Correcting perspective in aperture 3

I have nymerous photos of buildings that need perspective correction.  PTLens does not "open TIFF" files, and LensFix has no installation instructions.  Any suggestions?  Thanks

According to the PTLens website, it opens JPEG, 8 or 16 bit TIFF. If you use it as an Aperture edit plugin, only the TIFF setting is available from Aperture. Aperture doesn't have a JPEG setting in the Export Preferences section.

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  • Suggested Workflow when correcting Perspective in external Editor

    I am using PTLens as an external editor to correct perspective distortion on wide angle shots. I'm writing a TIFF for PTLens and stacking it with the original RAW upon return to LR.
    What would the recommended workflow be for doing that?
    Do basic development first on RAW, then edit in PTLens, then crop?
    Do edit in PTLens first, then go on with basic development on the TIFF?
    I see the following issues:
    After "burning" the TIFF for PTLens, I lose the ability to alter the corrections made on the RAW (e.g. local adjustments)
    I need to do at least a crop in LR after correcting perspective in PTLens
    Thanks for any suggestions.
    Beat Gossweiler

    It is frustrating to have multiple version of the same images due to having to go to outside programs to perform certain functions.  Ultimately, I believe LR will accommodate our needs in lens distortion as well as noise removal (and a few other key areas) in the RAW pipeline either through improved LR features or through the allowing of plug-ins directly into the pipeline.  In the meantime, I use the following workflow (only for images that I take outside of LR, either PS or other programs, which is a few as possible):
    1.     develop in LR using my camera specific default settings
    2.     fix white balance as it seems to work best with the RAW file before conversion to TIFF (definately before conversion to JPEG)
    3.     export to TIFF into outside program
    4.     perform outside program modifications
    5.     import the modified TIFF (hopefully automatically) back into LR
    6.     stack the TIFF with the RAW and make the TIFF the top image (automatically if possible)
    7.     make all other adjustments (cropping, exposure, adj brusth, etc.) to the TIFF, treating it as the negative
    It seems to keep me from getting confused about which image to work on when in LR.
    Everybody of course has their own strategy.  Hopefully you will come up with one that works for you.  Good luck.

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    Adobe TV is my training. Under Correcting Perspectuve. just so you know Im a newbie. I tryed to use the grid to correct my image only in one corner but it pulls the whole right side. What Im I doing wrong.

    Hi there, will you please send us a screenshot of your project? Are you holding down the command (control for PC) key when you click on the corner?

  • Lightroom 5 - Correcting Perspective using Upright | What's New in Lightroom 5 | Adobe TV

    Discover how to automatically fix common problems such as tilted horizons as well as converging verticals in buildings using Lightroom’s Upright controls for perspective correction.

    Hi, Thanks for the great video. 
    I'm having a problem -- when trying to sync Upright Auto across several images it appears to be pasting the transform instead of the auto correction.  I set it exactly per the video, yet I still need to hit the "Reanalyze" button for each image -- which sort of defeats the purpose of the sync.  I have the same problem if I use "Upright" in a custom preset. 
    Is this a program bug?  Or is there something I can change about the way I'm doing things? 
    Thanks for any help you can provide.

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    Is there such option in FCP X ?
    Im not good in color correction so i would like to use feature like this.
    Thank you

    I don't care for it but you could try the balance color function under the magic wand in the toolbar.

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    Steve, you are in the wrong forum, try the Photoshop forum where this question belongs.
    besides that. Using perspective can also be done in the Transform menu (cmdA - CmdT) will give you the frame with little squares. Using right mouse click gives you various options to transform the image in a better way then the lens correction does. This filter is better for pin and cushen problems...

  • No Fringe Correction in Aperture?

    After using ACR and PS for quite a while, and playing with Lightroom versions here and there, I finally got Aperture (v.1.5).
    While there are many things worth discussing, here's just a quick question:
    Is there no tool for correcting fringing in Aperture?
    It does its magic in ACR and LR, and I assumed that the fact Apple isn't putting it on Aperture's feature list is because it's just to be considered a standard tool in a RAW imaging application.
    But, hmmm, I can't find it...
    Am I missing something?
    Mac Pro 2.66GHz 4GB RAM   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Distortion correction functionality similar to PTLens/PTMac would be a handy feature for the next version of Aperture.

