Copy the data from one column to another column using @

I have two columns here - A and B.
Column A has a complicated formula that will generate results. I wanted the results in Column A to be reflected in Column B without pasting the A's formula in B. This will save me the trouble of editing formulas in more than 1 column if there is a need.
I saw somewhere that you can use "@" in column B but I have no idea how to use it.
Assumingly column A is the first column. I tried to insert '@1' in B's formula and change B's column properties' Data Format as "Treat Text as HTML". It does not work.
Please advise how I can do that.

So is there any way to copy the data in Column A into Column B without putting the same formula? something like in Excel where we put "=C1". Its not possible in BI as it comes in excel.....The only way is to create a duplicate column in RPD or Answers screen and incorporate the formula and giving different name to it.
whats the problem if you duplicate the column with same formula?....Ok still if you dont want to see identical just write some pseudo logic say
Duplicated column f(x) case when 1=0 then column_name else formula it appears different to see but it outputs same.
Dont create in RPD,you can create a dummy column in that report request and change the f(x) to the above case i mentioned by taking the column from columns button in edit formula screen so when ever you edit the actual column formula that would reflect in the dummy column also as it is replicating from original one.Try and see
hope helps you.
Edited by: Kranthi.K on Jun 2, 2011 1:26 AM

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    You could use SQL*Plus' COPY command
    Edited by: Alex Nuijten on Sep 16, 2009 8:13 AM

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    Hi Vinoth,
    For SQL Bulk inserts you can always use SQL Bulk Load
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    One way that you could do this would be to create a helper method that configures your graph rather than configuring it at design-time, then use that helper method to apply the settings to the new graphs that you create. However, this would only work if you wanted all graphs to be configured exactly the same way - this would not work if the settings of your master graph are changing at run-time and you want the new graphs to be configured with the current settings of the master graph.
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    #include <atlbase.h>
    CComModule _Module;
    #include <atlcom.h>
    #include <atlcoll.h>
    Here's the simple IPropertyBag implementation:
    class ATL_NO_VTABLE CSimplePropertyBag :
    public CComObjectRootEx<CComSingleThreadModel>,
    public IPropertyBag
    CAtlMap<CComBSTR, CComVariant> m_propertyMap;
    STDMETHODIMP Read(LPCOLESTR pszPropName, VARIANT* pVar, IErrorLog* pErrorLog)
    HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
    if ((pszPropName == NULL) || (pVar == NULL))
    hr = E_POINTER;
    if (SUCCEEDED(::VariantClear(pVar)))
    CComBSTR key = pszPropName;
    CComVariant value;
    if (!m_propertyMap.Lookup(key, value))
    hr = E_INVALIDARG;
    if (SUCCEEDED(::VariantCopy(pVar, &value)))
    hr = S_OK;
    return hr;
    HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
    if ((pszPropName == NULL) || (pVar == NULL))
    hr = E_POINTER;
    m_propertyMap.SetAt(pszPropName, *pVar);
    hr = S_OK;
    return hr;
    Once you have a way to create an implementation of IPropertyBag, you can use IPropertyBag and IPersistPropertyBag to copy the settings from one control to another like this:
    void CopyGraphStyle(CNiGraph& source, CNiGraph& target)
    LPUNKNOWN pSourceUnknown = source.GetControlUnknown();
    LPUNKNOWN pTargetUnknown = target.GetControlUnknown();
    if ((pSourceUnknown != NULL) && (pTargetUnknown != NULL))
    CComQIPtr<IPersistPropertyBag> pSourcePersist(pSourceUnknown);
    CComQIPtr<IPersistPropertyBag> pTargetPersist(pTargetUnknown);
    if ((pSourcePersist != NULL) && (pTargetPersist != NULL))
    CComObject<CSimplePropertyBag>* pPropertyBag = 0;
    if (pPropertyBag != NULL)
    CComQIPtr<IPropertyBag> spPropertyBag(pPropertyBag);
    if (spPropertyBag != NULL)
    if (SUCCEEDED(pSourcePersist->Save(spPropertyBag, FALSE, TRUE)))
    pTargetPersist->Load(spPropertyBag, NULL);
    (Note that "CreateInstan ce" above should be CreateInstance - a space gets added for some unknown reason after I click Submit.)
    Then you can use this CopyGraphStyle method to copy the settings of the master graph to the new graph. Hope this helps.
    - Elton

