Converting symbols to grayscale

I'm using the leaf symbol from the "nature" palette in the symbols library. Does anyone know of a way to convert this to grayscale, (picking filters/colors/convert to grayscale does not work) and/or to make it editable? thanks

Object>Expand should work.

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    I'm going to ask this question in a few sub-forums, so if you think you've seen it, you might have.
    Where I work I use a program that can print to pdf. We use it to produce mailings, usually postcards, that are addressed.
    I often end up with a 500 page document that will print on 250 sheets of cover stock, which will get cut into 1,000 postcard, all pre-addressed and sorted by zip code.
    Usually, the address side is all black and the front is color. The printers we use can print a black click on the address side and a color click on the other, IF the pdf is set up that way. Otherwise, both sides will be counted as color clicks.
    I know I can select pages individually in a pdf and convert them to grayscale and those pages will be counted by the printer as black clicks, which are cheaper than color clicks.
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    Is there a way to select every other page in a pdf and convert it to grayscale?

    The Acrobat SDK has sample code that shows how to convert the colors for one page (the first page of a document). This sample can easily be adjusted to process every other page. You can then use an Action that executes this JavaScript to process the document. Do you know how to create an Action? If so, you can use this script (as I said, adapted from the sample in the SDK) to convert all odd pages (1, 3, 5, ...):
    // Get a color convert action
    var toGray = this.getColorConvertAction();
    // Set up the action for a conversion to RGB
    toGray.matchAttributesAny = -1;
    toGray.matchSpaceTypeAny = ~toGray.constants.spaceFlags.AlternateSpace;
    toGray.matchIntent = toGray.constants.renderingIntents.Any;
    toGray.convertProfile = "Gray Gamma 1.8";
    toGray.convertIntent = toGray.constants.renderingIntents.Document;
    toGray.embed = true;
    toGray.preserveBlack = false;
    toGray.useBlackPointCompensation = true;
    toGray.action = toGray.constants.actions.Convert;
    // Convert every other page
    for (var i=0; i<this.numPages; i++) {
      console.println("Processing page " + i);
      if (i % 2 == 0) {  // change to "if (i % 2 != 0) {" for all even numbers
      console.println("in page " + i);
      console.println(this.colorConvertPage(i, [toGray], []));
    As I've indicated in the code, you can change this to all even numbers by changing the == to !=

  • Is there a way to select every other page in a pdf and convert it to grayscale?

    I'm going to ask this question in a few sub-forums, so if you think you've seen it, you might have. Someone suggested it might be done with Javascript. I know nothing about Javascript.
    Where I work I use a program that can print to pdf. We use it to produce mailings, usually postcards, that are addressed.
    I often end up with a 500 page document that will print on 250 sheets of cover stock, which will get cut into 1,000 postcard, all pre-addressed and sorted by zip code.
    Usually, the address side is all black and the front is color. The printers we use can print a black click on the address side and a color click on the other, IF the pdf is set up that way. Otherwise, both sides will be counted as color clicks.
    I know I can select pages individually in a pdf and convert them to grayscale and those pages will be counted by the printer as black clicks, which are cheaper than color clicks.
    The problem is, I have not figured out how to convert all the odd numbered pages to grayscale at once. As a result, I usually end up printing the color side simplex, then putting the job back in the tray and printing the black side. Of course, that only works if only one side is personalized, sometimes both sides are.
    Is there a way to select every other page in a pdf and convert it to grayscale?

    The Acrobat SDK has sample code that shows how to convert the colors for one page (the first page of a document). This sample can easily be adjusted to process every other page. You can then use an Action that executes this JavaScript to process the document. Do you know how to create an Action? If so, you can use this script (as I said, adapted from the sample in the SDK) to convert all odd pages (1, 3, 5, ...):
    // Get a color convert action
    var toGray = this.getColorConvertAction();
    // Set up the action for a conversion to RGB
    toGray.matchAttributesAny = -1;
    toGray.matchSpaceTypeAny = ~toGray.constants.spaceFlags.AlternateSpace;
    toGray.matchIntent = toGray.constants.renderingIntents.Any;
    toGray.convertProfile = "Gray Gamma 1.8";
    toGray.convertIntent = toGray.constants.renderingIntents.Document;
    toGray.embed = true;
    toGray.preserveBlack = false;
    toGray.useBlackPointCompensation = true;
    toGray.action = toGray.constants.actions.Convert;
    // Convert every other page
    for (var i=0; i<this.numPages; i++) {
      console.println("Processing page " + i);
      if (i % 2 == 0) {  // change to "if (i % 2 != 0) {" for all even numbers
      console.println("in page " + i);
      console.println(this.colorConvertPage(i, [toGray], []));
    As I've indicated in the code, you can change this to all even numbers by changing the == to !=

  • Converting PDF to grayscale

    I am using Adobe CS 3, Acrobat 8 Professional, on Mac OS 10.4.11
    I am trying to convert a full color PDF document to grayscale. I tried to click Advanced > Print Production > Convert Colors and then Grayscale, but it is not working.
    I tried clicking Print and then choosing a PDF option, but it is taking unreasonably long and not finishing.
    So how can I convert it to grayscale?

