically.

    johnandersonpalmdesert wrote:
    My printer is requesting a vector file.
    Jpeg File format does not support vectors.  Photoshop has limited vector support and tools.  Photoshop can not save vector file formats like SVG.  What File type does your printer want?
    Adobe Illustrator is Adobe vector application.

  • Converting a JPG to a BMP

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    Perhaps you can use the image I/O library (javax.imageio).
    It's part of the standard JRE.

  • Convert from jpg to TIFF G4

    I need to convert a jpg image into a TIFF G4 format. I know Java JAI can do it for TIFF with no compression, but I need it to be G4.
    Platforms: WIN, SOLARIS.
    Any Idea.

    I don't know where I read it but I guess I was wrong. JAI does support TIFF G4 compression. The problem I am facing now is that I get the following error when I try to create the TIFF G4 image from the JPG :
    java.lang.Error: Bilevel encodings are supported for bilevel images only.
         at Imagen.main(
    Note: I get the TIFF with no compression ok.The problem arises when I try G4 compression.
    Any hints?
    Thanks for helping.
                   // Pass form Base64 to JPG
                   byte[] b64DecodedJPG =new BASE64Decoder().decodeBuffer("/9j/4AAQSkZJRgABAQEASABIAAD//gAMQXBwbGVNYXJrCv/bAEMACAYGBwYFCAcHBwkJCAoMFA0MCwsMGRITDxQdGh8eHRocHCAkLicgIiwjHBwoNyksMDE0NDQfJzk9ODI8LjM0Mv/bAEMBCQkJDAsMGA0NGDIhHCEyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMjIyMv/AABEIAEkAYQMBEQACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAACAgMBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAFBgMEAQIHAAj/xAA9EAABAgQEAwQIAwYHAAAAAAABAgMABAURBhIhMRNBUQciYYEUFTJxkaGx0UJSwRYXU5KT8CQzVGOCotL/xAAaAQADAQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQIDBAUG/8QAJBEAAgICAgEFAAMAAAAAAAAAAAECERIhAzETBCJBUWEUMkL/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AJ0VOQp1OWzJAZCAhSiu9jrp4/H7x4dSe+h2FaXU/Wcu6ylac5QcqlpNgQLi3PnyjOTlBAmBneKaxmabcylZUstnU62I05c/+UdkZqUKFexvLLkhINLCJdL3EvkzalABFleesdvp+KdEzYPqbcxOy7EqhxCkoSnvqNrEJy2A1tt843/j8j7RGcV8lVWG51bTMumcaDQOYDMbpvy0HjGT9HO7ovNPthJdEGRtnMlXDGUKJvpttfU2hP0vLWheSP2SVJD7EmFssXcbSLZE6nLsPr845Zem51prQZJ9MC1yTkZyjF+YnWpdxbYUpC3bZiT057dOUcTc+PkqKspaElysvyci1JtTB7lyn8QWdQdTe45jlptHbxzaf4Zs1olYUlwP95CsnDCkDvHzFoOSPymCs2NYcTVXXnXLhRynikqKQdza1rRTUktbHka+tJb/AELH9ZUK5/QZIryb8tOIbY4bqVJUVlXE52ueW5MQ3W2irXQzUX0iXnFNypUoOIuW0gE67FOu9/oY5nFz0hJhyTl5titS6gEWeWVGwtlypCVaHkTr8I09Lwy5J4tVQSeKsMzcyhl0oUsE7FStzH1HFFRikjinJt2QtvhRvcWi2QW0TraAMy0pHibRIFtmqSRUAZpi/TiCEw2HJR1txIIyqT1GsZM1izm3aIxIzE8uUS3dLiEKzpN8tib2/vr4R5vqeN/3j2johOtMTZ2kCXwyiapzin3WHC07xstigm4AF7WuOXMm8cfHJuXuXZrKqsVJOceZbDbaVNqdIG++unlHQ42Z2wvO1BrIwzYZAO86Uaixtptp4QuKFO0KUkwR61d/jJ/pR02ycUE5R4CaVMuNrRnbUlJQNybgG3v5x57japGz+DpWD6LU2gieUkNtFnhJ4l8+TMTpa1ri2sd3p/Szj7urMnOKdPY1ow1KuTLs09MOF54gqVxVAiwsALWsLfUx6EYJbXZk5Jo3bwbhwOcRyRYdcO6nElZPmomHT+hKSCTFDoUuAGqfLottlaSP0hVIdxZZXTKS5biSTK7fmaSf0hPIacURqolBWLKpkrbpwEfaFUx3EiFIw+wSWpNtknctN5Tp4ptBUwuIMn6BQJiyXF2Qm9gMwIN76HXnC8bfaJtWLFcwpLTFJap1JqDAKVKKFTCSVgE3y3BAtcnkYHx6popSRySq0OsYZqDkvUmyhRV3FJN0LHgf78o45QwZppoHvTS0yikrCLqULahRSN/KM9v5CqK2Zn8w+X/qKr9CvwesJyQqD8qD+BZcc10sm5+toy441O2dThls64mSmkpaJm0rKk3CVFen8qhHqZS6Rw0rsoVKrCm0ipz7rC7SSUnIJlzvXNuu0Rx80mqfY3xq7EQ9rS0uFPq+WUOWeadPO3WK8jKXGiNPbDMkpApFJAJHtKWba2heRj8aLcn2lVippUZSiU1zKLnhtqVbQn9IabYYoie7V6hKOKamKPSkLSLlKkqSfZvCcmgwREe11whRVSKfcX9iYcT06HxgzYeMuSHaPLVGoMSsxT1JQ6sIK2ag9cXNuavOHmyXBDbX8KlyrMsUuqzaAy3xX+O5nAvokC43Op8oalKXZDSj0JmMsLVNFGdfmqj6Y0oFSFKbSkoWNdxvpf4xnyqls041k9HLG2nJxmylC51B3JjlqmU5UWPUvgf5oA8h0LCDUxRkzhmmilFilKztrbWJisqaR0xmqaZ0yn1GnTTDUx6xlCtIsQZpsEW8CY7FJnNKBmfTRqrJ1Jl6qS4cnGuGAFhWuliSNNwPnCWpWhVrZxmYwVXpacWlNOcfQDo4yrMlQzDYjwjRoakVk4WxAlSCqjTu4v3VdSYVMdl2QkMV05otMU+fbRvl4RIvbXceAikmuhNpkEzQ8SzrpdfpU84oJsCWyLd0m2g6kxLTewtEBwviAoUBRZ3W9u4rw+0GIWH8LYam5Krt1StS5lJGVJdKXVWU4QSQkDnvFJEuQ/UrG1MQxOPT5mBMTLvEXkAygAWCbnoBCprZHYs4mx3R5ptuUk0zLgKj3DlNza214OX3Rori9krOTOuOImVoIKbXuCLERypHQknaRt6Sj8w+Ah0HgO71t44GTLszbaHZd0LWCbqKRcaXtcnWK4Jzj7aFyQi42gF+3WF5kkTFMNvFH3jpXIc+DROio4DmUBaqT3ToFBlG/vvF5WTjRgjs+JUpFLeUEi6lJbSAn36wX+BTI1O9m2UqMu6Ep3IKSB84LQ6ZCJ/sxSbp43kpP3hZIMZGEzXZkpVkpeJJ2unX5wWgxkTX7OswR6NMEnYZU/eHaBJkrrXZ/LoKjLOgjQgsg2hpiaYPmKhgaXSFJpxObVJUyhOb3Xh2hYyBjmLKHLPJNPph4oPdvkt8AIUpKuilGViHXqk9Vaq9NuMpZWo5SlKQALRxzds6+JUmgVxP9z/rEF5S+j6Qx3jSmTqA0w0H2WrodW5oh1CtFJHMcjfwjWMHH3Mxe9Ci72eUeel25ylV9DSXUBXAWoOFs9CR0guN9EtSR6lYJZlOOJyqBd7ZOGyoj3mKUkvkh7Nq3gKRq1CeRI1BKJ9lQU2Hxw0uCxBTuddrEw3Jy7GlWxawz2XVBNZZcr0mn1XZYWtEwlQvlJHsknlBCO6Y5T1oeU9neCSQn0VS1XA7rjg1vbTSNXx/Rmp/Zq/2Z4QWpKGGFIXmsQ4451KdOmoI8oceNfJMpT/yc0b7M66aihDqJeWl1r0ddmEWSnqQCTt4Rhjvs3z+x6nMISRmfRm6nKtyiAkBw53FuWABNgCdTyJ5xaZmxdqOBnwVzL1SVwAbBRlXU93YXOW23jDbQJ/QPlGaZRJslh4vziwplCnkWDZUCCoDmdSB4mJtFUypMU5DncWL2/veDFMam10U/UzPjCwRXlkM9VdKqfMJOpyGNJLRF7EAvOsuZ2XFtkbFKrWjBmlFtnEtaYFm6lMW6Fwn6wnsKDMj2l4upzeSXqriUdCkH6iKTQsQg12uYncdb9PdbnGEEktLQEg3SU7pAPMxSnQnCyf9682GyEUeTSvNcLzrvvfr4D4RflI8SNnO1+eU7xTSJTMNf8xepuSDv1J08YXmaDxIG/vbxkEhCKnlSkWADSdB8InP8NMEVZrtLxhONlLtamQk8kKy/SFkGICm65Vagf8AF1GZePRx0n6xLk2NJGaaD6aypSjmzg3vrFKxSdIcW22SpKkTCk6XzLRpfpzjS30ZIz6a70a/pj7Q6QzdwpW2pJFwRaLa0Akzcstl1SMtwDoRzjmcTROykJdwKJtaJxZRIGlRVCMltUFAY4ZhUB4tGCgMcA33gxCzBlVHYwYhZluScvygwDILSEtwzxFKBXsB08Y0jGjOTDTLrqW8oUSlW4jSiCXKv+Cr4GGGyU+x5GGyn2BZz24zZUeigrcxDKI+cDBHl8oTAjMAzI2gEYV+sMDYbQwJkbQIRcl/aiyWEmfw+8RRPyNkQWf/2Q==");
                   ByteArrayInputStream baisJPG = new ByteArrayInputStream(b64DecodedJPG);
                   ImageDecodeParam param = null;
                   ImageDecoder dec = ImageCodec.createImageDecoder("JPEG", baisJPG, param);
                   RenderedImage op = dec.decodeAsRenderedImage();
                   // Create the TIFF G4 image
                   FileOutputStream fs = new FileOutputStream("radar.tiff");
                   TIFFEncodeParam tiffparam = new TIFFEncodeParam();               
                   ImageEncoder enc = ImageCodec.createImageEncoder("tiff", fs, tiffparam);
                   ParameterBlock params = new ParameterBlock();
                   RenderedOp image2 = JAI.create("scale", params);