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    With Regards,
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    select * into A1 from RDOC where Author !='System'
    select *  into A2  from  RITM   where Doccode  in (select Doccode from A1 )
    select * from A1
    select * from A2
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    Maybe these links help you out
    Also, you can just detach the database make a copy and move it to the new server.

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    log_utl_dir VARCHAR2(100) :=('/apps/home/cmsftp/log/gaa');
    CURSOR tb_compy_cur is
    select tb.compy_acronym
    -- QC 158113 - added below
    from tb_fc_compy tb,tb_xop_entitlements te
    where tb.grant_award_accept_flag = 'Y'
    and tb.ivr_plan_num = te.ivr_plan_num
    and te.entitle_name = 'GAA_RECONCILED'
    union all
    select compy_acronym
    -- QC 158113 - added below
    from tb_fc_compy tb
    where tb.res_stock_flag = 'Y'
    --and   (tb.res_auto_lapse_flag = 2 OR
    --tb.res_auto_lapse_flag = 3)
    and exists (select entitle_name from tb_xop_entitlements te
    where tb.ivr_plan_num = te.ivr_plan_num
    and te.entitle_name = 'GAA_RES_FLAG'
    and te.optionee = 'Y'
    and te.psrep = 'Y'
    and te.sponsor = 'Y'
    and te.advisor = 'Y');
    v_xopgrantz_insertcount NUMBER := 0;
    -- QC 158113 - added below
    v_xopgrantz_accpt_count NUMBER := 0;
    v_user_id VARCHAR2(30);
    insert_file_id UTL_FILE.FILE_TYPE;
    insert_log_file varchar2(45) := 'xop_grantz_insertstats.log';
    insert_file_id := UTL_FILE.fopen(log_utl_dir,insert_log_file,'w');
    UTL_FILE.put_line(insert_file_id,'Starting the Process at '|| CURRENT_TIMESTAMP);
    UTL_FILE.put_line(insert_file_id,'INSERTING ROWS FOR Companies turned on for GAA_RECONCILE and GAA/RESSTOCK');
    for compy_rec in tb_compy_cur loop
    v_user_id := 'CMS'||compy_rec.compy_acronym||'_USER';
    dbms_output.put_line ('success2'||''|| v_user_id);
    INSERT into xop_grantz(grant_num,
    select g.grant_num,
    (sel ect code
    from tb_xop_exerrestrict_codes
    where cash_allowed = 'Y'
    and cashlesshold_allowed = 'Y'
    and cashlesssell_allowed = 'Y'
    and stockswap_allowed = 'Y'
    and restricted_allowed = 'Y'
    and sar_allowed = 'Y'
    and cashmargin_allowed = 'Y'
    and cashpartial_allowed = 'Y'
    and sarsale_allowed = 'Y'),
    from grantz g
    where not exists(select 1
    from xop_grantz xg
    where xg.grant_num = g.grant_num);
    v_xopgrantz_insertcount := SQL%ROWCOUNT;
    dbms_output.put_line ('1');
    -- QC158113 - Optimisation fix--starts
    DELETE FROM gt_xop_grant_accpt_type;
    INSERT INTO gt_xop_grant_accpt_type
    SELECT g.grant_num,e.ivr_plan_num,
    pk_xop_grntaccpt.fn_get_accpt_type (v_user_id,
    FROM grantz g,tb_xop_entitlements e
    WHERE plan_type IN (2, 4, 5, 7, 8)
    and g.user_id = v_user_id
    and e.ivr_plan_num = compy_rec.ivr_plan_num
    and entitle_name = 'GAA_RES_FLAG' ;
    dbms_output.put_line ('success3');
    v_xopgrantz_accpt_count := SQL%ROWCOUNT;
    UTL_FILE.put_line(insert_file_id,'Inserted count in gt_xop_grant_acceptance '|| v_user_id||v_xopgrantz_accpt_count);
    -- QC158113 - Optimisation fix--ends
    UTL_FILE.put_line(insert_file_id,'Inserted count in XOP_GRANTZ for USER_ID '|| v_user_id||v_xopgrantz_insertcount);
    dbms_output.put_line ('process completed');
    end loop;
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line ('Code '||SQLCODE||':'||SQLERRM||' at '||v_user_id||' .pr_xopgrantz_insert');
    pr_xop_log_errors('Code '||SQLCODE||':'||SQLERRM||' at '||v_user_id||' .pr_xopgrantz_insert');
    pr_xop_log_errors('Code '||SQLCODE||':'||SQLERRM||'INSERTING into xop_grantz for ALL grants');
    i received this error when running the procedure also, so the table gt_xop_grant_accpt_type is not populated
    {Code -28115:ORA-28115: policy with check option violation at CMSFB_USER .pr_xopgrantz_insert}

