Copying PO item no from qutoe to order

Hi friends,
I want to copy the PO item no in the order status tab of the line item to the order.
How is it possible?

This field will not be copied automatically.  The reason for this is
1.  Send teh Quotation to the customer
2.  Customer reviews the Quotation and confirms the order and then releases the Purchase order
3. Create sales order for this PO.
Hence the PO Number maintained in the Quotation is not copied automtically into the Sales order.
You can copy this using the Copy control routine at item level/header level.  In the copy control routine, you can pass the PO value in to the sales order.

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    Hi Mohanpreet,
    Have you craeted a new field BA for lead and activity?
    Is it also present in quotation and sales order?
    If the coupy contol from lead to opportunity does pass on the field details, they must also get transfered from opportunity to quotation and sales order. Maintain the copy contro settings properly.
    If the issue is still not resolved use BADI CRM_COPY_BADI for further enhancements.
    Wish this is helpful.
    Shalini Chauhan

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    Please help.
    Best regards,
    Rohit L
    Edited by: Rohit Lokray on Nov 26, 2009 10:49 AM

    Hi Rohit,
    Pls check this e.g.
    Text Determination Procedure
    You can define text for
    Sales document
    1) Create new text types
    (Menu Path:  SPRO-IMG-Sales and distribution- Basic function-Text Control-Define text type). You can define new text type in this menu for your requirement for different objects (Customer, Sales document, Delivery and billing document). T-code: VOTXN
    2) Assign the new text ID in the text   determination procedure
    (Menu Path:  SPRO-IMG-Sales and distribution-Basic function- Text Control-Define text type). Click on change on application tool bar. Select text procedure   created and double click on Text ID'  s in text Procedure. Assign new text Id to Text determination procedure
    3) Define and Assign an access sequence to the new text ID
    (Menu Path: SPRO-IMG-Sales and distribution-Basic function-Text Control-Define access sequence for determining text).Access sequence can be defined only for sales document not for customer master. Select text procedure and double click on text id's in text procedure folder. Select text id and double click on access sequence and create new access sequence here.
    4) Assign the Text determination procedure with the sales document type.
    (Menu Path: SPRO-IMG-Sales and distribution-Basic function-Text Control-Define and assign text determination procedure) In this menu path you can assign text determination procedure to sales document type.

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    <Removed by moderator - soliciting points for answers is frowned upon>
    Bhadri M.
    Edited by: Arun Varadarajan on Nov 14, 2008 3:55 PM

    Dear Bhadri
    Did you look 2LIS_13_VDKON data source whther it can throw or not for billing related. Here you should look some billing conditions relates to particular document like taxable or not.
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    Raju Saravanan

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    Thanks a lot to everybody. 
    You are right Thanga,
    That is the data I need, but how can I get it via query because I dont find the field to know the cost in the exactly moment when is created the receipt of productiion.  I was trying to locate in tables IGN1 -- IGN12 but I dont get the cost field.
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    Best Regards,

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    [email protected]
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    hello, friend.
    i can only answer part of your question as i am not sure of the others.  however, yes... you can automatically create a purchase requisition from the sales order. 
    one example is third party sales.  because of the item category group that you specified in the material master, the sales document determines an item category (and schedule line) that controls the creation of the purchase requisition.  here, the system knows that you must source the material from your vendor for delivery to your customer.
    further, as in the above case, when your company creates the PO with reference to the PR, your company appears as the buying entity but the ship-to address is that of your customer.
    i did not understand your question on account assignment.  please elaborate and we'll see if we can come up with the answer.
    if you wish to see documentation, you could refer to SAP's article on Third Party Sales.  other scenarios such as just-in-time inventory for trading companies or make-to-order companies may also apply.

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    I think SBO 2005 SP1 includes this functionality. Haven't tested it yet, though.
    Using SBO_SP_Transactionnotification for solving this problem is rather troublesome, as you are not allowed to modify the database directly with a query. Basically you could catch the event of adding a new document with SBO_SP... but then you would have to use another tool for updating the document. Such as DI API.