  • Getting a "BOOST" from Aperture

    I hope this thread can give me some informed perspective on Aperture's 1.5.2's BOOST slider located in the "RAW Fine Tuning" pallet.
    I've read a general description online which explains that Boost slider holds Apple created profiles which are based on specific camera model testing aimed at compensating for eccentricities of each specific RAW format.
    What confuses me is what exactly BOOST is doing. Is it making changes that I could make myself (Exposure, Contrast, Levels)? Or does it have access to elements of the RAW file that I would not otherwise be able to manipulate?
    Am I losing tonality by increasing Boost? I can see that my histogram is changing, but in general Boost doesn't seem to produce gaps. Still, I can see that the photo gets more contrasty which back in the days of Curves and Levels would generally mean reduced tonality.
    I've seen on this board that many people set Boost to 50-80% and work from there; is there something specific people are basing these settings on? Any links to other online discussions would be much appreciated.
    I think one thing that confuses me is that no Adobe Camera RAW plug-in I've used seems to have an equivalent to Boost. If I put all the settings of ACR down to No Adjustment, am I getting what I would get by turning Boost down to Zero? (I don't have a copy of CS2 to test this on myself.) Or am I needlessly making things too hard on myself turning Boost down to zero and correcting with all the other Aperture tools?
    Please let me know what you think (and what you know for certain).
    Thanks dudes!
    14" G4 iBook, G4 eMac   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    It's been a while since I've read up on this topic, but I do think I can give a basic explanation that should help you in this area.
    The boost setting controls the CMOS/CCD sensor's linear response to light. You will notice that when you set your boost to 0.0, your image becomes very flat and greyish. However, when set to 1.0, your image will be more contrasty. So, in the end, it does control the contrast of the image. But, it does so in a manner that controls the linear response to light. If I recall correctly, a logarthmic scale comes into play with this.
    This is also not an Apperture specific technical issue, but is general to all sensors.
    But, it's been a long time since I've refreshed myself on this topic. Anyway, I do hope that this gives you some insight to your question.

  • Aperture-PTLens workflow

    Hi all,
    I just downloaded PTLens to correct lens distortion, and like many of you, I think it's great.
    I have a question about workflow.  Let's say I need to correct the distortion on a lens (or eliminate converging verticals).  Do you do that in PTLens before you adjust white balance, exposure, etc. or do you do PTLens at the end of the process?  Or maybe it's back to Aperture for some final sharpening?  Maybe it doesn't matter?
    And what if the issue is chromatic aberration?  (I have a Canon 17-55 f2.8 IS, and I swear it has a lot of chromatic aberration, though not everyone agrees with me.)  Do you correct the chromatic aberration first in PTLens and then head back into Aperture for other adjustments?  (I've never found the Aperture chromatic aberration tool to be any good.)  Maybe with the non-destructive workflow and the plug-in the order of the processes doesn't matter?
    Any and all experience and comments welcome.  Thank you!

    Plug-ins and external editors break the non-destructive workflow.  Aperture must make a file to hand off to the plug-in or external editor; each time it makes a file, it "bakes in" current adjustments and metadata.  That is why in Aperture Preferences you set an external editor file format, and why that setting is on the "Export" tab.
    My suggested workflow, for those who record sensor data to RAW files, is to make all _exposure_ adjustments before sending the Image to any plug-in or external editor.  The reason is simple: RAW includes data in the lights and the darks that is not available once the file has been converted and saved in as an image-format file.  The one thing you want to make sure you have, prior to, in essence, nipping off and throwing away the extremes of the luminance range of your RAW file, is all the data you want within the range of image-format files.  So while I suggest making all exposure adjustments prior to sending to a plug-in or external editor, the important ones are those that set the white point (not the same as white balance) and the blank point (the end points of the luminance range).  These are mainly in the Exposure Brick, but some people also change white point and black point with the Curves, and with the Levels, Bricks.
    Adjustments to luminance that fall within the range set by the white point and black point can be made at any time relative to external edits.  They alter the data, but don't shift any data from outside that range to the inside, and thus never call on the data lost when Aperture creates a file for external edits.
    Chromatic Aberration should (it seems to me) be corrected using the RAW file.  Since you prefer not to do that (by selecting a plug-in for the job), I would do it immediately after setting the white point and the black point.
    The workflow I suggest then is:
    Import RAW to Aperture
    Adjust exposure, especially white point and black point
    Have Aperture create a 16-bit TIFF file (set in prefs), send to plug-in or editor and correct chromatic aberration.
    Send to plug-in or external editor; correct perspective
    _Then_ straighten; crop; retouch; finesse the exposure with Curves, Levels, Burn, Dodge, etc.; prepare for publication, and publish.
    Message was edited by: Kirby Krieger

