Converting hex to number & date

Im having a problem converting the hex code to the number & date.
select low_value,high_value from ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS;
Iv tried HEX_TO_CHAR and that works fine.
select column_name, UTL_I18N.RAW_TO_CHAR(low_value),UTL_I18N.RAW_TO_CHAR(high_value),low_value, UTL_I18N.RAW_TO_CHAR(high_value) from ALL_TAB_COL_STATISTICS where owner = 'user' and table_name = 'table_name';
if you type this statement you will see that numeric fields and date fields get caught up in (¿) type of fields.
Any solution for this?
BR / S-A
Edited by: SweAnderline on 2008-nov-14 12:58

Hi William!
Need your help again.
Iv taken your statement and alterd it a bit.
SELECT c.table_name table_name, c.column_name, c.data_type
, c.histogram
, CASE c.data_type
RTRIM(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(c.low_value,1,2),'XX') -100 ||
LPAD(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(c.low_value,3,2),'XX') -100,2,'0') || '-' ||
LPAD(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(c.low_value,5,2),'XX'),2,'0') || '-' ||
LPAD(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(c.low_value,7,2),'XX'),2,'0') || ' ' ||
LPAD(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(c.low_value,9,2),'XX') -1,2,'0') || ':' ||
LPAD(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(c.low_value,11,2),'XX') -1,2,'0') || ':' ||
LPAD(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(c.low_value,13,2),'XX') -1,2,'0'),':- ')
END AS low_val
, CASE c.data_type
RTRIM(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(c.high_value,1,2),'XX') -100 ||
LPAD(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(c.high_value,3,2),'XX') -100,2,'0') || '-' ||
LPAD(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(c.high_value,5,2),'XX'),2,'0') || '-' ||
LPAD(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(c.high_value,7,2),'XX'),2,'0') || ' ' ||
LPAD(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(c.high_value,9,2),'XX') -1,2,'0') || ':' ||
LPAD(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(c.high_value,11,2),'XX') -1,2,'0') || ':' ||
LPAD(TO_NUMBER(SUBSTR(c.high_value,13,2),'XX') -1,2,'0'),':- ')
END AS high_val
, c.num_distinct
, c.avg_col_len
, ROUND(c.density,1) AS density
, c.num_nulls, c.nullable
, round(((c.num_nulls*100)/decode(nvl(d.num_rows,1),0,1))) || '%' "Null % of total Rows"
, c.last_analyzed
, d.num_rows "Number of rows in table"
FROM all_tab_columns c, dba_tables d
WHERE c.table_name = d.table_name and c.owner like 'MDB%'
AND c.owner = d.owner
ORDER BY c.table_name asc;
What I cant get to work is my
-- round(((c.num_nulls*100)/decode(nvl(d.num_rows,1),0,1))) || '%' "Null %"
When I execute the statement I get divisor is equal to zero, so I tried to add a nvl if its null then 1, and if its 0 in number of rows then 1.
Iv tried multiple ways to do this but I cant get it to calculate. With the current statement I dont get any results.
I can get it to work if I create a view with this statement and add a specific table_name. But I need to get this to work in the whole schema/user without entering a specific table.
Any ideas what I can do else?
Thx in advance

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    I think you are all missing the point. java.util.Date objects always alway always store the date as the number of milliseconds since 1/1/1970 UTC so the only TimeZone they have its the implicit UTC. When you use the Date.toString() method the toString() method gets the default time zone from your environment and formats the data accordingly. This means that the same Date object will, by default, produce a different result for France and Australia and the US.
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                            throw new OAAttrValException(OAAttrValException.TYP_VIEW_OBJECT,
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    That's standard behavior for floating point.  If you search the forum for
    past discussions of floating point and Number you'll see explanations why.
    To get displayable strings, use toPrecision or toFixed

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    Example of what I was saying...
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    Table created.
    SQL> insert into myexp values (2447051301970090001);
    1 row created.
    SQL> select name from myexp;
    SQL> col name format 9999999999999999999999999999999999999
    SQL> select name from myexp;
    The number you are seeing as an exponent is not just the number that is stored with lots of 0's on it, there's other information you are missing, so you need to change your format to see the true value.

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    Hi everybody,
    I want to join this two numbers and convert them from hex to dec. I have tried using joint and conversion but I still couldn't work it. In the following screen shot I took it suppose to be 3E8 in hex which equals to 1000 in dec. I need suggestion from you how to approach this.
    Go to Solution.

    SOBGA wrote:
    As I was reading all the answers about converting Hex to Dec,I found out that many of you are making it so complicated.To make it easier for a learner or beginner,this is what it takes:
    Open a blank VI
    Click on numeric control
    Right click on the same numeric control
    Scroll down to "Representation"
    Click on "U8"
    Go to numeric indicator and repeat step 4 and 5
    Then right click again on numeric control
    Scroll down to "Properties" and click
    Click on "Data entry",if necessary,change the minimum and maximum
    Pass to "Display format" 
    Click on "Hexadecimal" then you are done.The rest is to go on the block diagram to wire the numeric control to the numeric indicator and it works.
    You can do the same process reverse for dec to hex.But you must know that what we did for "numeric control" on (Hex to Dec) will be done to "numeric indicator" on (Dec to Hex).This same process can apply to octal and binary without the use of complicated array,string while loop and so on...
    I'm a beginner in Labview and I understand that you need to explain more to understand better.
    If you really read all of the comments, you would see that Altenbach already stated this (saying it is just a cosmetic property for the indicator).
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines

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    Hello everyone..
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    I am using LabVIEW 2011.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Attachments: ‏7 KB

    Hi mancan,
                      As Iam using LV2009 Iam unable to open your example.Anyway for converting hex to time stamp
    Thanks as kudos only

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    SQL> desc emp_test;
    Name                                                                                Null?    Type
    EMPNO                                                                                        NUMBER(6)
    ENAME                                                                                        VARCHAR2(20)
    JOB                                                                                          VARCHAR2(9)
    MGR                                                                                          NUMBER(4)
    HIREDATE                                                                                     DATE
    SAL                                                                                          NUMBER(7,2)
    COMM                                                                                         NUMBER(7,2)
    DEPTNO                                                                                       NUMBER(2)

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