Copy to clipboard with rollOver

Is this possible to invoke setClipboard() function with rollOver the button??

f*ck:( Can I implement some kind of javascript or java function? I dont want to start doing my project from scratch in another language;/
Maybe it is possible to do sth like "ctrl+a" in Rich TextEditor with button?

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  • Copying a table with rollover images & links

    Need help...
    Using Dreamweaver CS4.
    I have a table with rollover images and links from those rollovers"
    I now want to copy and paste the table into other pages, but when I do, my links are broken and the rollovers don't work.
    I have my Site Def preferences set to "Links relative to: Document"
    Is there an easy way to copy & paste a table with rollover graphics and links?
    I've tried dragging the table from the page with the working links onto the different page.  The graphics show up, but the second state of the rollovers soesn't show up, and I get some weird link error:
    Can anyone help?

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        if (a[i].indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image; d.MM_p[j++].src=a[i];}} 
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  • Interactive Report with Flash "Copy to Clipboard" Button

    Hi all,
    I need to implement a button in the interactive report, which will allow me to copy the customer address to the clipboard. After reading this great note (Copy to Clipboard LMCButton) I have implemented it, but the interactive report does not working properly - the pagination does not working, I can't use other interactive report features from the actions menu, and s.o.
    Additionally I have the problem with IE 10 and Coogle Chrome:
    IE 10 shows me the button only if I upload the swf file to the #IMAGE_PREFIX# directory
    Google Chrome shows me the flash button not at all.
    The javascript function call is in the "HTML Expression" field of the interactive report column.
    Hier ist the link to my allpication:

    Most likely, you'll need to build a plugin.
    Take a look at the Enkitec - Sparkline plugin for implementation ideas
    - Dynamic Action Plugin - Enkitec Sparklines

  • Copy to Clipboard Method (Table) copies one additional empty column more than expected

    I'm using the Copy to Clipboard Method for a Table, to copy for example 4 rows with 3 columns. When I paste it to Excel I get 4 rows with 3 columns and an extra column, which is empty so the real size is than 4x4.
    Is this a Labview Error or can someone explain it to me why this is happening? Or even better, how can I fix that?
    I have isolated the problem to an extra vi so you can reproduce the error. Just let the vi run once and then paste the clipboard to Microsoft Excel.
    My Labview Version is 11.0 32 Bit, Microsoft Office 2010, WinXP SP3
    Go to Solution.
    Attachments: ‏11 KB

    Snippets apparently hate property and invoke nodes.
    See attached vi for proposed workaround using the Clipboard.Write method.
    LabVIEW2011_Tablebug ‏13 KB

  • 300dpi Image: copy to clipboard??

    Hi everybody,
    I have somewhat like a problem:
    I set up something like a picture album with director.
    Also there is a function to copy a selected image to the
    clipboard in order to import it into PowerPoint.
    Now, the original images have a resolution of 300dpi, but
    when I copy it to the clipboard, they turn out to have only 72dpi
    but HUGE dimensions.
    My question:
    - Is it possible at all for director to put JPGs into the
    Clipboard with a resoltion of 300dpi???
    - Is there an Xtra I could use for it?

        public static void writeToClipboard(Image image) {
            ImageSelection imageSelection =
                new ImageSelection(image);
            Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().setContents(imageSelection, null);
        public static class ImageSelection implements Transferable {
            // the Image object which will be housed by the ImageSelection
            private Image image;
            public ImageSelection(Image image) {
                this.image = image;
            // Returns the supported flavors of our implementation
            public DataFlavor[] getTransferDataFlavors() {
                return new DataFlavor[] {DataFlavor.imageFlavor};
            // Returns true if flavor is supported
            public boolean isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor flavor) {
                return DataFlavor.imageFlavor.equals(flavor);
            // Returns Image object housed by Transferable object
            public Object getTransferData(DataFlavor flavor) throws UnsupportedFlavorException,IOException {
                if (!DataFlavor.imageFlavor.equals(flavor)) {
                    throw new UnsupportedFlavorException(flavor);
                // else return the payload
                return image;

  • There was an error while copying to Clipboard. An internal error occurred.

