Converting .mov to .jpeg

is there any way to convert a .mov frame to a stand-alone .jpeg? I had camera on wrong setting and took a movie instead of a still.

iPhoto has no tool to extract still frame from a video.
What is your iPhoto version and MacOS X version? Early iMovie versions (before iMovie 9) could extract a still frame from a video, but the current iPhoto and iMovie cannot do this.
I am using Aperture's video editor to extract single frames from a video, but it would be bit expensive to upgrade to Aperture just for still frames.
if you do not need full resolution images - just the full screen size, simply view your video in full screen mode, advance the video to the frame you want and take a screenshot with (Shift+Comm+3). This wills save a photo to the Desktop.
Or use the professional version if QuickTime 7, if you have it. File > Export will save a still frame in ".pct" format.
Otherwise you will need third party apps; I have seen  MPEG Streamclip recommended for this, but have not used it myself.

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. You can get a jpg copy of a frame with iMovie but it will not be suitable for printing. It's resolution will be about 720 x 528 x 72 dpi, suitable for viewing on the computer and use if a slideshow in iDVD.

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    Quicktime Pro 7 can take video (ie mov files) and export them as image sequences.
    It can be purchased at the Apple store for $30.

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    Frank Caggiano wrote:
    Decided to finish this up as an interesting exercise. Hope you find it useful.
    One question for the  Applescripters here. The Automator action run as a shell script seems to return a list of filename aliases but the return value while looking like a list didn't behave as a list. I managed to rip it apart to get to the filepaths and the script works but it seems really kludgey . So my question is given the return of the Automator run as a do shell script what is a more correct way to handle it?
    Convert PDF to JPG
              © 2011 Frank Caggiano
              GNU Public License
              Convert pfd files to jpg images.
              The converted JPG files wil have the name of the original PDF files with the extension changed to JPG.
              The actual conversion uses the Automator action Render PDF Pages as Images.
              The user needs to create an Automator action with Render Pages as Images as the single action.
              Set the parameters for the conversion in the action.
              NOTE: this script assumes you're converting to jpg files If you select another output format in the action this script will
              need to be modified.
    -- choose PDF files
              set sourceFiles to choose file with prompt "Select PDF files" of type {"com.adobe.pdf"} with multiple selections allowed
    on error msg number n
              if n ≠ -128 then
                        error "Unknow error: " & msg & space & n
              end if
    end try
    -- choose destination folder
              set destFolder to choose folder with prompt "Select Destination Folder"
    on error msg number n
              if n ≠ -128 then
                        error "Unknow error: " & msg & space & n
              end if
    end try
    set destFolder to quoted form of POSIX path of destFolder
    -- select workflow
              set workFlow to choose file with prompt "Select Work Flow" of type {""}
    on error msg number n
              if n ≠ -128 then
                        error "Unknow error: " & msg & space & n
              end if
    end try
    set workFlow to POSIX path of workFlow
    repeat with sourceFile in sourceFiles
      -- get base name of the source file
              set bName to do shell script "basename " & quoted form of POSIX path of sourceFile
      -- Strip off the extension
              set text item delimiters to "."
              set bName to text item 1 of bName
                        set res to do shell script "automator -i " & quoted form of POSIX path of sourceFile & space & workFlow
              on error msg number n
                        error msg & space & n
              end try
      -- Seems strange to  do it this way but it works
              set text item delimiters to "\""
              set theList to text items of res
    We go through the list of converted files. If there is more then one then the second and subsequent files
    will get and integer added to the name to avoid conflict.
              set cnt to 0
              repeat with convertedFile in theList
                        if convertedFile does not contain "alias" and convertedFile does not contain "}" then
                                  set fullPath to quoted form of POSIX path of convertedFile
                                  if cnt ≠ 0 then
                                            do shell script "mv " & fullPath & space & destFolder & bName & "_" & cnt & ".JPG"
                                            do shell script "mv " & fullPath & space & destFolder & bName & ".JPG"
                                  end if
                                  set cnt to cnt + 1
                        end if
              end repeat
    end repeat
    Hi Frank--
    I tried the script you wrote and created the Automator workflow with the single action as requested, saved it to the desktop then selected it when your script's dialogue requested it. However, at that point your script game me the following error. Ideas? I did save the workflow as a workflow and I selected it directly, so I'm not sure why it thinks that the "workflow file does not exist" ? :
    error "The workflow file does not exist. 255" number -2700 from «script» to item

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    Thanks so much!