  • ITunes doesn't see Aperture Library - iMovie doesn't see Aperture Library

    Nearly all of my videos in the Aperture/iPhoto library do not show up when I select iPhoto library option in iMovie and iMovie is unable to locate them in any other way.  Sometimes the option to select the iPhoto library is completely missing.
    iTunes does not recognize my Aperture library, and I get the following message:
    "Your Aperture Library could not be found. Open the preferences window in Aperture and enable the preference to share previews with other applications." After reading through forums and multiple Genius Bar appointments here is most of what I have done:
    Created multiple new Aperture libraries, selected them in Aperture, rebooted, switched back and forth - Note:  iTunes DID recognize the new blank libraries
    Booted Aperture with the Command + Option keys and run all three options to repair permssions and even rebuilt the database
    Booted Aperture with the Option key and selected the library I was using all along (this worked for someone in a forum)
    Opened iPhoto (not Aperture) and selected an option to share photos
    Run "Verify Disk Permissions" many times under Disk Utility
    Run "Repair Disk Permissions" many times under Disk Utility
    Reinstalled OSX
    Reinstalled Aperture
    Reinstalled iTunes
    Reinstalled iMovie
    Run a virus and malware scan (no issues)
    Verified that Aperture was set to share previews and had a Genius go through all of my options to ensure they were correct in iTunes, Aperture, and iPhoto
    Have ran "Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs" from the Command + Option + R recovery partition multiple times.  Each time it just hangs for hours, the latest attempt ran for over 24 hours before I finally stopped it.
    Oh yes, and I found and deleted the file
    None of these things fixed either of my issues.  According the the Genius at my last appointment, now I have to call Apple Care and pay to get support.  I must have misunderstood what the Genius Bar was about when I bought my Mac and why I purchased the One to One training.  Before I call Apple Care, I was hoping someone might have run across this and can help me.
    I asked the Genius if I now need to just create a new Aperture Library and move all of my content to it (that was the last resort for someone in a forum); however, he was concerned that even if this might work that I probably have deeper permission and/or other issues that need to be addressed and that doing so would not fix the root cause.
    Thanks for taking the time to read through this issue.

    Understood.  I thought perhaps the period meant that I was finished and just needed to call Apple Care and fork out the fee. 
    The formats are primarily .MOV straight from the iPhone.  Since going to a Mac, I have pretty much given up on using my Sony Handycam for family videos due to the pains of having to locate, identify, convert, and export AVCHD video to watch on Apple TV.  It is just too easy to take video with my iPhone and import it and immediately watch it, although the quality is nothing close to a dedicated video camera, especially indoors and in lower light.  All of the video formats in Aperture are supported and most all of my older home videos and Sony Handycam videos are sitting on an external drive (hoping that one day I will have the time to figure out a decent workflow to access them after I work all of the bugs out of iMovie).  Great thought though.
    All my content is managed.  After a handful of One-to-One sessions at the Apple Store, I finally learned that you could not reference videos in iMovie and had to either have them in the iMovie Events directory or in iPhoto (at least that was what she said).  Their solution was to import the videos into iPhoto so they could be easily accessed in iMovie.  After I had issues mentioned in this post their solution was for me to purchase Aperture that could handle larger libraries.  This was supposed to fix the issue and allow iMovie to see my videos.  When that didn't work they said that I needed to purchase Final Cut Pro.  I'm just a Dad who wants to make a few memorable home movies for his family and I don't think that I should have to purchase a $300 application, especially after paying a premium for my Mac and the iLife software, which I am deeply regretting.  But I digress.
    I have repaired permissions again and am in the process of repairing the library and will rebuild it again if that doesn't work.  It is taking longer so I won't be able to post the results until a later time.  Definitely worth a shot to try this again.
    If this doesn't work I will take the time to create a new Aperture library.  Like I previously mentioned, this was the last resort for another gentlemen who had a similar issue.  After doing this it might explain why the "Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs" from the Command + Option + R recovery partition is getting hung up and not working.  I'll post the results at a later date.  If I could save just one person the time, gas, and stress I've experienced it would be worth it.
    One additional question?  I read a gentlemen's post that passionately argued against ever using iPhoto, Aperture, or iMovie to ever manage video files.  He suggested using folders and a file naming system similar to what I used when I was on a PC using Adobe Elements.  Do you have any thoughts on that? 
    For my situation, I have two concerns:
    I'm afraid this would not allow me to watch the videos on Apple TV as simply as I can now (although I don't know this to be the case for certain).  If the videos aren't in my photo library, I'm not sure how I would be able to access them through Apple TV.
    Since I'm a proud Dad I have hundreds of video files spanning many years, so I also don't want to lose the ability to quickly peruse my event library and find content that I want to import into a project in iMovie.  At one point I imported some video files to edit that weren't stored in iMovie, and I could only see the file name and date and had to guess if there was content on it that I wanted.  When you have hundreds of clips like I do that isn't practical.
    He argued that these programs were never meant to manage content and worked much more efficiently using this method.  I'd be very interested to hear your thoughts.
    Thanks again.