  • SEM:BCS - Copying Consolidated data from one version to another

    We have a situation where we do Consolidation of Forecast data. However this involves mixing Actuals data. For eg.
    1) Q3 forecast would contain Q1 and Q2 as Actuals and Q3 and Q4 as Forecast
    2) System has already done the consolidation for Q1 and Q2 lets say in version 0
    3) Forecast is a different version eg. F1.
    4) I want to be able to copy the Consolidated data of Q1 and Q2 from version 0 to version F1. Then load the data for Q3 and Q4 for forecast and perform consolidations for Q3 and Q4.
    What I have seen in the system is -
    a) You can copy only the non-consolidated data from one version to another and not for eg. Elimination entries etc.
    b) This means that I have to perform consolidations in version F1 for quarters Q1 and Q2 again even though its already been done in the Actuals version (0).
    c) Is there any way out of this. There is always the possibility that the consolidated data in Q1 and Q2 does not match between Actuals (version 0) and Forecast (F1)

    We had the same issue. In your solution you'll have to delete old (Q1 and Q2) forecast data and replace them by actuals. It's too problematic.
    And you are absolutely right about possible inconsistency between actual and forecast data.
    So, we've chosen another way.
    We make separate consolidation in actual, budget, plan and forecast versions.
    In plan and forecast we everything that is possible do periodically (including currency translation) -- to avoid the possible influence of historical data.
    In a BEx query (and Excel workbook) level we retrive: N months of fact, forecast data for N1 month and a plan data for N2 month. After summing up all figures we have predicted (name it as forecast) data for N+2 months.
    Of course, the actual, forcast and plan components are hidden in a report.
    This is possible because, in plan and forecast we use turnovers (not balances) only. Even a balance sheet is produced without problems, not talking about P&L and Cash Flow.
    Hope it helps.

  • How to copy the data of one node to another of the same context

    hi experts,
          i need to copy the data of one node to the other node of the same context.
    the source node is a model node ( i.e comming from <b>RFC</b> ) and the destination node is a value node which i have creted.
    what i have done is.
    i have read the source node using wizard
    elem_t_p0591 = node_t_p0591->get_element(
        index = sy-index ).
        IF ( elem_t_p0591 IS INITIAL ).
            static_attributes = stru_t_p0591 ).
    IF stru_t_p0591 IS NOT INITIAL.
          wa_p0591 = stru_t_p0591.
          APPEND wa_p0591 TO itab_p0591.
    and then i am trying to read the destination node so the tha data i have got by above method can be binded to the destination node.
    but when i am trying to get the child node it is giving me a dump saying that
    <b>'Access via 'NULL' object reference not possible' </b> i understand this because when i debug my value node is becoming <b>initial</b>, and when i am trying to access the destination node using this <b>initial</b> node it will give me a dump,
    but what is the work aroud for this.
    Plz help.

