Copy an iTunes song using the Finder ?

Hi List !
Is it possible to copy an iTunes song in a given folder with Automator ? The iTunes action Get iTunes Item (not sure of the name, I use the french version of Tiger) return iTunes Items, not iTunes Songs !
And the Finder action Copy...only accepts Files/Folders (and iTunes Songs), not iTunes Items.
Is there a way to do this ?

OK, I suppose this is not possible. I've made an automator action that does that but I still find it strange that standard actions can't achieve this...

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    i posted a thread yesterday about me being an idiot deleting my iTunes media folder accidentally and it now coming up with the dreaded ''!'' and claiming 'the song could not be used because the original file could not be found. Would you like to locate it?' which is expected.
    even though i deleted the iTunes media folder, the files in this were only copy's of the original files; so every song that i have in my itunes are still on my drive, but are located in various folders around my macbook, the majority being in 'Albums from Old Computer' and 'Downloads' ..saying this i could easily just drag and drop them all into my iTunes like i did when i first imported them, but its the fact i have just spend the last 4 days organising them all. they now all have artwork, correct album names, genre's etc.
    i dont really want to have to go through all 2748 songs individually and manually locate them, which i can easily do for a couple of songs, just not that many!
    but heres the dilema.. when i click on 'Locate' after it asks me weather or not i would like to locate the file as the original could not be found, i find the correct file, and all is fine, it lets me play this song from now on. But what i havnt seen before is the next prompt after i have located the file saying 'Would you like the iTunes to use the location of '.....' to find other missing files in your library?' ..i hadnt seen this option before and i was happy to click yes 'find files' ..but, no files are found? even though there are a fair ammount of song files that are in the same location as the song i have just located !?
    thanks in advance for any attempts at helping me out!x

    you might find this useful:
    _*Music Folder Files Not Added v2.0*_
    This application will list the file paths of the files in your designated "iTunes Media" folder which are not in iTunes' library. Additionally, you can select a different parent folder and its contents will be compared to the iTunes library. Options to Add a selection of found files to iTunes or move them to the Trash.

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    I saw this thread:
    and some people were suggesting removing everything from your library then re-adding it, in case the paths were messed up. I tried that and still got the same results. I also updated iTunes to the latest version, and I've tried different USB ports and 2 different USB cables.
    I also found instructions for a batch file you can run that, I believe, updates the iTuens DLLs, I did that as well but it did not help:
    What else can I try to fix this?

    bump (if that's allowed)

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    No, unfortunately, when you format a drive, it will erase all the contents. So you will need to find a temporary "storage" place to put the stuff using a PC so you have access to it. Then reformat using Disk Utility (Applications > Utilities). If only using with mac, format Mac OS Extended (Journaled) and use GUID Partition scheme under Partitions/Options. After formatting, you can drag the files back.

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  • TS1463 Itunes could not copy (name of song) To the ipod (name of ipod) Because an unknown error occurred (-50)

    Itunes could not copy (name of song) To the ipod (name of ipod) Because an unknown error occurred (-50)

    I had this problem with a new album I downloaded this week from Amazon. It looks like they changed their cloud player download functionality within the last few weeks.
    I previously tried the steps listed here:
    I had also tried Windows Updates and a few other suggestions I found on this topic and nothing had worked.
    In iTunes, when I right-click on the track to "Get Info," I noticed it lists WHERE at the bottom of the Summary tab to show where the file is located. It said the file was located in \\?\C:\mp3\... Amazon automatically downloads my mp3's to this directory and imports them to iTunes. I assumed there was something wrong with the mapping, due to the \\?\.
    If you notice your files are not mapped to a valid location:
    Highlight the affected tracks and press the <Delete> key on your keyboard.
    Select the Remove option when prompted to remove the files from your Library. Take care to Keep Files if prompted so you don't completely remove them from your computer.
    Locate the files on your computer and drag them to import back into iTunes. If you check the location mapping in Get Info, the directory should now be valid.
    I think the USB workaround above might resolve this issue, but this probably helps to explain that the files locations weren't referenced in iTunes correctly in the first place.
    Message was edited by: artfuldodgr42

  • Can I use the Find my Iphone app on Itunes?

    Hi, I was wondering if i could use the find my iphone app on itunes, i do not own any other apple device except my phone.

    Welcome to the Apple community.
    You can use the find my phone app on your phone if you want, however there doesn't seem much point, since you will have it in your hand when you are using it and therefore know where it is.
    You can enable the find my phone feature through settings >Icloud, and then track your phone at, should it be lost or stolen.

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    Turn on your computer.
    Open your Browser.
    Go to
    Select find my iphone/ipod

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    The app should locate both phones if they are using the same iCloud account and the app is signed into the account.  If they are using different account, sign out, then sign back in with the other account to track the other phone.
    If one of them isn't showing and you're signed into the correct iCloud account, go to Settings>iCloud on the phone in question and turn Find My iPhone Off, then back On.

  • Has iTunes stopped using the iTunNORM tag?