  • How do I fully cancel a synchronization with flickr? How do I clean up my get my Aperture library to accurately reflect what's on Flickr?

    I went to add one photo to my Flickr site yesterday and I must have had the whole project selected because it started to upload all 635 photos in the project. I realized this about an hour later when I came back and I managed to pause the synchronization, but I can't seem to cancel it. Clicking on Cancel Task doesn't do anything.
    I need to cancel the rest of the synchronization, and then what I would like to do is somehow make sure that what I've chosen to be in my Flickr account is what Aperture thinks should be in Flickr account.
    I went into my Flickr account and deleted all of the ones I didn't want. I ended up keeping more than the one I intended to upload, but I sure didn't want all of them. So, right now, the Flickr account is correct, but my Aperture Flickr library is probably all screwed up. How do I clean up my Aperture library to accurately reflect what's in Flickr?
    Before I just upgraded to the latest version (after upgrading to Mountain Lion) when I tried to synch to the main Flickr set I've been working in, I got a message saying that Aperture could only add the first 500 photos (I only had about 110 photos in the set), so I'm wondering if I had already somehow accidentally added everything at that point, but it wouldn't do it, then I upgraded and now it's trying to synch everything.
    OS: Mountain Lion
    Aperture: 3.3.2

    I went to add one photo to my Flickr site yesterday and I must have had the whole project selected because it started to upload all 635 photos in the project. I realized this about an hour later when I came back and I managed to pause the synchronization, but I can't seem to cancel it. Clicking on Cancel Task doesn't do anything.
    I need to cancel the rest of the synchronization, and then what I would like to do is somehow make sure that what I've chosen to be in my Flickr account is what Aperture thinks should be in Flickr account.
    I went into my Flickr account and deleted all of the ones I didn't want. I ended up keeping more than the one I intended to upload, but I sure didn't want all of them. So, right now, the Flickr account is correct, but my Aperture Flickr library is probably all screwed up. How do I clean up my Aperture library to accurately reflect what's in Flickr?
    Before I just upgraded to the latest version (after upgrading to Mountain Lion) when I tried to synch to the main Flickr set I've been working in, I got a message saying that Aperture could only add the first 500 photos (I only had about 110 photos in the set), so I'm wondering if I had already somehow accidentally added everything at that point, but it wouldn't do it, then I upgraded and now it's trying to synch everything.
    OS: Mountain Lion
    Aperture: 3.3.2

  • Aperture will no longer sync with itunes! Iphone 4, Itunes 10, iOS 4.1

    This is very odd and bothersome.
    I have some 13K photos in Aperture 3, and have been successfully syncing a small subset of those with my iphone 4 via itunes 10. No problems mostly so far.
    Today I added a few photos to aperture, and then synced my iphone so the new pictures would be on it. However, now I have NO photos on my iphone - none at all! And itunes is telling me that there are no photos in aperture - I can't even select the "selected projects, albums, faces...." button. Aperture seems fine - no discernable problems.
    I've tried resetting the sync history in isync - no change. I've tried deleting the ipod photo cache inside the aperture photo library, no change. I CAN successfully sync with iphoto, but the pictures in there are all fairly old, and I don't want to do that. I understand there are work arounds for this, but don't want that approach - I want it to work the way it's supposed to!
    Any ideas?