    I had some trouble with this same issue of converting a color pdf to grayscale. I realized that in my particular pdf, just using the Tools/Print Production/Convert Colors function was not enough. Somehow there were extra spot colors inadvertently added to the file. Here are the steps to follow to make sure this works correctly if you are wanting to convert the entire pdf file to a grayscale image:
    (I am using Acrobat 7.0.9 on a Mac OS X, 10.4.11 system)
    1.) In your pdf file go to Tools/Print Production/Ink Manager click on the bottom left corner box that says (Convert all spots to process). Click okay.
    2.) Go back to Tools/Print Production/Convert Colors. Click on (Device Gray: Convert) Action: Convert. Profile: Select your profile of choosing....for me it was 10% Dot Gain way at the bottom). Convert Pages: All. Conversion Options: Don't Embed Profile. Check box that says, Preserve Black Objects. Click okay.
    This should resolve any problems with those extra colors that will not convert to grayscale since they are assigned as spot colors.
    Hope this helps. Let me know if this works for anyone. just tried it once.
    Good luck!

  • How to solve this??convert CMYKBlack to grayscale

    Hi i need to convert CMYKBlack to is the code im using....
    in case of textart..
    if( style.fill.color.kind == kFourColor &&
    ((>0 && style.fill.color.c.f.cyan==0 &&
    style.fill.color.c.f.yellow==0 && style.fill.color.c.f.magenta==0) ||
    ( && style.fill.color.c.f.cyan==0 &&
    style.fill.color.c.f.yellow==0 && style.fill.color.c.f.magenta==0)))
    percentageOfGray=(style.fill.color.c.f.cyan) * 30/100;
    percentageOfGray=percentageOfGray + ((style.fill.color.c.f.magenta) * 59/100);
    percentageOfGray=percentageOfGray + ((style.fill.color.c.f.yellow) * 11/100);
    percentageOfGray=percentageOfGray + (;
    if (percentageOfGray*100 >100)
    error = sAITextRun->SetTextRunPathStyle (line,&style );
    error = sAITextRun->SetTextRunPathStyle (line,&style )---------This syntax is used in illustrator 10 for setting the converted color..what is the similar syntax to be used in illustrator cs2.
    Please someone help me.......
    Thanks in advance......

    Sorry, I've been sick for a few days, just got back. Hopefully this will still be useful to you (or someone else!).
    First, I just want to mention that there's a suite for doing this kind of thing, the AIColorConversionSuite (AIColourConversion.h). I'd take a look at that; it might simply your conversion code.
    As for setting the text colour in CS on, here's the code we use in our application for setting text's stroke colour:
    ------------- snip --------------
    TextRangeRef textRangeRef = 0;
    // this code is inside an object that represents
    // text art, so it has a member that has the art
    // handle. This handle is retrieved using GetHandle()
    // so just replace 'GetHandle()' with your AIArtHandle
    // variable
    AIErr error = sAITextFrame->GetATETextRange(GetHandle(), &textRangeRef);
    ATE::ITextRange textRange(textRangeRef);
    ATE::ICharFeatures charFeatures = textRange.GetUniqueLocalCharFeatures();
    // colour is a pointer to our own colour object; its
    // a pointer so that a 'null' stroke can be set
    if (colour) {
    ATE::ApplicationPaintRef paintRef = 0;
    AIColor aiColour;
    // this is the colour model of the document,
    // which is either CMYK or RGB
    EColourModel model = CDocumentList::GetCurrentDocument().GetColourModel();
    // we have classes, CRGBColour & CCMYKColour that automatically do
    // colour conversion for us -- they use the AIColorConversionSuite
    if (eColourModelRGB == model) {
    aiColour = (AIColor)(*colour);
    } else if (eColourModelCMYK == model) {
    aiColour = (AIColor)(CCMYKColour(*colour));
    error = sATEPaint->CreateATEApplicationPaint(&aiColour, &paintRef);
    ATE::IApplicationPaint paint(paintRef);
    // obviously you'd use SetFillColor here if you wanted fill
    } else {
    ------------- snip --------------
    Note that THROW_EXCEP_IF is a macro of ours that throws an exception if error != kNoErr.

  • Preserving alpha while converting images to grayscale

    I am trying to convert images into grayscale.
    I use this code
    public static BufferedImage grayScale(BufferedImage im) {
            BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(im.getWidth(), im.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_BYTE_GRAY);
            Graphics g = image.getGraphics();
            g.drawImage(im, 0, 0, null);
            return image;
        }but transparent parts become black. Is there a simple way to preserve opacity while converting to grayscale.