    Perhaps it would be best if you could post a screen shot of your original video.  For example, open it in QT Player and hit command i. Take a screen shot of the image and the movie inspector.
    All of the functions and their adjustments that used to be grouped in Geometry in previous versions of Compressor are now located in the integrated video pane of the Inspector.

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    RAW files are just sensor dumps of the raw data and can't be viewed unless a jpeg version is created. The jpeg version of the photo is created by iPhoto for display purposes.
    Make sure Photoshop is set as the external editor in iPhoto's Advanced preference pane and that RAW files are edited when using the external editor.
    You do know that when editing a RAW photos with Photoshop from within iPhoto the edited version must be saved to the Desktop and imported into iPhoto as a new file.  

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    5G   Windows XP  

    " Anytime I click to sync my iPod so I can put new songs onto it the songs never show up."
    This Apple knowledge-base article may help address that issue.
    Windows confuses iPod with network drive.

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    Are you going to give us any additional clues as to what you are really asking here?
    1) The "HT5409" in your subject title reference implies you are dealing with AVCHD content. If true, then how did you transfer them to your iPad and how did you transfer them from your iPad to your your MacBook Air platform? As the HT409 topic clearly stated, this can be very important. In addition, how are the files stored? For instance , have you extracted the MPEG-4 AVC content as transport streams or is the content still in the device recorded file form? Are you trying to edit the content or convert it to M4V, MP4, or MOV files directly?
    2) The "can i convert movies from iPad to mac laptop" part of your subject title is confusing. Yes, AVCHD files can be converted to simpler MPEG-4 AVC content that is compatible with all current and most older Mac computers and Apple mobile devices in MOV, MP4, and/or M4V file formats. However, how you do this will depend on the current form of the data and the target settings you wish to employ to ensure compatibility with the various target device possibilities. Further, non-AVCHD content (e.g., HD iPad video recordings) can also be downconverted to simpler settings in a similar manner if needed or required if that is your questing.
    3) Depending on your operating system, both AVCHD and MPEG-4 AVC content should already be compatible with QT X v10.2 and v10.3 players if properly transferred to your laptop from the recording device. And, even if improperly transferred, may still be converted to useable/compatible formats as long as the file itself has not been corrupted by your, as yet, unspecified workflow.
    4) What does "will not play on my mac air laptop with quicktime installed" mean here? Are you trying to play an AVCHD movie in the QT 7 player or one of the QT X players? If the latter, which one? Are you getting any error message? If so, what are they? If not playing in your main user account on the computer, does it play useing a different account? Do the files play in other, third-party multimedia players?
    Basically, your question is the equivalent of my saying my car won't start but failing to mention whether or not I am out of gas, my battery is dead, or that I have removoed the distributor cap, wires, or spark plugs from the engine. To properly solve the issue we need all possible information that you can provide describing exactly what you are doing, how you are doing it, what is not working as your expect it should, and what your goals are. In cases where you cannot answer such questions, it is often helpful to simply post/upload a sample "problem" file and let other users here examine it to determine the problem and/or suggest a specific solution for your particular system/configuration combination.

  • Aspect ratio problem while converting movies

    i think the black screen problem is the aspect ratios because videora ipod converter converts movies ar 1.33:1 and if your movies ar isn't 1.33:1 so u will see a black screen.
    we need a program that we can set ar manually.or we can only convert the movies which ar is 1.33:1 with videora ipod converter

    I believe that at least a partial solution is to create all of this widescreen, then in DVDSP, you have to make it a menu and not a video track. Then for aspect ratio in SP, select 16:9 Pan Scan & Letterbox. Be aware that it will cut off the sides of the picture in 4:3. Then your following image you'd have to put bars on the sides of the 4:3 video in Final Cut pro. Hope this helps. Anybody else got any ideas, I'd be happy to be proved wrong.

Maybe you are looking for