    I'm running a Citrix Presentation Server 4.5 environment, based on Windows Server2003 and providing Adobe Reader as a published application (this issue appears with Adobe Reader 7 and Adobe Reader 8 equally).
    Sometimes when trying to copy test from a pdf document, the error message "There was an error while copying to Clipboard. An internal error occurred." appears. The selected text is still copied to the clipboard, so the message seems to be more of a warning, but it's confusing for the end-users. This happens equally when copying via 'Ctrl-C' or with the mouse (right-click & copy).
    It is not a problem with the document itself since sometimes the error appears and sometimes not on the same document. This happens for all documents I've tried so far.
    Additional information: On the servers also MS Office 2003 SP3 is installed. I have the feeling that it may be an interference with the Office Clipboard, but I can't put my finger on it...
    Please, has anyone found a solution for this?

    in windows 7
    start-control panel-uninstall programs
    uninstall the "Skype Click to Call", this will uninstall addins from ie, firefox, you dont have to uninstall skype.
    in ie and firefox you can disable addons but can not uninstall them using ie or firefox interface, when you uninstall Skype Click to Call, it will remove it from all added browsers.
    This works me now.
    Edit 1:
    Unfortunately skype trick does not work.
    I recently switched to windows 8 and reliazed that there is no copy error any more.
    This error maybe caused by Babylon dictionary which has an Adobe Acrobat or Reader addon which captures the text from pdf documnet when ctrl+right mouse click. This feature is enabled when it is copied to" C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Acrobat 10.0\Acrobat\plug_ins " or  "C:\Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Reader 9.0\Reader\plug_ins " directory, so if it is copied such copying error appeared, if not copied it does not appear. Baylon dictionary addin is installed when you install babylon dictionary software, and it is here " C:\Program Files (x86)\Babylon\Babylon-Pro\Utils ", its name is " BabylonRPI.api "
    My experience is that Babylon Dictionary was causing this error. With babylon version 10 acrobat does not give that kind of error anymore, on windows 7 x64, but previous version leftover files may cause this error again even if you remove previous versions and install version 10. With a clean install of windows 7 x64 with babylon dictionary version 10 there is no error anymore.Uninstalling previous versions of Babylon using third party uninstalling software like Revo or Uninstall Tool may help without reinstalling Windows.

  • Acrobat Reader: Copy to clipboard

    I can't locate the right forum to put this in.
    I have a PDF document in Twi and it thus has unusual characters. I have used the copy to clipboard facility and pasted it into Microsoft Word 2010 and it does not show the unusual characters correctly.
    How can I get the reader to copy the characters correctly?

    This is the Acrobat forum. The Reader forum is separate. Reader has not had Acrobat associated with the name since version 5 I think.
    Anyway, the only way to get the characters over is to be sure the proper fonts are installed on your system. The alternative is to copy as a graphic instead. You should be able to look at the document properties and determine the font names. Do be careful, because it is not just a font with the same name that is needed, but an idential font. The same name does not guaranttee compatibility.

  • Vim - copy to clipboard without mouse and paste to other application

    I can copy & paste in editor vim.. andI know copying with mouse.. how to set vim to select all lines and copy them without mouse and paste it to other application like leafpad with Ctrl+V or with "paste" in options? it is possible in vim?
    Last edited by xhc (2012-05-26 18:10:31)

    Parecelite etc. isn't needed for that...
    You have the choise of using either primary selection or clipboard...
    For primary selection, you use vim's visual mode to mark text(not yank it, just mark), and then in whatever other app paste primary selection with 'shift+ins'.
    For clipboard, you need e.g. the gvim package from the arch repo's, which includes a vim with clipboard support enabled, and then you mark the text and then copy it to clipboard with '"+y', that is 'double-quote+plus+y' and then paste in whatever clipboard capable app with ussually ctrl+v.
    Finally, you can configure vim to always yank to clipboard(in addition to primary-selection), so you can mark text, press y, and then ctrl+v in whatever clipboard capable app afterwards; to do that add 'set clipboard=unnamedplus' to your .vimrc. (note, vim clears whatever it self has placed in the clipboard whenever quiting vim, so keep vim open after you have copied from it and untill after you've pasted from it...)
    Edit: Beaten by kniren for some of the info
    Edit2: Using Primary selection with x11 apps also needs either vim from the gvim package, or a custom built one...
    Last edited by mhertz (2012-05-26 19:21:08)

  • Is it possible to write into the clipboard with HTML flavor ?