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    Message was edited by: sandeep

    Yes, that was my original interpretation.  I was having a hard time believing that someone would ask such a question. 
    I guess, then, that you already know that you will have to add this logic to your enhancement. You should create your specifications and hand them off to a developer; ideally the one who created this enhanced solution in the first place.
    I do not provide advice in these forums about details of enhanced solutions.  Perhaps one of the other members will be more willing to do your work for you.
    Best Regards,

  • Sales order Userexit to copy item text from one line item to other

    Hi Gurus,
                 I have an urgent issue. Based on item category in sales order, for one line item, I am getting item text. Now I have to copy same item text to other line item.
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    After that READ_TEXT and SAVE_TEXT function module.
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    Or is there any other way to do this... Please help.
    Points will be rewarded.

    Hi ,
    try something like this .
            l_name = ls_vbap-vbeln.
            IF l_name IS INITIAL.
              l_name = 'XXXXXXXXXX'.
            CONCATENATE l_name ls_vbap-posnr INTO l_name.
                name            = l_name

  • How 2 Copy Header & Line Item Text from Purchase Order 2 Out Bound Delivery

    Hi SD Gurus,
    I want to copy header and line item text from Purchase Order to Out Bound Delivery (This is required in Stock Transfer Process).
    I have been able to do successful config. for copying header and line item text from Sales Order to Outbound Delivery but config. doesn't seems to be same for copying text from PO to OBD.
    Is there any way to achieve the same? Can some expert show the way to achieve this.
    Thanks in advance.
    Warm regards,
    Rahul Mishra

    Hi Ravikumar thanks for u quick reply.
    This is wht is currently coded.
    concatenate values to get item text for read text function
       invar3+0(10) = invar1. "PO number
       invar3+10(5) = invar2. "PO line number
       SELECT SINGLE * FROM stxh WHERE tdobject = 'EKPO'
                                   AND tdname   = invar3
                                   AND tdid     = 'F01'
                                   AND tdspras  = sy-langu.
       IF sy-subrc = 0.
         invar4 = invar3.
    reading the text for the document items.
             id       = 'F01'
             language = sy-langu
             name     = invar4
             object   = 'EKPO'
             lines    = it_itab.
    I have seen some PO's which have info rec texts in that, which gets pulled by the above code...first thing is its id is F02 which exist in STXH table also there is other text with F01 id, and hence the table it_itab gets both these text hence no pbm.
    but i came across a PO which has only one text which is info rec text with id F05 and is not store in stxh and hence doesnot get pulled by read_text fm. How do i change my cod to get this text which should not hamper other PO's as well.
    As mentioned in above msgs, this F05 could be retrieved by providing object name as EINE.
    anyhelp will be appreciated and rewarded.

  • Material exchane ,copy pricing and conditions from main item to sub item.

    Hi All,
    We are using parts exchange/interchangeability in the transaction ME22N,
    While using ME22N we are exchanging  main item with interchangeable part and while doing so we want to copy pricing and conditions from main item to sub item.
    But its not happening.
    As per sap help its possible, details describe below.
    Price Determination by Copying from Main Item
    In the case of price determination by copying from the main item, the net price of the originally ordered part is still used for the superseding part in a part exchange.
    The system copies all conditions from the main item to all sub-items and takes into account the order quantity for the main item when calculating scale prices. It does not take into account the conditions and scale prices that exist for the interchangeable part.
    You cannot change the conditions, which have been copied from the main item, at sub-item level. It is possible, however, to define additional conditions for each sub-item.
    A calculation schema, which can be altered on an individual basis in Customizing, has been supplied for the price determination.
    In the vendor master record, you have set the schema group 09 (interchangeable material).
    But in customizing I didnu2019t find value 09 for schema group .
    Can any buddy through some light on missing pieces which need to be set?

    Can you check few more things and tell me?
    - In this exit, does XVBPA and XVBAP contains all the line items. ( main and sub items ).
    - In Sales order creation time, do these table have VBELN populated when this exit triggers.
    - If you modify XVBPA or XVBAP in this exit, do they get overwritten after that.
    Try this code. See if it works.  Let me know if you still have a problem.
    DATA: wa_hvbpa LIKE vbpa,
          wa_xvbpa like vbpa.
    CLEAR: wa_hvbpa, wa_xvbpa.
    * check if HVBAP and VBAP line items are not same
    IF vbap-posnr <> hvbap-posnr.
    * read the ****-to partner from main-item
      READ TABLE xvbpa INTO wa_hvbpa WITH KEY posnr = hvbap-posnr
                                              parvw = 'WE'.
      IF sy-subrc = 0.
    *   read the line item data for sub-item based on main item
        READ TABLE xvbap WITH KEY posnr = vbap-posnr
                                  uepos = hvbap-posnr.
    * See if current line is the child of that BoM parent
        IF sy-subrc = 0.
          MOVE wa_xvbpa-kunnr TO xvbpa-kunnr.
          MOVE xvbap-vbeln TO wa_xvbpa-vbeln.
          MOVE xvbap-posnr TO wa_xvbpa-posnr.
          MOVE 'WE' TO wa_xvbpa-parvw.
          MODIFY vbpa FROM wa_xvbpa.