    You are correct sir - as the isync fix didn't work. The fact that it used to work and stopped helped lead to the correct answer - somehow my aperture database got corrupted. I found this answer on the MacRumors forum, posted by MacBimmer -
    1 - Open iTunes and turn off the synch for pictures with iPhone attached. This should remove photos from iPhone.
    2 - Unmount iPhone and quit iTunes
    3 - Open Aperture while holding down the Option and Command Keys. This will offer you the opportunity to rebuild the photo library database. Do so.
    4 - After database is rebuilt and Aperture opens, close it down.
    5 - Open Finder and locate Aperture Library.
    6 - Right click on Aperture Library and click on Show Package Contents
    7 - Drag the iPod Photo Cache out of Aperture to Desktop
    8 - Resynch iPhone with iTunes. When complete, click on Photos tab and reinstall photos
    That's it. The iPod Photo Cache on desktop can be deleted as it's now rebuilt and back in it's correct place inside Aperture.
    note - I actually chose the repair database option in aperture - it was the default choice. It worked.

  • ITunes can't see Aperture Library - iMovie can't see most videos in Aperture Library

    Nearly all of my videos in the Aperture/iPhoto library do not show up when I select iPhoto library option in iMovie and iMovie is unable to locate them in any other way. 
    iTunes does not recognize my Aperture library, and I get the following message:
    "Your Aperture Library could not be found. Open the preferences window in Aperture and enable the preference to share previews with other applications."
    After reading through forums and multiple Genius Bar appointments here is most of what I have done:
    Created multiple new Aperture libraries, selected them in Aperture, rebooted, switched back and forth - Note:  iTunes DID recognize the new blank libraries
    Booted Aperture with the Command + Option keys and run all three options to repair permssions and even rebuilt the database
    Booted Aperture with the Option key and selectedthe library I was using all along (this worked for someone in a forum)
    Opened iPhoto (not Aperture) and selected an option to share photos
    Run "Verify Disk Permissions" many times under Disk Utility
    Run "Repair Disk Permissions" many times under Disk Utility
    Reinstalled OSX
    Reinstalled Aperture
    Reinstalled iTunes
    Run a virus and malware scan (no issues)
    Verified that Aperture was set to share previews and had a Genius go through all of my options to ensure they were correct in iTunes, Aperture, and iPhoto
    Have ran "Reset Home Directory Permissions and ACLs" from the Command + Option + R recovery partition multiple times.  Each time it just hangs for hours, the latest attempt ran for over 24 hours before I finally stopped it.
    Oh yes, and I found and deleted the file
    None of these things fixed either of my issues.  According the the Genius at my last appointment, now I have to call Apple Care and pay to get support.  I must have misunderstood what the Genius Bar was about when I bought my Mac and why I purchased the One to One training.  Before I call Apple Care, I was hoping someone might have run across this and can help me.
    I asked the Genius if I now need to just create a new Aperture Library and move all of my content to it (that was the last resort for someone in a forum); however, he was concerned that even if this might work that I probably have deeper permission and/or other issues that need to be addressed and that doing so would not fix the root cause.
    Thanks for taking the time to read through this issue.

    It was suggested that I post this in the Aperture forum, so I did.  I didn't know that you couldn't delete or edit your own posts on this site.  I apologize for the duplicate post and this can be deleted if an admin is so inclined.