    Last week I already posted this question in the awt abstract  forum, but since nobody answered, I guess it was not the right place. Thanks for any suggestions or comments
    I'm having a problem with the code below. Here is the scenario I wish to perform :
    1. Display a web page with my favorite navigator
    2. Select a few lines from this page and copy this area to the clipboard (CTL-C)
    3. When doing CTL-V (move) in a JTextPane, I intercept this action, to manipulate the data ( method clearClipBoard)
    4. This method does the following
    a) read the clipboard get the result into a String (this works fine).
    b) loop on this String to find occurrences of a particular word, and suppress the line containing this word.
    c) re-write the new String into the clipboard.
    This works pretty well when having the JTextPane with a RTF EditorKit. But it does not work with an HTMLEditorKit.
    I guess there is something wrong with DataFlavors, but I don't know how to set the DataFlavor to a text/html mime when writting the data back.
    When testing the authorized DataFlavor, none "text/html" mimes appear and of course I get an exception for the one I'm trying to use.
    Therefore the data is just a continuous string displayed in the JTextPane with all html tags visible instead of having formated data
    I did a lot of tries, but I failed. below is a piece of code I'm using.
    Thanks a lot, for any suggestions<
    private void clearClipboard()
      String      str     =      null,
                   result =      null;
    DataFlavor           flv          =      null;
    StringWriter             sw           =     null;
         flv = new DataFlavor("text/html;charset=unicode;class=java.lang.String" );
         result= readClipBoard(flv );    //  This works fine
         sw = new StringWriter();       
         BufferedReader buffreader = new BufferedReader( new StringReader(result));
         BufferedWriter buffwriter = new BufferedWriter(sw);
         while ((str = buffreader.readLine()) != null)
            if (str.length() <= 0) continue;
            String wk = "";
            while (true)
               //  re-create the string...... into str.  then break;     
    catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();}
    writeClipBoard(sw.toString(),flv);      // on écrit dans le clipboad
    public static void  writeClipBoard(String s, DataFlavor flavor)
          java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard  clipboard = 
          java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable transferable =
                       new java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection(s);
          //  DataFlavor[] flv = transferable.getTransferDataFlavors();
          //   for (int i=0; i<flv.length; i++) System.out.println(flv.toString());
    // The Dataflavor I'm using is not in the flv table and
    // of course it raises an exception.
    clipboard.setContents(transferable, null);
    catch (Exception ex) {System.out.println( ex.toString());}