    Recently, I was trying to figure out whether I wanted to use info generated by the replay_gain algorithm in my iTunNORM tags, so I experimented with a couple of things, and one of things I did was to remove the iTunNORM tag completely from a copy of an aac file. I then added this song to iTunes, I noticed that the file remained unchanged, the iTunNORM tag was not created ( and yes I had the Sound Check feature on)
    So then I picked a song that I had, and I generated 3 aac's from it (one where I amplified the volume, one I decreased the volume, and one with the volume unchanged), so there was no iTunNORM tag in the files, no replay_gain tags in the files. I then added these songs to iTunes, and found out that soundcheck now works without adding the itunNORM tag to aac's; that is to say, if I have Sound Check off, then the 3 test acc's will play at different levels of loudness, and if it is on then they sound to be at the same level of loudness.
    Has anyone else noticed this behaviour?
    Has iTunes stop using the iTunNORM tag?
    I used foobar and qtaacenc (QuickTime commandline encoder) to create the aac files.
    I did this after I had upgraded to iTunes 11, I have since downgraded to 10.7 and I have gotten the same results. I am using the 64 bit windows version of iTunes.

    Also I'm very very interested in knowing the answer to your question.
    I posted yesterday some questions (among which your question itself) here "" but nobody answered me yet.
    Did you find out at last if iTunes 10 stopped using the iTunNorm tag and where it eventually write soundcheck info into an mp3 file?
    Thank you very much for your anser.

  • HT1751 i bought a new, larger external hard drive. copied my itunes library from the old drive to the new one, changed the libarary location in Edit/Preferences/Advanced to the new drive. iTunes will not start or run unless old hard drive plugged in.??

    I bought a new, larger external hard drive. I have my iTunes library on the external drive instead of C: drive, Using Windows 7.
    I copied my itunes library from the old drive to the new one, changed the libarary location in Edit/Preferences/Advanced to the new drive.
    iTunes will not start or run unless the old hard drive is plugged in.
    If I disconnect the old drive iTunes shuts down.
    Any ideas. ??

    Hello kskip,
    Thank you for providing so much information about what is going on.  It sounds like you have setup iTunes to save new content to your new external hard drive in iTunes>Preferences, but it sounds like iTunes is not opening iTunes Library.itl file on the new external drive.  You have one last step to take to have iTunes point to your new external hard drive rather than your old one:
    Steps to create or choose a different iTunes Library file
    If iTunes is running, quit iTunes.
    If you are using Windows, hold down the Shift key and from the Start menu and choose All Programs > iTunes > iTunes.
    You should see the following screen:
    Additional information
    If you do not see the screen above, then you did not hold the correct key at the correct time. You may want to try again. Note that if you pinned iTunes to the Start menu programs, and open it that way, it may not work.
    Once you select "Choose Library," you will need to navigate to the iTunes Library.itl file on your new external drive. 
    You can find the full article here:
    iTunes: How to open an alternate iTunes Library file or create a new one
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    Sheila M.

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    You need to use the Find My iPhone app (in the itunes store - free).  When invoking it on a device, you enter the ID password of the account the lost device is connected to.  You can also use a computer's browser and log into

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    While trying to add another pre-existing CSULB podcast to our CSULB on iTunes U (using the "feed" method), I encountered an error message that I don't know how to interpret.
    Can you help me with this or is there somebody else at Apple I should work with?
    The pre-existing podcast is at:
    The error message reads:
    "While attempting to download. . . iTunes U encountered an authorization error and could not update the content. Verity your authorization access to the feed specified in the feed URL field, including the user name and password permissions, and then try again."
    I have no idea what this means. Can someone please help?

    bgerth wrote:
    Is anyone using Podcast Producer 2 to publish content on iTunes U, and if so, does it work reasonably well (do you recommend using it)?
    Its spiffy. I like it, but I'm a softie when it comes to Apple stuff.
    Am I correct in thinking Podcast Producer 2 can only be used to create an RSS feed to point to podcasts stored in its Podcast Library or can you use Podcast Producer to upload files into our institutional iTunes U storage space (yes we are fortunate to have access to Apple's 500 GB storage space)?
    You can choose to do either. Although I haven't seen anything official, I suspect that Apple prefers the use of Podcast Library…but that's just a preference, not any sort of recommendation or future direction. In the end, I suggest (and I think Apple would agree) that you do what makes the most sense for you. For example, we choose to do it both ways.
    Can you provide a link to instructions (or explain how to either identify in iTunes U that the podcast is in Podcast Producer's Podcast Library as an RSS Feed or how to upload the podcast from Podcast Producer to a specific tab in a specific iTunes tab.
    I believe someone (a friend from Apple…??) released a PcP workflow action that deals with iTunes U the same way as PcPv1 did. Overall, though, probably the best kept PcP secret is that Podcast Producer is a generalized workflow solution. Sure, it's cast as a podcasting solution…but if you can get OS X Server to do something, you can get Podcast Producer to turn it into a workflow…anything. Since OS X Server can be scripted to upload content to iTunes U, Podcast Producer can handle that too.
    I appreciate any information given as I have tried with little success to find this information in either the iTunes U or Podcast Producer Admin guides.

  • I accidentally erased my phone while using the Find my Iphone app

    I accidentally erased my phone while using the Find my Iphone app. Now im trying to unlock it as my phone is also sim locked but this is the message that comes up :
    "Your iphone could not be activated because the activation server is temporarily unavailable. Try connecting Your iPhone to iTunes to activate it, or try again in a couple of minutes."
    This keeps repeating and there doesnàt seem to be anz alternative as iTunes isnàt letting me connect either.

    Hi, susanfergu.  
    Thank you for visiting Apple Support Communities.  
    Here is an article that I would recommend going through for this issue.  
    Get help activating your iPhone
    Jason H.  

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