    Hi Santosh,
                   I tried replicating your behaviour in my system. This is what my context structure looks like:
    Node_Test (c-> 0:n)
      Node_Test2 (c-> 0:1)
    Now when i try to access Node_Test2 then it returns me (initial) i.e. no reference and i believe the reason is that my parent node, Node_Test, is of type table( because of the cardinality) so I am expected to perform an operation on my sub node, Node_Test2, based on the node i have selected, or have specified via index .. 1 is taken by default, in Node_Test.. which in WDDOINIT is initial as i havent got access to my view yet.. so instead what you can do is bind data to your parent node, relevant data ofcourse, and then bind the recieved data to your child node i.e. Node3.
    I am pasting the code here for your reference :
    method WDDOINIT .
             node_test                           TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
             elem_test                           TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
             stru_test                           TYPE wd_this->element_test ,
             lt_table   LIKE TABLE OF stru_test,
             item_test_1                         LIKE stru_test-test_1.
         navigate from <CONTEXT> to <TEST> via lead selection
           node_test = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_test ).
         @TODO handle not set lead selection
           IF ( node_test IS INITIAL ).
         get element via lead selection
           elem_test = node_test->get_element(  ).
         @TODO handle not set lead selection
           IF ( elem_test IS INITIAL ).
    stru_test-test_1 = 'Anoop'.
    APPEND stru_test to lt_table.
    stru_test-test_1 = 'Avi'.
    APPEND stru_test to lt_table.
    stru_test-test_1 = 'Sid'.
    APPEND stru_test to lt_table.
    CALL METHOD node_test->bind_table
        new_items            = lt_table
       set_initial_elements = ABAP_TRUE
       index                =
            node_t2                             TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_node,
            elem_t2                             TYPE REF TO if_wd_context_element,
            stru_t2                             TYPE wd_this->element_t2 ,
            item_t2_1                           LIKE stru_t2-t2_1.
        navigate from <CONTEXT> to <TEST> via lead selection
         node_test = wd_context->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_test ).
        @TODO handle not set lead selection
          IF ( node_test IS INITIAL ).
    <b>*     navigate from <TEST> to <T2> via lead selection
          node_t2 = node_test->get_child_node( name = wd_this->wdctx_t2 ).</b>
    <b>*     alternative navigation via index
         Node_T2 = Node_Test->get_Child_Node(
           Name = `T2` Index = 1 ).</b>
        @TODO handle non existant child
        if ( Node_T2 is initial ).
        get element via lead selection
          elem_t2 = node_t2->get_element(  ).
        get single attribute
              name =  `T2_1`
              value = item_t2_1 ).
    I hope this helps.

  • Transferring the data from one system to another system.

    Hi All,
       I need to transfer the material master data from one system(e.g - dev1)
    to another system (e.g - dev2).
      front end application is BSP.
      if the user enters the material number 1 to 20 and if he presses the submit
      button, the entire data should be transferred to another system.
      This transferring of data should be done in background.
      1. which method we should opt for this ? either ALE or any other method like XI.
      2. Is there any standard bapi function module to transfer the material master from one system to another system.
      3.  whether this above transferring can be done thru XI and which will be best approach for doing this?
    Points will be awarded.

    Hi amole,
       Thanks for the reply.
        How to use lsmw for transferring fo data from one system to another system.?
       whether to download the data from one system in excel or notepad and again to upload into other system?
       can u explain me.