    Stanislav, I'm back with my complete test code.
    In fact, rather than modifying anything, I wrote this sample to just read the clipboard and write it back (without any change).
    1) First, you may test it without entering my code (that's the default) . Just start my sample.
    2) Go to your favorite Web browser. Select a few lines, and (copy to clipboard)
    3) Go to the application and "Paste" I works fine
    4) Then if you go to the initialize method, and please, uncomment the instruction where I'm defining the KeyListener (at the end of the method).
    5) Restart the application and redo the same. It does not work.
    In the list of flavors that I have printed (I got only 2 valid flavors, I tested both, without any success. I even try to set the flavor to null (got an exception of course).
    Thanks again to your help. I hope my English is not too bad, to make you understand.
    package test;
    import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import java.awt.event.KeyListener;
    import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit;
    public class TestTextPane extends javax.swing.JFrame implements KeyListener, ActionListener
         private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
         private final javax.swing.JTextPane myTextPane =   new javax.swing.JTextPane();
         private final javax.swing.JPanel frameContentPane = new javax.swing.JPanel();
         private final javax.swing.JButton  Terminer = new javax.swing.JButton();
         public TestTextPane() {
          public void actionPerformed(java.awt.event.ActionEvent e)
        public static void clearClipboard()
             String      str          =      null,
                       result      =      null;
                        DataFlavor           flv          =      null;
                       StringWriter      sw           =     null;
                  flv = new DataFlavor("text/html;charset=unicode;class=java.lang.String" );
                  result=  readClipBoard(flv );    // get clipboard content
                  sw = new StringWriter();       
                  BufferedReader buffreader = new BufferedReader( new StringReader(result));
                  BufferedWriter buffwriter = new BufferedWriter(sw);
                  while ((str = buffreader.readLine()) != null)
                       //  I re-write without processing     to see what's happening     
             catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace();}
             writeClipBoard(sw.toString(),flv); // on écrit dans le clipboad
         public static void writeClipBoard(String s, DataFlavor flavor)
                // flavor= new DataFlavor("application/x-java-serialized-object;class=java.lang.String");
              java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard  clipboard = 
              java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable transferable =
                        new java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection(s);
              DataFlavor[] flv = transferable.getTransferDataFlavors();
              for (int i=0; i<flv.length; i++) System.out.println(flv.toString());
              clipboard.setContents(transferable, null);
         catch (Exception ex) {System.out.println( ex.toString());}
    public void FrameCenter( )
         java.awt.Dimension fenetre = this.getSize();
         int sizex = fenetre.width, sizey = fenetre.height;
         java.awt.Dimension screen = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
              setBounds((screen.width - sizex) / 2,(screen.height - sizey) / 2, sizex, sizey);
    private void initialize()
              setSize(557, 451);
              myTextPane.setBounds(23, 18, 513, 307);
              Terminer.setBounds(230, 370, 101, 25);
              frameContentPane.add(myTextPane, myTextPane.getName());
              frameContentPane.add(Terminer, Terminer.getName());
              setContentPane( frameContentPane);
              FrameCenter( );
              HTMLEditorKit htmlKit = new HTMLEditorKit();
              myTextPane.setText("Hello. Clipbard contains should be appended below" );
              // myTextPane.addKeyListener(this); // to be uncommented to trap clipboard events
         public void keyPressed(java.awt.event.KeyEvent ke)
              if (ke.getKeyCode() == java.awt.event.KeyEvent.VK_V)
                   int i = ke.getModifiers();
                   if ( (i & java.awt.event.InputEvent.CTRL_MASK) == java.awt.event.InputEvent.CTRL_MASK)      {clearClipboard();}
         public void keyReleased(java.awt.event.KeyEvent ke){}
         public void keyTyped(java.awt.event.KeyEvent ke){}
         public static String readClipBoard(DataFlavor type)
              java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable contents = java.awt.Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard().getContents(null);
              if (! contents.isDataFlavorSupported(type) ) return null;
              if ((contents != null) && contents.isDataFlavorSupported(type))
                        return (String) contents.getTransferData(type);
                   catch (java.awt.datatransfer.UnsupportedFlavorException ex){return  ex.toString();     }
                   catch ( ex)      {return  ex.toString();     }
              else return "";
         public static void main(java.lang.String[] args) {
              new TestTextPane();

  • Reader X: Internal error when copying to clipboard

    I get an "internal error" copying to clipboard (Reader 10.1.1, Windows 7 64-bit) when TightVncviewer (V2.0.4) is running simultaneously.
    I assume TightVncviewer monitors the clipboard to copy the actual content to the remote machine.
    Closing TightVncviewer resolves the issue. However, I need to use that tool frequently so that's an annoying bug.
    As a workaround, I downgraded to Reader 9.

    From: Ankit_Jain [email protected]
    Sent: Monday, February 27, 2012 8:58 AM
    To: TAGold
    Subject: Adobe Reader X internal error when opening PDF that worked with 9
    Re: Adobe Reader X internal error when opening PDF that worked with 9
    created by Ankit_Jain <>  in Adobe Reader - View the full discussion <

  • Version 15 no longer allows copy to clipboard

    We have been setting signed.applets.codebase_principal_support in FireFox to allow copying to the clipboard in Window XP and Windows 7. It has worked fine until version 15, and it no longer works. If we cannot use this feature, we will have to convert all of our users to IE or some other browser that allows us to do the copy.