    Since you want to preserve the alpha channel you'll need to get and set the pixels yourself. And you'll have to use a BufferedImage type that
    supports an alpha channel. TYPE_BYTE_GRAY won't do...
    public static BufferedImage grayScale(BufferedImage im) {
         BufferedImage grayImage = new BufferedImage(im.getWidth(), im.getHeith(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
         for(int x = 0; x < im.getWidth(); x++)
              for(int y = 0; y < im.getHeight(); y++){
                   int argb = im.getRGB(x,y);
                   int a = (argb >> 24) & 0xff;
                   int r = (argb >> 16) & 0xff;
                   int g = (argb >>  8) & 0xff;
                   int b = (argb      ) & 0xff;
                   int l= (int) (.299 * r + .587 * g + .114 * b) //luminance
                   grayImage.setRGB(x,y, (a << 24) + (l << 16) + (l << 8) + l);
         return grayImage;

  • Converting RGB to grayscale

    I am acquiring an image and the output appears to be a grayscale image, but the text states that it is in fact an RGB image. I'd like to save some space and convert it into a GrayScale image. I have labview 8.2 and I don't have vision. Is there any way to do this?
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏137 KB

        Here is a almost solution, try if you can get best color, i am viewing black and white .
    Best Regards,
    Luis A. Mata C.
    Ing. Electrónico
    Anaco - Venezuela
    RGB Image to ‏20 KB

  • Convertir une image "Grayscale I16" en "RGB U64"

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    Si vous avez une solution, je vous en serais reconnaissant.
    Si ça peut vous aider, j'ai Labview 8.6 et NI Vision.
    Merci d'avance

    Si vous souhaitez, voici le VI que j'essaye de faire. 
    Il marche très bien en grayscale 8bits => RGB 32 bits, mais pas en Grayscale 16 bits => RGB 64 bits...
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    Merci du temps que vous consacrez à mon problème.
    Pièces jointes : ‏217 KB

  • Converted Symbol can't be Pasted into Keyframe: Motion Tweening

    I have two files one is called tween_start.fla and the other is called tween_end.fla I am trying to create a motion tween where the animation begins at tween_start.fla and ends at tween_end.fla Each file consists of 7 shapes (it's a tangram if you're curious). At frame 10 of the tween_start.fla timeline I right-click on each layer and do Insert Blank Keyframe. Then I go to tween_end.fla click on a shape and do Modify>Convert to Symbol. Then I go back to the timeline for tween_start.fla, right-click on frame 10 and do Paste Frames or Insert Keyframe. If I do Paste Frames with all of the symbols I've created in tween_end.fla then the shapes end up stacked on top of each other. If I do Insert Keyframe it doesn't insert the symbol I've just created, instead it just keeps the same shapes that were at the first frame of tweet_start.fla. So how do I insert the symbols from tween_end.fla into the tenth frame of tweet_start.fla and then execute a motion tween between the frames?

    I have created the same number of keyframes and kept the layers the same as you suggested and it still doesn't work. What I don't understand about this problem is, how does the timeline know that what you are pasting into the keyframe is the new symbol that you have just created? There is no command that says Copy Symbol and when you paste into the keyframes you can only choose Insert Frame, Insert Keyframe, or Paste Frames so how do you get it to paste the symbol you just made? Thanks for your help anyway.

  • Director converting symbol's case from lower to upper

    put symbol("bd") -- BD
    any thoughts as to why this would happen?
    it only happens every now and then, even though I am running the same .dir file;
    furthermore it is not converting every lowercase string to uppercase;

    well, this is simply an illustrative example of what is occurring;
    what is actually occurring is:
    my_prop_A = my_list_A.getPropAt( i )
    my_value  = my_list_B[ my_prop_A ] --- error occurrs here
    my_list_A is created at runtime from an external text file with ONLY lowercase letters;
    my_list_A looks like: [#a : "something" , #aa : "something" , #ab : "something" , ... , #bd : "something" , ... ]
    at this point I obviousely wondered if there was in fact an #BD within my_list_A ... maybe some type of anomoly conversion; however, there is nothing;
    so if I:
    put symbol("aa") -- #aa
    put symbol("bd") -- #BD
    once this happens it throws an error because there is no my_list_B[ #BD ] ( though there is a #bd );
    in order to fix it I do all kinds of stuff, and there is no consistency to achieving the solution; on any given day this might work:
        --    close the 3dpi
        --    delete w3d and text files which have data that is used to build my_list_A
        --    recompile scripts
        --    save and compact
        --    close director
        --    restart my computer
        --    open director
        --    re-import w3d and text files which have data that is used to build my_list_A
    but then on any other day that same set of steps might not work; some times I go through this same process 4 or five times, and then all of the sudden it works;
    etc. with other solution approaches;

  • Convert 16 bit Grayscale tiff file to Bitmap

    How can I do a batch conversion of 500+ pics (in TIFF format) from 16-bit grayscale to bitmap in Photoshop?
    PS - I know how to change them manually (Image>Mode>drop to 8 bit and then to bitmap).

