Corrupted start button & menu with 6330 lite

I'm desperate  !
Yes, really : have got a brand new G4Mx440-t VGA graphic accelerator to fit my 6330 lite motherboard (socket A AMD Athlon 1000 Ghz) and Win 98se start menu and button corrupt again, exactly as with my old creative TNT2 accelerator (I finally managed to find a driver that didn't do it !)
Of course, I downloaded all the last drivers for my Via chipset, for the Nvidia chip and for every little device I found inside my computer.
That's computer science : you honestly believe you've got rid of a problem (having spent a whole week on it), and it pops up again without any reason !
Can anyone help me ?

I had this problem once with my GF2 MX card.  I downloaded the latest drivers and found that the problem had gotten worse!  This put me on the right track though. I uninstalled the newest drivers and used the drivers that came with the card on a CD.  Problem solved.  This shows that the latest drivers is not always the best solution.  Check also if an older version of DirectX helps.

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    Main.Fla/Swf (written in AS3)
    (This is the action on the first frame, that has all the buttons. For this question, I'm just trying to properly code for 'Door4', which is the "door" to the movie.)
    import flash.display.Loader;
    var myLoader1:Loader=new Loader ();
    Door4.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, jayzSwf);
    function jayzSwf(myevent1:MouseEvent):void
              var myURL1:URLRequest = new URLRequest("jayzspeaks.swf");
              myLoader1.x = 0;
              myLoader1.y = 0;
    Movie.Fla/Swf (written in AS2)
    (This is action on the button that returns to the menu)
    on (release) {

    At least you're going in the correct (mis)direction. You have AS3 loading AS2. So that's not a huge hurdle.
    I believe all you really need to do is send your Main.swf a signal that the content it loaded (e.g. jayzspeaks.swf) is done and you want to get rid of it.
    The code I pointed you to asks you to (upon download and import then) instantiate it in both AS2 and AS3. They give a very simple easy to understand line of code.
    // as2, load this in jayzspeaks.swf
    var myBridge:SWFBridgeAS2 = new SWFBridgeAS2("connectionID", clientObj);
    // as3, load this in main.swf
    var myBridge:SWFBridgeAS3 = new SWFBridgeAS3("connectionID", clientObj);
    Make sure the connectionID matches between them. Set it to whatever you want.
    When you're done with your as2 loaded content you'd send a signal (over localconnection) back to the AS3 Main like they say:
    You'd need to make the as3 function "someFunctionToUnloadContent()" (example purposes only name) and it should unload the jayzspeaks.swf that was loaded in the loader.
    Make sure you get that close in there so you don't drill up a bunch of localconnection objects just like the simple source code says.

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    If you this does not work you can try to Restore the Firmware on your iPhone. If you decide to do this, connect your iPhone to your computer with iTunes open. Hold both the Home and Power buttons until the iPhone is detected by iTunes in Recovery Mode, this takes about 20 seconds time. Restore your iPhone.
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    I think that´s no problem, and i´ll not have ALL the features that the board offers, but will work... do you guys know about?!

    extracted from
    AGP cards are backward and forward compatible within limits. 1.5 V-only keyed cards will not go into 3.3 V slots and vice versa, though "Universal" slots exist which accept either type of card. AGP Pro cards (rarely used) will not fit into standard slots, but standard AGP cards will work in a Pro slot. Some newer cards like nVidia's GeForce 6-series or ATI's X800-series only have keys for 1.5 V to prevent them from installing in older mainboards without 1.5 V support. The graphic cores can only handle 0.8 V for AGP8x and 1.5 V for AGP4x and will be damaged by 3.3 V slots. Some of the last modern cards with 3.3 V support were the nVIDIA GeForce FX5000-series and the ATI Radeon 9500/9700/9800(R350) (but not 9600/9800(R360)).
    to answer your question, that card will work in your board
    MS-6330 Lite K7T Pro2 Ver:1 and it Support AGP 2.0 1x/2x/4x

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    I finally decided to turn this annoyance into an opportunity.  After a lot of experimenting I found that my iPad was just fine under 7.1 if I simply restored it as new.  I have a lot of time on my hands and I had 1424 apps on my iPad!  This is why every attempt to restore took so long.
    I decided to restore as new, spend a day restoring the apps I really used.  Doing so gave me a quick iPad with only bout a quarter of the storage used.
    Granted it was a pain in the arse, but I wrote it off as in the old days when you had to do this with windows 95 just to keep a stable system.
    I DO have some data in a few files of the now unused backup but a quick google search finds a couple Mac programs out there that will allow you go extract audio recordings, app data files etc. from the backup.  I'll do that someday if I even miss the files I've probably forgotten that are there.
    Anyway, there was nothing wrong with my hardware.  I think there were just some troublesome setup items that 7.1 didn't like.  Once set up as new, the ipad was fine.
    Good luck!

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    kglad so i have a game made, and i have the same problem. can you look at my code and like try working with it and try to make a start button for it and put it on mediafire or something and email it to me? please? i really need a start button for it?
    my fla file:
    please tell me if you are going to help me! thanks so much if you can help me!
    P.S my email is [email protected]

  • How can I start any application with buttons

    Hello, I want to start any kind of applications with Buttons. I want to make me a GUI with buttons and with one button I want to start Outlook, but I dont know how this will work!
    THX for your help

    Runtime class exec methods
    If your Outlook executable is in different path ... import*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    public class Test2 extends JFrame implements ActionListener
       public Test2()
          setSize(300, 200);
          JButton b = new JButton("Outlook Express");
          getContentPane().setLayout(new FlowLayout());
       public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
             Runtime runTime = Runtime.getRuntime();
             Process proc = runTime.exec
                         ("C:\\Program Files\\Outlook Express\\msimn.exe");
          }catch(IOException ioe){System.out.println("Wham");}
          catch(InterruptedException ie){System.out.println("Bop");}
       public static void main(String[] args)
          new Test2().setVisible(true);

  • How to run a vi with a Boolean start button?

    Hello Community,
    I am trying to run a vi that I created in Labview through Teststand.
    The vi has a simple Boolean Start Button that needs to be clicked to True in order to run my code.
    I am unclear as to how to do this in Teststand.
    Thank you,
    Capture.JPG ‏10 KB

    Crossrulz: No, it is a complilation of several subVI's.
    Teds: I tried the event structure as a value change event instead of a mouse trigger, but Teststand would get hung up running the code and eventually I'd have to abort. Maybe I am not clearly understanding what you suggested.
    Side note, I asked a source and was told to not use an event structure. Said event structures are used for user interface interaction and not typically to be used with Teststand. I removed my event structure and boolean control. My code is now running, however, after my code runs in Teststand I receive the following error (see attachment). What does this error mean?
    Capture.JPG ‏39 KB

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    I want to Pin Programs on the Windows 7 Taskbar & Start Menu with Group Policy (Windows Server 2008 R2) as per below description. Can someone please help me how to proceed and achieve this. 
    Pin the following applications to the Taskbar:
    Pin the following applications to the Start Menu:
    Internet Explorer
    Software Center
    Amit Kumar Rao
    Mal ein
    GUTES Buch über GPOs lesen?
    NO THEY ARE NOT EVIL, if you know what you are doing:
    Good or bad GPOs?
    And if IT bothers me - coke bottle design refreshment :))

Maybe you are looking for