    So… of what I can tell so far, it is quite true that Firefox no longer allows scripts to access the clipboard, with the exception of making add-ons in the XUL environment. When I first ran into this problem in version 15 on a page I was running locally, the error returned was
    A script from "file://" was denied UniversalXPConnect privileges
    in response to the statement ''''UniversalXPConnect')'''.
    Nowadays, you’ll get
    TypeError: is undefined
    I first learned of this method of accessing the clipboard from [ one of the Mozilla Developer docs]. The article begins: “Mozilla provides a number of interfaces for accessing the clipboard”. I’ve not yet found any information about the other interfaces.
    Thanks to Google, I did find a live link for [ Netscape Object Signing: Establishing Trust for Downloaded Software], which [ Signed Scripts in Mozilla] recommends reading before working with signed scripts. The Signed Scripts article says you should use Mozilla’s signtool, apparently from a suite of programs called [ NSS tools]. It provides that link to the tools, but the only link for the signtool program is to the source code files that you must compile. The [ man page] for the program is also at the Mozilla Developer Network. I’ll try to study this material soon and provide a more straightforward guide.
    In the meantime, I found [ a forum] that talks about another approach to accessing the clipboard by way of saying '''[ document.designMode = “on”]'''. This makes every element editable, as though every element’s contentEditable property were assigned to true. In fact, both properties came from IE.
    In the forum I linked to, there’s a JS example were '''designMode''' is turned on and a [ Range] is used to select text. The command '''document.execCommand("copy", false, null)''' is intended to actually copy the text, but if you try this in Firefox, you’ll get
    Error: Access to XPConnect service denied
    I also tried toggling '''signed.applets.codebase_principal_support''' to '''true''' and restarting Firefox but, unfortunately, the JavaScript console still reports no '''PrivilegeManager''' property underneath '''''', and '''document.execCommand''' gives its same error in '''designMode'''.
    One popular workaround for allowing Firefox to add text to the clipboard is [ ZeroClipboard], which uses an invisible flash movie. You can associate the movie with any element and it acts as a conduit for an element’s access to the event model. I’ve not used it yet, but the example works.

  • ALV: Context Menu: Standard Functions: Copy to clipboard: How to throw?

    How can I throw the standard function "copy to clipboard"
    If I try to throw it with the method
    <ref to cl_gui_alv_grid>->set_user_command(
    EXPORTING i_ucomm = cl_gui_alv_grid=>mc_fc_loc_copy )
    , it doesn't work.
    This standard function is a feature of every context menu of an ALV grid control.
    It is possible to inactivate it via the method
    <ref to cl_gui_alv_grid>->disable_functions
    , so it must be the right function code.
    I visited that the "application server is working"-logo
    (the blue waving-water-picture in the upper right corner of
    every SAP GUI window) doesn't move if I use this function via
    context menu.
    So possibly there is no server-turn-around between the
    presentation server an the application server when using this
    function. The application server only catches an event
    cl_gui_alv_grid_base=>evt_copy_clipboard_failed <34>
    on copy malfunction.

    there is a simple method to put something to the clipboad. I have done it a couple of times and it works fine.
    Data Definitions:
    DATA: BEGIN OF clippboard OCCURS 0,
            line(172) TYPE c,
          END OF clippboard.
    cnt1 type i.
    ABAP Example:
              refresh clippboard.
              append xx_outtab_pos-prodh to clippboard.
              CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>clipboard_export
                  data = clippboard[]
                  rc   = cnt1.
    In this example the content of the field xx_outtab_pos-prodh has been put to the clipborad and can be inserted anywhere by pressing Ctrl/V.
    If you want to restore it from the clipboard, there is a m
    ethod called cl_gui_frontend_services=>clipboard_import. It works the same as the clipboard_export.
    Best regards