  • Copy of target quantity from Contract to Sales Order

    Hi all,
    The desired document flow is Quotation --> Contract --> Order.
    Thru copy control the target quantity from quotation flows in to the contract, but the target quantity is not copied into the sales order from the contract.
    The document type with the item category for the document types are as follows :
    Quot. Doc type ZQT (Copy of AV)    and item category AVN (Standard item)
    Contr Doc type EWK2 (Copy of WK2) and item category WVN (Maint contr item)
    Order Doc type ZSD (Service Order)    and item cateogry WVN(Maint Contr item).
    Please suggest a solution.

    dear udaynath
    check copy control settings
    Copy Control is used ,
    Copy control is basically used to transfer information from one document to another. In other words it helps in connecting and sharing information between two documents in a cycle like from example between quotation and a sales order. The following controls available at copy control configuration -
    You can store copying requirements at every level in copying control. Copying requirements contain the specific requirements for each business process and can be stored at every level. The reference document can only be created if all these requirements have been met.
    Examples of copying requirements that have been included in SAP standard system are –
    a. Header level – copying requirement 001 checks, for instance, whether the sold to party in the source and the target document are the same
    b. Item level – copying requirement 301 checks, for instance, whether the item that is to be used as a copy has a reason for rejection or completed status.
    c. Schedule line level – copying requirements 501 ensures that only schedule lines with an open quantity greater than zero are copied.
    To control the copying procedure, at each level you create:
    a. Data transfer routines – these routines control how fields are copied from the preceding document.
    b. Copying requirements – you define requirements that are checked when you create a document with reference. If these requirements are not met in any particular case, the system issues a warning or error message and if necessary terminates processing.
    c. Switches – there are switches for setting specific controls for each transaction. for example, you can activate or deactivate the transfer of item numbers from the preceding document at the header level for sales documents..
    possible scenarios:
    1- sales document - sales doc' VTAA
    eg: inquiry - quotation
    inquiry - order
    quotation - order
    quantity contract - order
    2- sales doc - delivery doc - VTLA
    eg: sales order - deliver ( OR- LF)
    returns order - return delivery
    3- sales doc - billing doc - VTFA
    eg;Cash sales - cash sales billing
    credit memo req - credit memo
    4- delivery - billing - VTLF
    eg: standard del - invoice ( LF- F2)
    5-billing - sales VTAF
    eg: standard invoice - credit memo req
    Invoice - Invoice correction req
    6- Billing - Billing VTFF
    eg: Invoice - credit memo
    flow will be done , only if their copying requirement condition meets
    like header sold to party is same.
    it has data transfer routines DataT-in which it has routines by which system transfers what data has to be copied.
    Update document flow-- this has to be mark if we want the system record the previous document numbers in track.
    rewards if it helps

  • Transfer item category from order to DO

    I like to clarify a sentence regarding the above mentioned. The context is in Order-Related DO copy controls.
    "For delivery items that are dependent on the order type, you cannot transfer any item categories from the order. For the delivery items, item category determination occurs in the delivery."
    Reasons for clarification:
    1. cannot understand what is meant by cannot transfer item categories from Order type to DO. What situation is this describing?

    It means delivery items entered manually the ITC is determined by the DO eg. DLN.
    message closed *

  • Copy header text to item text in quote to order document

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    doing a header to header copy or item to item text copy works fine. Assume the issue is b/c the header structure CRMT_TEXT_ORDER_H_KEY does not match the item
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    Is there a way to copy FM COM_TEXT_DETERMINE_TEXT to achieve this?
    The data isn't written to STXH yet and I don't see how to reference the quote guid in this FM.
    Edited by: Glenn Michaels on Jan 21, 2010 7:04 PM

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    I'm currently working on a business requirement to copy a header texttype to an item textype within a complaint transaction.
    As per standard SAP config i noticed that the text is not copied over.
    Can you please let me know how you solved this issue?

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