  • How do I Convert a  Tiff image to a jpeg without being FORCED to 8-bit Color?

    I am an Artist.  I have High quality TIFF images.  When I convert the tiffs to jpeg it forces me into 8-bit color automatically. (Forget about 32bit - it will not allow me to jpeg that at all)   The only way I can get back to 16bit color is to use the already SMAshed file and bring it up to 16bit.  THIS makes NO sense.  Once the jpeg is smashed, HOw in the world is it supposed to convert up again. ??  Then even though it says you converted the file to 16 -bit , the metadata refers still to the file as 8-bit.
    On top of all of that confusion, One picture, for example, when supposedly converted to 16bit,  gets much BRighter then even the original Tiff image.  It looks good on one hand and over exposed on the other.  I assume that is photoshop throwing in fake resolution, am I right?
    Am I wasting my time with this imaginary 16bit conversion?
    Is there ANY way to take that original Tiff image and convert it to 16bit jpeg without the Default 8bit?  I have been trying all kinds of things.  I even have asked my web guy.  My web guy says that 8-bit is unexceptable for printing, even for web.
    Could this have anything to do with my computer and scanner?
    I have the iMAC OS X 10.8.3 (3.2 GHz) 8 GB memory.
    And I also have an Epson Expression 10000XL graphic arts scanner capable of scanniing at 48bit color.
    This color stuff Really matters!  It MATTERS!  I HAve FINE art files.  I am already losing so much quality with the jpeg conversion. (which I am required to do for SmugMug, in addition to compressing all my files to 50mb or Under)
    Anyone who knows anything that could help me would be much appreciated. 

    First of all jpeg is 8 bit only there is no way to save as a 16 or 32 bit jpg, just does not exist. Secondly people print in 8 bit all the time and most if not all web graphics are in 8 bit as that is the only way to view it as there is no 16 bit or 32 bit monitors to view it. All but a few pro monitors are 8 bit monitors.
    If you care about the color gamut and want the full range of color that 16 and 32 bit provide, then why jpg? Jpg by its own nature throws out color just to compress, thats why it is popular on the web, because of its small file size not its quality. If you need 16 or 32 bit for anything it must be in a format that supports that color depth.
    That being said a jpg image at 8 bit will display 16+ million colors,  256 shades of red, 256 shades of green and 256 shades of blue.
    Now here is where I think your bit information is off. a jpg image is a 24 bit image that will produce 8 bits of red, 8 bits of green and 8 bits of blue.
    The 8, 16 and 32 are per channel not total color information.
    If the overall image was 8 bits, the image would be gayscale.

  • Preserving Black color values when converting color PDF to grayscale

    I opened a full colored PDF document (exported from InDesign using Profile: Euroscale Coated v2) in Photoshop and tried to convert it to grayscale (image > mode > grayscale) and noticed that the black color values changed. text for example that was 100% black in the PDF document became a screen of 91% black.
    is there a way to preserve color values when converting full color PDF documents to grayscale?
    or in other words WHICH is the correct way to convert full color PDF documents or full color InDesign files to grayscale?
    I am using Adobe CS 3, Acrobat 8 Professional, on Mac OS 10.5.5

    Before you open the PDF in Photoshop, set PS's Color Settings to Photoshop 5 Default Spaces. When you open the PDF set the Mode to Grayscale in the Import dialog. Just remember to reset your color settings when you're done.
    Edit: Also, if you want to match black percentages as well as 100% black, set the Photoshop Color Settings to Photoshop 5 Default Spaces with the Gray working space to Dot Gain 20%.

  • Convert color images to black&white bitmaps

    I have black&white scans of public domain books (image format). I use an OCR software to convert them to indexable PDFs (image+text format). However, the OCRed PDFs are insanely big: a 27 MB scanned PDF leads to an indexable PDF of 728 MB! And unfortunately, my OCR software doesn't have output settings, so I have to find a way to compress the files using Adobe Acrobat 9 Pro.
    Using Advanced Options > Optimization does reduce the file size, but not significantly. The problem seems to be that my OCR software converts the black&white scans to color images, and encodes them as such inside the PDF. So I need a way to set the image modes back to black&white. I tried using the Advanced Options > Preflight dialog, and selecting "Convert to black&white". However, the resulting PDFs stay about the same size! It seems that "Convert to black&white" converts the images to grayscale, instead of to bitmap.
    Any help would be appreciated!