  • IPhoto, Aperture and Lightroom

    The basic question - should I stay with iPhoto or move over to Aperture or Lightroom? I've done a ton of reading on the web and end up with more questions than I started with! Some of the reading included and s-lightoom.html?page=1
    Background stuff: I have been a long time user of iPhoto plus iPhoto Buddy which allows me to manage several iPhoto libraries (actually about 15). My photography is of three very different types - the first type being family and friends which are mostly candid shots that document the moment and are often a tad short on the artistic side. The second type is when I try to be Ed the Serious Amateur (my website The third type consists of photos I use in reports I create for the consulting work I do - overseeing the proper construction of building exteriors for large buildings such as hotel, office buildings and hospitals. These photos are purely documentary. I have been shooting jpegs but am now shooting RAW for my serious work and jpegs for the Family stuff. In switching over to RAW I also took a hand at using Adobe Bridge as I use PS CS3 along with a lot of the other CS3 components - Dreamweaver, Flash, Fireworks, etc. While Bridge is a good file organizer I started to look at Lightroom as a better tool. I also have been looking at Aperture for the same reason. I am now leaning toward Aperture in part due to the ability to "manage" my current iPhoto files, the "versions" feature and the preservation of the original. As stated before - I also have a number of unanswered questions:
    I use SuperSlideshow Pro for creating my web pages. I want to keep the "slideshow" format - am I correct in that Aperture only produces thumbnail type galleries?
    From what I've seen on this forum I have concluded that I will be better served to export/import all my iPhoto images to Aperture rather than access the iPhoto images via references - is this correct?
    Two features in iPhoto that I use frequently are to email images (often reducing the file size) and to export images for resizing for other purposes - insert in Word reports, upload to a photo forum that I belong to (, merge into a data base I created in Filemaker for managing the printing, framing and displaying of my work at various exhibits. Are these features available in Aperture?
    I'm a big user of Photoshop for my consulting work as well as my serious photography - cropping, color balance, adding text and symbols and the precise management of color in the printing process - I do most of my own printing on an Epson 2200. How easily can I go from Aperture to PS and back to Aperture?
    I get a feeling that MacWorld SF 2008 may give us an update to Aperture - any thoughts here?
    Any other issues I should consider?
    BTW my Mac is an Intel 2 x 2.66 dual core with 7GB RAM, 30" Apple display and a 21" Samsung display and 1.5 TB disk space spread over 3 drives. I feel I should have no problems with horsepower, monitor real estate or storage space when using Aperture. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
    Thanks in advance for any and all input/comments.

    I use SuperSlideshow Pro for creating my web pages. I want to keep the "slideshow" format - am I correct in that Aperture only produces thumbnail type galleries?
    Correct, although there are export plug-ins for Gallery etc.
    From what I've seen on this forum I have concluded that I will be better served to export/import all my iPhoto images to Aperture rather than access the iPhoto images via references - is this correct?
    I never had enough images in iPhoto to know, hopefully others can answer.
    Two features in iPhoto that I use frequently are to email images (often reducing the file size) and to export images for resizing for other purposes - insert in Word reports, upload to a photo forum that I belong to (,
    Aperture has an 'email image' function, you can set quality/size etc. For use in other apps such as Word you will either need to turn on Preview generation (with a performance hit) and will be able to drag-n-drop directly, or you will need to export Versions as needed to the Finder and then import to the other app.
    merge into a data base I created in Filemaker for managing the printing, framing and displaying of my work at various exhibits. Are these features available in Aperture?
    There's an Aperture-to-Filemaker export plug-in, but as I don't use Filemaker I've no idea how useful it will be. If you are relatively knowledgeable when it comes to AppleScript you should be able to set up your own copying of data between the two apps.
    Note that LightRoom has no scriptability +at all+, and only gained the ability to add export plug-ins in the most recent version, so there aren't many yet.
    I'm a big user of Photoshop for my consulting work as well as my serious photography - cropping, color balance, adding text and symbols and the precise management of color in the printing process - I do most of my own printing on an Epson 2200. How easily can I go from Aperture to PS and back to Aperture?
    Reasonably easily, but it's going to involve 16-bit uncompressed files so will use up HD space quickly. You shouldn't need to be doing any cropping or colour balancing in PS as that can be done first in Aperture.
    I get a feeling that MacWorld SF 2008 may give us an update to Aperture - any thoughts here?
    It seems likely...
    BTW my Mac is an Intel 2 x 2.66 dual core with 7GB RAM, 30" Apple display and a 21" Samsung display and 1.5 TB disk space spread over 3 drives.
    A minimum of 2GB RAM and as good a graphics card as you can afford...

  • Aperture was not able to adjust the date and time of the master file "2008-06-22 at 14-41-14.jpg" because it has a format that does not permit date modification.

    I can't seem to find a way to update the date/time of a master file. There is a format issue but I can't seem to figure out how to correct it.
    Aperture was not able to adjust the date and time of the master file “2008-06-22 at 14-41-14.jpg” because it has a format that does not permit date modification.

    Can you post an ipconfig /all from the server and the DC?
    Robert Pearman SBS MVP |
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