    Record an action that does this: "change them manually (Image>Mode>drop to 8 bit and then to bitmap)"
    Then use scripts > image processor to process the files, running your new action at the same time. !! Be sure to work on a duplicate set of images !!

  • How can I convert shapes to Grayscale in Illustrator CS6?

    The question is pretty much in the title, haha!

    Select objects, then:
    Edit > Edit Colors > Convert to Grayscale

  • Convert symbol to flex component fo CS4

    I installed Flex component kit and it works fine in Flash CS3
    but doesn't appears at Flash CS4 Command menu.
    I installed using Adobe Manager CS4 and enabled it.
    What is wrong?

    Thanks but didn't solve...
    The mxp component wasn't copied to that folder.
    It was in the original place.
    Then I copied and register again.
    But doesn't works.
    In CS3 everything works fine.
    Any other idea?

  • Preserving Black color values when converting color PDF to grayscale

    I opened a full colored PDF document (exported from InDesign using Profile: Euroscale Coated v2) in Photoshop and tried to convert it to grayscale (image > mode > grayscale) and noticed that the black color values changed. text for example that was 100% black in the PDF document became a screen of 91% black.
    is there a way to preserve color values when converting full color PDF documents to grayscale?
    or in other words WHICH is the correct way to convert full color PDF documents or full color InDesign files to grayscale?
    I am using Adobe CS 3, Acrobat 8 Professional, on Mac OS 10.5.5

    Before you open the PDF in Photoshop, set PS's Color Settings to Photoshop 5 Default Spaces. When you open the PDF set the Mode to Grayscale in the Import dialog. Just remember to reset your color settings when you're done.
    Edit: Also, if you want to match black percentages as well as 100% black, set the Photoshop Color Settings to Photoshop 5 Default Spaces with the Gray working space to Dot Gain 20%.

  • Converting illustrator ads to grayscale

    Some of our ads that have images and gradients in them are printing horribly in newsprint and coming out dark and apparently in cmyk--Which look awful. The only way I can see to turn the ads to grayscale in illustrator is by exporting to jpg. Is there another way. There are images and gradients in these ads. Our preferred format would be in PDF. Any suggestions for creating good grayscale ads in illustrator that has gradients and images and saving to PDF

    > Some of our ads that have images and gradients in them are printing horribly in newsprint and coming out dark and apparently in cmyk--Which look awful.
    [Don't know what "and apparently in cmyk" means.]
    There is no one-size-fits-all colorimetric/automatic "best" conversion from CMYK to grayscale, because software doesn't know what terms like "horribly" and "awful" mean.
    You say "our ads", but you don't state who you are, the newspaper receiving the CMYK ads, or the creator of the CMYK ads. The following assumes you are the creator of the ads, and therefore have time and professional interest (and appropriate fees) to do it right.
    Especially in a low-res, low-fidelity medium like newsprint, leaving the conversion from color to grayscale up to some "magic formula" is worse than the practice of placing RGB images in a document destined for offset-press and then entrusting the converstion to CMYK to automation.
    A CMYK-to-Grayscale conversion table--no matter how numerically accurate and consistent--doesn't know text from sky, or red flower from green leaf. So the optimum conversion from color to grayscale depends highly upon the content and intent of each image. And if I read your post correctly, you said your ads have multiple images, not just one. If so, the conversion shouldn't happen at the whole-document level, either.
    For example: Fully saturated red and fully saturated green have similar luminosity. So they both convert to similar grayscale values. That utterly kills any visual contrast between flower petal and leaf, and you end up with an unattractive, flat, and dead-uninteresting midtone blob. It shouldn't take much imagination to think of countless other examples of just-as-bad situations. Imaging an ad for a red car parked in front of a green hedge. Or an add with yellow text in front of a blue sky.
    Even when working in Photoshop, conversion to grayscale is seldom best achieved by simply changing the mode from RGB or CMYK to Grayscale. Depending upon the image; depending upon what's
    important in the image, a far better conversion is often the use of the green channel, instead of the L. Sometimes blending two or more channels results in a better grayscale conversion. And a curves adjustment is almost always called for.
    So to answer your question correctly, one would have to see a specific example--or one would have to say build the grayscale ads correctly
    for grayscale newsprint reproduction in the first place, so you can see the value contrast (because that's the only kind of contrast you will get in grayscale) before you actually go to press.

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