  • Copying directory data from one server to another

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    I maintain two directory server (ver. 5.2) with same domain ( and i have to copy the entire data from one server.
    I tried to export from a one server and import it on another server, but it didn't get copied and it is getting object class violation error,
    Please give me some tips to copy the entire data along with password encryption, so the users should be able to login to the new server.

    Before you copy the data, make sure the new server has all user-defned schema (objectclass, attribute) which reside on the first server. What you can do is to copy the schema over first. Then you can copy the data over.

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    I've updated the document and saved as a new pdf and would like to load the fdf data into it.
    So I select tools - forms - more forms options, and press the "import" function  - it goes grey and nothing happens.
    If I re-open the document the import function remains greyed out.
    I can find no way to import this data.... any ideas?
    I've tried going into form edit mode - adding a new field.  The import option is no longer greyed out so I click it and can select the fdf file hit open and ... the dialogue disappears and nothing happens.
    Is my Acrobat XI 11.0.07 badly installed - or what?

    You need to learn about the different types of PDFs. PDF/ A is an archive format that does not allow changes. PDF/X is used for graphics exchange
    For forms I would use only the PDF with a target version. Do not use the Optimizer feature.
    Forms always become larger due to the need to include the font for the various form fields. You might have to review the type fonts used by the form fields and one standard font as much a possible.
    It is possible to use the FDF file to move field values from one PDF to another.
    If you are trying to replace the underlying content and keep the form fields, use the replace pages.

  • Copy historical data from one material to another

    I have added a new material in the planning hierarchy and need to copy historical data from an existing material to this new material.
    For achieving the same I carried out below steps:
    In the forecasting view of the new material I added the existing material as reference material: consumption, also added the reference plant, validity period and multiplier.
    But then too system is not copying the historical data of that material to the new material..I cannot see any data in MC94 or in the infostructure.
    Please let me know where am I going wrong or if I am missing any setting.....
    Thanks in advance.

    Dear ,
    System will not copy the Reference material consumption to new material consumption -Total Consuption tab .If  you maintain those filed like
    1.Reference material consumption
    2.Ref.Plant Consumptuion
    3.Date To
    5.Similar Period Indicator -M/W ( some time if you maintain the frist 4 option but not same period indicator , system will not consider the consumption ) .
    Based on the above set up  , when you execute the Forecast ( Indiviaully -MM02-Forcaste Tab or MP38 collectively or through SOP) , forcast programme will use the  historical values of Refe.Material and project  the  new material\s forcasted demand as per your forecast period ( 2 months or 3 motnhs etc )  in the forecasting view .
    System will not copy the Historical valu to total consumption tab of the new material ok .
    If you need to copy the  consumption of old material to new material , you have to use report RMDATIND, MVER_DI or BAPI_MATERIAL_MAINTAINDATA_RT .For more details please refer the OSS Note 200547 - Program: Direct input for consumption values
    More over why do you need to copy when u have facility to have refence in Forecasting view !
    Just chek the above points wht i have mentioned and execute forecast .Do not forget to keep same period indicaotor-M/W what ever .
    Test a sample and procced .
    Hope it is clear .
    Edited by: Jiaul Haque on Jun 5, 2010 10:12 AM

  • How to view the datas from one schema  to another

    I am working in Oracle9i and solaris 5.8.
    I create a new schema but no datas.
    i need to read the datas from another schema having datas through the newly created schema.
    pls explain me with query

    OK use following procedure to grant select access on all tables of another schema.
    CURSOR ut_cur IS
    SELECT table_name
    FROM user_tables;
    RetVal NUMBER;
    sCursor INT;
    sqlstr VARCHAR2(250);
    FOR ut_rec IN user_tabs_cur;
    sqlstr := 'GRANT SELECT ON '|| ut_rec.table_name
    || ' TO jwc7675';
    sCursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
    dbms_sql.parse(sCursor,sqlstr, dbms_sql.native);
    RetVal := dbms_sql.execute(sCursor);
    END grant_select;

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