    I mentioned "bitmaps", because when I open the original PDF and right-click a random page and select "Modify image..." and open the image in Photoshop, the mode is set to "Bitmap mode": meaning 1-bit mode, containing either black or white pixels. However, when I do "Modify image..." for the OCRed PDF, the mode is set to "RGB Color Mode". I think this explains, in part, the huge size of the OCRed PDF.
    Maybe this table will make it more clear:
    Original PDF (Bitmap Mode, 132 dpi)
    Size: 27 MB
    OCRed PDF (RGB Color Mode, 300 dpi)
    Size: 728 MB
    Now, from the table above, it's clear that I have to reduce the image resolution. So, using the Acrobat's PDF optimizer, I tried the following settings:
    Optimized OCRed PDF: Try 1 (Downsample to 132 dpi, JPEG compression)
    Size: 733 MB
    Optimized OCRed PDF: Try 2 (Downsample to 132 dpi, ZIP compression)
    Size: 449 MB
    But 449 MB is still huge for a single book. And I don't want to reduce the resolution under 132 dpi, because I will loose quality. Clearly, if the original document is just 27 MB, I should be able to squeeze the OCRed document too. But I don't know how.

  • Color difference b/t JPG images seen on DPP vs. Preview

    I take photos w/ Canon 30D using RAW file and touch up/convert to JPG on DPP. There is a significant color difference on the same JPG image when seen on DPP vs. when seen on Preview. Does anybody have the same problem? It only looks different on Preview b/c when I upload it on a web gallery, the color looks fine, so it's not the converting process that's messing up the color but something about Preview that's causing the problem. Any solution to this?

    I've got the same problem on my new macbook. And what's more disturbing is I still could not find one display color profile could give the right color...the color LCD one is ok for daily use, but the color is still duller than it should be, when editing photos.

  • Image convert from jpg to BMP (black & white)

    Hi everybody
    here i am converting a jpg file to 2 bit monochrome image.
    Though this program is making the bmp monochrome image of passing jpg image.
    but the program is hanged in between.
    I don't understand the why it is hanging..though it is generating the result.
    please help me to solve the hanging problem.
    source output is:
    C:\j2sdk1.4.1_02\bin>java jaiexp.JAISampleProgram6 aish5.jpg
    FarmHouse2.bmp image
    ERROR: it doesn't finish gracefully....!!
    source code
    package jaiexp;
    import java.awt.Frame;
    import java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import java.awt.image.renderable.*;
         * This program decodes an image file of any JAI supported
         * formats, such as GIF, JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PNM, PNG, into a
         * convert it to BMP and save it as bmp file
         public class JAISampleProgram6 {
              /** The main method. */
              public static void main(String[] args) {
                   // Define the source and destination file names.
                   String outputFile = "C:\\j2sdk1.4.1_02\\bin\\jaiexp\\FarmHouse2.bmp";
                   Image bwImage = null;
                   /* Validate input. */
                   if (args.length != 1) {
                        System.out.println("Usage: java JAISampleProgram " + "input_image_filename");
                   }//if ends
                   * Create an input stream from the specified file name
                   * to be used with the file decoding operator.
                   Image colorImage = null;
                   try {
                        colorImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(args[0]);
                   } catch (Exception e) {
                   }//try catch ends
                   ImageFilter filter = new BlackWhiteFilter();
                   ImageProducer producer = new FilteredImageSource(colorImage.getSource(),filter);
                   bwImage = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().createImage(producer);
                   // Create the ParameterBlock.
                   ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock();
                   // Create the AWTImage operation.
                   //PlanarImage im = (PlanarImage)JAI.create("awtImage", pb);
                   RenderedOp image1 = (RenderedOp)JAI.create("AWTImage", pb);
                   try {
                        FileOutputStream stream = new FileOutputStream(outputFile);
                   }catch(Exception e){
                   }//try catch ends
              }//fun ends
         }//class ends
         class BlackWhiteFilter extends RGBImageFilter{
         public int filterRGB(int x, int y, int rgb){
         int alpha = (rgb >> 24) & 0xff;
         int red = (int)(((rgb >> 16) & 0xff) * 0.3f);
         int green = (int)(((rgb >> 8) & 0xff) * 0.59f);
         int blue = (int)((rgb & 0xff) * 0.11f);
         int bws = ((red+green+blue) > 127) ? 255 : 0;
         return ((alpha & 0xFF) << 24) | ((bws & 0xFF) << 16) | ((bws & 0xFF) << 8) | ((bws & 0xFF) << 0);
         }//class ends
    thanks in advance.
    - Deepak
    email: [email protected]