  • Copy to Clipboard in SRM 7

    We are in the process of upgrading from SRM 4 to SRM 7.  For some reason, certain buttons are grayed out on the account assignment tab when I am creating a cart.  These buttons allow the user to copy the account information to the clipboard and then paste to all lines.
    However, after the cart is saved and the approver goes into the cart, the buttons are available.  It cannot be a security issue because in our test environment, the creator has the approver role as well.
    I have already sent a message to OSS but have not received a resolution yet.  We are going live in a few weeks and I really need to get this fixed.
    While the user may set up the account information under default values, the GL account may not populate if the product category is not linked to a specific GL account in the IMG.  This will allow the end user to change the first line item, copy to clipboard, and then change all items.  Those last two steps are currently not possible in the test environment.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.
    Just found out that if I go into the Edit mode of an existing cart, the buttons are enabled.  They only appear to be disabled in the create mode.
    Monique Stephens
    Edited by: Monique Stephens on Nov 4, 2010 8:33 AM

    Worked with OSS to resolve the issue.

  • How can I copy forms along with information?

    Ok, I started a new job last week as an Office Assistant.  Being I came from a place (family business) where I had to do whatever, whenever, I have to get adjusted to NOT doing everything myself....they have depts for that.  Anyway, right before I got here, the IT guy left on not so good terms.  I have been asked to convert some PDF files into WORD b/c for SOME reason the IT guy only allowed 2 pages per PDF form.  So there are several files for one topic.  I know I can merge them, but I need to be able to have it where the individuals who will be using the forms don't have to do anything but fill them out and type.  We have many who are NOT computer literate nor do they want to be.  They know how to do what they need to do and don't want to learn anything EXRA if they can help it.
    I can copy/paste the information into WORD yet the fill-in information does not go nor does the lines for the form format.  Now, there is over 1,000 of these I have to do and I want to attempt to NOT have to re-fill each individual form in.
    Well, we use AA8 and I have a few questions of what I need to do and see if you can help.
    1.  Is there a way to copy the form WITH the filled in information.  If so, how?
    2.  How can I tansfer ALL of the form (outline & all) into WORD?
    3.  Is there a program that can convert from PDF to WORD EXACTLY as PDF is currently.  Ones I have tried it doesn't look the same AT all?
    4.  Will 9 convert EVERYTHING, form, filled in info etc?
    This is confidential information that needs to be transfered so the online converters is not an option. 
    ALSO, the WORD template that they want it in is COMPLETELY different and can't really work with.  I do feel the IT guy did this to keep anyone else from doing anything and he would be the only one (he was a cocky one)  SO I'm stuck and attempting to get this started until they get a new IT guy.
    ANY HELP WOULD BE GREATLY APPRECIATED, I have overworked myself attempting to figure this out

    Ok first off, Graffiti LOVE your icon.  And you do make complete sense and as for try, I kinda figured that was the case.  One folder with all the files ARE in word, yet these are in PDF in another folder.  Why they were not all done in Word at the time I have NO clue.  I'm going to assume it was the IT guy's idea.
    I'm sitting here stressing b/c I can't find a way to do this and now I find out it's not a good idea to have ANYTHING in PDF as well as NOT being able to transfer to word with in reason and to make it look as it did.
    So what it boils down to is I will ultimately have to do it individual and convert on my own.  Pretty much make a new format in Word and transfer all the information one at a time, GREAT.  My 2nd week here at work and this is what I have to look forward to FOREVER lol
    I will, however, make me a format I can handle and easy to do, idiot proof as it were.
    I appreciate all of your information.  In the back of my mind, I knew the answer, but wanted to clarify before going to my supervisor (who has NO clue about computers or the fact some things can't be done.  more of why CAN'T I do it, you know) and see what I can do from there.
    The man purpose is to have continous access to that file instead of multiples b/c of the IT limiting PDF to 2 pages.  YAY for me
    Let's hope they hire an IT guy next week...lmao

  • How can I copy multiple slides with a HP Scanjet 4050 to photoes using Maverick? HP apparently no longer supports this product for this OS.

    How can I copy multiple slides with a HP Scanjet 4050 to photoes using Maverick? HP apparently no longer supports this product for OS Maverick.

    VueScan FAQ

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