    Also keep in mind that there are two definitions of bitmap. You want the 2-color version where each bit represents one color or the other. However, thanks to Microsoft, their bitmaps are really just uncompressed strings of RGB values, storing each pixel in multiple bits.

  • Convert colour images to grayscale images & get pixel data from them

    Is the code below correct to convert colour images to grayscale images in Java?
    public void convertToGrayscale (String sourceName,String destName) throws Exception {
    JPEGImageDecoder decoder=JPEGCodec.createJPEGDecoder(new FileInputStream(sourceName));
    JPEGImageEncoder encoder=JPEGCodec.createJPEGEncoder(new FileOutputStream(destName));
    BufferedImage sourceImg=decoder.decodeAsBufferedImage();
    BufferedImageOp op =new ColorConvertOp(
         BufferedImage destImg = op.filter(sourceImg,null);
    decoder = null;
    encoder = null;
    When I get grayscale images from the code below, I would like to access the pixels of those images. So I tried to do:
    byte[] dd=((DataBufferByte)mImage.getRaster().getDataBuffer()).getData();
    BUT the data result array is not 0-255. Could anyone suggest how to obtain pixel data from grayscale images?
    In case that my code shown is not correct or suitable, please give your advice. What I would like to do are in the steps as follows:
    1 change 100*70 jpeg-images to 100*70 grayscale images.
    2 create two dimensional array of pixel data (example [100][70]) from converted images. The number in the array should be between 0-255, right??? And 0 refers to black colour and 255 refers to white colour???
    I am confused about grayscale images. Please help.
    Thank you so much

    I am not sure i understand what is the problem exactly.
    Structure of DataBuffer is described by SampleModel used by same Raster
    object. E.g. it might be 1 byte per xipex or 4 bytes per pixel.
    In your example convertToGrayscale saves images to file as JPEG and
    it seems you later read it back. It is possible what image you read back
    is not greyscale but ARGB and data buffer has different format.
    Technically, if you just need level of grey you may simply
    call getRGB on your output image. Grey is uniform mix of R, G and B.
    Also, instead of ColorConverOp you may dimply create output image of
    grayscale type and draw your color input image with drawImage().
    If none of these helps please try to provide more details.

  • Convert cmyk image to grayscale within Illustrator

    Now that we can finally change the color of grayscale images, it would be nice to change a cmyk image to grayscale.
    EDIT: I just remembered you can with Adjust Color Balance, oops!

    1) select all
    2) edit -> convert to grayscale

  • How do I convert a color jpg to a pure black and white jpg with no grey/shading?

    how do I convert a color jpg to a pure black and white jpg with no grey/shading using Automator?

    Hi mns579,
    Thanks for your swift reply.
    I'm afraid that sequence leads to a burn-out of some of the black text, making it unreadable.
    To clarify, what I did was photograph pages from a book.  The interior lighting of the room where I photographed these pages leads to a jpg image with slight graying or shading of parts of the page.  So when I simply convert it to B/W, I get a washing out of some areas of the page where there is text, and this makes it unreadable.
    I know that some software programs have a feature that allows a color jpg to be converted to b/w such that the text is made pure black and any surrounding areas of the text are made pure white (ie, all color is removed from the non-black areas), which makes for an easily readable b/w text page.  Am I able to do this with my Mac, and if so, how using the Automator feature?
    (I have more than 50 jpgs that I would like to clean up in this manner, hence the ability to do so through Automator is important.)
    Thanks for your attention to this.

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